Watch Manager
The watch library provides the ability to subscribe to API Server resources over gRPC to Amplify Central on a configured filter defined using the WatchTopic resource.
Table of Contents
Amplify Central provides a gRPC based watch service that provides the ability to register a subscription for API server resources on a bi-directional gRPC stream. The subscription is based on an API server resource called WatchTopic, and it defines the set of filters. The Amplify Central watch service uses the WatchTopic to match the API server resource event before pushing them to subscribed clients.
WatchTopic Example
group: management
apiVersion: v1alpha1
kind: WatchTopic
name: sample-watch-topic
title: sample-watch-topic
- kind: APIService
name: '*'
- created
- updated
- deleted
group: management
kind: Environment
name: sample-env
- kind: APIServiceInstance
name: '*'
- created
- updated
- deleted
group: management
kind: Environment
name: sample-env
description: >-
Sample watch topic in sample-env environment.
Creating WatchTopic resource
Use the Axway Central CLI to create the WatchTopic resource. Create a file with a YAML or JSON definition for the WatchTopic resource specifying the filters for the resources to subscribe to (see above example).
Use the following command to authenticate with your Amplify platform credentials
axway auth login
Use the command below to create the WatchTopic resource.
axway central apply -f <filePath-for-watch-topic-resource>
Use the following command to verify the WatchTopic resource and note the value for "metadata.selfLink" property from the output of the above command. The WatchTopic self link will be used while registering the watch subscription
axway central get watchtopic <logical-name-of-watch-topic-resource> -o yaml
Once the WatchTopic resources is defined in API server, the Amplify Central watch service starts to monitor API resource events, and will deliver the event in real time over the subscribed gRPC connections and persists the event to allow the clients to retrieve them at a point of time based on the sequence identifier. This helps the client to catch up with any API server resource events that were missed while the client was not running.
Watch manager
The watch manager library provides an interface to create and manage the client communication with Amplify Central. The library creates the gRPC connection based on the provided configuration, and the watch options that can be setup while creating the client. The watch client interface provided by the library allows registering the watch subscription by using the provided WatchTopic self link.
For registration with the watch service, the watch client uses the provided token getter to retrieve the JWT token that the client uses to call the Subscribe gRPC endpoint by including the token in the request metadata. The watch service uses the metadata to authorize the subscription request and opens a long-lived bi-directional stream connection with the client on successful authorization. The bi-directional stream is then used by the client to refresh the token when the token is about to expire to keep the connection active.
The client manages the long-lived gRPC stream connection by sending keep alive pings at a set interval. The client transport waits for a response from the watch service to know that the stream is alive. If a response is not received within the timeout period, then the transport is disconnected.
Watch client configuration
The watch manager library requires the following configuration to establish the connection with Amplify Central watch service.
type Config struct {
Host string
Port uint32
TenantID string
TokenGetter TokenGetter
- Host: identifies the host for Amplify Central watch service (US region:, EU region:
- Port: identifies the port for Amplify Central watch service (443)
- TenantID: Amplify platform organization ID
- TokenGetter: interface to retrieve AxwayID token
Watch client options
The watch manager library provides following set of options that the implementation can choose to use for setting up/overriding the properties for the gRPC stream connection.
To create a new watch manager, use the following method from the watchmanager package with the watch configuration and set of options
func New(cfg *Config, opts ...Option) (Manager, error)
The method create a new watch manager client and returns the following interface to allow implementation to manage the gRPC stream
type Manager interface {
RegisterWatch(topicSelfLink string, eventChan chan *proto.Event, errChan chan error) (string, error)
CloseWatch(id string) error
Status() bool
The client can call the RegisterWatch method with the topic self link and a set of channels to receive events and errors.
When the client initiates the subscription request, it calls the sequence getter if configured to get the last known sequence identifier of the resource event that the implementation received. On successful subscription request, the client places an API call to Amplify Central watch service to fetch the events that were missed while the gRPC watch stream connection was not active.
When the client receives an event from the gRPC stream (or fetched by API call) it hands over the events to the implementation by writing them to the event channel configured while registering the watch subscription. In case the client receives any error on gRPC stream connection, the error is written to an error channel configured while registering the watch subscription.
Below is the structure of the event that is received by the Amplify Central watch service(refer ./proto/watch.pb.go for more detail)
type Event struct {
// Event ID
Id string
// Event Time
Time string
// Event Version
Version string
// Product raising the event
Product string
// Event correlation ID
CorrelationId string
// Organization associated to the event
Organization *Organization
// Event Type
Type Event_Type
// Event payload representing the API server resource instance
Payload *ResourceInstance
// Event metadata holding watch topic id, self link, event sequence ID and sub resource name (if event raised for sub resource)
Metadata *EventMeta
Client Example
type sequenceManager struct {
func (s *sequenceManager) GetSequence() int64 {
// get last known sequence ID to fetch event while the client was down
return sequenceID
type AxwayIDTokenManager struct {
func (a *AxwayIDTokenManager) GetToken() (string, error)
// fetch token
return token, err
func defaultTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
return &tls.Config{
MinVersion: tls.VersionTLS12,
CipherSuites: []uint16{
func startWatch(tenantID string, host string, port uint32, topicSelfLink string, proxyUrl string) error {
* 1. Create token getter that will return the AxwayID JWT token for authorizing the client connection
tokenManager := &AxwayIDTokenManager{}
// Alternatively use SDK token getter component by calling NewTokenAuth from
// package
* 2. Setup watch config
cfg := &watchmanager.Config{
Host: host,
Port: port,
TenantID: tenantID,
TokenGetter: tokenManager,
* 3. Create watch client using supported options
wm, err := watchmanager.New(cfg,
watchmanager.WithKeepAlive(30*time.Second, 10*time.Second),
if err != nil {
return err
* 4. Create channels to receive event and error
eventChannel, errCh := make(chan *proto.Event), make(chan error)
* 5. Register the watch subscription
subscriptionID, err := wm.RegisterWatch(topicSelfLink, eventChannel, errCh)
if err != nil {
log.Infof("watch subscription (%s) registered successfully", subscriptionID)
* 6. Start to process event and error received on channel
for {
select {
case err = <-errCh:
case event := <-eventChannel:
bts, _ := json.MarshalIndent(event, "", " ")