Overview ¶
Package zmscli is ZMS Client application library to manage an Athenz domain in ZMS Server.
Index ¶
- Constants
- type StandardJSONMessage
- type Zms
- func (cli Zms) AddAssertion(dn string, pn string, assertion []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddDelegatedRole(dn string, rn string, trusted string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddDomain(dn string, productID *int32, addSelf bool, admins []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddDomainTags(dn string, tagKey string, tagValues []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddDueDateMember(dn string, rn string, member string, expiration *rdl.Timestamp, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddEntity(dn string, en string, values []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddGroup(dn string, gn string, groupMembers []*zms.GroupMember) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddGroupMembers(dn string, group string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddGroupRole(dn string, rn string, roleMembers []*zms.RoleMember) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddMembers(dn string, rn string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddPolicy(dn string, pn string, assertion []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddPolicyWithAssertions(dn string, pn string, assertions []*zms.Assertion) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddProviderResourceGroupRoles(tenantDomain string, providerDomain string, providerService string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddProviderRoleMembers(dn string, provider string, group string, action string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddProviderService(dn string, sn string, keyID string, pubKey *string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddRoleMembers(dn string, rn string, members []*zms.RoleMember) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddRoleTags(dn string, rn, tagKey string, tagValues []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddService(dn string, sn string, keyID string, pubKey *string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddServiceHost(dn string, sn string, hosts []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddServicePublicKey(dn string, sn string, keyID string, pubKey *string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddServiceWithKeys(dn string, sn string, publicKeys []*zms.PublicKeyEntry) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddTenancy(dn string, provider string, createAdminRole bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddTenant(provDomain string, provService string, tenantDomain string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) AddTenantResourceGroupRoles(provDomain string, provService string, tenantDomain string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) CheckActiveGroupMember(dn string, group string, mbr string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) CheckActiveMember(dn string, rn string, mbr string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) CheckDomain(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) CheckGroupMembers(dn string, group string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) CheckMembers(dn string, rn string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteAssertion(dn string, pn string, assertion []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteDomain(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteDomainRoleMember(dn, member string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteDomainTags(dn string, tagKey string, tagValue string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteDomainTemplate(dn string, template string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteEntity(dn string, en string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteGroup(dn string, gn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteGroupMembers(dn string, group string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteMembers(dn string, rn string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeletePolicy(dn string, pn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteProviderResourceGroupRoles(tenantDomain string, providerDomain string, providerService string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteProviderRoleMembers(dn string, provider string, group string, action string, members []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteQuota(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteRole(dn string, rn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteRoleTags(dn string, rn, tagKey string, tagValue string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteService(dn string, sn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteServiceHost(dn string, sn string, hosts []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteServicePublicKey(dn string, sn string, keyID string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteTenancy(dn string, provider string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteTenant(provDomain string, provService string, tenantDomain string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteTenantResourceGroupRoles(provDomain string, provService string, tenantDomain string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) DeleteUser(user string) (*string, error)
- func (cli *Zms) EvalCommand(params []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ExportDomain(dn string, filename string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) GetQuota(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) GetSignedDomains(dn string, matchingTag string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) HelpListCommand() string
- func (cli Zms) HelpSpecificCommand(interactive bool, cmd string) string
- func (cli Zms) ImportDomain(dn string, filename string, admins []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListDomainRoleMembers(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListDomainTemplates(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListDomains(limit *int32, skip string, prefix string, depth *int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListEntities(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListGroups(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListPendingDomainGroupMembers(principal string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListPendingDomainRoleMembers(principal string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListPolicies(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListRoles(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListServerTemplates() (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListServices(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ListUsers() (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) LookupDomainByBusinessService(businessService string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) LookupDomainById(account, subscription string, productID *int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) LookupDomainByRole(roleMember string, roleName string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) LookupDomainByTag(tagKey string, tagValue string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) PutGroupMembershipDecision(dn string, group string, mbr string, approval bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) PutMembershipDecision(dn string, rn string, mbr string, approval bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) PutTempMembershipDecision(dn string, rn string, mbr string, expiration rdl.Timestamp, approval bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) RemoveAll(fullList []string, removeList []string) []string
- func (cli *Zms) SetClient(tr *http.Transport, authHeader, ntoken *string)
- func (cli Zms) SetCompleteDomainMeta(dn, descr, org string, auditEnabled bool, ...) error
- func (cli Zms) SetDefaultAdmins(dn string, admins []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainAccount(dn string, account string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainApplicationId(dn string, applicationID string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainAuditEnabled(dn string, auditEnabled bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainBusinessService(dn string, businessService string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainCertDnsDomain(dn string, dnsDomain string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainGroupExpiryDays(dn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainMemberExpiryDays(dn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainMeta(dn string, descr string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainOrgName(dn string, org string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainProductId(dn string, productID int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainRoleCertExpiryMins(dn string, mins int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainServiceCertExpiryMins(dn string, mins int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainServiceExpiryDays(dn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainSubscription(dn string, subscription string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainTemplate(dn string, templateArgs []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainTokenExpiryMins(dn string, mins int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainTokenSignAlgorithm(dn string, alg string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetDomainUserAuthorityFilter(dn, filter string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupAuditEnabled(dn string, group string, auditEnabled bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupMemberExpiryDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupNotifyRoles(dn string, gn string, notifyRoles string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupReviewEnabled(dn string, gn string, reviewEnabled bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupSelfServe(dn string, gn string, selfServe bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupServiceExpiryDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupUserAuthorityExpiration(dn string, gn, filter string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetGroupUserAuthorityFilter(dn string, gn, filter string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetQuota(dn string, attrs []string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleAuditEnabled(dn string, rn string, auditEnabled bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleCertExpiryMins(dn string, rn string, mins int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleGroupExpiryDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleGroupReviewDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleMemberExpiryDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleMemberReviewDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleNotifyRoles(dn string, rn string, notifyRoles string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleReviewEnabled(dn string, rn string, reviewEnabled bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleSelfServe(dn string, rn string, selfServe bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleServiceExpiryDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleServiceReviewDays(dn string, rn string, days int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleTokenExpiryMins(dn string, rn string, mins int32) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleTokenSignAlgorithm(dn string, rn string, alg string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleUserAuthorityExpiration(dn string, rn, filter string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetRoleUserAuthorityFilter(dn string, rn, filter string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetServiceEndpoint(dn string, sn string, endpoint string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SetServiceExe(dn string, sn string, exe string, user string, group string) (*string, error)
- func (cli *Zms) SetX509CertClient(keyFile, certFile, caCertFile, socksProxy string, httpProxy, skipVerify bool) error
- func (cli Zms) ShowAccess(dn string, action string, resource string, altIdent *string, altDomain *string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowAccessExt(dn string, action string, resource string, altIdent *string, altDomain *string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowDomain(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowEntity(dn string, en string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowGroup(dn string, gn string, auditLog, pending bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowGroupsPrincipal(principal string, dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowOverdueReview(dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowPolicy(dn string, name string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowProviderResourceGroupRoles(tenantDomain string, providerDomain string, providerService string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowProviderRoleMembers(dn string, provider string, group string, action string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowResourceAccess(principal string, action string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowRole(dn string, rn string, auditLog, expand bool, pending bool) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowRoles(dn string, tagKey string, tagValue string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowRolesPrincipal(principal string, dn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowServerTemplate(templateName string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowService(dn string, sn string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowServicePublicKey(dn string, sn string, keyID string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) ShowTenantResourceGroupRoles(provDomain string, provService string, tenantDomain string, ...) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) SystemBackup(dir string) (*string, error)
- func (cli Zms) UpdateDomain(dn string, filename string) (*string, error)
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( // JSONOutputFormat is the JSON output format for commands. JSONOutputFormat = "json" // DefaultOutputFormat is the default YAML output format for commands. DefaultOutputFormat = "yaml" // ErrInvalidOutputFormat is the error message for unsupported output formats. ErrInvalidOutputFormat = "unsupported output format \"%s\"" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type StandardJSONMessage ¶ added in v1.10.10
type StandardJSONMessage struct {
Message string `json:"message,required"`
StandardJSONMessage is the standard template for single-line string messages.
type Zms ¶
type Zms struct { ZmsUrl string Identity string Verbose bool Bulkmode bool Interactive bool Zms zms.ZMSClient Domain string AuditRef string UserDomain string HomeDomain string OutputFormat string ProductIdSupport bool Debug bool AddSelf bool }
func (Zms) AddAssertion ¶
func (Zms) AddDelegatedRole ¶
func (Zms) AddDomainTags ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) AddDueDateMember ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) AddGroupMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) AddGroupRole ¶
func (Zms) AddMembers ¶
func (Zms) AddPolicyWithAssertions ¶
func (Zms) AddProviderResourceGroupRoles ¶
func (Zms) AddProviderRoleMembers ¶
func (Zms) AddProviderService ¶
func (Zms) AddRoleMembers ¶ added in v1.1.5
func (Zms) AddRoleTags ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) AddService ¶
func (Zms) AddServiceHost ¶
func (Zms) AddServicePublicKey ¶
func (Zms) AddServiceWithKeys ¶
func (Zms) AddTenancy ¶
func (Zms) AddTenantResourceGroupRoles ¶
func (Zms) CheckActiveGroupMember ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) CheckActiveMember ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) CheckGroupMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) CheckMembers ¶
func (Zms) DeleteAssertion ¶
func (Zms) DeleteDomain ¶
DeleteDomain deletes the given ZMS domain.
func (Zms) DeleteDomainRoleMember ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteDomainTags ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteDomainTemplate ¶
func (Zms) DeleteGroup ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteGroupMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteMembers ¶
func (Zms) DeleteProviderResourceGroupRoles ¶
func (Zms) DeleteProviderRoleMembers ¶
func (Zms) DeleteRoleTags ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteServiceHost ¶
func (Zms) DeleteServicePublicKey ¶
func (Zms) DeleteTenancy ¶
func (Zms) DeleteTenant ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) DeleteTenantResourceGroupRoles ¶
func (Zms) GetSignedDomains ¶
func (Zms) HelpListCommand ¶
HelpListCommand builds and returns the overall help text for all commands.
func (Zms) HelpSpecificCommand ¶
HelpSpecificCommand returns the help string for the given command.
func (Zms) ImportDomain ¶
func (Zms) ListDomainRoleMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ListDomains ¶
func (Zms) ListPendingDomainGroupMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ListPendingDomainRoleMembers ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ListServerTemplates ¶
func (Zms) LookupDomainByBusinessService ¶ added in v1.10.9
func (Zms) LookupDomainById ¶
func (Zms) LookupDomainByRole ¶
func (Zms) LookupDomainByTag ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) PutGroupMembershipDecision ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) PutMembershipDecision ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) PutTempMembershipDecision ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetCompleteDomainMeta ¶
func (Zms) SetDefaultAdmins ¶
func (Zms) SetDomainAccount ¶
func (Zms) SetDomainApplicationId ¶ added in v1.7.25
func (Zms) SetDomainAuditEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainBusinessService ¶ added in v1.10.9
func (Zms) SetDomainCertDnsDomain ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainGroupExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainMemberExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainOrgName ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainProductId ¶
func (Zms) SetDomainRoleCertExpiryMins ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainServiceCertExpiryMins ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainServiceExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainSubscription ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainTemplate ¶
func (Zms) SetDomainTokenExpiryMins ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainTokenSignAlgorithm ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetDomainUserAuthorityFilter ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupAuditEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupMemberExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.10.10
func (Zms) SetGroupNotifyRoles ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupReviewEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupSelfServe ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupServiceExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.10.10
func (Zms) SetGroupUserAuthorityExpiration ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetGroupUserAuthorityFilter ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleAuditEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleCertExpiryMins ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleGroupExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleGroupReviewDays ¶ added in v1.10.11
func (Zms) SetRoleMemberExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleMemberReviewDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleNotifyRoles ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleReviewEnabled ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleSelfServe ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleServiceExpiryDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleServiceReviewDays ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleTokenExpiryMins ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleTokenSignAlgorithm ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleUserAuthorityExpiration ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetRoleUserAuthorityFilter ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) SetServiceEndpoint ¶
func (Zms) SetServiceExe ¶
func (*Zms) SetX509CertClient ¶ added in v1.7.44
func (Zms) ShowAccess ¶
func (cli Zms) ShowAccess(dn string, action string, resource string, altIdent *string, altDomain *string) (*string, error)
ShowAccess returns access indicator as string: 'access: granted' or 'access: denied'.
func (Zms) ShowAccessExt ¶ added in v1.1.6
func (cli Zms) ShowAccessExt(dn string, action string, resource string, altIdent *string, altDomain *string) (*string, error)
ShowAccessExt returns access indicator as string: 'access: granted' or 'access: denied'.
func (Zms) ShowGroupsPrincipal ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ShowOverdueReview ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ShowProviderResourceGroupRoles ¶
func (Zms) ShowProviderRoleMembers ¶
func (Zms) ShowResourceAccess ¶
func (Zms) ShowRolesPrincipal ¶ added in v1.9.32
func (Zms) ShowServerTemplate ¶
func (Zms) ShowServicePublicKey ¶
func (Zms) ShowTenantResourceGroupRoles ¶
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