Multi Cloud K8s CLuster Setup
Enterprise Version Support:
- Helm Backup and Restore -- Completed
- SSO LDAP (Dex) Authentication -- Evaluatiom
- Dynamics number of subnets -- Evaluation
Supported in Open Source
- Cluster Creation -- Completed on AWS
- Canary Upgrades -- Evaluatiom
- AWS, AKS and GKE Support -- AWS Completed
- Encryption at Rest -- Completed
- Addons Deployment with helm -- Completed
- Support 3 Private and Public subnets max - Review
Init Cluster Management
./K8Cli --operation init --context test-eks9
you can give kubeconfig path here
Setup EKS Cluster
./K8Cli --operation cluster --context test-eks9
Run the Cli in the path where you have your folder K8CLI/<cluster-name>
get cluster config on local
it will create kubeconfig under ~/.kube/config or if there is existing file it will do a safe merge with existing contexts
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster_name> --alias <alias_name>
Setup Add-Ons
./K8Cli --operation addons --context test-eks9
Setup namespace
./K8Cli --operation namespace --context test-eks9
Setup Resource Quota
./K8Cli --operation resourcequota --context test-eks9
- restrict control plane with cidr -- Review
- Lable nodes -- Review
- Namespace Quota -- Completed
- resource limits
- pods 50
- storage 50Gi
- a chart -- Completed
- create namespace
- user with admin access
- user with readonly access
- k8s netwok policies -- Evaluation
- Compare CFT checksum before apply -- Evaluation
- version command -- Pending
- backup take option with config file -- Review
- subnets support 4, 6, 8 with fixed CFT Samples -- Review
- eks cluster creation yaml doc -- Pending
- add namespace management in the operations -- Completed
- documentations -- Pending
// Udated commands: