This is a plugin subcommand for awsx cli ( ) cli.
For details about awsx commands and how its used in Appkube platform , please refer to the diagram below:
This plugin subcommand will implement the Apis' related to RDS services , primarily the following API's:
This cli collect data from metric / logs / traces of the RDS services and produce the data in a form that Appkube Platform expects.
This CLI , interacts with other Appkube services like Appkube vault , Appkube cloud CMDB so that it can talk with cloud services as
well as filter and sort the information in terms of product/env/ services, so that Appkube platform gets the data that it expects from the cli.
How to write plugin subcommand
Please refer to the instaruction -
It has detailed instruction on how to write a subcommand plugin , build/test/debug/publish and integrate into the main commmand.
How to build / Test
go run main.go
- Program will print Calling aws-cloudelements on console
Another way of testing is by running go install command
go install
- go install command creates an exe with the name of the module (e.g. awsx-rds) and save it in the GOPATH
- Now we can execute this command on command prompt as below
awsx-rds getConfigData --zone=us-east-1 --accessKey=xxxxxxxxxx --secretKey=xxxxxxxxxx --crossAccountRoleArn=xxxxxxxxxx --externalId=xxxxxxxxxx
what it does
This subcommand implement the following functionalities -
getConfigData - It will get the resource metadata for a given AWS account id and region.
- --valutURL = URL location of vault - that stores credentials to call API
- --acountId = The AWS account id.
- --zone = AWS region
- --accessKey = Access key for the AWS account
- --secretKey = Secret Key for the Aws Account
- --crossAccountRoleArn = Cross Acount Rols Arn for the account.
- --external Id = The AWS External id.
- --dbInstanceIdentifier= Insert dbInstanceIdentifier in RDS from aws account.
command output
DBInstances: [{
ActivityStreamStatus: "stopped",
AllocatedStorage: 20,
AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: true,
AvailabilityZone: "us-east-1a",
BackupRetentionPeriod: 7,
BackupTarget: "region",
CACertificateIdentifier: "rds-ca-2019",
CertificateDetails: {
CAIdentifier: "rds-ca-2019",
ValidTill: 2024-08-22 17:08:50 +0000 UTC
DBInstanceArn: "arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:657907747545:db:postgresql",
DBInstanceClass: "db.t4g.medium",
DBInstanceIdentifier: "postgresql",
How to run
From main awsx command , it is called as follows:
awsx-rds --zone=us-east-1 --accessKey=<> --secretKey=<> --crossAccountRoleArn=<> --externalId=<>
If you build it locally , you can simply run it as standalone command as:
go run main.go --zone=us-east-1 --accessKey=<> --secretKey=<> --crossAccountRoleArn=<> --externalId=<>
rds extension
AWSX Commands for AWSX-RDS Cli's :
- CMD used to get list of rds instance's :
./awsx-rds --zone=us-east-1 --accessKey=<> --secretKey=<> --crossAccountRoleArn=<> --externalId=<>
- CMD used to get Config data (metadata) of AWS RDS instances :
./awsx-rds --zone=us-east-1 --accessKey=<#6f> --secretKey=<> --crossAccountRoleArn=<> --externalId=<> getConfigData --dbInstanceIdentifier=<>