= Apicurio Registry Operator
Apicurio Registry Operator provides a quick and easy way to deploy and manage
https://github.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry[Apicurio Registry] on Kubernetes or OpenShift.
== Deployment Requirements
The Apicurio Registry Operator supports the following platform versions:
.Apicurio Registry Operator platforms
| Platform | Required version
| Kubernetes
| 1.19+
| OpenShift
| 4.6+
== Build Requirements
* Docker
* https://golang.org/[go] v1.20 (with `export GO111MODULE='on'`, `$GOPATH` and `$GOROOT`)
* https://sdk.operatorframework.io/docs/installation/[Operator SDK] v1.14
* A running Kubernetes (https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/[Minikube]) or OpenShift (https://www.okd.io/minishift/[Minishift]) cluster with system admin access
== Quickstart
This section explains how to quickly install *development version* of the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line.
NOTE: The recommended installation option for non-development environments is https://operatorhub.io/operator/apicurio-registry[OperatorHub.io].
The recommended storage options are SQL or Kafka.
Please visit the latest https://www.apicur.io/registry/docs[Apicurio Registry and Operator documentation].
. Prepare your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.
If you are using Minikube, run:
minikube addons enable ingress
. Build the latest distribution bundle:
make dist
NOTE: Run `make` without any parameters to get a help message.
. Follow the instructions in `./dist/README.adoc` file.
== Build and Deploy Apicurio Registry Operator
This section explains how to build Apicurio Registry Operator on your own and deploy it for testing and development.
. Prepare your Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.
If you are using Minikube, run:
minikube addons enable ingress
NOTE: Run `export CLIENT="oc"` if you are deploying to OpenShift.
. Choose a namespace where the Operator will be deployed:
export NAMESPACE="apicurio-registry-operator"
kubectl create namespace "$NAMESPACE"
. Choose a Docker registry where to push the operator images that you build, e.g. `quay.io/foo`:
export OPERATOR_IMAGE_REPOSITORY="quay.io/foo"
. The following command will build the operator image, push it into your registry, and deploy it to the selected namespace in your cluster.
make build docker-push deploy
. To remove the operator from your cluster, run:
make undeploy
== Deploy Apicurio Registry
After the Apicurio Registry Operator has been deployed, it can deploy an Apicurio Registry instance.
. To create a new Apicurio Registry deployment, the fastest way is to use one of the example `ApicurioRegistry` custom resources:
cat config/examples/resources/apicurioregistry_mem_cr.yaml | kubectl apply -f - -n "$NAMESPACE"
. Optionally, build the latest distribution bundle that contains additional examples:
make dist
. Verify that your Apicurio Registry deployment is healthy (for Minikube).
Find out the hostname of the deployed Apicurio Registry:
kubectl get ingress -n "$NAMESPACE"
export HOSTNAME="..."
./hack/modify_etc_hosts.sh "$HOSTNAME"
and issue a request to the metrics endpoint:
curl "http://$HOSTNAME/health"
NOTE: The in-memory deployment is not suitable for production.
We recommend using SQL or Kafka persistence options for that.
See the documentation for more information.
== Notes
https://github.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry-operator/issues/new[Create an issue] on GitHub if you find any problems.
You can find more information on the https://www.apicur.io/registry/[Apicurio website].