The project was carried out at the 2nd Research and Extension Exhibition at Centro Regional de Espirito Santo do Pinhal university.
Go language
Have Go version 1.18 or higher installed
Language installation link Download and install
Installing the project
To install the project along with its dependencies, run the following commands
git clone https://github.com/Antonio-Costa00/Go-Price-Monitor.git
cd Go-Price-Monitor
go mod tidy
Graphical user interface (GUI)
At the time of running the application, there may be some compatibility issues related to the graphics application. To resolve this, refer to the official Fyne framework documentation
Get Started
WhatsApp Zenvia API
To enable sending messages on WhatsApp using the Zenvia API, you need to
follow the steps of the official API documentation WhatsApp sender and recipient
Database connection
To run the application, a connection to the database is required.
For the project was used
the PostgreSQL database was. If you want to use a different bank, change the connection method in
The easiest way to create a database is with pgAdmin. The tool can be downloaded
via the link Download
Creating a database
Create a database named price_monitor
Editing environment variables
Change the file name from .env.example to .env and fill in the credentials according to your values.
Running the project
To run the application
go run cmd/main.go
To build an executable of the application
go build cmd/main.go
👤 Antonio Costa
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
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Copyright © 2022 Antonio Costa.
This project is MIT licensed.
Made by 💙 by Antonio Costa