* dwm-polybar
dwm-polybar - a minimal golang script that works as a module for [[https://github.com/polybar/polybar][polybar]] without the need to recompile the entire polybar
** Features
- basic tag module with the same design as in dwm bar
** Install
To install you will need to install Go on your computer
Use ~go install~:
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
go install github.com/Andrmist/dwm-polybar@latest
** Usage
dwm-polybar [flags]
dwm-polybar [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
monitors helper command to get information about monitors known by dwm
--active-bg string set background color for active tags (default "005577")
--active-fg string set foreground color for active tags (default "ffffff")
-h, --help help for dwm-polybar
--monitor int monitor num we want to process (see dwm-polybar monitors --help)
--urgent-bg string set background color for urgent tags (default "005577")
--urgent-fg string set foreground color for urgent tags (default "ffffff")
If you have more than 1 monitor, you have to run ~dwm-polybar monitors~ to properly select your monitor:
$ dwm-polybar monitors
Monitor 0 (current):
Selected application name: *doom:vterm-popup:#1* – Doom Emacs
After that, add module to your polybar config:
type = custom/script
exec = dwm-polybar --monitor 1 # use your monitor number from previous command output
tail = true
** Known bugs
- renewing dwm breaks module