Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type Builder
- type ClientRight
- type EnumerateGuildType
- type GuacotUpdateEntry
- type MHFPacket
- type MsgCaExchangeItem
- type MsgHead
- type MsgMhfAcceptReadReward
- type MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem
- type MsgMhfAcquireDistItem
- type MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop
- type MsgMhfAcquireFesta
- type MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize
- type MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize
- type MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure
- type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure
- type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir
- type MsgMhfAcquireItem
- type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem
- type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward
- type MsgMhfAcquireTitle
- type MsgMhfAcquireTournament
- type MsgMhfAcquireUdItem
- type MsgMhfAddAchievement
- type MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount
- type MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser
- func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Opcode() network.PacketID
- func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- type MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint
- type MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount
- type MsgMhfAddUdPoint
- type MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint
- type MsgMhfAnnounce
- type MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout
- type MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle
- type MsgMhfApplyCampaign
- type MsgMhfApplyDistItem
- type MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember
- type MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget
- type MsgMhfCancelGuildScout
- type MsgMhfCaravanMyRank
- type MsgMhfCaravanMyScore
- type MsgMhfCaravanRanking
- type MsgMhfChargeFesta
- type MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure
- type MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint
- type MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem
- type MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp
- type MsgMhfContractMercenary
- type MsgMhfCreateGuild
- type MsgMhfCreateJoint
- type MsgMhfCreateMercenary
- type MsgMhfDebugPostValue
- type MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement
- type MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest
- type MsgMhfEntryFesta
- type MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild
- type MsgMhfEntryTournament
- type MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist
- type MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign
- type MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem
- type MsgMhfEnumerateEvent
- type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize
- func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
- func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember
- type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize
- type MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot
- type MsgMhfEnumerateGuild
- type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem
- type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember
- type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure
- type MsgMhfEnumerateHouse
- type MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild
- type MsgMhfEnumerateItem
- type MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog
- type MsgMhfEnumerateOrder
- type MsgMhfEnumeratePrice
- type MsgMhfEnumerateQuest
- type MsgMhfEnumerateRanking
- type MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking
- type MsgMhfEnumerateShop
- type MsgMhfEnumerateTitle
- type MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem
- type MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse
- type MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item
- type MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint
- type MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint
- type MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp
- type MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap
- type MsgMhfGetAchievement
- type MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward
- type MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus
- type MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus
- type MsgMhfGetBoostRight
- type MsgMhfGetBoostTime
- type MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit
- type MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo
- type MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward
- type MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist
- type MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID
- type MsgMhfGetCafeDuration
- type MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo
- type MsgMhfGetCogInfo
- type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster
- type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal
- type MsgMhfGetDistDescription
- type MsgMhfGetEarthStatus
- type MsgMhfGetEarthValue
- type MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata
- type MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist
- type MsgMhfGetEtcPoints
- type MsgMhfGetExtraInfo
- type MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable
- type MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList
- type MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory
- type MsgMhfGetGachaPoint
- type MsgMhfGetGemInfo
- type MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight
- type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList
- type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord
- type MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList
- type MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum
- type MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir
- type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount
- func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Opcode() network.PacketID
- func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
- type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster
- type MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus
- type MsgMhfGetKijuInfo
- type MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint
- type MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd
- type MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo
- type MsgMhfGetNotice
- type MsgMhfGetPaperData
- type MsgMhfGetRandFromTable
- type MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout
- type MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary
- type MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank
- type MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent
- type MsgMhfGetRewardSong
- type MsgMhfGetRyoudama
- type MsgMhfGetSeibattle
- type MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount
- type MsgMhfGetStepupStatus
- type MsgMhfGetTenrouirai
- type MsgMhfGetTinyBin
- type MsgMhfGetTowerInfo
- type MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon
- type MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo
- type MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList
- type MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo
- type MsgMhfGetUdInfo
- type MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint
- type MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint
- type MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking
- type MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList
- type MsgMhfGetUdRanking
- type MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList
- type MsgMhfGetUdSchedule
- type MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo
- type MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint
- type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList
- type MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo
- type MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule
- type MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward
- type MsgMhfGuildHuntdata
- type MsgMhfInfoFesta
- type MsgMhfInfoGuild
- type MsgMhfInfoJoint
- type MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter
- type MsgMhfInfoTournament
- type MsgMhfKickExportForce
- type MsgMhfListMail
- type MsgMhfListMember
- type MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset
- type MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest
- type MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure
- type MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking
- type MsgMhfLoadHouse
- type MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi
- type MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch
- type MsgMhfLoadMezfesData
- type MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou
- type MsgMhfLoadPartner
- type MsgMhfLoadPlateBox
- type MsgMhfLoadPlateData
- type MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset
- type MsgMhfLoadRengokuData
- type MsgMhfLoadScenarioData
- type MsgMhfLoaddata
- type MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata
- type MsgMhfOperateGuild
- type MsgMhfOperateGuildMember
- type MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport
- type MsgMhfOperateJoint
- type MsgMhfOperateWarehouse
- type MsgMhfOperationInvGuild
- type MsgMhfOprMember
- type MsgMhfOprtMail
- type MsgMhfPaymentAchievement
- type MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha
- type MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha
- type MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha
- type MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha
- type MsgMhfPostBoostTime
- type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit
- type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn
- type MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived
- type MsgMhfPostGemInfo
- type MsgMhfPostGuildScout
- type MsgMhfPostNotice
- type MsgMhfPostRyoudama
- type MsgMhfPostSeibattle
- type MsgMhfPostTenrouirai
- type MsgMhfPostTinyBin
- type MsgMhfPostTowerInfo
- type MsgMhfPresentBox
- type MsgMhfReadBeatLevel
- type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking
- type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking
- type MsgMhfReadGuildcard
- type MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking
- type MsgMhfReadMail
- type MsgMhfReadMercenaryM
- type MsgMhfReadMercenaryW
- type MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus
- type MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem
- type MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure
- type MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking
- type MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure
- type MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime
- type MsgMhfRegisterEvent
- type MsgMhfReleaseEvent
- type MsgMhfReserve010F
- type MsgMhfResetAchievement
- type MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo
- type MsgMhfResetTitle
- type MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset
- type MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest
- type MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi
- type MsgMhfSaveMercenary
- type MsgMhfSaveMezfesData
- type MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou
- type MsgMhfSavePartner
- type MsgMhfSavePlateBox
- type MsgMhfSavePlateData
- type MsgMhfSavePlateMyset
- type MsgMhfSaveRengokuData
- type MsgMhfSaveScenarioData
- type MsgMhfSavedata
- type MsgMhfSendMail
- type MsgMhfServerCommand
- type MsgMhfSetCaAchievement
- type MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist
- type MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal
- type MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata
- type MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight
- type MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget
- type MsgMhfSetKiju
- type MsgMhfSetLoginwindow
- type MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout
- type MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent
- type MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower
- type MsgMhfSexChanger
- type MsgMhfShutClient
- type MsgMhfStampcardPrize
- type MsgMhfStampcardStamp
- type MsgMhfStartBoostTime
- type MsgMhfStateCampaign
- type MsgMhfStateFestaG
- type MsgMhfStateFestaU
- type MsgMhfTransferItem
- type MsgMhfTransitMessage
- type MsgMhfUnreserveSrg
- type MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel
- type MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint
- type MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist
- type MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint
- type MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank
- type MsgMhfUpdateGuacot
- type MsgMhfUpdateGuild
- type MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon
- type MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem
- type MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard
- type MsgMhfUpdateHouse
- type MsgMhfUpdateInterior
- type MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo
- type MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem
- type MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog
- type MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse
- type MsgMhfUseGachaPoint
- type MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost
- type MsgMhfUseRewardSong
- type MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin
- type MsgMhfVoteFesta
- type MsgSysAck
- type MsgSysAcquireSemaphore
- type MsgSysAddObject
- type MsgSysAuthData
- type MsgSysAuthQuery
- type MsgSysAuthTerminal
- type MsgSysBackStage
- type MsgSysCastBinary
- type MsgSysCastedBinary
- type MsgSysCheckSemaphore
- type MsgSysCleanupObject
- type MsgSysCloseMutex
- type MsgSysCollectBinary
- type MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore
- type MsgSysCreateMutex
- type MsgSysCreateObject
- type MsgSysCreateOpenMutex
- type MsgSysCreateSemaphore
- type MsgSysCreateStage
- type MsgSysDelObject
- type MsgSysDeleteMutex
- type MsgSysDeleteObject
- type MsgSysDeleteSemaphore
- type MsgSysDeleteUser
- type MsgSysDispObject
- type MsgSysDuplicateObject
- type MsgSysEcho
- type MsgSysEnd
- type MsgSysEnterStage
- type MsgSysEnumerateClient
- type MsgSysEnumerateStage
- type MsgSysEnumlobby
- type MsgSysEnumuser
- type MsgSysExtendThreshold
- type MsgSysGetFile
- type MsgSysGetObjectBinary
- type MsgSysGetObjectOwner
- type MsgSysGetStageBinary
- type MsgSysGetState
- type MsgSysGetUserBinary
- type MsgSysHideClient
- type MsgSysHideObject
- type MsgSysInfokyserver
- type MsgSysInsertUser
- type MsgSysIssueLogkey
- type MsgSysLeaveStage
- type MsgSysLoadRegister
- type MsgSysLockGlobalSema
- type MsgSysLockStage
- type MsgSysLogin
- type MsgSysLogout
- type MsgSysMoveStage
- type MsgSysNop
- type MsgSysNotifyRegister
- type MsgSysNotifyUserBinary
- type MsgSysOpenMutex
- type MsgSysOperateRegister
- type MsgSysPing
- type MsgSysPositionObject
- type MsgSysRecordLog
- type MsgSysReleaseSemaphore
- type MsgSysReserve01
- type MsgSysReserve02
- type MsgSysReserve03
- type MsgSysReserve04
- type MsgSysReserve05
- type MsgSysReserve06
- type MsgSysReserve07
- type MsgSysReserve0C
- type MsgSysReserve0D
- type MsgSysReserve0E
- type MsgSysReserve180
- type MsgSysReserve188
- type MsgSysReserve18B
- type MsgSysReserve18E
- type MsgSysReserve18F
- type MsgSysReserve192
- type MsgSysReserve193
- type MsgSysReserve194
- type MsgSysReserve19B
- type MsgSysReserve19E
- type MsgSysReserve19F
- type MsgSysReserve202
- type MsgSysReserve203
- type MsgSysReserve204
- type MsgSysReserve205
- type MsgSysReserve206
- type MsgSysReserve207
- type MsgSysReserve208
- type MsgSysReserve209
- type MsgSysReserve20A
- type MsgSysReserve20B
- type MsgSysReserve20C
- type MsgSysReserve20D
- type MsgSysReserve20E
- type MsgSysReserve20F
- type MsgSysReserve4A
- type MsgSysReserve4B
- type MsgSysReserve4C
- type MsgSysReserve4D
- type MsgSysReserve4E
- type MsgSysReserve4F
- type MsgSysReserve55
- type MsgSysReserve56
- type MsgSysReserve57
- type MsgSysReserve5C
- type MsgSysReserve5E
- type MsgSysReserve5F
- type MsgSysReserve71
- type MsgSysReserve72
- type MsgSysReserve73
- type MsgSysReserve74
- type MsgSysReserve75
- type MsgSysReserve76
- type MsgSysReserve77
- type MsgSysReserve78
- type MsgSysReserve79
- type MsgSysReserve7A
- type MsgSysReserve7B
- type MsgSysReserve7C
- type MsgSysReserve7E
- type MsgSysReserveStage
- type MsgSysRightsReload
- type MsgSysRotateObject
- type MsgSysSerialize
- type MsgSysSetObjectBinary
- type MsgSysSetStageBinary
- type MsgSysSetStagePass
- type MsgSysSetStatus
- type MsgSysSetUserBinary
- type MsgSysStageDestruct
- type MsgSysTerminalLog
- type MsgSysTime
- type MsgSysTransBinary
- type MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema
- type MsgSysUnlockStage
- type MsgSysUnreserveStage
- type MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary
- type MsgSysUpdateRight
- type MsgSysWaitStageBinary
- type Opcoder
- type OperateGuildAction
- type OperateGuildMemberAction
- type Parser
- type TerminalLogEntry
Constants ¶
const ( TowerInfoTypeUnk0 = iota TowerInfoTypeTowerRankPoint TowerInfoTypeGetOwnTowerSkill TowerInfoTypeUnk3 TowerInfoTypeTowerTouhaHistory TowerInfoTypeUnk5 )
The server sends different responses based on these values.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Builder ¶
type Builder interface {
Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Builder is the interface that wraps the Build method.
type ClientRight ¶
ClientRight represents a right that the client has.
type EnumerateGuildType ¶
type EnumerateGuildType uint8
type GuacotUpdateEntry ¶
type GuacotUpdateEntry struct { Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint16 Unk2 uint16 Unk3 uint16 Unk4 uint16 Unk5 uint16 Unk6 uint16 Unk7 uint16 Unk8 uint16 Unk9 uint16 Unk10 uint16 Unk11 uint16 Unk12 uint16 Unk13 uint16 Unk14 uint16 Unk15 uint16 Unk16 uint16 Unk17 uint16 Unk18 uint16 Unk19 uint16 Unk20 uint16 Unk21 uint16 Unk22 uint16 Unk23 uint32 Unk24 uint32 DataSize uint8 RawDataPayload []byte }
GuacotUpdateEntry represents an entry inside the MsgMhfUpdateGuacot packet.
type MHFPacket ¶
MHFPacket is the interface that groups the Parse, Build, and Opcode methods.
func FromOpcode ¶
FromOpcode gets a packet struct that fulfills the MHFPacket interface by it's opcode.
type MsgCaExchangeItem ¶
type MsgCaExchangeItem struct{}
MsgCaExchangeItem represents the MSG_CA_EXCHANGE_ITEM
func (*MsgCaExchangeItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgCaExchangeItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgCaExchangeItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgCaExchangeItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgCaExchangeItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgCaExchangeItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgHead ¶
type MsgHead struct{}
MsgHead represents the MSG_HEAD
type MsgMhfAcceptReadReward ¶
type MsgMhfAcceptReadReward struct{}
MsgMhfAcceptReadReward represents the MSG_MHF_ACCEPT_READ_REWARD
func (*MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcceptReadReward) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem struct { AckHandle uint32 // Valid sizes, not sure if [un]signed. Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint16 Unk2 uint16 Unk3 uint32 Unk4 uint16 }
MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_CAFE_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireCafeItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireDistItem ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireDistItem struct { AckHandle uint32 // Valid field size(s), not sure about the types. Unk0 uint8 Unk1 uint32 }
MsgMhfAcquireDistItem represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_DIST_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireDistItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop ¶
MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_EXCHANGE_SHOP
func (*MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireExchangeShop) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireFesta ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireFesta struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireFesta represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_FESTA
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFesta) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_FESTA_INTERMEDIATE_PRIZE
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaIntermediatePrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_FESTA_PERSONAL_PRIZE
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireFestaPersonalPrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_GUILD_ADVENTURE
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildAdventure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_GUILD_TRESURE
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_GUILD_TRESURE_SOUVENIR
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireGuildTresureSouvenir) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireItem ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireItem struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireItem represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfAcquireItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_MONTHLY_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_MONTHLY_REWARD
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireMonthlyReward) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireTitle ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireTitle struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireTitle represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_TITLE
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTitle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireTournament ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireTournament struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireTournament represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_TOURNAMENT
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireTournament) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAcquireUdItem ¶
type MsgMhfAcquireUdItem struct{}
MsgMhfAcquireUdItem represents the MSG_MHF_ACQUIRE_UD_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAcquireUdItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddAchievement ¶
MsgMhfAddAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfAddAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount ¶
type MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount struct{}
MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_GUILD_MISSION_COUNT
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildMissionCount) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser ¶
type MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser struct{}
MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_GUILD_WEEKLY_BONUS_EXCEPTIONAL_USER
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddGuildWeeklyBonusExceptionalUser) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint ¶
MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_KOURYOU_POINT
func (*MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddKouryouPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount ¶
type MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount struct{}
MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_REWARD_SONG_COUNT
func (*MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddRewardSongCount) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddUdPoint ¶
type MsgMhfAddUdPoint struct{}
MsgMhfAddUdPoint represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_UD_POINT
func (*MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint ¶
MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint represents the MSG_MHF_ADD_UD_TACTICS_POINT
func (*MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAddUdTacticsPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAnnounce ¶
type MsgMhfAnnounce struct{}
MsgMhfAnnounce represents the MSG_MHF_ANNOUNCE
func (*MsgMhfAnnounce) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnnounce) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAnnounce) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnnounce) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAnnounce) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnnounce) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout ¶
type MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout struct{}
MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout represents the MSG_MHF_ANSWER_GUILD_SCOUT
func (*MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfAnswerGuildScout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle ¶
type MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle struct{}
MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle represents the MSG_MHF_APPLY_BBS_ARTICLE
func (*MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyBbsArticle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfApplyCampaign ¶
type MsgMhfApplyCampaign struct{}
MsgMhfApplyCampaign represents the MSG_MHF_APPLY_CAMPAIGN
func (*MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyCampaign) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfApplyDistItem ¶
type MsgMhfApplyDistItem struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 RequestType uint32 Unk2 uint32 Unk3 uint32 }
MsgMhfApplyDistItem represents the MSG_MHF_APPLY_DIST_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfApplyDistItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember ¶
MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember represents the MSG_MHF_ARRANGE_GUILD_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfArrangeGuildMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget ¶
type MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget struct{}
MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget represents the MSG_MHF_CANCEL_GUILD_MISSION_TARGET
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildMissionTarget) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCancelGuildScout ¶
type MsgMhfCancelGuildScout struct{}
MsgMhfCancelGuildScout represents the MSG_MHF_CANCEL_GUILD_SCOUT
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCancelGuildScout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCaravanMyRank ¶
type MsgMhfCaravanMyRank struct{}
MsgMhfCaravanMyRank represents the MSG_MHF_CARAVAN_MY_RANK
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyRank) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCaravanMyScore ¶
type MsgMhfCaravanMyScore struct{}
MsgMhfCaravanMyScore represents the MSG_MHF_CARAVAN_MY_SCORE
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanMyScore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCaravanRanking ¶
type MsgMhfCaravanRanking struct{}
MsgMhfCaravanRanking represents the MSG_MHF_CARAVAN_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCaravanRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfChargeFesta ¶
type MsgMhfChargeFesta struct{}
MsgMhfChargeFesta represents the MSG_MHF_CHARGE_FESTA
func (*MsgMhfChargeFesta) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeFesta) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfChargeFesta) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeFesta) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfChargeFesta) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeFesta) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure ¶
type MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure struct{}
MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure represents the MSG_MHF_CHARGE_GUILD_ADVENTURE
func (*MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfChargeGuildAdventure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint ¶
MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint represents the MSG_MHF_CHECK_DAILY_CAFEPOINT
func (*MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckDailyCafepoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem ¶
type MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem struct{}
MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem represents the MSG_MHF_CHECK_MONTHLY_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckMonthlyItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp ¶
type MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 Unk1 bool Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp represents the MSG_MHF_CHECK_WEEKLY_STAMP
func (*MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCheckWeeklyStamp) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfContractMercenary ¶
type MsgMhfContractMercenary struct{}
MsgMhfContractMercenary represents the MSG_MHF_CONTRACT_MERCENARY
func (*MsgMhfContractMercenary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfContractMercenary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfContractMercenary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfContractMercenary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfContractMercenary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfContractMercenary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCreateGuild ¶
MsgMhfCreateGuild represents the MSG_MHF_CREATE_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfCreateGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCreateGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCreateGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCreateJoint ¶
type MsgMhfCreateJoint struct{}
MsgMhfCreateJoint represents the MSG_MHF_CREATE_JOINT
func (*MsgMhfCreateJoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateJoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCreateJoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateJoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCreateJoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateJoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfCreateMercenary ¶
type MsgMhfCreateMercenary struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfCreateMercenary represents the MSG_MHF_CREATE_MERCENARY
func (*MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfCreateMercenary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfDebugPostValue ¶
type MsgMhfDebugPostValue struct{}
MsgMhfDebugPostValue represents the MSG_MHF_DEBUG_POST_VALUE
func (*MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDebugPostValue) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement ¶
type MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement struct {
Unk0 uint8
MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_DISPLAYED_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfDisplayedAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest ¶
type MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest struct{}
MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest represents the MSG_MHF_ENTER_TOURNAMENT_QUEST
func (*MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnterTournamentQuest) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEntryFesta ¶
type MsgMhfEntryFesta struct{}
MsgMhfEntryFesta represents the MSG_MHF_ENTRY_FESTA
func (*MsgMhfEntryFesta) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryFesta) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEntryFesta) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryFesta) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEntryFesta) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryFesta) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild ¶
type MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild struct{}
MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild represents the MSG_MHF_ENTRY_ROOKIE_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryRookieGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEntryTournament ¶
type MsgMhfEntryTournament struct{}
MsgMhfEntryTournament represents the MSG_MHF_ENTRY_TOURNAMENT
func (*MsgMhfEntryTournament) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryTournament) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEntryTournament) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryTournament) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEntryTournament) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEntryTournament) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_AIROULIST
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateAiroulist) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_CAMPAIGN
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateCampaign) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem ¶
MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_DIST_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateDistItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateEvent ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateEvent struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfEnumerateEvent represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_EVENT
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateEvent) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_FESTA_INTERMEDIATE_PRIZE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaIntermediatePrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_FESTA_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_FESTA_PERSONAL_PRIZE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateFestaPersonalPrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary }
MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_GUACOT
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuacot) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuild ¶
MsgMhfEnumerateGuild represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_GUILD_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 00 01 in the binary Unk1 uint32 // Alliance related GuildID uint32 }
MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_GUILD_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_GUILD_TRESURE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateGuildTresure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateHouse ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateHouse struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateHouse represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_HOUSE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateHouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_INV_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateInvGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateItem ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateItem struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateItem represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_MERCENARY_LOG
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateMercenaryLog) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateOrder ¶
MsgMhfEnumerateOrder represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_ORDER
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateOrder) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumeratePrice ¶
type MsgMhfEnumeratePrice struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfEnumeratePrice represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_PRICE
func (*MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumeratePrice) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateQuest ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateQuest struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk1 uint8 Unk2 uint16 QuestList uint16 // Increments to request following batches of quests Unk4 uint8 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfEnumerateQuest represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_QUEST
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateQuest) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateRanking ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateRanking struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfEnumerateRanking represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded 00 01 in the binary }
MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_RENGOKU_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateRengokuRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateShop ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateShop struct { AckHandle uint32 ShopType uint8 // 1 running gachas, 10 normal shop extensions, 8 Diva Defense shop ShopID uint32 Unk2 uint16 // 00 80 running gachas, 00 20 normal shop Unk3 uint8 Unk4 uint8 Unk5 uint32 }
MsgMhfEnumerateShop represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_SHOP
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateShop) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateTitle ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateTitle struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateTitle represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_TITLE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateTitle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_UNION_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateUnionItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse ¶
type MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse struct{}
MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse represents the MSG_MHF_ENUMERATE_WAREHOUSE
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfEnumerateWarehouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item ¶
type MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item struct{}
MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item represents the MSG_MHF_EXCHANGE_FPOINT_2_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeFpoint2Item) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint ¶
type MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint struct{}
MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint represents the MSG_MHF_EXCHANGE_ITEM_2_FPOINT
func (*MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeItem2Fpoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint ¶
type MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint struct{}
MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint represents the MSG_MHF_EXCHANGE_KOURYOU_POINT
func (*MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeKouryouPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp ¶
type MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp struct{}
MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp represents the MSG_MHF_EXCHANGE_WEEKLY_STAMP
func (*MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfExchangeWeeklyStamp) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap ¶
type MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap represents the MSG_MHF_GENERATE_UD_GUILD_MAP
func (*MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGenerateUdGuildMap) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetAchievement ¶
type MsgMhfGetAchievement struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // id? Unk1 uint32 // char? Unk2 uint32 // pad? }
MsgMhfGetAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_GET_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfGetAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward ¶
type MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint32 Unk2 uint32 Unk3 uint32 }
MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward represents the MSG_MHF_GET_ADDITIONAL_BEAT_REWARD
func (*MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetAdditionalBeatReward) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus ¶
type MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus struct{}
MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BBS_SNS_STATUS
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsSnsStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus ¶
type MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus struct{}
MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BBS_USER_STATUS
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBbsUserStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBoostRight ¶
type MsgMhfGetBoostRight struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetBoostRight represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BOOST_RIGHT
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostRight) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBoostTime ¶
type MsgMhfGetBoostTime struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetBoostTime represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BOOST_TIME
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTime) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit ¶
type MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BOOST_TIME_LIMIT
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoostTimeLimit) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo struct{}
MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BOX_GACHA_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBoxGachaInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward ¶
type MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward struct{}
MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward represents the MSG_MHF_GET_BREAK_SEIBATU_LEVEL_REWARD
func (*MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetBreakSeibatuLevelReward) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist ¶
type MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist struct{}
MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist represents the MSG_MHF_GET_CA_ACHIEVEMENT_HIST
func (*MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaAchievementHist) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID ¶
type MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID struct{}
MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID represents the MSG_MHF_GET_CA_UNIQUE_ID
func (*MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCaUniqueID) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetCafeDuration ¶
type MsgMhfGetCafeDuration struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetCafeDuration represents the MSG_MHF_GET_CAFE_DURATION
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDuration) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_CAFE_DURATION_BONUS_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCafeDurationBonusInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetCogInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetCogInfo struct{}
MsgMhfGetCogInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_COG_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetCogInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster ¶
type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster struct{}
MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster represents the MSG_MHF_GET_DAILY_MISSION_MASTER
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionMaster) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal ¶
type MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal struct{}
MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal represents the MSG_MHF_GET_DAILY_MISSION_PERSONAL
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDailyMissionPersonal) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetDistDescription ¶
MsgMhfGetDistDescription represents the MSG_MHF_GET_DIST_DESCRIPTION
func (*MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetDistDescription) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetEarthStatus ¶
MsgMhfGetEarthStatus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_EARTH_STATUS
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetEarthValue ¶
type MsgMhfGetEarthValue struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint32 ReqType uint32 Unk3 uint32 Unk4 uint32 Unk5 uint32 Unk6 uint32 }
MsgMhfGetEarthValue represents the MSG_MHF_GET_EARTH_VALUE
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEarthValue) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata ¶
MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata represents the MSG_MHF_GET_ENHANCED_MINIDATA
func (*MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEnhancedMinidata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist ¶
type MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist represents the MSG_MHF_GET_EQUIP_SKIN_HIST
func (*MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEquipSkinHist) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetEtcPoints ¶
type MsgMhfGetEtcPoints struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetEtcPoints represents the MSG_MHF_GET_ETC_POINTS
func (*MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetEtcPoints) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetExtraInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetExtraInfo struct{}
MsgMhfGetExtraInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_EXTRA_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetExtraInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable ¶
type MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable struct{}
MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable represents the MSG_MHF_GET_FIXED_SEIBATU_RANKING_TABLE
func (*MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFixedSeibatuRankingTable) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList ¶
type MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_FPOINT_EXCHANGE_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetFpointExchangeList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory ¶
type MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory struct{}
MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GACHA_PLAY_HISTORY
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPlayHistory) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGachaPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetGachaPoint struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGachaPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GACHA_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGachaPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGemInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetGemInfo struct{}
MsgMhfGetGemInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GEM_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGemInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_MANAGE_RIGHT
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildManageRight) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_MISSION_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_MISSION_RECORD
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildMissionRecord) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_SCOUT_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildScoutList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum ¶
MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_TARGET_MEMBER_NUM
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTargetMemberNum) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_TRESURE_SOUVENIR
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildTresureSouvenir) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_WEEKLY_BONUS_ACTIVE_COUNT
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusActiveCount) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster ¶
type MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster represents the MSG_MHF_GET_GUILD_WEEKLY_BONUS_MASTER
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetGuildWeeklyBonusMaster) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus ¶
type MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_KEEP_LOGIN_BOOST_STATUS
func (*MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKeepLoginBoostStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetKijuInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetKijuInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetKijuInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_KIJU_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKijuInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_KOURYOU_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetKouryouPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd ¶
type MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd struct{}
MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd represents the MSG_MHF_GET_LOBBY_CROWD
func (*MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetLobbyCrowd) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 // No idea why it would send a buffer of data on a _GET_, but w/e. DataSize uint8 RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_MYHOUSE_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetMyhouseInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetNotice ¶
type MsgMhfGetNotice struct{}
MsgMhfGetNotice represents the MSG_MHF_GET_NOTICE
func (*MsgMhfGetNotice) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetNotice) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetNotice) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetNotice) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetNotice) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetNotice) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetPaperData ¶
type MsgMhfGetPaperData struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint32 Unk2 uint32 }
MsgMhfGetPaperData represents the MSG_MHF_GET_PAPER_DATA
func (*MsgMhfGetPaperData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetPaperData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetPaperData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetPaperData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetPaperData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetPaperData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRandFromTable ¶
type MsgMhfGetRandFromTable struct{}
MsgMhfGetRandFromTable represents the MSG_MHF_GET_RAND_FROM_TABLE
func (*MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRandFromTable) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout ¶
type MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout represents the MSG_MHF_GET_REJECT_GUILD_SCOUT
func (*MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRejectGuildScout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary ¶
MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary represents the MSG_MHF_GET_RENGOKU_BINARY
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank ¶
type MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank represents the MSG_MHF_GET_RENGOKU_RANKING_RANK
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRengokuRankingRank) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent ¶
type MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent struct{}
MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent represents the MSG_MHF_GET_RESTRICTION_EVENT
func (*MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRestrictionEvent) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRewardSong ¶
type MsgMhfGetRewardSong struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetRewardSong represents the MSG_MHF_GET_REWARD_SONG
func (*MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRewardSong) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetRyoudama ¶
type MsgMhfGetRyoudama struct{}
MsgMhfGetRyoudama represents the MSG_MHF_GET_RYOUDAMA
func (*MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetRyoudama) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetSeibattle ¶
type MsgMhfGetSeibattle struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 Unk1 uint8 Unk2 uint32 // Some shared ID with MSG_SYS_RECORD_LOG, world ID? Unk3 uint8 Unk4 uint16 }
MsgMhfGetSeibattle represents the MSG_MHF_GET_SEIBATTLE
func (*MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSeibattle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount ¶
type MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount struct{}
MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount represents the MSG_MHF_GET_SENYU_DAILY_COUNT
func (*MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetSenyuDailyCount) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetStepupStatus ¶
type MsgMhfGetStepupStatus struct{}
MsgMhfGetStepupStatus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_STEPUP_STATUS
func (*MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetStepupStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetTenrouirai ¶
type MsgMhfGetTenrouirai struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint32 Unk2 uint16 }
MsgMhfGetTenrouirai represents the MSG_MHF_GET_TENROUIRAI
func (*MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTenrouirai) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetTinyBin ¶
type MsgMhfGetTinyBin struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint8 }
MsgMhfGetTinyBin represents the MSG_MHF_GET_TINY_BIN
func (*MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTinyBin) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetTowerInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetTowerInfo struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 InfoType uint32 // Requested response type Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint32 }
MsgMhfGetTowerInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_TOWER_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTowerInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon ¶
type MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon represents the MSG_MHF_GET_TREND_WEAPON
func (*MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetTrendWeapon) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_BONUS_QUEST_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdBonusQuestInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_DAILY_PRESENT_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdDailyPresentList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_GUILD_MAP_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdGuildMapInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_MONSTER_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMonsterPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_MY_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_MY_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdMyRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_NORMA_PRESENT_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdNormaPresentList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdRanking ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdRanking struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdRanking represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_RANKING_REWARD_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdRankingRewardList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdSchedule ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdSchedule struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdSchedule represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_SCHEDULE
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSchedule) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_SELECTED_COLOR_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdSelectedColorInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_SHOP_COIN
func (*MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdShopCoin) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_BONUS_QUEST
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsBonusQuest) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_FIRST_QUEST_BONUS
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFirstQuestBonus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_FOLLOWER
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsFollower) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_LOG
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsLog) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking struct{}
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint struct{}
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_REMAINING_POINT
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRemainingPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TACTICS_REWARD_LIST
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTacticsRewardList) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo ¶
type MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo represents the MSG_MHF_GET_UD_TOTAL_POINT_INFO
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetUdTotalPointInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule ¶
type MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule represents the MSG_MHF_GET_WEEKLY_SCHEDULE
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySchedule) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward ¶
type MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward struct{}
MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward represents the MSG_MHF_GET_WEEKLY_SEIBATU_RANKING_REWARD
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGetWeeklySeibatuRankingReward) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfGuildHuntdata ¶
type MsgMhfGuildHuntdata struct{}
MsgMhfGuildHuntdata represents the MSG_MHF_GUILD_HUNTDATA
func (*MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfGuildHuntdata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfInfoFesta ¶
type MsgMhfInfoFesta struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfInfoFesta represents the MSG_MHF_INFO_FESTA
func (*MsgMhfInfoFesta) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoFesta) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfInfoFesta) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoFesta) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfInfoFesta) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoFesta) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfInfoGuild ¶
MsgMhfInfoGuild represents the MSG_MHF_INFO_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfInfoGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfInfoGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfInfoGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfInfoJoint ¶
type MsgMhfInfoJoint struct{}
MsgMhfInfoJoint represents the MSG_MHF_INFO_JOINT
func (*MsgMhfInfoJoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoJoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfInfoJoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoJoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfInfoJoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoJoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter ¶
type MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter represents the MSG_MHF_INFO_SCENARIO_COUNTER
func (*MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoScenarioCounter) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfInfoTournament ¶
type MsgMhfInfoTournament struct{}
MsgMhfInfoTournament represents the MSG_MHF_INFO_TOURNAMENT
func (*MsgMhfInfoTournament) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoTournament) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfInfoTournament) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoTournament) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfInfoTournament) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfInfoTournament) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfKickExportForce ¶
type MsgMhfKickExportForce struct{}
MsgMhfKickExportForce represents the MSG_MHF_KICK_EXPORT_FORCE
func (*MsgMhfKickExportForce) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfKickExportForce) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfKickExportForce) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfKickExportForce) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfKickExportForce) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfKickExportForce) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfListMail ¶
type MsgMhfListMail struct{}
MsgMhfListMail represents the MSG_MHF_LIST_MAIL
func (*MsgMhfListMail) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMail) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfListMail) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMail) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfListMail) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMail) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfListMember ¶
MsgMhfListMember represents the MSG_MHF_LIST_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfListMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfListMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfListMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfListMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset ¶
type MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_DECO_MYSET
func (*MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadDecoMyset) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest ¶
type MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_FAVORITE_QUEST
func (*MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadFavoriteQuest) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure ¶
type MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_GUILD_ADVENTURE
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildAdventure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking ¶
type MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking struct{}
MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_GUILD_COOKING
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadGuildCooking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadHouse ¶
type MsgMhfLoadHouse struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint8 Unk2 uint8 Unk3 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary DataSize uint8 RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfLoadHouse represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_HOUSE
func (*MsgMhfLoadHouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadHouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadHouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi ¶
type MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi struct {
}MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_HUNTER_NAVI
func (*MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadHunterNavi) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch ¶
type MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_LEGEND_DISPATCH
func (*MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadLegendDispatch) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadMezfesData ¶
type MsgMhfLoadMezfesData struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadMezfesData represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_MEZFES_DATA
func (*MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadMezfesData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou ¶
type MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_OTOMO_AIROU
func (*MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadOtomoAirou) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadPartner ¶
type MsgMhfLoadPartner struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadPartner represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_PARTNER
func (*MsgMhfLoadPartner) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPartner) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPartner) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPartner) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPartner) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPartner) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadPlateBox ¶
type MsgMhfLoadPlateBox struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadPlateBox represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_PLATE_BOX
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateBox) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadPlateData ¶
type MsgMhfLoadPlateData struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadPlateData represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_PLATE_DATA
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset ¶
type MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_PLATE_MYSET
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadPlateMyset) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadRengokuData ¶
type MsgMhfLoadRengokuData struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadRengokuData represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_RENGOKU_DATA
func (*MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadRengokuData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoadScenarioData ¶
type MsgMhfLoadScenarioData struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoadScenarioData represents the MSG_MHF_LOAD_SCENARIO_DATA
func (*MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoadScenarioData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfLoaddata ¶
type MsgMhfLoaddata struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfLoaddata represents the MSG_MHF_LOADDATA
func (*MsgMhfLoaddata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoaddata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfLoaddata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoaddata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfLoaddata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfLoaddata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata ¶
type MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata struct{}
MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata represents the MSG_MHF_MERCENARY_HUNTDATA
func (*MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfMercenaryHuntdata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperateGuild ¶
type MsgMhfOperateGuild struct { AckHandle uint32 GuildID uint32 Action OperateGuildAction UnkData []byte }
MsgMhfOperateGuild represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATE_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperateGuildMember ¶
MsgMhfOperateGuildMember represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATE_GUILD_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport ¶
type MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport struct{}
MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATE_GUILD_TRESURE_REPORT
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateGuildTresureReport) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperateJoint ¶
type MsgMhfOperateJoint struct{}
MsgMhfOperateJoint represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATE_JOINT
func (*MsgMhfOperateJoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateJoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperateJoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateJoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperateJoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateJoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperateWarehouse ¶
type MsgMhfOperateWarehouse struct{}
MsgMhfOperateWarehouse represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATE_WAREHOUSE
func (*MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperateWarehouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOperationInvGuild ¶
type MsgMhfOperationInvGuild struct{}
MsgMhfOperationInvGuild represents the MSG_MHF_OPERATION_INV_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOperationInvGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOprMember ¶
type MsgMhfOprMember struct{}
MsgMhfOprMember represents the MSG_MHF_OPR_MEMBER
func (*MsgMhfOprMember) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprMember) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOprMember) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprMember) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOprMember) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprMember) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfOprtMail ¶
type MsgMhfOprtMail struct{}
MsgMhfOprtMail represents the MSG_MHF_OPRT_MAIL
func (*MsgMhfOprtMail) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprtMail) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfOprtMail) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprtMail) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfOprtMail) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfOprtMail) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPaymentAchievement ¶
type MsgMhfPaymentAchievement struct{}
MsgMhfPaymentAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_PAYMENT_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPaymentAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha ¶
type MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha struct{}
MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha represents the MSG_MHF_PLAY_BOX_GACHA
func (*MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayBoxGacha) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha ¶
type MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha struct{}
MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha represents the MSG_MHF_PLAY_FREE_GACHA
func (*MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayFreeGacha) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha ¶
type MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha struct{}
MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha represents the MSG_MHF_PLAY_NORMAL_GACHA
func (*MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayNormalGacha) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha ¶
type MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha struct{}
MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha represents the MSG_MHF_PLAY_STEPUP_GACHA
func (*MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPlayStepupGacha) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostBoostTime ¶
MsgMhfPostBoostTime represents the MSG_MHF_POST_BOOST_TIME
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTime) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit ¶
type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit struct{}
MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit represents the MSG_MHF_POST_BOOST_TIME_LIMIT
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeLimit) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn ¶
type MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn represents the MSG_MHF_POST_BOOST_TIME_QUEST_RETURN
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostBoostTimeQuestReturn) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived ¶
type MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived struct{}
MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived represents the MSG_MHF_POST_CAFE_DURATION_BONUS_RECEIVED
func (*MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostCafeDurationBonusReceived) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostGemInfo ¶
type MsgMhfPostGemInfo struct{}
MsgMhfPostGemInfo represents the MSG_MHF_POST_GEM_INFO
func (*MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGemInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostGuildScout ¶
type MsgMhfPostGuildScout struct{}
MsgMhfPostGuildScout represents the MSG_MHF_POST_GUILD_SCOUT
func (*MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostGuildScout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostNotice ¶
type MsgMhfPostNotice struct{}
MsgMhfPostNotice represents the MSG_MHF_POST_NOTICE
func (*MsgMhfPostNotice) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostNotice) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostNotice) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostNotice) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostNotice) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostNotice) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostRyoudama ¶
type MsgMhfPostRyoudama struct{}
MsgMhfPostRyoudama represents the MSG_MHF_POST_RYOUDAMA
func (*MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostRyoudama) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostSeibattle ¶
type MsgMhfPostSeibattle struct{}
MsgMhfPostSeibattle represents the MSG_MHF_POST_SEIBATTLE
func (*MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostSeibattle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostTenrouirai ¶
type MsgMhfPostTenrouirai struct{}
MsgMhfPostTenrouirai represents the MSG_MHF_POST_TENROUIRAI
func (*MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTenrouirai) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostTinyBin ¶
type MsgMhfPostTinyBin struct{}
MsgMhfPostTinyBin represents the MSG_MHF_POST_TINY_BIN
func (*MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTinyBin) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPostTowerInfo ¶
type MsgMhfPostTowerInfo struct { // Communicator type, multi-format. This might be valid for only one type. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint32 Unk2 uint32 Unk3 uint32 Unk4 uint32 Unk5 uint32 Unk6 uint32 Unk7 uint32 Unk8 uint32 Unk9 uint32 Unk10 uint32 }
MsgMhfPostTowerInfo represents the MSG_MHF_POST_TOWER_INFO
func (*MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPostTowerInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfPresentBox ¶
type MsgMhfPresentBox struct{}
MsgMhfPresentBox represents the MSG_MHF_PRESENT_BOX
func (*MsgMhfPresentBox) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPresentBox) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfPresentBox) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPresentBox) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfPresentBox) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfPresentBox) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevel ¶
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevel struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 ValidIDCount uint32 // Valid entries in the array IDs [16]uint32 }
MsgMhfReadBeatLevel represents the MSG_MHF_READ_BEAT_LEVEL
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevel) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking ¶
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking struct{}
MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking represents the MSG_MHF_READ_BEAT_LEVEL_ALL_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelAllRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking ¶
type MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking struct{}
MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking represents the MSG_MHF_READ_BEAT_LEVEL_MY_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadBeatLevelMyRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadGuildcard ¶
type MsgMhfReadGuildcard struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfReadGuildcard represents the MSG_MHF_READ_GUILDCARD
func (*MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadGuildcard) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking ¶
type MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking struct{}
MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking represents the MSG_MHF_READ_LAST_WEEK_BEAT_RANKING
func (*MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadLastWeekBeatRanking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadMail ¶
type MsgMhfReadMail struct{}
MsgMhfReadMail represents the MSG_MHF_READ_MAIL
func (*MsgMhfReadMail) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMail) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadMail) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMail) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadMail) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMail) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadMercenaryM ¶
type MsgMhfReadMercenaryM struct{}
MsgMhfReadMercenaryM represents the MSG_MHF_READ_MERCENARY_M
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryM) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReadMercenaryW ¶
type MsgMhfReadMercenaryW struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 Unk1 uint8 Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary }
MsgMhfReadMercenaryW represents the MSG_MHF_READ_MERCENARY_W
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReadMercenaryW) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus ¶
type MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus represents the MSG_MHF_RECEIVE_CAFE_DURATION_BONUS
func (*MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveCafeDurationBonus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem ¶
type MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem struct{}
MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem represents the MSG_MHF_RECEIVE_GACHA_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReceiveGachaItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure ¶
type MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure struct{}
MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure represents the MSG_MHF_REGIST_GUILD_ADVENTURE
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildAdventure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking ¶
type MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking struct{}
MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking represents the MSG_MHF_REGIST_GUILD_COOKING
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildCooking) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure ¶
type MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure struct{}
MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure represents the MSG_MHF_REGIST_GUILD_TRESURE
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistGuildTresure) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime ¶
type MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime struct{}
MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime represents the MSG_MHF_REGIST_SPABI_TIME
func (*MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegistSpabiTime) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfRegisterEvent ¶
type MsgMhfRegisterEvent struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint8 Unk2 uint8 Unk3 uint8 Unk4 uint8 Unk5 uint16 }
MsgMhfRegisterEvent represents the MSG_MHF_REGISTER_EVENT
func (*MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfRegisterEvent) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReleaseEvent ¶
MsgMhfReleaseEvent represents the MSG_MHF_RELEASE_EVENT
func (*MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReleaseEvent) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfReserve010F ¶
type MsgMhfReserve010F struct{}
MsgMhfReserve010F represents the MSG_MHF_reserve010F
func (*MsgMhfReserve010F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReserve010F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfReserve010F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReserve010F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfReserve010F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfReserve010F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfResetAchievement ¶
type MsgMhfResetAchievement struct{}
MsgMhfResetAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_RESET_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfResetAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfResetAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfResetAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo ¶
type MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo struct{}
MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo represents the MSG_MHF_RESET_BOX_GACHA_INFO
func (*MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetBoxGachaInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfResetTitle ¶
type MsgMhfResetTitle struct{}
MsgMhfResetTitle represents the MSG_MHF_RESET_TITLE
func (*MsgMhfResetTitle) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetTitle) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfResetTitle) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetTitle) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfResetTitle) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfResetTitle) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset ¶
MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_DECO_MYSET
func (*MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveDecoMyset) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest ¶
MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_FAVORITE_QUEST
func (*MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveFavoriteQuest) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi ¶
type MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi struct {}
MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_HUNTER_NAVI
func (*MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveHunterNavi) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveMercenary ¶
MsgMhfSaveMercenary represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_MERCENARY
func (*MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMercenary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveMezfesData ¶
MsgMhfSaveMezfesData represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_MEZFES_DATA
func (*MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveMezfesData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou ¶
MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_OTOMO_AIROU
func (*MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveOtomoAirou) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSavePartner ¶
MsgMhfSavePartner represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_PARTNER
func (*MsgMhfSavePartner) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePartner) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSavePartner) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePartner) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSavePartner) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePartner) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSavePlateBox ¶
type MsgMhfSavePlateBox struct { AckHandle uint32 DataSize uint32 IsDataDiff bool RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfSavePlateBox represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_PLATE_BOX
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateBox) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSavePlateData ¶
type MsgMhfSavePlateData struct { AckHandle uint32 DataSize uint32 IsDataDiff bool RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfSavePlateData represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_PLATE_DATA
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSavePlateMyset ¶
MsgMhfSavePlateMyset represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_PLATE_MYSET
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavePlateMyset) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveRengokuData ¶
MsgMhfSaveRengokuData represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_RENGOKU_DATA
func (*MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveRengokuData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSaveScenarioData ¶
MsgMhfSaveScenarioData represents the MSG_MHF_SAVE_SCENARIO_DATA
func (*MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSaveScenarioData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSavedata ¶
type MsgMhfSavedata struct { AckHandle uint32 AllocMemSize uint32 SaveType uint8 // Either 1 or 2, representing a true or false value for some reason. Unk1 uint32 DataSize uint32 RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfSavedata represents the MSG_MHF_SAVEDATA
func (*MsgMhfSavedata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavedata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSavedata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavedata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSavedata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSavedata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSendMail ¶
type MsgMhfSendMail struct{}
MsgMhfSendMail represents the MSG_MHF_SEND_MAIL
func (*MsgMhfSendMail) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSendMail) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSendMail) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSendMail) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSendMail) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSendMail) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfServerCommand ¶
type MsgMhfServerCommand struct{}
MsgMhfServerCommand represents the MSG_MHF_SERVER_COMMAND
func (*MsgMhfServerCommand) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfServerCommand) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfServerCommand) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfServerCommand) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfServerCommand) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfServerCommand) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetCaAchievement ¶
type MsgMhfSetCaAchievement struct{}
MsgMhfSetCaAchievement represents the MSG_MHF_SET_CA_ACHIEVEMENT
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievement) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist ¶
MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist represents the MSG_MHF_SET_CA_ACHIEVEMENT_HIST
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetCaAchievementHist) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal ¶
type MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal struct{}
MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal represents the MSG_MHF_SET_DAILY_MISSION_PERSONAL
func (*MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetDailyMissionPersonal) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata ¶
type MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 4 in the binary. RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata represents the MSG_MHF_SET_ENHANCED_MINIDATA
func (*MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetEnhancedMinidata) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight ¶
type MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight struct{}
MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight represents the MSG_MHF_SET_GUILD_MANAGE_RIGHT
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildManageRight) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget ¶
type MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget struct{}
MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget represents the MSG_MHF_SET_GUILD_MISSION_TARGET
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetGuildMissionTarget) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetKiju ¶
type MsgMhfSetKiju struct{}
MsgMhfSetKiju represents the MSG_MHF_SET_KIJU
func (*MsgMhfSetKiju) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetKiju) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetKiju) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetKiju) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetKiju) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetKiju) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetLoginwindow ¶
type MsgMhfSetLoginwindow struct{}
MsgMhfSetLoginwindow represents the MSG_MHF_SET_LOGINWINDOW
func (*MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetLoginwindow) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout ¶
MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout represents the MSG_MHF_SET_REJECT_GUILD_SCOUT
func (*MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRejectGuildScout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent ¶
type MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent struct{}
MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent represents the MSG_MHF_SET_RESTRICTION_EVENT
func (*MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetRestrictionEvent) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower ¶
type MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower struct{}
MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower represents the MSG_MHF_SET_UD_TACTICS_FOLLOWER
func (*MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSetUdTacticsFollower) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfSexChanger ¶
type MsgMhfSexChanger struct{}
MsgMhfSexChanger represents the MSG_MHF_SEX_CHANGER
func (*MsgMhfSexChanger) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSexChanger) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfSexChanger) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSexChanger) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfSexChanger) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfSexChanger) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfShutClient ¶
type MsgMhfShutClient struct{}
MsgMhfShutClient represents the MSG_MHF_SHUT_CLIENT
func (*MsgMhfShutClient) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfShutClient) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfShutClient) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfShutClient) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfShutClient) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfShutClient) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStampcardPrize ¶
type MsgMhfStampcardPrize struct{}
MsgMhfStampcardPrize represents the MSG_MHF_STAMPCARD_PRIZE
func (*MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardPrize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStampcardStamp ¶
type MsgMhfStampcardStamp struct { // Field-size accurate. AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint16 Unk2 uint16 Unk3 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Unk4 uint32 Unk5 uint32 Unk6 uint32 Unk7 uint32 Unk8 uint32 Unk9 uint32 }
MsgMhfStampcardStamp represents the MSG_MHF_STAMPCARD_STAMP
func (*MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStampcardStamp) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStartBoostTime ¶
type MsgMhfStartBoostTime struct{}
MsgMhfStartBoostTime represents the MSG_MHF_START_BOOST_TIME
func (*MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStartBoostTime) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStateCampaign ¶
type MsgMhfStateCampaign struct{}
MsgMhfStateCampaign represents the MSG_MHF_STATE_CAMPAIGN
func (*MsgMhfStateCampaign) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateCampaign) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStateCampaign) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateCampaign) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStateCampaign) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateCampaign) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStateFestaG ¶
type MsgMhfStateFestaG struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 // Shared ID of something. Unk1 uint32 Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary. }
MsgMhfStateFestaG represents the MSG_MHF_STATE_FESTA_G
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaG) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaG) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaG) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaG) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaG) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaG) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfStateFestaU ¶
type MsgMhfStateFestaU struct{}
MsgMhfStateFestaU represents the MSG_MHF_STATE_FESTA_U
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaU) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaU) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaU) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaU) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfStateFestaU) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfStateFestaU) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfTransferItem ¶
type MsgMhfTransferItem struct { AckHandle uint32 // looking at packets, these were static across sessions and did not actually // correlate with any item IDs that would make sense to get after quests so // I have no idea what this actually does Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded Unk2 uint16 // Hardcoded }
MsgMhfTransferItem represents the MSG_MHF_TRANSFER_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfTransferItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransferItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfTransferItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransferItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfTransferItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransferItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfTransitMessage ¶
type MsgMhfTransitMessage struct{}
MsgMhfTransitMessage represents the MSG_MHF_TRANSIT_MESSAGE
func (*MsgMhfTransitMessage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransitMessage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfTransitMessage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransitMessage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfTransitMessage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfTransitMessage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUnreserveSrg ¶
type MsgMhfUnreserveSrg struct{}
MsgMhfUnreserveSrg represents the MSG_MHF_UNRESERVE_SRG
func (*MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUnreserveSrg) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_BEAT_LEVEL
func (*MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateBeatLevel) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary }
MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_CAFEPOINT
func (*MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateCafepoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist ¶
MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_EQUIP_SKIN_HIST
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEquipSkinHist) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint ¶
MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_ETC_POINT
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateEtcPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_FORCE_GUILD_RANK
func (*MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateForceGuildRank) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateGuacot ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateGuacot struct { AckHandle uint32 EntryCount uint16 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Entries []*GuacotUpdateEntry }
MsgMhfUpdateGuacot represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_GUACOT
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuacot) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateGuild ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateGuild struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateGuild represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_GUILD
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuild) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_GUILD_ICON
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildIcon) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_GUILD_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_GUILDCARD
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateGuildcard) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateHouse ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateHouse struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateHouse represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_HOUSE
func (*MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateHouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateInterior ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateInterior struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateInterior represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_INTERIOR
func (*MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateInterior) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo ¶
MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_MYHOUSE_INFO
func (*MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateMyhouseInfo) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_UNION_ITEM
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUnionItem) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 Unk1 uint16 // Weapon/item ID probably? }
MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_USE_TREND_WEAPON_LOG
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateUseTrendWeaponLog) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse ¶
type MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse struct{}
MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse represents the MSG_MHF_UPDATE_WAREHOUSE
func (*MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUpdateWarehouse) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUseGachaPoint ¶
type MsgMhfUseGachaPoint struct{}
MsgMhfUseGachaPoint represents the MSG_MHF_USE_GACHA_POINT
func (*MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseGachaPoint) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost ¶
MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost represents the MSG_MHF_USE_KEEP_LOGIN_BOOST
func (*MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseKeepLoginBoost) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUseRewardSong ¶
type MsgMhfUseRewardSong struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgMhfUseRewardSong represents the MSG_MHF_USE_REWARD_SONG
func (*MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseRewardSong) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin ¶
type MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin struct{}
MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin represents the MSG_MHF_USE_UD_SHOP_COIN
func (*MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfUseUdShopCoin) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgMhfVoteFesta ¶
type MsgMhfVoteFesta struct{}
MsgMhfVoteFesta represents the MSG_MHF_VOTE_FESTA
func (*MsgMhfVoteFesta) Build ¶
func (m *MsgMhfVoteFesta) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgMhfVoteFesta) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgMhfVoteFesta) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgMhfVoteFesta) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgMhfVoteFesta) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysAck ¶
MsgSysAck represents the MSG_SYS_ACK
type MsgSysAcquireSemaphore ¶
type MsgSysAcquireSemaphore struct{}
MsgSysAcquireSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_ACQUIRE_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysAcquireSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysAddObject ¶
type MsgSysAddObject struct{}
MsgSysAddObject represents the MSG_SYS_ADD_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysAddObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysAddObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysAddObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysAddObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysAddObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysAddObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysAuthData ¶
type MsgSysAuthData struct{}
MsgSysAuthData represents the MSG_SYS_AUTH_DATA
func (*MsgSysAuthData) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthData) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysAuthData) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthData) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysAuthData) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthData) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysAuthQuery ¶
type MsgSysAuthQuery struct{}
MsgSysAuthQuery represents the MSG_SYS_AUTH_QUERY
func (*MsgSysAuthQuery) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthQuery) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysAuthQuery) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthQuery) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysAuthQuery) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthQuery) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysAuthTerminal ¶
type MsgSysAuthTerminal struct{}
MsgSysAuthTerminal represents the MSG_SYS_AUTH_TERMINAL
func (*MsgSysAuthTerminal) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthTerminal) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysAuthTerminal) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthTerminal) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysAuthTerminal) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysAuthTerminal) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysBackStage ¶
type MsgSysBackStage struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgSysBackStage represents the MSG_SYS_BACK_STAGE
func (*MsgSysBackStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysBackStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysBackStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysBackStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysBackStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysBackStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCastBinary ¶
type MsgSysCastBinary struct { Unk0 uint16 Unk1 uint16 Type0 uint8 Type1 uint8 RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgSysCastBinary represents the MSG_SYS_CAST_BINARY
func (*MsgSysCastBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCastBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCastBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCastedBinary ¶
MsgSysCastedBinary represents the MSG_SYS_CASTED_BINARY
func (*MsgSysCastedBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastedBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCastedBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastedBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCastedBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCastedBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCheckSemaphore ¶
type MsgSysCheckSemaphore struct{}
MsgSysCheckSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_CHECK_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCheckSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCleanupObject ¶
type MsgSysCleanupObject struct{}
MsgSysCleanupObject represents the MSG_SYS_CLEANUP_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysCleanupObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCleanupObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCleanupObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCleanupObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCleanupObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCleanupObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCloseMutex ¶
type MsgSysCloseMutex struct{}
MsgSysCloseMutex represents the MSG_SYS_CLOSE_MUTEX
func (*MsgSysCloseMutex) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCloseMutex) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCloseMutex) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCloseMutex) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCloseMutex) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCloseMutex) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCollectBinary ¶
type MsgSysCollectBinary struct{}
MsgSysCollectBinary represents the MSG_SYS_COLLECT_BINARY
func (*MsgSysCollectBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCollectBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCollectBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCollectBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCollectBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCollectBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore ¶
MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_ACQUIRE_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateAcquireSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateMutex ¶
type MsgSysCreateMutex struct{}
MsgSysCreateMutex represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_MUTEX
func (*MsgSysCreateMutex) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateMutex) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateMutex) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateMutex) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateMutex) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateMutex) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateObject ¶
MsgSysCreateObject represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysCreateObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateOpenMutex ¶
type MsgSysCreateOpenMutex struct{}
MsgSysCreateOpenMutex represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_OPEN_MUTEX
func (*MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateOpenMutex) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateSemaphore ¶
type MsgSysCreateSemaphore struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 DataSize uint16 RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgSysCreateSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysCreateStage ¶
type MsgSysCreateStage struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Likely only has 1 and 2 as values. PlayerCount uint8 StageID string // NULL terminated string. }
MsgSysCreateStage represents the MSG_SYS_CREATE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysCreateStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysCreateStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysCreateStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysCreateStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDelObject ¶
type MsgSysDelObject struct{}
MsgSysDelObject represents the MSG_SYS_DEL_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysDelObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDelObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDelObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDelObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDelObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDelObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDeleteMutex ¶
type MsgSysDeleteMutex struct{}
MsgSysDeleteMutex represents the MSG_SYS_DELETE_MUTEX
func (*MsgSysDeleteMutex) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteMutex) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDeleteMutex) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteMutex) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDeleteMutex) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteMutex) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDeleteObject ¶
type MsgSysDeleteObject struct {
ObjID uint32
MsgSysDeleteObject represents the MSG_SYS_DELETE_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysDeleteObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDeleteObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDeleteObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDeleteSemaphore ¶
type MsgSysDeleteSemaphore struct {
Unk0 uint32
MsgSysDeleteSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_DELETE_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDeleteUser ¶
type MsgSysDeleteUser struct {
CharID uint32
MsgSysDeleteUser represents the MSG_SYS_DELETE_USER
func (*MsgSysDeleteUser) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteUser) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDeleteUser) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteUser) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDeleteUser) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDeleteUser) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDispObject ¶
type MsgSysDispObject struct{}
MsgSysDispObject represents the MSG_SYS_DISP_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysDispObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDispObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDispObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDispObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDispObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDispObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysDuplicateObject ¶
MsgSysDuplicateObject represents the MSG_SYS_DUPLICATE_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysDuplicateObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysDuplicateObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysDuplicateObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysDuplicateObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysDuplicateObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysDuplicateObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEcho ¶
type MsgSysEcho struct{}
MsgSysEcho represents the MSG_SYS_ECHO
func (*MsgSysEcho) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEcho) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEcho) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEcho) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEcho) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEcho) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEnd ¶
type MsgSysEnd struct{}
MsgSysEnd represents the MSG_SYS_END
type MsgSysEnterStage ¶
MsgSysEnterStage represents the MSG_SYS_ENTER_STAGE
func (*MsgSysEnterStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnterStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEnterStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnterStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEnterStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnterStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEnumerateClient ¶
type MsgSysEnumerateClient struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 1 in the client Unk1 uint8 StageID string }
MsgSysEnumerateClient represents the MSG_SYS_ENUMERATE_CLIENT
func (*MsgSysEnumerateClient) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateClient) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEnumerateClient) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateClient) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEnumerateClient) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateClient) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEnumerateStage ¶
type MsgSysEnumerateStage struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 1 in the binary StageIDLength uint8 StageID string // NULL terminated string. }
MsgSysEnumerateStage represents the MSG_SYS_ENUMERATE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysEnumerateStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEnumerateStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEnumerateStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumerateStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEnumlobby ¶
type MsgSysEnumlobby struct{}
MsgSysEnumlobby represents the MSG_SYS_ENUMLOBBY
func (*MsgSysEnumlobby) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumlobby) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEnumlobby) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumlobby) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEnumlobby) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumlobby) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysEnumuser ¶
type MsgSysEnumuser struct{}
MsgSysEnumuser represents the MSG_SYS_ENUMUSER
func (*MsgSysEnumuser) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumuser) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysEnumuser) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumuser) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysEnumuser) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysEnumuser) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysExtendThreshold ¶
type MsgSysExtendThreshold struct{}
MsgSysExtendThreshold represents the MSG_SYS_EXTEND_THRESHOLD
func (*MsgSysExtendThreshold) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysExtendThreshold) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysExtendThreshold) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysExtendThreshold) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysExtendThreshold) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysExtendThreshold) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetFile ¶
type MsgSysGetFile struct { AckHandle uint32 IsScenario bool Filename string ScenarioIdentifer scenarioFileIdentifer }
MsgSysGetFile represents the MSG_SYS_GET_FILE
func (*MsgSysGetFile) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetFile) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetFile) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetFile) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetFile) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetFile) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetObjectBinary ¶
type MsgSysGetObjectBinary struct{}
MsgSysGetObjectBinary represents the MSG_SYS_GET_OBJECT_BINARY
func (*MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetObjectOwner ¶
type MsgSysGetObjectOwner struct{}
MsgSysGetObjectOwner represents the MSG_SYS_GET_OBJECT_OWNER
func (*MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetObjectOwner) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetStageBinary ¶
type MsgSysGetStageBinary struct { AckHandle uint32 BinaryType0 uint8 BinaryType1 uint8 Unk0 uint32 // Hardcoded 0 StageID string }
MsgSysGetStageBinary represents the MSG_SYS_GET_STAGE_BINARY
func (*MsgSysGetStageBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetStageBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetStageBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetStageBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetStageBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetStageBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetState ¶
type MsgSysGetState struct{}
MsgSysGetState represents the MSG_SYS_GET_STATE
func (*MsgSysGetState) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetState) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetState) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetState) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetState) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetState) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysGetUserBinary ¶
MsgSysGetUserBinary represents the MSG_SYS_GET_USER_BINARY
func (*MsgSysGetUserBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetUserBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysGetUserBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetUserBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysGetUserBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysGetUserBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysHideClient ¶
type MsgSysHideClient struct { Hide bool Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary Unk1 uint8 // Hardcoded 0 in binary }
MsgSysHideClient represents the MSG_SYS_HIDE_CLIENT
func (*MsgSysHideClient) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideClient) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysHideClient) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideClient) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysHideClient) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideClient) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysHideObject ¶
type MsgSysHideObject struct{}
MsgSysHideObject represents the MSG_SYS_HIDE_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysHideObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysHideObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysHideObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysHideObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysInfokyserver ¶
type MsgSysInfokyserver struct{}
MsgSysInfokyserver represents the MSG_SYS_INFOKYSERVER
func (*MsgSysInfokyserver) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysInfokyserver) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysInfokyserver) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysInfokyserver) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysInfokyserver) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysInfokyserver) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysInsertUser ¶
type MsgSysInsertUser struct {
CharID uint32
MsgSysInsertUser represents the MSG_SYS_INSERT_USER
func (*MsgSysInsertUser) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysInsertUser) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysInsertUser) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysInsertUser) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysInsertUser) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysInsertUser) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysIssueLogkey ¶
type MsgSysIssueLogkey struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 00 01 in binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in binary. }
MsgSysIssueLogkey represents the MSG_SYS_ISSUE_LOGKEY
func (*MsgSysIssueLogkey) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysIssueLogkey) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysIssueLogkey) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysIssueLogkey) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysIssueLogkey) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysIssueLogkey) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLeaveStage ¶
type MsgSysLeaveStage struct{}
MsgSysLeaveStage represents the MSG_SYS_LEAVE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysLeaveStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLeaveStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLeaveStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLeaveStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLeaveStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLeaveStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLoadRegister ¶
MsgSysLoadRegister represents the MSG_SYS_LOAD_REGISTER
func (*MsgSysLoadRegister) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLoadRegister) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLoadRegister) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLoadRegister) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLoadRegister) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLoadRegister) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLockGlobalSema ¶
type MsgSysLockGlobalSema struct { AckHandle uint32 UnkIDString0 string ServerChannelIDString string }
MsgSysLockGlobalSema represents the MSG_SYS_LOCK_GLOBAL_SEMA
func (*MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockGlobalSema) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLockStage ¶
type MsgSysLockStage struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 1 in the binary Unk1 uint8 // Hardcoded 1 in the binary StageIDLength uint8 StageID string }
MsgSysLockStage represents the MSG_SYS_LOCK_STAGE
func (*MsgSysLockStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLockStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLockStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLockStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLogin ¶
type MsgSysLogin struct { AckHandle uint32 CharID0 uint32 LoginTokenNumber uint32 HardcodedZero0 uint16 RequestVersion uint16 CharID1 uint32 HardcodedZero1 uint16 LoginTokenStringLength uint16 // Hardcoded to 0x11 LoginTokenString string }
MsgSysLogin represents the MSG_SYS_LOGIN
func (*MsgSysLogin) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogin) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLogin) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogin) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLogin) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogin) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysLogout ¶
type MsgSysLogout struct {
Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 1 in binary
MsgSysLogout represents the MSG_SYS_LOGOUT
func (*MsgSysLogout) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogout) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysLogout) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogout) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysLogout) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysLogout) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysMoveStage ¶
MsgSysMoveStage represents the MSG_SYS_MOVE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysMoveStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysMoveStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysMoveStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysMoveStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysMoveStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysMoveStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysNop ¶
type MsgSysNop struct{}
MsgSysNop represents the MSG_SYS_NOP
type MsgSysNotifyRegister ¶
type MsgSysNotifyRegister struct {
RegisterID uint32
MsgSysNotifyRegister represents the MSG_SYS_NOTIFY_REGISTER
func (*MsgSysNotifyRegister) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyRegister) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysNotifyRegister) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyRegister) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysNotifyRegister) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyRegister) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysNotifyUserBinary ¶
MsgSysNotifyUserBinary represents the MSG_SYS_NOTIFY_USER_BINARY
func (*MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysNotifyUserBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysOpenMutex ¶
type MsgSysOpenMutex struct{}
MsgSysOpenMutex represents the MSG_SYS_OPEN_MUTEX
func (*MsgSysOpenMutex) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysOpenMutex) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysOpenMutex) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysOpenMutex) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysOpenMutex) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysOpenMutex) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysOperateRegister ¶
MsgSysOperateRegister represents the MSG_SYS_OPERATE_REGISTER
func (*MsgSysOperateRegister) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysOperateRegister) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysOperateRegister) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysOperateRegister) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysOperateRegister) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysOperateRegister) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysPing ¶
type MsgSysPing struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgSysPing represents the MSG_SYS_PING
func (*MsgSysPing) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysPing) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysPing) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysPing) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysPing) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysPing) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysPositionObject ¶
MsgSysPositionObject represents the MSG_SYS_POSITION_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysPositionObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysPositionObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysPositionObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysPositionObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysPositionObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysPositionObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysRecordLog ¶
type MsgSysRecordLog struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint32 Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 HardcodedDataSize uint16 // Hardcoded 0x4AC Unk3 uint32 // Some shared ID with MSG_MHF_GET_SEIBATTLE. World ID?? DataBuf []byte }
MsgSysRecordLog represents the MSG_SYS_RECORD_LOG
func (*MsgSysRecordLog) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysRecordLog) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysRecordLog) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysRecordLog) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysRecordLog) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysRecordLog) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReleaseSemaphore ¶
type MsgSysReleaseSemaphore struct {
Unk0 uint32
MsgSysReleaseSemaphore represents the MSG_SYS_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE
func (*MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReleaseSemaphore) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve01 ¶
type MsgSysReserve01 struct{}
MsgSysReserve01 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve01
func (*MsgSysReserve01) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve01) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve01) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve01) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve01) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve01) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve02 ¶
type MsgSysReserve02 struct{}
MsgSysReserve02 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve02
func (*MsgSysReserve02) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve02) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve02) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve02) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve02) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve02) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve03 ¶
type MsgSysReserve03 struct{}
MsgSysReserve03 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve03
func (*MsgSysReserve03) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve03) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve03) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve03) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve03) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve03) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve04 ¶
type MsgSysReserve04 struct{}
MsgSysReserve04 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve04
func (*MsgSysReserve04) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve04) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve04) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve04) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve04) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve04) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve05 ¶
type MsgSysReserve05 struct{}
MsgSysReserve05 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve05
func (*MsgSysReserve05) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve05) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve05) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve05) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve05) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve05) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve06 ¶
type MsgSysReserve06 struct{}
MsgSysReserve06 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve06
func (*MsgSysReserve06) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve06) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve06) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve06) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve06) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve06) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve07 ¶
type MsgSysReserve07 struct{}
MsgSysReserve07 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve07
func (*MsgSysReserve07) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve07) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve07) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve07) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve07) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve07) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve0C ¶
type MsgSysReserve0C struct{}
MsgSysReserve0C represents the MSG_SYS_reserve0C
func (*MsgSysReserve0C) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0C) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve0C) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0C) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve0C) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0C) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve0D ¶
type MsgSysReserve0D struct{}
MsgSysReserve0D represents the MSG_SYS_reserve0D
func (*MsgSysReserve0D) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0D) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve0D) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0D) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve0D) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0D) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve0E ¶
type MsgSysReserve0E struct{}
MsgSysReserve0E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve0E
func (*MsgSysReserve0E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve0E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve0E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve0E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve180 ¶
type MsgSysReserve180 struct{}
MsgSysReserve180 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve180
func (*MsgSysReserve180) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve180) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve180) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve180) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve180) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve180) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve188 ¶
type MsgSysReserve188 struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgSysReserve188 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve188
func (*MsgSysReserve188) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve188) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve188) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve188) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve188) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve188) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve18B ¶
type MsgSysReserve18B struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgSysReserve18B represents the MSG_SYS_reserve18B
func (*MsgSysReserve18B) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18B) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve18B) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18B) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve18B) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18B) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve18E ¶
type MsgSysReserve18E struct{}
MsgSysReserve18E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve18E
func (*MsgSysReserve18E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve18E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve18E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve18F ¶
type MsgSysReserve18F struct{}
MsgSysReserve18F represents the MSG_SYS_reserve18F
func (*MsgSysReserve18F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve18F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve18F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve18F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve192 ¶
type MsgSysReserve192 struct{}
MsgSysReserve192 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve192
func (*MsgSysReserve192) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve192) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve192) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve192) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve192) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve192) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve193 ¶
type MsgSysReserve193 struct{}
MsgSysReserve193 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve193
func (*MsgSysReserve193) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve193) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve193) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve193) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve193) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve193) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve194 ¶
type MsgSysReserve194 struct{}
MsgSysReserve194 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve194
func (*MsgSysReserve194) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve194) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve194) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve194) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve194) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve194) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve19B ¶
type MsgSysReserve19B struct{}
MsgSysReserve19B represents the MSG_SYS_reserve19B
func (*MsgSysReserve19B) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19B) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve19B) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19B) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve19B) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19B) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve19E ¶
type MsgSysReserve19E struct{}
MsgSysReserve19E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve19E
func (*MsgSysReserve19E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve19E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve19E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve19F ¶
type MsgSysReserve19F struct{}
MsgSysReserve19F represents the MSG_SYS_reserve19F
func (*MsgSysReserve19F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve19F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve19F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve19F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve202 ¶
type MsgSysReserve202 struct{}
MsgSysReserve202 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve202
func (*MsgSysReserve202) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve202) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve202) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve202) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve202) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve202) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve203 ¶
type MsgSysReserve203 struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0x0000 in the binary Unk1 uint16 // Hardcoded 0x0500 in the binary. }
MsgSysReserve203 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve203
func (*MsgSysReserve203) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve203) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve203) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve203) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve203) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve203) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve204 ¶
type MsgSysReserve204 struct{}
MsgSysReserve204 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve204
func (*MsgSysReserve204) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve204) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve204) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve204) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve204) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve204) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve205 ¶
type MsgSysReserve205 struct{}
MsgSysReserve205 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve205
func (*MsgSysReserve205) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve205) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve205) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve205) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve205) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve205) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve206 ¶
type MsgSysReserve206 struct{}
MsgSysReserve206 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve206
func (*MsgSysReserve206) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve206) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve206) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve206) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve206) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve206) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve207 ¶
type MsgSysReserve207 struct{}
MsgSysReserve207 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve207
func (*MsgSysReserve207) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve207) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve207) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve207) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve207) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve207) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve208 ¶
type MsgSysReserve208 struct{}
MsgSysReserve208 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve208
func (*MsgSysReserve208) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve208) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve208) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve208) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve208) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve208) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve209 ¶
type MsgSysReserve209 struct{}
MsgSysReserve209 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve209
func (*MsgSysReserve209) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve209) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve209) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve209) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve209) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve209) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20A ¶
type MsgSysReserve20A struct{}
MsgSysReserve20A represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20A
func (*MsgSysReserve20A) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20A) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20A) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20A) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20A) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20A) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20B ¶
type MsgSysReserve20B struct{}
MsgSysReserve20B represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20B
func (*MsgSysReserve20B) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20B) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20B) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20B) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20B) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20B) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20C ¶
type MsgSysReserve20C struct{}
MsgSysReserve20C represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20C
func (*MsgSysReserve20C) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20C) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20C) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20C) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20C) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20C) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20D ¶
type MsgSysReserve20D struct{}
MsgSysReserve20D represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20D
func (*MsgSysReserve20D) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20D) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20D) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20D) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20D) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20D) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20E ¶
type MsgSysReserve20E struct{}
MsgSysReserve20E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20E
func (*MsgSysReserve20E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve20F ¶
type MsgSysReserve20F struct{}
MsgSysReserve20F represents the MSG_SYS_reserve20F
func (*MsgSysReserve20F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve20F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve20F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve20F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4A ¶
type MsgSysReserve4A struct{}
MsgSysReserve4A represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4A
func (*MsgSysReserve4A) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4A) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4A) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4A) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4A) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4A) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4B ¶
type MsgSysReserve4B struct{}
MsgSysReserve4B represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4B
func (*MsgSysReserve4B) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4B) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4B) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4B) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4B) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4B) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4C ¶
type MsgSysReserve4C struct{}
MsgSysReserve4C represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4C
func (*MsgSysReserve4C) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4C) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4C) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4C) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4C) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4C) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4D ¶
type MsgSysReserve4D struct{}
MsgSysReserve4D represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4D
func (*MsgSysReserve4D) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4D) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4D) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4D) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4D) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4D) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4E ¶
type MsgSysReserve4E struct{}
MsgSysReserve4E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4E
func (*MsgSysReserve4E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve4F ¶
type MsgSysReserve4F struct{}
MsgSysReserve4F represents the MSG_SYS_reserve4F
func (*MsgSysReserve4F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve4F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve4F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve4F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve55 ¶
type MsgSysReserve55 struct{}
MsgSysReserve55 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve55
func (*MsgSysReserve55) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve55) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve55) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve55) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve55) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve55) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve56 ¶
type MsgSysReserve56 struct{}
MsgSysReserve56 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve56
func (*MsgSysReserve56) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve56) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve56) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve56) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve56) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve56) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve57 ¶
type MsgSysReserve57 struct{}
MsgSysReserve57 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve57
func (*MsgSysReserve57) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve57) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve57) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve57) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve57) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve57) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve5C ¶
type MsgSysReserve5C struct{}
MsgSysReserve5C represents the MSG_SYS_reserve5C
func (*MsgSysReserve5C) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5C) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve5C) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5C) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve5C) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5C) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve5E ¶
type MsgSysReserve5E struct{}
MsgSysReserve5E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve5E
func (*MsgSysReserve5E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve5E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve5E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve5F ¶
type MsgSysReserve5F struct{}
MsgSysReserve5F represents the MSG_SYS_reserve5F
func (*MsgSysReserve5F) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5F) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve5F) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5F) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve5F) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve5F) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve71 ¶
type MsgSysReserve71 struct{}
MsgSysReserve71 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve71
func (*MsgSysReserve71) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve71) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve71) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve71) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve71) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve71) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve72 ¶
type MsgSysReserve72 struct{}
MsgSysReserve72 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve72
func (*MsgSysReserve72) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve72) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve72) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve72) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve72) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve72) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve73 ¶
type MsgSysReserve73 struct{}
MsgSysReserve73 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve73
func (*MsgSysReserve73) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve73) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve73) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve73) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve73) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve73) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve74 ¶
type MsgSysReserve74 struct{}
MsgSysReserve74 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve74
func (*MsgSysReserve74) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve74) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve74) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve74) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve74) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve74) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve75 ¶
type MsgSysReserve75 struct{}
MsgSysReserve75 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve75
func (*MsgSysReserve75) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve75) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve75) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve75) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve75) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve75) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve76 ¶
type MsgSysReserve76 struct{}
MsgSysReserve76 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve76
func (*MsgSysReserve76) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve76) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve76) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve76) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve76) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve76) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve77 ¶
type MsgSysReserve77 struct{}
MsgSysReserve77 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve77
func (*MsgSysReserve77) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve77) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve77) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve77) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve77) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve77) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve78 ¶
type MsgSysReserve78 struct{}
MsgSysReserve78 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve78
func (*MsgSysReserve78) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve78) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve78) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve78) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve78) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve78) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve79 ¶
type MsgSysReserve79 struct{}
MsgSysReserve79 represents the MSG_SYS_reserve79
func (*MsgSysReserve79) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve79) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve79) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve79) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve79) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve79) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve7A ¶
type MsgSysReserve7A struct{}
MsgSysReserve7A represents the MSG_SYS_reserve7A
func (*MsgSysReserve7A) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7A) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve7A) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7A) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve7A) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7A) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve7B ¶
type MsgSysReserve7B struct{}
MsgSysReserve7B represents the MSG_SYS_reserve7B
func (*MsgSysReserve7B) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7B) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve7B) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7B) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve7B) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7B) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve7C ¶
type MsgSysReserve7C struct{}
MsgSysReserve7C represents the MSG_SYS_reserve7C
func (*MsgSysReserve7C) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7C) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve7C) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7C) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve7C) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7C) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserve7E ¶
type MsgSysReserve7E struct{}
MsgSysReserve7E represents the MSG_SYS_reserve7E
func (*MsgSysReserve7E) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7E) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserve7E) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7E) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserve7E) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserve7E) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysReserveStage ¶
type MsgSysReserveStage struct { AckHandle uint32 Unk0 uint8 // Made with: `16 * x | 1;`, unknown `x` values. StageID string // NULL terminated string. }
MsgSysReserveStage represents the MSG_SYS_RESERVE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysReserveStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserveStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysReserveStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserveStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysReserveStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysReserveStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysRightsReload ¶
type MsgSysRightsReload struct{}
MsgSysRightsReload represents the MSG_SYS_RIGHTS_RELOAD
func (*MsgSysRightsReload) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysRightsReload) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysRightsReload) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysRightsReload) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysRightsReload) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysRightsReload) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysRotateObject ¶
type MsgSysRotateObject struct{}
MsgSysRotateObject represents the MSG_SYS_ROTATE_OBJECT
func (*MsgSysRotateObject) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysRotateObject) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysRotateObject) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysRotateObject) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysRotateObject) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysRotateObject) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSerialize ¶
type MsgSysSerialize struct{}
MsgSysSerialize represents the MSG_SYS_SERIALIZE
func (*MsgSysSerialize) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSerialize) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSerialize) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSerialize) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSerialize) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSerialize) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSetObjectBinary ¶
MsgSysSetObjectBinary represents the MSG_SYS_SET_OBJECT_BINARY
func (*MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetObjectBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSetStageBinary ¶
type MsgSysSetStageBinary struct { BinaryType0 uint8 BinaryType1 uint8 // Index StageID string RawDataPayload []byte }
MsgSysSetStageBinary represents the MSG_SYS_SET_STAGE_BINARY
func (*MsgSysSetStageBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStageBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSetStageBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStageBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSetStageBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStageBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSetStagePass ¶
type MsgSysSetStagePass struct { Unk0 uint8 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary PasswordLength uint8 Password string // NULL-terminated string }
MsgSysSetStagePass represents the MSG_SYS_SET_STAGE_PASS
func (*MsgSysSetStagePass) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStagePass) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSetStagePass) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStagePass) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSetStagePass) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStagePass) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSetStatus ¶
type MsgSysSetStatus struct{}
MsgSysSetStatus represents the MSG_SYS_SET_STATUS
func (*MsgSysSetStatus) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStatus) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSetStatus) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStatus) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSetStatus) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetStatus) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysSetUserBinary ¶
MsgSysSetUserBinary represents the MSG_SYS_SET_USER_BINARY
func (*MsgSysSetUserBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetUserBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysSetUserBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetUserBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysSetUserBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysSetUserBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysStageDestruct ¶
type MsgSysStageDestruct struct{}
MsgSysStageDestruct represents the MSG_SYS_STAGE_DESTRUCT
func (*MsgSysStageDestruct) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysStageDestruct) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysStageDestruct) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysStageDestruct) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysStageDestruct) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysStageDestruct) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysTerminalLog ¶
type MsgSysTerminalLog struct { AckHandle uint32 LogID uint32 // 0 on the first packet, and the server sends back a value to use for subsequent requests. EntryCount uint16 Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary Entries []*TerminalLogEntry }
MsgSysTerminalLog represents the MSG_SYS_TERMINAL_LOG
func (*MsgSysTerminalLog) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysTerminalLog) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysTerminalLog) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysTerminalLog) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysTerminalLog) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysTerminalLog) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysTime ¶
type MsgSysTime struct { GetRemoteTime bool // Ask the other end to send it's time as well. Timestamp uint32 // Unix timestamp, e.g. 1577105879 }
MsgSysTime represents the MSG_SYS_TIME
func (*MsgSysTime) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysTime) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysTime) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysTime) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysTime) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysTime) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysTransBinary ¶
type MsgSysTransBinary struct{}
MsgSysTransBinary represents the MSG_SYS_TRANS_BINARY
func (*MsgSysTransBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysTransBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysTransBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysTransBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysTransBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysTransBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema ¶
type MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema struct {
AckHandle uint32
MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema represents the MSG_SYS_UNLOCK_GLOBAL_SEMA
func (*MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockGlobalSema) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysUnlockStage ¶
type MsgSysUnlockStage struct {
Unk0 uint16 // Hardcoded 0 in the binary.
MsgSysUnlockStage represents the MSG_SYS_UNLOCK_STAGE
func (*MsgSysUnlockStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysUnlockStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysUnlockStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnlockStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysUnreserveStage ¶
type MsgSysUnreserveStage struct { }
MsgSysUnreserveStage represents the MSG_SYS_UNRESERVE_STAGE
func (*MsgSysUnreserveStage) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnreserveStage) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysUnreserveStage) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnreserveStage) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysUnreserveStage) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysUnreserveStage) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary ¶
MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary represents the MSG_SYS_UPDATE_OBJECT_BINARY
func (*MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateObjectBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysUpdateRight ¶
type MsgSysUpdateRight struct { ClientRespAckHandle uint32 // If non-0, requests the client to send back a MSG_SYS_ACK packet with this value. Unk1 uint32 Rights []ClientRight UnkSize uint16 // Count of some buf up to 0x800 bytes following it. }
MsgSysUpdateRight represents the MSG_SYS_UPDATE_RIGHT
func (*MsgSysUpdateRight) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateRight) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysUpdateRight) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateRight) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysUpdateRight) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysUpdateRight) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type MsgSysWaitStageBinary ¶
type MsgSysWaitStageBinary struct { AckHandle uint32 BinaryType0 uint8 BinaryType1 uint8 Unk0 uint32 // Hardcoded 0 StageID string }
MsgSysWaitStageBinary represents the MSG_SYS_WAIT_STAGE_BINARY
func (*MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Build ¶
func (m *MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Build(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Build builds a binary packet from the current data.
func (*MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Opcode ¶
func (m *MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Opcode() network.PacketID
Opcode returns the ID associated with this packet type.
func (*MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Parse ¶
func (m *MsgSysWaitStageBinary) Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parse parses the packet from binary
type OperateGuildAction ¶
type OperateGuildAction uint8
type OperateGuildMemberAction ¶
type OperateGuildMemberAction uint8
type Parser ¶
type Parser interface {
Parse(bf *byteframe.ByteFrame, ctx *clientctx.ClientContext) error
Parser is the interface that wraps the Parse method.
type TerminalLogEntry ¶
type TerminalLogEntry struct {
// Unknown fields
U0, U1, U2, U3, U4, U5, U6, U7, U8 uint32
TerminalLogEntry represents an entry in the MSG_SYS_TERMINAL_LOG packet.
Source Files ¶
- mhfpacket.go
- msg_ca_exchange_item.go
- msg_head.go
- msg_mhf_accept_read_reward.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_cafe_item.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_dist_item.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_exchange_shop.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_festa.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_festa_intermediate_prize.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_festa_personal_prize.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_guild_adventure.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_guild_tresure.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_guild_tresure_souvenir.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_item.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_monthly_item.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_monthly_reward.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_title.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_tournament.go
- msg_mhf_acquire_ud_item.go
- msg_mhf_add_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_add_guild_mission_count.go
- msg_mhf_add_guild_weekly_bonus_exceptional_user.go
- msg_mhf_add_kouryou_point.go
- msg_mhf_add_reward_song_count.go
- msg_mhf_add_ud_point.go
- msg_mhf_add_ud_tactics_point.go
- msg_mhf_announce.go
- msg_mhf_answer_guild_scout.go
- msg_mhf_apply_bbs_article.go
- msg_mhf_apply_campaign.go
- msg_mhf_apply_dist_item.go
- msg_mhf_arrange_guild_member.go
- msg_mhf_cancel_guild_mission_target.go
- msg_mhf_cancel_guild_scout.go
- msg_mhf_caravan_my_rank.go
- msg_mhf_caravan_my_score.go
- msg_mhf_caravan_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_charge_festa.go
- msg_mhf_charge_guild_adventure.go
- msg_mhf_check_daily_cafepoint.go
- msg_mhf_check_monthly_item.go
- msg_mhf_check_weekly_stamp.go
- msg_mhf_contract_mercenary.go
- msg_mhf_create_guild.go
- msg_mhf_create_joint.go
- msg_mhf_create_mercenary.go
- msg_mhf_debug_post_value.go
- msg_mhf_displayed_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_enter_tournament_quest.go
- msg_mhf_entry_festa.go
- msg_mhf_entry_rookie_guild.go
- msg_mhf_entry_tournament.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_airoulist.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_campaign.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_dist_item.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_event.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_festa_intermediate_prize.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_festa_member.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_festa_personal_prize.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_guacot.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_guild.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_guild_item.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_guild_member.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_guild_tresure.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_house.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_inv_guild.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_item.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_mercenary_log.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_order.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_price.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_quest.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_rengoku_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_shop.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_title.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_union_item.go
- msg_mhf_enumerate_warehouse.go
- msg_mhf_exchange_fpoint_2_item.go
- msg_mhf_exchange_item_2_fpoint.go
- msg_mhf_exchange_kouryou_point.go
- msg_mhf_exchange_weekly_stamp.go
- msg_mhf_generate_ud_guild_map.go
- msg_mhf_get_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_get_additional_beat_reward.go
- msg_mhf_get_bbs_sns_status.go
- msg_mhf_get_bbs_user_status.go
- msg_mhf_get_boost_right.go
- msg_mhf_get_boost_time.go
- msg_mhf_get_boost_time_limit.go
- msg_mhf_get_box_gacha_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_break_seibatu_level_reward.go
- msg_mhf_get_ca_achievement_hist.go
- msg_mhf_get_ca_unique_id.go
- msg_mhf_get_cafe_duration.go
- msg_mhf_get_cafe_duration_bonus_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_cog_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_daily_mission_master.go
- msg_mhf_get_daily_mission_personal.go
- msg_mhf_get_dist_description.go
- msg_mhf_get_earth_status.go
- msg_mhf_get_earth_value.go
- msg_mhf_get_enhanced_minidata.go
- msg_mhf_get_equip_skin_hist.go
- msg_mhf_get_etc_points.go
- msg_mhf_get_extra_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_fixed_seibatu_ranking_table.go
- msg_mhf_get_fpoint_exchange_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_gacha_play_history.go
- msg_mhf_get_gacha_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_gem_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_manage_right.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_mission_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_mission_record.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_scout_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_target_member_num.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_tresure_souvenir.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_weekly_bonus_active_count.go
- msg_mhf_get_guild_weekly_bonus_master.go
- msg_mhf_get_keep_login_boost_status.go
- msg_mhf_get_kiju_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_kouryou_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_lobby_crowd.go
- msg_mhf_get_myhouse_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_notice.go
- msg_mhf_get_paper_data.go
- msg_mhf_get_rand_from_table.go
- msg_mhf_get_reject_guild_scout.go
- msg_mhf_get_rengoku_binary.go
- msg_mhf_get_rengoku_ranking_rank.go
- msg_mhf_get_restriction_event.go
- msg_mhf_get_reward_song.go
- msg_mhf_get_ryoudama.go
- msg_mhf_get_seibattle.go
- msg_mhf_get_senyu_daily_count.go
- msg_mhf_get_stepup_status.go
- msg_mhf_get_tenrouirai.go
- msg_mhf_get_tiny_bin.go
- msg_mhf_get_tower_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_trend_weapon.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_bonus_quest_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_daily_present_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_guild_map_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_monster_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_my_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_my_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_norma_present_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_ranking_reward_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_schedule.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_selected_color_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_shop_coin.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_bonus_quest.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_first_quest_bonus.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_follower.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_log.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_remaining_point.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_tactics_reward_list.go
- msg_mhf_get_ud_total_point_info.go
- msg_mhf_get_weekly_schedule.go
- msg_mhf_get_weekly_seibatu_ranking_reward.go
- msg_mhf_guild_huntdata.go
- msg_mhf_info_festa.go
- msg_mhf_info_guild.go
- msg_mhf_info_joint.go
- msg_mhf_info_scenario_counter.go
- msg_mhf_info_tournament.go
- msg_mhf_kick_export_force.go
- msg_mhf_list_mail.go
- msg_mhf_list_member.go
- msg_mhf_load_deco_myset.go
- msg_mhf_load_favorite_quest.go
- msg_mhf_load_guild_adventure.go
- msg_mhf_load_guild_cooking.go
- msg_mhf_load_house.go
- msg_mhf_load_hunter_navi.go
- msg_mhf_load_legend_dispatch.go
- msg_mhf_load_mezfes_data.go
- msg_mhf_load_otomo_airou.go
- msg_mhf_load_partner.go
- msg_mhf_load_plate_box.go
- msg_mhf_load_plate_data.go
- msg_mhf_load_plate_myset.go
- msg_mhf_load_rengoku_data.go
- msg_mhf_load_scenario_data.go
- msg_mhf_loaddata.go
- msg_mhf_mercenary_huntdata.go
- msg_mhf_operate_guild.go
- msg_mhf_operate_guild_member.go
- msg_mhf_operate_guild_tresure_report.go
- msg_mhf_operate_joint.go
- msg_mhf_operate_warehouse.go
- msg_mhf_operation_inv_guild.go
- msg_mhf_opr_member.go
- msg_mhf_oprt_mail.go
- msg_mhf_payment_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_play_box_gacha.go
- msg_mhf_play_free_gacha.go
- msg_mhf_play_normal_gacha.go
- msg_mhf_play_stepup_gacha.go
- msg_mhf_post_boost_time.go
- msg_mhf_post_boost_time_limit.go
- msg_mhf_post_boost_time_quest_return.go
- msg_mhf_post_cafe_duration_bonus_received.go
- msg_mhf_post_gem_info.go
- msg_mhf_post_guild_scout.go
- msg_mhf_post_notice.go
- msg_mhf_post_ryoudama.go
- msg_mhf_post_seibattle.go
- msg_mhf_post_tenrouirai.go
- msg_mhf_post_tiny_bin.go
- msg_mhf_post_tower_info.go
- msg_mhf_present_box.go
- msg_mhf_read_beat_level.go
- msg_mhf_read_beat_level_all_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_read_beat_level_my_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_read_guildcard.go
- msg_mhf_read_last_week_beat_ranking.go
- msg_mhf_read_mail.go
- msg_mhf_read_mercenary_m.go
- msg_mhf_read_mercenary_w.go
- msg_mhf_receive_cafe_duration_bonus.go
- msg_mhf_receive_gacha_item.go
- msg_mhf_regist_guild_adventure.go
- msg_mhf_regist_guild_cooking.go
- msg_mhf_regist_guild_tresure.go
- msg_mhf_regist_spabi_time.go
- msg_mhf_register_event.go
- msg_mhf_release_event.go
- msg_mhf_reserve010f.go
- msg_mhf_reset_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_reset_box_gacha_info.go
- msg_mhf_reset_title.go
- msg_mhf_save_deco_myset.go
- msg_mhf_save_favorite_quest.go
- msg_mhf_save_hunter_navi.go
- msg_mhf_save_mercenary.go
- msg_mhf_save_mezfes_data.go
- msg_mhf_save_otomo_airou.go
- msg_mhf_save_partner.go
- msg_mhf_save_plate_box.go
- msg_mhf_save_plate_data.go
- msg_mhf_save_plate_myset.go
- msg_mhf_save_rengoku_data.go
- msg_mhf_save_scenario_data.go
- msg_mhf_savedata.go
- msg_mhf_send_mail.go
- msg_mhf_server_command.go
- msg_mhf_set_ca_achievement.go
- msg_mhf_set_ca_achievement_hist.go
- msg_mhf_set_daily_mission_personal.go
- msg_mhf_set_enhanced_minidata.go
- msg_mhf_set_guild_manage_right.go
- msg_mhf_set_guild_mission_target.go
- msg_mhf_set_kiju.go
- msg_mhf_set_loginwindow.go
- msg_mhf_set_reject_guild_scout.go
- msg_mhf_set_restriction_event.go
- msg_mhf_set_ud_tactics_follower.go
- msg_mhf_sex_changer.go
- msg_mhf_shut_client.go
- msg_mhf_stampcard_prize.go
- msg_mhf_stampcard_stamp.go
- msg_mhf_start_boost_time.go
- msg_mhf_state_campaign.go
- msg_mhf_state_festa_g.go
- msg_mhf_state_festa_u.go
- msg_mhf_transfer_item.go
- msg_mhf_transit_message.go
- msg_mhf_unreserve_srg.go
- msg_mhf_update_beat_level.go
- msg_mhf_update_cafepoint.go
- msg_mhf_update_equip_skin_hist.go
- msg_mhf_update_etc_point.go
- msg_mhf_update_force_guild_rank.go
- msg_mhf_update_guacot.go
- msg_mhf_update_guild.go
- msg_mhf_update_guild_icon.go
- msg_mhf_update_guild_item.go
- msg_mhf_update_guildcard.go
- msg_mhf_update_house.go
- msg_mhf_update_interior.go
- msg_mhf_update_myhouse_info.go
- msg_mhf_update_union_item.go
- msg_mhf_update_use_trend_weapon_log.go
- msg_mhf_update_warehouse.go
- msg_mhf_use_gacha_point.go
- msg_mhf_use_keep_login_boost.go
- msg_mhf_use_reward_song.go
- msg_mhf_use_ud_shop_coin.go
- msg_mhf_vote_festa.go
- msg_sys_ack.go
- msg_sys_acquire_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_add_object.go
- msg_sys_auth_data.go
- msg_sys_auth_query.go
- msg_sys_auth_terminal.go
- msg_sys_back_stage.go
- msg_sys_cast_binary.go
- msg_sys_casted_binary.go
- msg_sys_check_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_cleanup_object.go
- msg_sys_close_mutex.go
- msg_sys_collect_binary.go
- msg_sys_create_acquire_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_create_mutex.go
- msg_sys_create_object.go
- msg_sys_create_open_mutex.go
- msg_sys_create_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_create_stage.go
- msg_sys_del_object.go
- msg_sys_delete_mutex.go
- msg_sys_delete_object.go
- msg_sys_delete_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_delete_user.go
- msg_sys_disp_object.go
- msg_sys_duplicate_object.go
- msg_sys_echo.go
- msg_sys_end.go
- msg_sys_enter_stage.go
- msg_sys_enumerate_client.go
- msg_sys_enumerate_stage.go
- msg_sys_enumlobby.go
- msg_sys_enumuser.go
- msg_sys_extend_threshold.go
- msg_sys_get_file.go
- msg_sys_get_object_binary.go
- msg_sys_get_object_owner.go
- msg_sys_get_stage_binary.go
- msg_sys_get_state.go
- msg_sys_get_user_binary.go
- msg_sys_hide_client.go
- msg_sys_hide_object.go
- msg_sys_infokyserver.go
- msg_sys_insert_user.go
- msg_sys_issue_logkey.go
- msg_sys_leave_stage.go
- msg_sys_load_register.go
- msg_sys_lock_global_sema.go
- msg_sys_lock_stage.go
- msg_sys_login.go
- msg_sys_logout.go
- msg_sys_move_stage.go
- msg_sys_nop.go
- msg_sys_notify_register.go
- msg_sys_notify_user_binary.go
- msg_sys_open_mutex.go
- msg_sys_operate_register.go
- msg_sys_ping.go
- msg_sys_position_object.go
- msg_sys_record_log.go
- msg_sys_release_semaphore.go
- msg_sys_reserve01.go
- msg_sys_reserve02.go
- msg_sys_reserve03.go
- msg_sys_reserve04.go
- msg_sys_reserve05.go
- msg_sys_reserve06.go
- msg_sys_reserve07.go
- msg_sys_reserve0c.go
- msg_sys_reserve0d.go
- msg_sys_reserve0e.go
- msg_sys_reserve180.go
- msg_sys_reserve188.go
- msg_sys_reserve18b.go
- msg_sys_reserve18e.go
- msg_sys_reserve18f.go
- msg_sys_reserve192.go
- msg_sys_reserve193.go
- msg_sys_reserve194.go
- msg_sys_reserve19b.go
- msg_sys_reserve19e.go
- msg_sys_reserve19f.go
- msg_sys_reserve202.go
- msg_sys_reserve203.go
- msg_sys_reserve204.go
- msg_sys_reserve205.go
- msg_sys_reserve206.go
- msg_sys_reserve207.go
- msg_sys_reserve208.go
- msg_sys_reserve209.go
- msg_sys_reserve20a.go
- msg_sys_reserve20b.go
- msg_sys_reserve20c.go
- msg_sys_reserve20d.go
- msg_sys_reserve20e.go
- msg_sys_reserve20f.go
- msg_sys_reserve4a.go
- msg_sys_reserve4b.go
- msg_sys_reserve4c.go
- msg_sys_reserve4d.go
- msg_sys_reserve4e.go
- msg_sys_reserve4f.go
- msg_sys_reserve55.go
- msg_sys_reserve56.go
- msg_sys_reserve57.go
- msg_sys_reserve5c.go
- msg_sys_reserve5e.go
- msg_sys_reserve5f.go
- msg_sys_reserve71.go
- msg_sys_reserve72.go
- msg_sys_reserve73.go
- msg_sys_reserve74.go
- msg_sys_reserve75.go
- msg_sys_reserve76.go
- msg_sys_reserve77.go
- msg_sys_reserve78.go
- msg_sys_reserve79.go
- msg_sys_reserve7a.go
- msg_sys_reserve7b.go
- msg_sys_reserve7c.go
- msg_sys_reserve7e.go
- msg_sys_reserve_stage.go
- msg_sys_rights_reload.go
- msg_sys_rotate_object.go
- msg_sys_serialize.go
- msg_sys_set_object_binary.go
- msg_sys_set_stage_binary.go
- msg_sys_set_stage_pass.go
- msg_sys_set_status.go
- msg_sys_set_user_binary.go
- msg_sys_stage_destruct.go
- msg_sys_terminal_log.go
- msg_sys_time.go
- msg_sys_trans_binary.go
- msg_sys_unlock_global_sema.go
- msg_sys_unlock_stage.go
- msg_sys_unreserve_stage.go
- msg_sys_update_object_binary.go
- msg_sys_update_right.go
- msg_sys_wait_stage_binary.go
- opcode_to_packet.go