Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func PlotAddTextCentered(DrawList *imgui.DrawList, top_center imgui.Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextCenteredV(DrawList *imgui.DrawList, top_center imgui.Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextVertical(DrawList *imgui.DrawList, pos imgui.Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAddTextVerticalV(DrawList *imgui.DrawList, pos imgui.Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
- func PlotAllAxesInputLocked(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnnotationBool(x float64, y float64, col imgui.Vec4, pix_offset imgui.Vec2, clamp bool)
- func PlotAnnotationBoolV(x float64, y float64, col imgui.Vec4, pix_offset imgui.Vec2, clamp bool, ...)
- func PlotAnnotationStr(x float64, y float64, col imgui.Vec4, pix_offset imgui.Vec2, clamp bool, ...)
- func PlotAnyAxesHeld(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnyAxesHovered(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotAnyAxesInputLocked(axes *PlotAxis, count int32) bool
- func PlotBeginAlignedPlots(group_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV(group_id string, vertical bool) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItem(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV(label_id string, flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot() bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV(flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend() bool
- func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot() bool
- func PlotBeginItem(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, recolor_from PlotCol) bool
- func PlotBeginLegendPopup(label_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginLegendPopupV(label_id string, mouse_button imgui.MouseButton) bool
- func PlotBeginPlot(title_id string) bool
- func PlotBeginPlotV(title_id string, size imgui.Vec2, flags PlotFlags) bool
- func PlotBeginSubplots(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size imgui.Vec2) bool
- func PlotBeginSubplotsV(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size imgui.Vec2, ...) bool
- func PlotBustColorCache()
- func PlotBustColorCacheV(plot_title_id string)
- func PlotBustItemCache()
- func PlotBustPlotCache()
- func PlotCalcHoverColor(col uint32) uint32
- func PlotCalcLegendSize(items *PlotItemGroup, pad imgui.Vec2, spacing imgui.Vec2, vertical bool) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotCalcTextColorU32(bg uint32) uint32
- func PlotCalcTextColorVec4(bg imgui.Vec4) uint32
- func PlotCalcTextSizeVertical(text string) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotCalculateBinsFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, bins_out *int32, ...)
- func PlotCalculateBinsdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32, meth PlotBin, rangeArg PlotRange, ...)
- func PlotCancelPlotSelection()
- func PlotClampLabelPos(pos imgui.Vec2, size imgui.Vec2, Min imgui.Vec2, Max imgui.Vec2) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotClampLegendRect(legend_rect *imgui.Rect, outer_rect imgui.Rect, pad imgui.Vec2) bool
- func PlotColormapButton(label string) bool
- func PlotColormapButtonV(label string, size imgui.Vec2, cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func PlotColormapIcon(cmap PlotColormap)
- func PlotColormapScale(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64)
- func PlotColormapScaleV(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, size imgui.Vec2, ...)
- func PlotColormapSlider(label string, t *float32) bool
- func PlotColormapSliderV(label string, t *float32, out *imgui.Vec4, format string, cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func PlotDestroyContext()
- func PlotDestroyContextV(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotDragLineX(id int32, x *float64, col imgui.Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragLineXV(id int32, x *float64, col imgui.Vec4, thickness float32, ...) bool
- func PlotDragLineY(id int32, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragLineYV(id int32, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4, thickness float32, ...) bool
- func PlotDragPoint(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragPointV(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4, size float32, ...) bool
- func PlotDragRect(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col imgui.Vec4) bool
- func PlotDragRectV(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col imgui.Vec4, ...) bool
- func PlotEndAlignedPlots()
- func PlotEndDragDropSource()
- func PlotEndDragDropTarget()
- func PlotEndItem()
- func PlotEndLegendPopup()
- func PlotEndPlot()
- func PlotEndSubplots()
- func PlotFitPoint(p PlotPoint)
- func PlotFitPointX(x float64)
- func PlotFitPointY(y float64)
- func PlotFitThisFrame() bool
- func PlotFormatDate(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateFmt, use_iso_8601 bool) int32
- func PlotFormatDateTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateTimeSpec) int32
- func PlotFormatTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotTimeFmt, use_24_hr_clk bool) int32
- func PlotFormatterDefault(value float64, buff string, size int32, data uintptr) int32
- func PlotFormatterLogit(value float64, buff string, size int32, noname1 uintptr) int32
- func PlotFormatterTime(noname1 float64, buff string, size int32, data uintptr) int32
- func PlotGetAutoColor(idx PlotCol) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotGetColormapColor(idx int32) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotGetColormapColorU32(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
- func PlotGetColormapColorV(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotGetColormapCount() int32
- func PlotGetColormapName(cmap PlotColormap) string
- func PlotGetColormapSize() int32
- func PlotGetColormapSizeV(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func PlotGetDaysInMonth(year int32, month int32) int32
- func PlotGetLastItemColor() imgui.Vec4
- func PlotGetLocationPos(outer_rect imgui.Rect, inner_size imgui.Vec2, location PlotLocation) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotGetLocationPosV(outer_rect imgui.Rect, inner_size imgui.Vec2, location PlotLocation, ...) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotGetMarkerName(idx PlotMarker) string
- func PlotGetPlotDrawList() *imgui.DrawList
- func PlotGetPlotPos() imgui.Vec2
- func PlotGetPlotSize() imgui.Vec2
- func PlotGetStyleColorName(idx PlotCol) string
- func PlotGetStyleColorU32(idx PlotCol) uint32
- func PlotGetStyleColorVec4(idx PlotCol) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotGetYear(t PlotTime) int32
- func PlotHideNextItem()
- func PlotHideNextItemV(hidden bool, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotImAlmostEqual(v1 float64, v2 float64) bool
- func PlotImAlmostEqualV(v1 float64, v2 float64, ulp int32) bool
- func PlotImAlphaU32(col uint32, alpha float32) uint32
- func PlotImAsinhFloat(x float32) float32
- func PlotImAsinhdouble(x float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainInf(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainLog(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainNan(val float64) float64
- func PlotImConstrainTime(val float64) float64
- func PlotImLerpU32(colors *[]uint32, size int32, t float32) uint32
- func PlotImLog10Float(x float32) float32
- func PlotImLog10double(x float64) float64
- func PlotImMaxArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImMaxArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int16
- func PlotImMaxArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImMaxArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImMaxArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImMaxArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImMaxArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImMaxArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImMaxArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImMaxArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeanU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMeandoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMinArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImMinArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int16
- func PlotImMinArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImMinArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImMinArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImMinArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImMinArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImMinArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImMinArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImMinArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32, min_out *float32, max_out *float32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32, min_out *int16, max_out *int16)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32, min_out *int32, max_out *int32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32, min_out *int64, max_out *int64)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32, min_out *int8, max_out *int8)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32, min_out *uint16, max_out *uint16)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32, min_out *uint32, max_out *uint32)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32, min_out *[]uint64, max_out *[]uint64)
- func PlotImMinMaxArrayU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32, min_out *byte, max_out *byte)
- func PlotImMinMaxArraydoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32, min_out *float64, max_out *float64)
- func PlotImMixU32(a uint32, b uint32, s uint32) uint32
- func PlotImNan(val float64) bool
- func PlotImNanOrInf(val float64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsFloat(min_a float32, max_a float32, min_b float32, max_b float32) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS16(min_a int16, max_a int16, min_b int16, max_b int16) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS32(min_a int, max_a int, min_b int, max_b int) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS64(min_a int64, max_a int64, min_b int64, max_b int64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsS8(min_a int, max_a int, min_b int, max_b int) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU16(min_a uint16, max_a uint16, min_b uint16, max_b uint16) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU32(min_a uint32, max_a uint32, min_b uint32, max_b uint32) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU64(min_a uint64, max_a uint64, min_b uint64, max_b uint64) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsU8(min_a byte, max_a byte, min_b byte, max_b byte) bool
- func PlotImOverlapsdouble(min_a float64, max_a float64, min_b float64, max_b float64) bool
- func PlotImPosMod(l int32, r int32) int32
- func PlotImRemap01Float(x float32, x0 float32, x1 float32) float32
- func PlotImRemap01S16(x int16, x0 int16, x1 int16) int16
- func PlotImRemap01S32(x int, x0 int, x1 int) int
- func PlotImRemap01S64(x int64, x0 int64, x1 int64) int64
- func PlotImRemap01S8(x int, x0 int, x1 int) int
- func PlotImRemap01U16(x uint16, x0 uint16, x1 uint16) uint16
- func PlotImRemap01U32(x uint32, x0 uint32, x1 uint32) uint32
- func PlotImRemap01U64(x uint64, x0 uint64, x1 uint64) uint64
- func PlotImRemap01U8(x byte, x0 byte, x1 byte) byte
- func PlotImRemap01double(x float64, x0 float64, x1 float64) float64
- func PlotImRemapFloat(x float32, x0 float32, x1 float32, y0 float32, y1 float32) float32
- func PlotImRemapS16(x int16, x0 int16, x1 int16, y0 int16, y1 int16) int16
- func PlotImRemapS32(x int, x0 int, x1 int, y0 int, y1 int) int
- func PlotImRemapS64(x int64, x0 int64, x1 int64, y0 int64, y1 int64) int64
- func PlotImRemapS8(x int, x0 int, x1 int, y0 int, y1 int) int
- func PlotImRemapU16(x uint16, x0 uint16, x1 uint16, y0 uint16, y1 uint16) uint16
- func PlotImRemapU32(x uint32, x0 uint32, x1 uint32, y0 uint32, y1 uint32) uint32
- func PlotImRemapU64(x uint64, x0 uint64, x1 uint64, y0 uint64, y1 uint64) uint64
- func PlotImRemapU8(x byte, x0 byte, x1 byte, y0 byte, y1 byte) byte
- func PlotImRemapdouble(x float64, x0 float64, x1 float64, y0 float64, y1 float64) float64
- func PlotImSinhFloat(x float32) float32
- func PlotImSinhdouble(x float64) float64
- func PlotImStdDevFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotImStdDevdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotImSumFloatPtr(values []float32, count int32) float32
- func PlotImSumS16Ptr(values *[]int, count int32) int16
- func PlotImSumS32Ptr(values *[]int32, count int32) int
- func PlotImSumS64Ptr(values []int64, count int32) int64
- func PlotImSumS8Ptr(values *[]int8, count int32) int
- func PlotImSumU16Ptr(values *[]uint16, count int32) uint16
- func PlotImSumU32Ptr(values *[]uint32, count int32) uint32
- func PlotImSumU64Ptr(values []uint64, count int32) uint64
- func PlotImSumU8Ptr(values *[]byte, count int32) byte
- func PlotImSumdoublePtr(values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotInitialize(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotIntersection(a1 imgui.Vec2, a2 imgui.Vec2, b1 imgui.Vec2, b2 imgui.Vec2) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotIsAxisHovered(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
- func PlotIsColorAutoPlotCol(idx PlotCol) bool
- func PlotIsColorAutoVec4(col imgui.Vec4) bool
- func PlotIsLeapYear(year int32) bool
- func PlotIsLegendEntryHovered(label_id string) bool
- func PlotIsPlotHovered() bool
- func PlotIsPlotSelected() bool
- func PlotIsSubplotsHovered() bool
- func PlotItemIconU32(col uint32)
- func PlotItemIconVec4(col imgui.Vec4)
- func PlotLabelAxisValue(axis PlotAxis, value float64, buff string, size int32)
- func PlotLabelAxisValueV(axis PlotAxis, value float64, buff string, size int32, round bool)
- func PlotMapInputDefault()
- func PlotMapInputDefaultV(dst *PlotInputMap)
- func PlotMapInputReverse()
- func PlotMapInputReverseV(dst *PlotInputMap)
- func PlotNextColormapColor() imgui.Vec4
- func PlotNextColormapColorU32() uint32
- func PlotNiceNum(x float64, round bool) float64
- func PlotOrderOfMagnitude(val float64) int32
- func PlotOrderToPrecision(order int32) int32
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtr(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64Ptr(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8Ptr(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtr(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64)
- func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotDummy(label_id string)
- func PlotPlotDummyV(label_id string, flags PlotDummyFlags)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrInt(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32)
- func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, x_bins int32, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32) float64
- func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, ...) float64
- func PlotPlotImage(label_id string, user_texture_id imgui.TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, ...)
- func PlotPlotImageV(label_id string, user_texture_id imgui.TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtr(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS64Ptr(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU16Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU32Ptr(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU64Ptr(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU8Ptr(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtr(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrStr(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrStr(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrStr(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrStr(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrInt(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrInt(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrInt(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtr(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrInt(label_id string, values []float32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrInt(label_id string, values []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64Ptr(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrInt(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64Ptr(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrInt(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8Ptr(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrInt(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtr(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32)
- func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, ...)
- func PlotPlotText(text string, x float64, y float64)
- func PlotPlotTextV(text string, x float64, y float64, pix_offset imgui.Vec2, flags PlotTextFlags)
- func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoInt(plt PlotPoint) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV(plt PlotPoint, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsdouble(x float64, y float64) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV(x float64, y float64, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) imgui.Vec2
- func PlotPopColormap()
- func PlotPopColormapV(count int32)
- func PlotPopPlotClipRect()
- func PlotPopStyleColor()
- func PlotPopStyleColorV(count int32)
- func PlotPopStyleVar()
- func PlotPopStyleVarV(count int32)
- func PlotPrecision(val float64) int32
- func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap(cmap PlotColormap)
- func PlotPushColormapStr(name string)
- func PlotPushPlotClipRect()
- func PlotPushPlotClipRectV(expand float32)
- func PlotPushStyleColorU32(idx PlotCol, col uint32)
- func PlotPushStyleColorVec4(idx PlotCol, col imgui.Vec4)
- func PlotPushStyleVarFloat(idx PlotStyleVar, val float32)
- func PlotPushStyleVarInt(idx PlotStyleVar, val int32)
- func PlotPushStyleVarVec2(idx PlotStyleVar, val imgui.Vec2)
- func PlotRangesOverlap(r1 PlotRange, r2 PlotRange) bool
- func PlotRenderColorBar(colors *[]uint32, size int32, DrawList *imgui.DrawList, bounds imgui.Rect, ...)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotRoundTo(val float64, prec int32) float64
- func PlotSampleColormap(t float32) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotSampleColormapU32(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
- func PlotSampleColormapV(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) imgui.Vec4
- func PlotSetAxes(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetCurrentContext(ctx *PlotContext)
- func PlotSetImGuiContext(ctx *imgui.Context)
- func PlotSetNextAxesLimits(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetNextAxesToFit()
- func PlotSetNextAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetNextAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
- func PlotSetNextAxisToFit(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle()
- func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV(col imgui.Vec4, size float32, weight float32)
- func PlotSetNextFillStyle()
- func PlotSetNextFillStyleV(col imgui.Vec4, alpha_mod float32)
- func PlotSetNextLineStyle()
- func PlotSetNextLineStyleV(col imgui.Vec4, weight float32)
- func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle()
- func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV(marker PlotMarker, size float32, fill imgui.Vec4, weight float32, ...)
- func PlotSetupAxes(x_label string, y_label string)
- func PlotSetupAxesLimits(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetupAxesV(x_label string, y_label string, x_flags PlotAxisFlags, y_flags PlotAxisFlags)
- func PlotSetupAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
- func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr(axis PlotAxisEnum, fmt string)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
- func PlotSetupAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
- func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale(axis PlotAxisEnum, scale PlotScale)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, ...)
- func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32, ...)
- func PlotSetupAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, label string, flags PlotAxisFlags)
- func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, z_min float64, z_max float64)
- func PlotSetupFinish()
- func PlotSetupLegend(location PlotLocation)
- func PlotSetupLegendV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotLegendFlags)
- func PlotSetupLock()
- func PlotSetupMouseText(location PlotLocation)
- func PlotSetupMouseTextV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotMouseTextFlags)
- func PlotShowAltLegend(title_id string)
- func PlotShowAltLegendV(title_id string, vertical bool, size imgui.Vec2, interactable bool)
- func PlotShowAxisContextMenu(axis *PlotAxis, equal_axis *PlotAxis)
- func PlotShowAxisContextMenuV(axis *PlotAxis, equal_axis *PlotAxis, time_allowed bool)
- func PlotShowColormapSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowDatePicker(id string, level *int32, t *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowDatePickerV(id string, level *int32, t *PlotTime, t1 *PlotTime, t2 *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowDemoWindow()
- func PlotShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
- func PlotShowInputMapSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowLegendContextMenu(legend *PlotLegend, visible bool) bool
- func PlotShowLegendEntries(items *PlotItemGroup, legend_bb imgui.Rect, interactable bool, pad imgui.Vec2, ...) bool
- func PlotShowMetricsWindow()
- func PlotShowMetricsWindowV(p_popen *bool)
- func PlotShowPlotContextMenu(plot *PlotPlot)
- func PlotShowStyleEditor()
- func PlotShowStyleEditorV(ref *PlotStyle)
- func PlotShowStyleSelector(label string) bool
- func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu(subplot *PlotSubplot)
- func PlotShowTimePicker(id string, t *PlotTime) bool
- func PlotShowUserGuide()
- func PlotStyleColorsAuto()
- func PlotStyleColorsAutoV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsClassic()
- func PlotStyleColorsClassicV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsDark()
- func PlotStyleColorsDarkV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotStyleColorsLight()
- func PlotStyleColorsLightV(dst *PlotStyle)
- func PlotSubplotNextCell()
- func PlotTagXBool(x float64, col imgui.Vec4)
- func PlotTagXBoolV(x float64, col imgui.Vec4, round bool)
- func PlotTagXStr(x float64, col imgui.Vec4, fmt string)
- func PlotTagYBool(y float64, col imgui.Vec4)
- func PlotTagYBoolV(y float64, col imgui.Vec4, round bool)
- func PlotTagYStr(y float64, col imgui.Vec4, fmt string)
- func PlotTransformForwardLog10(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- func PlotTransformForwardLogit(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- func PlotTransformForwardSymLog(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseLog10(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseLogit(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- func PlotTransformInverseSymLog(v float64, noname1 uintptr) float64
- type FormatterTimeData
- func (self FormatterTimeData) C() (C.Formatter_Time_Data, func())
- func (self *FormatterTimeData) Handle() (result *C.Formatter_Time_Data, fin func())
- func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetSpec() PlotDateTimeSpec
- func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetTime() PlotTime
- func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetUserFormatterData() uintptr
- type PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Begin()
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) C() (C.ImPlotAlignmentData, func())
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) End()
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAlignmentData, fin func())
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadA() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadB() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Reset()
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical(v bool)
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Update(pad_a *float32, pad_b *float32, delta_a *float32, delta_b *float32)
- func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Vertical() bool
- type PlotAnnotation
- func (self PlotAnnotation) C() (C.ImPlotAnnotation, func())
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Clamp() bool
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorFg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAnnotation, fin func())
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Offset() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) Pos() imgui.Vec2
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetClamp(v bool)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetOffset(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetPos(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotAnnotation) TextOffset() int32
- type PlotAnnotationCollection
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations() datautils.Vector[*PlotAnnotation]
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Append(pos imgui.Vec2, off imgui.Vec2, bg uint32, fg uint32, clamp bool, fmt string)
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) C() (C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection, func())
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection, fin func())
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset()
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAnnotation])
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize(v int32)
- func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Size() int32
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Text(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
- type PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotAxis) ApplyFit(padding float32)
- func (self *PlotAxis) Aspect() float64
- func (self PlotAxis) C() (C.ImPlotAxis, func())
- func (self *PlotAxis) CanInitFit() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorAct() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorHiLi() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorHov() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorMaj() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorMin() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorTick() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) ColorTxt() uint32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Constrain()
- func (self *PlotAxis) ConstraintRange() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) ConstraintZoom() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) Datum1() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Datum2() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Enabled() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ExtendFit(v float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) ExtendFitWith(alt *PlotAxis, v float64, v_alt float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) FitExtents() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) FitThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Flags() PlotAxisFlags
- func (self *PlotAxis) FormatSpec() [16]rune
- func (self *PlotAxis) FormatterData() uintptr
- func (self *PlotAxis) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAxis, fin func())
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasFormatSpec() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasGridLines() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasLabel() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasMenus() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasRange() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasTickLabels() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HasTickMarks() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) HoverRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotAxis) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) ID() imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsAutoFitting() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsForeground() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMax() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMin() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsInverted() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLockedMax() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsLockedMin() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsOpposite() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsPanLocked(increasing bool) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) IsRangeLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) LabelOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotAxis) LinkedMax() *float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) LinkedMin() *float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) OrthoAxis() *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerLevel() int32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerTimeMax() PlotTime
- func (self *PlotAxis) PickerTimeMin() PlotTime
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelMax() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelMin() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelSize() float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PixelsToPlot(pix float32) float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) PlotToPixels(plt float64) float32
- func (self *PlotAxis) PreviousFlags() PlotAxisFlags
- func (self *PlotAxis) PullLinks()
- func (self *PlotAxis) PushLinks()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Range() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotAxis) RangeCond() PlotCond
- func (self *PlotAxis) Reset()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Scale() PlotScale
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleMax() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleMin() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) ScaleToPixel() float64
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetAspect(unit_per_pix float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorAct(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorHiLi(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorHov(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorMaj(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorMin(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorTick(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetColorTxt(v uint32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetConstraintRange(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetConstraintZoom(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetDatum1(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetDatum2(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetEnabled(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFitExtents(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFitThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFormatSpec(v *[16]rune)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetFormatterData(v uintptr)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHasFormatSpec(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHasRange(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHoverRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetID(v imgui.ID)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLabelOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLinkedMax(v *float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetLinkedMin(v *float64)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMax(_max float64) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMaxV(_max float64, force bool) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMin(_min float64) bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetMinV(_min float64, force bool) bool
- func (self PlotAxis) SetOrthoAxis(v *PlotAxis)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerLevel(v int32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMax(v PlotTime)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMin(v PlotTime)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPixelMax(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPixelMin(v float32)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetRange(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetRangeCond(v PlotCond)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetRangePlotRange(rangeArg PlotRange)
- func (self *PlotAxis) SetRangedouble(v1 float64, v2 float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScale(v PlotScale)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleMax(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleMin(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetScaleToPixel(v float64)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetShowDefaultTicks(v bool)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetTicker(v PlotTicker)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetTransformData(v uintptr)
- func (self PlotAxis) SetVertical(v bool)
- func (self *PlotAxis) ShowDefaultTicks() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) Ticker() PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotAxis) TransformData() uintptr
- func (self *PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache()
- func (self *PlotAxis) Vertical() bool
- func (self *PlotAxis) WillRender() bool
- type PlotAxisColor
- type PlotAxisEnum
- type PlotAxisFlags
- type PlotBarGroupsFlags
- type PlotBarsFlags
- type PlotBin
- type PlotCol
- type PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr(name string, cols *imgui.Vec4, size int32) PlotColormap
- func PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV(name string, cols *imgui.Vec4, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
- func PlotGetColormapIndex(name string) PlotColormap
- type PlotColormapData
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Append(name string, keys *[]uint32, count int32, qual bool) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) AppendTable(cmap PlotColormap)
- func (self PlotColormapData) C() (C.ImPlotColormapData, func())
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Count() int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotColormapData, fin func())
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Index(name string) PlotColormap
- func (self *PlotColormapData) IsQual(cmap PlotColormap) bool
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCount(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCounts() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Keys(cmap PlotColormap) *uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) LerpTable(cmap PlotColormap, t float32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Map() imgui.Storage
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Name(cmap PlotColormap) string
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Quals() datautils.Vector[*bool]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) RebuildTables()
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetCount(v int32)
- func (self *PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32, value uint32)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeys(v datautils.Vector[*uint32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetMap(v imgui.Storage)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetQuals(v datautils.Vector[*bool])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTables(v datautils.Vector[*uint32])
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetText(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Table(cmap PlotColormap) *uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSize(cmap PlotColormap) int32
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSizes() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Tables() datautils.Vector[*uint32]
- func (self *PlotColormapData) Text() imgui.TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotColormapData) TextOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- type PlotColormapScaleFlags
- type PlotCond
- type PlotContext
- func (self *PlotContext) Annotations() PlotAnnotationCollection
- func (self PlotContext) C() (C.ImPlotContext, func())
- func (self *PlotContext) CTicker() PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotContext) ColorModifiers() datautils.Vector[*imgui.ColorMod]
- func (self *PlotContext) ColormapData() PlotColormapData
- func (self *PlotContext) ColormapModifiers() datautils.Vector[*PlotColormap]
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH() *PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV() *PlotAlignmentData
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItem() *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItems() *PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
- func (self *PlotContext) CurrentSubplot() *PlotSubplot
- func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt() int32
- func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotContext) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotContext, fin func())
- func (self *PlotContext) InputMap() PlotInputMap
- func (self *PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder() imgui.TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotContext) NextItemData() PlotNextItemData
- func (self *PlotContext) NextPlotData() PlotNextPlotData
- func (self *PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotContext) PreviousItem() *PlotItem
- func (self PlotContext) SetAnnotations(v PlotAnnotationCollection)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCTicker(v PlotTicker)
- func (self PlotContext) SetColorModifiers(v datautils.Vector[*imgui.ColorMod])
- func (self PlotContext) SetColormapData(v PlotColormapData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH(v *PlotAlignmentData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV(v *PlotAlignmentData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItem(v *PlotItem)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot(v *PlotPlot)
- func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot(v *PlotSubplot)
- func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt(v int32)
- func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotContext) SetInputMap(v PlotInputMap)
- func (self PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotContext) SetNextItemData(v PlotNextItemData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetNextPlotData(v PlotNextPlotData)
- func (self PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotContext) SetPreviousItem(v *PlotItem)
- func (self PlotContext) SetSortItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotContext) SetStyle(v PlotStyle)
- func (self PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers(v datautils.Vector[*imgui.StyleMod])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTags(v PlotTagCollection)
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble1(v datautils.Vector[*float64])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble2(v datautils.Vector[*float64])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTempInt1(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotContext) SetTm(v Tm)
- func (self *PlotContext) SortItems() *PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotContext) Style() PlotStyle
- func (self *PlotContext) StyleModifiers() datautils.Vector[*imgui.StyleMod]
- func (self *PlotContext) Tags() PlotTagCollection
- func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble1() datautils.Vector[*float64]
- func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble2() datautils.Vector[*float64]
- func (self *PlotContext) TempInt1() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotContext) Tm() Tm
- type PlotDateFmt
- type PlotDateTimeSpec
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) C() (C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec, func())
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Date() PlotDateFmt
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec, fin func())
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate(v PlotDateFmt)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime(v PlotTimeFmt)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
- func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Time() PlotTimeFmt
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock() bool
- func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601() bool
- type PlotDigitalFlags
- type PlotDragToolFlags
- type PlotDummyFlags
- type PlotErrorBarsFlags
- type PlotFlags
- type PlotHeatmapFlags
- type PlotHistogramFlags
- type PlotImageFlags
- type PlotInfLinesFlags
- type PlotInputMap
- func (self PlotInputMap) C() (C.ImPlotInputMap, func())
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Fit() imgui.MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotInputMap, fin func())
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Menu() imgui.MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) OverrideMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Pan() imgui.MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) PanMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) Select() imgui.MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectCancel() imgui.MouseButton
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod() int32
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetFit(v imgui.MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetMenu(v imgui.MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetPan(v imgui.MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetPanMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelect(v imgui.MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel(v imgui.MouseButton)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod(v int32)
- func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate(v float32)
- func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomMod() int32
- func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomRate() float32
- type PlotItem
- func NewPlotItem() *PlotItem
- func NewPlotItemFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotItem
- func PlotGetCurrentItem() *PlotItem
- func PlotGetItem(label_id string) *PlotItem
- func PlotRegisterOrGetItem(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags) *PlotItem
- func PlotRegisterOrGetItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, just_created *bool) *PlotItem
- func (self PlotItem) C() (C.ImPlotItem, func())
- func (self *PlotItem) Color() uint32
- func (self *PlotItem) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotItem) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotItem, fin func())
- func (self *PlotItem) ID() imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotItem) LegendHoverRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotItem) LegendHovered() bool
- func (self *PlotItem) NameOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotItem) SeenThisFrame() bool
- func (self PlotItem) SetColor(v uint32)
- func (self PlotItem) SetID(v imgui.ID)
- func (self PlotItem) SetLegendHoverRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotItem) SetLegendHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotItem) SetNameOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotItem) SetSeenThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotItem) SetShow(v bool)
- func (self *PlotItem) Show() bool
- type PlotItemFlags
- type PlotItemGroup
- func (self PlotItemGroup) C() (C.ImPlotItemGroup, func())
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotItemGroup, fin func())
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ID() imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByID(id imgui.ID) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex(i int32) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemCount() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemID(label_id string) imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex(item *PlotItem) int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemStr(label_id string) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Legend() PlotLegend
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendCount() int32
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendItem(i int32) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel(i int32) string
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) OrAddItem(id imgui.ID) *PlotItem
- func (self *PlotItemGroup) Reset()
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetID(v imgui.ID)
- func (self PlotItemGroup) SetLegend(v PlotLegend)
- type PlotLegend
- func (self PlotLegend) C() (C.ImPlotLegend, func())
- func (self *PlotLegend) CanGoInside() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotLegend) Flags() PlotLegendFlags
- func (self *PlotLegend) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotLegend, fin func())
- func (self *PlotLegend) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotLegend) Indices() datautils.Vector[*int32]
- func (self *PlotLegend) Labels() imgui.TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotLegend) Location() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousFlags() PlotLegendFlags
- func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousLocation() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotLegend) Rect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotLegend) RectClamped() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotLegend) Reset()
- func (self *PlotLegend) Scroll() imgui.Vec2
- func (self PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetIndices(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
- func (self PlotLegend) SetLabels(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetRectClamped(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotLegend) SetScroll(v imgui.Vec2)
- type PlotLegendFlags
- type PlotLineFlags
- type PlotLocation
- type PlotMarker
- type PlotMouseTextFlags
- type PlotNextItemData
- func (self PlotNextItemData) C() (C.ImPlotNextItemData, func())
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Colors() [5]imgui.Vec4
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotNextItemData, fin func())
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) HasHidden() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Hidden() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond() PlotCond
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) LineWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Marker() PlotMarker
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderFill() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderLine() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine() bool
- func (self *PlotNextItemData) Reset()
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetColors(v *[5]imgui.Vec4)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHidden(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond(v PlotCond)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarker(v PlotMarker)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill(v bool)
- func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine(v bool)
- type PlotNextPlotData
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) C() (C.ImPlotNextPlotData, func())
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Fit() [6]bool
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotNextPlotData, fin func())
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) HasRange() [6]bool
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMax() [6]*float64
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMin() [6]*float64
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Range() [6]PlotRange
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) RangeCond() [6]PlotCond
- func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Reset()
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetFit(v *[6]bool)
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetHasRange(v *[6]bool)
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMax(v *[6]*float64)
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMin(v *[6]*float64)
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetRange(v *[6]PlotRange)
- func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetRangeCond(v *[6]PlotCond)
- type PlotPieChartFlags
- type PlotPlot
- func (self *PlotPlot) Axes() [6]PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) AxesRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) AxisLabel(axis PlotAxis) string
- func (self PlotPlot) C() (C.ImPlotPlot, func())
- func (self *PlotPlot) CanvasRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer()
- func (self *PlotPlot) ContextLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentX() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentY() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self *PlotPlot) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotPlot) EnabledAxesX() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) EnabledAxesY() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) FitThisFrame() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Flags() PlotFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) FrameRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotPlot, fin func())
- func (self *PlotPlot) HasTitle() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Held() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Hovered() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) ID() imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotPlot) Initialized() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) IsInputLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Items() PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotPlot) JustCreated() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags() PlotMouseTextFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation() PlotLocation
- func (self *PlotPlot) PlotRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) PreviousFlags() PlotFlags
- func (self *PlotPlot) SelectRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotPlot) SelectStart() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotPlot) Selected() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) Selecting() bool
- func (self PlotPlot) SetAxes(v *[6]PlotAxis)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetAxesRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetAxisLabel(axis *PlotAxis, label string)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCanvasRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetContextLocked(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentX(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentY(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFitThisFrame(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFlags(v PlotFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetFrameRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetHeld(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetID(v imgui.ID)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetInitialized(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetJustCreated(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags(v PlotMouseTextFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation(v PlotLocation)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetPlotRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotFlags)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelectRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelectStart(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelected(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSelecting(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetSetupLocked(v bool)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetTitle(title string)
- func (self PlotPlot) SetTitleOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotPlot) SetupLocked() bool
- func (self *PlotPlot) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotPlot) Title() string
- func (self *PlotPlot) TitleOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotPlot) XAxis(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) XAxisconst(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) YAxis(i int32) *PlotAxis
- func (self *PlotPlot) YAxisconst(i int32) *PlotAxis
- type PlotPoint
- func NewPlotPoint(x, y float64) PlotPoint
- func PlotGetPlotMousePos() PlotPoint
- func PlotGetPlotMousePosV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotFloat(x float32, y float32) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV(x float32, y float32, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2(pix imgui.Vec2) PlotPoint
- func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V(pix imgui.Vec2, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
- type PlotPointError
- func (self PlotPointError) C() (C.ImPlotPointError, func())
- func (self *PlotPointError) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotPointError) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotPointError, fin func())
- func (self *PlotPointError) Neg() float64
- func (self *PlotPointError) Pos() float64
- func (self PlotPointError) SetNeg(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetPos(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetX(v float64)
- func (self PlotPointError) SetY(v float64)
- func (self *PlotPointError) X() float64
- func (self *PlotPointError) Y() float64
- type PlotRange
- func (self PlotRange) C() (C.ImPlotRange, func())
- func (self *PlotRange) Clamp(value float64) float64
- func (self *PlotRange) Contains(value float64) bool
- func (self *PlotRange) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotRange) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotRange, fin func())
- func (self *PlotRange) Max() float64
- func (self *PlotRange) Min() float64
- func (self PlotRange) SetMax(v float64)
- func (self PlotRange) SetMin(v float64)
- func (self *PlotRange) Size() float64
- type PlotRect
- func NewPlotRectFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotRect
- func NewPlotRectNil() *PlotRect
- func NewPlotRectdouble(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64) *PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotLimits() PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotLimitsV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotSelection() PlotRect
- func PlotGetPlotSelectionV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
- func (self PlotRect) C() (C.ImPlotRect, func())
- func (self *PlotRect) ClampPlotPoInt(p PlotPoint) PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) Clampdouble(x float64, y float64) PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) ContainsPlotPoInt(p PlotPoint) bool
- func (self *PlotRect) Containsdouble(x float64, y float64) bool
- func (self *PlotRect) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotRect) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotRect, fin func())
- func (self *PlotRect) Max() PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) Min() PlotPoint
- func (self PlotRect) SetX(v PlotRange)
- func (self PlotRect) SetY(v PlotRange)
- func (self *PlotRect) Size() PlotPoint
- func (self *PlotRect) X() PlotRange
- func (self *PlotRect) Y() PlotRange
- type PlotScale
- type PlotScatterFlags
- type PlotShadedFlags
- type PlotStairsFlags
- type PlotStemsFlags
- type PlotStyle
- func (self *PlotStyle) AnnotationPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self PlotStyle) C() (C.ImPlotStyle, func())
- func (self *PlotStyle) Colormap() PlotColormap
- func (self *PlotStyle) Colors() [21]imgui.Vec4
- func (self *PlotStyle) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotStyle) DigitalBitGap() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) DigitalBitHeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) ErrorBarSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) ErrorBarWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) FillAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) FitPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotStyle, fin func())
- func (self *PlotStyle) LabelPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendInnerPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LegendSpacing() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) LineWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorGridSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorTickLen() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MajorTickSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) Marker() int32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MarkerSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MarkerWeight() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorAlpha() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorGridSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorTickLen() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MinorTickSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) MousePosPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotBorderSize() float32
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotDefaultSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotMinSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotStyle) PlotPadding() imgui.Vec2
- func (self PlotStyle) SetAnnotationPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetColormap(v PlotColormap)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetColors(v *[21]imgui.Vec4)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetFitPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLabelPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendInnerPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLegendSpacing(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetLineWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorGridSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorTickLen(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMajorTickSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarker(v int32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorAlpha(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorGridSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorTickLen(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMinorTickSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetMousePosPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotBorderSize(v float32)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotDefaultSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotMinSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetPlotPadding(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
- func (self PlotStyle) SetUseLocalTime(v bool)
- func (self *PlotStyle) Use24HourClock() bool
- func (self *PlotStyle) UseISO8601() bool
- func (self *PlotStyle) UseLocalTime() bool
- type PlotStyleVar
- type PlotSubplot
- func (self PlotSubplot) C() (C.ImPlotSubplot, func())
- func (self *PlotSubplot) CellSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData() datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColLinkData() datautils.Vector[*PlotRange]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ColRatios() datautils.Vector[*float32]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Cols() int32
- func (self *PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx() int32
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Flags() PlotSubplotFlags
- func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameHovered() bool
- func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotSubplot) GridRect() imgui.Rect
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotSubplot, fin func())
- func (self *PlotSubplot) HasTitle() bool
- func (self *PlotSubplot) ID() imgui.ID
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Items() PlotItemGroup
- func (self *PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags() PlotSubplotFlags
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData() datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowLinkData() datautils.Vector[*PlotRange]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) RowRatios() datautils.Vector[*float32]
- func (self *PlotSubplot) Rows() int32
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCellSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotRange])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetColRatios(v datautils.Vector[*float32])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCols(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered(v bool)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetGridRect(v imgui.Rect)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle(v bool)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetID(v imgui.ID)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotRange])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios(v datautils.Vector[*float32])
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetRows(v int32)
- func (self PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes(v *[2]float32)
- func (self *PlotSubplot) TempSizes() [2]float32
- type PlotSubplotFlags
- type PlotTag
- func (self *PlotTag) Axis() PlotAxisEnum
- func (self PlotTag) C() (C.ImPlotTag, func())
- func (self *PlotTag) ColorBg() uint32
- func (self *PlotTag) ColorFg() uint32
- func (self *PlotTag) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTag, fin func())
- func (self PlotTag) SetAxis(v PlotAxisEnum)
- func (self PlotTag) SetColorBg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetColorFg(v uint32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self PlotTag) SetValue(v float64)
- func (self *PlotTag) TextOffset() int32
- func (self *PlotTag) Value() float64
- type PlotTagCollection
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Append(axis PlotAxisEnum, value float64, bg uint32, fg uint32, fmt string)
- func (self PlotTagCollection) C() (C.ImPlotTagCollection, func())
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTagCollection, fin func())
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Reset()
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetSize(v int32)
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTags(v datautils.Vector[*PlotTag])
- func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Size() int32
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Tags() datautils.Vector[*PlotTag]
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) Text(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
- type PlotTextFlags
- type PlotTick
- func (self PlotTick) C() (C.ImPlotTick, func())
- func (self *PlotTick) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTick) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTick, fin func())
- func (self *PlotTick) Idx() int32
- func (self *PlotTick) LabelSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotTick) Level() int32
- func (self *PlotTick) Major() bool
- func (self *PlotTick) PixelPos() float32
- func (self *PlotTick) PlotPos() float64
- func (self PlotTick) SetIdx(v int32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetLabelSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotTick) SetLevel(v int32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetMajor(v bool)
- func (self PlotTick) SetPixelPos(v float32)
- func (self PlotTick) SetPlotPos(v float64)
- func (self PlotTick) SetShowLabel(v bool)
- func (self PlotTick) SetTextOffset(v int32)
- func (self *PlotTick) ShowLabel() bool
- func (self *PlotTick) TextOffset() int32
- type PlotTicker
- func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick(tick PlotTick) *PlotTick
- func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickdoubleStr(value float64, major bool, level int32, show_label bool, label string) *PlotTick
- func (self PlotTicker) C() (C.ImPlotTicker, func())
- func (self *PlotTicker) Destroy()
- func (self *PlotTicker) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTicker, fin func())
- func (self *PlotTicker) LateSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotTicker) Levels() int32
- func (self *PlotTicker) MaxSize() imgui.Vec2
- func (self *PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate(size imgui.Vec2)
- func (self *PlotTicker) Reset()
- func (self PlotTicker) SetLateSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetLevels(v int32)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetMaxSize(v imgui.Vec2)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
- func (self PlotTicker) SetTicks(v datautils.Vector[*PlotTick])
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextInt(idx int32) string
- func (self *PlotTicker) TextPlotTick(tick PlotTick) string
- func (self *PlotTicker) TickCount() int32
- func (self *PlotTicker) Ticks() datautils.Vector[*PlotTick]
- type PlotTime
- func NewPlotTime(t time.Time) PlotTime
- func PlotAddTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit, count int32) PlotTime
- func PlotCeilTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotCombineDateTime(date_part PlotTime, time_part PlotTime) PlotTime
- func PlotFloorTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotMakeTime(year int32) PlotTime
- func PlotMakeTimeV(year int32, month int32, day int32, hour int32, min int32, sec int32, us int32) PlotTime
- func PlotRoundTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
- func PlotTimeFromDouble(t float64) PlotTime
- type PlotTimeFmt
- type PlotTimeUnit
- type Tm
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func PlotAddTextCentered ¶
func PlotAddTextCenteredV ¶
func PlotAddTextCenteredV(DrawList *imgui.DrawList, top_center imgui.Vec2, col uint32, text_begin string)
PlotAddTextCenteredV parameter default value hint:
func PlotAddTextVertical ¶
func PlotAddTextVerticalV ¶
PlotAddTextVerticalV parameter default value hint:
func PlotAllAxesInputLocked ¶
func PlotAnnotationBool ¶
func PlotAnnotationBoolV ¶
func PlotAnnotationBoolV(x float64, y float64, col imgui.Vec4, pix_offset imgui.Vec2, clamp bool, round bool)
PlotAnnotationBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotAnnotationStr ¶
func PlotAnyAxesHeld ¶
func PlotAnyAxesHovered ¶
func PlotAnyAxesInputLocked ¶
func PlotBeginAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV ¶
PlotBeginAlignedPlotsV parameter default value hint: vertical: true
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourceAxisV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV(label_id string, flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourceItemV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlot() bool
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV(flags imgui.DragDropFlags) bool
PlotBeginDragDropSourcePlotV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetLegend() bool
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot ¶
func PlotBeginDragDropTargetPlot() bool
func PlotBeginItem ¶
func PlotBeginItemV ¶
func PlotBeginItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, recolor_from PlotCol) bool
PlotBeginItemV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 recolor_from: -1
func PlotBeginLegendPopup ¶
func PlotBeginLegendPopupV ¶
func PlotBeginLegendPopupV(label_id string, mouse_button imgui.MouseButton) bool
PlotBeginLegendPopupV parameter default value hint: mouse_button: 1
func PlotBeginPlot ¶
func PlotBeginPlotV ¶
PlotBeginPlotV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(-1,0) flags: 0
func PlotBeginSubplots ¶
func PlotBeginSubplotsV ¶
func PlotBeginSubplotsV(title_id string, rows int32, cols int32, size imgui.Vec2, flags PlotSubplotFlags, row_ratios *float32, col_ratios *float32) bool
PlotBeginSubplotsV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 row_ratios: nullptr col_ratios: nullptr
func PlotBustColorCache ¶
func PlotBustColorCache()
func PlotBustColorCacheV ¶
func PlotBustColorCacheV(plot_title_id string)
PlotBustColorCacheV parameter default value hint: plot_title_id: nullptr
func PlotBustItemCache ¶
func PlotBustItemCache()
func PlotBustPlotCache ¶
func PlotBustPlotCache()
func PlotCalcHoverColor ¶
func PlotCalcLegendSize ¶
func PlotCalcTextColorU32 ¶
func PlotCalcTextColorVec4 ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS16Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS32Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS64Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsS8Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU16Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU32Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU64Ptr ¶
func PlotCalculateBinsU8Ptr ¶
func PlotCancelPlotSelection ¶
func PlotCancelPlotSelection()
func PlotClampLabelPos ¶
func PlotClampLegendRect ¶
func PlotColormapButton ¶
func PlotColormapButtonV ¶
func PlotColormapButtonV(label string, size imgui.Vec2, cmap PlotColormap) bool
PlotColormapButtonV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) cmap: -1
func PlotColormapIcon ¶
func PlotColormapIcon(cmap PlotColormap)
func PlotColormapScale ¶
func PlotColormapScaleV ¶
func PlotColormapScaleV(label string, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, size imgui.Vec2, format string, flags PlotColormapScaleFlags, cmap PlotColormap)
PlotColormapScaleV parameter default value hint: size: ImVec2(0,0) format: "%g" flags: 0 cmap: -1
func PlotColormapSlider ¶
func PlotColormapSliderV ¶
func PlotColormapSliderV(label string, t *float32, out *imgui.Vec4, format string, cmap PlotColormap) bool
PlotColormapSliderV parameter default value hint: out: nullptr format: "" cmap: -1
func PlotDestroyContext ¶
func PlotDestroyContext()
func PlotDestroyContextV ¶
func PlotDestroyContextV(ctx *PlotContext)
PlotDestroyContextV parameter default value hint: ctx: nullptr
func PlotDragLineXV ¶
func PlotDragLineXV(id int32, x *float64, col imgui.Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragLineXV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragLineYV ¶
func PlotDragLineYV(id int32, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4, thickness float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragLineYV parameter default value hint: thickness: 1 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragPointV ¶
func PlotDragPointV(id int32, x *float64, y *float64, col imgui.Vec4, size float32, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragPointV parameter default value hint: size: 4 flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotDragRect ¶
func PlotDragRectV ¶
func PlotDragRectV(id int32, x1 *float64, y1 *float64, x2 *float64, y2 *float64, col imgui.Vec4, flags PlotDragToolFlags, out_clicked *bool, out_hovered *bool, held *bool) bool
PlotDragRectV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 out_clicked: nullptr out_hovered: nullptr held: nullptr
func PlotEndAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotEndAlignedPlots()
func PlotEndDragDropSource ¶
func PlotEndDragDropSource()
func PlotEndDragDropTarget ¶
func PlotEndDragDropTarget()
func PlotEndItem ¶
func PlotEndItem()
func PlotEndLegendPopup ¶
func PlotEndLegendPopup()
func PlotEndPlot ¶
func PlotEndPlot()
func PlotEndSubplots ¶
func PlotEndSubplots()
func PlotFitPoint ¶
func PlotFitPoint(p PlotPoint)
func PlotFitPointX ¶
func PlotFitPointX(x float64)
func PlotFitPointY ¶
func PlotFitPointY(y float64)
func PlotFitThisFrame ¶
func PlotFitThisFrame() bool
func PlotFormatDate ¶
func PlotFormatDateTime ¶
func PlotFormatDateTime(t PlotTime, buffer string, size int32, fmt PlotDateTimeSpec) int32
func PlotFormatTime ¶
func PlotFormatterDefault ¶
func PlotFormatterLogit ¶
func PlotFormatterTime ¶
func PlotGetAutoColor ¶
func PlotGetColormapColor ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorU32 ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorU32(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
func PlotGetColormapColorV ¶
func PlotGetColormapColorV(idx int32, cmap PlotColormap) imgui.Vec4
PlotGetColormapColorV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func PlotGetColormapCount ¶
func PlotGetColormapCount() int32
func PlotGetColormapName ¶
func PlotGetColormapName(cmap PlotColormap) string
func PlotGetColormapSize ¶
func PlotGetColormapSize() int32
func PlotGetColormapSizeV ¶
func PlotGetColormapSizeV(cmap PlotColormap) int32
PlotGetColormapSizeV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func PlotGetDaysInMonth ¶
func PlotGetLastItemColor ¶
func PlotGetLocationPos ¶
func PlotGetLocationPosV ¶
func PlotGetLocationPosV(outer_rect imgui.Rect, inner_size imgui.Vec2, location PlotLocation, pad imgui.Vec2) imgui.Vec2
PlotGetLocationPosV parameter default value hint: pad: ImVec2(0,0)
func PlotGetMarkerName ¶
func PlotGetMarkerName(idx PlotMarker) string
func PlotGetPlotDrawList ¶
func PlotGetPlotPos ¶
func PlotGetPlotSize ¶
func PlotGetStyleColorName ¶
func PlotGetStyleColorU32 ¶
func PlotGetStyleColorVec4 ¶
func PlotGetYear ¶
func PlotHideNextItem ¶
func PlotHideNextItem()
func PlotHideNextItemV ¶
PlotHideNextItemV parameter default value hint: hidden: true cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotImAlmostEqual ¶
func PlotImAlmostEqualV ¶
PlotImAlmostEqualV parameter default value hint: ulp: 2
func PlotImAlphaU32 ¶
func PlotImAsinhFloat ¶
func PlotImAsinhdouble ¶
func PlotImConstrainInf ¶
func PlotImConstrainLog ¶
func PlotImConstrainNan ¶
func PlotImConstrainTime ¶
func PlotImLog10Float ¶
func PlotImLog10double ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMaxArraydoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMeanFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMeanS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeanU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMeandoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinArraydoublePtr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImMinMaxArrayU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImNanOrInf ¶
func PlotImOverlapsFloat ¶
func PlotImOverlapsS16 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsS64 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU16 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU32 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsU64 ¶
func PlotImOverlapsdouble ¶
func PlotImPosMod ¶
func PlotImRemapFloat ¶
func PlotImRemapU16 ¶
func PlotImRemapU32 ¶
func PlotImRemapU64 ¶
func PlotImRemapdouble ¶
func PlotImSinhFloat ¶
func PlotImSinhdouble ¶
func PlotImStdDevFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImStdDevdoublePtr ¶
func PlotImSumFloatPtr ¶
func PlotImSumS16Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS32Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS64Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumS8Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU16Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU32Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU64Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumU8Ptr ¶
func PlotImSumdoublePtr ¶
func PlotInitialize ¶
func PlotInitialize(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotIntersection ¶
func PlotIsAxisHovered ¶
func PlotIsAxisHovered(axis PlotAxisEnum) bool
func PlotIsColorAutoPlotCol ¶
func PlotIsColorAutoVec4 ¶
func PlotIsLeapYear ¶
func PlotIsPlotHovered ¶
func PlotIsPlotHovered() bool
func PlotIsPlotSelected ¶
func PlotIsPlotSelected() bool
func PlotIsSubplotsHovered ¶
func PlotIsSubplotsHovered() bool
func PlotItemIconU32 ¶
func PlotItemIconU32(col uint32)
func PlotItemIconVec4 ¶
func PlotLabelAxisValue ¶
func PlotLabelAxisValueV ¶
PlotLabelAxisValueV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotMapInputDefault ¶
func PlotMapInputDefault()
func PlotMapInputDefaultV ¶
func PlotMapInputDefaultV(dst *PlotInputMap)
PlotMapInputDefaultV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotMapInputReverse ¶
func PlotMapInputReverse()
func PlotMapInputReverseV ¶
func PlotMapInputReverseV(dst *PlotInputMap)
PlotMapInputReverseV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotNextColormapColor ¶
func PlotNextColormapColorU32 ¶
func PlotNextColormapColorU32() uint32
func PlotNiceNum ¶
func PlotOrderOfMagnitude ¶
func PlotOrderToPrecision ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS16PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS32PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS64PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsS8PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU16PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU32PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU64PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsU8PtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, item_count int32, group_count int32, group_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarGroupsFlags)
PlotPlotBarGroupsdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: group_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, shift float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: bar_size: 0.67 shift: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, bar_size float64, flags PlotBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotDigitalS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotDigitalS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotDigitalS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotDigitalS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotDigitalU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotDigitalU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotDigitalU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotDigitalU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitalU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotDigitalFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotDigitaldoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotDummy ¶
func PlotPlotDummy(label_id string)
func PlotPlotDummyV ¶
func PlotPlotDummyV(label_id string, flags PlotDummyFlags)
PlotPlotDummyV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, neg []float32, pos []float32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, err []float32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, err *[]int, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, neg *[]int, pos *[]int, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, err *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, neg *[]int32, pos *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, err []int64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, neg []int64, pos []int64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, err *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, neg *[]int8, pos *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, err *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, neg *[]uint16, pos *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, err *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, neg *[]uint32, pos *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, err []uint64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, neg []uint64, pos []uint64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, err *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, neg *[]byte, pos *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, err *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, neg *[]float64, pos *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotErrorBarsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotErrorBarsdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS16PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS32PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS64PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapS8PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU16PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU32PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU64PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapU8PtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, rows int32, cols int32, scale_min float64, scale_max float64, label_fmt string, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, flags PlotHeatmapFlags)
PlotPlotHeatmapdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: scale_min: 0 scale_max: 0 label_fmt: "%.1f" bounds_min: ImPlotPoint(0,0) bounds_max: ImPlotPoint(1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS16PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS32PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS64PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DS8PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU16PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU32PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU64PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DU8PtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, x_bins int32, y_bins int32, rangeArg PlotRect, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogram2DdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: x_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges y_bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS16PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS32PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS64PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramS8PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU16PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU32PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU64PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramU8PtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, bins int32, bar_scale float64, rangeArg PlotRange, flags PlotHistogramFlags) float64
PlotPlotHistogramdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: bins: ImPlotBin_Sturges bar_scale: 1.0 flags: 0
func PlotPlotImage ¶
func PlotPlotImageV ¶
func PlotPlotImageV(label_id string, user_texture_id imgui.TextureID, bounds_min PlotPoint, bounds_max PlotPoint, uv0 imgui.Vec2, uv1 imgui.Vec2, tint_col imgui.Vec4, flags PlotImageFlags)
PlotPlotImageV parameter default value hint: uv0: ImVec2(0,0) uv1: ImVec2(1,1) tint_col: ImVec4(1,1,1,1) flags: 0
func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotInfLinesFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotInfLinesdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLineU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLinedoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotLineFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotLinedoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []float32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartFloatPtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS16PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS32PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []int64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS64PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]int8, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartS8PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint16, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU16PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]uint32, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU32PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values []uint64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU64PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]byte, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartU8PtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrStrV ¶
func PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrStrV(label_ids []string, values *[]float64, count int32, x float64, y float64, radius float64, label_fmt string, angle0 float64, flags PlotPieChartFlags)
PlotPlotPieChartdoublePtrStrV parameter default value hint: label_fmt: "%.1f" angle0: 90 flags: 0
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotScatterFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotScatterdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys1 []float32, ys2 []float32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys1 *[]int, ys2 *[]int, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS16PtrS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys1 *[]int32, ys2 *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS32PtrS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys1 []int64, ys2 []int64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS64PtrS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys1 *[]int8, ys2 *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedS8PtrS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys1 *[]uint16, ys2 *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU16PtrU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys1 *[]uint32, ys2 *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU32PtrU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys1 []uint64, ys2 []uint64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU64PtrU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys1 *[]byte, ys2 *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadedU8PtrU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, yref float64, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: yref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys1 *[]float64, ys2 *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotShadedFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotShadeddoublePtrdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, xscale float64, xstart float64, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: xscale: 1 xstart: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, flags PlotStairsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStairsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV(label_id string, xs []float32, ys []float32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrFloatPtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV(label_id string, values []float32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsFloatPtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(float)
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int, ys *[]int, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS16PtrS16PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS16)
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int32, ys *[]int32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS32PtrS32PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS32)
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []int64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV(label_id string, xs []int64, ys []int64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS64PtrS64PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS64)
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]int8, ys *[]int8, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsS8PtrS8PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImS8)
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU16PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint16, ys *[]uint16, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU16PtrU16PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU16)
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU32PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]uint32, ys *[]uint32, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU32PtrU32PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU32)
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV(label_id string, values []uint64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU64PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV(label_id string, xs []uint64, ys []uint64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU64PtrU64PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU64)
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrInt ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU8PtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8Ptr ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV(label_id string, xs *[]byte, ys *[]byte, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsU8PtrU8PtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(ImU8)
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV(label_id string, values *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, scale float64, start float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrIntV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 scale: 1 start: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV(label_id string, xs *[]float64, ys *[]float64, count int32, ref float64, flags PlotStemsFlags, offset int32, stride int32)
PlotPlotStemsdoublePtrdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: ref: 0 flags: 0 offset: 0 stride: sizeof(double)
func PlotPlotText ¶
func PlotPlotTextV ¶
PlotPlotTextV parameter default value hint: pix_offset: ImVec2(0,0) flags: 0
func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV ¶
func PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV(plt PlotPoint, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) imgui.Vec2
PlotPlotToPixelsPlotPoIntV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV ¶
func PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV(x float64, y float64, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) imgui.Vec2
PlotPlotToPixelsdoubleV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPopColormap ¶
func PlotPopColormap()
func PlotPopColormapV ¶
func PlotPopColormapV(count int32)
PlotPopColormapV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPopPlotClipRect ¶
func PlotPopPlotClipRect()
func PlotPopStyleColor ¶
func PlotPopStyleColor()
func PlotPopStyleColorV ¶
func PlotPopStyleColorV(count int32)
PlotPopStyleColorV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPopStyleVar ¶
func PlotPopStyleVar()
func PlotPopStyleVarV ¶
func PlotPopStyleVarV(count int32)
PlotPopStyleVarV parameter default value hint: count: 1
func PlotPrecision ¶
func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap ¶
func PlotPushColormapPlotColormap(cmap PlotColormap)
func PlotPushColormapStr ¶
func PlotPushColormapStr(name string)
func PlotPushPlotClipRect ¶
func PlotPushPlotClipRect()
func PlotPushPlotClipRectV ¶
func PlotPushPlotClipRectV(expand float32)
PlotPushPlotClipRectV parameter default value hint: expand: 0
func PlotPushStyleColorU32 ¶
func PlotPushStyleColorVec4 ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarFloat ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarFloat(idx PlotStyleVar, val float32)
func PlotPushStyleVarInt ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarInt(idx PlotStyleVar, val int32)
func PlotPushStyleVarVec2 ¶
func PlotPushStyleVarVec2(idx PlotStyleVar, val imgui.Vec2)
func PlotRangesOverlap ¶
func PlotRenderColorBar ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextAlignedPlots(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextPlot(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot ¶
func PlotResetCtxForNextSubplot(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotRoundTo ¶
func PlotSampleColormap ¶
func PlotSampleColormapU32 ¶
func PlotSampleColormapU32(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) uint32
func PlotSampleColormapV ¶
func PlotSampleColormapV(t float32, cmap PlotColormap) imgui.Vec4
PlotSampleColormapV parameter default value hint: cmap: -1
func PlotSetAxes ¶
func PlotSetAxes(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetAxis ¶
func PlotSetAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetCurrentContext ¶
func PlotSetCurrentContext(ctx *PlotContext)
func PlotSetImGuiContext ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesLimits ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetNextAxesLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetNextAxesToFit ¶
func PlotSetNextAxesToFit()
func PlotSetNextAxisLimits ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetNextAxisLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetNextAxisLinks ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
func PlotSetNextAxisToFit ¶
func PlotSetNextAxisToFit(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyle()
func PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextErrorBarStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) size: -1 weight: -1
func PlotSetNextFillStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextFillStyle()
func PlotSetNextFillStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextFillStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) alpha_mod: -1
func PlotSetNextLineStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextLineStyle()
func PlotSetNextLineStyleV ¶
PlotSetNextLineStyleV parameter default value hint: col: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) weight: -1
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle ¶
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyle()
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV ¶
func PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV(marker PlotMarker, size float32, fill imgui.Vec4, weight float32, outline imgui.Vec4)
PlotSetNextMarkerStyleV parameter default value hint: marker: -1 size: -1 fill: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1) weight: -1 outline: ImVec4(0,0,0,-1)
func PlotSetupAxes ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimits ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetupAxesLimitsV(x_min float64, x_max float64, y_min float64, y_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetupAxesLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetupAxesV ¶
func PlotSetupAxesV(x_label string, y_label string, x_flags PlotAxisFlags, y_flags PlotAxisFlags)
PlotSetupAxesV parameter default value hint: x_flags: 0 y_flags: 0
func PlotSetupAxis ¶
func PlotSetupAxis(axis PlotAxisEnum)
func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr ¶
func PlotSetupAxisFormatStr(axis PlotAxisEnum, fmt string)
func PlotSetupAxisLimits ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimits(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64)
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLimitsV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, cond PlotCond)
PlotSetupAxisLimitsV parameter default value hint: cond: ImPlotCond_Once
func PlotSetupAxisLinks ¶
func PlotSetupAxisLinks(axis PlotAxisEnum, link_min *float64, link_max *float64)
func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale ¶
func PlotSetupAxisScalePlotScale(axis PlotAxisEnum, scale PlotScale)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdouble(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtr(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32)
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV(axis PlotAxisEnum, values *[]float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, keep_default bool)
PlotSetupAxisTicksdoublePtrV parameter default value hint: labels: nullptr keep_default: false
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV(axis PlotAxisEnum, v_min float64, v_max float64, n_ticks int32, labels []string, keep_default bool)
PlotSetupAxisTicksdoubleV parameter default value hint: labels: nullptr keep_default: false
func PlotSetupAxisV ¶
func PlotSetupAxisV(axis PlotAxisEnum, label string, flags PlotAxisFlags)
PlotSetupAxisV parameter default value hint: label: nullptr flags: 0
func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints ¶
func PlotSetupAxisZoomConstraints(axis PlotAxisEnum, z_min float64, z_max float64)
func PlotSetupFinish ¶
func PlotSetupFinish()
func PlotSetupLegend ¶
func PlotSetupLegend(location PlotLocation)
func PlotSetupLegendV ¶
func PlotSetupLegendV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotLegendFlags)
PlotSetupLegendV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotSetupLock ¶
func PlotSetupLock()
func PlotSetupMouseText ¶
func PlotSetupMouseText(location PlotLocation)
func PlotSetupMouseTextV ¶
func PlotSetupMouseTextV(location PlotLocation, flags PlotMouseTextFlags)
PlotSetupMouseTextV parameter default value hint: flags: 0
func PlotShowAltLegend ¶
func PlotShowAltLegend(title_id string)
func PlotShowAltLegendV ¶
PlotShowAltLegendV parameter default value hint: vertical: true size: ImVec2(0,0) interactable: true
func PlotShowAxisContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowAxisContextMenuV ¶
PlotShowAxisContextMenuV parameter default value hint: time_allowed: false
func PlotShowDatePickerV ¶
PlotShowDatePickerV parameter default value hint: t1: nullptr t2: nullptr
func PlotShowDemoWindow ¶
func PlotShowDemoWindow()
func PlotShowDemoWindowV ¶
func PlotShowDemoWindowV(p_open *bool)
PlotShowDemoWindowV parameter default value hint: p_open: nullptr
func PlotShowLegendContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowLegendContextMenu(legend *PlotLegend, visible bool) bool
func PlotShowLegendEntries ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindow ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindow()
func PlotShowMetricsWindowV ¶
func PlotShowMetricsWindowV(p_popen *bool)
PlotShowMetricsWindowV parameter default value hint: p_popen: nullptr
func PlotShowPlotContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowPlotContextMenu(plot *PlotPlot)
func PlotShowStyleEditor ¶
func PlotShowStyleEditor()
func PlotShowStyleEditorV ¶
func PlotShowStyleEditorV(ref *PlotStyle)
PlotShowStyleEditorV parameter default value hint: ref: nullptr
func PlotShowStyleSelector ¶
func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu ¶
func PlotShowSubplotsContextMenu(subplot *PlotSubplot)
func PlotShowTimePicker ¶
func PlotShowUserGuide ¶
func PlotShowUserGuide()
func PlotStyleColorsAuto ¶
func PlotStyleColorsAuto()
func PlotStyleColorsAutoV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsAutoV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsAutoV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsClassic ¶
func PlotStyleColorsClassic()
func PlotStyleColorsClassicV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsClassicV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsClassicV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsDark ¶
func PlotStyleColorsDark()
func PlotStyleColorsDarkV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsDarkV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsDarkV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotStyleColorsLight ¶
func PlotStyleColorsLight()
func PlotStyleColorsLightV ¶
func PlotStyleColorsLightV(dst *PlotStyle)
PlotStyleColorsLightV parameter default value hint: dst: nullptr
func PlotSubplotNextCell ¶
func PlotSubplotNextCell()
func PlotTagXBool ¶
func PlotTagXBoolV ¶
PlotTagXBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
func PlotTagYBool ¶
func PlotTagYBoolV ¶
PlotTagYBoolV parameter default value hint: round: false
Types ¶
type FormatterTimeData ¶
type FormatterTimeData struct {
CData *C.Formatter_Time_Data
func NewFormatterTimeDataFromC ¶
func NewFormatterTimeDataFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *FormatterTimeData
NewFormatterTimeDataFromC creates FormatterTimeData from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.Formatter_Time_Data
func (FormatterTimeData) C ¶
func (self FormatterTimeData) C() (C.Formatter_Time_Data, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*FormatterTimeData) Handle ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) Handle() (result *C.Formatter_Time_Data, fin func())
Handle returns C version of FormatterTimeData and its finalizer func.
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetSpec ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetSpec() PlotDateTimeSpec
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetTime ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetTime() PlotTime
func (*FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetUserFormatterData ¶
func (self *FormatterTimeData) TimeDataGetUserFormatterData() uintptr
type PlotAlignmentData ¶
type PlotAlignmentData struct {
CData *C.ImPlotAlignmentData
func NewPlotAlignmentData ¶
func NewPlotAlignmentData() *PlotAlignmentData
func NewPlotAlignmentDataFromC ¶
func NewPlotAlignmentDataFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotAlignmentData
NewPlotAlignmentDataFromC creates PlotAlignmentData from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Begin ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Begin()
func (PlotAlignmentData) C ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) C() (C.ImPlotAlignmentData, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Destroy()
func (*PlotAlignmentData) End ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) End()
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAlignmentData, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotAlignmentData and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadA ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadA() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadAMax() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadB ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadB() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) PadBMax() float32
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Reset()
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadA(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadAMax(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadB(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetPadBMax(v float32)
func (PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical ¶
func (self PlotAlignmentData) SetVertical(v bool)
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Update ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Update(pad_a *float32, pad_b *float32, delta_a *float32, delta_b *float32)
func (*PlotAlignmentData) Vertical ¶
func (self *PlotAlignmentData) Vertical() bool
type PlotAnnotation ¶
type PlotAnnotation struct {
CData *C.ImPlotAnnotation
func NewPlotAnnotation ¶
func NewPlotAnnotation() *PlotAnnotation
func NewPlotAnnotationFromC ¶
func NewPlotAnnotationFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotAnnotation
NewPlotAnnotationFromC creates PlotAnnotation from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotAnnotation
func (PlotAnnotation) C ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) C() (C.ImPlotAnnotation, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotAnnotation) Clamp ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Clamp() bool
func (*PlotAnnotation) ColorBg ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorBg() uint32
func (*PlotAnnotation) ColorFg ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) ColorFg() uint32
func (*PlotAnnotation) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Destroy()
func (*PlotAnnotation) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAnnotation, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotAnnotation and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotAnnotation) Offset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Offset() imgui.Vec2
func (*PlotAnnotation) Pos ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) Pos() imgui.Vec2
func (PlotAnnotation) SetClamp ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetClamp(v bool)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorBg(v uint32)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetColorFg(v uint32)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetOffset ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetOffset(v imgui.Vec2)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetPos ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetPos(v imgui.Vec2)
func (PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset ¶
func (self PlotAnnotation) SetTextOffset(v int32)
func (*PlotAnnotation) TextOffset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotation) TextOffset() int32
type PlotAnnotationCollection ¶
type PlotAnnotationCollection struct {
CData *C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection
func NewPlotAnnotationCollection ¶
func NewPlotAnnotationCollection() *PlotAnnotationCollection
func NewPlotAnnotationCollectionFromC ¶
func NewPlotAnnotationCollectionFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotAnnotationCollection
NewPlotAnnotationCollectionFromC creates PlotAnnotationCollection from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Annotations() datautils.Vector[*PlotAnnotation]
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) C ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) C() (C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Destroy()
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAnnotationCollection, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotAnnotationCollection and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Reset()
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetAnnotations(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAnnotation])
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetSize(v int32)
func (PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotAnnotationCollection) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Size ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Size() int32
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) Text ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) Text(idx int32) string
func (*PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotAnnotationCollection) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
type PlotAxis ¶
type PlotAxis struct {
CData *C.ImPlotAxis
func NewPlotAxis ¶
func NewPlotAxis() *PlotAxis
func NewPlotAxisFromC ¶
NewPlotAxisFromC creates PlotAxis from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotAxis
func (PlotAxis) C ¶
func (self PlotAxis) C() (C.ImPlotAxis, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotAxis) CanInitFit ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ConstraintRange ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ConstraintZoom ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ExtendFitWith ¶
func (*PlotAxis) FitExtents ¶
func (*PlotAxis) FitThisFrame ¶
func (*PlotAxis) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) Flags() PlotAxisFlags
func (*PlotAxis) FormatSpec ¶
func (*PlotAxis) FormatterData ¶
func (*PlotAxis) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAxis, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotAxis and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotAxis) HasFormatSpec ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasGridLines ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasTickLabels ¶
func (*PlotAxis) HasTickMarks ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsAutoFitting ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsForeground ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInputLockedMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsInverted ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsLockedMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsLockedMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsOpposite ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsPanLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) IsRangeLocked ¶
func (*PlotAxis) LabelOffset ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerLevel ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerTimeMax ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PickerTimeMin ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PixelsToPlot ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PlotToPixels ¶
func (*PlotAxis) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) PreviousFlags() PlotAxisFlags
func (*PlotAxis) ScaleToPixel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorAct ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorBg ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorHiLi ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorHov ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorMaj ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorTick ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetColorTxt ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetConstraintRange ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetConstraintZoom ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetEnabled ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFitExtents ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFitThisFrame ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
func (PlotAxis) SetFormatSpec ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetFormatterData ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHasFormatSpec ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHasRange ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHoverRect ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetHovered ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLabelOffset ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLinkedMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetLinkedMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetOrthoAxis ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerLevel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPickerTimeMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPixelMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPixelMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotAxisFlags)
func (PlotAxis) SetRangeCond ¶
func (*PlotAxis) SetRangePlotRange ¶
func (*PlotAxis) SetRangedouble ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleMax ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleMin ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetScaleToPixel ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetShowDefaultTicks ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetTicker ¶
func (self PlotAxis) SetTicker(v PlotTicker)
func (PlotAxis) SetTransformData ¶
func (PlotAxis) SetVertical ¶
func (*PlotAxis) ShowDefaultTicks ¶
func (*PlotAxis) Ticker ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) Ticker() PlotTicker
func (*PlotAxis) TransformData ¶
func (*PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache ¶
func (self *PlotAxis) UpdateTransformCache()
func (*PlotAxis) WillRender ¶
type PlotAxisColor ¶
type PlotAxisColor struct {
CData *C.ImPlotAxisColor
func NewPlotAxisColorFromC ¶
func NewPlotAxisColorFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotAxisColor
NewPlotAxisColorFromC creates PlotAxisColor from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotAxisColor
func (*PlotAxisColor) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotAxisColor) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotAxisColor, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotAxisColor and its finalizer func.
type PlotAxisEnum ¶
type PlotAxisEnum int32
original name: ImAxis_
const ( AxisX1 PlotAxisEnum = 0 AxisX2 PlotAxisEnum = 1 AxisX3 PlotAxisEnum = 2 AxisY1 PlotAxisEnum = 3 AxisY2 PlotAxisEnum = 4 AxisY3 PlotAxisEnum = 5 AxisCOUNT PlotAxisEnum = 6 )
type PlotAxisFlags ¶
type PlotAxisFlags int32
original name: ImPlotAxisFlags_
const ( PlotAxisFlagsNone PlotAxisFlags = 0 PlotAxisFlagsNoLabel PlotAxisFlags = 1 PlotAxisFlagsNoGridLines PlotAxisFlags = 2 PlotAxisFlagsNoTickMarks PlotAxisFlags = 4 PlotAxisFlagsNoTickLabels PlotAxisFlags = 8 PlotAxisFlagsNoInitialFit PlotAxisFlags = 16 PlotAxisFlagsNoMenus PlotAxisFlags = 32 PlotAxisFlagsNoSideSwitch PlotAxisFlags = 64 PlotAxisFlagsNoHighlight PlotAxisFlags = 128 PlotAxisFlagsOpposite PlotAxisFlags = 256 PlotAxisFlagsForeground PlotAxisFlags = 512 PlotAxisFlagsInvert PlotAxisFlags = 1024 PlotAxisFlagsAutoFit PlotAxisFlags = 2048 PlotAxisFlagsRangeFit PlotAxisFlags = 4096 PlotAxisFlagsPanStretch PlotAxisFlags = 8192 PlotAxisFlagsLockMin PlotAxisFlags = 16384 PlotAxisFlagsLockMax PlotAxisFlags = 32768 PlotAxisFlagsLock PlotAxisFlags = 49152 PlotAxisFlagsNoDecorations PlotAxisFlags = 15 PlotAxisFlagsAuxDefault PlotAxisFlags = 258 )
type PlotBarGroupsFlags ¶
type PlotBarGroupsFlags int32
original name: ImPlotBarGroupsFlags_
const ( PlotBarGroupsFlagsNone PlotBarGroupsFlags = 0 PlotBarGroupsFlagsHorizontal PlotBarGroupsFlags = 1024 PlotBarGroupsFlagsStacked PlotBarGroupsFlags = 2048 )
type PlotBarsFlags ¶
type PlotBarsFlags int32
original name: ImPlotBarsFlags_
const ( PlotBarsFlagsNone PlotBarsFlags = 0 PlotBarsFlagsHorizontal PlotBarsFlags = 1024 )
type PlotCol ¶
type PlotCol int32
original name: ImPlotCol_
const ( PlotColLine PlotCol = 0 PlotColFill PlotCol = 1 PlotColMarkerOutline PlotCol = 2 PlotColMarkerFill PlotCol = 3 PlotColErrorBar PlotCol = 4 PlotColFrameBg PlotCol = 5 PlotColPlotBg PlotCol = 6 PlotColPlotBorder PlotCol = 7 PlotColLegendBg PlotCol = 8 PlotColLegendBorder PlotCol = 9 PlotColLegendText PlotCol = 10 PlotColTitleText PlotCol = 11 PlotColInlayText PlotCol = 12 PlotColAxisText PlotCol = 13 PlotColAxisGrid PlotCol = 14 PlotColAxisTick PlotCol = 15 PlotColAxisBg PlotCol = 16 PlotColAxisBgHovered PlotCol = 17 PlotColAxisBgActive PlotCol = 18 PlotColSelection PlotCol = 19 PlotColCrosshairs PlotCol = 20 PlotColCOUNT PlotCol = 21 )
type PlotColormap ¶
type PlotColormap int32
original name: ImPlotColormap_
const ( PlotColormapDeep PlotColormap = 0 PlotColormapDark PlotColormap = 1 PlotColormapPastel PlotColormap = 2 PlotColormapPaired PlotColormap = 3 PlotColormapViridis PlotColormap = 4 PlotColormapPlasma PlotColormap = 5 PlotColormapHot PlotColormap = 6 PlotColormapCool PlotColormap = 7 PlotColormapPink PlotColormap = 8 PlotColormapJet PlotColormap = 9 PlotColormapTwilight PlotColormap = 10 PlotColormapRdBu PlotColormap = 11 PlotColormapBrBG PlotColormap = 12 PlotColormapPiYG PlotColormap = 13 PlotColormapSpectral PlotColormap = 14 PlotColormapGreys PlotColormap = 15 )
func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr ¶
func PlotAddColormapU32Ptr(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32) PlotColormap
func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV ¶
func PlotAddColormapU32PtrV(name string, cols *[]uint32, size int32, qual bool) PlotColormap
PlotAddColormapU32PtrV parameter default value hint: qual: true
func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr ¶
func PlotAddColormapVec4Ptr(name string, cols *imgui.Vec4, size int32) PlotColormap
func PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV ¶
PlotAddColormapVec4PtrV parameter default value hint: qual: true
func PlotGetColormapIndex ¶
func PlotGetColormapIndex(name string) PlotColormap
type PlotColormapData ¶
type PlotColormapData struct {
CData *C.ImPlotColormapData
func NewPlotColormapData ¶
func NewPlotColormapData() *PlotColormapData
func NewPlotColormapDataFromC ¶
func NewPlotColormapDataFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotColormapData
NewPlotColormapDataFromC creates PlotColormapData from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotColormapData
func (*PlotColormapData) AppendTable ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) AppendTable(cmap PlotColormap)
func (PlotColormapData) C ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) C() (C.ImPlotColormapData, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotColormapData) Count ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Count() int32
func (*PlotColormapData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Destroy()
func (*PlotColormapData) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotColormapData, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotColormapData and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotColormapData) Index ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Index(name string) PlotColormap
func (*PlotColormapData) IsQual ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) IsQual(cmap PlotColormap) bool
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyCount ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCount(cmap PlotColormap) int32
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyCounts ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyCounts() datautils.Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) KeyOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) Keys ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Keys(cmap PlotColormap) *uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) LerpTable ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) LerpTable(cmap PlotColormap, t float32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) Map ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Map() imgui.Storage
func (*PlotColormapData) Name ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Name(cmap PlotColormap) string
func (*PlotColormapData) RebuildTables ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) RebuildTables()
func (PlotColormapData) SetCount ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetCount(v int32)
func (*PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) SetKeyColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32, value uint32)
func (PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyCounts(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetKeyOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetMap ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetMap(v imgui.Storage)
func (PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTableSizes(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetTables ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTables(v datautils.Vector[*uint32])
func (PlotColormapData) SetText ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetText(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets ¶
func (self PlotColormapData) SetTextOffsets(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (*PlotColormapData) Table ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Table(cmap PlotColormap) *uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) TableColor ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableColor(cmap PlotColormap, idx int32) uint32
func (*PlotColormapData) TableOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) TableSize ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSize(cmap PlotColormap) int32
func (*PlotColormapData) TableSizes ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TableSizes() datautils.Vector[*int32]
func (*PlotColormapData) Text ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) Text() imgui.TextBuffer
func (*PlotColormapData) TextOffsets ¶
func (self *PlotColormapData) TextOffsets() datautils.Vector[*int32]
type PlotColormapScaleFlags ¶
type PlotColormapScaleFlags int32
original name: ImPlotColormapScaleFlags_
const ( PlotColormapScaleFlagsNone PlotColormapScaleFlags = 0 PlotColormapScaleFlagsNoLabel PlotColormapScaleFlags = 1 PlotColormapScaleFlagsOpposite PlotColormapScaleFlags = 2 PlotColormapScaleFlagsInvert PlotColormapScaleFlags = 4 )
type PlotContext ¶
type PlotContext struct {
CData *C.ImPlotContext
func NewPlotContextFromC ¶
func NewPlotContextFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotContext
NewPlotContextFromC creates PlotContext from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotContext
func PlotCreateContext ¶
func PlotCreateContext() *PlotContext
func PlotGetCurrentContext ¶
func PlotGetCurrentContext() *PlotContext
func (*PlotContext) Annotations ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Annotations() PlotAnnotationCollection
func (PlotContext) C ¶
func (self PlotContext) C() (C.ImPlotContext, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotContext) CTicker ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CTicker() PlotTicker
func (*PlotContext) ColorModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColorModifiers() datautils.Vector[*imgui.ColorMod]
func (*PlotContext) ColormapData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColormapData() PlotColormapData
func (*PlotContext) ColormapModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) ColormapModifiers() datautils.Vector[*PlotColormap]
func (*PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentH() *PlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentAlignmentV() *PlotAlignmentData
func (*PlotContext) CurrentItem ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItem() *PlotItem
func (*PlotContext) CurrentItems ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentItems() *PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotContext) CurrentPlot ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
func (*PlotContext) CurrentSubplot ¶
func (self *PlotContext) CurrentSubplot() *PlotSubplot
func (*PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt ¶
func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotItemCnt() int32
func (*PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset ¶
func (self *PlotContext) DigitalPlotOffset() int32
func (*PlotContext) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotContext, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotContext and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotContext) InputMap ¶
func (self *PlotContext) InputMap() PlotInputMap
func (*PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder ¶
func (self *PlotContext) MousePosStringBuilder() imgui.TextBuffer
func (*PlotContext) NextItemData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) NextItemData() PlotNextItemData
func (*PlotContext) NextPlotData ¶
func (self *PlotContext) NextPlotData() PlotNextPlotData
func (*PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame ¶
func (self *PlotContext) OpenContextThisFrame() bool
func (*PlotContext) PreviousItem ¶
func (self *PlotContext) PreviousItem() *PlotItem
func (PlotContext) SetAnnotations ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetAnnotations(v PlotAnnotationCollection)
func (PlotContext) SetCTicker ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCTicker(v PlotTicker)
func (PlotContext) SetColorModifiers ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetColorModifiers(v datautils.Vector[*imgui.ColorMod])
func (PlotContext) SetColormapData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetColormapData(v PlotColormapData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentH(v *PlotAlignmentData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentAlignmentV(v *PlotAlignmentData)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentItem ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItem(v *PlotItem)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentItems ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentPlot(v *PlotPlot)
func (PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetCurrentSubplot(v *PlotSubplot)
func (PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotItemCnt(v int32)
func (PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetDigitalPlotOffset(v int32)
func (PlotContext) SetInputMap ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetInputMap(v PlotInputMap)
func (PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetMousePosStringBuilder(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (PlotContext) SetNextItemData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetNextItemData(v PlotNextItemData)
func (PlotContext) SetNextPlotData ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetNextPlotData(v PlotNextPlotData)
func (PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetOpenContextThisFrame(v bool)
func (PlotContext) SetPreviousItem ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetPreviousItem(v *PlotItem)
func (PlotContext) SetSortItems ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetSortItems(v *PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotContext) SetStyle ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetStyle(v PlotStyle)
func (PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetStyleModifiers(v datautils.Vector[*imgui.StyleMod])
func (PlotContext) SetTags ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTags(v PlotTagCollection)
func (PlotContext) SetTempDouble1 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble1(v datautils.Vector[*float64])
func (PlotContext) SetTempDouble2 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempDouble2(v datautils.Vector[*float64])
func (PlotContext) SetTempInt1 ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTempInt1(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotContext) SetTm ¶
func (self PlotContext) SetTm(v Tm)
func (*PlotContext) SortItems ¶
func (self *PlotContext) SortItems() *PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotContext) Style ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Style() PlotStyle
func (*PlotContext) StyleModifiers ¶
func (self *PlotContext) StyleModifiers() datautils.Vector[*imgui.StyleMod]
func (*PlotContext) Tags ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Tags() PlotTagCollection
func (*PlotContext) TempDouble1 ¶
func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble1() datautils.Vector[*float64]
func (*PlotContext) TempDouble2 ¶
func (self *PlotContext) TempDouble2() datautils.Vector[*float64]
func (*PlotContext) Tm ¶
func (self *PlotContext) Tm() Tm
type PlotDateFmt ¶
type PlotDateFmt int32
original name: ImPlotDateFmt_
const ( PlotDateFmtNone PlotDateFmt = 0 PlotDateFmtDayMo PlotDateFmt = 1 PlotDateFmtDayMoYr PlotDateFmt = 2 PlotDateFmtMoYr PlotDateFmt = 3 PlotDateFmtMo PlotDateFmt = 4 PlotDateFmtYr PlotDateFmt = 5 )
type PlotDateTimeSpec ¶
type PlotDateTimeSpec struct {
CData *C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecFromC ¶
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotDateTimeSpec
NewPlotDateTimeSpecFromC creates PlotDateTimeSpec from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecNil ¶
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecNil() *PlotDateTimeSpec
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt ¶
func NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt(date_fmt PlotDateFmt, time_fmt PlotTimeFmt, use_24_hr_clk bool, use_iso_8601 bool) *PlotDateTimeSpec
NewPlotDateTimeSpecPlotDateFmt parameter default value hint: use_24_hr_clk: false use_iso_8601: false
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) C ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) C() (C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Date ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Date() PlotDateFmt
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Destroy()
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotDateTimeSpec, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotDateTimeSpec and its finalizer func.
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetDate(v PlotDateFmt)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetTime(v PlotTimeFmt)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUse24HourClock(v bool)
func (PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601 ¶
func (self PlotDateTimeSpec) SetUseISO8601(v bool)
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Time ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Time() PlotTimeFmt
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) Use24HourClock() bool
func (*PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601 ¶
func (self *PlotDateTimeSpec) UseISO8601() bool
type PlotDigitalFlags ¶
type PlotDigitalFlags int32
original name: ImPlotDigitalFlags_
const (
PlotDigitalFlagsNone PlotDigitalFlags = 0
type PlotDragToolFlags ¶
type PlotDragToolFlags int32
original name: ImPlotDragToolFlags_
const ( PlotDragToolFlagsNone PlotDragToolFlags = 0 PlotDragToolFlagsNoCursors PlotDragToolFlags = 1 PlotDragToolFlagsNoFit PlotDragToolFlags = 2 PlotDragToolFlagsNoInputs PlotDragToolFlags = 4 PlotDragToolFlagsDelayed PlotDragToolFlags = 8 )
type PlotDummyFlags ¶
type PlotDummyFlags int32
original name: ImPlotDummyFlags_
const (
PlotDummyFlagsNone PlotDummyFlags = 0
type PlotErrorBarsFlags ¶
type PlotErrorBarsFlags int32
original name: ImPlotErrorBarsFlags_
const ( PlotErrorBarsFlagsNone PlotErrorBarsFlags = 0 PlotErrorBarsFlagsHorizontal PlotErrorBarsFlags = 1024 )
type PlotFlags ¶
type PlotFlags int32
original name: ImPlotFlags_
const ( PlotFlagsNone PlotFlags = 0 PlotFlagsNoTitle PlotFlags = 1 PlotFlagsNoLegend PlotFlags = 2 PlotFlagsNoMouseText PlotFlags = 4 PlotFlagsNoInputs PlotFlags = 8 PlotFlagsNoMenus PlotFlags = 16 PlotFlagsNoBoxSelect PlotFlags = 32 PlotFlagsNoFrame PlotFlags = 64 PlotFlagsEqual PlotFlags = 128 PlotFlagsCrosshairs PlotFlags = 256 PlotFlagsCanvasOnly PlotFlags = 55 )
type PlotHeatmapFlags ¶
type PlotHeatmapFlags int32
original name: ImPlotHeatmapFlags_
const ( PlotHeatmapFlagsNone PlotHeatmapFlags = 0 PlotHeatmapFlagsColMajor PlotHeatmapFlags = 1024 )
type PlotHistogramFlags ¶
type PlotHistogramFlags int32
original name: ImPlotHistogramFlags_
const ( PlotHistogramFlagsNone PlotHistogramFlags = 0 PlotHistogramFlagsHorizontal PlotHistogramFlags = 1024 PlotHistogramFlagsCumulative PlotHistogramFlags = 2048 PlotHistogramFlagsDensity PlotHistogramFlags = 4096 PlotHistogramFlagsNoOutliers PlotHistogramFlags = 8192 PlotHistogramFlagsColMajor PlotHistogramFlags = 16384 )
type PlotImageFlags ¶
type PlotImageFlags int32
original name: ImPlotImageFlags_
const (
PlotImageFlagsNone PlotImageFlags = 0
type PlotInfLinesFlags ¶
type PlotInfLinesFlags int32
original name: ImPlotInfLinesFlags_
const ( PlotInfLinesFlagsNone PlotInfLinesFlags = 0 PlotInfLinesFlagsHorizontal PlotInfLinesFlags = 1024 )
type PlotInputMap ¶
type PlotInputMap struct {
CData *C.ImPlotInputMap
func NewPlotInputMap ¶
func NewPlotInputMap() *PlotInputMap
func NewPlotInputMapFromC ¶
func NewPlotInputMapFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotInputMap
NewPlotInputMapFromC creates PlotInputMap from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotInputMap
func PlotGetInputMap ¶
func PlotGetInputMap() *PlotInputMap
func (PlotInputMap) C ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) C() (C.ImPlotInputMap, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotInputMap) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Destroy()
func (*PlotInputMap) Fit ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Fit() imgui.MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotInputMap, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotInputMap and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotInputMap) Menu ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Menu() imgui.MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) OverrideMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) OverrideMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) Pan ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Pan() imgui.MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) PanMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) PanMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) Select ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) Select() imgui.MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectCancel ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectCancel() imgui.MouseButton
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectHorzMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) SelectVertMod() int32
func (PlotInputMap) SetFit ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetFit(v imgui.MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetMenu ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetMenu(v imgui.MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetOverrideMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetPan ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetPan(v imgui.MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetPanMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetPanMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelect ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelect(v imgui.MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectCancel(v imgui.MouseButton)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectHorzMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetSelectVertMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomMod(v int32)
func (PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate ¶
func (self PlotInputMap) SetZoomRate(v float32)
func (*PlotInputMap) ZoomMod ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomMod() int32
func (*PlotInputMap) ZoomRate ¶
func (self *PlotInputMap) ZoomRate() float32
type PlotItem ¶
type PlotItem struct {
CData *C.ImPlotItem
func NewPlotItem ¶
func NewPlotItem() *PlotItem
func NewPlotItemFromC ¶
NewPlotItemFromC creates PlotItem from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotItem
func PlotGetCurrentItem ¶
func PlotGetCurrentItem() *PlotItem
func PlotGetItem ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItem ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItem(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags) *PlotItem
func PlotRegisterOrGetItemV ¶
func PlotRegisterOrGetItemV(label_id string, flags PlotItemFlags, just_created *bool) *PlotItem
PlotRegisterOrGetItemV parameter default value hint: just_created: nullptr
func (PlotItem) C ¶
func (self PlotItem) C() (C.ImPlotItem, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotItem) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotItem) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotItem, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotItem and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotItem) LegendHoverRect ¶
func (*PlotItem) LegendHovered ¶
func (*PlotItem) NameOffset ¶
func (*PlotItem) SeenThisFrame ¶
func (PlotItem) SetLegendHoverRect ¶
func (PlotItem) SetLegendHovered ¶
func (PlotItem) SetNameOffset ¶
func (PlotItem) SetSeenThisFrame ¶
type PlotItemFlags ¶
type PlotItemFlags int32
original name: ImPlotItemFlags_
const ( PlotItemFlagsNone PlotItemFlags = 0 PlotItemFlagsNoLegend PlotItemFlags = 1 PlotItemFlagsNoFit PlotItemFlags = 2 )
type PlotItemGroup ¶
type PlotItemGroup struct {
CData *C.ImPlotItemGroup
func NewPlotItemGroup ¶
func NewPlotItemGroup() *PlotItemGroup
func NewPlotItemGroupFromC ¶
func NewPlotItemGroupFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotItemGroup
NewPlotItemGroupFromC creates PlotItemGroup from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotItemGroup
func (PlotItemGroup) C ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) C() (C.ImPlotItemGroup, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ColormapIdx() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Destroy()
func (*PlotItemGroup) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotItemGroup, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotItemGroup and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotItemGroup) ID ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ID() imgui.ID
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemByIndex(i int32) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemCount ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemCount() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemIndex(item *PlotItem) int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) ItemStr ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) ItemStr(label_id string) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) Legend ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Legend() PlotLegend
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendCount ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendCount() int32
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendItem ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendItem(i int32) *PlotItem
func (*PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) LegendLabel(i int32) string
func (*PlotItemGroup) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotItemGroup) Reset()
func (PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetColormapIdx(v int32)
func (PlotItemGroup) SetID ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetID(v imgui.ID)
func (PlotItemGroup) SetLegend ¶
func (self PlotItemGroup) SetLegend(v PlotLegend)
type PlotLegend ¶
type PlotLegend struct {
CData *C.ImPlotLegend
func NewPlotLegend ¶
func NewPlotLegend() *PlotLegend
func NewPlotLegendFromC ¶
func NewPlotLegendFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotLegend
NewPlotLegendFromC creates PlotLegend from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotLegend
func (PlotLegend) C ¶
func (self PlotLegend) C() (C.ImPlotLegend, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotLegend) CanGoInside ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) CanGoInside() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Destroy()
func (*PlotLegend) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Flags() PlotLegendFlags
func (*PlotLegend) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotLegend, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotLegend and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotLegend) Held ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Held() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Hovered ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Hovered() bool
func (*PlotLegend) Labels ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Labels() imgui.TextBuffer
func (*PlotLegend) Location ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Location() PlotLocation
func (*PlotLegend) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousFlags() PlotLegendFlags
func (*PlotLegend) PreviousLocation ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) PreviousLocation() PlotLocation
func (*PlotLegend) Rect ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Rect() imgui.Rect
func (*PlotLegend) RectClamped ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) RectClamped() imgui.Rect
func (*PlotLegend) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Reset()
func (*PlotLegend) Scroll ¶
func (self *PlotLegend) Scroll() imgui.Vec2
func (PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetCanGoInside(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
func (PlotLegend) SetHeld ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetHeld(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetHovered ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetHovered(v bool)
func (PlotLegend) SetIndices ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetIndices(v datautils.Vector[*int32])
func (PlotLegend) SetLabels ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetLabels(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (PlotLegend) SetLocation ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotLegendFlags)
func (PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetPreviousLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotLegend) SetRect ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetRect(v imgui.Rect)
func (PlotLegend) SetRectClamped ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetRectClamped(v imgui.Rect)
func (PlotLegend) SetScroll ¶
func (self PlotLegend) SetScroll(v imgui.Vec2)
type PlotLegendFlags ¶
type PlotLegendFlags int32
original name: ImPlotLegendFlags_
const ( PlotLegendFlagsNone PlotLegendFlags = 0 PlotLegendFlagsNoButtons PlotLegendFlags = 1 PlotLegendFlagsNoHighlightItem PlotLegendFlags = 2 PlotLegendFlagsNoHighlightAxis PlotLegendFlags = 4 PlotLegendFlagsNoMenus PlotLegendFlags = 8 PlotLegendFlagsOutside PlotLegendFlags = 16 PlotLegendFlagsHorizontal PlotLegendFlags = 32 PlotLegendFlagsSort PlotLegendFlags = 64 )
type PlotLineFlags ¶
type PlotLineFlags int32
original name: ImPlotLineFlags_
const ( PlotLineFlagsNone PlotLineFlags = 0 PlotLineFlagsSegments PlotLineFlags = 1024 PlotLineFlagsLoop PlotLineFlags = 2048 PlotLineFlagsSkipNaN PlotLineFlags = 4096 PlotLineFlagsNoClip PlotLineFlags = 8192 PlotLineFlagsShaded PlotLineFlags = 16384 )
type PlotLocation ¶
type PlotLocation int32
original name: ImPlotLocation_
const ( PlotLocationCenter PlotLocation = 0 PlotLocationNorth PlotLocation = 1 PlotLocationSouth PlotLocation = 2 PlotLocationWest PlotLocation = 4 PlotLocationEast PlotLocation = 8 PlotLocationNorthWest PlotLocation = 5 PlotLocationNorthEast PlotLocation = 9 PlotLocationSouthWest PlotLocation = 6 PlotLocationSouthEast PlotLocation = 10 )
type PlotMarker ¶
type PlotMarker int32
original name: ImPlotMarker_
const ( PlotMarkerNone PlotMarker = -1 PlotMarkerCircle PlotMarker = 0 PlotMarkerSquare PlotMarker = 1 PlotMarkerDiamond PlotMarker = 2 PlotMarkerUp PlotMarker = 3 PlotMarkerDown PlotMarker = 4 PlotMarkerLeft PlotMarker = 5 PlotMarkerRight PlotMarker = 6 PlotMarkerCross PlotMarker = 7 PlotMarkerPlus PlotMarker = 8 PlotMarkerAsterisk PlotMarker = 9 PlotMarkerCOUNT PlotMarker = 10 )
type PlotMouseTextFlags ¶
type PlotMouseTextFlags int32
original name: ImPlotMouseTextFlags_
const ( PlotMouseTextFlagsNone PlotMouseTextFlags = 0 PlotMouseTextFlagsNoAuxAxes PlotMouseTextFlags = 1 PlotMouseTextFlagsNoFormat PlotMouseTextFlags = 2 PlotMouseTextFlagsShowAlways PlotMouseTextFlags = 4 )
type PlotNextItemData ¶
type PlotNextItemData struct {
CData *C.ImPlotNextItemData
func NewPlotNextItemData ¶
func NewPlotNextItemData() *PlotNextItemData
func NewPlotNextItemDataFromC ¶
func NewPlotNextItemDataFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotNextItemData
NewPlotNextItemDataFromC creates PlotNextItemData from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotNextItemData
func PlotGetItemData ¶
func PlotGetItemData() *PlotNextItemData
func (PlotNextItemData) C ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) C() (C.ImPlotNextItemData, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotNextItemData) Colors ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Colors() [5]imgui.Vec4
func (*PlotNextItemData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Destroy()
func (*PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitGap() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) DigitalBitHeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarSize() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) ErrorBarWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) FillAlpha() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotNextItemData, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotNextItemData and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotNextItemData) HasHidden ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) HasHidden() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) Hidden ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Hidden() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) HiddenCond() PlotCond
func (*PlotNextItemData) LineWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) LineWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) Marker ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Marker() PlotMarker
func (*PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerSize() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) MarkerWeight() float32
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderFill ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderFill() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderLine ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderLine() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerFill() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) RenderMarkerLine() bool
func (*PlotNextItemData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotNextItemData) Reset()
func (PlotNextItemData) SetColors ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetColors(v *[5]imgui.Vec4)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitGap(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetDigitalBitHeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarSize(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetErrorBarWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetFillAlpha(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHasHidden(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHidden ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHidden(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetHiddenCond(v PlotCond)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetLineWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarker ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarker(v PlotMarker)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerSize(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetMarkerWeight(v float32)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderFill(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderLine(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerFill(v bool)
func (PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine ¶
func (self PlotNextItemData) SetRenderMarkerLine(v bool)
type PlotNextPlotData ¶
type PlotNextPlotData struct {
CData *C.ImPlotNextPlotData
func NewPlotNextPlotData ¶
func NewPlotNextPlotData() *PlotNextPlotData
func NewPlotNextPlotDataFromC ¶
func NewPlotNextPlotDataFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotNextPlotData
NewPlotNextPlotDataFromC creates PlotNextPlotData from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotNextPlotData
func (PlotNextPlotData) C ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) C() (C.ImPlotNextPlotData, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Destroy()
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Fit ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Fit() [6]bool
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotNextPlotData, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotNextPlotData and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotNextPlotData) HasRange ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) HasRange() [6]bool
func (*PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMax ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMax() [6]*float64
func (*PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMin ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) LinkedMin() [6]*float64
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Range ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Range() [6]PlotRange
func (*PlotNextPlotData) RangeCond ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) RangeCond() [6]PlotCond
func (*PlotNextPlotData) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotNextPlotData) Reset()
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetFit ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetFit(v *[6]bool)
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetHasRange ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetHasRange(v *[6]bool)
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMax ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMax(v *[6]*float64)
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMin ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetLinkedMin(v *[6]*float64)
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetRange ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetRange(v *[6]PlotRange)
func (PlotNextPlotData) SetRangeCond ¶
func (self PlotNextPlotData) SetRangeCond(v *[6]PlotCond)
type PlotPieChartFlags ¶
type PlotPieChartFlags int32
original name: ImPlotPieChartFlags_
const ( PlotPieChartFlagsNone PlotPieChartFlags = 0 PlotPieChartFlagsNormalize PlotPieChartFlags = 1024 PlotPieChartFlagsIgnoreHidden PlotPieChartFlags = 2048 )
type PlotPlot ¶
type PlotPlot struct {
CData *C.ImPlotPlot
func NewPlotPlot ¶
func NewPlotPlot() *PlotPlot
func NewPlotPlotFromC ¶
NewPlotPlotFromC creates PlotPlot from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotPlot
func PlotGetCurrentPlot ¶
func PlotGetCurrentPlot() *PlotPlot
func PlotGetPlot ¶
func (PlotPlot) C ¶
func (self PlotPlot) C() (C.ImPlotPlot, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotPlot) CanvasRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) ClearTextBuffer()
func (*PlotPlot) ContextLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) CurrentX ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentX() PlotAxisEnum
func (*PlotPlot) CurrentY ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) CurrentY() PlotAxisEnum
func (*PlotPlot) EnabledAxesX ¶
func (*PlotPlot) EnabledAxesY ¶
func (*PlotPlot) FitThisFrame ¶
func (*PlotPlot) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotPlot, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotPlot and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotPlot) Initialized ¶
func (*PlotPlot) IsInputLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) Items ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) Items() PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotPlot) JustCreated ¶
func (*PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextFlags() PlotMouseTextFlags
func (*PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) MouseTextLocation() PlotLocation
func (*PlotPlot) PreviousFlags ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SelectRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SelectStart ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetAxesRect ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SetAxisLabel ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetCanvasRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetContextLocked ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetCurrentX ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentX(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotPlot) SetCurrentY ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetCurrentY(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotPlot) SetFitThisFrame ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetFrameRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetHovered ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetInitialized ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetItems ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotPlot) SetJustCreated ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextFlags(v PlotMouseTextFlags)
func (PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetMouseTextLocation(v PlotLocation)
func (PlotPlot) SetPlotRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelectRect ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelectStart ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelected ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSelecting ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetSetupLocked ¶
func (PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotPlot) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (PlotPlot) SetTitleOffset ¶
func (*PlotPlot) SetupLocked ¶
func (*PlotPlot) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotPlot) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
func (*PlotPlot) TitleOffset ¶
func (*PlotPlot) XAxisconst ¶
func (*PlotPlot) YAxisconst ¶
type PlotPoint ¶
func NewPlotPoint ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePos ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePos() PlotPoint
func PlotGetPlotMousePosV ¶
func PlotGetPlotMousePosV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotGetPlotMousePosV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloat ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV(x float32, y float32, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotPixelsToPlotFloatV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2 ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V ¶
func PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V(pix imgui.Vec2, x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotPoint
PlotPixelsToPlotVec2V parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func (PlotPoint) ToC ¶
func (p PlotPoint) ToC() C.ImPlotPoint
type PlotPointError ¶
type PlotPointError struct {
CData *C.ImPlotPointError
func NewPlotPointError ¶
func NewPlotPointError(x float64, y float64, neg float64, pos float64) *PlotPointError
func NewPlotPointErrorFromC ¶
func NewPlotPointErrorFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotPointError
NewPlotPointErrorFromC creates PlotPointError from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotPointError
func (PlotPointError) C ¶
func (self PlotPointError) C() (C.ImPlotPointError, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotPointError) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Destroy()
func (*PlotPointError) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotPointError, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotPointError and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotPointError) Neg ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Neg() float64
func (*PlotPointError) Pos ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Pos() float64
func (PlotPointError) SetNeg ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetNeg(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetPos ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetPos(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetX ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetX(v float64)
func (PlotPointError) SetY ¶
func (self PlotPointError) SetY(v float64)
func (*PlotPointError) X ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) X() float64
func (*PlotPointError) Y ¶
func (self *PlotPointError) Y() float64
type PlotRange ¶
type PlotRange struct {
CData *C.ImPlotRange
func NewPlotRangeFromC ¶
NewPlotRangeFromC creates PlotRange from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotRange
func NewPlotRangeNil ¶
func NewPlotRangeNil() *PlotRange
func NewPlotRangedouble ¶
func (PlotRange) C ¶
func (self PlotRange) C() (C.ImPlotRange, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotRange) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotRange) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotRange, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotRange and its finalizer func.
type PlotRect ¶
type PlotRect struct {
CData *C.ImPlotRect
func NewPlotRectFromC ¶
NewPlotRectFromC creates PlotRect from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotRect
func NewPlotRectNil ¶
func NewPlotRectNil() *PlotRect
func NewPlotRectdouble ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimits ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimits() PlotRect
func PlotGetPlotLimitsV ¶
func PlotGetPlotLimitsV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
PlotGetPlotLimitsV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func PlotGetPlotSelection ¶
func PlotGetPlotSelection() PlotRect
func PlotGetPlotSelectionV ¶
func PlotGetPlotSelectionV(x_axis PlotAxisEnum, y_axis PlotAxisEnum) PlotRect
PlotGetPlotSelectionV parameter default value hint: x_axis: -1 y_axis: -1
func (PlotRect) C ¶
func (self PlotRect) C() (C.ImPlotRect, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotRect) ClampPlotPoInt ¶
func (*PlotRect) ContainsPlotPoInt ¶
func (*PlotRect) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotRect) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotRect, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotRect and its finalizer func.
type PlotScatterFlags ¶
type PlotScatterFlags int32
original name: ImPlotScatterFlags_
const ( PlotScatterFlagsNone PlotScatterFlags = 0 PlotScatterFlagsNoClip PlotScatterFlags = 1024 )
type PlotShadedFlags ¶
type PlotShadedFlags int32
original name: ImPlotShadedFlags_
const (
PlotShadedFlagsNone PlotShadedFlags = 0
type PlotStairsFlags ¶
type PlotStairsFlags int32
original name: ImPlotStairsFlags_
const ( PlotStairsFlagsNone PlotStairsFlags = 0 PlotStairsFlagsPreStep PlotStairsFlags = 1024 PlotStairsFlagsShaded PlotStairsFlags = 2048 )
type PlotStemsFlags ¶
type PlotStemsFlags int32
original name: ImPlotStemsFlags_
const ( PlotStemsFlagsNone PlotStemsFlags = 0 PlotStemsFlagsHorizontal PlotStemsFlags = 1024 )
type PlotStyle ¶
type PlotStyle struct {
CData *C.ImPlotStyle
func NewPlotStyle ¶
func NewPlotStyle() *PlotStyle
func NewPlotStyleFromC ¶
NewPlotStyleFromC creates PlotStyle from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotStyle
func PlotGetStyle ¶
func PlotGetStyle() *PlotStyle
func (*PlotStyle) AnnotationPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) C ¶
func (self PlotStyle) C() (C.ImPlotStyle, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotStyle) Colormap ¶
func (self *PlotStyle) Colormap() PlotColormap
func (*PlotStyle) DigitalBitGap ¶
func (*PlotStyle) DigitalBitHeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) ErrorBarSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) ErrorBarWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) FitPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotStyle) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotStyle, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotStyle and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotStyle) LabelPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendInnerPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LegendSpacing ¶
func (*PlotStyle) LineWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorGridSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorTickLen ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MajorTickSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MarkerSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MarkerWeight ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorAlpha ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorGridSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorTickLen ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MinorTickSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) MousePosPadding ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotBorderSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotDefaultSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotMinSize ¶
func (*PlotStyle) PlotPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetAnnotationPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetColormap ¶
func (self PlotStyle) SetColormap(v PlotColormap)
func (PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitGap ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetDigitalBitHeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetErrorBarSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetErrorBarWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetFillAlpha ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetFitPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLabelPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendInnerPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLegendSpacing ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetLineWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorGridSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorTickLen ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMajorTickSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMarkerSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMarkerWeight ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorAlpha ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorGridSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorTickLen ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMinorTickSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetMousePosPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotBorderSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotDefaultSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotMinSize ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetPlotPadding ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUse24HourClock ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUseISO8601 ¶
func (PlotStyle) SetUseLocalTime ¶
func (*PlotStyle) Use24HourClock ¶
func (*PlotStyle) UseISO8601 ¶
func (*PlotStyle) UseLocalTime ¶
type PlotStyleVar ¶
type PlotStyleVar int32
original name: ImPlotStyleVar_
const ( PlotStyleVarLineWeight PlotStyleVar = 0 PlotStyleVarMarker PlotStyleVar = 1 PlotStyleVarMarkerSize PlotStyleVar = 2 PlotStyleVarMarkerWeight PlotStyleVar = 3 PlotStyleVarFillAlpha PlotStyleVar = 4 PlotStyleVarErrorBarSize PlotStyleVar = 5 PlotStyleVarErrorBarWeight PlotStyleVar = 6 PlotStyleVarDigitalBitHeight PlotStyleVar = 7 PlotStyleVarDigitalBitGap PlotStyleVar = 8 PlotStyleVarPlotBorderSize PlotStyleVar = 9 PlotStyleVarMinorAlpha PlotStyleVar = 10 PlotStyleVarMajorTickLen PlotStyleVar = 11 PlotStyleVarMinorTickLen PlotStyleVar = 12 PlotStyleVarMajorTickSize PlotStyleVar = 13 PlotStyleVarMinorTickSize PlotStyleVar = 14 PlotStyleVarMajorGridSize PlotStyleVar = 15 PlotStyleVarMinorGridSize PlotStyleVar = 16 PlotStyleVarPlotPadding PlotStyleVar = 17 PlotStyleVarLabelPadding PlotStyleVar = 18 PlotStyleVarLegendPadding PlotStyleVar = 19 PlotStyleVarLegendInnerPadding PlotStyleVar = 20 PlotStyleVarLegendSpacing PlotStyleVar = 21 PlotStyleVarMousePosPadding PlotStyleVar = 22 PlotStyleVarAnnotationPadding PlotStyleVar = 23 PlotStyleVarFitPadding PlotStyleVar = 24 PlotStyleVarPlotDefaultSize PlotStyleVar = 25 PlotStyleVarPlotMinSize PlotStyleVar = 26 PlotStyleVarCOUNT PlotStyleVar = 27 )
type PlotSubplot ¶
type PlotSubplot struct {
CData *C.ImPlotSubplot
func NewPlotSubplot ¶
func NewPlotSubplot() *PlotSubplot
func NewPlotSubplotFromC ¶
func NewPlotSubplotFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotSubplot
NewPlotSubplotFromC creates PlotSubplot from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotSubplot
func (PlotSubplot) C ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) C() (C.ImPlotSubplot, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotSubplot) CellSize ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) CellSize() imgui.Vec2
func (*PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ColAlignmentData() datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
func (*PlotSubplot) ColLinkData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ColLinkData() datautils.Vector[*PlotRange]
func (*PlotSubplot) Cols ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Cols() int32
func (*PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) CurrentIdx() int32
func (*PlotSubplot) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Destroy()
func (*PlotSubplot) Flags ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Flags() PlotSubplotFlags
func (*PlotSubplot) FrameHovered ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameHovered() bool
func (*PlotSubplot) FrameRect ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) FrameRect() imgui.Rect
func (*PlotSubplot) GridRect ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) GridRect() imgui.Rect
func (*PlotSubplot) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotSubplot, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotSubplot and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotSubplot) HasTitle ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) HasTitle() bool
func (*PlotSubplot) ID ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) ID() imgui.ID
func (*PlotSubplot) Items ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Items() PlotItemGroup
func (*PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) PreviousFlags() PlotSubplotFlags
func (*PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) RowAlignmentData() datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData]
func (*PlotSubplot) RowLinkData ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) RowLinkData() datautils.Vector[*PlotRange]
func (*PlotSubplot) Rows ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) Rows() int32
func (PlotSubplot) SetCellSize ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCellSize(v imgui.Vec2)
func (PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColAlignmentData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
func (PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColLinkData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotRange])
func (PlotSubplot) SetColRatios ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetColRatios(v datautils.Vector[*float32])
func (PlotSubplot) SetCols ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCols(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetCurrentIdx(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFlags ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameHovered(v bool)
func (PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetFrameRect(v imgui.Rect)
func (PlotSubplot) SetGridRect ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetGridRect(v imgui.Rect)
func (PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetHasTitle(v bool)
func (PlotSubplot) SetID ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetID(v imgui.ID)
func (PlotSubplot) SetItems ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetItems(v PlotItemGroup)
func (PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetPreviousFlags(v PlotSubplotFlags)
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowAlignmentData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotAlignmentData])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowLinkData(v datautils.Vector[*PlotRange])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRowRatios(v datautils.Vector[*float32])
func (PlotSubplot) SetRows ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetRows(v int32)
func (PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes ¶
func (self PlotSubplot) SetTempSizes(v *[2]float32)
func (*PlotSubplot) TempSizes ¶
func (self *PlotSubplot) TempSizes() [2]float32
type PlotSubplotFlags ¶
type PlotSubplotFlags int32
original name: ImPlotSubplotFlags_
const ( PlotSubplotFlagsNone PlotSubplotFlags = 0 PlotSubplotFlagsNoTitle PlotSubplotFlags = 1 PlotSubplotFlagsNoLegend PlotSubplotFlags = 2 PlotSubplotFlagsNoMenus PlotSubplotFlags = 4 PlotSubplotFlagsNoResize PlotSubplotFlags = 8 PlotSubplotFlagsNoAlign PlotSubplotFlags = 16 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkRows PlotSubplotFlags = 64 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkCols PlotSubplotFlags = 128 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkAllX PlotSubplotFlags = 256 PlotSubplotFlagsLinkAllY PlotSubplotFlags = 512 PlotSubplotFlagsColMajor PlotSubplotFlags = 1024 )
type PlotTag ¶
func NewPlotTagFromC ¶
NewPlotTagFromC creates PlotTag from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotTag
func (*PlotTag) Axis ¶
func (self *PlotTag) Axis() PlotAxisEnum
func (PlotTag) SetAxis ¶
func (self PlotTag) SetAxis(v PlotAxisEnum)
func (PlotTag) SetColorBg ¶
func (PlotTag) SetColorFg ¶
func (PlotTag) SetTextOffset ¶
func (*PlotTag) TextOffset ¶
type PlotTagCollection ¶
type PlotTagCollection struct {
CData *C.ImPlotTagCollection
func NewPlotTagCollection ¶
func NewPlotTagCollection() *PlotTagCollection
func NewPlotTagCollectionFromC ¶
func NewPlotTagCollectionFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotTagCollection
NewPlotTagCollectionFromC creates PlotTagCollection from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotTagCollection
func (*PlotTagCollection) Append ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Append(axis PlotAxisEnum, value float64, bg uint32, fg uint32, fmt string)
func (PlotTagCollection) C ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) C() (C.ImPlotTagCollection, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotTagCollection) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Destroy()
func (*PlotTagCollection) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTagCollection, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotTagCollection and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotTagCollection) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Reset()
func (PlotTagCollection) SetSize ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetSize(v int32)
func (PlotTagCollection) SetTags ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTags(v datautils.Vector[*PlotTag])
func (PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotTagCollection) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (*PlotTagCollection) Size ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Size() int32
func (*PlotTagCollection) Text ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) Text(idx int32) string
func (*PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotTagCollection) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
type PlotTextFlags ¶
type PlotTextFlags int32
original name: ImPlotTextFlags_
const ( PlotTextFlagsNone PlotTextFlags = 0 PlotTextFlagsVertical PlotTextFlags = 1024 )
type PlotTick ¶
type PlotTick struct {
CData *C.ImPlotTick
func NewPlotTick ¶
func NewPlotTickFromC ¶
NewPlotTickFromC creates PlotTick from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotTick
func (PlotTick) C ¶
func (self PlotTick) C() (C.ImPlotTick, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotTick) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotTick) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTick, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotTick and its finalizer func.
func (PlotTick) SetLabelSize ¶
func (PlotTick) SetPixelPos ¶
func (PlotTick) SetPlotPos ¶
func (PlotTick) SetShowLabel ¶
func (PlotTick) SetTextOffset ¶
func (*PlotTick) TextOffset ¶
type PlotTicker ¶
type PlotTicker struct {
CData *C.ImPlotTicker
func NewPlotTicker ¶
func NewPlotTicker() *PlotTicker
func NewPlotTickerFromC ¶
func NewPlotTickerFromC[SRC any](cvalue SRC) *PlotTicker
NewPlotTickerFromC creates PlotTicker from its C pointer. SRC ~= *C.ImPlotTicker
func (*PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) AddTickPlotTick(tick PlotTick) *PlotTick
func (*PlotTicker) AddTickdoubleStr ¶
func (PlotTicker) C ¶
func (self PlotTicker) C() (C.ImPlotTicker, func())
C is like Handle but returns plain type instead of pointer.
func (*PlotTicker) Destroy ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Destroy()
func (*PlotTicker) Handle ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Handle() (result *C.ImPlotTicker, fin func())
Handle returns C version of PlotTicker and its finalizer func.
func (*PlotTicker) LateSize ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) LateSize() imgui.Vec2
func (*PlotTicker) Levels ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Levels() int32
func (*PlotTicker) MaxSize ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) MaxSize() imgui.Vec2
func (*PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) OverrideSizeLate(size imgui.Vec2)
func (*PlotTicker) Reset ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) Reset()
func (PlotTicker) SetLateSize ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetLateSize(v imgui.Vec2)
func (PlotTicker) SetLevels ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetLevels(v int32)
func (PlotTicker) SetMaxSize ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetMaxSize(v imgui.Vec2)
func (PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer ¶
func (self PlotTicker) SetTextBuffer(v imgui.TextBuffer)
func (*PlotTicker) TextBuffer ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextBuffer() imgui.TextBuffer
func (*PlotTicker) TextInt ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextInt(idx int32) string
func (*PlotTicker) TextPlotTick ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TextPlotTick(tick PlotTick) string
func (*PlotTicker) TickCount ¶
func (self *PlotTicker) TickCount() int32
type PlotTime ¶
func NewPlotTime ¶
func PlotAddTime ¶
func PlotAddTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit, count int32) PlotTime
func PlotCeilTime ¶
func PlotCeilTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotCombineDateTime ¶
func PlotFloorTime ¶
func PlotFloorTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotMakeTime ¶
func PlotMakeTimeV ¶
func PlotMakeTimeV(year int32, month int32, day int32, hour int32, min int32, sec int32, us int32) PlotTime
PlotMakeTimeV parameter default value hint: month: 0 day: 1 hour: 0 min: 0 sec: 0 us: 0
func PlotRoundTime ¶
func PlotRoundTime(t PlotTime, unit PlotTimeUnit) PlotTime
func PlotTimeFromDouble ¶
func (PlotTime) ToC ¶
func (p PlotTime) ToC() C.ImPlotTime
type PlotTimeFmt ¶
type PlotTimeFmt int32
original name: ImPlotTimeFmt_
const ( PlotTimeFmtNone PlotTimeFmt = 0 PlotTimeFmtUs PlotTimeFmt = 1 PlotTimeFmtSUs PlotTimeFmt = 2 PlotTimeFmtSMs PlotTimeFmt = 3 PlotTimeFmtS PlotTimeFmt = 4 PlotTimeFmtMinSMs PlotTimeFmt = 5 PlotTimeFmtHrMinSMs PlotTimeFmt = 6 PlotTimeFmtHrMinS PlotTimeFmt = 7 PlotTimeFmtHrMin PlotTimeFmt = 8 PlotTimeFmtHr PlotTimeFmt = 9 )
type PlotTimeUnit ¶
type PlotTimeUnit int32
original name: ImPlotTimeUnit_
const ( PlotTimeUnitUs PlotTimeUnit = 0 PlotTimeUnitMs PlotTimeUnit = 1 PlotTimeUnitS PlotTimeUnit = 2 PlotTimeUnitMin PlotTimeUnit = 3 PlotTimeUnitHr PlotTimeUnit = 4 PlotTimeUnitDay PlotTimeUnit = 5 PlotTimeUnitMo PlotTimeUnit = 6 PlotTimeUnitYr PlotTimeUnit = 7 PlotTimeUnitCOUNT PlotTimeUnit = 8 )