ST - Struct Tagger for Go
st is a command line utility for tagging structs in your Go code.

Get it:
go get
If you want to run the tests, you'll need the goconvey package:
go get
1. [-] Command Line Support
* [x] Write tags to buffer(default behavior) and to file (with -w)
* [x] Supports multiple operation modes
* [x] Append
* [x] Overwrite
* [x] Skip existing tags
* [x] Field Exclusion
* [x] Struct Exclusion
* [ ] Explicit Struct/field inclusion
* [ ] Go Generate support
[ ] Fix whatever is wrong with the windows version
2. [ ] Web Application
* [x] Basic static site handler (not in master)
* [ ] Side by side input/output
* [ ] Make it pretty
3. [x] Tests/Build/Deploy
* [x] Main Package tests
* [x] Parse Package tests
* [x] Flags package tests
* [x] Travis Integration
* [x] Run tests automatically
* [x] Build notifications
4. [x] Miscellaneous
* [x] Gitter Integration
* [x] Slack Channel
st -h or st --help
usage: st [flags] [path ...]
-a Sets mode to Append mode. Will Append to existing tags. Default behavior skips existing tags.
Sets mode to Append mode. Will Append to existing tags. Default behavior skips existing tags.
-c Sets the struct tag to camel case.
Sets the struct tag to camel case
-i string
A comma separated list of fields to ignore. Will use the format json:"-".
-ignored-fields string
A comma separated list of fields to ignore. Will use the format json:"-".
-ignored-structs string
A comma separated list of structs to ignore. Will not tag any fields in the struct.
-is string
A comma separated list of structs to ignore. Will not tag any fields in the struct.
-o Sets mode to overwrite mode. Will overwrite existing tags (completely). Default behavior skips existing tags.
Sets mode to overwrite mode. Will overwrite existing tags (completely). Default behavior skips existing tags.
-s Sets the struct tag to snake case.
Sets the struct tag to snake case.
-t string
The struct tag to use when tagging. Example: -t=json (default "json")
-tag-name string
The struct tag to use when tagging. Example: --tag-name=json (default "json")
-v Sets mode to verbose.
Sets mode to verbose.
-w Sets mode to write to source file. The default is a dry run that prints the results to stdout.
Sets mode to write to source file. The default is a dry run that prints the results to stdout.
- ST will not write to your source file unless you provide the -w or -write flags. Its default behavior prints the result to STDOUT
- The default tag that ST uses is json
- The default tagging mode is to Skip Existing Tags - you can change this behavior by providing one of the Append flags, -a or -Append, or by using one of the Overwrite flags, -o or -overwrite
- The default tagging case is Snake Case - this can be changed by providing either Camel Case flag, -c or -camel
Overwrite mode will completely overwrite an existing tag. Append mode is a little trickier. If an existing tag is there for the
tag that you have specified, let's use json as our example, it will leave that tag alone. If you specify a different tag, like msgpack,
it will Append to the existing tag with the msgpack key/value.
Overwrite Examples
st --overwrite --tag-name=msgpack $GOFILE
type Test struct { F field `json:"f"`}
type Test struct { F field `msgpack:"f"`}
st --overwrite --tag-name=json --case=camel $GOFILE
type Test struct { F field `json:"f"`}
type Test struct { F field `json:"F"`}
Append Examples
st --Append --case=camel --tag-name=json $GOFILE
type Test struct { F field `json:"f"`}
becomes (the tag is left alone because it is already there)
type Test struct { F field `json:"f"`}
st --Append --tag-name=msgpack $GOFILE
type Test struct { F field `json:"f"`}
type Test struct { F field `msgpack:"f" json:"f"`}
If you would like to contribute, don't be shy! Fork the project, write tests for any new code and ensure that you don't break existing
functionality by running the current tests. If you're looking to submit changes upstream, it would be a good idea to
discuss it with me first. I'm available via email, through Github, on the
Gophers Slack ST Channel, or on
If you do submit a pull request, I will review it and I will merge it if it's in line with my vision for the project.
Further examples
Contents of etc.go before running any of the following
package etc
type TestStruct struct {
Int int
Int64 int64
IntSlice []int
type TestStructWithTagsSnake struct {
Int int `json:"int"`
Int64 int64 `json:"int_64"`
IntSlice []int `json:"int_slice"`
type TestStructWithTagsCamel struct {
Int int `json:"Int"`
Int64 int64 `json:"Int64"`
type TestUnexportedField struct {
unexportedField int
ExportedField int
Append to existing tags with the tag msgpack (use -w flag to write to original source file)
st -s -a -v -t=msgpack $GOPATH/src/
package etc
type TestStruct struct {
Int int `msgpack:"int"`
Int64 int64 `msgpack:"int_64"`
IntSlice []int `msgpack:"int_slice"`
type TestStructWithTagsSnake struct {
Int int `msgpack:"int" json:"int"`
Int64 int64 `msgpack:"int_64" json:"int_64"`
IntSlice []int `msgpack:"int_slice" json:"int_slice"`
type TestStructWithTagsCamel struct {
Int int `msgpack:"int" json:"Int"`
Int64 int64 `msgpack:"int_64" json:"Int64"`
IntSlice []int `msgpack:"int_slice" json:"IntSlice"`
type TestUnexportedField struct {
unexportedField int
ExportedField int `msgpack:"exported_field"`
Ignore a specific field (-i) and ignore a specific struct (-is)
st -s -a -v -i=ExportedField -is=TestStructWithTagsCamel -t=msgpack $GOPATH/src/
package etc
type TestStruct struct {
Int int `msgpack:"int"`
Int64 int64 `msgpack:"int_64"`
IntSlice []int `msgpack:"int_slice"`
type TestStructWithTagsSnake struct {
Int int `msgpack:"int" json:"int"`
Int64 int64 `msgpack:"int_64" json:"int_64"`
IntSlice []int `msgpack:"int_slice" json:"int_slice"`
type TestStructWithTagsCamel struct {
Int int `json:"Int"`
Int64 int64 `json:"Int64"`
IntSlice []int `json:"IntSlice"`
type TestUnexportedField struct {
unexportedField int
ExportedField int `msgpack:"-"`