Expr - expression language and expression evaluation for Go.
- language definition - takes best from JS, Python, Jinja2 syntax
- your expression should return a link of any supported source
- expression supports multiple operation, but:
- all operations must be separated by a semicolon
- all operations, except the last one, must declare a new variable (
let s = "abc";
- the last operation should return a string
- go2rtc supports additional functions:
- JS-like HTTP requests
- JS-like RegExp queries
Two way audio for Dahua VTO
dahua_vto: |
expr: let host = "admin:password@";
? "rtsp://"+host+"/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0&unicast=true&proto=Onvif" : ""
You can get credentials via:
dom_ru: |
expr: let camera = "99999999"; let token = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; let operator = 99;
fetch("https://myhome.novotelecom.ru/rest/v1/forpost/cameras/"+camera+"/video", {
headers: {Authorization: "Bearer "+token, Operator: operator}
Parse HLS files from Apple
Same example in two languages - python and expr.
example_python: |
echo:python -c 'from urllib.request import urlopen; import re
# url1 = "https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/bipbop_16x9/bipbop_16x9_variant.m3u8"
html1 = urlopen("https://developer.apple.com/streaming/examples/basic-stream-osx-ios5.html").read().decode("utf-8")
url1 = re.search(r"https.+?m3u8", html1)[0]
# url2 = "gear1/prog_index.m3u8"
html2 = urlopen(url1).read().decode("utf-8")
url2 = re.search(r"^[a-z0-1/_]+\.m3u8$", html2, flags=re.MULTILINE)[0]
# url3 = "https://devstreaming-cdn.apple.com/videos/streaming/examples/bipbop_16x9/gear1/prog_index.m3u8"
url3 = url1[:url1.rindex("/")+1] + url2
print("ffmpeg:" + url3 + "#video=copy")'
example_expr: |
let html1 = fetch("https://developer.apple.com/streaming/examples/basic-stream-osx-ios5.html").text;
let url1 = match(html1, "https.+?m3u8")[0];
let html2 = fetch(url1).text;
let url2 = match(html2, "^[a-z0-1/_]+\\.m3u8$", "m")[0];
let url3 = url1[:lastIndexOf(url1, "/")+1] + url2;
"ffmpeg:" + url3 + "#video=copy"
expr |
python |
js |
let x = 1; |
x = 1 |
let x = 1 |
{a: 1, b: 2} |
{"a": 1, "b": 2} |
{a: 1, b: 2} |
let r = fetch(url, {method}) |
r = request(method, url) |
r = await fetch(url, {method}) |
r.ok |
r.ok |
r.ok |
r.status |
r.status_code |
r.status |
r.text |
r.text |
await r.text() |
r.json() |
r.json() |
await r.json() |
r.headers |
r.headers |
r.headers |
let m = match(text, "abc") |
m = re.search("abc", text) |
let m = text.match(/abc/) |