Webhook Layanan WhatsAuth
WebHook Menggunakan method HTTP POST dengan Header bernama Secret
Format JSON dalam body yang dikirim ke WebHook :
Lengkapnya :
"phone_number": "1234567890",
"reply_phone_number": "0987654321",
"chat_number": "1122334455",
"chat_server": "server1.chat.example",
"group_name": "Example Group",
"group_id": "G-123456",
"group": "yes",
"alias_name": "JohnDoe",
"messages": "This is a test message",
"from_link": true,
"from_link_delay": 30,
"is_group": true,
"filename": "document.pdf",
"filedata": "base64EncodedString",
"latitude": 37.7749,
"longitude": -122.4194
Contoh Source Code WebHook
Berikut ini adalah contoh source code webhook
- Untuk Go di Google Cloud Funtion
- Untuk PHP di Web Hosting
Release Package
go get -u all #update existing package
go mod tidy #generate go mod
git tag #check current version
git tag v0.0.3 #set tag version
git push origin --tags #push tag version to repo
go list -m github.com/whatsauth/webhook@v0.0.3 #publish to pkg dev, replace ORG/URL with your repo URL