Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ( Win10Bit64UUID = "78977bc8-0f32-519d-80f3-9043f059398c" LinuxBit64UUID = "7c998ec2-7491-4e75-be4d-8885800ef5f2" MacBit64UUID = "46a5b48f-226a-4696-9746-ba4d50d661c2" ValidZeroUUID = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" )
{OS}Bit{Depth}UUID constants are the UUIDs associated with the relevant OSes in the platform DB and leveraged by the Dashboard (PlatformMapping).
const ( ApplicationDir = ".local/share/applications" IconsDir = ".local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps" IconFileSource = "icon.svg" ServiceLaunchFileName = "state-svc.desktop" ServiceIconFileName = "state-svc.svg" ServiceGenericName = "Language Runtime Service" ServiceComment = "ActiveState Service" ServiceKeywords = "activestate;state;language;runtime;python;perl;tcl;" )
const APIArtifactURL = ""
APIArtifactURL is the URL for downloading artifacts
APIHostEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies the API host, specifying this overrides the activestate.yaml api url config
APIInsecureEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies whether the API hostURI should be insecure.
APIKeyEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies the API Key to use for api authentication (overriding user config).
APIServiceOverrideEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies an optional override of the full API URL, the service name will be appended.
const APITokenNamePrefix = "activestate-platform-cli"
APITokenNamePrefix is the name we give our api token
const APIUpdateInfoURL = ""
APIUpdateInfoURL is the URL for our update info server
const APIUpdateURL = ""
APIUpdateURL is the URL for our update files
const ActivatedStateEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_ACTIVATED"
ActivatedStateEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that is set when in an activated state, its value will be the path of the project
const ActivatedStateIDEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_ACTIVATED_ID"
ActivatedStateIDEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that is set when in an activated state, its value will be a unique id identifying a specific instance of an activated state
const ActivatedStateNamespaceEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_ACTIVATED_NAMESPACE"
ActivatedStateNamespaceEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies the activated state's org/project namespace.
const ActivePerlExecutable = "perl"
ActivePerlExecutable represents the ActivePerl executable.
const ActivePython2Executable = "python2"
ActivePython2Executable represents the ActivePython executable.
const ActivePython3Executable = "python3"
ActivePython3Executable represents the ActivePython executable.
const ActiveStateBlogURL = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
ActiveStateBlogURL is the URL for the ActiveState Blog
const ActiveStateCIEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CI"
ActiveStateCIEnvVarName is the environment variable set when running in an ActiveState CI environment.
const ActiveStateDashboardURL = "" /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
ActiveStateDashboardURL is the URL for the ActiveState account preferences page
const ActiveStateSupportURL = "" /* 143-byte string literal not displayed */
ActiveStateSupportURL is the URL for the AciveState support page
const AnalyticsLogEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_ANALYTICS_LOG"
AnalyticsLogEnvVarName is used to instruct State Tool to report analytics events to the given file
const AnalyticsPixelOverrideEnv = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_ANALYTICS_PIXEL"
AnalyticsPixelOverrideEnv is the environment variable to check for overriding the analytics pixel url
const AnalyticsTrackingID = "UA-118120158-1"
AnalyticsTrackingID is our Google Analytics tracking ID
AppInstallDirOverrideEnvVarName is used to override the default app installation path of the state tool.
const AsyncRuntimeConfig = "optin.unstable.async_runtime"
AsyncRuntimeConfig is the config key used to determine whether the user has opted in to async runtimes
const AutoUpdateConfigKey = "autoupdate"
AutoUpdateConfigKey is the config key for storing whether or not autoupdates can be performed
const AutoUpdateTimeoutEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_UPDATE_TIMEOUT"
AutoUpdateTimeoutEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that can be set to override the allowed timeout to check for an available auto-update
AutostartPathOverrideEnvVarName is used to override the default autostart path of the state service.
const AutostartSvcConfigKey = "autostart.svc"
AutostartSvcConfigKey is the config key used to determine if the service should be run on startup.
const BetaChannel = "beta"
BetaChannel is the channel used for beta builds
const BugTrackerURL = ""
BugTrackerURL is the URL of our bug tracker
const BuildLogStreamerPath = "/sv/build-log-streamer"
BuildLogStreamerPath is the websocket API used for streaming build results
const BuildPlannerAPIPath = "/sv/buildplanner/graphql"
BuildPlannerAPIPath is the path used for the build planner api
const BuildProgressUrlPathName = "distributions"
ProgressUrlPathName is the trailing path for a project's build progress.
const BuildScriptFileName = ""
BuildScriptFileName holds the name of the file that represents the build script used to generate the runtime
const BuildplanAPIPath = "/sv/buildplanner/graphql"
BuildplanAPIPath is the path used for the build planner api
CPUProfileEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies whether CPU profiling should be run.
CacheEnvVarName is the env var used to override the cache dir that the State Tool uses
const CheatSheetURL = ""
CheatSheetURL is the URL for the State Tool Cheat Sheet
const CommandName = "state"
CommandName holds the name of our command
ConfigEnvVarName is the env var used to override the config dir that the State Tool uses
const ConfigFileName = "activestate.yaml"
ConfigFileName holds the name of the file that the user uses to configure their project, not to be confused with InternalConfigFileNameLegacy
const DateFormatUser = "January 02, 2006"
DateFormatUser is the date format we use when communicating with the end-user
const DateTimeFormatRecord = "Mon Jan 2 2006 15:04:05 -0700 MST"
DateTimeFormatRecord is the datetime format we use when recording for internal use
const DateTimeFormatUser = "2 Jan 2006 15:04"
DateTimeFormatUser is the datetime format we use when communicating with the end-user
const DebugServiceRequestsEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_DEBUG_SERVICE_REQUESTS"
DebugServiceRequestsEnvVarName is used to instruct State Tool to turn on debug logging of service requests
const DefaultAPIHost = ""
DefaultAPIHost is the host used for platform api calls when on production
const DefaultAnalyticsPixel = ""
DefaultAnalyticsPixel is the default url for the analytics pixel
const DefaultBranchName = "main"
DefaultBranchName is the default branch name used on platform projects
const DefaultNamespaceDomain = ""
DefaultNamespaceDomain is the domain used when no namespace is given and one has to be constructed
const DefaultRSABitLength int = 4096
DefaultRSABitLength represents the default RSA bit-length that will be assumed when generating new Keypairs.
DisableActivateEventsEnvVarName is the environment variable used to disable events when activating or checking out a project
const DisableAnalyticsEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_DISABLE_ANALYTICS"
DisableAnalyticsEnvVarName is used to instruct State Tool to not send data to Google Analytics.
const DisableBuildscriptDirtyCheck = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_DISABLE_BS_DIRTY_CHECK"
DisableBuildscriptDirtyCheck is the env var used to disable the check for dirty buildscripts
DisableErrorTipsEnvVarName disables the display of tips in error messages. This should only be used by the installer so-as not to pollute error message output.
DisableLanguageTemplates is the env var used to disable templating for new activestate.yaml files
DisableRuntime is the env var used to disable downloading of runtimes, useful for CI or testing
DisableUpdates is the env var used to disable automatic updates
const DocumentationURL = ""
DocumentationURL is the url for the state tool documentation
const DocumentationURLGetStarted = DocumentationURL + "create-project/?utm_source=platform-application-gui&utm_medium=activestate-desktop&utm_content=drop-down&utm_campaign=maru"
DocumentationURLGetStarted is the documentation URL for creating projects
const DocumentationURLLocking = DocumentationURL + "advanced-topics/locking/"
DocumentationURLLocking is the documentation URL for locking
const DocumentationURLMismatch = DocumentationURL + "troubleshooting/git-project-mismatch/"
DocumentationURLMismatch is the documentation URL for the project mismatch warning
const E2ETestEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_E2E_TEST"
E2ETestEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies that we are running under E2E tests
const EnvironmentEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_ENVIRONMENT"
EnvironmentEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies the current environment (dev, qa, prod, etc.)
ExecRecursionAllowEnvVarName is an environment variable overriding the recursion allowance
ExecRecursionEnvVarName is an environment variable storing a string representation of the current recursion
ExecRecursionLevelEnvVarName is an environment variable storing the number of times the executor has been called recursively
ExecRecursionMaxLevelEnvVarName is an environment variable storing the number of times the executor may be called recursively
const ExpanderMaxDepth = int(10)
ExpanderMaxDepth defines the maximum depth to fully expand a given value.
const ExperimentalChannel = "master"
ExperimentalChannel is the channel used for experimental builds
const FirstMultiFileStateToolVersion = "0.29.0"
FirstMultiFileStateToolVersion is the State Tool version that introduced multi-file updates
const ForceUpdateEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_FORCE_UPDATE"
ForceUpdateEnvVarName is used to force state tool to update, regardless of whether the update is equal to the current version
const ForumsURL = ""
ForumsURL is the URL to the state tool forums
const ForwardedStateEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_FORWARDED"
ForwardedStateEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that is set when in an activated state, its value will be the path of the project
const GlobalDefaultPrefname = ""
GlobalDefaultPrefname is the pref that holds the path to the globally defaulted project
const GraphqlAPIPath = "/graphql/v1/graphql"
GraphqlAPIPath is the path used for the platform graphql api
const HasuraInventoryAPIPath = "/sv/hasura-inventory/v1/graphql"
HasuraInventoryAPIPath is the path used for the hasura inventory api
const HeadChefAPIPath = "/sv/head-chef"
HeadChefAPIPath is the api path used for the headchef api
const HeartbeatIntervalEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL"
HeartbeatIntervalEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable used to override the heartbeat interval
const HomeEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_HOME"
HomeEnvVarName is the fallback env var used to determine the user's home directory.
const IgnoreEnvEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_IGNORE_ENV"
IgnoreEnvEnvVarName is the environment variable to set for skipping specific environment variables during runtime setup.
InstallBuildDependenciesEnvVarName is the env var that is used to override whether to install build dependencies
InstallPathOverrideEnvVarName is used to override the default installation path of the state tool. This is intended for use in our integration tests, not by end-users.
const InstallSourceFile = "installsource.txt"
InstallSourceFile is the file we use to record what installed the state tool
const InstallerName = "State Installer"
InstallerName is the name we give to our state-installer executable
InstallerNoSubshell is an environment variable that if set to true will tell the installer not to start a subshell
const InternalConfigFileName = "config.db"
InternalConfigFileName is the filename used for our sqlite based settings db
const InternalConfigFileNameLegacy = "config.yaml"
InternalConfigFileNameLegacy is effectively the same as InternalConfigName, but includes our preferred extension
const InternalConfigNamespace = "activestate"
InternalConfigNamespace holds the appdata folder name under which we store our config
const InventoryAPIPath = "/sv/inventory-api-v1"
InventoryAPIPath is the api path used for the secrets api
const KeypairLocalFileName = "private"
KeypairLocalFileName is the name of the file (sans extension) that will hold the user's unencrypted private key in their config dir.
const LastUsedNamespacePrefname = "last.used.namespace"
LastUsedNamespacePrefname is the pref that holds the last used org for commands that use a project
const LegacyToplevelInstallArchiveDir = "state-install"
LegacyToplevelInstallArchiveDir is the top-level directory for files in an installation archive This constant will be removed in DX-2081.
const LibraryLicense = "BSD 3"
LibraryLicense is the license that the library is distributed under.
const LibraryName = "cli"
LibraryName contains the main name of this library
const LibraryNamespace = ""
LibraryNamespace is the namespace that the library belongs to
const LibraryOwner = "ActiveState"
LibraryOwner contains the name of the owner of this library
const LogBuildVerboseEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_BUILD_VERBOSE"
LogBuildVerboseEnvVarName is the env var used to enable verbose build logging
LogEnvVarName is the env var used to override the log file path
const MediatorAPIPath = "/sv/mediator/api"
MediatorAPIPath is the path used for the platform mediator api
const MonoAPIPath = "/api/v1"
MonoAPIPath is the api path used for the platform api
const NotificationsInfoURL = ""
NotificationsInfoURL is the URL we check against to see what versions are deprecated
const NotificationsOverrideEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_NOTIFICATIONS_OVERRIDE"
NotificationsOverrideEnvVarName is used to override the location of the notifications file (for testing purposes - should hold local filepath)
const OfflineInstallerRollbarToken = "0ab5e19218bd494680bf8f5d08cf37ad"
OfflineInstallerRollbarToken is the token used by the Offline Installer to talk to rollbar
const OptinBuildscriptsConfig = "optin.buildscripts"
OptinBuildscriptsConfig is the config key used to determine whether the user has opted in to buildscripts
const OptinUnstableEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_OPTIN_UNSTABLE"
OptinUnstableEnvVarName is used to instruct State Tool to opt-in to unstable features
OverrideSandbox is the environment variable to set when overriding the sandbox for integration tests.
const OverrideSessionTokenEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_OVERRIDE_SESSION_TOKEN"
OverrideSessionTokenEnvVarName overrides SessionTokenEnvVarName for integration tests.
const OverrideShellEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_SHELL_OVERRIDE"
OverrideShellEnvVarName is the environment variable to set when overriding the shell for shell detection.
const OverwriteDefaultInstallationPathEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_TEST_INSTALL_PATH"
OverwriteDefaultInstallationPathEnvVarName is the environment variable name to overwrite the default installation path FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
const OverwriteDefaultSystemPathEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_TEST_SYSTEM_PATH"
OverwriteDefaultSystemPathEnvVarName is the environment variable name to overwrite the system app installation directory updates FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY
const PipShim = "pip"
PipShim is the name of the pip shim
const PlatformMarketingPage = ""
PlatformMarketingPage links to the marketing page for the ActiveState Platform
const PlatformPrivateNamespace = "private"
PlatformPrivateNamespace is the namespace for private packages.
const PlatformSignupPath = "/create-account"
PlatformSignupPath is the account creation path used by the platform
const PlatformURL = ""
PlatformURL is the base domain for the production platform
const PreferredGlibcVersionConfig = "runtime.preferred.glibc"
PreferredGlibcVersionConfig is the config key used to determine the preferred glibc version
const PrivateKeyEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_PRIVATE_KEY"
PrivateKeyEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies the private key file to use for decrypting secrets (overriding user config).
const ProfileEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_PROFILE"
ProfileEnvVarName is the name of the environment variable that specifies whether profiling should be run.
const RCAppendAutostartStartLine = "## START ACTIVESTATE AUTOSTART"
RCAppendAutostartStartLine is the start line used to denote our autostart executables in RC files
const RCAppendAutostartStopLine = "## STOP ACTIVESTATE AUTOSTART"
RCAppendAutostartStartLine is the end line used to denote our autostart executables in RC files
RCAppendDefaultStartLine is the start line used to denote our default environment config in RC files
RCAppendDefaultStopLine is the end line used to denote our default environment config in RC files
RCAppendDeployStartLine is the start line used to denote our deploy environment config in RC files
RCAppendDeployStopLine is the end line used to denote our deploy environment config in RC files
const RCAppendInstallStartLine = "-- START ACTIVESTATE INSTALLATION"
RCAppendInstallStartLine is the start line used to denote our default installation config in RC files
const RCAppendInstallStopLine = "-- STOP ACTIVESTATE INSTALLATION"
RCAppendInstallStopLine is the end line used to denote our default installation config in RC files
RCAppendOfflineInstallStartLine is the start line used to denote our deploy environment config in RC files
RCAppendOfflineInstallStopLine is the end line used to denote our deploy environment config in RC files
const ReleaseChannel = "release"
ReleaseChannel is the channel used for release builds
const ReportAnalyticsConfig = ""
ReportAnalyticsConfig is the config key used to determine if we will send analytics reports
const ReportErrorsConfig = "report.errors"
ReportErrorsConfig is the config key used to determine if we will send rollbar reports
const RequirementsImportAPIPath = "/sv/reqsvc/reqs"
RequirementsImportAPIPath is the path used for the requirements import api
const RubyExecutable = "ruby"
RubyExecutable represents the ActivePerl executable.
const RuntimeCacheSizeConfigKey = "runtime.cache.size"
RuntimeCacheSizeConfigKey is the config key for the runtime cache size.
const SecretsAPIPath = "/api/secrets/v1"
SecretsAPIPath is the api path used for the secrets api
const SecretsURL = "" + SecretsAPIPath
SecretsURL is the host used for secrets api calls when on production
const SecurityPromptConfig = "security.prompt.enabled"
SecurityPromptConfig is the config key used to determine if we will prompt the user for security related actions
const SecurityPromptLevelConfig = "security.prompt.level"
SecurityPromptLevelConfig is the config key used to determine the level of security prompts
const ServiceCommandName = "state-svc"
ServiceCommandName holds the name of our service command
const ServiceSockDir = "ACTIVESTATE_SVC_SOCK"
ServiceSockDir overrides the default socket path root diriectory used by the state service
const SessionTokenEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_SESSION_TOKEN"
SessionTokenEnvVarName records the session token
const ShimEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_SHIM"
ShimEnvVarName is used to instruct State Tool that it's being executed as part of a shim
const StateAppName = "State Tool"
StateAppName is the name we give our state cli executable
const StateCmd = "state"
StateCmd is the name of the state tool binary
const StateExecutorCmd = "state-exec"
StateExecutorCmd is the name of the state executor binary
const StateInstallerCmd = "state-installer"
StateInstallerCmd is the name of the state installer binary
const StateInstallerRollbarToken = "f4105fee70c5478eab063abb1acdffa9"
StateInstallerRollbarToken is the token used by the State Installer to talk to rollbar Todo It is currently the same as the State Tool's
const StateRemoteInstallerCmd = "state-remote-installer"
StateRemoteInstallerCmd is the name of the state remote installer binary
const StateServiceRollbarToken = "9dce777154b84824b1a16eb4654886a9"
StateServiceRollbarToken is the token used by the State Service to talk to rollbar
const StateSvcCmd = "state-svc"
StateSvcCmd is the name of the state-svc binary
const StateToolMarketingPage = ""
StateToolMarketingPage links to the marketing page for the state tool
const StateToolRollbarToken = "4062b6b437ed40e9aa710ce8931d7897"
StateToolRollbarToken is the token used by the State Tool to talk to rollbar
const SvcAppName = "State Service"
SvcAppName is the name we give our state-svc application
const SvcAuthPollingRateEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_SVC_AUTH_POLLING_RATE"
SvcAuthPollingRateEnvVarName is used to override the default polling rate for syncing the authenticated state with the svc
const SvcLaunchFileName = "state-svc"
SvcLaunchFileName is the name we give files pertaining to our state-svc application
StateSvcLogRotateInvervalEnvVarName is the environment variable used to override the default log rotation timer interval (1 minute).
const TerminalAnimationInterval = 150 * time.Millisecond
TerminalAnimationInterval is the interval we use for terminal animations
const TermsOfServiceURLLatest = ""
TermsOfServiceURLLatest is the URL to get the latest terms of service in PDF form
const TestAutoUpdateEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_TEST_AUTO_UPDATE"
TestAutoUpdateEnvVarName is used to test auto updates, when set to true will always attempt to auto update
const UnstableConfig = "optin.unstable"
UnstableConfig is the config key used to determine whether the user has opted in to unstable commands
const UpdateChannelEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_CLI_UPDATE_CHANNEL"
UpdateChannelEnvVarName is the env var that is used to override which channel to pull the update from
const UpdateTagEnvVarName = "ACTIVESTATE_UPDATE_TAG"
const UserAgentTemplate = "{{.UserAgent}} ({{.OS}}; {{.OSVersion}}; {{.Architecture}})"
UserAgentTemplate is the template used to generate the actual user agent, which includes runtime information as well as build information
const VulnerabilitiesAPIPath = "/v13s/v1/graphql"
VulnerabilitiesAPIPath is the path used for the vulnerabilities api
Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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