Index ¶
Constants ¶
const ActCommandError = "command-error"
ActCommandErorr is the event action used for command errors
const ActCommandInputError = "command-input-error"
ActCommandInputError is the event action used for command input errors
const ActConfigSet = "set"
ActConfigSet is the event action sent when a configuration value is set
const ActConfigUnset = "unset"
ActConfigUnset is the event action sent when a configuration value is unset
const ActExecutorExit = "executor-exit"
ActExecutorExit is the event action used for executor exit codes
const ActOfflineInstallerAbort = "aborted"
ActOfflineInstallerAbort is the event action for the offline installer being terminated by the user
const ActOfflineInstallerFailure = "failure"
ActOfflineInstallerFailure is the event action for the offline installer/uninstaller failing
const ActOfflineInstallerStart = "start"
ActOfflineInstallerStart is the event action for the offline installer/uninstaller being initiated
const ActOfflineInstallerSuccess = "success"
ActOfflineInstallerStart is the event action for the offline installer/uninstaller succeeding
const ActRuntimeAttempt = "attempt"
ActRuntimeSuccess is the event action sent attempting to use a runtime
const ActRuntimeBuild = "build"
ActRuntimeBuild is the event action sent when starting a remote build for the project
const ActRuntimeCache = "cache"
ActRuntimeCache is the event action sent when a runtime is constructed from the local cache alone
const ActRuntimeDelete = "delete"
ActRuntimeDelete is the event action sent when uninstalling a runtime
const ActRuntimeDownload = "download"
ActRuntimeDownload is the event action sent before starting the download of artifacts for a runtime
const ActRuntimeFailure = "failure"
ActRuntimeFailure is the event action sent when a failure occurred anytime during a runtime operation
const ActRuntimeHeartbeat = "heartbeat"
ActRuntimeHeartbeat is the event action sent when a runtime is in use
const ActRuntimeInstall = "install"
ActRuntimeInstall is the event action sent before starting the install of artifacts for a runtime
const ActRuntimePostprocess = "postprocess"
ActRuntimePostprocess is the event action sent before starting the postprocess of artifacts for a runtime
const ActRuntimeStart = "start"
ActRuntimeStart is the event action sent when creating a runtime
const ActRuntimeSuccess = "success"
ActRuntimeSuccess is the event action sent when a runtime's environment has been successfully computed (for the first time)
const ActRuntimeUninstall = "uninstall"
ActRuntimeUninstall is the event action sent before starting the uninstall of artifacts for a runtime
const ActRuntimeUnpack = "unpack"
ActRuntimeUnpack is the event action sent before starting the unpack of artifacts for a runtime
const ActShouldUpdate = "should-autoupdate"
ActConfigGet is the event action sent when determining if an update should be checked
const ActUpdateCheck = "update-check"
ActConfigGet is the event action sent when an update is checked
const ActUpdateDownload = "download"
ActUpdateDownload is the event action sent when an update retrieved
const ActUpdateInstall = "install"
ActUpdateInstall is the event action sent when an update is installed
const ActUpdateRelaunch = "relaunch"
ActUpdateRelaunch is the event action sent after and update is installed and the state tool is relaunched
const ActVcsConflict = "vcs-conflict"
ActVcsConflict is the event action sent when `state pull` results in a conflict.
const CatActivationFlow = "activation"
CatActivationFlow is for events that outline the activation flow
const CatBuild = "build"
CatBuild is the event category used for headchef builds
const CatCommandError = "command-error"
CatCommandExit is the event category used to track the error that was returned from a command
const CatCommandExit = "command-exit"
CatCommandExit is the event category used to track the success of state commands
const CatConfig = "config"
CatConfig is the event category used for all configuration events
const CatDebug = "debug"
CatDebug is the event category used for all debug events
const CatInstaller = "installer"
CatInstaller is the event category used for installer events.
const CatInstallerFunnel = "installer-funnel"
CatInstallerFunnel is the event category used for installer funnel events.
const CatInteractions = "interactions"
CatInteractions is the event category used for tracking user interactions.
const CatMisc = "misc"
CatMist is for miscellaneous events
const CatOfflineInstaller = "offline-installer"
CatOfflineInstaller is the event category used for all data relating to offline installs and uninstalls
const CatPackageOp = "package-operation"
CatPackageOp is for `state packages` events
const CatPrompt = "prompt"
CatPrompt is for prompt events
const CatRunCmd = "run-command"
CatRunCmd is the event category used for running commands
const CatRuntimeDebug = "runtime-debug"
CatRuntimeDebug is the event category used for debugging runtime setup and usage. It should only be used to help diagnose where errors and dropoffs may be happening.
const CatRuntimeUsage = "runtime-use"
CatRuntimeUsage is the event category used for all runtime usage
const CatShim = "shim"
CatShim is the event category used for shimmed commands
const CatStateSvc = "state-svc"
CatStateSvc is for state-svc events
const CatUpdates = "updates"
CatUpdate is the event category used for all update events
const CfgSessionToken = "sessionToken"
CfgSessionToken is the configuration key for the session token the installer sets
const LabelVcsConflictMergeStrategyFailed = "Failed"
LabelVcsConflictMergeStrategyFailed is the label to use when a merge fails.
const LblRtFailUpdate = "update"
LblRtFailUpdate is the label sent with an ActRuntimeFailure event if an error occurred during a runtime update
const SrcExecutor = "Executor"
SrcExecutor is the event source for events sent by executors.
const SrcOfflineInstaller = "Offline Installer"
SrcOfflineInstaller is the event source for events sent by offline installers.
const SrcStateInstaller = "State Installer"
SrcStateInstaller is the event source for events sent by state-installer.
const SrcStateRemoteInstaller = "State Remote Installer"
SrcStateRemoteInstaller is the event source for events sent by state-remote-installer.
const SrcStateService = "State Service"
SrcStateService is the event source for events sent by state-svc.
const SrcStateTool = "State Tool"
SrcStateTool is the event source for events sent by state.
const UpdateErrorBlocked = "Update info request blocked or service unavailable"
UpdateErrorBlocked is sent if the update information was blocked or the service was unavailable
const UpdateErrorExecutable = "Could not locate state executable for relaunch"
UpdateErrorExecutable is sent if the state executable could not be located
const UpdateErrorFetch = "Could not fetch update info"
UpdateErrorFetch is sent if the update information could not be fetched
const UpdateErrorInProgress = "Update already in progress"
UpdateErrorInProgress is sent if an update is already in progress
const UpdateErrorInstallFailed = "Could not install update"
UpdateErrorInstallFailed is sent if an update failed at the install step
const UpdateErrorInstallPath = "Could not detect install path"
UpdateErrorInstallPath is sent if the install path could not be detected
const UpdateErrorNoInstaller = "Downloaded update does not have installer"
UpdateErrorNoInstaller is sent if the downloaded update does not have an installer
const UpdateErrorNotFound = "Update info could not be found"
UpdateErrorNotFound is sent if the update information could not be found
const UpdateErrorRelaunch = "Could not execute relaunch"
UpdateErrorRelaunch is sent if the updated state executable could not be relaunched
const UpdateErrorTempDir = "Could not create temp dir"
UpdateErrorTempDir is sent if the temp dir for update unpacking could not be created
const UpdateLabelAvailable = "available"
UpdateLabelAvailable is the sent if the update information is available
const UpdateLabelCI = "ci"
AutoUpdateLabelDisabledCI is sent if we should not auto-update as we are on CI
const UpdateLabelConflict = "conflict"
UpdateLabelConflict is sent if we should not auto-update as the current command might conflict
const UpdateLabelDisabledConfig = "disabled-config"
UpdateLabelDisabledConfig is sent if we should not auto-update as the user has disabled auto-updates via the config
const UpdateLabelDisabledEnv = "disabled-env"
UpdateLabelDisabledEnv is sent if we should not auto-update as the user has disabled auto-updates via the environment
const UpdateLabelFailed = "failure"
UpdateLabelFailed is sent if an auto-update failed
const UpdateLabelForward = "forward"
UpdateLabelForward is sent if we should not auto-update as we are forwarding a command
const UpdateLabelFreshInstall = "fresh-install"
UpdateLabelFreshInstall is sent if we should not auto-update as we are on a fresh install
const UpdateLabelLocked = "locked"
UpdateLabelLocked is sent if we should not auto-update as the state tool is locked
const UpdateLabelSkipChecks = "skip-checks"
UpdateLabelSkipChecks is sent if we should not auto-update because the command explicitly skips auto update checks.
const UpdateLabelStructuredOutput = "structured-output"
UpdateLabelStructuredOutput is sent if we should not auto-update because we're running in structured output (JSON) mode.
const UpdateLabelSuccess = "success"
UpdateLabelSuccess is sent if an auto-update was successful
const UpdateLabelTooFreq = "too-frequent"
UpdateLabelTooFreq is the sent if we should not auto-update as the last check was too recent
const UpdateLabelTrue = "true"
UpdateLabelTrue is sent if we should auto-update
UpdateLabelUnavailable is the sent if the update information is unavailable
const UpdateLabelUnitTest = "unittest"
UpdateLabelUnitTest is sent if we should not auto-update as we are running unit tests
Variables ¶
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Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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