Stateful Merkle Trees provide the support for building and maintaining information in multiple ordered and distributed blockchains.
The SMT implementation is a layered one:
Construction: collect hashes and add to Merkle Tree
Build: Time Stamping, block building
Persistence: Record entries, Merkle States to the database
Validation: Validate entries to be added to the Merkle Tree
func NewSMT() SMT
create a new SMT object to manage a Merkle tree
func (m \*SMT) AddHash([]byte) add a hash to the merkle tree
func (m \*SMT) GetState() (index int64, state [][]byte) Returns State
of Merkle tree. The index of the last hash added, the Merkle Tree state, and the
ordered list of entry hashes as they were added to the Merkle Tree
func (m \*SMT) SetState(index int64, state [][]byte) Sets the state
of SMT to allow building on an existing Merkle Tree
func (m \*SMT) GetDagRoot() []byte Returns the Dag Root for the
current state of the Merkle Tree
func (m \*SMT) EndBlock() (dagRoot []byte, index int64, state [][]byte)
ends the current block by adding the timestamp and header to the Merkle tree to SMT.
The dagRoot sans the transaction