Event Logger
This package enables logging using AccelByte's Event Log Format in go-restful apps.
import "github.com/AccelByte/go-restful-plugins/pkg/logger/event"
Log all endpoints
ws := new(restful.WebService)
ws.Filter(event.Log("realm", "serviceName", event.extractNull))
Log specific endpoint
ws := new(restful.WebService)
Filter(event.Log("realm", "serviceName"", event.extractNull)).
To(func(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
Actor User ID & Namespace
If you are using IAM Auth Filter,
you can use this extractFunc
for extracting iam.JWTClaims
from the restful.Request
to get the actor's user ID
and namespace.
extractFunc := func(req *restful.Request) (userID string, clientID []string, namespace string, traceID string,
sessionID string) {
claims := iamAuth.RetrieveJWTClaims(req)
if claims != nil {
return claims.Subject, []string{claims.ClientID}, claims.Namespace,
req.HeaderParameter("X-Ab-TraceID"), req.HeaderParameter("X-Ab-SessionID")
return "", []string{}, "", req.HeaderParameter("X-Ab-TraceID"), req.HeaderParameter("X-Ab-SessionID")
However, if you are using your own auth filter, you need to set the attributes to the request when registering the
route and you need to implement your custom extractFunc as well. For example:
Set the attributes to the request in the auth filter function
// get token
token := parseToken(request)
// parse the JWT claims
claims := parseClaim(token)
// set the request attribute with claims
request.SetAttribute("userID", claims.Audience)
request.SetAttribute("clientID", claims.Subject)
request.SetAttribute("namespace", claims.Namespace)
The logging filter function
extractFunc := func(req *restful.Request) (userID string, clientID string, namespace string){
userID, _ = req.Attribute("userID").(string)
clientID, _ = req.Attribute("clientID").(string)
namespace, _ = req.Attribute("namespace").(string)
return userID, clientID, namespace
ws := new(restful.WebService)
Filter(event.Log("realm", "serviceName", extractFunc)).
To(func(request *restful.Request, response *restful.Response) {
Target User ID & Namespace
To put target user ID & namespace to the log, call:
event.TargetUser(req *restful.Request, id, namespace string)
Set event ID & log level
To put event ID & level, call one of:
event.Debug(req *restful.Request, eventID int, eventType int, eventLevel int)
event.Info(req *restful.Request, eventID int, eventType int, eventLevel int)
event.Warn(req *restful.Request, eventID int, eventType int, eventLevel int)
event.Error(req *restful.Request, eventID int, eventType int, eventLevel int)
event.Fatal(req *restful.Request, eventID int, eventType int, eventLevel int)
You can put a log message there too.
Additional log fields
Add any additional log fields using
event.AdditionalFields(req *restful.Request, fields map[string]interface{})
Pay attention on the field key name not to overwrite the existing default fields.
By importing this package, it will set the logrus timestamp for entire service to use RFC3339 in millisecond precision
and will force the timezone to be UTC. This timestamp format is required for the AccelByte Event Log service.
However if you want to use your own timestamp format, you can override it by calling logrus.SetFormatter
in the
function of your code before writing any logs.
This is the example of setting timestamp format to use RFC3339Nano
logrus.SetFormatter(&logrus.TextFormatter{TimestampFormat: time.RFC3339Nano})