Tyk Ops

What is it?
Tyk Sync is a command line tool and library to manage and synchronise a Tyk installation with your version control system (VCS).
Note: the project was originally called tyk-git
however this was changed to tyk-sync
as it evolved and can now synchronise to files not just git repos.
- Update APIs and policies on remote Tyk Dashboards
- Update APIs on remote Tyk CE Gateways
- Publish APIS/Policies to remote Tyk Dashboards
- Publish APIs to remote Tyk CE Gateways
- Synchronise a Tyk Dashboard's APIs and Policies with your VCS (one-way, definitions are written to the Dashboard)
- Synchronise a Tyk CE Gateway's APIs with those stored in a VCS (one-way, definitions are written to the Gateway)
- Dump Policies and APIs in a transportable format from a Dashboard to a directory
- Support for importing, converting and publishing Swagger (Open API Spec) files to Tyk.
- Specialized support for Git. But since API and policy definitions can be read directly from
the file system, it will integrate with any VCS.
- Show and import Tyk examples
Tyk Sync tries to be clever about what APIs and Policies to update and which to create, it will actually base all
ID matching on the API ID and the masked Policy ID, so it can identify the same object across installations. Tyk has
a tendency to generate fresh IDs for all new Objects, so Tyk Sync gets around this by using portable IDs and ensuring
the necessary portable IDs are set when using the dump
This means that Tyk Sync can be used to back-up your most important API Gateway configurations as code, and to deploy
those configurations to any target and ensure that API IDs and Policy IDs will remain consistent, ensuring that any
dependent tokens continue to have access to your services.
- Tyk Sync was built using Go 1.16. The minimum Go version required to install is 1.16.
- In order for policy ID matching to work correctly, your Dashboard must have
allow_explicit_policy_id: true
and enable_duplicate_slugs: true
- In order for policy ID matching to work correctly, your Gateway must have
policies.allow_explicit_policy_id: true
- It is assumed you have a Tyk CE or Tyk Pro installation.
Currently the application is available via Go, Docker and in packagecloud, so to install via Go you must have Go installed and run:
go install github.com/AaronFeledy/tyk-ops@latest
You can also download the binaries from the releases page.
This should make the tyk-sync
command available to your console.
To install a particular version of Tyk Sync via docker image please run the following command stating the version you want to use. A list of all available versions can be found on the Tyk Sync Docker Hub page: https://hub.docker.com/r/tykio/tyk-sync/tags
docker pull tykio/tyk-sync:{version_id}
To run tyk-sync
as a one-off command and display usage options please do:
docker run -it --rm tykio/tyk-sync:{version_id} help
Then the docker image tyk-sync
can be used in the following way:
docker run -it --rm tykio/tyk-sync:{version_id} [flags]
docker run -it --rm tykio/tyk-sync:{version_id} [command]
tyk-sync [flags]
tyk-sync [command]
Available Commands:
dump Dump will extract policies and APIs from a target (dashboard)
examples Shows a list of all available tyk examples
help Help about any command
publish publish API definitions from a Git repo or file system to a gateway or dashboard
sync Synchronise a github repo or file system with a gateway
update A brief description of your command
version This command will show the current Tyk-Sync version
-h, --help help for tyk-sync
Use "tyk-sync [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Example: Transfer from one Tyk Dashboard to another
First, we need to extract the data from our Tyk Dashboard, here we dump
into ./tmp, let's assume this is a git-enabled
tyk-sync dump -d="http://localhost:3000" -s="b2d420ca5302442b6f20100f76de7d83" -t="./tmp"
Extracting APIs and Policies from http://localhost:3000
> Fetching policies
--> Identified 1 policies
--> Fetching and cleaning policy objects
> Fetching APIs
--> Fetched 3 APIs
> Creating spec file in: tmp/.tyk.json
Next, let's push those changes back to the Git repo on the branch my-test-branch
cd tmp
git add .
git commit -m "My dashboard dump"
git push -u origin my-test-branch
Now to restore this data directly from GitHub:
tyk-sync sync -d="http://localhost:3010" -s="b2d420ca5302442b6f20100f76de7d83" -b="refs/heads/my-test-branch" https://github.com/myname/my-test.git
Using publisher: Dashboard Publisher
Fetched 3 definitions
Fetched 1 policies
Processing APIs...
Deleting: 0
Updating: 3
Creating: 0
SYNC Updating: 598ec94f9695f201730d835b
SYNC Updating: 598ec9589695f201730d835c
SYNC Updating: 5990cfee9695f201730d836e
Processing Policies...
Deleting policies: 0
Updating policies: 1
Creating policies: 0
SYNC Updating Policy: Test policy 1
--> Found policy using explicit ID, substituting remote ID for update
The command provides output to identify which actions have been taken. If using a Tyk Gateway, the Gateway will be
automatically hot-reloaded.
Example: Check the currently installed version of Tyk Sync
To check the current Tyk Sync version, we need to run the version command:
tyk-sync version
Example: Import Tyk example into Dashboard
To list all available examples you need to run this command:
tyk-sync examples
udg/vat-checker VAT number checker UDG Simple REST API wrapped in GQL using Universal Data Graph that allows user to check validity of a VAT number and display some details about it.
udg/geo-info Geo information about the World Countries GQL API extended with information from Restcountries
It's also possible to show more details about an example by using its location:
tyk-sync examples show --location="udg/vat-checker"
VAT number checker UDG
Simple REST API wrapped in GQL using Universal Data Graph that allows user to check validity of a VAT number and display some details about it.
- REST Datasource
To publish it into the Dashboard you will need to use this command:
tyk-sync examples publish -d="http://localhost:3000" -s="b2d420ca5302442b6f20100f76de7d83" -l="udg/vat-checker"
Fetched 1 definitions
Fetched 0 policies
Using publisher: Dashboard Publisher
org override detected, setting.
Creating API 0: vat-validation
--> Status: OK, ID:726e705e6afc432742867e1bd898cb26
Updating API 0: vat-validation
--> Status: OK, ID:726e705e6afc432742867e1bd898cb26
org override detected, setting.