Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- type Activity
- type ActivityComment
- type ActivityCustomValue
- type ActivityCustomValueEntry
- type ActivitySource
- type AddApprovee
- type AddApproveeResponse
- type AddAssignee
- type AddAssigneeResponse
- type AddCategory
- type AddCategoryResponse
- type AddComment
- type AddCommentResponse
- type AddCommentToActivity
- type AddCommentToActivityResponse
- type AddExternalLinkedRevision
- type AddExternalLinkedRevisionResponse
- type AddExternallyLinkedItem
- type AddExternallyLinkedItemResponse
- type AddHyperlink
- type AddHyperlinkResponse
- type AddLinkedItem
- type AddLinkedItemResponse
- type AddLinkedItemWithRev
- type AddLinkedItemWithRevResponse
- type AddLinkedOslcItem
- type AddLinkedOslcItemResponse
- type AddLinkedRevision
- type AddLinkedRevisionResponse
- type AddPlaningContraint
- type AddPlaningContraintResponse
- type AnyType
- type AnyURI
- type Approval
- type ArrayOfApproval
- type ArrayOfAttachment
- type ArrayOfCategory
- type ArrayOfComment
- type ArrayOfCustom
- type ArrayOfEnumOptionId
- type ArrayOfExternallyLinkedWorkItem
- type ArrayOfHyperlink
- type ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource
- type ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem
- type ArrayOfModuleComment
- type ArrayOfPlanningConstraint
- type ArrayOfPriorityOptionId
- type ArrayOfRevision
- type ArrayOfRow
- type ArrayOfSubterraURI
- type ArrayOfText
- type ArrayOfUser
- type ArrayOfWikiPageAttachment
- type ArrayOfWorkRecord
- type ArrayOf_tns2_Location
- type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityComment
- type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityCustomValueEntry
- type ArrayOf_tns3_FieldDiff
- type ArrayOf_xsd_anyType
- type ArrayOf_xsd_string
- type ArrayOfstring
- type Attachment
- type Baseline
- type CanCommentActivity
- type CanCommentActivityResponse
- type CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivity
- type CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse
- type Category
- type Change
- type Comment
- type ContextId
- type CreateAttachment
- type CreateAttachmentResponse
- type CreateBaseline
- type CreateBaselineResponse
- type CreateComment
- type CreateCommentNew
- type CreateCommentNewResponse
- type CreateCommentResponse
- type CreateDocument
- type CreateDocumentComment
- type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI
- type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse
- type CreateDocumentCommentReply
- type CreateDocumentCommentReplyResponse
- type CreateDocumentCommentResponse
- type CreateDocumentResponse
- type CreateFolder
- type CreateFolderResponse
- type CreateModule
- type CreateModuleResponse
- type CreateWorkItem
- type CreateWorkItemInModule
- type CreateWorkItemInModuleResponse
- type CreateWorkItemResponse
- type CreateWorkRecord
- type CreateWorkRecordResponse
- type CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment
- type CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndCommentResponse
- type Currency
- type Custom
- type CustomField
- type CustomFieldType
- type DeleteAttachment
- type DeleteAttachmentResponse
- type DeleteBaseline
- type DeleteBaselineResponse
- type DeleteModule
- type DeleteModuleResponse
- type DeleteWorkItem
- type DeleteWorkItemResponse
- type DeleteWorkRecord
- type DeleteWorkRecordResponse
- type DoAutoSuspect
- type DoAutoSuspectResponse
- type DoAutoassign
- type DoAutoassignResponse
- type Duration
- type EditApproval
- type EditApprovalResponse
- type EnumCustomFieldType
- type EnumOption
- type EnumOptionId
- type ExportDocumentToPDF
- type ExportDocumentToPDFResponse
- type ExternallyLinkedWorkItem
- type FieldDiff
- type Folder
- type GenerateHistory
- type GenerateHistoryResponse
- type GetActivityByGlobalId
- type GetActivityByGlobalIdResponse
- type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForId
- type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse
- type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKey
- type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse
- type GetAllEnumOptionsForId
- type GetAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse
- type GetAllEnumOptionsForKey
- type GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse
- type GetAllowedApprovers
- type GetAllowedApproversResponse
- type GetAllowedAssignees
- type GetAllowedAssigneesResponse
- type GetAttachment
- type GetAttachmentResponse
- type GetAvailableActions
- type GetAvailableActionsResponse
- type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId
- type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse
- type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey
- type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse
- type GetBackLinkedWorkitems
- type GetBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse
- type GetCategories
- type GetCategoriesResponse
- type GetChildFolders
- type GetChildFoldersResponse
- type GetCustomField
- type GetCustomFieldKeys
- type GetCustomFieldKeysResponse
- type GetCustomFieldResponse
- type GetCustomFieldType
- type GetCustomFieldTypeResponse
- type GetCustomFieldTypes
- type GetCustomFieldTypesResponse
- type GetDefaultLanguageDefinition
- type GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldKeys
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldKeysResponse
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldType
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypes
- type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse
- type GetDocumentSpaces
- type GetDocumentSpacesResponse
- type GetDurationHours
- type GetDurationHoursResponse
- type GetEnumControlKeyForId
- type GetEnumControlKeyForIdResponse
- type GetEnumControlKeyForKey
- type GetEnumControlKeyForKeyResponse
- type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId
- type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse
- type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey
- type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse
- type GetEnumOptionWithEnumId
- type GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse
- type GetEnumOptionWithKey
- type GetEnumOptionWithKeyResponse
- type GetEnumOptionsForId
- type GetEnumOptionsForIdResponse
- type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl
- type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse
- type GetEnumOptionsForKey
- type GetEnumOptionsForKeyResponse
- type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl
- type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse
- type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey
- type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse
- type GetFolder
- type GetFolderForURI
- type GetFolderForURIResponse
- type GetFolderResponse
- type GetFolders
- type GetFoldersResponse
- type GetInitialWorkflowAction
- type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType
- type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse
- type GetInitialWorkflowActionResponse
- type GetLanguageDefinition
- type GetLanguageDefinitionResponse
- type GetLanguageDefinitions
- type GetLanguageDefinitionsResponse
- type GetLinkedResources
- type GetLinkedResourcesResponse
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse
- type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse
- type GetModuleByLocation
- type GetModuleByLocationResponse
- type GetModuleByLocationWithFields
- type GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse
- type GetModuleByUri
- type GetModuleByUriResponse
- type GetModuleByUriWithFields
- type GetModuleByUriWithFieldsResponse
- type GetModuleUris
- type GetModuleUrisResponse
- type GetModuleWorkItemUris
- type GetModuleWorkItemUrisResponse
- type GetModuleWorkItems
- type GetModuleWorkItemsResponse
- type GetModules
- type GetModulesResponse
- type GetModulesSubFolders
- type GetModulesSubFoldersResponse
- type GetModulesWithFields
- type GetModulesWithFieldsResponse
- type GetOneDayLength
- type GetOneDayLengthResponse
- type GetRevision
- type GetRevisionByUri
- type GetRevisionByUriResponse
- type GetRevisionResponse
- type GetRevisions
- type GetRevisionsResponse
- type GetRootFolders
- type GetRootFoldersResponse
- type GetTimepoints
- type GetTimepointsResponse
- type GetUnavailableActions
- type GetUnavailableActionsResponse
- type GetWikiPageByUri
- type GetWikiPageByUriResponse
- type GetWikiPageByUriWithFields
- type GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse
- type GetWikiPageUris
- type GetWikiPageUrisResponse
- type GetWikiPages
- type GetWikiPagesResponse
- type GetWikiPagesWithFields
- type GetWikiPagesWithFieldsResponse
- type GetWikiSpaces
- type GetWikiSpacesResponse
- type GetWorkItemById
- type GetWorkItemByIdResponse
- type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields
- type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse
- type GetWorkItemByUri
- type GetWorkItemByUriInRevision
- type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse
- type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields
- type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse
- type GetWorkItemByUriResponse
- type GetWorkItemByUriWithFields
- type GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse
- type GetWorkItemsCount
- type GetWorkItemsCountResponse
- type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision
- type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse
- type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields
- type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse
- type Hyperlink
- type ImportedComment
- type IsHistoryAvailable
- type IsHistoryAvailableResponse
- type IsResolvedComment
- type IsResolvedCommentResponse
- type LanguageDefinition
- type LinkedOslcResource
- type LinkedResource
- type LinkedWorkItem
- type ListActivitySources
- type ListActivitySourcesResponse
- type ListAllActivities
- type ListAllActivitiesGlobalIds
- type ListAllActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse
- type ListAllActivitiesResponse
- type ListGroupActivities
- type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds
- type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse
- type ListGroupActivitiesResponse
- type ListProjectActivities
- type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds
- type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse
- type ListProjectActivitiesResponse
- type Location
- type Module
- type ModuleComment
- type MoveWorkItemToDocument
- type MoveWorkItemToDocumentResponse
- type MoveWorkItemToModule
- type MoveWorkItemToModuleResponse
- type NCName
- type PdfProperties
- type PerformWorkflowAction
- type PerformWorkflowActionResponse
- type PlanningConstraint
- type PriorityOpt
- type PriorityOptionId
- type Project
- type Properties
- type Property
- type QueryBaselines
- type QueryBaselinesResponse
- type QueryModuleUris
- type QueryModuleUrisBySQL
- type QueryModuleUrisBySQLResponse
- type QueryModuleUrisInBaseline
- type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineResponse
- type QueryModuleUrisResponse
- type QueryModules
- type QueryModulesBySQL
- type QueryModulesBySQLResponse
- type QueryModulesInBaseline
- type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryModulesInBaselineResponse
- type QueryModulesResponse
- type QueryRevisionUris
- type QueryRevisionUrisResponse
- type QueryRevisions
- type QueryRevisionsResponse
- type QueryWikiPageUris
- type QueryWikiPageUrisBySQL
- type QueryWikiPageUrisBySQLResponse
- type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline
- type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse
- type QueryWikiPageUrisResponse
- type QueryWikiPages
- type QueryWikiPagesBySQL
- type QueryWikiPagesBySQLResponse
- type QueryWikiPagesInBaseline
- type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineResponse
- type QueryWikiPagesResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUris
- type QueryWorkItemUrisBySQL
- type QueryWorkItemUrisBySQLResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUrisLimited
- type QueryWorkItemUrisLimitedResponse
- type QueryWorkItemUrisResponse
- type QueryWorkItems
- type QueryWorkItemsBySQL
- type QueryWorkItemsBySQLResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaseline
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsInRevision
- type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited
- type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsLimited
- type QueryWorkItemsLimitedResponse
- type QueryWorkItemsResponse
- type RemoveApprovee
- type RemoveApproveeResponse
- type RemoveAssignee
- type RemoveAssigneeResponse
- type RemoveCategory
- type RemoveCategoryResponse
- type RemoveExternalLinkedRevision
- type RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionResponse
- type RemoveExternallyLinkedItem
- type RemoveExternallyLinkedItemResponse
- type RemoveHyperlink
- type RemoveHyperlinkResponse
- type RemoveLinkedItem
- type RemoveLinkedItemResponse
- type RemoveLinkedRevision
- type RemoveLinkedRevisionResponse
- type RemovePlaningConstraint
- type RemovePlaningConstraintResponse
- type ResetWorkflow
- type ResetWorkflowResponse
- type ReuseDocument
- type ReuseDocumentResponse
- type ReuseModule
- type ReuseModuleResponse
- type Revision
- type Row
- type SetCommentTags
- type SetCommentTagsResponse
- type SetCustomField
- type SetCustomFieldResponse
- type SetFieldsNull
- type SetFieldsNullResponse
- type SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription
- type SetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse
- type SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle
- type SetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse
- type SetResolvedComment
- type SetResolvedCommentResponse
- type SubterraURI
- type Table
- type Text
- type TimePoint
- type TrackerWebService
- type UpdateAttachment
- type UpdateAttachmentResponse
- type UpdateBaseline
- type UpdateBaselineResponse
- type UpdateDerivedDocument
- type UpdateDerivedDocumentResponse
- type UpdateDerivedModule
- type UpdateDerivedModuleResponse
- type UpdateModule
- type UpdateModuleResponse
- type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument
- type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse
- type UpdateWorkItem
- type UpdateWorkItemResponse
- type User
- type WikiPage
- type WikiPageAttachment
- type WorkItem
- type WorkRecord
- type WorkflowAction
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Activity ¶
type Activity struct { ActivityCustomValues *ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityCustomValueEntry `xml:"activityCustomValues,omitempty" json:"activityCustomValues,omitempty"` Comments *ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityComment `xml:"comments,omitempty" json:"comments,omitempty"` ContextId *ContextId `xml:"contextId,omitempty" json:"contextId,omitempty"` GlobalId *string `xml:"globalId,omitempty" json:"globalId,omitempty"` Id *string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Info *Text `xml:"info,omitempty" json:"info,omitempty"` Prefix *string `xml:"prefix,omitempty" json:"prefix,omitempty"` ResourceLocations *ArrayOf_tns2_Location `xml:"resourceLocations,omitempty" json:"resourceLocations,omitempty"` SourceId *string `xml:"sourceId,omitempty" json:"sourceId,omitempty"` Timestamp *soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"timestamp,omitempty" json:"timestamp,omitempty"` Type_ *string `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` UserId *string `xml:"userId,omitempty" json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type ActivityComment ¶
type ActivityComment struct { Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` TimeStamp *soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"timeStamp,omitempty" json:"timeStamp,omitempty"` UserId *string `xml:"userId,omitempty" json:"userId,omitempty"` }
type ActivityCustomValue ¶
type ActivityCustomValue struct {
Values *ArrayOf_xsd_string `xml:"values,omitempty" json:"values,omitempty"`
type ActivityCustomValueEntry ¶
type ActivityCustomValueEntry struct { CustomValues *ActivityCustomValue `xml:"customValues,omitempty" json:"customValues,omitempty"` Key *string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type ActivitySource ¶
type ActivitySource struct { Id *string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Prefix *string `xml:"prefix,omitempty" json:"prefix,omitempty"` Types *ArrayOf_xsd_string `xml:"types,omitempty" json:"types,omitempty"` }
type AddApprovee ¶
type AddApprovee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addApprovee"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` ApproveeId string `xml:"approveeId,omitempty" json:"approveeId,omitempty"` }
type AddApproveeResponse ¶
type AddAssignee ¶
type AddAssignee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addAssignee"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` AssigneeId string `xml:"assigneeId,omitempty" json:"assigneeId,omitempty"` }
type AddAssigneeResponse ¶
type AddCategory ¶
type AddCategory struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addCategory"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` CategoryId string `xml:"categoryId,omitempty" json:"categoryId,omitempty"` }
type AddCategoryResponse ¶
type AddComment ¶
type AddComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addComment"` ParentObjectUri *SubterraURI `xml:"parentObjectUri,omitempty" json:"parentObjectUri,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Content *Text `xml:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` }
type AddCommentResponse ¶
type AddCommentResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addCommentResponse"` AddCommentReturn *SubterraURI `xml:"addCommentReturn,omitempty" json:"addCommentReturn,omitempty"` }
type AddCommentToActivity ¶
type AddExternalLinkedRevision ¶
type AddExternalLinkedRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addExternalLinkedRevision"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` RepositoryName string `xml:"repositoryName,omitempty" json:"repositoryName,omitempty"` RevisionId string `xml:"revisionId,omitempty" json:"revisionId,omitempty"` }
type AddExternallyLinkedItem ¶
type AddExternallyLinkedItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addExternallyLinkedItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` LinkedExternalWorkitemURI string `xml:"linkedExternalWorkitemURI,omitempty" json:"linkedExternalWorkitemURI,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type AddHyperlink ¶
type AddHyperlink struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addHyperlink"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Url string `xml:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type AddHyperlinkResponse ¶
type AddLinkedItem ¶
type AddLinkedItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addLinkedItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` LinkedWorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"linkedWorkitemURI,omitempty" json:"linkedWorkitemURI,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type AddLinkedItemResponse ¶
type AddLinkedItemWithRev ¶
type AddLinkedItemWithRev struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addLinkedItemWithRev"` In0 *SubterraURI `xml:"in0,omitempty" json:"in0,omitempty"` In1 *SubterraURI `xml:"in1,omitempty" json:"in1,omitempty"` In2 *EnumOptionId `xml:"in2,omitempty" json:"in2,omitempty"` In3 string `xml:"in3,omitempty" json:"in3,omitempty"` In4 bool `xml:"in4,omitempty" json:"in4,omitempty"` }
type AddLinkedOslcItem ¶
type AddLinkedOslcItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addLinkedOslcItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` LinkedOslcItemURI string `xml:"linkedOslcItemURI,omitempty" json:"linkedOslcItemURI,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` Label string `xml:"label,omitempty" json:"label,omitempty"` }
type AddLinkedRevision ¶
type AddLinkedRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addLinkedRevision"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` RevisionId string `xml:"revisionId,omitempty" json:"revisionId,omitempty"` }
type AddPlaningContraint ¶
type AddPlaningContraint struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" addPlaningContraint"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` Constraint *EnumOptionId `xml:"constraint,omitempty" json:"constraint,omitempty"` }
type Approval ¶
type Approval struct { SecureApprovalCommentId string `xml:"secureApprovalCommentId,omitempty" json:"secureApprovalCommentId,omitempty"` Status *EnumOptionId `xml:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` User *User `xml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` }
type ArrayOfApproval ¶
type ArrayOfApproval struct {
Approval []*Approval `xml:"Approval,omitempty" json:"Approval,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfAttachment ¶
type ArrayOfAttachment struct {
Attachment []*Attachment `xml:"Attachment,omitempty" json:"Attachment,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfCategory ¶
type ArrayOfCategory struct {
Category []*Category `xml:"Category,omitempty" json:"Category,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfComment ¶
type ArrayOfComment struct {
Comment []*Comment `xml:"Comment,omitempty" json:"Comment,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfCustom ¶
type ArrayOfCustom struct {
Custom []*Custom `xml:"Custom,omitempty" json:"Custom,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfEnumOptionId ¶
type ArrayOfEnumOptionId struct {
EnumOptionId []*EnumOptionId `xml:"EnumOptionId,omitempty" json:"EnumOptionId,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfExternallyLinkedWorkItem ¶
type ArrayOfExternallyLinkedWorkItem struct {
ExternallyLinkedWorkItem []*ExternallyLinkedWorkItem `xml:"ExternallyLinkedWorkItem,omitempty" json:"ExternallyLinkedWorkItem,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfHyperlink ¶
type ArrayOfHyperlink struct {
Hyperlink []*Hyperlink `xml:"Hyperlink,omitempty" json:"Hyperlink,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource ¶
type ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource struct {
LinkedOslcResource []*LinkedOslcResource `xml:"LinkedOslcResource,omitempty" json:"LinkedOslcResource,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem ¶
type ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem struct {
LinkedWorkItem []*LinkedWorkItem `xml:"LinkedWorkItem,omitempty" json:"LinkedWorkItem,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfModuleComment ¶
type ArrayOfModuleComment struct {
ModuleComment []*ModuleComment `xml:"ModuleComment,omitempty" json:"ModuleComment,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfPlanningConstraint ¶
type ArrayOfPlanningConstraint struct {
PlanningConstraint []*PlanningConstraint `xml:"PlanningConstraint,omitempty" json:"PlanningConstraint,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfPriorityOptionId ¶
type ArrayOfPriorityOptionId struct {
PriorityOptionId []*PriorityOptionId `xml:"PriorityOptionId,omitempty" json:"PriorityOptionId,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfRevision ¶
type ArrayOfRevision struct {
Revision []*Revision `xml:"Revision,omitempty" json:"Revision,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfRow ¶
type ArrayOfRow struct {
Row []*Row `xml:"Row,omitempty" json:"Row,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfSubterraURI ¶
type ArrayOfSubterraURI struct {
SubterraURI []*SubterraURI `xml:"SubterraURI,omitempty" json:"SubterraURI,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfText ¶
type ArrayOfText struct {
Text []*Text `xml:"Text,omitempty" json:"Text,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfUser ¶
type ArrayOfUser struct {
User []*User `xml:"User,omitempty" json:"User,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfWikiPageAttachment ¶
type ArrayOfWikiPageAttachment struct {
WikiPageAttachment []*WikiPageAttachment `xml:"WikiPageAttachment,omitempty" json:"WikiPageAttachment,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfWorkRecord ¶
type ArrayOfWorkRecord struct {
WorkRecord []*WorkRecord `xml:"WorkRecord,omitempty" json:"WorkRecord,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_tns2_Location ¶
type ArrayOf_tns2_Location struct {
Item []*Location `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityComment ¶
type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityComment struct {
Item []*ActivityComment `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityCustomValueEntry ¶
type ArrayOf_tns3_ActivityCustomValueEntry struct {
Item []*ActivityCustomValueEntry `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_tns3_FieldDiff ¶
type ArrayOf_tns3_FieldDiff struct {
Item []*FieldDiff `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_xsd_anyType ¶
type ArrayOf_xsd_anyType struct {
Item []AnyType `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOf_xsd_string ¶
type ArrayOf_xsd_string struct {
Item []string `xml:"item,omitempty" json:"item,omitempty"`
type ArrayOfstring ¶
type ArrayOfstring struct {
Astring []string `xml:"string,omitempty" json:"string,omitempty"`
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` FileName string `xml:"fileName,omitempty" json:"fileName,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Length int64 `xml:"length,omitempty" json:"length,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Updated soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"updated,omitempty" json:"updated,omitempty"` Url string `xml:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type Baseline ¶
type Baseline struct { Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` BaseObjectURI *SubterraURI `xml:"baseObjectURI,omitempty" json:"baseObjectURI,omitempty"` BaseRevision string `xml:"baseRevision,omitempty" json:"baseRevision,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Project *Project `xml:"project,omitempty" json:"project,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type CanCommentActivity ¶
type CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse ¶
type CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" canCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse"` CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityReturn bool `xml:"canCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityReturn,omitempty" json:"canCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityReturn,omitempty"` }
type Category ¶
type Category struct { Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type Change ¶
type Change struct { Creation bool `xml:"creation,omitempty" json:"creation,omitempty"` Date *soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` Diffs *ArrayOf_tns3_FieldDiff `xml:"diffs,omitempty" json:"diffs,omitempty"` Empty bool `xml:"empty,omitempty" json:"empty,omitempty"` Invalid bool `xml:"invalid,omitempty" json:"invalid,omitempty"` Revision *string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` User *string `xml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` }
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` ChildCommentURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"childCommentURIs,omitempty" json:"childCommentURIs,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` ParentCommentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentCommentURI,omitempty" json:"parentCommentURI,omitempty"` Resolved bool `xml:"resolved,omitempty" json:"resolved,omitempty"` Tags *ArrayOfEnumOptionId `xml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"` Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` VisibleTo *ArrayOfstring `xml:"visibleTo,omitempty" json:"visibleTo,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type CreateAttachment ¶
type CreateAttachment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createAttachment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` FileName string `xml:"fileName,omitempty" json:"fileName,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Data []byte `xml:"data,omitempty" json:"data,omitempty"` }
type CreateBaseline ¶
type CreateBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createBaseline"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Description string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` }
type CreateBaselineResponse ¶
type CreateComment ¶
type CreateComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createComment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Content *Text `xml:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` }
type CreateCommentNew ¶
type CreateCommentNew struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createCommentNew"` ParentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentURI,omitempty" json:"parentURI,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Content *Text `xml:"content,omitempty" json:"content,omitempty"` VisibleTo []string `xml:"visibleTo,omitempty" json:"visibleTo,omitempty"` }
type CreateCommentNewResponse ¶
type CreateCommentNewResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createCommentNewResponse"` CreateCommentNewReturn *SubterraURI `xml:"createCommentNewReturn,omitempty" json:"createCommentNewReturn,omitempty"` }
type CreateCommentResponse ¶
type CreateDocument ¶
type CreateDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocument"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` DocumentName string `xml:"documentName,omitempty" json:"documentName,omitempty"` DocumentTitle string `xml:"documentTitle,omitempty" json:"documentTitle,omitempty"` AllowedWITypes []*EnumOptionId `xml:"allowedWITypes,omitempty" json:"allowedWITypes,omitempty"` StructureLinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"structureLinkRole,omitempty" json:"structureLinkRole,omitempty"` HomePageContent string `xml:"homePageContent,omitempty" json:"homePageContent,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentComment ¶
type CreateDocumentComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentComment"` DocumentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"documentURI,omitempty" json:"documentURI,omitempty"` Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI ¶
type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentCommentReferringWI"` DocumentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"documentURI,omitempty" json:"documentURI,omitempty"` WorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workItemURI,omitempty" json:"workItemURI,omitempty"` Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse ¶
type CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse"` CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIReturn *SubterraURI `xml:"createDocumentCommentReferringWIReturn,omitempty" json:"createDocumentCommentReferringWIReturn,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentCommentReply ¶
type CreateDocumentCommentReply struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentCommentReply"` ParentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentURI,omitempty" json:"parentURI,omitempty"` Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentCommentReplyResponse ¶
type CreateDocumentCommentReplyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentCommentReplyResponse"` CreateDocumentCommentReplyReturn *SubterraURI `xml:"createDocumentCommentReplyReturn,omitempty" json:"createDocumentCommentReplyReturn,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentCommentResponse ¶
type CreateDocumentCommentResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createDocumentCommentResponse"` CreateDocumentCommentReturn *SubterraURI `xml:"createDocumentCommentReturn,omitempty" json:"createDocumentCommentReturn,omitempty"` }
type CreateDocumentResponse ¶
type CreateFolder ¶
type CreateFolder struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createFolder"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` ParentName string `xml:"parentName,omitempty" json:"parentName,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` }
type CreateFolderResponse ¶
type CreateModule ¶
type CreateModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createModule"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` ModuleName string `xml:"moduleName,omitempty" json:"moduleName,omitempty"` AllowedWITypes []*EnumOptionId `xml:"allowedWITypes,omitempty" json:"allowedWITypes,omitempty"` StructureLinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"structureLinkRole,omitempty" json:"structureLinkRole,omitempty"` ParentToChild bool `xml:"parentToChild,omitempty" json:"parentToChild,omitempty"` HomePageContent string `xml:"homePageContent,omitempty" json:"homePageContent,omitempty"` }
type CreateModuleResponse ¶
type CreateWorkItem ¶
type CreateWorkItemInModule ¶
type CreateWorkItemInModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createWorkItemInModule"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` ParentWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty"` WorkItem *WorkItem `xml:"workItem,omitempty" json:"workItem,omitempty"` }
type CreateWorkItemResponse ¶
type CreateWorkRecord ¶
type CreateWorkRecord struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createWorkRecord"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` User *User `xml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDate `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` TimeSpent *Duration `xml:"timeSpent,omitempty" json:"timeSpent,omitempty"` }
type CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment ¶
type CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" createWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` User *User `xml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDate `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` TimeSpent *Duration `xml:"timeSpent,omitempty" json:"timeSpent,omitempty"` Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty" json:"comment,omitempty"` }
type CustomField ¶
type CustomFieldType ¶
type CustomFieldType struct { DefaultValue *AnyType `xml:"defaultValue,omitempty" json:"defaultValue,omitempty"` DependsOn *string `xml:"dependsOn,omitempty" json:"dependsOn,omitempty"` Description *string `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Id *string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Multi bool `xml:"multi,omitempty" json:"multi,omitempty"` Name *string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Required bool `xml:"required,omitempty" json:"required,omitempty"` }
type DeleteAttachment ¶
type DeleteAttachment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" deleteAttachment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` }
type DeleteBaseline ¶
type DeleteBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" deleteBaseline"` BaselineURI *SubterraURI `xml:"baselineURI,omitempty" json:"baselineURI,omitempty"` }
type DeleteBaselineResponse ¶
type DeleteModule ¶
type DeleteModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" deleteModule"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` }
type DeleteModuleResponse ¶
type DeleteWorkItem ¶
type DeleteWorkItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" deleteWorkItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type DeleteWorkItemResponse ¶
type DeleteWorkRecord ¶
type DeleteWorkRecord struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" deleteWorkRecord"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` WorkRecordURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workRecordURI,omitempty" json:"workRecordURI,omitempty"` }
type DoAutoSuspect ¶
type DoAutoSuspect struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" doAutoSuspect"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type DoAutoSuspectResponse ¶
type DoAutoassign ¶
type DoAutoassign struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" doAutoassign"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type DoAutoassignResponse ¶
type EditApproval ¶
type EditApproval struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" editApproval"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` ApproveeId string `xml:"approveeId,omitempty" json:"approveeId,omitempty"` Status *EnumOptionId `xml:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` }
type EditApprovalResponse ¶
type EnumCustomFieldType ¶
type EnumCustomFieldType struct { *CustomFieldType EnumId *string `xml:"enumId,omitempty" json:"enumId,omitempty"` }
type EnumOption ¶
type EnumOption struct { Default_ bool `xml:"default,omitempty" json:"default,omitempty"` EnumId *string `xml:"enumId,omitempty" json:"enumId,omitempty"` Hidden bool `xml:"hidden,omitempty" json:"hidden,omitempty"` Id *string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Name *string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Phantom bool `xml:"phantom,omitempty" json:"phantom,omitempty"` Properties *Properties `xml:"properties,omitempty" json:"properties,omitempty"` SequenceNumber int32 `xml:"sequenceNumber,omitempty" json:"sequenceNumber,omitempty"` }
type EnumOptionId ¶
type EnumOptionId struct {
Id *string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
type ExportDocumentToPDF ¶
type ExportDocumentToPDF struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" exportDocumentToPDF"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` ExportPdfProperties *PdfProperties `xml:"exportPdfProperties,omitempty" json:"exportPdfProperties,omitempty"` }
type ExternallyLinkedWorkItem ¶
type ExternallyLinkedWorkItem struct { Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` WorkItemURI string `xml:"workItemURI,omitempty" json:"workItemURI,omitempty"` }
type FieldDiff ¶
type FieldDiff struct { Added *ArrayOf_xsd_anyType `xml:"added,omitempty" json:"added,omitempty"` After *AnyType `xml:"after,omitempty" json:"after,omitempty"` Before *AnyType `xml:"before,omitempty" json:"before,omitempty"` Collection bool `xml:"collection,omitempty" json:"collection,omitempty"` FieldName *string `xml:"fieldName,omitempty" json:"fieldName,omitempty"` Removed *ArrayOf_xsd_anyType `xml:"removed,omitempty" json:"removed,omitempty"` }
type Folder ¶
type Folder struct { Name *string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` ProjectURI *SubterraURI `xml:"projectURI,omitempty" json:"projectURI,omitempty"` Title *string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` TitleOrName *string `xml:"titleOrName,omitempty" json:"titleOrName,omitempty"` }
type GenerateHistory ¶
type GenerateHistory struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" generateHistory"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` IgnoredFields []string `xml:"ignoredFields,omitempty" json:"ignoredFields,omitempty"` FieldOrder []string `xml:"fieldOrder,omitempty" json:"fieldOrder,omitempty"` }
type GenerateHistoryResponse ¶
type GetActivityByGlobalId ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse"` GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn []*EnumOptionId `xml:"getAllEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getAllEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse"` GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn []*EnumOptionId `xml:"getAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAllEnumOptionsForId ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse"` GetAllEnumOptionsForIdReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getAllEnumOptionsForIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getAllEnumOptionsForIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAllEnumOptionsForKey ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse ¶
type GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse"` GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getAllEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getAllEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAllowedApprovers ¶
type GetAllowedApprovers struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllowedApprovers"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetAllowedAssignees ¶
type GetAllowedAssignees struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAllowedAssignees"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetAttachment ¶
type GetAttachment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAttachment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` AttachmentId string `xml:"attachmentId,omitempty" json:"attachmentId,omitempty"` }
type GetAttachmentResponse ¶
type GetAvailableActions ¶
type GetAvailableActions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableActions"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetAvailableActionsResponse ¶
type GetAvailableActionsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableActionsResponse"` GetAvailableActionsReturn []*WorkflowAction `xml:"getAvailableActionsReturn,omitempty" json:"getAvailableActionsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId ¶
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` EnumID string `xml:"enumID,omitempty" json:"enumID,omitempty"` }
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse ¶
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse"` GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn []*EnumOptionId `xml:"getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey ¶
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse ¶
type GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse"` GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn []*EnumOptionId `xml:"getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetBackLinkedWorkitems ¶
type GetBackLinkedWorkitems struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getBackLinkedWorkitems"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse ¶
type GetBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse"` GetBackLinkedWorkitemsReturn []*LinkedWorkItem `xml:"getBackLinkedWorkitemsReturn,omitempty" json:"getBackLinkedWorkitemsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetCategories ¶
type GetCategoriesResponse ¶
type GetChildFolders ¶
type GetChildFoldersResponse ¶
type GetCustomField ¶
type GetCustomField struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomField"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldKeys ¶
type GetCustomFieldKeys struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldKeys"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldResponse ¶
type GetCustomFieldResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldResponse"` GetCustomFieldReturn *CustomField `xml:"getCustomFieldReturn,omitempty" json:"getCustomFieldReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldType ¶
type GetCustomFieldType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldType"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldTypeResponse ¶
type GetCustomFieldTypeResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldTypeResponse"` GetCustomFieldTypeReturn *CustomFieldType `xml:"getCustomFieldTypeReturn,omitempty" json:"getCustomFieldTypeReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldTypes ¶
type GetCustomFieldTypes struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldTypes"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetCustomFieldTypesResponse ¶
type GetCustomFieldTypesResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getCustomFieldTypesResponse"` GetCustomFieldTypesReturn []*CustomFieldType `xml:"getCustomFieldTypesReturn,omitempty" json:"getCustomFieldTypesReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse ¶
type GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse"` GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionReturn *LanguageDefinition `xml:"getDefaultLanguageDefinitionReturn,omitempty" json:"getDefaultLanguageDefinitionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetDefinedCustomFieldType ¶
type GetDefinedCustomFieldType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getDefinedCustomFieldType"` ProjectID string `xml:"projectID,omitempty" json:"projectID,omitempty"` TypeID string `xml:"typeID,omitempty" json:"typeID,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse ¶
type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse"` GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeReturn *CustomFieldType `xml:"getDefinedCustomFieldTypeReturn,omitempty" json:"getDefinedCustomFieldTypeReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse ¶
type GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse"` GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesReturn []*CustomFieldType `xml:"getDefinedCustomFieldTypesReturn,omitempty" json:"getDefinedCustomFieldTypesReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetDocumentSpaces ¶
type GetDurationHours ¶
type GetEnumControlKeyForId ¶
type GetEnumControlKeyForKey ¶
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId ¶
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` EnumId string `xml:"enumId,omitempty" json:"enumId,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse"` GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdReturn *EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey ¶
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` PrototypeName string `xml:"prototypeName,omitempty" json:"prototypeName,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse"` GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyReturn *EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionWithEnumId ¶
type GetEnumOptionWithEnumId struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionWithEnumId"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` EnumID string `xml:"enumID,omitempty" json:"enumID,omitempty"` Id *EnumOptionId `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse"` GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdReturn *EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionWithEnumIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionWithEnumIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionWithKey ¶
type GetEnumOptionWithKey struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionWithKey"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` Id *EnumOptionId `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionWithKeyResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionWithKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionWithKeyResponse"` GetEnumOptionWithKeyReturn *EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionWithKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionWithKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForId ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForId struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForId"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` EnumID string `xml:"enumID,omitempty" json:"enumID,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForIdResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForIdResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForIdResponse"` GetEnumOptionsForIdReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionsForIdReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionsForIdReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForIdWithControl"` ProjectID string `xml:"projectID,omitempty" json:"projectID,omitempty"` EnumID string `xml:"enumID,omitempty" json:"enumID,omitempty"` ControlValue string `xml:"controlValue,omitempty" json:"controlValue,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse"` GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionsForIdWithControlReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionsForIdWithControlReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForKey ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForKey struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForKey"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForKeyResponse"` GetEnumOptionsForKeyReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl"` ProjectID string `xml:"projectID,omitempty" json:"projectID,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` ControlValue string `xml:"controlValue,omitempty" json:"controlValue,omitempty"` }
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse ¶
type GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse"` GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlReturn,omitempty" json:"getEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey ¶
type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getFilteredEnumOptionsForKey"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Key string `xml:"key,omitempty" json:"key,omitempty"` Filter string `xml:"filter,omitempty" json:"filter,omitempty"` }
type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse ¶
type GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse"` GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyReturn []*EnumOption `xml:"getFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty" json:"getFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetFolderForURI ¶
type GetFolderForURI struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getFolderForURI"` ObjectURI *SubterraURI `xml:"objectURI,omitempty" json:"objectURI,omitempty"` }
type GetFolderForURIResponse ¶
type GetFolderResponse ¶
type GetFolders ¶
type GetFoldersResponse ¶
type GetInitialWorkflowAction ¶
type GetInitialWorkflowAction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getInitialWorkflowAction"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType ¶
type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` WiType *EnumOptionId `xml:"wiType,omitempty" json:"wiType,omitempty"` }
type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse ¶
type GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse"` GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeReturn *WorkflowAction `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ }
type GetInitialWorkflowActionResponse ¶
type GetInitialWorkflowActionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getInitialWorkflowActionResponse"` GetInitialWorkflowActionReturn *WorkflowAction `xml:"getInitialWorkflowActionReturn,omitempty" json:"getInitialWorkflowActionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLanguageDefinition ¶
type GetLanguageDefinitionResponse ¶
type GetLanguageDefinitionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLanguageDefinitionResponse"` GetLanguageDefinitionReturn *LanguageDefinition `xml:"getLanguageDefinitionReturn,omitempty" json:"getLanguageDefinitionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLanguageDefinitions ¶
type GetLanguageDefinitionsResponse ¶
type GetLanguageDefinitionsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLanguageDefinitionsResponse"` GetLanguageDefinitionsReturn []*LanguageDefinition `xml:"getLanguageDefinitionsReturn,omitempty" json:"getLanguageDefinitionsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLinkedResources ¶
type GetLinkedResources struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLinkedResources"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` }
type GetLinkedResourcesResponse ¶
type GetLinkedResourcesResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLinkedResourcesResponse"` GetLinkedResourcesReturn []*LinkedResource `xml:"getLinkedResourcesReturn,omitempty" json:"getLinkedResourcesReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemDescription"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse"` GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldReturn string `xml:"getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldReturn,omitempty" json:"getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse"` GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionReturn *Text `xml:"getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionReturn,omitempty" json:"getLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemTitle"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemTitleField"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` }
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse ¶
type GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse"` GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldReturn string `xml:"getLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldReturn,omitempty" json:"getLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleByLocation ¶
type GetModuleByLocationWithFields ¶
type GetModuleByLocationWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleByLocationWithFields"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse"` GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsReturn *Module `xml:"getModuleByLocationWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getModuleByLocationWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleByUri ¶
type GetModuleByUri struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleByUri"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleByUriResponse ¶
type GetModuleByUriWithFields ¶
type GetModuleByUriWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleByUriWithFields"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleUris ¶
type GetModuleUrisResponse ¶
type GetModuleWorkItemUris ¶
type GetModuleWorkItemUris struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleWorkItemUris"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` ParentWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty"` Deep bool `xml:"deep,omitempty" json:"deep,omitempty"` }
type GetModuleWorkItems ¶
type GetModuleWorkItems struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModuleWorkItems"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` ParentWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty"` Deep bool `xml:"deep,omitempty" json:"deep,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetModules ¶
type GetModulesResponse ¶
type GetModulesSubFolders ¶
type GetModulesWithFields ¶
type GetModulesWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getModulesWithFields"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetOneDayLength ¶
type GetOneDayLengthResponse ¶
type GetRevision ¶
type GetRevisionByUri ¶
type GetRevisionByUri struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getRevisionByUri"` RevisionURI *SubterraURI `xml:"revisionURI,omitempty" json:"revisionURI,omitempty"` }
type GetRevisionResponse ¶
type GetRevisions ¶
type GetRevisions struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getRevisions"` In0 *SubterraURI `xml:"in0,omitempty" json:"in0,omitempty"` }
type GetRevisionsResponse ¶
type GetRootFolders ¶
type GetRootFoldersResponse ¶
type GetTimepoints ¶
type GetTimepointsResponse ¶
type GetUnavailableActions ¶
type GetUnavailableActions struct {}
type GetUnavailableActionsResponse ¶
type GetUnavailableActionsResponse struct {}
type GetWikiPageByUri ¶
type GetWikiPageByUri struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWikiPageByUri"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` }
type GetWikiPageByUriWithFields ¶
type GetWikiPageByUriWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWikiPageByUriWithFields"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse"` GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsReturn *WikiPage `xml:"getWikiPageByUriWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getWikiPageByUriWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWikiPageUris ¶
type GetWikiPageUrisResponse ¶
type GetWikiPages ¶
type GetWikiPagesResponse ¶
type GetWikiPagesWithFields ¶
type GetWikiPagesWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWikiPagesWithFields"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` SpaceId string `xml:"spaceId,omitempty" json:"spaceId,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type GetWikiSpaces ¶
type GetWikiSpacesResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemById ¶
type GetWorkItemByIdResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields ¶
type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByIdsWithFields"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` WorkitemId string `xml:"workitemId,omitempty" json:"workitemId,omitempty"` Keys []string `xml:"keys,omitempty" json:"keys,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse"` GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsReturn *WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUri ¶
type GetWorkItemByUri struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUri"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevision ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriInRevision"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse"` GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionReturn *WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemByUriInRevisionReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemByUriInRevisionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` Keys []string `xml:"keys,omitempty" json:"keys,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse"` GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsReturn *WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriWithFields ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriWithFields"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Keys []string `xml:"keys,omitempty" json:"keys,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse"` GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsReturn *WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemByUriWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemByUriWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemsCount ¶
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision ¶
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemsLinkedToRevision"` RevisionURI *SubterraURI `xml:"revisionURI,omitempty" json:"revisionURI,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse"` GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionReturn []*WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionReturn,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields ¶
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields"` RevisionURI *SubterraURI `xml:"revisionURI,omitempty" json:"revisionURI,omitempty"` Keys []string `xml:"keys,omitempty" json:"keys,omitempty"` }
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse ¶
type GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse"` GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsReturn []*WorkItem `xml:"getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsReturn,omitempty" json:"getWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsReturn,omitempty"` }
type Hyperlink ¶
type Hyperlink struct { Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` Uri string `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` }
type ImportedComment ¶
type ImportedComment struct { Author string `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` Initials string `xml:"initials,omitempty" json:"initials,omitempty"` }
type IsHistoryAvailable ¶
type IsResolvedComment ¶
type IsResolvedComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" isResolvedComment"` CommentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"commentURI,omitempty" json:"commentURI,omitempty"` }
type LanguageDefinition ¶
type LinkedOslcResource ¶
type LinkedOslcResource struct { Label string `xml:"label,omitempty" json:"label,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` Uri string `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` }
type LinkedResource ¶
type LinkedResource struct { Branch *string `xml:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` Category *string `xml:"category,omitempty" json:"category,omitempty"` Element *string `xml:"element,omitempty" json:"element,omitempty"` ElementPosition *string `xml:"elementPosition,omitempty" json:"elementPosition,omitempty"` FileName *string `xml:"fileName,omitempty" json:"fileName,omitempty"` LinkPosition *string `xml:"linkPosition,omitempty" json:"linkPosition,omitempty"` Location *string `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` Message *string `xml:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty"` ObjectId *string `xml:"objectId,omitempty" json:"objectId,omitempty"` ObjectRevision *string `xml:"objectRevision,omitempty" json:"objectRevision,omitempty"` ProjectId *string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` RepositoryId *string `xml:"repositoryId,omitempty" json:"repositoryId,omitempty"` Role *string `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type LinkedWorkItem ¶
type LinkedWorkItem struct { Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` Suspect bool `xml:"suspect,omitempty" json:"suspect,omitempty"` WorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workItemURI,omitempty" json:"workItemURI,omitempty"` }
type ListActivitySources ¶
type ListActivitySourcesResponse ¶
type ListActivitySourcesResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listActivitySourcesResponse"` ListActivitySourcesReturn []*ActivitySource `xml:"listActivitySourcesReturn,omitempty" json:"listActivitySourcesReturn,omitempty"` }
type ListAllActivities ¶
type ListGroupActivities ¶
type ListGroupActivities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listGroupActivities"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Count int32 `xml:"count,omitempty" json:"count,omitempty"` }
type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds ¶
type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listGroupActivitiesGlobalIds"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Count int32 `xml:"count,omitempty" json:"count,omitempty"` }
type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse ¶
type ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse"` ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn []string `xml:"listGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn,omitempty" json:"listGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn,omitempty"` }
type ListProjectActivities ¶
type ListProjectActivities struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listProjectActivities"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Count int32 `xml:"count,omitempty" json:"count,omitempty"` }
type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds ¶
type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listProjectActivitiesGlobalIds"` ProjectId string `xml:"projectId,omitempty" json:"projectId,omitempty"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Count int32 `xml:"count,omitempty" json:"count,omitempty"` }
type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse ¶
type ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" listProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse"` ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn []string `xml:"listProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn,omitempty" json:"listProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsReturn,omitempty"` }
type Module ¶
type Module struct { AllowedWITypes *ArrayOfEnumOptionId `xml:"allowedWITypes,omitempty" json:"allowedWITypes,omitempty"` AreLinksFromParentToChild bool `xml:"areLinksFromParentToChild,omitempty" json:"areLinksFromParentToChild,omitempty"` Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` AutoSuspect bool `xml:"autoSuspect,omitempty" json:"autoSuspect,omitempty"` BranchedFrom *Module `xml:"branchedFrom,omitempty" json:"branchedFrom,omitempty"` BranchedWithQuery string `xml:"branchedWithQuery,omitempty" json:"branchedWithQuery,omitempty"` Comments *ArrayOfModuleComment `xml:"comments,omitempty" json:"comments,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` DerivedFields *ArrayOfstring `xml:"derivedFields,omitempty" json:"derivedFields,omitempty"` DerivedFromURI *SubterraURI `xml:"derivedFromURI,omitempty" json:"derivedFromURI,omitempty"` DerivedFromLinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"derivedFromLinkRole,omitempty" json:"derivedFromLinkRole,omitempty"` HeadingSidebarFields string `xml:"headingSidebarFields,omitempty" json:"headingSidebarFields,omitempty"` HomePageContent *Text `xml:"homePageContent,omitempty" json:"homePageContent,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` LinkedOslcResources *ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource `xml:"linkedOslcResources,omitempty" json:"linkedOslcResources,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` ModuleAbsoluteLocation *Location `xml:"moduleAbsoluteLocation,omitempty" json:"moduleAbsoluteLocation,omitempty"` ModuleFolder string `xml:"moduleFolder,omitempty" json:"moduleFolder,omitempty"` ModuleLocation *Location `xml:"moduleLocation,omitempty" json:"moduleLocation,omitempty"` ModuleName string `xml:"moduleName,omitempty" json:"moduleName,omitempty"` Project *Project `xml:"project,omitempty" json:"project,omitempty"` Status *EnumOptionId `xml:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` StructureLinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"structureLinkRole,omitempty" json:"structureLinkRole,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` Updated soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"updated,omitempty" json:"updated,omitempty"` UpdatedBy *User `xml:"updatedBy,omitempty" json:"updatedBy,omitempty"` UsesOutlineNumbering bool `xml:"usesOutlineNumbering,omitempty" json:"usesOutlineNumbering,omitempty"` VariantURI *SubterraURI `xml:"variantURI,omitempty" json:"variantURI,omitempty"` CustomFields *ArrayOfCustom `xml:"customFields,omitempty" json:"customFields,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type ModuleComment ¶
type ModuleComment struct { Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` ChildCommentURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"childCommentURIs,omitempty" json:"childCommentURIs,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` ImportedComment *ImportedComment `xml:"importedComment,omitempty" json:"importedComment,omitempty"` ParentCommentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentCommentURI,omitempty" json:"parentCommentURI,omitempty"` ReferredWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"referredWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"referredWorkItemURI,omitempty"` Resolved bool `xml:"resolved,omitempty" json:"resolved,omitempty"` Tags *ArrayOfEnumOptionId `xml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"` Text *Text `xml:"text,omitempty" json:"text,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type MoveWorkItemToDocument ¶
type MoveWorkItemToDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" moveWorkItemToDocument"` WorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workItemURI,omitempty" json:"workItemURI,omitempty"` DocumentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"documentURI,omitempty" json:"documentURI,omitempty"` ParentWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty"` Position int32 `xml:"position,omitempty" json:"position,omitempty"` RetainDocumentFlow bool `xml:"retainDocumentFlow,omitempty" json:"retainDocumentFlow,omitempty"` }
type MoveWorkItemToModule ¶
type MoveWorkItemToModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" moveWorkItemToModule"` WorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workItemURI,omitempty" json:"workItemURI,omitempty"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` ParentWorkItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty" json:"parentWorkItemURI,omitempty"` Position int32 `xml:"position,omitempty" json:"position,omitempty"` }
type PdfProperties ¶
type PdfProperties struct { PaperSize string `xml:"paperSize,omitempty" json:"paperSize,omitempty"` Orientation string `xml:"orientation,omitempty" json:"orientation,omitempty"` FitToPageWidth bool `xml:"fitToPageWidth,omitempty" json:"fitToPageWidth,omitempty"` GenerateBookmarks bool `xml:"generateBookmarks,omitempty" json:"generateBookmarks,omitempty"` RepeatTableHeaders bool `xml:"repeatTableHeaders,omitempty" json:"repeatTableHeaders,omitempty"` }
type PerformWorkflowAction ¶
type PerformWorkflowAction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" performWorkflowAction"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` ActionId int32 `xml:"actionId,omitempty" json:"actionId,omitempty"` }
type PlanningConstraint ¶
type PlanningConstraint struct { Constraint *EnumOptionId `xml:"constraint,omitempty" json:"constraint,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` }
type PriorityOpt ¶
type PriorityOpt struct { *EnumOption Float float32 `xml:"float,omitempty" json:"float,omitempty"` }
type PriorityOptionId ¶
type PriorityOptionId struct {
type Project ¶
type Project struct { Active bool `xml:"active,omitempty" json:"active,omitempty"` Color string `xml:"color,omitempty" json:"color,omitempty"` Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` Finish soap.XSDDate `xml:"finish,omitempty" json:"finish,omitempty"` Icon string `xml:"icon,omitempty" json:"icon,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Lead *User `xml:"lead,omitempty" json:"lead,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` LockWorkRecordsDate soap.XSDDate `xml:"lockWorkRecordsDate,omitempty" json:"lockWorkRecordsDate,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` ProjectGroupURI *SubterraURI `xml:"projectGroupURI,omitempty" json:"projectGroupURI,omitempty"` Start soap.XSDDate `xml:"start,omitempty" json:"start,omitempty"` TrackerPrefix string `xml:"trackerPrefix,omitempty" json:"trackerPrefix,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type Properties ¶
type Properties struct {
Property []*Property `xml:"property,omitempty" json:"property,omitempty"`
type QueryBaselines ¶
type QueryBaselinesResponse ¶
type QueryModuleUris ¶
type QueryModuleUris struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModuleUris"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryModuleUrisBySQL ¶
type QueryModuleUrisInBaseline ¶
type QueryModuleUrisInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModuleUrisInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` }
type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn []string `xml:"queryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryModuleUrisResponse ¶
type QueryModules ¶
type QueryModules struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModules"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryModulesBySQL ¶
type QueryModulesInBaseline ¶
type QueryModulesInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModulesInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModulesInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLReturn []*Module `xml:"queryModulesInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryModulesInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryModulesResponse ¶
type QueryRevisionUris ¶
type QueryRevisionUris struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryRevisionUris"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` IncludeInternal bool `xml:"includeInternal,omitempty" json:"includeInternal,omitempty"` }
type QueryRevisions ¶
type QueryRevisionsResponse ¶
type QueryWikiPageUris ¶
type QueryWikiPageUris struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPageUris"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPageUrisBySQL ¶
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline ¶
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPageUrisInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn []string `xml:"queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse ¶
type QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse"` QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineReturn []string `xml:"queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWikiPageUrisInBaselineReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPages ¶
type QueryWikiPages struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPages"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPagesBySQL ¶
type QueryWikiPagesInBaseline ¶
type QueryWikiPagesInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPagesInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLReturn []*WikiPage `xml:"queryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWikiPagesResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemUris ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisBySQL ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn []string `xml:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse"` QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedReturn []string `xml:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse"` QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineReturn []string `xml:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemUrisInBaselineReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemUrisLimited ¶
type QueryWorkItemUrisLimited struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemUrisLimited"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItems ¶
type QueryWorkItemsBySQL ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaseline ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaseline struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInBaseline"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL"` SqlQuery string `xml:"sqlQuery,omitempty" json:"sqlQuery,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse"` QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLReturn []*WorkItem `xml:"queryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` BaselineRevision string `xml:"baselineRevision,omitempty" json:"baselineRevision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse"` QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedReturn []*WorkItem `xml:"queryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInRevision ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInRevision"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse ¶
type QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse"` QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedReturn []*WorkItem `xml:"queryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedReturn,omitempty" json:"queryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedReturn,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsLimited ¶
type QueryWorkItemsLimited struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" queryWorkItemsLimited"` Query string `xml:"query,omitempty" json:"query,omitempty"` Sort string `xml:"sort,omitempty" json:"sort,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ResultsLimit int32 `xml:"resultsLimit,omitempty" json:"resultsLimit,omitempty"` }
type QueryWorkItemsResponse ¶
type RemoveApprovee ¶
type RemoveApprovee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeApprovee"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` ApproveeId string `xml:"approveeId,omitempty" json:"approveeId,omitempty"` }
type RemoveApproveeResponse ¶
type RemoveAssignee ¶
type RemoveAssignee struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeAssignee"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` AssigneeId string `xml:"assigneeId,omitempty" json:"assigneeId,omitempty"` }
type RemoveAssigneeResponse ¶
type RemoveCategory ¶
type RemoveCategory struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeCategory"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` CategoryId string `xml:"categoryId,omitempty" json:"categoryId,omitempty"` }
type RemoveCategoryResponse ¶
type RemoveExternalLinkedRevision ¶
type RemoveExternalLinkedRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeExternalLinkedRevision"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` RepositoryName string `xml:"repositoryName,omitempty" json:"repositoryName,omitempty"` RevisionId string `xml:"revisionId,omitempty" json:"revisionId,omitempty"` }
type RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionResponse ¶
type RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeExternalLinkedRevisionResponse"` RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionReturn bool `xml:"removeExternalLinkedRevisionReturn,omitempty" json:"removeExternalLinkedRevisionReturn,omitempty"` }
type RemoveExternallyLinkedItem ¶
type RemoveExternallyLinkedItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeExternallyLinkedItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` LinkedExternalWorkitemURI string `xml:"linkedExternalWorkitemURI,omitempty" json:"linkedExternalWorkitemURI,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type RemoveHyperlink ¶
type RemoveHyperlink struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeHyperlink"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Url string `xml:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` }
type RemoveHyperlinkResponse ¶
type RemoveLinkedItem ¶
type RemoveLinkedItem struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeLinkedItem"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` LinkedItemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"linkedItemURI,omitempty" json:"linkedItemURI,omitempty"` Role *EnumOptionId `xml:"role,omitempty" json:"role,omitempty"` }
type RemoveLinkedRevision ¶
type RemoveLinkedRevision struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removeLinkedRevision"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` RevisionId string `xml:"revisionId,omitempty" json:"revisionId,omitempty"` }
type RemovePlaningConstraint ¶
type RemovePlaningConstraint struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" removePlaningConstraint"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` Constraint *EnumOptionId `xml:"constraint,omitempty" json:"constraint,omitempty"` }
type ResetWorkflow ¶
type ResetWorkflow struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" resetWorkflow"` WorkflowObjectURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workflowObjectURI,omitempty" json:"workflowObjectURI,omitempty"` }
type ResetWorkflowResponse ¶
type ReuseDocument ¶
type ReuseDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" reuseDocument"` SourceURI *SubterraURI `xml:"sourceURI,omitempty" json:"sourceURI,omitempty"` TargetProjectId string `xml:"targetProjectId,omitempty" json:"targetProjectId,omitempty"` TargetLocation *Location `xml:"targetLocation,omitempty" json:"targetLocation,omitempty"` TargetName string `xml:"targetName,omitempty" json:"targetName,omitempty"` TargetTitle string `xml:"targetTitle,omitempty" json:"targetTitle,omitempty"` UpdateTitleInDocument bool `xml:"updateTitleInDocument,omitempty" json:"updateTitleInDocument,omitempty"` LinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"linkRole,omitempty" json:"linkRole,omitempty"` DerivedFields []string `xml:"derivedFields,omitempty" json:"derivedFields,omitempty"` }
type ReuseDocumentResponse ¶
type ReuseModule ¶
type ReuseModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" reuseModule"` SourceURI *SubterraURI `xml:"sourceURI,omitempty" json:"sourceURI,omitempty"` TargetProjectId string `xml:"targetProjectId,omitempty" json:"targetProjectId,omitempty"` TargetLocation *Location `xml:"targetLocation,omitempty" json:"targetLocation,omitempty"` TargetName string `xml:"targetName,omitempty" json:"targetName,omitempty"` LinkRole *EnumOptionId `xml:"linkRole,omitempty" json:"linkRole,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` ExceptFields []string `xml:"exceptFields,omitempty" json:"exceptFields,omitempty"` DerivedFields []string `xml:"derivedFields,omitempty" json:"derivedFields,omitempty"` }
type ReuseModuleResponse ¶
type Revision ¶
type Revision struct { Author string `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` Branch string `xml:"branch,omitempty" json:"branch,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` InternalCommit bool `xml:"internalCommit,omitempty" json:"internalCommit,omitempty"` LinkedWorkItemURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"linkedWorkItemURIs,omitempty" json:"linkedWorkItemURIs,omitempty"` Message string `xml:"message,omitempty" json:"message,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` RepositoryName string `xml:"repositoryName,omitempty" json:"repositoryName,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type Row ¶
type Row struct {
Values *ArrayOfText `xml:"values,omitempty" json:"values,omitempty"`
type SetCommentTags ¶
type SetCommentTags struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setCommentTags"` CommentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"commentURI,omitempty" json:"commentURI,omitempty"` Tags []*EnumOptionId `xml:"tags,omitempty" json:"tags,omitempty"` }
type SetCommentTagsResponse ¶
type SetCustomField ¶
type SetCustomField struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setCustomField"` CustomField *CustomField `xml:"customField,omitempty" json:"customField,omitempty"` }
type SetCustomFieldResponse ¶
type SetFieldsNull ¶
type SetFieldsNull struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setFieldsNull"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Fields []string `xml:"fields,omitempty" json:"fields,omitempty"` }
type SetFieldsNullResponse ¶
type SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription ¶
type SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setLocalizedWorkItemDescription"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` }
type SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle ¶
type SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setLocalizedWorkItemTitle"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Language string `xml:"language,omitempty" json:"language,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` }
type SetResolvedComment ¶
type SetResolvedComment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" setResolvedComment"` CommentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"commentURI,omitempty" json:"commentURI,omitempty"` Resolved bool `xml:"resolved,omitempty" json:"resolved,omitempty"` }
type SubterraURI ¶
type SubterraURI string
type Table ¶
type Table struct { Keys *ArrayOfstring `xml:"keys,omitempty" json:"keys,omitempty"` Rows *ArrayOfRow `xml:"rows,omitempty" json:"rows,omitempty"` }
type TimePoint ¶
type TimePoint struct { Closed bool `xml:"closed,omitempty" json:"closed,omitempty"` Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` EarliestPlannedStart soap.XSDDate `xml:"earliestPlannedStart,omitempty" json:"earliestPlannedStart,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` Time soap.XSDDate `xml:"time,omitempty" json:"time,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type TrackerWebService ¶
type TrackerWebService interface { /* Adds an approvee. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add an approvee to. @param approveeId The Id of the user to add as an approvee. */ AddApprovee(request *AddApprovee) (*AddApproveeResponse, error) AddApproveeContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddApprovee) (*AddApproveeResponse, error) /* Adds an assignee. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the assignee to. @param assigneeId the Id of the user to add as an assignee. */ AddAssignee(request *AddAssignee) (*AddAssigneeResponse, error) AddAssigneeContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddAssignee) (*AddAssigneeResponse, error) /* Adds a Category to a Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the Category to. @param categoryId The Id of the Category to add. */ AddCategory(request *AddCategory) (*AddCategoryResponse, error) AddCategoryContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddCategory) (*AddCategoryResponse, error) /* Adds a comment to a Work Item, Document, Test Run or as a reply to an existing comment. @param parentObjectUri The URI of the parent object (not null). @param title The title of the new comment or {@code null}. @param content The content of the new comment or {@code null}. @throws java.rmi.RemoteException if the title is not null in a Document or reply comment, or if the parent URI is of an object that does not support comments. @since 3.10.2 */ AddComment(request *AddComment) (*AddCommentResponse, error) AddCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddComment) (*AddCommentResponse, error) /* Adds a comment to the Activity. @param activityGlobalId The Activity's global Id (not null). @param commentText The comment's text (not null). @since 3.7.0 */ AddCommentToActivity(request *AddCommentToActivity) (*AddCommentToActivityResponse, error) AddCommentToActivityContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddCommentToActivity) (*AddCommentToActivityResponse, error) /* Links a revision from an external repository. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the revision to. @param repositoryName The Id of the external repository. @param revisionId The Id of the revision to add. @since 3.5.1 */ AddExternalLinkedRevision(request *AddExternalLinkedRevision) (*AddExternalLinkedRevisionResponse, error) AddExternalLinkedRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddExternalLinkedRevision) (*AddExternalLinkedRevisionResponse, error) /* Adds an external linked Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the link to. @param linkedExternalWorkitemURI The URI of the target external Work Item the link points to. @param role The role of the link to add. @since 3.5.0 */ AddExternallyLinkedItem(request *AddExternallyLinkedItem) (*AddExternallyLinkedItemResponse, error) AddExternallyLinkedItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddExternallyLinkedItem) (*AddExternallyLinkedItemResponse, error) /* Adds a hyperlink. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the hyperlink to. @param url The url of the hyperlink to add. @param role The role of the hyperlink to add. */ AddHyperlink(request *AddHyperlink) (*AddHyperlinkResponse, error) AddHyperlinkContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddHyperlink) (*AddHyperlinkResponse, error) /* Adds a linked Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the link to. @param linkedWorkitemURI The URI of the target Work Item the link points to. @param role The role of the link to add. */ AddLinkedItem(request *AddLinkedItem) (*AddLinkedItemResponse, error) AddLinkedItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddLinkedItem) (*AddLinkedItemResponse, error) /* Adds a linked item to the specific Work Item with a revision. @param in0 workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the link to. @param in1 linkedWorkitemURI The URI of the target Work Item the link points to. @param in2 role The role of the linked item to add. @param in3 revision specific The revision for a linked item (null refers to the HEAD revision). @param in4 suspect true if the link should be marked with a suspect flag. @since 3.4.3 */ AddLinkedItemWithRev(request *AddLinkedItemWithRev) (*AddLinkedItemWithRevResponse, error) AddLinkedItemWithRevContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddLinkedItemWithRev) (*AddLinkedItemWithRevResponse, error) /* Adds an OSLC item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the link to. @param linkedOslcItemURI The URI of the target resource the link points to. @param role The role of the link to add. @param label The label of the link to add. @since 3.10.2 */ AddLinkedOslcItem(request *AddLinkedOslcItem) (*AddLinkedOslcItemResponse, error) AddLinkedOslcItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddLinkedOslcItem) (*AddLinkedOslcItemResponse, error) /* Links a revision. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the revision to. @param revisionId The Id of the revision to add. */ AddLinkedRevision(request *AddLinkedRevision) (*AddLinkedRevisionResponse, error) AddLinkedRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddLinkedRevision) (*AddLinkedRevisionResponse, error) /* Adds a planing constraint. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the planning constraint to. @param date The date of the planning constraint to add. @param constraint The type of constraint to add. */ AddPlaningContraint(request *AddPlaningContraint) (*AddPlaningContraintResponse, error) AddPlaningContraintContext(ctx context.Context, request *AddPlaningContraint) (*AddPlaningContraintResponse, error) /* Returns true if the Activity allows for comments. @param activityGlobalId The Activity's global Id (not null). @return true if Activity allows for comments. Otherwise false. @since 3.7.0 */ CanCommentActivity(request *CanCommentActivity) (*CanCommentActivityResponse, error) CanCommentActivityContext(ctx context.Context, request *CanCommentActivity) (*CanCommentActivityResponse, error) /* Returns true if the current User can comment on the Activity. @param activityGlobalId The Activity's global Id (not null). @return true if the current user can comment on the Activity. Otherwise false. @since 3.7.0 */ CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivity(request *CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivity) (*CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse, error) CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityContext(ctx context.Context, request *CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivity) (*CanCurrentUserAddCommentToActivityResponse, error) /* Creates a new attachment. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to add the attachment to. @param fileName The fileName of the attachment. @param title The title of the attachment. @param data The content of the attachment. @since 3.3.1 */ CreateAttachment(request *CreateAttachment) (*CreateAttachmentResponse, error) CreateAttachmentContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateAttachment) (*CreateAttachmentResponse, error) /* Creates a Baseline from the head or particular revision. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param name the Baseline's name (not null). @param description The Baseline's description (can be null). @param revision The revision or a null value for the Head revision. @return The Created Baseline. @since 3.7.1 */ CreateBaseline(request *CreateBaseline) (*CreateBaselineResponse, error) CreateBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateBaseline) (*CreateBaselineResponse, error) /* Creates a comment. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to create a comment for. @param content The content of the comment to create. @deprecated Use {@link #addComment(String, String,}. */ CreateComment(request *CreateComment) (*CreateCommentResponse, error) CreateCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateComment) (*CreateCommentResponse, error) /* Creates a comment. @param parentURI The URI of the parent item (either a Work Item or another comment) to create the comment for. @param title The title of the comment. @param content The content of the comment to create. @param visibleTo Who this comment should be visible to. @since 3.1.2 @deprecated Use {@link #addComment(String, String,}. */ CreateCommentNew(request *CreateCommentNew) (*CreateCommentNewResponse, error) CreateCommentNewContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateCommentNew) (*CreateCommentNewResponse, error) /* Creates a Document in the given location with the given parameters. @param projectId The Project Id (not null) @param location The document's Space location with one component or null for the default space. (Can be null.) @param documentName The Document's name (not null). @param documentTitle The Document's title (can be null). @param allowedWITypes A single Type can be specified. (Can be null.) @param structureLinkRole The role that defines the hierarchy of the Work Items inside the Document. (Not null.) @param homePageContent The HTML markup for a document home page. (Can be null). @return The URI of the created Document. @since 3.8.2 */ CreateDocument(request *CreateDocument) (*CreateDocumentResponse, error) CreateDocumentContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDocument) (*CreateDocumentResponse, error) /* Creates an unreferenced comment in the Document. @param documentURI The Document SubterraURI. @param text The comment's text. @return The SubterraURI of the newly created comment @since 3.7.0 @deprecated Use {@link #addComment(String, String,}. */ CreateDocumentComment(request *CreateDocumentComment) (*CreateDocumentCommentResponse, error) CreateDocumentCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDocumentComment) (*CreateDocumentCommentResponse, error) /* Creates a comment referring to a Work Item in the Document. @param documentURI The document SubterraURI. @param workItemURI The Work Item SubterraURI. @param text The comment's text. @return The SubterraURI of the newly created comment. @since 3.7.0 */ CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI(request *CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI) (*CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse, error) CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDocumentCommentReferringWI) (*CreateDocumentCommentReferringWIResponse, error) /* Creates a comment as a reply to a given parent Comment in the Document. @param parentURI The parent comment SubterraURI. @param text The comment's text. @return The SubterraURI of the newly created comment. @since 3.7.0 @deprecated Use {@link #addComment(String, String,}. */ CreateDocumentCommentReply(request *CreateDocumentCommentReply) (*CreateDocumentCommentReplyResponse, error) CreateDocumentCommentReplyContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateDocumentCommentReply) (*CreateDocumentCommentReplyResponse, error) /* Creates and returns a sub folder for parentName folder, if it is not {@code null}, otherwise it creates a new folder under the "Documents & Pages" root Topic. @param projectId The project ID or null for the Global level. @param parentName (ID) must be unique for the whole folder hierarchy. @param name (ID) must be unique for the whole folder hierarchy. @param title The title for the folder. @since 3.18.1 */ CreateFolder(request *CreateFolder) (*CreateFolderResponse, error) CreateFolderContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateFolder) (*CreateFolderResponse, error) /* Creates a document or an old-style Module/Document in a given location with the given parameters. @param projectId the Project Id. @param location The document Space location with a single component (e.g. "_default" for the default space) or null for old-style Modules. @param moduleName The Document/Module name. @param allowedWITypes The allowed Work Item Types. Only one type can be specified. @param structureLinkRole The required, role that defines the hierarchy of Work Items inside the Module/Document. @param parentToChild Always false. @param homePageContent The HTML markup for a document home page or Wiki markup for the old-style Module home page or null if the default is OK. @return The URI of the created Module/Document. @since 3.4.1 */ CreateModule(request *CreateModule) (*CreateModuleResponse, error) CreateModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateModule) (*CreateModuleResponse, error) /* Creates a new Work Item with the given content. The Project and the Type must be set or the Work Item will not be created. The URI MUST NOT be set, otherwise the creation will fail. To create a Work Item in a specific location e.g. a LiveDoc, set the location of the Work Item to the desired target location. To create a Work Item in a specific Module/Document, set the Module/Document of the Work Item to the desired target Module/Document. Please note that some fields in the newly created Work Item will not be changed: assignee, hyperlink, comment, category, created, updated, resolution, linkedWorkItem, linkedWorkItemsDerived, externallyLinkedWorkItems, approvals, workRecords, plannedEnd, plannedStart, plannedInURIs, planningConstraints, linkedRevisions, linkedRevisionsDerived, linkedOslcResources, attachments, outlineNumber Use other methods to adjust your Work Item e.g. createComment, addHyperlink, addAssignee, addLinkedItem, addCategory. @param content The content of the Work Item to be created. */ CreateWorkItem(request *CreateWorkItem) (*CreateWorkItemResponse, error) CreateWorkItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateWorkItem) (*CreateWorkItemResponse, error) /* Creates a Work Item at a specified position inside the Module/Document. @param moduleURI The Module/Document URI. @param parentWorkItemURI The URI of the parent Work Item or null. @param workItem The content of the Work Item to be created. @return The URI of the created Work Item. @since 3.4.1 */ CreateWorkItemInModule(request *CreateWorkItemInModule) (*CreateWorkItemInModuleResponse, error) CreateWorkItemInModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateWorkItemInModule) (*CreateWorkItemInModuleResponse, error) /* Creates a Work Record. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to create a Work Record for. @param user The user for the Work Record. @param date The date of the Work Record. @param timeSpent The time spent for the Work Record. */ CreateWorkRecord(request *CreateWorkRecord) (*CreateWorkRecordResponse, error) CreateWorkRecordContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateWorkRecord) (*CreateWorkRecordResponse, error) /* Creates a Work Record. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to create a Work Record for. @param user The user for the Work Record. @param date The date of the Work Record. @param type The Work Record Type. @param timeSpent The time spent on the Work Record. @param comment The Work Record comment. @since 3.4.2 */ CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment(request *CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment) (*CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndCommentResponse, error) CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndComment) (*CreateWorkRecordWithTypeAndCommentResponse, error) /* Remove an attachment. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item containing the attachment to be removed. @param id The Id of the attachment to be removed. @since 3.3.1 */ DeleteAttachment(request *DeleteAttachment) (*DeleteAttachmentResponse, error) DeleteAttachmentContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteAttachment) (*DeleteAttachmentResponse, error) /* Deletes the given Baseline. @param baselineURI The Baseline SubterraURI (not null). @since 3.7.1 */ DeleteBaseline(request *DeleteBaseline) (*DeleteBaselineResponse, error) DeleteBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteBaseline) (*DeleteBaselineResponse, error) /* Deletes a Module/Document. @param moduleURI The URI of the Module/Document. @since 3.4.1 */ DeleteModule(request *DeleteModule) (*DeleteModuleResponse, error) DeleteModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteModule) (*DeleteModuleResponse, error) /* Deletes a Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item. @since 3.20.1 */ DeleteWorkItem(request *DeleteWorkItem) (*DeleteWorkItemResponse, error) DeleteWorkItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteWorkItem) (*DeleteWorkItemResponse, error) /* Deletes a Work Record. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the work record from. @param workRecordURI The URI of the Work Record to remove. */ DeleteWorkRecord(request *DeleteWorkRecord) (*DeleteWorkRecordResponse, error) DeleteWorkRecordContext(ctx context.Context, request *DeleteWorkRecord) (*DeleteWorkRecordResponse, error) /* Triggers auto suspect. @param workitemURI The URI of the work item to trigger auto suspect for. */ DoAutoSuspect(request *DoAutoSuspect) (*DoAutoSuspectResponse, error) DoAutoSuspectContext(ctx context.Context, request *DoAutoSuspect) (*DoAutoSuspectResponse, error) /* Triggers autoassignement. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to trigger autoassignement for. */ DoAutoassign(request *DoAutoassign) (*DoAutoassignResponse, error) DoAutoassignContext(ctx context.Context, request *DoAutoassign) (*DoAutoassignResponse, error) /* Changes the status of an approval. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to execute the action for. @param approveeId The Id of the approvee. @param status The new status to set. */ EditApproval(request *EditApproval) (*EditApprovalResponse, error) EditApprovalContext(ctx context.Context, request *EditApproval) (*EditApprovalResponse, error) /* Export and download a document to PDF. @param uri Module/Document URI. @param exportPdfProperties Export parameters. They contain the following properties: paperSize - The size of the exported page. Possible values are A4 (Default), A3, Letter, Legal and Tabloid. orientation - The orientation of the page. Possible values are Portrait (Default) and Landscape. fitToPageWidth - Set to True to fit the content to the width of the page. Default is True. generateBookmarks - Set to True to generate bookmarks. Default is False. includeHeaderFooter - Set to True to include a header, footer, and watermark. Default is True. repeatTableHeaders - Set to True to repeat table headers on every page. Default is True. @since 3.20.1 */ ExportDocumentToPDF(request *ExportDocumentToPDF) (*ExportDocumentToPDFResponse, error) ExportDocumentToPDFContext(ctx context.Context, request *ExportDocumentToPDF) (*ExportDocumentToPDFResponse, error) /* Gets the Work Item's history. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the history for. @param ignoredFields The fields that will be ignored (can be null). @param fieldOrder The order of fields (can be null). @since 3.3.0 */ GenerateHistory(request *GenerateHistory) (*GenerateHistoryResponse, error) GenerateHistoryContext(ctx context.Context, request *GenerateHistory) (*GenerateHistoryResponse, error) /* Returns the Activity with the given global Id. @param activityGlobalId The Activity's global Id. @return The Activity. @since 3.7.0 */ GetActivityByGlobalId(request *GetActivityByGlobalId) (*GetActivityByGlobalIdResponse, error) GetActivityByGlobalIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetActivityByGlobalId) (*GetActivityByGlobalIdResponse, error) /* Gets all enumeration option IDs. @param projectID The ID of the Project to get the options for. @param enumId The Id of the enumeration to get the options for. */ GetAllEnumOptionIdsForId(request *GetAllEnumOptionIdsForId) (*GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse, error) GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllEnumOptionIdsForId) (*GetAllEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse, error) /* Gets all enumeration option IDs. @param projectID The Id of the Project to get the options for. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the option Id for. */ GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKey(request *GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKey) (*GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse, error) GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKey) (*GetAllEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse, error) /* Gets all enumeration options. @param projectID The Id of the Project to get the options for. @param enumID The Id of the enumeration to get the options for. */ GetAllEnumOptionsForId(request *GetAllEnumOptionsForId) (*GetAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse, error) GetAllEnumOptionsForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllEnumOptionsForId) (*GetAllEnumOptionsForIdResponse, error) /* Gets all enumeration options. @param projectID The Id of the Project to get the options for. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the options for. */ GetAllEnumOptionsForKey(request *GetAllEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetAllEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) /* Gets all allowed approvers. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the allowed approvers for. @since 3.5.3 */ GetAllowedApprovers(request *GetAllowedApprovers) (*GetAllowedApproversResponse, error) GetAllowedApproversContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllowedApprovers) (*GetAllowedApproversResponse, error) /* Gets all allowed assignees. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the allowed assignees for. */ GetAllowedAssignees(request *GetAllowedAssignees) (*GetAllowedAssigneesResponse, error) GetAllowedAssigneesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAllowedAssignees) (*GetAllowedAssigneesResponse, error) /* Download an attachment. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item. @param attachmentId The ID of the attachment. @since 3.20.1 */ GetAttachment(request *GetAttachment) (*GetAttachmentResponse, error) GetAttachmentContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAttachment) (*GetAttachmentResponse, error) /* Gets the actions that can be used on the workflow object in its current state. The conditions of the action are checked and those with failed condition(s) are not returned. NOTE: The parameter name {@code workitemURI} is kept for backward compatibility, but the specified URI can refer to any WorkflowObject, e.g. WorkItem or Module. @param workitemURI The URI of the WorkflowObject to get the available actions from. (Should not be {@code null}.) @return The available actions. @throws IllegalArgumentException if parameter is {@code null} @see #performWorkflowAction(java.lang.String, int) @see #getUnavailableActions(java.lang.String) */ GetAvailableActions(request *GetAvailableActions) (*GetAvailableActionsResponse, error) GetAvailableActionsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAvailableActions) (*GetAvailableActionsResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration option IDs. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration option IDs for. @param enumID The Id of the enumeration to get the option IDs for. */ GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId(request *GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId) (*GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse, error) GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForId) (*GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForIdResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration option IDs. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration option IDs for. @param key The Id of the enumeration to get the available option IDs for. */ GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey(request *GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey) (*GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse, error) GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKey) (*GetAvailableEnumOptionIdsForKeyResponse, error) /* Gets the back linked Work Items. (Work Items linking to the specified Work Item.) @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the back links for. */ GetBackLinkedWorkitems(request *GetBackLinkedWorkitems) (*GetBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse, error) GetBackLinkedWorkitemsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetBackLinkedWorkitems) (*GetBackLinkedWorkitemsResponse, error) /* Get the categories defined for the give project id. */ GetCategories(request *GetCategories) (*GetCategoriesResponse, error) GetCategoriesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCategories) (*GetCategoriesResponse, error) /* Returns list of folders contained in this folder. @param projectId The project ID or null for the Global level. @param parentFolderId The parent folder name (ID). @return An array of child folders from this parent folder. @since 3.18.1 */ GetChildFolders(request *GetChildFolders) (*GetChildFoldersResponse, error) GetChildFoldersContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetChildFolders) (*GetChildFoldersResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item's custom field. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the custom field from. @param key The custom field's key. */ GetCustomField(request *GetCustomField) (*GetCustomFieldResponse, error) GetCustomFieldContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCustomField) (*GetCustomFieldResponse, error) /* Gets the names of defined custom fields. @param workitemURI the URI of the work item to get the defined custom fields for. */ GetCustomFieldKeys(request *GetCustomFieldKeys) (*GetCustomFieldKeysResponse, error) GetCustomFieldKeysContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCustomFieldKeys) (*GetCustomFieldKeysResponse, error) /* Gets the custom field definitions for a specific Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item. @param key The key of the custom field. */ GetCustomFieldType(request *GetCustomFieldType) (*GetCustomFieldTypeResponse, error) GetCustomFieldTypeContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCustomFieldType) (*GetCustomFieldTypeResponse, error) /* Gets all custom field definitions for a specific Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item. */ GetCustomFieldTypes(request *GetCustomFieldTypes) (*GetCustomFieldTypesResponse, error) GetCustomFieldTypesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetCustomFieldTypes) (*GetCustomFieldTypesResponse, error) /* Returns the language definition for the default language. (Primarily to provide its label). @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @return The language definition or null if one is not defined. @since 3.6.1 */ GetDefaultLanguageDefinition(request *GetDefaultLanguageDefinition) (*GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse, error) GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDefaultLanguageDefinition) (*GetDefaultLanguageDefinitionResponse, error) /* Gets all custom field keys defined for a Work Item Type in a Project. @param projectID The Id of the Project. @param typeID The Work Item Type Id. */ GetDefinedCustomFieldKeys(request *GetDefinedCustomFieldKeys) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldKeysResponse, error) GetDefinedCustomFieldKeysContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDefinedCustomFieldKeys) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldKeysResponse, error) /* Gets a custom field definition for a Work Item Type. @param projectID The Id of the Project. @param typeID The Work Item Type Id. @param key key of the custom field. */ GetDefinedCustomFieldType(request *GetDefinedCustomFieldType) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse, error) GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDefinedCustomFieldType) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldTypeResponse, error) /* Gets all custom field definitions for a Work Item Type. @param projectID The Id of the Project. @param typeID The Work Item Type Id. */ GetDefinedCustomFieldTypes(request *GetDefinedCustomFieldTypes) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse, error) GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDefinedCustomFieldTypes) (*GetDefinedCustomFieldTypesResponse, error) /* Returns Module/Document Spaces from given Project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @return An array of Space IDs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetDocumentSpaces(request *GetDocumentSpaces) (*GetDocumentSpacesResponse, error) GetDocumentSpacesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDocumentSpaces) (*GetDocumentSpacesResponse, error) /* Gets duration time in hours @param duration The string representation of the duration time. @since 3.3.0 */ GetDurationHours(request *GetDurationHours) (*GetDurationHoursResponse, error) GetDurationHoursContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetDurationHours) (*GetDurationHoursResponse, error) /* Gets the enumeration control key for the specified Work Item key. @param projectID The Id of the Project. @param enumID The Id of the enumeration to get the control key for. */ GetEnumControlKeyForId(request *GetEnumControlKeyForId) (*GetEnumControlKeyForIdResponse, error) GetEnumControlKeyForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumControlKeyForId) (*GetEnumControlKeyForIdResponse, error) /* Gets the enumeration control key for the specified Work Item key. @param projectID The Id of the Project. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the control key for. */ GetEnumControlKeyForKey(request *GetEnumControlKeyForKey) (*GetEnumControlKeyForKeyResponse, error) GetEnumControlKeyForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumControlKeyForKey) (*GetEnumControlKeyForKeyResponse, error) /* Returns an instance of the IEnumOption of a given object URI and the enumeration Id. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null). @param enumId The Id of the enumeration. @return An instance of IEnumOption (not null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId(request *GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId) (*GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse, error) GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForId) (*GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForIdResponse, error) /* Returns an instance of the IEnumOption of a given object URI, the Prototype name and the prototype object's key. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null) @param prototypeName The Prototype name. @param key The key of the given prototype object. @return The instance of the IEnumOption (not null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey(request *GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey) (*GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse, error) GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKey) (*GetEnumOptionFromObjectUriForKeyResponse, error) /* Gets an enumeration option. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration option for. @param enumID The Id of the enumeration. @param id The enumeration option Id. */ GetEnumOptionWithEnumId(request *GetEnumOptionWithEnumId) (*GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse, error) GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionWithEnumId) (*GetEnumOptionWithEnumIdResponse, error) /* Gets an enumeration option. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration option for. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration option value. @param id The enumeration option Id. */ GetEnumOptionWithKey(request *GetEnumOptionWithKey) (*GetEnumOptionWithKeyResponse, error) GetEnumOptionWithKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionWithKey) (*GetEnumOptionWithKeyResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration options. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration options for. @param enumID The id of the enumeration to get the options for. */ GetEnumOptionsForId(request *GetEnumOptionsForId) (*GetEnumOptionsForIdResponse, error) GetEnumOptionsForIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionsForId) (*GetEnumOptionsForIdResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration options. The control value is the string representation of the Work Item value at the field specified by the enumerations control key. @see #getEnumControlKeyForKey @see #getEnumControlKeyForId @param projectID The Id of the Project to get the options for. @param enumID The Id of the enumeration to get the options for. @param controlValue The string representation of the control value. */ GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl(request *GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl) (*GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse, error) GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControl) (*GetEnumOptionsForIdWithControlResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration options. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get the enumeration options for. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the options for. */ GetEnumOptionsForKey(request *GetEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) GetEnumOptionsForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) /* Gets the available enumeration options. The control value is the string representation of the Work Item value on the field specified by the enumerations control key. @see #getEnumControlKeyForKey @see #getEnumControlKeyForId @param projectID The Id of the Project to get the options for. @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the options for. @param controlValue The string representation of the control value. */ GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl(request *GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl) (*GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse, error) GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControl) (*GetEnumOptionsForKeyWithControlResponse, error) /* Gets the available, filtered enumeration options. @param uri The URI of the peristent object to get the enumeration options for (not null). @param key The key of the field containing the enumeration to get the options for (not null). @param filter The Id of the enumeration option to use as the "from" value for the dependency mapping. (Can be null.) @since 3.8.1 */ GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey(request *GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKey) (*GetFilteredEnumOptionsForKeyResponse, error) /* Returns a folder specified by the Project and Folder name. @param projectId The Project Id or null for the Global level. @param folderName The name of the folder. (Not null.) @return The folder from the given Project or on the Global level.(Not null.) @since 3.8.3 */ GetFolder(request *GetFolder) (*GetFolderResponse, error) GetFolderContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFolder) (*GetFolderResponse, error) /* Returns the folder that the specified object is contained in. The object must implement the IFolderItem interface (e.g. Module). Otherwise returns null. @param objectURI The URI of the object. (Not null.) @return Folder for specified object. (Can be null.) @since 3.8.3 */ GetFolderForURI(request *GetFolderForURI) (*GetFolderForURIResponse, error) GetFolderForURIContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFolderForURI) (*GetFolderForURIResponse, error) /* Returns folders from the given Project or on the Global level. @param projectId The project Id or null for the Global level. @return An array of folders contained within the given Project or on the Global level. @since 3.8.3 */ GetFolders(request *GetFolders) (*GetFoldersResponse, error) GetFoldersContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetFolders) (*GetFoldersResponse, error) /* Gets the initial workflow action for the specified object and returns {@code null} if there is no initial action for the corresponding workflow. NOTE: The parameter name {@code workitemURI} is kept for backward compatibility, but the specified URI can refer to any WorkflowObject, e.g. WorkItem or Module. @param workitemURI The URI of the WorkflowObject to get the available actions from. (Should not be {@code null}.) @return The initial workflow action, {@code null} if no action is configured. @throws IllegalArgumentException if parameter is {@code null} @see #resetWorkflow(java.lang.String) @since 3.4.3 */ GetInitialWorkflowAction(request *GetInitialWorkflowAction) (*GetInitialWorkflowActionResponse, error) GetInitialWorkflowActionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetInitialWorkflowAction) (*GetInitialWorkflowActionResponse, error) /* Gets the initial workflow action for a specific Work Item Type in the specific Project. @param projectId The Id of the Project to get the Work Item from. @param wiType The Work Item Type to get the available actions from. (Should not be {@code null}.) @return The initial workflow action, {@code null} if no initial action is configured. @throws IllegalArgumentException if wiType is {@code null} @see #getInitialWorkflowAction(java.lang.String) @since 3.6.1 */ GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType(request *GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType) (*GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse, error) GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndType) (*GetInitialWorkflowActionForProjectAndTypeResponse, error) /* Returns the language definition for a given language. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param language The language Id (not null). @return The language definition or null if one is not defined. @since 3.6.1 */ GetLanguageDefinition(request *GetLanguageDefinition) (*GetLanguageDefinitionResponse, error) GetLanguageDefinitionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLanguageDefinition) (*GetLanguageDefinitionResponse, error) /* Returns all language definitions. (Does not include the default language definition). @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @return All language definitions. @since 3.6.1 */ GetLanguageDefinitions(request *GetLanguageDefinitions) (*GetLanguageDefinitionsResponse, error) GetLanguageDefinitionsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLanguageDefinitions) (*GetLanguageDefinitionsResponse, error) /* Returns a set of resources linked to the Work Item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to get linked resources from. @return An array of Linked Resources for the specified Work Item. @since 3.17.0 */ GetLinkedResources(request *GetLinkedResources) (*GetLinkedResourcesResponse, error) GetLinkedResourcesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLinkedResources) (*GetLinkedResourcesResponse, error) /* Returns the localized description or the normal description if the localized one is not defined or is empty. @param uri The Work Item URI (not null). @param language The language Id or null for the default language. @return The localized description (can be null). @since 3.6.1 */ GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription(request *GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse, error) GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLocalizedWorkItemDescription) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse, error) /* Returns the Id of the field of a Work Item of a given Type that stores the localized description. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param language The language Id (not null). @param type The Work Item Type (not null). @return The Id of the field or null if it is not defined. @since 3.6.1 */ GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField(request *GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse, error) GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionField) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionFieldResponse, error) /* Returns the localized title or normal title if the localized one is not defined or is empty. @param uri The Work Item URI (not null). @param language The language Id or null for the default language. @return The localized title (can be null). @since 3.6.1 */ GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle(request *GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse, error) GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLocalizedWorkItemTitle) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse, error) /* Returns the Id of the field of a Work Item of a given Type that stores the localized title. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param language The language Id (not null). @param type The Work Item Type (not null). @return The Id of the field or null if one is not defined. @since 3.6.1 */ GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField(request *GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse, error) GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleField) (*GetLocalizedWorkItemTitleFieldResponse, error) /* Retrieves the Module/Document on the given location. @param projectId The Project Id. @param location The encoded location of a retrieved Module/Document, relative to the Module/Document root in the given Project. Use the location with a revision set to retrieve a particular revision of the Module/Document. @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleByLocation(request *GetModuleByLocation) (*GetModuleByLocationResponse, error) GetModuleByLocationContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleByLocation) (*GetModuleByLocationResponse, error) /* Retrieves the Module/Document on the given location with the given fields set. @param projectId The Project Id. @param location The encoded location of retrieved Module/Document, relative to Module/Document root in the given project. Use the location with a revision set to retrieve a particular revision of the Module/Document. @param fields The fields to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleByLocationWithFields(request *GetModuleByLocationWithFields) (*GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse, error) GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleByLocationWithFields) (*GetModuleByLocationWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Gets Module/Document with all fields filled. @param uri Module/Document URI @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleByUri(request *GetModuleByUri) (*GetModuleByUriResponse, error) GetModuleByUriContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleByUri) (*GetModuleByUriResponse, error) /* Gets a Module/Document with given fields filled in. @param uri Module/Document URI @param fields The fields to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleByUriWithFields(request *GetModuleByUriWithFields) (*GetModuleByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) GetModuleByUriWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleByUriWithFields) (*GetModuleByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Returns the Modules/Documents residing on the given location relative to the "modules" folder of the given project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param location The serialized location relative to the "modules" folder. @return An array of Modules/Documents SubterraURIs. (One Module/Document SubterraURI if the location is the location of the Module/Document; can be null.) @since 3.6.3 */ GetModuleUris(request *GetModuleUris) (*GetModuleUrisResponse, error) GetModuleUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleUris) (*GetModuleUrisResponse, error) /* Returns the URIs of Work Items contained in a given Module/Document under given parent (if specified). @param moduleURI The Module/Document URI. @param parentWorkItemURI The URI of the parent Work Item or null. @param deep true to return Work Items from the whole subtree. @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleWorkItemUris(request *GetModuleWorkItemUris) (*GetModuleWorkItemUrisResponse, error) GetModuleWorkItemUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleWorkItemUris) (*GetModuleWorkItemUrisResponse, error) /* Returns Work Items (with given fields set) contained in a given Module/Document under the given parent (if specified). @param moduleURI The Module/Document URI. @param parentWorkItemURI The URI of parent Work Item or null. @param deep true to return Work Items from the whole subtree. @param fields The fields to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.4.1 */ GetModuleWorkItems(request *GetModuleWorkItems) (*GetModuleWorkItemsResponse, error) GetModuleWorkItemsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModuleWorkItems) (*GetModuleWorkItemsResponse, error) /* Returns the Modules/Documents residing on the given location relative to the "modules" folder of the given project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param location The serialized location relative to the "modules" folder. @return An array of Modules/Documents. (One Module/Document if the location is the location of the Module/Document; can be null.) @since 3.6.3 */ GetModules(request *GetModules) (*GetModulesResponse, error) GetModulesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModules) (*GetModulesResponse, error) /* Returns the sub-folders of a given location relative to the "modules" folder of the given Project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param location The serialized location relative to the "modules" folder. @return An array of serialized locations (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetModulesSubFolders(request *GetModulesSubFolders) (*GetModulesSubFoldersResponse, error) GetModulesSubFoldersContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModulesSubFolders) (*GetModulesSubFoldersResponse, error) /* Returns the Modules/Documents residing on the given location relative to the "modules" folder of the given project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param location The serialized location relative to the "modules" folder. @param fields An array of field names to fill in the returned Modules/Documents (can be null). For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @return An array of Modules/Documents. (One Module/Document if the location is the location of the Module/Document; can be null.) @since 3.6.3 */ GetModulesWithFields(request *GetModulesWithFields) (*GetModulesWithFieldsResponse, error) GetModulesWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetModulesWithFields) (*GetModulesWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Gets the length of one day @since 3.2.3 */ GetOneDayLength(request *GetOneDayLength) (*GetOneDayLengthResponse, error) GetOneDayLengthContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetOneDayLength) (*GetOneDayLengthResponse, error) /* Gets a revision. @param repositoryName The repository name. (Put "default" for the default repository.) @param revisionId The revision name. @since 3.3.0 */ GetRevision(request *GetRevision) (*GetRevisionResponse, error) GetRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetRevision) (*GetRevisionResponse, error) /* Gets a revision. @param revisionURI The URI of the revision. @since 3.3.0 */ GetRevisionByUri(request *GetRevisionByUri) (*GetRevisionByUriResponse, error) GetRevisionByUriContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetRevisionByUri) (*GetRevisionByUriResponse, error) /* Returns all revisions for a specific URI. @param in0 uri the URI of the persistence object (Work Item, Module/Document, User, etc). @return all revisions for the specific URI. @since 3.4.3 */ GetRevisions(request *GetRevisions) (*GetRevisionsResponse, error) GetRevisionsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetRevisions) (*GetRevisionsResponse, error) /* Returns parent folders from the given Project or on the Global level. Sorted in ascending order by name (or title if present). @param projectId The project ID or null for the Global level. @return An array of folders contained within the given Project or on the Global level. @since 3.18.1 */ GetRootFolders(request *GetRootFolders) (*GetRootFoldersResponse, error) GetRootFoldersContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetRootFolders) (*GetRootFoldersResponse, error) /* Gets the time points available for a Project. @param projectId The Id of the Projects to get the available time points for. */ GetTimepoints(request *GetTimepoints) (*GetTimepointsResponse, error) GetTimepointsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetTimepoints) (*GetTimepointsResponse, error) GetUnavailableActions(request *GetUnavailableActions) (*GetUnavailableActionsResponse, error) /* Returns a Wiki Page with the given SubterraURI. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null). @return The Wiki Page (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiPageByUri(request *GetWikiPageByUri) (*GetWikiPageByUriResponse, error) GetWikiPageByUriContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiPageByUri) (*GetWikiPageByUriResponse, error) /* Returns a Wiki Page with the given SubterraURI. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null). @param fields An array of field names to fill in on the returned Wiki Pages (can be null). @return The Wiki Page (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiPageByUriWithFields(request *GetWikiPageByUriWithFields) (*GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiPageByUriWithFields) (*GetWikiPageByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Returns Wiki Pages from a given Project and Space. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param spaceId The Space Id (not null). @return An array of Wiki Pages SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiPageUris(request *GetWikiPageUris) (*GetWikiPageUrisResponse, error) GetWikiPageUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiPageUris) (*GetWikiPageUrisResponse, error) /* Returns Wiki Pages from a given Project and Space. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param spaceId The Space Id (not null). @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiPages(request *GetWikiPages) (*GetWikiPagesResponse, error) GetWikiPagesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiPages) (*GetWikiPagesResponse, error) /* Returns Wiki Pages from a given Project and Space. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @param spaceId Space Id (not null). @param fields An array of field names to filled in on the returned Wiki Pages (can be null). @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiPagesWithFields(request *GetWikiPagesWithFields) (*GetWikiPagesWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWikiPagesWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiPagesWithFields) (*GetWikiPagesWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Returns Wiki spaces from a given Project. @param projectId The Project Id (not null). @return An array of Space Ids (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ GetWikiSpaces(request *GetWikiSpaces) (*GetWikiSpacesResponse, error) GetWikiSpacesContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWikiSpaces) (*GetWikiSpacesResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item with all fields set. @param projectId The Id of the project that contains the Work Item to get. @param workitemId The Id of the Work Item to get. */ GetWorkItemById(request *GetWorkItemById) (*GetWorkItemByIdResponse, error) GetWorkItemByIdContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemById) (*GetWorkItemByIdResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item with only the fields specified filled in with values. All other fields are not transmitted. @param projectId The Id of the project that contains the Work Item to get. @param workitemId The Id of the Work Item to get. @param keys The fields of the Work Item to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). */ GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields(request *GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemByIdsWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByIdsWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item with all fields set. @param uri the URI of the work item to get. */ GetWorkItemByUri(request *GetWorkItemByUri) (*GetWorkItemByUriResponse, error) GetWorkItemByUriContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemByUri) (*GetWorkItemByUriResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item in the given revision with all fields set. Returns null if the work item did not exist in the revision. @param uri The URI of the Work Item to get. @param revision The revision of the Work Item to get. @since 3.4.2 */ GetWorkItemByUriInRevision(request *GetWorkItemByUriInRevision) (*GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse, error) GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemByUriInRevision) (*GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item in a given revision with only the fields specified filled in with values. All other fields are not transmitted. Returns null if the Work Item does not exist in the revision. @param uri The URI of the Work Item to get. @param revision The revision of the Work Item to get. @param keys The fields of the Work Item to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.4.2 */ GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields(request *GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByUriInRevisionWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Gets a Work Item with only the fields specified filled in with values. All other fields are not transmitted. @param uri The URI of the Work Item to get. @param keys The fields of the Work Item to fill in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). */ GetWorkItemByUriWithFields(request *GetWorkItemByUriWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemByUriWithFields) (*GetWorkItemByUriWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Counts the number of Work Items returned by the given query. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @since 3.3.0 */ GetWorkItemsCount(request *GetWorkItemsCount) (*GetWorkItemsCountResponse, error) GetWorkItemsCountContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemsCount) (*GetWorkItemsCountResponse, error) /* Gets Work Items linked to a revision. @param revisionURI The URI of the revision. @since 3.3.0 */ GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision(request *GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision) (*GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse, error) GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevision) (*GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionResponse, error) /* Gets Work Items linked to a revision. @param revisionURI The URI of the revision. @param keys The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.3.0 */ GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields(request *GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields) (*GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse, error) GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsContext(ctx context.Context, request *GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFields) (*GetWorkItemsLinkedToRevisionWithFieldsResponse, error) /* Returns true if the History is available. @return true if the History is available. Otherwise false. @since 3.7.1 */ IsHistoryAvailable(request *IsHistoryAvailable) (*IsHistoryAvailableResponse, error) IsHistoryAvailableContext(ctx context.Context, request *IsHistoryAvailable) (*IsHistoryAvailableResponse, error) /* Checks if the comment is in a resolved comments thread. @param commentURI The URI of the comment. @since 3.7.1 */ IsResolvedComment(request *IsResolvedComment) (*IsResolvedCommentResponse, error) IsResolvedCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *IsResolvedComment) (*IsResolvedCommentResponse, error) /* Returns all Activity Sources. @return array of Activity sources. @since 3.7.0 */ ListActivitySources(request *ListActivitySources) (*ListActivitySourcesResponse, error) ListActivitySourcesContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListActivitySources) (*ListActivitySourcesResponse, error) /* Returns Activities within the default repository. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activities. @since 3.7.0 */ ListAllActivities(request *ListAllActivities) (*ListAllActivitiesResponse, error) ListAllActivitiesContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListAllActivities) (*ListAllActivitiesResponse, error) /* Returns the Activity global IDs within the default repository. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activity global IDs. @since 3.7.0 */ ListAllActivitiesGlobalIds(request *ListAllActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListAllActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) ListAllActivitiesGlobalIdsContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListAllActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListAllActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) /* Returns Activities within a given Project group. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null). @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activities. @since 3.7.0 */ ListGroupActivities(request *ListGroupActivities) (*ListGroupActivitiesResponse, error) ListGroupActivitiesContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListGroupActivities) (*ListGroupActivitiesResponse, error) /* Returns global IDs of activities within given project group. @param uri The SubterraURI (not null). @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activity global IDs. @since 3.7.0 */ ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds(request *ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListGroupActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) /* Returns activities within the given Project. @param projectId The Id of the Project (not null). @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activities. @since 3.7.0 */ ListProjectActivities(request *ListProjectActivities) (*ListProjectActivitiesResponse, error) ListProjectActivitiesContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListProjectActivities) (*ListProjectActivitiesResponse, error) /* Returns the global IDs of Activities within the given Project. @param projectId The Id of the Project (not null). @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param count The number of results. (-1 will return all results.) @return An array of Activity global IDs. @since 3.7.0 */ ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds(request *ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsContext(ctx context.Context, request *ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIds) (*ListProjectActivitiesGlobalIdsResponse, error) /* Moves a Work Item to a specific position in a Document. If the Work Item is not yet inside the Document it will be moved into the Document. Modules are also supported. @param workItemURI The URI of the Work Item to be moved. @param documentURI The URI of the Document. @param parentWorkItemURI The URI of the parent Work Item or {@code null} to insert it as the root. @param position The desired position in the list of children or a value < 0 to insert the Work Item at the end. (If the old and new parent are the same, then the moved Work Item is not counted.) @param retainDocumentFlow {@code true} to retain the position of the moved Work Item in the document flow, even if it means changing the parent. {@code false} to keep the desired parent, even if it means moving the Work Item to a different position. @since 3.7.0 */ MoveWorkItemToDocument(request *MoveWorkItemToDocument) (*MoveWorkItemToDocumentResponse, error) MoveWorkItemToDocumentContext(ctx context.Context, request *MoveWorkItemToDocument) (*MoveWorkItemToDocumentResponse, error) /* Moves a Work Item to a specific position in a Module/Document. If the Work Item is not yet inside the Module/Document it will be moved there. Since 3.7.0 this no longer retains the document flow, but keeps the desired parent. @param workItemURI The URI of the Work Item to be moved. @param moduleURI The URI of the Module/Document. @param parentWorkItemURI The URI of the parent Work Item or {@code null} to insert it as the root. @param position The desired position in the list of children or a value < 0 to insert at the end. (If the old and new parent are the same, then the moved Work Item is not counted.) @deprecated Use {@link #moveWorkItemToDocument(String, String, String, int, boolean)}. @since 3.4.3 */ MoveWorkItemToModule(request *MoveWorkItemToModule) (*MoveWorkItemToModuleResponse, error) MoveWorkItemToModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *MoveWorkItemToModule) (*MoveWorkItemToModuleResponse, error) /* Executes a workflow action. The actions that can be performed can be received by {@link #getAvailableActions(java.lang.String)}. The workflow action is specified by {@link}. NOTE: The parameter name {@code workitemURI} is kept for backward compatibility, but the specified URI can refer to any WorkflowObject, e.g. WorkItem or Module. @param workitemURI The URI of the WorkflowObject to execute the action for (should not be {@code null}). @param actionId The Id of the action to execute. @throws IllegalArgumentException if workitemURI parameter is {@code null} @see #getAvailableActions(java.lang.String) */ PerformWorkflowAction(request *PerformWorkflowAction) (*PerformWorkflowActionResponse, error) PerformWorkflowActionContext(ctx context.Context, request *PerformWorkflowAction) (*PerformWorkflowActionResponse, error) /* Queries for Baselines. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @since 3.4.2 */ QueryBaselines(request *QueryBaselines) (*QueryBaselinesResponse, error) QueryBaselinesContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryBaselines) (*QueryBaselinesResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param resultsLimit Set a limit on how many results to return. (-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Modules/Documents SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModuleUris(request *QueryModuleUris) (*QueryModuleUrisResponse, error) QueryModuleUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModuleUris) (*QueryModuleUrisResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @return An array of Modules/Documents SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModuleUrisBySQL(request *QueryModuleUrisBySQL) (*QueryModuleUrisBySQLResponse, error) QueryModuleUrisBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModuleUrisBySQL) (*QueryModuleUrisBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents in a given Baseline. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @param resultsLimit Set a limit on how many results to return. (-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Modules/Documents SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModuleUrisInBaseline(request *QueryModuleUrisInBaseline) (*QueryModuleUrisInBaselineResponse, error) QueryModuleUrisInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModuleUrisInBaseline) (*QueryModuleUrisInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents in a given Baseline. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @return An array of Modules/Documents SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryModuleUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null) @param fields An array of field names to fill in the returned Modules/Documents with. (Can be null.) For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @param resultsLimit Sets a limit on the number of results to return.(-1 to return all results without a limit.) @return An array of Modules/Documents (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModules(request *QueryModules) (*QueryModulesResponse, error) QueryModulesContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModules) (*QueryModulesResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param fields An array of field names to fill in the returned Modules/Documents with. (Can be null.) For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @return An array of Modules/Documents (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModulesBySQL(request *QueryModulesBySQL) (*QueryModulesBySQLResponse, error) QueryModulesBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModulesBySQL) (*QueryModulesBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for the Modules/Documents in a given Baseline. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision @param fields An array of field names to fill in the returned Modules/Documents with. (Can be null.) For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @param resultsLimit how many results to return (-1 means everything) @return An array of Modules/Documents (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModulesInBaseline(request *QueryModulesInBaseline) (*QueryModulesInBaselineResponse, error) QueryModulesInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModulesInBaseline) (*QueryModulesInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for Modules/Documents in a given Baseline. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @param fields An array of field names to fill in the returned Modules/Documents with. (Can be null.) For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @return An array of Modules/Documents (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryModulesInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryModulesInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Queries for revisions. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param includeInternal Whether internal Polarion commits should be included. @since 3.3.0 */ QueryRevisionUris(request *QueryRevisionUris) (*QueryRevisionUrisResponse, error) QueryRevisionUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryRevisionUris) (*QueryRevisionUrisResponse, error) /* Queries for revisions. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. @since 3.3.0 */ QueryRevisions(request *QueryRevisions) (*QueryRevisionsResponse, error) QueryRevisionsContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryRevisions) (*QueryRevisionsResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param resultsLimit Limit the number of results to return.(-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Wiki Pages SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPageUris(request *QueryWikiPageUris) (*QueryWikiPageUrisResponse, error) QueryWikiPageUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPageUris) (*QueryWikiPageUrisResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @return An array of Wiki Pages SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPageUrisBySQL(request *QueryWikiPageUrisBySQL) (*QueryWikiPageUrisBySQLResponse, error) QueryWikiPageUrisBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPageUrisBySQL) (*QueryWikiPageUrisBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages in a given Baseline. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @param resultsLimit Limit the number of results to return.(-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Wiki Pages SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline(request *QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline) (*QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse, error) QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPageUrisInBaseline) (*QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages in the given Baseline. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @return An array of Wiki Pages SubterraURIs (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWikiPageUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param fields An array of field names to fill in on the returned Wiki Pages (can be null). @param resultsLimit Limit the maximum number of results to return. (-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPages(request *QueryWikiPages) (*QueryWikiPagesResponse, error) QueryWikiPagesContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPages) (*QueryWikiPagesResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param fields An array of field names to fill in for the returned Wiki Pages. (Can be null.) @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPagesBySQL(request *QueryWikiPagesBySQL) (*QueryWikiPagesBySQLResponse, error) QueryWikiPagesBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPagesBySQL) (*QueryWikiPagesBySQLResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages in the given Baseline. @param query The Lucene query (can be null). @param sort The Lucene sort string (can be null). @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @param fields An array of field names to fill in on the returned Wiki Pages. (Can be null.) @param resultsLimit Limits the number of results to return. (-1 for unlimited.) @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPagesInBaseline(request *QueryWikiPagesInBaseline) (*QueryWikiPagesInBaselineResponse, error) QueryWikiPagesInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPagesInBaseline) (*QueryWikiPagesInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for Wiki Pages in the given Baseline. @param sqlQuery The SQL statement. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision. @param fields An array of field names to fill in on the returned Wiki Pages. (Can be null.) @return An array of Wiki Pages (can be null). @since 3.6.3 */ QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWikiPagesInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Query the URIs of a Work Item. @param query The Lucene query. @param sort The key used to sort the result. */ QueryWorkItemUris(request *QueryWorkItemUris) (*QueryWorkItemUrisResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUris) (*QueryWorkItemUrisResponse, error) /* Query the URIs of Work Items. @param sqlQuery the SQL query. @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemUrisBySQL(request *QueryWorkItemUrisBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemUrisBySQLResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUrisBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemUrisBySQLResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Item URIs in a Baseline. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param baselineRevision The revision that the Work Items should be returned for. @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline(request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaseline) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for URIs of Work Items in the given Baseline revision. @param sqlQuery The SQL query. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision that the Work Item should be returned for. @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Item URIs in a baseline with a given limit. @param query the Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param baselineRevision The revision that the Work Items should be returned for. @param resultsLimit The maximum number of returned Work Items. (-1 for unlimited.) @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited(request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimited) (*QueryWorkItemUrisInBaselineLimitedResponse, error) /* Query the URIs of a Work Item. @param query the Lucene query. @param sort The key used to sort the result. @param resultsLimit The maximum number of returned Work Items. (-1 for unlimited.) @since 3.3.0 */ QueryWorkItemUrisLimited(request *QueryWorkItemUrisLimited) (*QueryWorkItemUrisLimitedResponse, error) QueryWorkItemUrisLimitedContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemUrisLimited) (*QueryWorkItemUrisLimitedResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param fields The keys for the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures within the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). */ QueryWorkItems(request *QueryWorkItems) (*QueryWorkItemsResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItems) (*QueryWorkItemsResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items. @param sqlQuery The SQL query. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemsBySQL(request *QueryWorkItemsBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemsBySQLResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemsBySQLResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items in a given Baseline. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param baselineRevision The revision that the Work Items should be returned for. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemsInBaseline(request *QueryWorkItemsInBaseline) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsInBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsInBaseline) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineResponse, error) /* Searches for Work Items in a given Baseline revision. @param sqlQuery The SQL query. @param baselineRevision The Baseline revision in that the Work Items should be returned for. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL(request *QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQL) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineBySQLResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items in a Baseline with a given limit. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param baselineRevision The revision that the Work Items should be returned for. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @param resultsLimit The maximum number of returned Work Items. (-1 for unlimited.) @since 3.6.0 */ QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited(request *QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsInBaselineLimitedResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items. The search is done in the current state of the Work Items, but the Work Items are returned in the state of the given revision. Work Items that were deleted since the revision are not returned. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param revision The revision that the Work Items should be returned to. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures within the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @since 3.4.2 */ QueryWorkItemsInRevision(request *QueryWorkItemsInRevision) (*QueryWorkItemsInRevisionResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsInRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsInRevision) (*QueryWorkItemsInRevisionResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items. The search is done in current state of the Work Items, but the Work Items are returned in the state they are in for the given revision. Work Items that were deleted since the revision are not returned. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param revision The revision that the Work Items should be returned for. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures in the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @param resultsLimit maximal returned number of workitems (-1 means no limit) @since 3.4.2 */ QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited(request *QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsInRevisionLimitedResponse, error) /* Queries for Work Items. @param query The Lucene query to be used. @param sort The field to be used for sorting. @param fields The keys of the fields that should be filled in. For nested structures within the lists, use the following syntax to only include a subset of fields: myList.LIST.key (e.g. linkedWorkItems.LIST.role). For custom fields, specify which fields to be filled in using the following syntax: customFields.CUSTOM_FIELD_ID (e.g. customFields.risk). @param resultsLimit The maximum number of returned Work Items. (-1 for unlimited.) @since 3.3.0 */ QueryWorkItemsLimited(request *QueryWorkItemsLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsLimitedResponse, error) QueryWorkItemsLimitedContext(ctx context.Context, request *QueryWorkItemsLimited) (*QueryWorkItemsLimitedResponse, error) /* Removes an approving user. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the approvee from. @param approveeId The Id of the approving user to remove. */ RemoveApprovee(request *RemoveApprovee) (*RemoveApproveeResponse, error) RemoveApproveeContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveApprovee) (*RemoveApproveeResponse, error) /* Removes an assignee. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the assignee from. @param assigneeId the id of the user to add as an assignee. */ RemoveAssignee(request *RemoveAssignee) (*RemoveAssigneeResponse, error) RemoveAssigneeContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveAssignee) (*RemoveAssigneeResponse, error) /* Removes a Category. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the Category from. @param categoryId The Id of the Category to Remove. */ RemoveCategory(request *RemoveCategory) (*RemoveCategoryResponse, error) RemoveCategoryContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveCategory) (*RemoveCategoryResponse, error) /* Removes a revision from an external repository. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the linked revision from. @param repositoryName The Id of the external repository. @param revisionId The Id of the revision to remove. @since 3.5.1 */ RemoveExternalLinkedRevision(request *RemoveExternalLinkedRevision) (*RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionResponse, error) RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveExternalLinkedRevision) (*RemoveExternalLinkedRevisionResponse, error) /* Removes an external linked item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the linked item from. @param linkedExternalWorkitemURI The URI of the linked item to remove. @param role The role of the linked item to remove. @since 3.5.0 */ RemoveExternallyLinkedItem(request *RemoveExternallyLinkedItem) (*RemoveExternallyLinkedItemResponse, error) RemoveExternallyLinkedItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveExternallyLinkedItem) (*RemoveExternallyLinkedItemResponse, error) /* Removes a hyperlink. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the hyperlink from. @param url The url of the hyperlink to remove. */ RemoveHyperlink(request *RemoveHyperlink) (*RemoveHyperlinkResponse, error) RemoveHyperlinkContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveHyperlink) (*RemoveHyperlinkResponse, error) /* Removes a linked item. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the linked item from. @param linkedItemURI The URI of the linked item to remove. @param role The role of the linked item to remove. */ RemoveLinkedItem(request *RemoveLinkedItem) (*RemoveLinkedItemResponse, error) RemoveLinkedItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveLinkedItem) (*RemoveLinkedItemResponse, error) /* Removes a revision. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the linked revision from. @param revisionId The Id of the revision to remove. */ RemoveLinkedRevision(request *RemoveLinkedRevision) (*RemoveLinkedRevisionResponse, error) RemoveLinkedRevisionContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemoveLinkedRevision) (*RemoveLinkedRevisionResponse, error) /* Removes a planing constraint. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to remove the planning constraint from. @param date The date of the planning constraint to remove. @param constraint The Type of constraint to remove. */ RemovePlaningConstraint(request *RemovePlaningConstraint) (*RemovePlaningConstraintResponse, error) RemovePlaningConstraintContext(ctx context.Context, request *RemovePlaningConstraint) (*RemovePlaningConstraintResponse, error) /* Resets the workflow for the specified object. Performs an initial action if it exists and sets the initial status. @param workflowObjectURI The URI of the WorkflowObject (should not be {@code null}). @throws IllegalArgumentException if the parameter is {@code null}. @since 3.8.1 */ ResetWorkflow(request *ResetWorkflow) (*ResetWorkflowResponse, error) ResetWorkflowContext(ctx context.Context, request *ResetWorkflow) (*ResetWorkflowResponse, error) /* Creates a new Document based on an existing Document. @param sourceURI The URI of the source Document. (Not null.) @param targetProjectId The target Project Id. (Not null.) @param targetLocation The document's Space location with one component or null for the default space. (Can be null.) @param targetName The target Document's name. (Not null.) @param targetTitle The target Document's title. (Can be null.) @param updateTitleInDocument if true then the first title found in the document will be changed to the targetTitle value. (If permissions allow it). @param linkRole The role of links going from a reused Work Item to its source Work Item or null to not create links unless the derivedFields are specified. If this is the case, the links will be created with the default role. (Can be null.) @param derivedFields The fields that are derived from the source Document. (See updateDerivedModule.) (Can be null.) @return The URI of the created Document. @since 3.8.2 */ ReuseDocument(request *ReuseDocument) (*ReuseDocumentResponse, error) ReuseDocumentContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReuseDocument) (*ReuseDocumentResponse, error) /* Creates new Module/Document based on the existing Module/Document. @param sourceURI The URI of the source Module/Document. @param targetProjectId The target project Id. @param targetLocation ignored @param targetName The target Module/Document name. @param linkRole The role of links going from a reused Work Item to a source Work Item or null to not create links unless the derivedFields are specified. (If so, the links will be created with the default role.) @param fields ignored @param exceptFields ignored @param derivedFields The fields that are derived from the source Module/Document (see updateDerivedModule). @return The URI of the created Module/Document. @since 3.4.1 */ ReuseModule(request *ReuseModule) (*ReuseModuleResponse, error) ReuseModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *ReuseModule) (*ReuseModuleResponse, error) /* Sets the tags of a comment. @param commentURI The URI of the comment. @param tags The tags to set. @since 3.7.1 */ SetCommentTags(request *SetCommentTags) (*SetCommentTagsResponse, error) SetCommentTagsContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetCommentTags) (*SetCommentTagsResponse, error) /* Sets a custom field of a Work Item. @param customField The custom field to set. */ SetCustomField(request *SetCustomField) (*SetCustomFieldResponse, error) SetCustomFieldContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetCustomField) (*SetCustomFieldResponse, error) /* Sets a field to null. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item to set a fields null for. @param fields The keys of the fields to set null. */ SetFieldsNull(request *SetFieldsNull) (*SetFieldsNullResponse, error) SetFieldsNullContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetFieldsNull) (*SetFieldsNullResponse, error) /* Sets the localized description. @param uri The Work Item URI (not null). @param language The language Id (must be defined) or null for the default language. @param description The description (can be null). @since 3.6.1 */ SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription(request *SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription) (*SetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse, error) SetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetLocalizedWorkItemDescription) (*SetLocalizedWorkItemDescriptionResponse, error) /* Sets the localized title. @param uri The Work Item URI (not null). @param language The language Id (must be defined) or null for the default language. @param title The title (can be null). @since 3.6.1 */ SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle(request *SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle) (*SetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse, error) SetLocalizedWorkItemTitleContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetLocalizedWorkItemTitle) (*SetLocalizedWorkItemTitleResponse, error) /* Sets the state of the comment to "Resolved". Can only be used for root comments. @param commentURI The URI of the comment. @param resolved The new resolved state. @since 3.7.1 */ SetResolvedComment(request *SetResolvedComment) (*SetResolvedCommentResponse, error) SetResolvedCommentContext(ctx context.Context, request *SetResolvedComment) (*SetResolvedCommentResponse, error) /* Update an existing attachment. @param workitemURI The URI of the Work Item containing the attachment to be updated. @param id The Id of the attachment to be updated. @param fileName The new filename, will be ignored if null is used. @param title The new title, will be ignored if null is used. @param data The new content, will be ignored if null is used. @since 3.3.1 */ UpdateAttachment(request *UpdateAttachment) (*UpdateAttachmentResponse, error) UpdateAttachmentContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateAttachment) (*UpdateAttachmentResponse, error) /* Updates the given Baseline. @param baseline The updated Baseline (not null). @since 3.7.1 */ UpdateBaseline(request *UpdateBaseline) (*UpdateBaselineResponse, error) UpdateBaselineContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateBaseline) (*UpdateBaselineResponse, error) /* Updates derived Document to the new revision (Baseline). @param documentURI The derived document. @param revision Null refers to the HEAD revision @param autoSuspect @since 3.5.3 */ UpdateDerivedDocument(request *UpdateDerivedDocument) (*UpdateDerivedDocumentResponse, error) UpdateDerivedDocumentContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateDerivedDocument) (*UpdateDerivedDocumentResponse, error) /* Updates derived the Module/Document to the new revision (Baseline). @param moduleURI The derived Module/Document. @param revision Null refers to the HEAD revision. @since 3.4.1 */ UpdateDerivedModule(request *UpdateDerivedModule) (*UpdateDerivedModuleResponse, error) UpdateDerivedModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateDerivedModule) (*UpdateDerivedModuleResponse, error) /* Updates a Module/Document. Changes for some fields of a passed Module (like array fields) are ignored when calling this method. @param module updated Module/Document @since 3.4.1 */ UpdateModule(request *UpdateModule) (*UpdateModuleResponse, error) UpdateModuleContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateModule) (*UpdateModuleResponse, error) /* Updates the first Title Heading in the Document's content. @param documentURI The URI of the Document. (Not null.) @param title The Document title. (Can be null.) @return The URI of an updated Title Heading or null if no Title Heading in the Document's content was updated. @since 3.8.2 */ UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument(request *UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument) (*UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse, error) UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument) (*UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse, error) /* Updates a Work Item. The Work Item passed has to contain the valid URI of the Work Item being updated. Fields that are not transmitted will not be set on the target Work Item. Therefore only the changed fields and the URI should be sent to save resources. Please note that some fields in the updated Work Item: assignee, hyperlink, comment, category, id, created, updated, moduleURI, plannedEnd, plannedStart, plannedInURIs, planningConstraints, author, project, externallyLinkedWorkItems, linkedRevisions, linkedRevisionsDerived, linkedOslcResources, attachments, approvals, workRecords, outlineNumber will not be changed. Use other methods to adjust your updated Work Item e.g. createComment, addHyperlink, addAssignee, addLinkedItem, addCategory. @param content The altered content. */ UpdateWorkItem(request *UpdateWorkItem) (*UpdateWorkItemResponse, error) UpdateWorkItemContext(ctx context.Context, request *UpdateWorkItem) (*UpdateWorkItemResponse, error) }
func NewTrackerWebService ¶
func NewTrackerWebService(client *soap.Client) TrackerWebService
type UpdateAttachment ¶
type UpdateAttachment struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" updateAttachment"` WorkitemURI *SubterraURI `xml:"workitemURI,omitempty" json:"workitemURI,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` FileName string `xml:"fileName,omitempty" json:"fileName,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Data []byte `xml:"data,omitempty" json:"data,omitempty"` }
type UpdateBaseline ¶
type UpdateBaselineResponse ¶
type UpdateDerivedDocument ¶
type UpdateDerivedDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" updateDerivedDocument"` DocumentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"documentURI,omitempty" json:"documentURI,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` AutoSuspect bool `xml:"autoSuspect,omitempty" json:"autoSuspect,omitempty"` }
type UpdateDerivedModule ¶
type UpdateDerivedModule struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" updateDerivedModule"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` Revision string `xml:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"` }
type UpdateModule ¶
type UpdateModuleResponse ¶
type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument ¶
type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocument struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" updateTitleHeadingInDocument"` DocumentURI *SubterraURI `xml:"documentURI,omitempty" json:"documentURI,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` }
type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse ¶
type UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:" updateTitleHeadingInDocumentResponse"` UpdateTitleHeadingInDocumentReturn string `xml:"updateTitleHeadingInDocumentReturn,omitempty" json:"updateTitleHeadingInDocumentReturn,omitempty"` }
type UpdateWorkItem ¶
type UpdateWorkItemResponse ¶
type User ¶
type User struct { Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` DisabledNotifications bool `xml:"disabledNotifications,omitempty" json:"disabledNotifications,omitempty"` Email string `xml:"email,omitempty" json:"email,omitempty"` HomePageContent *Text `xml:"homePageContent,omitempty" json:"homePageContent,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `xml:"name,omitempty" json:"name,omitempty"` VoteURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"voteURIs,omitempty" json:"voteURIs,omitempty"` WatcheURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"watcheURIs,omitempty" json:"watcheURIs,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type WikiPage ¶
type WikiPage struct { Attachments *ArrayOfWikiPageAttachment `xml:"attachments,omitempty" json:"attachments,omitempty"` Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` HomePageContent *Text `xml:"homePageContent,omitempty" json:"homePageContent,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` LinkedPageURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"linkedPageURIs,omitempty" json:"linkedPageURIs,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` PageLocation *Location `xml:"pageLocation,omitempty" json:"pageLocation,omitempty"` PageName string `xml:"pageName,omitempty" json:"pageName,omitempty"` Project *Project `xml:"project,omitempty" json:"project,omitempty"` SpaceId string `xml:"spaceId,omitempty" json:"spaceId,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Type_ string `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` Updated soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"updated,omitempty" json:"updated,omitempty"` UpdatedBy *User `xml:"updatedBy,omitempty" json:"updatedBy,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type WikiPageAttachment ¶
type WikiPageAttachment struct { Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` FileName string `xml:"fileName,omitempty" json:"fileName,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` Length int64 `xml:"length,omitempty" json:"length,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Updated soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"updated,omitempty" json:"updated,omitempty"` Url string `xml:"url,omitempty" json:"url,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type WorkItem ¶
type WorkItem struct { Approvals *ArrayOfApproval `xml:"approvals,omitempty" json:"approvals,omitempty"` Assignee *ArrayOfUser `xml:"assignee,omitempty" json:"assignee,omitempty"` Attachments *ArrayOfAttachment `xml:"attachments,omitempty" json:"attachments,omitempty"` Author *User `xml:"author,omitempty" json:"author,omitempty"` Categories *ArrayOfCategory `xml:"categories,omitempty" json:"categories,omitempty"` Comments *ArrayOfComment `xml:"comments,omitempty" json:"comments,omitempty"` Created soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"created,omitempty" json:"created,omitempty"` Description *Text `xml:"description,omitempty" json:"description,omitempty"` DueDate soap.XSDDate `xml:"dueDate,omitempty" json:"dueDate,omitempty"` ExternallyLinkedWorkItems *ArrayOfExternallyLinkedWorkItem `xml:"externallyLinkedWorkItems,omitempty" json:"externallyLinkedWorkItems,omitempty"` Hyperlinks *ArrayOfHyperlink `xml:"hyperlinks,omitempty" json:"hyperlinks,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` InitialEstimate *Duration `xml:"initialEstimate,omitempty" json:"initialEstimate,omitempty"` LinkedOslcResources *ArrayOfLinkedOslcResource `xml:"linkedOslcResources,omitempty" json:"linkedOslcResources,omitempty"` LinkedRevisions *ArrayOfRevision `xml:"linkedRevisions,omitempty" json:"linkedRevisions,omitempty"` LinkedRevisionsDerived *ArrayOfRevision `xml:"linkedRevisionsDerived,omitempty" json:"linkedRevisionsDerived,omitempty"` LinkedWorkItems *ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem `xml:"linkedWorkItems,omitempty" json:"linkedWorkItems,omitempty"` LinkedWorkItemsDerived *ArrayOfLinkedWorkItem `xml:"linkedWorkItemsDerived,omitempty" json:"linkedWorkItemsDerived,omitempty"` Location *Location `xml:"location,omitempty" json:"location,omitempty"` ModuleURI *SubterraURI `xml:"moduleURI,omitempty" json:"moduleURI,omitempty"` OutlineNumber string `xml:"outlineNumber,omitempty" json:"outlineNumber,omitempty"` PlannedEnd soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"plannedEnd,omitempty" json:"plannedEnd,omitempty"` PlannedInURIs *ArrayOfSubterraURI `xml:"plannedInURIs,omitempty" json:"plannedInURIs,omitempty"` PlannedStart soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"plannedStart,omitempty" json:"plannedStart,omitempty"` PlanningConstraints *ArrayOfPlanningConstraint `xml:"planningConstraints,omitempty" json:"planningConstraints,omitempty"` PreviousStatus *EnumOptionId `xml:"previousStatus,omitempty" json:"previousStatus,omitempty"` Priority *PriorityOptionId `xml:"priority,omitempty" json:"priority,omitempty"` Project *Project `xml:"project,omitempty" json:"project,omitempty"` RemainingEstimate *Duration `xml:"remainingEstimate,omitempty" json:"remainingEstimate,omitempty"` Resolution *EnumOptionId `xml:"resolution,omitempty" json:"resolution,omitempty"` ResolvedOn soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"resolvedOn,omitempty" json:"resolvedOn,omitempty"` Severity *EnumOptionId `xml:"severity,omitempty" json:"severity,omitempty"` Status *EnumOptionId `xml:"status,omitempty" json:"status,omitempty"` TimePoint *TimePoint `xml:"timePoint,omitempty" json:"timePoint,omitempty"` TimeSpent *Duration `xml:"timeSpent,omitempty" json:"timeSpent,omitempty"` Title string `xml:"title,omitempty" json:"title,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` Updated soap.XSDDateTime `xml:"updated,omitempty" json:"updated,omitempty"` WorkRecords *ArrayOfWorkRecord `xml:"workRecords,omitempty" json:"workRecords,omitempty"` CustomFields *ArrayOfCustom `xml:"customFields,omitempty" json:"customFields,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type WorkRecord ¶
type WorkRecord struct { Comment string `xml:"comment,omitempty" json:"comment,omitempty"` Date soap.XSDDate `xml:"date,omitempty" json:"date,omitempty"` Id string `xml:"id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"` TimeSpent *Duration `xml:"timeSpent,omitempty" json:"timeSpent,omitempty"` Type_ *EnumOptionId `xml:"type,omitempty" json:"type,omitempty"` User *User `xml:"user,omitempty" json:"user,omitempty"` Uri *SubterraURI `xml:"uri,attr,omitempty" json:"uri,omitempty"` Unresolvable bool `xml:"unresolvable,attr,omitempty" json:"unresolvable,omitempty"` }
type WorkflowAction ¶
type WorkflowAction struct { ActionId int32 `xml:"actionId,omitempty" json:"actionId,omitempty"` ActionName *string `xml:"actionName,omitempty" json:"actionName,omitempty"` CleanedFeatures *ArrayOf_xsd_string `xml:"cleanedFeatures,omitempty" json:"cleanedFeatures,omitempty"` NativeActionId *string `xml:"nativeActionId,omitempty" json:"nativeActionId,omitempty"` RequiredFeatures *ArrayOf_xsd_string `xml:"requiredFeatures,omitempty" json:"requiredFeatures,omitempty"` SuggestedFeatures *ArrayOf_xsd_string `xml:"suggestedFeatures,omitempty" json:"suggestedFeatures,omitempty"` TargetStatus *EnumOptionId `xml:"targetStatus,omitempty" json:"targetStatus,omitempty"` }
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