Golang TCP/IP socket server for handling JSON requests with ids. Each JSON message will need to have a reqId property which will be included in the response message.
- Each connection has it's own go routine
- Each request on a connection has it's own go routine
- If an attempted socket flood is happening, server will automatically close the connection.
Install the package:
go get https://github.com/ARolek/jsonpipe
Use the package:
package main
import (
func main (){
jsonpipe.Handle("MyAction", myHandler)
// data var does not include the reqId or the action properties. only the request data property.
func myHandler(data *json.RawMessage) (map[string]interface{}, error){
// typicaly I unmarshal the JSON data into a struct here
Request requirements:
- reqId (string): will be sent back to the client with the response
- action (string): used to match up a request with a handler
- data (map[string]interface{}): will be sent to the registered handler as *json.RawMessage. Perfect for unmarshalling into a struct
IMPORTANT: requests must be on a single line. JSONpipe scans for new lines (\n) to decide when a message ends. Do not send multiline JSON data.
Request (indented for readability. must be on a single line)
"reqId": "0",
"action": "AnalyzeFile",
"data": {
"src": "/path/to/some/file.png"
Response (success):
"reqId": "0",
"success": true,
"data": {
//response data here
"reqId": "0",
"success": false,
"error": "Invalid JSON format"