Golang CLI Reminder
This is a simple command-line reminder application written in Go. It allows users to set a reminder for a specific time and will display an alert message when the time is reached.
- Parse human-readable time strings (e.g.,
for 2:30 PM).
- Display a desktop notification (using
- Set reminders to alert with a custom message.
- Prevents setting reminders in the past.
Before running this application, make sure you have the following installed:
- Go version 1.23 or above.
- beeep library for desktop notifications.
- when library for parsing time.
To install the required libraries, use:
go get github.com/gen2brain/beeep
go get github.com/olebedev/when
To run the application, use the following command:
Copy code
go run main.go <hh:mm> <reminder message>
Set a reminder for 2:30 PM with a message "Meeting with client":
Copy code
go run main.go 14:30 "Meeting with client"
The reminder will trigger a desktop notification at 2:30 PM with the message "Meeting with client."
- The time should be in 24-hour format.
- The program prevents reminders from being set in the past.
- The reminder is displayed using the system's notification system (works on macOS, Windows, and Linux).
File Structure
- main.go: The main Go file with the reminder logic.
- assets/: This folder should contain the icons or images for notifications. (Optional)
How It Works
- The application takes a time string and message as input.
- It parses the time using the when library.
- If the time is valid and in the future, it calculates the time difference.
- The reminder is scheduled to show a notification using the beeep library after the specified duration.
- If you attempt to set a reminder for the past, the application will notify you.
Error Handling
- If the time cannot be parsed, or the time is in the past, the application will exit with an appropriate message and error code.
- The application gracefully handles errors related to executing the reminder command or displaying notifications.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.