- CLI Utility to query/manage TFE inspired by tfe-cli
- Copy the binary (either Windows or Linux) to a path on your machine. Add the
extension if using it on WindowsPS> .\tfectl.exe Query TFE from the command line. Usage: tfectl [command] Available Commands: admin Manage TFE admin operations completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell help Help about any command plan Query TFE Plans policy Query TFE policies policy-check Manage policy check workflows of a TFE run policy-set Query TFE policy sets run Manage TFE runs tag Query TFE tags team Manage TFE teams variable Manage TFE workspace variables workspace Manage TFE workspaces Flags: -h, --help help for tfectl -l, --log string log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic) -o, --organization string terraform organization or set TFE_ORG -q, --query string JQ compatible query to parse JSON output -t, --token string terraform token or set TFE_TOKEN -v, --version version for tfectl Use "tfectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
: TFE URL defaults to
: TFE OrganizationTFE_TOKEN
: token with read access to Organization specified inTFE_ORG
- Additionally
variables can be passed via CLI
- To see available options
# /sbin/tfectl --help
Query TFE from the command line.
tfectl [command]
Available Commands:
admin Manage TFE admin operations
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
policy Query TFE policies
policy-check Manage policy check workflows of a TFE run
policy-set Query TFE policy sets
run Manage TFE runs
tag Query TFE tags
team Manage TFE teams
variable Manage TFE workspace variables
workspace Manage TFE workspaces
-h, --help help for tfectl
-l, --log string log level (debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic)
-o, --organization string terraform organization or set TFE_ORG
-q, --query string JQ compatible query to parse JSON output
-t, --token string terraform token or set TFE_TOKEN
-v, --version version for tfectl
Use "tfectl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Workspace Operations
Run with no arguments to return the following for all workspaces in the Org
Field Description Type name Name of the workspace string id ID of the workspace string locked Status of the workspace bool execution_mode Whether the workspace runs remotely, locally or on an agent string terraform_version Version of Terraform CLI running in the workspace string tags List of tags against workspace list -
Run with
, which takes a workspace name or a substring of a name to get a filtered list of workspaces
$ tfectl workspace list --filter workspace-1 [ { "name": "workspace-1", "id": "ws-RZP914jsX1Hmc9Yo" "locked": false, "execution_mode": "remote", "terraform_version": "1.3.0" "tags": [ "tag:1", "tag:2" ] } ]
- The
flag supports filtering by workspace tags using a prefix oftags|
$ tfectl workspace list --filter "tags|tag:1,tag:2" [ { "name": "workspace-1", "id": "ws-RZP914jsX1Hmc9Yo" "locked": false, "execution_mode": "remote", "terraform_version": "1.3.0" "tags": [ "tag:1", "tag:2" ] }, { "name": "workspace-2", "id": "ws-eLcff9y8r8bRBYfj" "locked": false, "execution_mode": "remote", "terraform_version": "1.3.7" "tags": [ "tag:1", "tag:2" ] } ]
Run with the
flag to return the following details NOTE: This task takes a long time, it rate-limited and it is recommended to run it with the--filter
argumentField Description Type name Name of the workspace string id ID of the workspace string locked Status of the workspace bool execution_mode Whether the workspace runs remotely, locally or on an agent string terraform_version Version of Terraform CLI running in the workspace string tags List of tags against workspace list created_days_ago How many days ago this workspace was created string updated_days_ago How many days ago this workspace was updated string last_remote_run_days_ago How many days ago was a remote run performed in this workspace string last_state_update_days_ago How many days ago was the terraform state updated in this workspace string average_run_duration Average duration, in seconds, of a planned-and-applied run string
$ tfectl workspace list --filter workspace-1 --detail [ { "name": "workspace-1", "id": "ws-RZP914jsX1Hmc9Yo", "locked": false, "terraform_version": "1.3.0", "tags": [ "tag:1", "tag:2" ] "created_days_ago": "819.167082", "updated_days_ago": "2.279692", "last_remote_run_days_ago": "2.281231", "last_state_update_days_ago": "30.174812", "average_run_duration": "16.334562" } ]
- Run with a comma-separated string of workspaceIDs or a workspaceName filter (mutually exclusive)
$ tfectl workspace lock --ids ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7 [ { "id": "ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7", "locked": true, "name": "test-workspace-1" } ]
- Operation can be run against a workspace that is already locked
$ tfectl workspace lock --filter dev-workspace [ { "id": "ws-5xUNCXVKrryoPcEp", "locked": true, "name": "dev-workspace" } ]
- Optionally the
operation takes a--reason
Lock All/ Unlock All
- Locks/Unlocks all workspaces in the specified org
$ tfectl workspace lockall [ { "id": "ws-SxWNNcYPkLD48ZC7", "locked": true, "name": "test-workspace-1" }, { "id": "ws-LXkPCWnJKJ1FSgjs", "locked": true, "name": "uat-workspace" }, { "id": "ws-E9o8VitHDAvCp3wj", "locked": true, "name": "uat-2-workspace" }, { "id": "ws-5xUNCXVKrryoPcEp", "locked": true, "name": "dev-workspace" } ]
Run Operations
sub-command lets you manage runs against one or more workspaces -
List run
- List runs in workspace specified by workspaceID
refers to valid Run.Status attributes--operation
refers to valid Run.Operation attributes
$ tfectl run list --workspace-id ws-NMH66XMnUeF8duTx --status "policy_checked" [ { "id": "run-zQFc5h2uPhEWW9Sr", "status": "policy_checked", "workspace_id": "ws-NMH66XMnUeF8duTx", "workspace_name": "tfc-infra-workspace", "created_at": "2024-09-24T06:12:56Z", "run_duration": "54.476822" } ]
Bulk Queue
- Bulk queue plans against one or many workspaces
$ tfectl run queue --filter workspace-sandbox [ { "id": "run-pX9Lrq5KCrsgCYFH", "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ", "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox", "status": "pending", "created_at": "2024-09-24T06:12:56Z", "run_duration": "NA" } ]
Apply runs
- Apply pending plans - takes a comma-separated-string of runIDs
$ tfectl run apply --ids run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp [ { "id": "run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp", "workspace_id": "ws-N2qoyJxF1TkfeRYy", "workspace_name": "test-workspace-2", "status": "applying", "created_at": "2024-09-24T06:12:56Z", "run_duration": "NA" } ]
Query runs
- Query/Get run-details from runIDs
$ tfectl run get --ids run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp [ { "id": "run-UowKQd1cF7bgNfCp", "workspace_id": "ws-N2qoyJxF1TkfeRYy", "workspace_name": "test-workspace-2", "status": "applied", "created_at": "2024-09-24T06:12:56Z", "run_duration": "180.452271" } ]
Variable Operations
CRUD operations on workspace variables
Query/List workspace variables
$ tfectl variable list --workspace-filter workspace-sandbox [ { "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ", "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox", "variables": [ { "id": "var-RH7Q9pyD8gtgabtz", "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_1", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false }, { "id": "var-wQutb5uQeSb4SwRn", "key": "workspace_tf_var", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "terraform", "hcl": false, "sensitive": true }, { "id": "var-cSB5E11TRewuyfd9", "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_2", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false }, { "id": "var-SP4Lcue83mCKVvHW", "key": "WORKSPACE_SECRET_VAR", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": true } ] } ]
Create new workspace variable
$ tfectl variable create --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ --description "test" --key "testCLI" --value "testCLI value" --sensitive true --type terraform --hcl { "id": "var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS", "key": "testCLI", "value": "", "description": "test", "category": "terraform", "hcl": true, "sensitive": true }
Update existing workspace variable
$ tfectl variable update --variable-id var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ --value "test CLI Value 2" --key "testCLI" --hcl --sensitive true { "id": "var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS", "key": "testCLI", "value": "", "description": "Variable Updated by tfectl", "category": "terraform", "hcl": true, "sensitive": true }
Delete existing workspace variable
$ tfectl variable delete --variable-id var-uCgZrzkPhis6qXTS --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ # Returns current variables (similar to variable list) [ { "workspace_id": "ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ", "workspace_name": "workspace-sandbox", "variables": [ { "id": "var-RH7Q9pyD8gtgabtz", "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_1", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false }, { "id": "var-wQutb5uQeSb4SwRn", "key": "workspace_tf_var", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "terraform", "hcl": false, "sensitive": true }, { "id": "var-cSB5E11TRewuyfd9", "key": "WORKSPACE_VAR_2", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false }, { "id": "var-SP4Lcue83mCKVvHW", "key": "WORKSPACE_SECRET_VAR", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": true } ] } ]
Create variables from file
$ tfectl variable create from-file --file variables.json --workspace-id ws-DpeRu7KpazXEWKoJ [ { "id": "var-oDNV14eJf9ijjcc2", "key": "test1", "value": "value1", "description": "Test Variable 1", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false }, { "id": "var-e1vFqg3ooToLi5xR", "key": "test2", "value": "", "description": "Test Variable 2 - sensitive", "category": "env", "hcl": false, "sensitive": true } ]
Admin Operations - TFE ONLY
Perform Admin operations supported by the TFE Admin API.
NOTE: Admin settings are only available in Terraform Enterprise.
List - Lists Runs filtered on run status - querying the
$ tfectl admin run list --filter "plan_queued" --query '.[] | .id' [ "run-4LuSKSss9KH2NAPN", "run-HCL7LVz67hVHEgsx", "run-ozEfahr1YrDQNokG", "run-hqWdU7BMuQPpqFrE", "run-BstJ5RJKFGmYnCni", "run-7WCMcDf8GZxYGqjN", "run-ZtzW7Xb5k6cfmgNK", "run-WC4q9Ec3vernx7Sc", "run-q9Lak8i1rzS5mXFU", "run-gbJyJAT89tzC2ziz", "run-MLMzcUuoSZL8Tz8C", "run-nbSKBf9CLRjPbj1q", "run-faqeyLU2VMBcHPJQ", "run-hB6RqJtY1SuGWsHF", "run-6HaUc4T31yZsENmC", "run-vPvYHNrjBCD6Y3ke", "run-ENdFcVpEp2AMLxNr", "run-kxgmgdReVzrVopVG" ]
Force-Cancel - Force cancels runIDs
$ tfectl admin run force-cancel --ids run-UFaNv3rz5XnzPhCh [ { "id": "run-UFaNv3rz5XnzPhCh", "workspace_id": "ws-ojAyfT3ar4oXt3eA", "workspace_name": "workspace-infrastructure-production", "status": "cancelling" } ]
Query plan summary
Query plan summary in TFE/TFC
$ tfectl plan show --ids plan-CRetbA3L01BsxeLq [ { "id": "plan-CRetbA3L01BsxeLq", "has_changes": true, "status": "finished", "resource_additions": 2, "resource_changes": 0, "resource_destructions": 0, "resource_imports": 0, "changed_resource_properties": null } ]
Show plan details (
flag)$ tfectl plan show --ids plan-v6Li1Qvx3hbaKmGi --detailed-changes [ { "id": "plan-v6Li1Qvx3hbaKmGi", "has_changes": true, "status": "finished", "resource_additions": 3, "resource_changes": 0, "resource_destructions": 2, "resource_imports": 0, "changed_resource_properties": [ { "action": [ "create" ], "address": "random_password.this", "attribute_changes": { "keepers": "null -> null", "length": "null -> 12", "lower": "null -> true", "min_lower": "null -> 0", "min_numeric": "null -> 0", "min_special": "null -> 0", "min_upper": "null -> 0", "number": "null -> true", "numeric": "null -> true", "override_special": "null -> null", "special": "null -> true", "upper": "null -> true" } }, { "action": [ "delete", "create" ], "address": "terraform_data.scratch[0]", "attribute_changes": { "triggers_replace": "(null) -> ({})" } }, { "action": [ "delete", "create" ], "address": "terraform_data.scratch[1]", "attribute_changes": { "triggers_replace": "(null) -> ({})" } } ] } ]
Policy Operations
Query policies in TFE/TFC
$ tfectl policy list --filter "production-tagging" [ { "id": "pol-5Qgo4h2mp2z68u3N", "name": "production-tagging", "kind": "sentinel", "enforce": "hard-mandatory", "policy_set_count": 1 } ]
Tag Operations
Query Organization tag information in TFE/TFC
- The
flag takes a comma separated list of workspaceIds, and returns a list of all organization tags excluding the tags associated with these workspaces
$ tfectl tag list --filter ws-ojAyfT3ar4oXt3eA [ { "name": "tag:infrastructure", "id": "tag-kuyrvHJPWUNY6BCG", "instance_count": 1 }, { "name": "tag:application1", "id": "tag-X8oXEEMsNoU61D99", "instance_count": 2 }, { "name": "tag:application2", "id": "tag-49e9MLKrGFyLS9aT", "instance_count": 2 } ]
- The
flag returns details of the specified organization tag
$ tfectl tag list --search "tag:infrastructure" [ { "name": "tag:infrastructure", "id": "tag-kuyrvHJPWUNY6BCG", "instance_count": 1 } ]
- The
Policy Set
Policy Set Operations
* Query policy sets in TFE/TFC-
1. List
- Lists all policy sets
$ tfectl policy-set list [ { "id": "polset-7586a2UeKeNgPD3s", "name": "dev-policy-set", "kind": "sentinel", "global": false, "workspaces": null, "workspace_count": 5, "workspace_exclusions": null, "projects": [ "prj-LsSPiJnMYl7tSMZ" ], "project_count": 1, "policies": [ "pol-B3pWfMyAzR2VtQI" ], "policy_count": 1 }, { "id": "polset-Q8zN9Q6TfMVs8mu", "name": "prod-policy-set", "kind": "sentinel", "global": false, "workspaces": null, "workspace_count": 10, "workspace_exclusions": null, "projects": [ "prj-yOtqzR2msFUFCDx" ], "project_count": 1, "policies": [ "pol-Lm0WgxPdwUm2zGE", "pol-crBeEEB5b8EZtaB" ], "policy_count": 2 } ]
Policy Check
Policy Check Operations
Examine the details of a policy check performed against a given RunID
1. Show
- Generates the details of a policy check performed against a RunID
$ tfectl policy-check show --run-id run-A8PuL0GnIeldng1 { "id": "polchk-ndVuh5Y2abygp5fu", "result": { "advisory_failed": 2, "hard_failed": 0, "passed": 46, "result": true, "soft_failed": 0, "total_failed": 2, "sentinel": { "data": { "policy-set-01": { "error": null, "policies": [ { "error": null # OUTPUT TRUNCATED } # OUTPUT TRUNCATED ] # OUTPUT TRUNCATED } # OUTPUT TRUNCATED } } } }
- To query only those checks which have failed
$ tfectl policy-check show --run-id run-Wxk42edRCCLB5fMi --query ' | to_entries | .[].value.policies | .[] | select(.result|not) | .policy' [ { "enforcement-level": "advisory", "name": "policy-set-01/deploy-to-approved-regions" }, { "enforcement-level": "advisory", "name": "policy-set-02/iaas-allowed-vm-skus" } ]
2. Override
- Where applicable, overrides policy checks with a given PolicyCheckID
$ tfectl policy-check override --policy-check-id polchk-s6moSXCk5e7dm1oR { "id": "polchk-s6moSXCk5e7dm1oR", "result": { "advisory_failed": 0, "hard_failed": 0, "passed": 0, "result": false, "soft_failed": 1, "total_failed": 1, "sentinel": { "data": { "": { "duration": 0, "error": null, "policies": [ # OUTPUT TRUNCATED ], "result": false, "warnings": null } }, "schema-version": 1 } }, "status": "overridden", # OVERRIDDEN "scope": "organization" }
Registry Modules
Private Registry Module Operations
Query Private Modules in the Organization registry
1. List
- List all available Modules in the Organization registry
$ tfectl registry-module list --query '.[] | select(.provider == "azurerm")' [ { "id": "mod-DHAq8Casdas32uC", "module_latest_version": "2.0.4", "name": "windows-instance", "namespace": "MyNamespace", "provider": "azurerm", "publishing_mechanism": "git_tag", "registry_name": "private", "status": "setup_complete", "test_config": true, "vcs_repo": "MyGHOrg/terraform-azurerm-windows-instance" } ]
Registry Providers
Private Provider Registry Operations
Query Private Providers in Organization Registry
1. List
- List all available Private Providers in the Organization Registry
$ tfectl registry-provider list [ { "id": "prov-5fws9JKkNQZDz2Gf", "name": "aws", "namespace": "MyTFCOrg", "registry_name": "private" }, { "id": "prov-bGhLiwy6APQ9r4dZ", "name": "azure", "namespace": "MyTFCOrg", "registry_name": "private" } ]
2. Get
- Get details of given Private provider
$ tfectl registry-provider get --name aws { "id": "prov-5fws9JKkNQZDz2Gf", "name": "aws", "namespace": "MyTFCOrg", "registry_name": "private", "provider_latest_version": "5.32.2", "provider_platforms": [ { "id": "provpltfrm-wCCMzzy91Rfdj6PW", "os": "linux", "arch": "amd64", "filename": "" }, { "id": "provpltfrm-c9jhJ2tmwEbbwuTV", "os": "windows", "arch": "amd64", "filename": "" } ] }
GoReleaser is used to produce binaries for multiple platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux).
To build all binaries locally:
- Install GoReleaser
- Run the build target command:
$ make build
- Binaries will be built and output to the
- see
There is no documentation for this package.