Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package gotwtr provides a Client for the Twitter v2 API.
Note ¶
This library will cover all Twitter v2 API in the future, but please note that not all Twitter API are currently compatible with v2.
Because, Twitter announced Twitter v2 API is ready for prime time.
So, we covers only Twitter v2 API supported by OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token.
We will had worked on it, when new one is be handled OAuth 2.0.
Index ¶
- type APIResponseError
- type AddOrDeleteJSONBody
- type AddOrDeleteMetaSummary
- type AddOrDeleteRulesMeta
- type AddOrDeleteRulesOption
- type AddOrDeleteRulesResponse
- type AddRule
- type AllListsOwnedOption
- type AllListsOwnedResponse
- type AllListsUserFollowsResponse
- type BlockOption
- type Blocking
- type BlockingBody
- type BlockingResponse
- type BlocksMeta
- type BookmarkTweetBody
- type BookmarkTweetData
- type BookmarkTweetResponse
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddOrDeleteRules(ctx context.Context, body *AddOrDeleteJSONBody, opt ...*AddOrDeleteRulesOption) (*AddOrDeleteRulesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) AllListsUserFollows(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListFollowsOption) (*AllListsUserFollowsResponse, error)
- func (c Client) BearerToken(ctx context.Context) string
- func (c *Client) Blocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*BlockOption) (*BlockingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) BookmarkTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, body *BookmarkTweetBody) (*BookmarkTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, complianceJobID int) (*ComplianceJobResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ComplianceJobs(ctx context.Context, opt *ComplianceJobsOption) (*ComplianceJobsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ConnectToStream(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- ConnectToStreamResponse, errCh chan<- error, ...) *ConnectToStream
- func (c *Client) CountAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsAllOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) CountRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, opt ...*CreateComplianceJobOption) (*CreateComplianceJobResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNewGroupDM(ctx context.Context, conversationID string, body *CreateNewGroupDMBody) (*CreateNewGroupDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNewList(ctx context.Context, body *CreateNewListBody) (*CreateNewListResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, body *CreateOneToOneDMBody) (*CreateOneToOneDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteList(ctx context.Context, listID string) (*DeleteListResponse, error)
- func (c Client) DeleteTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string) (*DeleteTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) DiscoverSpaces(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*DiscoverSpacesOption) (*DiscoverSpacesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Followers(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Following(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowingResponse, error)
- func (c Client) GenerateAppOnlyBearerToken(ctx context.Context) (bool, error)
- func (c Client) HideReplies(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, hidden bool) (*HideRepliesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ListFollowers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListFollowersOption) (*ListFollowersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListMembersOption) (*ListMembersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ListsSpecifiedUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListsSpecifiedUserOption) (*ListsSpecifiedUserResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpAllDM(ctx context.Context, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpAllListsOwned(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*AllListsOwnedOption) (*AllListsOwnedResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpAllOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpDM(ctx context.Context, dmConversationID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpList(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*LookUpListOption) (*ListResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpListTweets(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListTweetsOption) (*ListTweetsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpSpace(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpaceResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookUpSpaces(ctx context.Context, spaceIDs []string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpacesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) LookupUserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*LookupUserBookmarksOption) (*LookupUserBookmarksResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Me(ctx context.Context, opt ...*MeOption) (*MeResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Muting(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*MuteOption) (*MutingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PinnedLists(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*PinnedListsOption) (*PinnedListsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostBlocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostBlockingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostDM(ctx context.Context, body *PostDMBody) (*PostDMResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostFollowing(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostFollowingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListFollowsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListMembersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostMuting(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostMutingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PostPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostPinnedListsResponse, error)
- func (c Client) PostRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostRetweetResponse, error)
- func (c Client) PostTweet(ctx context.Context, body *PostTweetOption) (*PostTweetResponse, error)
- func (c Client) PostUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostUsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RemoveBookmarkOfTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleTweets(ctx context.Context, tweetIDs []string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames(ctx context.Context, userNames []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithID(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName(ctx context.Context, userName string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetrieveStreamRules(ctx context.Context, opt ...*RetrieveStreamRulesOption) (*RetrieveStreamRulesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) RetweetsLookup(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetweetsLookupOption) (*RetweetsResponse, error)
- func (c Client) SearchAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) SearchRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) SearchSpaces(ctx context.Context, searchTerm string, opt ...*SearchSpacesOption) (*SearchSpacesResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) TweetsUserLiked(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*TweetsUserLikedOption) (*TweetsUserLikedResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoBlocking(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoBlockingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoFollowing(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoFollowingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListFollowsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListMembersResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoMuting(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoMutingResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UndoPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoPinnedListsResponse, error)
- func (c Client) UndoRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, sourceTweetID string) (*UndoRetweetResponse, error)
- func (c Client) UndoUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateMetaDataForList(ctx context.Context, listID string, body ...*UpdateMetaDataForListBody) (*UpdateMetaDataForListResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserMentionTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserMentionTimelineOption) (*UserMentionTimelineResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UserTweetTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserTweetTimelineOption) (*UserTweetTimelineResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*UsersLikingTweetOption) (*UsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption) (*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) VolumeStreams(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- VolumeStreamsResponse, errCh chan<- error, ...) *VolumeStreams
- type ClientOption
- type ComplianceFieldStatus
- type ComplianceFieldType
- type ComplianceJobData
- type ComplianceJobResponse
- type ComplianceJobsData
- type ComplianceJobsOption
- type ComplianceJobsResponse
- type Compliances
- type ConnectToStream
- type ConnectToStreamOption
- type ConnectToStreamResponse
- type CreateComplianceJobData
- type CreateComplianceJobOption
- type CreateComplianceJobResponse
- type CreateNewGroupDMBody
- type CreateNewGroupDMResponse
- type CreateNewListBody
- type CreateNewListData
- type CreateNewListResponse
- type CreateOneToOneDMBody
- type CreateOneToOneDMResponse
- type DMEventField
- type DeleteListData
- type DeleteListResponse
- type DeleteRule
- type DeleteTweetData
- type DeleteTweetResponse
- type DirectMessage
- type DirectMessageAttachment
- type DirectMessageMeta
- type DirectMessageOption
- type DirectMessages
- type DiscoverSpacesMeta
- type DiscoverSpacesOption
- type DiscoverSpacesResponse
- type EventTypes
- type Exclude
- type Expansion
- type FilteredRule
- type FollowOption
- type FollowersResponse
- type Following
- type FollowingBody
- type FollowingResponse
- type FollowsMeta
- type HTTPError
- type HideRepliesResponse
- type HideRepliesResponseData
- type IsMember
- type Liked
- type List
- type ListField
- type ListFollowersOption
- type ListFollowersResponse
- type ListFollows
- type ListFollowsBody
- type ListFollowsOption
- type ListIncludes
- type ListMembersBody
- type ListMembersOption
- type ListMembersResponse
- type ListMeta
- type ListResponse
- type ListTweetsOption
- type ListTweetsResponse
- type Lists
- type ListsSpecifiedUserOption
- type ListsSpecifiedUserResponse
- type LookUpAllDMResponse
- type LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse
- type LookUpDMResponse
- type LookUpListOption
- type LookUpUsersWhoLiked
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedCashTag
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedDescription
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedEntity
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedHashTag
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedIncludes
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMention
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMeta
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedPublicMetrics
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedURL
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedURLContent
- type LookUpUsersWhoLikedWithheld
- type LookUpUsersWhoPurchasedSpaceTicketIncludes
- type LookupUserBookmarksMeta
- type LookupUserBookmarksOption
- type LookupUserBookmarksResponse
- type MatchingRule
- type Me
- type MeIncludes
- type MeOption
- type MeResponse
- type MeWithheld
- type Media
- type MediaField
- type MediaMetrics
- type MediaVariant
- type MuteOption
- type MutesMeta
- type Muting
- type MutingBody
- type MutingResponse
- type OAuth
- type Parameter
- type Pinned
- type PinnedListsBody
- type PinnedListsOption
- type PinnedListsResponse
- type Place
- type PlaceField
- type PlaceGeo
- type Poll
- type PollField
- type PollOption
- type PostBlockingResponse
- type PostDMBody
- type PostDMResponse
- type PostFollowingResponse
- type PostListFollowsResponse
- type PostListMembersResponse
- type PostMutingResponse
- type PostPinnedListsResponse
- type PostRetweetResponse
- type PostTweetData
- type PostTweetOption
- type PostTweetResponse
- type PostUsersLikingTweetResponse
- type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetData
- type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse
- type RetrieveStreamRulesMeta
- type RetrieveStreamRulesOption
- type RetrieveStreamRulesResponse
- type RetrieveUserOption
- type RetriveTweetOption
- type Retweeted
- type RetweetsLookupMeta
- type RetweetsLookupOption
- type RetweetsResponse
- type SearchSpacesMeta
- type SearchSpacesOption
- type SearchSpacesResponse
- type SearchTweetsMeta
- type SearchTweetsOption
- type SearchTweetsResponse
- type Space
- type SpaceField
- type SpaceIncludes
- type SpaceOption
- type SpaceResponse
- type Spaces
- type SpacesResponse
- type StateOption
- type TimeseriesCount
- type Topic
- type TopicField
- type Tweet
- type TweetAnnotation
- type TweetAttachment
- type TweetBody
- type TweetCashtag
- type TweetContextAnnotation
- type TweetContextObj
- type TweetCoordinates
- type TweetCountMeta
- type TweetCountsAllOption
- type TweetCountsOption
- type TweetCountsResponse
- type TweetEntity
- type TweetField
- type TweetGeo
- type TweetHashtag
- type TweetImage
- type TweetIncludes
- type TweetMention
- type TweetMetrics
- type TweetReferencedTweet
- type TweetReply
- type TweetResponse
- type TweetURL
- type TweetWithheld
- type Tweets
- type TweetsResponse
- type TweetsUserLiked
- type TweetsUserLikedAttachments
- type TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotations
- type TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotationsDomain
- type TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotationsEntity
- type TweetsUserLikedEditControls
- type TweetsUserLikedEntities
- type TweetsUserLikedEntitiesAnnotation
- type TweetsUserLikedEntitiesCashTag
- type TweetsUserLikedEntitiesHashTag
- type TweetsUserLikedEntitiesMention
- type TweetsUserLikedEntitiesURLContent
- type TweetsUserLikedGeo
- type TweetsUserLikedGeoCoordinates
- type TweetsUserLikedMeta
- type TweetsUserLikedNonPublicMetrics
- type TweetsUserLikedOption
- type TweetsUserLikedOrganicMetrics
- type TweetsUserLikedPromotedMetrics
- type TweetsUserLikedPublicMetrics
- type TweetsUserLikedReferencedTweets
- type TweetsUserLikedResponse
- type TweetsUserLikedWithheld
- type Twtr
- type UndoBlockingResponse
- type UndoFollowingResponse
- type UndoListFollowsResponse
- type UndoListMembersResponse
- type UndoMutingResponse
- type UndoPinnedListsResponse
- type UndoRetweetResponse
- type UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse
- type UpdateMetaDataForListBody
- type UpdateMetaDataForListData
- type UpdateMetaDataForListResponse
- type User
- type UserCashtag
- type UserDescription
- type UserEntity
- type UserField
- type UserHashtag
- type UserIncludes
- type UserMention
- type UserMentionTimelineOption
- type UserMentionTimelineResponse
- type UserPublicMetrics
- type UserResponse
- type UserTimelineMeta
- type UserTweetTimelineOption
- type UserTweetTimelineResponse
- type UserURL
- type UserURLs
- type UserWithheld
- type Users
- type UsersLikingBody
- type UsersLikingTweetOption
- type UsersLikingTweetResponse
- type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption
- type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse
- type UsersResponse
- type VolumeStreams
- type VolumeStreamsOption
- type VolumeStreamsResponse
Examples ¶
- Client.AddOrDeleteRules (Add)
- Client.AddOrDeleteRules (Delete)
- Client.AllListsUserFollows
- Client.Blocking
- Client.BookmarkTweet
- Client.ComplianceJob
- Client.ComplianceJobs
- Client.ConnectToStream
- Client.CountAllTweets
- Client.CountRecentTweets
- Client.CreateNewGroupDM
- Client.CreateNewList
- Client.CreateOneToOneDM
- Client.DeleteList
- Client.DeleteTweet
- Client.DiscoverSpaces
- Client.Followers
- Client.Following
- Client.GenerateAppOnlyBearerToken
- Client.ListFollowers
- Client.ListMembers
- Client.ListsSpecifiedUser
- Client.LookUpAllDM
- Client.LookUpAllListsOwned
- Client.LookUpAllOneToOneDM
- Client.LookUpDM
- Client.LookUpList
- Client.LookUpListTweets
- Client.LookUpSpace
- Client.LookUpSpaces
- Client.LookupUserBookmarks
- Client.Me
- Client.Muting
- Client.PinnedLists
- Client.PostBlocking
- Client.PostDM
- Client.PostFollowing
- Client.PostListFollows
- Client.PostListMembers
- Client.PostMuting
- Client.PostPinnedLists
- Client.PostRetweet
- Client.PostTweet
- Client.PostUsersLikingTweet
- Client.RemoveBookmarkOfTweet
- Client.RetrieveMultipleTweets
- Client.RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs
- Client.RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames
- Client.RetrieveSingleTweet
- Client.RetrieveSingleUserWithID
- Client.RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName
- Client.RetrieveStreamRules
- Client.RetweetsLookup
- Client.SearchRecentTweets
- Client.SearchSpaces
- Client.TweetsUserLiked
- Client.UndoBlocking
- Client.UndoFollowing
- Client.UndoListFollows
- Client.UndoListMembers
- Client.UndoMuting
- Client.UndoPinnedLists
- Client.UndoRetweet
- Client.UndoUsersLikingTweet
- Client.UpdateMetaDataForList
- Client.UserMentionTimeline
- Client.UserTweetTimeline
- Client.UsersLikingTweet
- Client.UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket
- Client.VolumeStreams
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIResponseError ¶
type APIResponseError struct { Title string `json:"title"` Detail string `json:"detail"` Type string `json:"type"` ResourceType string `json:"resource_type"` ResourceID string `json:"resource_id"` Parameter string `json:"parameter"` Parameters Parameter `json:"parameters"` Message string `json:"message"` Value interface{} `json:"value"` Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` ClientID string `json:"client_id,omitempty"` RequiredEnrollment string `json:"required_enrollment,omitempty"` RegistrationURL string `json:"registration_url,omitempty"` ConnectionIssue string `json:"connection_issue,omitempty"` Status int `json:"status,omitempty"` }
type AddOrDeleteJSONBody ¶
type AddOrDeleteJSONBody struct { Add []*AddRule `json:"add,omitempty"` Delete *DeleteRule `json:"delete,omitempty"` }
type AddOrDeleteMetaSummary ¶
type AddOrDeleteRulesMeta ¶
type AddOrDeleteRulesMeta struct { Sent string `json:"sent"` Summary *AddOrDeleteMetaSummary `json:"summary"` }
type AddOrDeleteRulesOption ¶
type AddOrDeleteRulesOption struct {
DryRun bool // If it is true, test a the syntax of your rule without submitting it
type AddOrDeleteRulesResponse ¶
type AddOrDeleteRulesResponse struct { Rules []*FilteredRule `json:"data"` Meta *AddOrDeleteRulesMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type AllListsOwnedOption ¶
type AllListsOwnedResponse ¶
type AllListsOwnedResponse struct { Lists []*List `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type AllListsUserFollowsResponse ¶
type AllListsUserFollowsResponse struct { Lists []*List `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type BlockOption ¶
type BlockOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type BlockingBody ¶
type BlockingBody struct {
TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"`
type BlockingResponse ¶
type BlockingResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *BlocksMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type BlocksMeta ¶
type BookmarkTweetBody ¶
type BookmarkTweetBody struct {
TweetID string `json:"tweet_id"`
type BookmarkTweetData ¶
type BookmarkTweetData struct {
Bookmarked bool `json:"bookmarked"`
type BookmarkTweetResponse ¶
type BookmarkTweetResponse struct { BookmarkTweetData *BookmarkTweetData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client is an API client for Twitter v2 API.
func New ¶
func New(bearerToken string, opts ...ClientOption) *Client
func (*Client) AddOrDeleteRules ¶
func (c *Client) AddOrDeleteRules(ctx context.Context, body *AddOrDeleteJSONBody, opt ...*AddOrDeleteRulesOption) (*AddOrDeleteRulesResponse, error)
AddOrDeleteRules To create one or more rules, submit an add JSON body with an array of rules and operators. Similarly, to delete one or more rules, submit a delete JSON body with an array of list of existing rule IDs.
Example (Add) ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") _, err := client.AddOrDeleteRules(context.Background(), &gotwtr.AddOrDeleteJSONBody{ Add: []*gotwtr.AddRule{ { Value: "puppy has:media", Tag: "puppies with media", }, { Value: "meme has:images", }, }, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
Example (Delete) ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") // retrieve Stream rules ts, err := client.RetrieveStreamRules(context.Background()) if err != nil { panic(err) } var ids []string for _, t := range ts.Rules { log.Println(t) ids = append(ids, t.ID) } // delete Stream rules _, err = client.AddOrDeleteRules(context.Background(), &gotwtr.AddOrDeleteJSONBody{ Delete: &gotwtr.DeleteRule{ IDs: ids, }, }) if err != nil { panic(err) } }
func (*Client) AllListsUserFollows ¶
func (c *Client) AllListsUserFollows(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListFollowsOption) (*AllListsUserFollowsResponse, error)
AllListsUserFollows returns all Lists a specified user follows.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") lists, err := client.AllListsUserFollows(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, list := range lists.Lists { log.Println(list) } }
func (Client) BearerToken ¶
func (*Client) Blocking ¶
func (c *Client) Blocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*BlockOption) (*BlockingResponse, error)
Blocking returns a list of users who are blocked by the specified user ID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") b, err := client.Blocking(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range b.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (*Client) BookmarkTweet ¶
func (c *Client) BookmarkTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, body *BookmarkTweetBody) (*BookmarkTweetResponse, error)
BookmarkTweet returns the count of Tweets from the last seven days that match a query.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.BookmarkTweet(context.Background(), "user_id", &gotwtr.BookmarkTweetBody{ TweetID: "2022", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) ComplianceJob ¶
func (c *Client) ComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, complianceJobID int) (*ComplianceJobResponse, error)
ComplianceJob returns a single compliance job with the specified ID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") cj, err := client.ComplianceJob(context.Background(), 1382081613278814209) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(cj) for _, e := range cj.Errors { log.Println(e) } }
func (*Client) ComplianceJobs ¶
func (c *Client) ComplianceJobs(ctx context.Context, opt *ComplianceJobsOption) (*ComplianceJobsResponse, error)
ComplianceJobs returns a list of recent compliance jobs.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") cj, err := client.ComplianceJobs(context.Background(), &gotwtr.ComplianceJobsOption{ Type: gotwtr.ComplianceFieldTypeTweets, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(cj) }
func (*Client) ConnectToStream ¶
func (c *Client) ConnectToStream(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- ConnectToStreamResponse, errCh chan<- error, opt ...*ConnectToStreamOption) *ConnectToStream
ConnectToStream streams Tweets in real-time based on a specific set of filter rules.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "time" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ch := make(chan gotwtr.ConnectToStreamResponse, 5) errCh := make(chan error) stream := client.ConnectToStream(context.Background(), ch, errCh) log.Println("streaming...") ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) go func(ctx context.Context) { for { select { case data := <-ch: log.Println(data.Tweet) case err := <-errCh: log.Println(err) case <-ctx.Done(): return } } }(ctx) time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) cancel() stream.Stop() log.Println("done") }
func (*Client) CountAllTweets ¶
func (c *Client) CountAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsAllOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error)
CountAllTweets returns the count of Tweets that match your query from the complete history of public Tweets; since the first Tweet was created March 26, 2006.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ts, err := client.CountAllTweets(context.Background(), "lakers") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(ts.Meta.TotalTweetCount) for _, t := range ts.Counts { log.Println(t) } }
func (*Client) CountRecentTweets ¶
func (c *Client) CountRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error)
CountRecentTweets returns the count of Tweets from the last seven days that match a query.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ts, err := client.CountRecentTweets(context.Background(), "lakers") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(ts.Meta.TotalTweetCount) for _, t := range ts.Counts { log.Println(t) } }
func (*Client) CreateComplianceJob ¶
func (c *Client) CreateComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, opt ...*CreateComplianceJobOption) (*CreateComplianceJobResponse, error)
CreateComplianceJob create a compliance job.
func (*Client) CreateNewGroupDM ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNewGroupDM(ctx context.Context, conversationID string, body *CreateNewGroupDMBody) (*CreateNewGroupDMResponse, error)
CreateNewGroupDM enables create a Direct Message on behalf of an authenticated user, and adds it to the specified conversation.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") d, err := client.CreateNewGroupDM(context.Background(), "conversation_id", &gotwtr.CreateNewGroupDMBody{ Text: "Hello World", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(d) }
func (*Client) CreateNewList ¶
func (c *Client) CreateNewList(ctx context.Context, body *CreateNewListBody) (*CreateNewListResponse, error)
CreateNewList enables the authenticated user to create a List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.CreateNewList(context.Background(), &gotwtr.CreateNewListBody{ Name: "test v2 create list", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) CreateOneToOneDM ¶
func (c *Client) CreateOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, body *CreateOneToOneDMBody) (*CreateOneToOneDMResponse, error)
CreateOneToOneDM enables create a new one-to-one conversation or retrieves the current conversation and adds the Direct Message to it.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") d, err := client.CreateOneToOneDM(context.Background(), "participant_id", &gotwtr.CreateOneToOneDMBody{ Text: "Hello World", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(d) }
func (*Client) DeleteList ¶
DeleteList enables the authenticated user to delete a List that they own.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.DeleteList(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (Client) DeleteTweet ¶
func (c Client) DeleteTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string) (*DeleteTweetResponse, error)
DeleteTweet allows a user or authenticated user ID to delete a Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") _, err := client.DeleteTweet(context.Background(), "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } }
func (*Client) DiscoverSpaces ¶
func (c *Client) DiscoverSpaces(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*DiscoverSpacesOption) (*DiscoverSpacesResponse, error)
DiscoverSpaces returns live or scheduled Spaces created by the specified userIDs. Up to 100 comma-separated IDs can be looked up using this endpoint.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") discover, err := client.DiscoverSpaces(context.Background(), []string{"user_id", "user_id2"}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, space := range discover.Spaces { log.Println(space) } }
func (*Client) Followers ¶
func (c *Client) Followers(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowersResponse, error)
Followers returns a list of users who are followers of the specified userID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") f, err := client.Followers(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range f.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (*Client) Following ¶
func (c *Client) Following(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowingResponse, error)
Following returns a list of users the specified userID is following.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") f, err := client.Following(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range f.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (Client) GenerateAppOnlyBearerToken ¶
GenerateAppOnlyBearerToken generates a bearer token for app-only auth.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { c := gotwtr.New( "key", gotwtr.WithConsumerSecret("sec"), ) b, err := c.GenerateAppOnlyBearerToken(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } if !b { log.Fatal("failed to generate bearer token") } }
func (Client) HideReplies ¶
func (c Client) HideReplies(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, hidden bool) (*HideRepliesResponse, error)
HideReplies hides or unhides a reply to a Tweet.
func (*Client) ListFollowers ¶
func (c *Client) ListFollowers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListFollowersOption) (*ListFollowersResponse, error)
ListFollowers returns a list of users who are followers of the specified List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") followers, err := client.ListFollowers(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range followers.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (*Client) ListMembers ¶
func (c *Client) ListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListMembersOption) (*ListMembersResponse, error)
ListMembers returns a list of users who are members of the specified List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") members, err := client.ListMembers(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, member := range members.Users { log.Println(member) } }
func (*Client) ListsSpecifiedUser ¶
func (c *Client) ListsSpecifiedUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListsSpecifiedUserOption) (*ListsSpecifiedUserResponse, error)
ListsSpecifiedUser returns all Lists a specified user is a member of that.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") lists, err := client.ListsSpecifiedUser(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, list := range lists.Lists { log.Println(list) } }
func (*Client) LookUpAllDM ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpAllDM(ctx context.Context, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllDMResponse, error)
LookUpAllDM returns a list of Direct Messages for the authenticated user, both sent and received. Direct Message events are returned in reverse chronological order. Supports retrieving events from the previous 30 days.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") dm, err := client.LookUpAllDM(context.Background(), &gotwtr.DirectMessageOption{ EventTypes: "MessageCreate", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(dm) }
func (*Client) LookUpAllListsOwned ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpAllListsOwned(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*AllListsOwnedOption) (*AllListsOwnedResponse, error)
LookUpAllListsOwned returns all Lists owned by the specified user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") lists, err := client.LookUpAllListsOwned(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, list := range lists.Lists { log.Println(list) } }
func (*Client) LookUpAllOneToOneDM ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpAllOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse, error)
LookUpAllOneToOneDM returns a list of Direct Messages (DM) events within a 1-1 conversation with the user specified in the participant_id path parameter. Messages are returned in reverse chronological order.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") dm, err := client.LookUpAllOneToOneDM(context.Background(), "participant_id", &gotwtr.DirectMessageOption{ EventTypes: "MessageCreate", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(dm) }
func (*Client) LookUpDM ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpDM(ctx context.Context, dmConversationID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpDMResponse, error)
LookUpDM returns a list of Direct Messages within a conversation specified in the dm_conversation_id path parameter. Messages are returned in reverse chronological order.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") dm, err := client.LookUpDM(context.Background(), "participant_id", &gotwtr.DirectMessageOption{ EventTypes: "MessageCreate", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(dm) }
func (*Client) LookUpList ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpList(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*LookUpListOption) (*ListResponse, error)
LookUpList returns the details of a specified List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.LookUpList(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) LookUpListTweets ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpListTweets(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListTweetsOption) (*ListTweetsResponse, error)
LookUpListTweets returns a list of Tweets from the specified List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") lt, err := client.LookUpListTweets(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, tweet := range lt.Tweets { log.Println(tweet) } }
func (*Client) LookUpSpace ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpSpace(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpaceResponse, error)
LookUpSpace returns a variety of information about a single Space specified by the requested ID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") s, err := client.LookUpSpace(context.Background(), "space_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(s) }
func (*Client) LookUpSpaces ¶
func (c *Client) LookUpSpaces(ctx context.Context, spaceIDs []string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpacesResponse, error)
LookUpSpaces returns details about multiple Spaces. Up to 100 comma-separated SpacesIDs can be looked up using this endpoint.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ss, err := client.LookUpSpaces(context.Background(), []string{"space_id", "space_id2"}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, s := range ss.Spaces { log.Println(s) } }
func (*Client) LookupUserBookmarks ¶
func (c *Client) LookupUserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*LookupUserBookmarksOption) (*LookupUserBookmarksResponse, error)
LookupUserBookmarks returns the count of Tweets from the last seven days that match a query.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.LookupUserBookmarks(context.Background(), "userID") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) Me ¶
Me returns information about an authorized user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") me, err := client.Me(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Printf("me is %+v", me) }
func (*Client) Muting ¶
func (c *Client) Muting(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*MuteOption) (*MutingResponse, error)
Muting returns a list of users who are muted by the specified user ID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") m, err := client.Muting(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range m.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (*Client) PinnedLists ¶
func (c *Client) PinnedLists(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*PinnedListsOption) (*PinnedListsResponse, error)
PinnedLists returns the Lists pinned by a specified user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pl, err := client.PinnedLists(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, l := range pl.Lists { log.Println(l) } }
func (*Client) PostBlocking ¶
func (c *Client) PostBlocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostBlockingResponse, error)
PostBlocking causes the user (in the path) to block the target user. The user (in the path) must match the user Access Tokens being used to authorize the request.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pb, err := client.PostBlocking(context.Background(), "user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(pb) }
func (*Client) PostDM ¶
func (c *Client) PostDM(ctx context.Context, body *PostDMBody) (*PostDMResponse, error)
PostDM enables create a new group conversation and adds a Direct Message to it on behalf of an authenticated user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") d, err := client.PostDM(context.Background(), &gotwtr.PostDMBody{ ConversationType: "Group", ParticipantIDs: []string{ "944480690", "906948460078698496", }, Message: &gotwtr.DirectMessage{ Text: "Hello to you two, this is a new group conversation", }, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(d) }
func (*Client) PostFollowing ¶
func (c *Client) PostFollowing(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostFollowingResponse, error)
PostFollowing allows a user ID to follow another user. If the target user does not have public Tweets, this method will send a follow request.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pf, err := client.PostFollowing(context.Background(), "user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println(pf) }
func (*Client) PostListFollows ¶
func (c *Client) PostListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListFollowsResponse, error)
PostListFollows enables the authenticated user to follow a List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") plf, err := client.PostListFollows(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(plf) }
func (*Client) PostListMembers ¶
func (c *Client) PostListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListMembersResponse, error)
PostListMembers enables the authenticated user to add a member to a List they own.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") plm, err := client.PostListMembers(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(plm) }
func (*Client) PostMuting ¶
func (c *Client) PostMuting(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostMutingResponse, error)
PostMuting allows an authenticated user ID to mute the target user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pm, err := client.PostMuting(context.Background(), "user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println(pm) }
func (*Client) PostPinnedLists ¶
func (c *Client) PostPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostPinnedListsResponse, error)
PostPinnedLists enables the authenticated user to pin a List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ppl, err := client.PostPinnedLists(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(ppl) }
func (Client) PostRetweet ¶
func (c Client) PostRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostRetweetResponse, error)
PostRetweet causes the user ID identified in the path parameter to Retweet the target Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pr, err := client.PostRetweet(context.Background(), "user_id", "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(pr) }
func (Client) PostTweet ¶
func (c Client) PostTweet(ctx context.Context, body *PostTweetOption) (*PostTweetResponse, error)
PostTweet creates a Tweet on behalf of an authenticated user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") t, err := client.PostTweet(context.Background(), &gotwtr.PostTweetOption{ Text: "Hello World", }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(t) }
func (Client) PostUsersLikingTweet ¶
func (c Client) PostUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostUsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
PostUsersLikingTweet causes the user ID identified in the path parameter to Like the target Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") pult, err := client.PostUsersLikingTweet(context.Background(), "user_id", "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(pult) }
func (*Client) RemoveBookmarkOfTweet ¶
func (c *Client) RemoveBookmarkOfTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse, error)
RemoveBookmarkOfTweet returns the count of Tweets from the last seven days that match a query.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.RemoveBookmarkOfTweet(context.Background(), "user_id", "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) RetrieveMultipleTweets ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleTweets(ctx context.Context, tweetIDs []string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetsResponse, error)
RetrieveMultipleTweets returns a variety of information about the Tweet specified by the requested ID or list of IDs.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ts, err := client.RetrieveMultipleTweets(context.Background(), []string{"tweet_id", "tweet_id2"}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, t := range ts.Tweets { log.Println(t) } }
func (*Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error)
RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by the requested userIDs.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") // look up users us, err := client.RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs(context.Background(), []string{"user_id", "user_id2"}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, u := range us.Users { log.Println(u) } }
func (*Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames(ctx context.Context, userNames []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error)
RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by their usernames.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") uns, err := client.RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames(context.Background(), []string{"username", "username2"}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, un := range uns.Users { log.Println(un) } }
func (*Client) RetrieveSingleTweet ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetResponse, error)
RetrieveSingleTweet returns a variety of information about a single Tweet specified by the requested ID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") t, err := client.RetrieveSingleTweet(context.Background(), "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(*t.Tweet) }
func (*Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithID ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithID(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error)
RetrieveSingleUserWithID returns a variety of information about a single user specified by the requested userID.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") u, err := client.RetrieveSingleUserWithID(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(u) }
func (*Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName(ctx context.Context, userName string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error)
RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName returns a variety of information about one or more users specified by their username.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") un, err := client.RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName(context.Background(), "username") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(un) }
func (*Client) RetrieveStreamRules ¶
func (c *Client) RetrieveStreamRules(ctx context.Context, opt ...*RetrieveStreamRulesOption) (*RetrieveStreamRulesResponse, error)
RetrieveStreamRules return a list of rules currently active on the streaming endpoint, either as a list or individually.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ts, err := client.RetrieveStreamRules(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, t := range ts.Rules { log.Println(t) } }
func (*Client) RetweetsLookup ¶
func (c *Client) RetweetsLookup(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetweetsLookupOption) (*RetweetsResponse, error)
RetweetsLookup allows you to get information about who has Retweeted a Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") t, err := client.RetweetsLookup(context.Background(), "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(t) }
func (Client) SearchAllTweets ¶
func (c Client) SearchAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error)
SearchAllTweets returns Tweets since the first Tweet was created on March 26, 2006. This endpoint is only available to those users who have been approved for Academic Research access.
func (*Client) SearchRecentTweets ¶
func (c *Client) SearchRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error)
SearchRecentTweets returns Tweets from the last seven days that match a search query.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") tsr, err := client.SearchRecentTweets(context.Background(), "go", &gotwtr.SearchTweetsOption{ TweetFields: []gotwtr.TweetField{ gotwtr.TweetFieldAuthorID, gotwtr.TweetFieldAttachments, }, MaxResults: 10, }) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, t := range tsr.Tweets { log.Println("---") log.Println(t.Text) } log.Println("---meta---") log.Println(tsr.Meta) }
func (*Client) SearchSpaces ¶
func (c *Client) SearchSpaces(ctx context.Context, searchTerm string, opt ...*SearchSpacesOption) (*SearchSpacesResponse, error)
SearchSpaces return live or scheduled Spaces matching your specified search terms. This endpoint performs a keyword search, meaning that it will return Spaces that are an exact case-insensitive match of the specified search term. The search term will match the original title of the Space.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") spaces, err := client.SearchSpaces(context.Background(), "query") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, space := range spaces.Spaces { log.Println(space) } }
func (*Client) TweetsUserLiked ¶
func (c *Client) TweetsUserLiked(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*TweetsUserLikedOption) (*TweetsUserLikedResponse, error)
TweetsUserLiked allows you to get information about a Tweet’s liking users. You will receive the most recent 100 users who liked the specified Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") tulr, err := client.TweetsUserLiked(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } for _, tweet := range tulr.Tweets { log.Printf("id: %s, text: %s\n", tweet.ID, tweet.Text) } }
func (*Client) UndoBlocking ¶
func (c *Client) UndoBlocking(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoBlockingResponse, error)
UndoBlocking allows a user or authenticated user ID to unblock another user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ub, err := client.UndoBlocking(context.Background(), "source_user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(ub) }
func (*Client) UndoFollowing ¶
func (c *Client) UndoFollowing(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoFollowingResponse, error)
UndoFollowing allows a user ID to unfollow another user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") uf, err := client.UndoFollowing(context.Background(), "source_user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println(uf) }
func (*Client) UndoListFollows ¶
func (c *Client) UndoListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListFollowsResponse, error)
UndoListFollows enables the authenticated user to unfollow a List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ulf, err := client.UndoListFollows(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(ulf) }
func (*Client) UndoListMembers ¶
func (c *Client) UndoListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListMembersResponse, error)
UndoListMembers enables the authenticated user to remove a member from a List they own.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ulm, err := client.UndoListMembers(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(ulm) }
func (*Client) UndoMuting ¶
func (c *Client) UndoMuting(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoMutingResponse, error)
UndoMuting allows an authenticated user ID to unmute the target user.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") um, err := client.UndoMuting(context.Background(), "source_user_id", "target_user_id") if err != nil { panic(err) } log.Println(um) }
func (*Client) UndoPinnedLists ¶
func (c *Client) UndoPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoPinnedListsResponse, error)
UndoPinnedLists enables the authenticated user to unpin a List.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") upl, err := client.UndoPinnedLists(context.Background(), "list_id", "user_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(upl) }
func (Client) UndoRetweet ¶
func (c Client) UndoRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, sourceTweetID string) (*UndoRetweetResponse, error)
UndoRetweet allows a user or authenticated user ID to remove the Retweet of a Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ur, err := client.UndoRetweet(context.Background(), "user_id", "source_tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(ur) }
func (Client) UndoUsersLikingTweet ¶
func (c Client) UndoUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
UndoUsersLikingTweet allows a user or authenticated user ID to unlike a Tweet. The request succeeds with no action when the user sends a request to a user they're not liking the Tweet or have already unliked the Tweet.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") uult, err := client.UndoUsersLikingTweet(context.Background(), "user_id", "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Println(err) } log.Println(uult) }
func (*Client) UpdateMetaDataForList ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateMetaDataForList(ctx context.Context, listID string, body ...*UpdateMetaDataForListBody) (*UpdateMetaDataForListResponse, error)
UpdateMetaDataForList enables the authenticated user to update the meta data of a specified List that they own.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") l, err := client.UpdateMetaDataForList(context.Background(), "list_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } log.Println(l) }
func (*Client) UserMentionTimeline ¶
func (c *Client) UserMentionTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserMentionTimelineOption) (*UserMentionTimelineResponse, error)
UserMentionTimeline returns Tweets mentioning a single user specified by the requested userID. By default, the most recent ten Tweets are returned per request. Using pagination, up to the most recent 800 Tweets can be retrieved.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") tws, err := client.UserMentionTimeline(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, tw := range tws.Tweets { log.Println(tw) } }
func (*Client) UserTweetTimeline ¶
func (c *Client) UserTweetTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserTweetTimelineOption) (*UserTweetTimelineResponse, error)
UserTweetTimeline returns Tweets composed by a single user, specified by the requested userID. By default, the most recent ten Tweets are returned per request. Using pagination, the most recent 3,200 Tweets can be retrieved.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ts, err := client.UserTweetTimeline(context.Background(), "user_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, t := range ts.Tweets { log.Println(t) } }
func (*Client) UsersLikingTweet ¶
func (c *Client) UsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*UsersLikingTweetOption) (*UsersLikingTweetResponse, error)
UsersLikingTweet allows you to get information about a user’s liked Tweets.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ultr, err := client.UsersLikingTweet(context.Background(), "tweet_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range ultr.Users { log.Printf("id: %s, name: %s\n", user.ID, user.UserName) } }
func (*Client) UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket ¶
func (c *Client) UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption) (*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse, error)
UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket returns a list of user who purchased a ticket to the requested Space. You must authenticate the request using the access token of the creator of the requested Space.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") tickets, err := client.UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket(context.Background(), "space_id") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } for _, user := range tickets.Users { log.Println(user) } }
func (*Client) VolumeStreams ¶
func (c *Client) VolumeStreams(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- VolumeStreamsResponse, errCh chan<- error, opt ...*VolumeStreamsOption) *VolumeStreams
VolumeStreams streams about 1% of all Tweets in real-time.
Example ¶
package main import ( "context" "log" "time" "" ) func main() { client := gotwtr.New("key") ch := make(chan gotwtr.VolumeStreamsResponse, 5) errCh := make(chan error) stream := client.VolumeStreams(context.Background(), ch, errCh) log.Println("streaming...") done := make(chan struct{}) go func(done chan struct{}) { for { select { case data := <-ch: log.Println(data.Tweet) case err := <-errCh: log.Println(err) case <-done: return } } }(done) time.Sleep(time.Second * 10) close(done) stream.Stop() log.Println("done") }
type ClientOption ¶
type ClientOption func(*client)
func WithConsumerKey ¶
func WithConsumerKey(consumerKey string) ClientOption
func WithConsumerSecret ¶
func WithConsumerSecret(consumerSecret string) ClientOption
func WithHTTPClient ¶
func WithHTTPClient(httpClient *http.Client) ClientOption
type ComplianceFieldStatus ¶
type ComplianceFieldStatus string
const ( ComplianseFieldStatusCreated ComplianceFieldStatus = "created" ComplianseFieldStatusInProgress ComplianceFieldStatus = "in_progress" ComplianseFieldStatusFailed ComplianceFieldStatus = "failed" ComplianseFieldStatusCompletae ComplianceFieldStatus = "complete" )
type ComplianceFieldType ¶
type ComplianceFieldType string
const ( ComplianceFieldTypeTweets ComplianceFieldType = "tweets" ComplianceFieldTypeUsers ComplianceFieldType = "users" )
type ComplianceJobData ¶
type ComplianceJobData struct { ID string `json:"id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` UploadExpiresAt string `json:"upload_expires_at"` DownloadURL string `json:"download_url"` DownloadExpiresAt string `json:"download_expires_at"` Status string `json:"status"` Resumable bool `json:"resumable"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type ComplianceJobResponse ¶
type ComplianceJobResponse struct { ComplianceJobData *ComplianceJobData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors"` }
type ComplianceJobsData ¶
type ComplianceJobsData struct { ID string `json:"id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` UploadExpiresAt string `json:"upload_expires_at"` DownloadURL string `json:"download_url"` DownloadExpiresAt string `json:"download_expires_at"` Status string `json:"status"` Resumable bool `json:"resumable"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type ComplianceJobsOption ¶
type ComplianceJobsOption struct { Type ComplianceFieldType Status ComplianceFieldStatus }
type ComplianceJobsResponse ¶
type ComplianceJobsResponse struct { ComplianceJobsData []*ComplianceJobsData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors"` }
type Compliances ¶
type Compliances interface { // Batch compliance ComplianceJobs(ctx context.Context, opt *ComplianceJobsOption) (*ComplianceJobsResponse, error) ComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, complianceJobID int) (*ComplianceJobResponse, error) CreateComplianceJob(ctx context.Context, opt ...*CreateComplianceJobOption) (*CreateComplianceJobResponse, error) }
type ConnectToStream ¶
type ConnectToStream struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ConnectToStream) Stop ¶
func (s *ConnectToStream) Stop()
type ConnectToStreamOption ¶
type ConnectToStreamOption struct { // BackfillMinutes int // This feature is currently only available to the Academic Research product track. Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type ConnectToStreamResponse ¶
type ConnectToStreamResponse struct { Tweet *Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` MatchingRules []*MatchingRule `json:"matching_rules"` }
type CreateComplianceJobData ¶
type CreateComplianceJobData struct { ID string `json:"id"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` UploadExpiresAt string `json:"upload_expires_at"` DownloadURL string `json:"download_url"` DownloadExpiresAt string `json:"download_expires_at"` Status string `json:"status"` Resumable bool `json:"resumable"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` }
type CreateComplianceJobOption ¶
type CreateComplianceJobOption struct { Type ComplianceFieldType `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Resumable bool `json:"resumable,omitempty"` }
type CreateComplianceJobResponse ¶
type CreateComplianceJobResponse struct { CreateComplianceJobData *CreateComplianceJobData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors"` }
type CreateNewGroupDMBody ¶
type CreateNewGroupDMBody struct { Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` Attachments []DirectMessageAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` }
type CreateNewGroupDMResponse ¶
type CreateNewGroupDMResponse struct { DMConversationID string `json:"dm_conversation_id,omitempty"` DMEventFieldID string `json:"dm_event_id,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type CreateNewListBody ¶
type CreateNewListData ¶
type CreateNewListResponse ¶
type CreateNewListResponse struct { CreateNewListData *CreateNewListData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type CreateOneToOneDMBody ¶
type CreateOneToOneDMBody struct { Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` Attachments []DirectMessageAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` }
type CreateOneToOneDMResponse ¶
type CreateOneToOneDMResponse struct { DMConversationID string `json:"dm_conversation_id,omitempty"` DMEventFieldID string `json:"dm_event_id,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type DMEventField ¶
type DMEventField string
const ( DirectMessageFieldID DMEventField = "id" DirectMessageFieldText DMEventField = "text" DirectMessageFieldEventType DMEventField = "event_type" DirectMessageFieldCreatedAt DMEventField = "created_at" DirectMessageFieldDMConversationID DMEventField = "dm_conversation_id" DirectMessageFieldSenderID DMEventField = "sender_id" DirectMessageFieldParticipantIDs DMEventField = "participant_ids" DirectMessageFieldReferencedTweets DMEventField = "referenced_tweets" DirectMessageFieldAttachments DMEventField = "attachments" )
type DeleteListData ¶
type DeleteListData struct {
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
type DeleteListResponse ¶
type DeleteListResponse struct { DeleteListData *DeleteListData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type DeleteRule ¶
type DeleteRule struct {
IDs []string `json:"ids"`
type DeleteTweetData ¶
type DeleteTweetData struct {
Deleted bool `json:"deleted"`
type DeleteTweetResponse ¶
type DeleteTweetResponse struct {
Data DeleteTweetData `json:"data"`
type DirectMessage ¶
type DirectMessage struct { Attachments []DirectMessageAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` DMConversationID string `json:"dm_conversation_id"` EventType string `json:"event_type"` ID string `json:"id"` SenderID string `json:"sender_id"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
type DirectMessageAttachment ¶
type DirectMessageAttachment struct {
MediaID string `json:"media_id"`
type DirectMessageMeta ¶
type DirectMessageOption ¶
type DirectMessageOption struct { DMEventFields []DMEventField EventTypes EventTypes Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int MediaFields []MediaField PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type DirectMessages ¶
type DirectMessages interface { // Direct Message CreateOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, body *CreateOneToOneDMBody) (*CreateOneToOneDMResponse, error) CreateNewGroupDM(ctx context.Context, conversationID string, body *CreateNewGroupDMBody) (*CreateNewGroupDMResponse, error) PostDM(ctx context.Context, body *PostDMBody) (*PostDMResponse, error) LookUpAllOneToOneDM(ctx context.Context, participantID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse, error) LookUpDM(ctx context.Context, dmConversationID string, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpDMResponse, error) LookUpAllDM(ctx context.Context, opt ...*DirectMessageOption) (*LookUpAllDMResponse, error) }
type DiscoverSpacesMeta ¶
type DiscoverSpacesMeta struct {
ResultCount int `json:"result_count"`
type DiscoverSpacesOption ¶
type DiscoverSpacesOption struct { Expansions []Expansion SpaceFields []SpaceField TopicFields []TopicField UserFields []UserField }
type DiscoverSpacesResponse ¶
type DiscoverSpacesResponse struct { Spaces []*Space `json:"data"` Includes *SpaceIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *DiscoverSpacesMeta `json:"meta"` }
type EventTypes ¶
type EventTypes string
const ( EventTypesFieldMessageCreate EventTypes = "MessageCreate" EventTypesFieldParticipantsJoin EventTypes = "ParticipantsJoin" EventTypesFieldParticipantsLeave EventTypes = "ParticipantsLeave" )
type Expansion ¶
type Expansion string
const ( // Tweet payloads ExpansionAuthorID Expansion = "author_id" ExpansionReferencedTweetsID Expansion = "" ExpansionEditHistoryTweetIDs Expansion = "edit_history_tweet_ids" ExpansionInReplyToUserID Expansion = "in_reply_to_user_id" ExpansionAttachmentsMediaKeys Expansion = "attachments.media_keys" ExpansionAttachmentsPollIDs Expansion = "attachments.poll_ids" ExpansionGeoPlaceID Expansion = "geo.place_id" ExpansionEntitiesMentionsUserName Expansion = "entities.mentions.username" ExpansionReferencedTweetsIDAuthorID Expansion = "" ExpansionContextAnnotations Expansion = "context_annotations" // USer payloads ExpansionPinnedTweetID Expansion = "pinned_tweet_id" // Direct Message event payloads with attachments.media_keys + ExpansionSenderID Expansion = "sender_id" ExpansionParticipantIDs Expansion = "participant_ids" // Space payloads ExpansionInvitedUserIDs Expansion = "invited_user_ids" ExpansionSpeakerIDs Expansion = "speaker_ids" ExpansionCreatorID Expansion = "creator_id" ExpansionHostIDs Expansion = "host_ids" ExpansionTopicIDs Expansion = "topic_ids" // List payloads ExpansionOwnerID Expansion = "owner_id" )
type FilteredRule ¶
type FollowOption ¶
type FollowOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type FollowersResponse ¶
type FollowersResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *FollowsMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type FollowingBody ¶
type FollowingBody struct {
TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"`
type FollowingResponse ¶
type FollowingResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *FollowsMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type FollowsMeta ¶
type HideRepliesResponse ¶
type HideRepliesResponse struct { HideRepliesResponseData *HideRepliesResponseData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type HideRepliesResponseData ¶
type HideRepliesResponseData struct {
Hidden bool `json:"hidden"`
type List ¶
type List struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Private bool `json:"private,omitempty"` FollowerCount int `json:"follower_count,omitempty"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count,omitempty"` OwnerID string `json:"owner_id,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
type ListFollowersOption ¶
type ListFollowersOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type ListFollowersResponse ¶
type ListFollowersResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ListFollows ¶
type ListFollows struct {
Following bool `json:"following"`
type ListFollowsBody ¶
type ListFollowsBody struct {
ListID string `json:"list_id"`
type ListFollowsOption ¶
type ListIncludes ¶
type ListMembersBody ¶
type ListMembersBody struct {
UserID string `json:"user_id"`
type ListMembersOption ¶
type ListMembersOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type ListMembersResponse ¶
type ListMembersResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ListResponse ¶
type ListResponse struct { List *List `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type ListTweetsOption ¶
type ListTweetsOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type ListTweetsResponse ¶
type ListTweetsResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type Lists ¶
type Lists interface { // List Tweets lookup LookUpListTweets(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListTweetsOption) (*ListTweetsResponse, error) // List follows UndoListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListFollowsResponse, error) ListFollowers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListFollowersOption) (*ListFollowersResponse, error) AllListsUserFollows(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListFollowsOption) (*AllListsUserFollowsResponse, error) PostListFollows(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListFollowsResponse, error) // List lookup LookUpList(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*LookUpListOption) (*ListResponse, error) LookUpAllListsOwned(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*AllListsOwnedOption) (*AllListsOwnedResponse, error) // List members UndoListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoListMembersResponse, error) ListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, opt ...*ListMembersOption) (*ListMembersResponse, error) ListsSpecifiedUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*ListsSpecifiedUserOption) (*ListsSpecifiedUserResponse, error) PostListMembers(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostListMembersResponse, error) // Manage Lists DeleteList(ctx context.Context, listID string) (*DeleteListResponse, error) UpdateMetaDataForList(ctx context.Context, listID string, body ...*UpdateMetaDataForListBody) (*UpdateMetaDataForListResponse, error) CreateNewList(ctx context.Context, body *CreateNewListBody) (*CreateNewListResponse, error) // Pinned Lists UndoPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*UndoPinnedListsResponse, error) PinnedLists(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*PinnedListsOption) (*PinnedListsResponse, error) PostPinnedLists(ctx context.Context, listID string, userID string) (*PostPinnedListsResponse, error) }
type ListsSpecifiedUserResponse ¶
type ListsSpecifiedUserResponse struct { Lists []*List `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type LookUpAllDMResponse ¶
type LookUpAllDMResponse struct { Message []*DirectMessage `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *DirectMessageMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse ¶
type LookUpAllOneToOneDMResponse struct { Message []*DirectMessage `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *DirectMessageMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type LookUpDMResponse ¶
type LookUpDMResponse struct { Message []*DirectMessage `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *DirectMessageMeta `json:"meta,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type LookUpListOption ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLiked ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLiked struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` UserName string `json:"username"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Protected bool `json:"protected,omitempty"` Withheld *LookUpUsersWhoLikedWithheld `json:"withheld,omitempty"` Location string `json:"location,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` Entities *LookUpUsersWhoLikedEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` ProfileImageURL string `json:"profile_image_url,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *LookUpUsersWhoLikedPublicMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` PinnedTweetID string `json:"pinned_tweet_id,omitempty"` }
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedDescription ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedDescription struct { URLs []*LookUpUsersWhoLikedURLContent `json:"urls"` HashTags []*LookUpUsersWhoLikedHashTag `json:"hashtags"` Mentions []*LookUpUsersWhoLikedMention `json:"mentions"` }
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedEntity ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedEntity struct { URL *LookUpUsersWhoLikedURL `json:"url"` Description *LookUpUsersWhoLikedDescription `json:"description"` }
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedIncludes ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedIncludes struct {
Tweets []*Tweet `json:"tweets"`
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMention ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMention struct { Start int `json:"start"` End int `json:"end"` UserName string `json:"username"` CashTags []*LookUpUsersWhoLikedCashTag `json:"cashtags"` }
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMeta ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedMeta struct {
ResultCount int `json:"result_count"`
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedURL ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoLikedURL struct {
URLs []*LookUpUsersWhoLikedURLContent `json:"urls"`
type LookUpUsersWhoPurchasedSpaceTicketIncludes ¶
type LookUpUsersWhoPurchasedSpaceTicketIncludes struct {
Tweets []*Tweet
type LookupUserBookmarksMeta ¶
type LookupUserBookmarksOption ¶
type LookupUserBookmarksOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int MediaFields []MediaField PaginationToken string PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type LookupUserBookmarksResponse ¶
type LookupUserBookmarksResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Meta *LookupUserBookmarksMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type MatchingRule ¶
type Me ¶
type Me struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` UserName string `json:"username"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Protected bool `json:"protected,omitempty"` Withheld *MeWithheld `json:"withheld,omitempty"` Location string `json:"location,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` Entities *UserEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` ProfileImageURL string `json:"profile_image_url,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *UserPublicMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` PinnedTweetID string `json:"pinned_tweet_id,omitempty"` Includes *MeIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` }
type MeIncludes ¶
type MeIncludes struct {
Tweets []*Tweet
type MeOption ¶
type MeOption struct { Expansions []Expansion TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type MeResponse ¶
type MeResponse struct { Me *Me `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type MeWithheld ¶
type Media ¶
type Media struct { MediaKey string `json:"media_key"` Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` DurationMs int `json:"duration_ms,omitempty"` Height int `json:"height,omitempty"` NonPublicMetrics *MediaMetrics `json:"non_public_metrics,omitempty"` OrganicMetrics *MediaMetrics `json:"organic_metrics,omitempty"` PreviewImageURL string `json:"preview_image_url,omitempty"` PromotedMetrics *MediaMetrics `json:"promoted_metrics,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *MediaMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` Width int `json:"width,omitempty"` AltText string `json:"alt_text,omitempty"` MediaIDs []string `json:"media_ids,omitempty"` TaggedUserIDs []string `json:"tagged_user_ids,omitempty"` Variants []MediaVariant `json:"variants,omitempty"` }
type MediaField ¶
type MediaField string
const ( MediaFieldMediaKey MediaField = "media_key" MediaFieldType MediaField = "type" MediaFieldURL MediaField = "url" MediaFieldDurationMS MediaField = "duration_ms" MediaFieldHeight MediaField = "height" MediaFieldNonPublicMetrics MediaField = "non_public_metrics" MediaFieldOrganicMetrics MediaField = "organic_metrics" MediaFieldPreviewImageURL MediaField = "preview_image_url" MediaFieldPromotedMetrics MediaField = "promoted_metrics" MediaFieldPublicMetrics MediaField = "public_metrics" MediaFieldWidth MediaField = "width" MediaFieldAltText MediaField = "alt_text" MediaFieldVariants MediaField = "variants" )
type MediaMetrics ¶
type MediaMetrics struct { Playback0Count int `json:"playback_0_count,omitempty"` Playback25Count int `json:"playback_25_count,omitempty"` Playback50Count int `json:"playback_50_count,omitempty"` Playback75Count int `json:"playback_75_count,omitempty"` Playback100Count int `json:"playback_100_count,omitempty"` ViewCount int `json:"view_count,omitempty"` }
type MediaVariant ¶
type MuteOption ¶
type MuteOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int PaginationToken string TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type MutingBody ¶
type MutingBody struct {
TargetUserID string `json:"target_user_id"`
type MutingResponse ¶
type MutingResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *MutesMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type PinnedListsBody ¶
type PinnedListsBody struct {
ListID string `json:"list_id"`
type PinnedListsOption ¶
type PinnedListsResponse ¶
type PinnedListsResponse struct { Lists []*List `json:"data"` Includes *ListIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *ListMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type Place ¶
type Place struct { FullName string `json:"full_name"` ID string `json:"id"` ContainedWithin []string `json:"contained_within,omitempty"` Country string `json:"country,omitempty"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code,omitempty"` Geo *PlaceGeo `json:"geo,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` PlaceType string `json:"place_type,omitempty"` }
type PlaceField ¶
type PlaceField string
const ( PlaceFieldFullName PlaceField = "full_name" PlaceFieldID PlaceField = "id" PlaceFieldContainedWithin PlaceField = "contained_within" PlaceFieldCountry PlaceField = "country" PlaceFieldCountryCode PlaceField = "country_code" PlaceFieldGeo PlaceField = "geo" PlaceFieldName PlaceField = "name" PlaceFieldPlaceType PlaceField = "place_type" )
type Poll ¶
type Poll struct { ID string `json:"id"` Options []*PollOption `json:"options"` DurationMinutes int `json:"duration_minutes,omitempty"` EndDatetime string `json:"end_datetime,omitempty"` VotingStatus string `json:"voting_status,omitempty"` }
type PollOption ¶
type PostBlockingResponse ¶
type PostBlockingResponse struct { Blocking *Blocking `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostDMBody ¶
type PostDMBody struct { ConversationType string `json:"conversation_type"` Message *DirectMessage `json:"message"` ParticipantIDs []string `json:"participant_id"` }
type PostDMResponse ¶
type PostDMResponse struct { DMConversationID string `json:"dm_conversation_id,omitempty"` DMEventFieldID string `json:"dm_event_id,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type PostFollowingResponse ¶
type PostFollowingResponse struct { Following *Following `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostListFollowsResponse ¶
type PostListFollowsResponse struct { Following *ListFollows `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostListMembersResponse ¶
type PostListMembersResponse struct { IsMember *IsMember `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostMutingResponse ¶
type PostMutingResponse struct { Muting *Muting `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostPinnedListsResponse ¶
type PostPinnedListsResponse struct { Pinned *Pinned `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostRetweetResponse ¶
type PostRetweetResponse struct { Retweeted *Retweeted `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type PostTweetData ¶
type PostTweetOption ¶
type PostTweetOption struct { DirectMessageDeepLink string `json:"direct_message_deep_link,omitempty"` ForSuperFollowersOnly bool `json:"for_super_followers_only,omitempty"` Geo *TweetGeo `json:"geo,omitempty"` Media *Media `json:"media,omitempty"` Poll *Poll `json:"poll,omitempty"` QuoteTweetID string `json:"quote_tweet_id,omitempty"` Reply *TweetReply `json:"reply,omitempty"` ReplySettings string `json:"reply_settings,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` }
type PostTweetResponse ¶
type PostTweetResponse struct {
PostTweetData PostTweetData `json:"data"`
type PostUsersLikingTweetResponse ¶
type PostUsersLikingTweetResponse struct { Liked *Liked `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetData ¶
type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetData struct {
Bookmarks bool `json:"bookmarks"`
type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse ¶
type RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse struct { RemoveBookmarkOfTweetData *RemoveBookmarkOfTweetData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type RetrieveStreamRulesMeta ¶
type RetrieveStreamRulesMeta struct {
Sent string
type RetrieveStreamRulesOption ¶
type RetrieveStreamRulesOption struct {
IDs []string
type RetrieveStreamRulesResponse ¶
type RetrieveStreamRulesResponse struct { Rules []*FilteredRule `json:"data"` Meta *RetrieveStreamRulesMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type RetrieveUserOption ¶
type RetrieveUserOption struct { Expansions []Expansion TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type RetriveTweetOption ¶
type RetriveTweetOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type RetweetsLookupMeta ¶
type RetweetsLookupMeta struct {
ResultCount int `json:"result_count"`
type RetweetsLookupOption ¶
type RetweetsLookupOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type RetweetsResponse ¶
type RetweetsResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *RetweetsLookupMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type SearchSpacesMeta ¶
type SearchSpacesMeta struct {
ResultCount int `json:"result_count"`
type SearchSpacesOption ¶
type SearchSpacesOption struct { Expansions []Expansion SpaceFields []SpaceField State []StateOption TopicFields []TopicField UserFields []UserField }
type SearchSpacesResponse ¶
type SearchSpacesResponse struct { Spaces []*Space `json:"data,omitempty"` Includes *SpaceIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Meta *SearchSpacesMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type SearchTweetsMeta ¶
type SearchTweetsOption ¶
type SearchTweetsOption struct { EndTime time.Time Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int MediaFields []MediaField NextToken string PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField SinceID string StartTime time.Time TweetFields []TweetField UntilID string UserFields []UserField }
type SearchTweetsResponse ¶
type SearchTweetsResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Meta *SearchTweetsMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type Space ¶
type Space struct { ID string `json:"id"` State string `json:"state"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` EndedAt string `json:"ended_at,omitempty"` HostIDs []string `json:"host_ids,omitempty"` Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` IsTicketed bool `json:"is_ticketed,omitempty"` InvitedUserIDs []string `json:"invited_user_ids,omitempty"` ParticipantCount int `json:"participant_count,omitempty"` ScheduledStart string `json:"scheduled_start,omitempty"` SpeakerIDs []string `json:"speaker_ids,omitempty"` StartedAt string `json:"started_at,omitempty"` TopicIDs []string `json:"topic_ids,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` UpdatedAt string `json:"updated_at,omitempty"` CreatorID string `json:"creator_id,omitempty"` }
type SpaceField ¶
type SpaceField string
const ( SpaceFieldHostIDs SpaceField = "host_ids" SpaceFieldCreatedAt SpaceField = "created_at" SpaceFieldCreatorID SpaceField = "creator_id" SpaceFieldID SpaceField = "id" SpaceFieldLanguage SpaceField = "lang" SpaceFieldInvittedUserIDs SpaceField = "invited_user_ids" SpaceFieldParticipantCount SpaceField = "participant_count" SpaceFieldSpeakerIDs SpaceField = "speaker_ids" SpaceFieldStartedAt SpaceField = "started_at" SpaceFieldEndedAt SpaceField = "ended_at" SpaceFieldTopicIDs SpaceField = "topic_ids" SpaceFieldState SpaceField = "state" SpaceFieldTitle SpaceField = "title" SpaceFieldUpdatedAt SpaceField = "updated_at" SpaceFieldScheduledStart SpaceField = "scheduled_start" SpaceFieldIsTicketed SpaceField = "is_ticketed" )
type SpaceIncludes ¶
type SpaceOption ¶
type SpaceOption struct { Expansions []Expansion SpaceFields []SpaceField TopicFields []TopicField UserFields []UserField }
type SpaceResponse ¶
type SpaceResponse struct { Space *Space `json:"data,omitempty"` Includes *SpaceIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type Spaces ¶
type Spaces interface { // Search Spaces SearchSpaces(ctx context.Context, searchTerm string, opt ...*SearchSpacesOption) (*SearchSpacesResponse, error) // Spaces lookup LookUpSpaces(ctx context.Context, spaceIDs []string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpacesResponse, error) LookUpSpace(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*SpaceOption) (*SpaceResponse, error) UsersPurchasedSpaceTicket(ctx context.Context, spaceID string, opt ...*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption) (*UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse, error) // TODO: /2/spaces/:id/tweets DiscoverSpaces(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*DiscoverSpacesOption) (*DiscoverSpacesResponse, error) }
type SpacesResponse ¶
type SpacesResponse struct { Spaces []*Space `json:"data,omitempty"` Includes *SpaceIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type StateOption ¶
type StateOption string
const ( SpaceFieldAll StateOption = "all" SpaceFieldLive StateOption = "live" SpaceFieldScheduled StateOption = "scheduled" )
type TimeseriesCount ¶
type TopicField ¶
type TopicField string
const ( TopicFieldID TopicField = "id" TopicFieldName TopicField = "name" TopicFieldDescription TopicField = "description" )
type Tweet ¶
type Tweet struct { ID string `json:"id"` Text string `json:"text"` EditHistoryIDs []string `json:"edit_history_tweet_ids"` Attachments *TweetAttachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` AuthorID string `json:"author_id,omitempty"` ContextAnnotations []*TweetContextAnnotation `json:"context_annotations,omitempty"` ConversationID string `json:"conversation_id,omitempty"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at"` Entities *TweetEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` Geo *TweetGeo `json:"geo,omitempty"` InReplyToUserID string `json:"in_reply_to_user_id,omitempty"` Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` NonPublicMetrics *TweetMetrics `json:"non_public_metrics,omitempty"` OrganicMetrics *TweetMetrics `json:"organic_metrics,omitempty"` PossiblySensitive bool `json:"possibly_sensitive,omitempty"` PromotedMetrics *TweetMetrics `json:"promoted_metrics,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *TweetMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` ReferencedTweets []*TweetReferencedTweet `json:"referenced_tweets,omitempty"` ReplySettings string `json:"reply_settings,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` Withheld *TweetWithheld `json:"withheld,omitempty"` }
type TweetAnnotation ¶
type TweetAttachment ¶
type TweetCashtag ¶
type TweetContextAnnotation ¶
type TweetContextAnnotation struct { Domain *TweetContextObj `json:"domain"` Entity *TweetContextObj `json:"entity"` }
type TweetContextObj ¶
type TweetCoordinates ¶
type TweetCountMeta ¶
type TweetCountsAllOption ¶
type TweetCountsOption ¶
type TweetCountsResponse ¶
type TweetCountsResponse struct { Counts []*TimeseriesCount `json:"data"` Meta *TweetCountMeta `json:"meta"` }
type TweetEntity ¶
type TweetEntity struct { Annotations []*TweetAnnotation `json:"annotations"` Mentions []*TweetMention `json:"mentions"` URLs []*TweetURL `json:"urls"` }
type TweetField ¶
type TweetField string
const ( TweetFieldID TweetField = "id" TweetFieldText TweetField = "text" TweetEditHistoryIDs TweetField = "edit_history_tweet_ids" TweetFieldAttachments TweetField = "attachments" TweetFieldAuthorID TweetField = "author_id" TweetFieldContextAnnotations TweetField = "context_annotations" TweetFieldConversationID TweetField = "conversation_id" TweetFieldCreatedAt TweetField = "created_at" TweetFieldEditControls TweetField = "edit_controls" TweetFieldEntities TweetField = "entities" TweetFieldInReplyToUserID TweetField = "in_reply_to_user_id" TweetFieldLanguage TweetField = "lang" TweetFieldNonPublicMetrics TweetField = "non_public_metrics" TweetFieldOrganicMetrics TweetField = "organic_metrics" TweetFieldPossiblySensitve TweetField = "possibly_sensitive" TweetFieldPromotedMetrics TweetField = "promoted_metrics" TweetFieldPublicMetrics TweetField = "public_metrics" TweetFieldReferencedTweets TweetField = "referenced_tweets" TweetReplySettings TweetField = "reply_settings" TweetFieldSource TweetField = "source" TweetFieldWithHeld TweetField = "withheld" TweetFieldGeo TweetField = "geo" TweetFieldMaxResults TweetField = "max_results" )
type TweetGeo ¶
type TweetGeo struct { Coordinates *TweetCoordinates `json:"coordinates"` PlaceID string `json:"place_id"` }
type TweetHashtag ¶
type TweetImage ¶
type TweetIncludes ¶
type TweetMention ¶
type TweetMetrics ¶
type TweetMetrics struct { ImpressionCount int `json:"impression_count"` LikeCount int `json:"like_count"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` RetweetCount int `json:"retweet_count"` URLLinkClicks int `json:"url_link_clicks"` UserProfileClicks int `json:"user_profile_clicks"` QuoteCount int `json:"quote_count"` }
type TweetReferencedTweet ¶
type TweetReply ¶
type TweetResponse ¶
type TweetResponse struct { Tweet *Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type TweetURL ¶
type TweetURL struct { Start int `json:"start"` End int `json:"end"` URL string `json:"url"` ExpandedURL string `json:"expanded_url"` DisplayURL string `json:"display_url"` Images []*TweetImage `json:"images"` Status int `json:"status"` Title string `json:"title"` Description string `json:"description"` UnwoundURL string `json:"unwound_url"` }
type TweetWithheld ¶
type Tweets ¶
type Tweets interface { // Bookmarks RemoveBookmarkOfTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*RemoveBookmarkOfTweetResponse, error) LookupUserBookmarks(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*LookupUserBookmarksOption) (*LookupUserBookmarksResponse, error) BookmarkTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, body *BookmarkTweetBody) (*BookmarkTweetResponse, error) // Filtered stream ConnectToStream(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- ConnectToStreamResponse, errCh chan<- error, opt ...*ConnectToStreamOption) *ConnectToStream RetrieveStreamRules(ctx context.Context, opt ...*RetrieveStreamRulesOption) (*RetrieveStreamRulesResponse, error) AddOrDeleteRules(ctx context.Context, body *AddOrDeleteJSONBody, opt ...*AddOrDeleteRulesOption) (*AddOrDeleteRulesResponse, error) // Hide replies HideReplies(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, hidden bool) (*HideRepliesResponse, error) // Likes UndoUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse, error) UsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*UsersLikingTweetOption) (*UsersLikingTweetResponse, error) TweetsUserLiked(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*TweetsUserLikedOption) (*TweetsUserLikedResponse, error) PostUsersLikingTweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostUsersLikingTweetResponse, error) // Manage Tweets DeleteTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string) (*DeleteTweetResponse, error) PostTweet(ctx context.Context, body *PostTweetOption) (*PostTweetResponse, error) // TODO: /2/tweets/:id/quote_tweets // Retweets UndoRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, sourceTweetID string) (*UndoRetweetResponse, error) RetweetsLookup(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetweetsLookupOption) (*RetweetsResponse, error) PostRetweet(ctx context.Context, userID string, tweetID string) (*PostRetweetResponse, error) // Search Tweets SearchAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error) SearchRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*SearchTweetsOption) (*SearchTweetsResponse, error) // Timelines UserMentionTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserMentionTimelineOption) (*UserMentionTimelineResponse, error) // TODO: /2/users/:id/timelines/reverse_chronological UserTweetTimeline(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*UserTweetTimelineOption) (*UserTweetTimelineResponse, error) // Tweet counts CountAllTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsAllOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error) CountRecentTweets(ctx context.Context, tweet string, opt ...*TweetCountsOption) (*TweetCountsResponse, error) // Tweets lookup RetrieveMultipleTweets(ctx context.Context, tweetIDs []string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetsResponse, error) RetrieveSingleTweet(ctx context.Context, tweetID string, opt ...*RetriveTweetOption) (*TweetResponse, error) // Volume stream VolumeStreams(ctx context.Context, ch chan<- VolumeStreamsResponse, errCh chan<- error, opt ...*VolumeStreamsOption) *VolumeStreams }
type TweetsResponse ¶
type TweetsResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type TweetsUserLiked ¶
type TweetsUserLiked struct { ID string `json:"id"` Text string `json:"text"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` AuthorID string `json:"author_id,omitempty"` ConversationID string `json:"conversation_id,omitempty"` InReplyToUserID string `json:"in_reply_to_user_id,omitempty"` ReferencedTweets []*TweetsUserLikedReferencedTweets `json:"referenced_tweets,omitempty"` Attachments *TweetsUserLikedAttachments `json:"attachments,omitempty"` Geo *TweetsUserLikedGeo `json:"geo,omitempty"` ContextAnnotations []*TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotations `json:"context_annotations,omitempty"` Entities *TweetsUserLikedEntities `json:"entities,omitempty"` Withheld *TweetsUserLikedWithheld `json:"withheld,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *TweetsUserLikedPublicMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` NonPublicMetrics *TweetsUserLikedNonPublicMetrics `json:"non_public_metrics,omitempty"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. OrganicMetrics *TweetsUserLikedOrganicMetrics `json:"organic_metrics,omitempty"` // requires user context authentication. PromotedMetrics *TweetsUserLikedPromotedMetrics `json:"promoted_metrics,omitempty"` // requires user context authentication. PossiblySensitive bool `json:"possibly_sensitive,omitempty"` Lang string `json:"lang,omitempty"` ReplySettings string `json:"reply_settings,omitempty"` Source string `json:"source,omitempty"` EditHistoryIDs []string `json:"edit_history_ids,omitempty"` EditControls *TweetsUserLikedEditControls `json:"edit_controls,omitempty"` }
type TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotations ¶
type TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotations struct { Domain *TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotationsDomain `json:"domain"` Entity *TweetsUserLikedContextAnnotationsEntity `json:"entity"` }
type TweetsUserLikedEntities ¶
type TweetsUserLikedEntities struct { Annotations []*TweetsUserLikedEntitiesAnnotation `json:"annotations"` URLs []*TweetsUserLikedEntitiesURLContent `json:"urls"` HashTags []*TweetsUserLikedEntitiesHashTag `json:"hashtags"` Mentions []*TweetsUserLikedEntitiesMention `json:"mentions"` CashTags []*TweetsUserLikedEntitiesCashTag `json:"cashtags"` }
type TweetsUserLikedGeo ¶
type TweetsUserLikedGeo struct { Coordinates *TweetsUserLikedGeoCoordinates `json:"coordinates"` PlaceID string `json:"place_id"` }
type TweetsUserLikedMeta ¶
type TweetsUserLikedOption ¶
type TweetsUserLikedOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField MaxResults int PaginationToken string }
type TweetsUserLikedOrganicMetrics ¶
type TweetsUserLikedOrganicMetrics struct { ImpressionCount int `json:"impression_count"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. URLLinkClicks int `json:"url_link_clicks"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. UserProfileClicks int `json:"user_profile_clicks"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. RetweetCount int `json:"retweet_count"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` LikeCount int `json:"like_count"` }
type TweetsUserLikedPromotedMetrics ¶
type TweetsUserLikedPromotedMetrics struct { ImpressionCount int `json:"impression_count"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. URLLinkClicks int `json:"url_link_clicks"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. UserProfileClicks int `json:"user_profile_clicks"` // requires the use of OAuth 1.0a User Context authentication. RetweetCount int `json:"retweet_count"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count"` LikeCount int `json:"like_count"` }
type TweetsUserLikedResponse ¶
type TweetsUserLikedResponse struct { Tweets []*TweetsUserLiked `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Meta *TweetsUserLikedMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type TweetsUserLikedWithheld ¶
type Twtr ¶
type Twtr interface { OAuth Tweets Users Spaces Lists Compliances DirectMessages }
Twtr is a main interface for all Twitter API calls.
type UndoBlockingResponse ¶
type UndoBlockingResponse struct { Blocking *Blocking `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoFollowingResponse ¶
type UndoFollowingResponse struct { Following *Following `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoListFollowsResponse ¶
type UndoListFollowsResponse struct { Following *ListFollows `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoListMembersResponse ¶
type UndoListMembersResponse struct { IsMember *IsMember `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoMutingResponse ¶
type UndoMutingResponse struct { Muting *Muting `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoPinnedListsResponse ¶
type UndoPinnedListsResponse struct { Pinned *Pinned `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoRetweetResponse ¶
type UndoRetweetResponse struct { Retweeted *Retweeted `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse ¶
type UndoUsersLikingTweetResponse struct { Liked *Liked `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UpdateMetaDataForListData ¶
type UpdateMetaDataForListData struct {
Updated bool `json:"updated"`
type UpdateMetaDataForListResponse ¶
type UpdateMetaDataForListResponse struct { UpdateMetaDataForListData *UpdateMetaDataForListData `json:"data"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` UserName string `json:"username"` CreatedAt string `json:"created_at,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Entities *UserEntity `json:"entities,omitempty"` Location string `json:"location,omitempty"` PinnedTweetID string `json:"pinned_tweet_id,omitempty"` ProfileImageURL string `json:"profile_image_url,omitempty"` Protected bool `json:"protected,omitempty"` PublicMetrics *UserPublicMetrics `json:"public_metrics,omitempty"` URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` Verified bool `json:"verified,omitempty"` Withheld *UserWithheld `json:"withheld,omitempty"` }
type UserCashtag ¶
type UserDescription ¶
type UserDescription struct { URLs []*UserURLs `json:"urls"` Mentions []*UserMention `json:"user_mentions"` }
type UserEntity ¶
type UserEntity struct { URL *UserURL `json:"url"` Description *UserDescription `json:"description"` }
type UserField ¶
type UserField string
const ( UserFieldID UserField = "id" UserFieldName UserField = "name" UserFieldUserName UserField = "username" UserFieldCreatedAt UserField = "created_at" UserFieldDescription UserField = "description" UserFieldEntities UserField = "entities" UserFieldLocation UserField = "location" UserFieldPinnedTweetID UserField = "pinned_tweet_id" UserFieldProfileImageURL UserField = "profile_image_url" UserFieldProtected UserField = "protected" UserFieldPublicMetrics UserField = "public_metrics" UserFieldURL UserField = "url" UserFieldVerified UserField = "verified" UserFieldWithHeld UserField = "withhel" )
type UserHashtag ¶
type UserIncludes ¶
type UserMention ¶
type UserMentionTimelineOption ¶
type UserMentionTimelineOption struct { EndTime time.Time Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int MediaFields []MediaField PaginationToken string PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField SinceID string StartTime time.Time TweetFields []TweetField UntilID string UserFields []UserField }
type UserMentionTimelineResponse ¶
type UserMentionTimelineResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *UserTimelineMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type UserPublicMetrics ¶
type UserResponse ¶
type UserResponse struct { User *User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type UserTimelineMeta ¶
type UserTweetTimelineOption ¶
type UserTweetTimelineOption struct { EndTime time.Time Exclude []Exclude Expansions []Expansion MaxResults int MediaFields []MediaField PaginationToken string PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField SinceID string StartTime time.Time TweetFields []TweetField UntilID string UserFields []UserField }
type UserTweetTimelineResponse ¶
type UserTweetTimelineResponse struct { Tweets []*Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Meta *UserTimelineMeta `json:"meta"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type UserWithheld ¶
type Users ¶
type Users interface { // Blocks UndoBlocking(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoBlockingResponse, error) Blocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*BlockOption) (*BlockingResponse, error) PostBlocking(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostBlockingResponse, error) // Follows UndoFollowing(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoFollowingResponse, error) Followers(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowersResponse, error) Following(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*FollowOption) (*FollowingResponse, error) PostFollowing(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostFollowingResponse, error) // Mutes UndoMuting(ctx context.Context, sourceUserID string, targetUserID string) (*UndoMutingResponse, error) Muting(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*MuteOption) (*MutingResponse, error) PostMuting(ctx context.Context, userID string, targetUserID string) (*PostMutingResponse, error) // Users lookup RetrieveMultipleUsersWithIDs(ctx context.Context, userIDs []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error) RetrieveSingleUserWithID(ctx context.Context, userID string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error) RetrieveMultipleUsersWithUserNames(ctx context.Context, userNames []string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UsersResponse, error) RetrieveSingleUserWithUserName(ctx context.Context, userName string, opt ...*RetrieveUserOption) (*UserResponse, error) Me(ctx context.Context, opt ...*MeOption) (*MeResponse, error) }
type UsersLikingBody ¶
type UsersLikingBody struct {
TweetID string `json:"tweet_id"`
type UsersLikingTweetOption ¶
type UsersLikingTweetOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type UsersLikingTweetResponse ¶
type UsersLikingTweetResponse struct { Users []*LookUpUsersWhoLiked `json:"data"` Includes *LookUpUsersWhoLikedIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Meta *LookUpUsersWhoLikedMeta `json:"meta"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption ¶
type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketOption struct { Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse ¶
type UsersPurchasedSpaceTicketResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *LookUpUsersWhoPurchasedSpaceTicketIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
type UsersResponse ¶
type UsersResponse struct { Users []*User `json:"data"` Includes *UserIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Detail string `json:"detail,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
type VolumeStreams ¶
type VolumeStreams struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VolumeStreams) Stop ¶
func (s *VolumeStreams) Stop()
type VolumeStreamsOption ¶
type VolumeStreamsOption struct { // BackfillMinutes int // This feature is currently only available to the Academic Research product track. Expansions []Expansion MediaFields []MediaField PlaceFields []PlaceField PollFields []PollField TweetFields []TweetField UserFields []UserField }
type VolumeStreamsResponse ¶
type VolumeStreamsResponse struct { Tweet *Tweet `json:"data"` Includes *TweetIncludes `json:"includes,omitempty"` Errors []*APIResponseError `json:"errors,omitempty"` }
Source Files ¶
- block.go
- bookmarks.go
- client.go
- compliance.go
- compliance_jobs.go
- compliance_option.go
- direct_message.go
- direct_message_lookup.go
- direct_message_option.go
- discover_spaces.go
- doc.go
- endpoint.go
- error.go
- exclude.go
- expansion.go
- filtered_stream.go
- follow.go
- hide_replies.go
- likes_tweet.go
- list.go
- list_follows.go
- list_lookup.go
- list_members.go
- list_option.go
- list_pinned.go
- list_tweets_lookup.go
- manage_direct_message.go
- manage_list.go
- manage_tweet.go
- me.go
- media.go
- mute.go
- oauth2.go
- place.go
- poll.go
- retweet.go
- search_spaces.go
- search_tweet.go
- space.go
- space_lookup.go
- space_option.go
- timeline.go
- topic.go
- tweet.go
- tweet_counts.go
- tweet_lookup.go
- tweet_option.go
- user.go
- user_lookup.go
- user_option.go
- volume_stream.go