This project is an exercise to develop a simple cli program
The task was created from Tino according to his go-workshop.
As a (skilled) user I want to be able to pass an ISBN number via command line to a programm,
which returns the same ISBN and if it's a valid ISBN-10.
Acceptance criteria
- you can run it via cli
- you can pass an ISBN string
- you can pass a path to a CSV-file with ISBNs
- passes all test-cases
- input, output and behavior matches the following examples
Example Valid single ISBN
$ validateisbn "1-24325435-3435-X"
the given input '1-24325435-3435-X' to be expected an isbn is: valid
Example Invalid single ISBN
$ validateisbn "1-thisisnotanISBN-X"
the given input '1-thisisnotanISBN-X' to be expected an isbn is: invalid
Example run with CSV file
$ validateisbn -f "input.csv"
- define function signiture
- write unit tests for the function
- implement the function
- implement cli wrapper with one input argument for the possible isbn
- implement integration tests for the CLI
- implement input argument to pass a csv file-path with a list of possible ISBNs
- expend integration tests for the CLI with CSV file
The final result
How to build
$ go build -o validateisbn isbn.go
How to run
$ ./validateisbn "thisisnotanISBN"
How to test
$ go test isbn.go isbn_test.go
This was a very nice exercise. I learned a lot about go development. The hight frequent code reviews and advices from Tino helped me a lot to speed up my learning curve.