
Fork MQTT traffic with no fuss, deploy in seconds. Kubernetes ready.
Mqtt-mirror subscribes to the source broker and publishes replicated messages to the target broker.
Replicated messages preserve the original QoS and Retain message options.
All topics are mirrored by default, you can cherry pick topics to be mirrored by specifying topic filters. Standard MQTT wildcards +
and #
are available, see wildcard spec.

Should I use this in production?
mqtt-mirror is not tested well enough to be relied upon for critical purposes. Until a stable 1.0 release, use with caution.
Take in consideration that outbound traffic will increase by the amount of inbound traffic.
Use topic filters to prevent mirroring of unecessary messages.
mqtt-mirror is used in production at ! ✨
1.0 (GA) roadmap
- Helm chart liveness probe
- Integration test
- Stress test
- Expose Prometheus metrics
Get started
Mqtt-mirror is available as a standalone binary, docker image and helm chart.
Docker 🐳
docker run antegulin/mqtt-mirror ./mqtt-mirror \
tcp:// \
tcp:// \
--topic_filter=events,sensors/+/temperature/+,logs# \
Helm chart 📦
helm repo add 4nte
helm install mqtt-mirror 4nte/mqtt-mirror \
--set mqtt.source=$SOURCE_BROKER \
--set mqtt.topic_filter=foo,bar,device/+/ping \
Homebrew 🍺
brew tap 4nte/homebrew-tap
brew install mqtt-mirror
Shell script 📋
curl -sfL | sh
Compile from source 🔨
# Clone it outside GO path
git clone
cd mqtt-mirror
# Get dependencies
go get ./..
# Build, duh.
go build -o mqtt-mirror
# Use it like there's no tomorrow
./mqtt-mirror --version

If you like this project, please consider helping out. All contributions are welcome.