My first simple CTF-like project.
Random sometimes done not quite right.
There is no flag, unlike in usual CTF, but it has a critical bug that allows to create unlimited number of accounts on other's e-mails and bypass captcha. Good luck to find and exploit it.
Run the CTF
cp example.postgres.env .postgres.env
cp example.redis.env .redis.env
cp example.smtp.env .smtp.env
# Edit it (I hope you'll find the exit)
vim .redis.env
vim .postgres.env
vim .smtp.env
Run development
Need configuration? It's in the cmd/serv/main.go
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dev.yml build
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.dev.yml up
Latter will make other options to run, like prod
For developers & researchers
Code structure
in cmd
located application entrypoints, files where execution starts.
in internal/setup
located all the app initialization.
in pkg
located simple tools (that are mostly can be useful in latter projects).
contains application logic, main entities, data validation. It's a middle layer between the APIs and Repository to add flexability to the project structure. Also it's important for security reasons (for example to make same validation on different APIs, reduce risks)
has all the storage-related code (DB, cache, disk).
in internal/api
located everything related to an API (Handlers, routes).
Nothing yet, TODO...