This is a module for registrator (
To build your version of registrator with this module.
Make sure you have Go properly installed, including setting up your GOPATH
Next, run
$ cd $GOPATH
$ go get
$ src/
Edit the file $GOPATH/src/
Add the following line to the import path of modules.go
_ ""
Run go get again (will fetch the code from
$ go get
You will now have a "registrator" binary in $GOPATH/bin
When using IPv6 containers, the NAT is gone and your container and ports are by default reachable. You can use this module to firewall those.
If no chain/set is specified, it will default to netfilter://FORWARD_direct/containerports
This module does on initialization:
- creates an ipset ( called (hash:ip,port)
- appends a rule to chain that allows <ip,port> addresses in a set to be forwarded to the container.
- appends a rule to chain that will drop packets going to the docker0 device.
Or in actual commands
/usr/sbin/ipset create <myset> hash:ip,port family inet6
/usr/sbin/ip6tables -A <mychain> -o docker0 -m set --match-set <myset> dst,dst -j ACCEPT
/usr/sbin/ip6tables -A <mychain> -o docker0 -j DROP
When an IPv6 service gets registered:
- the container <ip,port> will be added to and access to this port will be allowed.
- icmpv6 echo request will also be allowed so that you can ping the container
Or in actual commands
/usr/sbin/ipset add <myset> <ip,proto:port>
/usr/sbin/ipset add <myset> <ip,icmpv6:128/0>
When the service gets deregistered, the access will be removed.
Firewalld support
The module will communicate with firewalld when detected.
The default FORWARD_direct chain would be a good chain to use with firewalld
- You need the iptables (v1.4.21+) and ipset (v6.19+) packages
- ipset and ip6tables are expected to be found in /usr/sbin