The Name:
The Latin word kalenderium, meaning some kind of periodically arranged account book, is applied to medieval manuscript calendars and also to manuals of, for instance, astronomical, astrological, medical, or horticultural ...
The Project:
The kalenderium is the sample for a full-stack app capable of adding/deleting/displaying events and user authentication with tokens.
The project has three microservices, three different databases, and one frontend application. All coming HTTP requests from
the frontend are handled by the Web API Service. Web API Service talks with the other two services and sends an HTTP response
to the frontend application. The microservices build with go-kit standard library.
1. User Authentication
- The frontend sends an HTTP request to the /v1/signup endpoint.
- Web API Service handles the request and validates the data.
Then sends a request to Account Service with gRPC.
- Account Service validates the data and saves user information to the MySQL
database. It then generates a custom authentication token and saves the token to Redis. Then sends it to Web API Service with
a gRPC response.
- Web API Service sends the token as an HTTP response to the frontend.
- Frontend saves the token to local storage
and redirects the user to the calendar page.
Also, login and logout processes have similar steps.
2. Calendar
The Frontend sends an HTTP request to the /v1/calendar endpoint.
(The HTTP method can be DELETE, POST, or GET)
Web API Service handles the request. And to validate user sends an authentication
token to Account Service with a gRPC request.
Account service checks the token has a valid type or not. If the token type is valid, Ask the Redis the token exists or not. If the token exists, The Account Service sends a gRPC response to the Web API Service.
After that, the Web API service sends a gRPC request to Calendar Service.
(The request change according to the Frontend request's HTTP method)
Calendar service validates the Event type. If the event type is valid, can do the
following jobs according to the Frontend request's HTTP Method:
- Create an event
- Delete an event
- Display all events
Calendar Service talks with the MongoDB database and do the required jobs,
and sends a gRPC response to Web API Service.
Web API Service sends an HTTP response to Frontend.
Frontend update the view according to Web API Service response.
File Structure
├── cmd
│ ├── account
│ ├── calendar
│ └── web-api
├── internal
│ ├── config
│ ├── context
│ ├── err
│ ├── token
│ └── validator
├── pkg
│ ├── account
│ │ ├── database
│ │ │ └── migrations
│ │ ├── pb
│ │ ├── repository
│ │ │ └── mock
│ │ └── store
│ │ └── mock
│ ├── calendar
│ │ ├── database
│ │ ├── pb
│ │ └── repository
│ │ └── mock
│ └── web-api
│ ├── client
│ ├── endpoints
│ └── transport
└── web
├── public
└── src
├── assets
├── components
├── plugins
├── router
└── views
- The Cmd directory includes the service's main files
- The internal directory is Go specific.
- When the go command sees an import of a package with internal in its path,
it verifies that the package doing the import is within the tree rooted at
the parent of the internal directory.
- The project holds the helper modules in the internal directory.
- The pkg directory includes our services.
- The web directory includes our Vue Frontend app.
There are two options:
- You can run the project without docker.
- You can run the project with docker.
1. Run Project Without Docker
- First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/3n0ugh/kalenderium.git
- Move into the kalenderium directory:
cd kalenderium
- Create a MySQL database with a named account.
- Create a MySQL superuser with named kalenderium.
(If you change any name, you need to change configs into api.dev.yaml file.)
- Change the api.dev.yaml configs:
make config/local
go mod tidy
- Create the environment variables for databases:
- Make database migrations:
make db/migrate/up/account
- Install the node_modules:
make vue/install
make local/run/calendar
make local/run/account
make local/run/web-api
make vue/run
Now, you can use the website from here.
Also, if you want to test gRPC services (Account and Calendar Service):
make test/calendar
make test/account
2. Run Project With Docker
Fortunately, we have Container technology. We will see how easy to run the project.
- First, clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/3n0ugh/kalenderium.git
- Move into the kalenderium directory:
cd kalenderium
- Build the containers according to docker-compose.yaml:
make docker/build
make docker/run
Now, you can use the website from here.
As you can see, how easy it is :>
- Also, if you want to test gRPC services (Account and Calendar Service):
- First build the test container:
make docker/test/build
- Then run the test container:
make docker/test/run
curl -X POST -d '{
}' localhost:8081/v1/signup
- curl -X POST -d '{
}' localhost:8081/v1/login
curl -X POST -d '{
}' localhost:8081/v1/logout
- curl -X POST -d '{
"details":"Release the kalenderium project",
"start": "2022-04-02T09:24:05Z",
"end": "2022-04-02T09:24:05Z",
"color": "#33FFFF"
}' --header "Authorization: Bearer UJMAZRAAS7PZLAW5LXC5NMBE2I" \
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer UJMAZRAAS7PZLAW5LXC5NMBE2I" \
- Delete Event Endpoint (localhost:8081/v1/calendar/{event_id}):
curl -X DELETE --header "Authorization: Bearer UJMAZRAAS7PZLAW5LXC5NMBE2I" \