Webhook adapter for Prometheus & Send Alert To Wechat Group chat
Just type and run: make build
Generated in the binary file The ./build
usage: prom-webhook-wechat [<args>]
-web.listen-address ":8060"
Address to listen on for web interface.
== WECHAT ==
Custom wechat api url
Custom chatid and profile (can specify multiple times,
wechat enterprise corpid.
wechat app corpsecret.
-wechat.timeout 5s
Timeout for invoking wechat webhook.
Do not add to note that there is behind the token of the capacity(The program will get token by corpid and corpsecret)
Start the single webhook and sent to a single group chat
./prom-webhook-wechat -wechat.corpid=CorpID -wechat.corpsecret=CorpSecret -wechat.chatids_profile=ops@CHAT_ID -wechat.apiurl=https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/appchat/send?access_token=
Start multiple webhook and sent to multiple group chat
./prom-webhook-wechat -wechat.corpid=CorpID -wechat.corpsecret=CorpSecret -wechat.chatids_profile=ops@CHAT_ID -wechat.chatids_profile=dev@CHAT_ID -wechat.apiurl=https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/appchat/send?access_token=
Test request prom-webhook-wechat
To view exmple/send_alert.sh