Index ¶
- Constants
- func AppendInt(dst []byte, i int64, base int) []byte
- func AppendUint(dst []byte, i uint64, base int) []byte
- func Atoi(s string) (int, error)
- func BoolToBoolPtr(v bool) *bool
- func BoolToFloat32(v bool) float32
- func BoolToFloat32Ptr(v bool) *float32
- func BoolToFloat64(v bool) float64
- func BoolToFloat64Ptr(v bool) *float64
- func BoolToInt(v bool) int
- func BoolToInt16(v bool) int16
- func BoolToInt16Ptr(v bool) *int16
- func BoolToInt32(v bool) int32
- func BoolToInt32Ptr(v bool) *int32
- func BoolToInt64(v bool) int64
- func BoolToInt64Ptr(v bool) *int64
- func BoolToInt8(v bool) int8
- func BoolToInt8Ptr(v bool) *int8
- func BoolToIntPtr(v bool) *int
- func BoolToInterface(v bool) interface{}
- func BoolToInterfacePtr(v bool) *interface{}
- func BoolToString(v bool) string
- func BoolToStringPtr(v bool) *string
- func BoolToUint(v bool) uint
- func BoolToUint16(v bool) uint16
- func BoolToUint16Ptr(v bool) *uint16
- func BoolToUint32(v bool) uint32
- func BoolToUint32Ptr(v bool) *uint32
- func BoolToUint64(v bool) uint64
- func BoolToUint64Ptr(v bool) *uint64
- func BoolToUint8(v bool) uint8
- func BoolToUint8Ptr(v bool) *uint8
- func BoolToUintPtr(v bool) *uint
- func BoolsConcat(b ...[]bool) []bool
- func BoolsCopy(b []bool) []bool
- func BoolsCopyWithin(b []bool, target, start int, end
- func BoolsDistinct(b *[]bool, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[bool]int)
- func BoolsEvery(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v bool) bool) bool
- func BoolsFill(b []bool, value bool, start int, end
- func BoolsFilter(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v bool) bool) []bool
- func BoolsFind(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v bool) bool) (k int, v bool)
- func BoolsIncludes(b []bool, valueToFind bool, fromIndex bool
- func BoolsIndexOf(b []bool, searchElement bool, fromIndex int
- func BoolsIntersect(b ...[]bool) (intersectCount map[bool]int)
- func BoolsLastIndexOf(b []bool, searchElement bool, fromIndex int
- func BoolsMap(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v bool) bool) []bool
- func BoolsPop(b *[]bool) (elem bool, found bool)
- func BoolsPush(b *[]bool, element ...bool) int
- func BoolsPushDistinct(b []bool, element ...bool) []bool
- func BoolsReduce(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v, accumulator bool) bool, ...) bool
- func BoolsReduceRight(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v, accumulator bool) bool, ...) bool
- func BoolsRemoveEvery(p *[]bool, elements ...bool) int
- func BoolsRemoveFirst(p *[]bool, elements ...bool) int
- func BoolsReverse(b []bool)
- func BoolsShift(b *[]bool) (element bool, found bool)
- func BoolsSlice(b []bool, begin int, end []bool
- func BoolsSome(b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v bool) bool) bool
- func BoolsSplice(b *[]bool, start, deleteCount int, items ...bool)
- func BoolsToFloat32s(b []bool) []float32
- func BoolsToFloat64s(b []bool) []float64
- func BoolsToInt16s(b []bool) []int16
- func BoolsToInt32s(b []bool) []int32
- func BoolsToInt64s(b []bool) []int64
- func BoolsToInterfaces(b []bool) []interface{}
- func BoolsToInts(b []bool) []int
- func BoolsToStrings(b []bool) []string
- func BoolsToUint16s(b []bool) []uint16
- func BoolsToUint32s(b []bool) []uint32
- func BoolsToUint64s(b []bool) []uint64
- func BoolsToUint8s(b []bool) []uint8
- func BoolsToUints(b []bool) []uint
- func BoolsUnshift(b *[]bool, element ...bool) int
- func BoolsUnshiftDistinct(b *[]bool, element ...bool) int
- func DereferenceImplementType(v reflect.Value) reflect.Type
- func DereferenceInterfaceValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func DereferencePtrValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func DereferenceSlice(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func DereferenceType(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type
- func DereferenceValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func Float32SetDifference(set1, set2 []float32, others ...[]float32) []float32
- func Float32SetIntersect(set1, set2 []float32, others ...[]float32) []float32
- func Float32SetUnion(set1, set2 []float32, others ...[]float32) []float32
- func Float32ToBool(v float32) bool
- func Float32ToBoolPtr(v float32) *bool
- func Float32ToFloat32Ptr(v float32) *float32
- func Float32ToFloat64(v float32) float64
- func Float32ToFloat64Ptr(v float32) *float64
- func Float32ToInt(v float32) (int, error)
- func Float32ToInt16(v float32) (int16, error)
- func Float32ToInt16Ptr(v float32) (*int16, error)
- func Float32ToInt32(v float32) (int32, error)
- func Float32ToInt32Ptr(v float32) (*int32, error)
- func Float32ToInt64(v float32) (int64, error)
- func Float32ToInt64Ptr(v float32) (*int64, error)
- func Float32ToInt8(v float32) (int8, error)
- func Float32ToInt8Ptr(v float32) (*int8, error)
- func Float32ToInterface(v float32) interface{}
- func Float32ToInterfacePtr(v float32) *interface{}
- func Float32ToString(v float32) string
- func Float32ToStringPtr(v float32) *string
- func Float32ToUint(v float32) (uint, error)
- func Float32ToUint16(v float32) (uint16, error)
- func Float32ToUint16Ptr(v float32) (*uint16, error)
- func Float32ToUint32(v float32) (uint32, error)
- func Float32ToUint32Ptr(v float32) (*uint32, error)
- func Float32ToUint64(v float32) (uint64, error)
- func Float32ToUint64Ptr(v float32) (*uint64, error)
- func Float32ToUint8(v float32) (uint8, error)
- func Float32ToUint8Ptr(v float32) (*uint8, error)
- func Float32ToUintPtr(v float32) (*uint, error)
- func Float32sCopy(f []float32) []float32
- func Float32sCopyWithin(f []float32, target, start int, end
- func Float32sDistinct(f *[]float32, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[float32]int)
- func Float32sEvery(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v float32) bool) bool
- func Float32sFill(f []float32, value float32, start int, end
- func Float32sFilter(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v float32) bool) []float32
- func Float32sFind(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v float32) bool) (k int, v float32)
- func Float32sIncludes(f []float32, valueToFind float32, fromIndex bool
- func Float32sIndexOf(f []float32, searchElement float32, fromIndex int
- func Float32sIntersect(f ...[]float32) (intersectCount map[float32]int)
- func Float32sLastIndexOf(f []float32, searchElement float32, fromIndex int
- func Float32sMap(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v float32) float32) []float32
- func Float32sPop(f *[]float32) (float32, bool)
- func Float32sPush(f *[]float32, element ...float32) int
- func Float32sPushDistinct(f []float32, element ...float32) []float32
- func Float32sReduce(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v, accumulator float32) float32, ...) float32
- func Float32sReduceRight(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v, accumulator float32) float32, ...) float32
- func Float32sRemoveEvery(p *[]float32, elements ...float32) int
- func Float32sRemoveFirst(p *[]float32, elements ...float32) int
- func Float32sReverse(f []float32)
- func Float32sShift(f *[]float32) (float32, bool)
- func Float32sSlice(f []float32, begin int, end []float32
- func Float32sSome(f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v float32) bool) bool
- func Float32sSplice(f *[]float32, start, deleteCount int, items ...float32)
- func Float32sToBools(f []float32) []bool
- func Float32sToFloat64s(f []float32) []float64
- func Float32sToInt16s(f []float32) ([]int16, error)
- func Float32sToInt32s(f []float32) ([]int32, error)
- func Float32sToInt64s(f []float32) ([]int64, error)
- func Float32sToInt8s(f []float32) ([]int8, error)
- func Float32sToInterfaces(f []float32) []interface{}
- func Float32sToInts(f []float32) ([]int, error)
- func Float32sToStrings(f []float32) []string
- func Float32sToUint16s(f []float32) ([]uint16, error)
- func Float32sToUint32s(f []float32) ([]uint32, error)
- func Float32sToUint64s(f []float32) ([]uint64, error)
- func Float32sToUint8s(f []float32) ([]uint8, error)
- func Float32sToUints(f []float32) ([]uint, error)
- func Float32sUnshift(f *[]float32, element ...float32) int
- func Float32sUnshiftDistinct(f *[]float32, element ...float32) int
- func Float64SetDifference(set1, set2 []float64, others ...[]float64) []float64
- func Float64SetIntersect(set1, set2 []float64, others ...[]float64) []float64
- func Float64SetUnion(set1, set2 []float64, others ...[]float64) []float64
- func Float64ToBool(v float64) bool
- func Float64ToBoolPtr(v float64) *bool
- func Float64ToFloat32(v float64) (float32, error)
- func Float64ToFloat32Ptr(v float64) (*float32, error)
- func Float64ToFloat64Ptr(v float64) *float64
- func Float64ToInt(v float64) (int, error)
- func Float64ToInt16(v float64) (int16, error)
- func Float64ToInt16Ptr(v float64) (*int16, error)
- func Float64ToInt32(v float64) (int32, error)
- func Float64ToInt32Ptr(v float64) (*int32, error)
- func Float64ToInt64(v float64) (int64, error)
- func Float64ToInt64Ptr(v float64) (*int64, error)
- func Float64ToInt8(v float64) (int8, error)
- func Float64ToInt8Ptr(v float64) (*int8, error)
- func Float64ToInterface(v float64) interface{}
- func Float64ToInterfacePtr(v float64) *interface{}
- func Float64ToString(v float64) string
- func Float64ToStringPtr(v float64) *string
- func Float64ToUint(v float64) (uint, error)
- func Float64ToUint16(v float64) (uint16, error)
- func Float64ToUint16Ptr(v float64) (*uint16, error)
- func Float64ToUint32(v float64) (uint32, error)
- func Float64ToUint32Ptr(v float64) (*uint32, error)
- func Float64ToUint64(v float64) (uint64, error)
- func Float64ToUint64Ptr(v float64) (*uint64, error)
- func Float64ToUint8(v float64) (uint8, error)
- func Float64ToUint8Ptr(v float64) (*uint8, error)
- func Float64ToUintPtr(v float64) (*uint, error)
- func Float64sCopy(f []float64) []float64
- func Float64sCopyWithin(f []float64, target, start int, end
- func Float64sDistinct(f *[]float64, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[float64]int)
- func Float64sEvery(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v float64) bool) bool
- func Float64sFill(f []float64, value float64, start int, end
- func Float64sFilter(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v float64) bool) []float64
- func Float64sFind(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v float64) bool) (k int, v float64)
- func Float64sIncludes(f []float64, valueToFind float64, fromIndex bool
- func Float64sIndexOf(f []float64, searchElement float64, fromIndex int
- func Float64sIntersect(f ...[]float64) (intersectCount map[float64]int)
- func Float64sLastIndexOf(f []float64, searchElement float64, fromIndex int
- func Float64sMap(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v float64) float64) []float64
- func Float64sPop(f *[]float64) (float64, bool)
- func Float64sPush(f *[]float64, element ...float64) int
- func Float64sPushDistinct(f []float64, element ...float64) []float64
- func Float64sReduce(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v, accumulator float64) float64, ...) float64
- func Float64sReduceRight(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v, accumulator float64) float64, ...) float64
- func Float64sRemoveEvery(p *[]float64, elements ...float64) int
- func Float64sRemoveFirst(p *[]float64, elements ...float64) int
- func Float64sReverse(f []float64)
- func Float64sShift(f *[]float64) (float64, bool)
- func Float64sSlice(f []float64, begin int, end []float64
- func Float64sSome(f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v float64) bool) bool
- func Float64sSplice(f *[]float64, start, deleteCount int, items ...float64)
- func Float64sToBools(f []float64) []bool
- func Float64sToFloat32s(f []float64) ([]float32, error)
- func Float64sToInt16s(f []float64) ([]int16, error)
- func Float64sToInt32s(f []float64) ([]int32, error)
- func Float64sToInt64s(f []float64) ([]int64, error)
- func Float64sToInt8s(f []float64) ([]int8, error)
- func Float64sToInterfaces(f []float64) []interface{}
- func Float64sToInts(f []float64) ([]int, error)
- func Float64sToStrings(f []float64) []string
- func Float64sToUint16s(f []float64) ([]uint16, error)
- func Float64sToUint32s(f []float64) ([]uint32, error)
- func Float64sToUint64s(f []float64) ([]uint64, error)
- func Float64sToUint8s(f []float64) ([]uint8, error)
- func Float64sToUints(f []float64) ([]uint, error)
- func Float64sUnshift(f *[]float64, element ...float64) int
- func Float64sUnshiftDistinct(f *[]float64, element ...float64) int
- func FormatInt(i int64, base int) string
- func FormatUint(i uint64, base int) string
- func FormatUintByDict(dict []byte, num uint64) string
- func IndirectValue(v reflect.Value) reflect.Value
- func InitBool(p *bool, def bool) (done bool)
- func InitByte(p *byte, def byte) (done bool)
- func InitFloat32(p *float32, def float32) (done bool)
- func InitFloat64(p *float64, def float64) (done bool)
- func InitInt(p *int, def int) (done bool)
- func InitInt16(p *int16, def int16) (done bool)
- func InitInt32(p *int32, def int32) (done bool)
- func InitInt64(p *int64, def int64) (done bool)
- func InitInt8(p *int8, def int8) (done bool)
- func InitPointer(v reflect.Value) (done bool)
- func InitSampleValue(t reflect.Type, maxNestingDeep int) reflect.Value
- func InitString(p *string, def string) (done bool)
- func InitUint(p *uint, def uint) (done bool)
- func InitUint16(p *uint16, def uint16) (done bool)
- func InitUint32(p *uint32, def uint32) (done bool)
- func InitUint64(p *uint64, def uint64) (done bool)
- func InitUint8(p *uint8, def uint8) (done bool)
- func Int16SetDifference(set1, set2 []int16, others ...[]int16) []int16
- func Int16SetIntersect(set1, set2 []int16, others ...[]int16) []int16
- func Int16SetUnion(set1, set2 []int16, others ...[]int16) []int16
- func Int16ToBool(v int16) bool
- func Int16ToBoolPtr(v int16) *bool
- func Int16ToFloat32(v int16) float32
- func Int16ToFloat32Ptr(v int16) *float32
- func Int16ToFloat64(v int16) float64
- func Int16ToFloat64Ptr(v int16) *float64
- func Int16ToInt(v int16) int
- func Int16ToInt16Ptr(v int16) *int16
- func Int16ToInt32(v int16) int32
- func Int16ToInt32Ptr(v int16) *int32
- func Int16ToInt64(v int16) int64
- func Int16ToInt64Ptr(v int16) *int64
- func Int16ToInt8(v int16) (int8, error)
- func Int16ToInt8Ptr(v int16) (*int8, error)
- func Int16ToIntPtr(v int16) *int
- func Int16ToInterface(v int16) interface{}
- func Int16ToInterfacePtr(v int16) *interface{}
- func Int16ToString(v int16) string
- func Int16ToStringPtr(v int16) *string
- func Int16ToUint(v int16) (uint, error)
- func Int16ToUint16(v int16) (uint16, error)
- func Int16ToUint16Ptr(v int16) (*uint16, error)
- func Int16ToUint32(v int16) (uint32, error)
- func Int16ToUint32Ptr(v int16) (*uint32, error)
- func Int16ToUint64(v int16) (uint64, error)
- func Int16ToUint64Ptr(v int16) (*uint64, error)
- func Int16ToUint8(v int16) (uint8, error)
- func Int16ToUint8Ptr(v int16) (*uint8, error)
- func Int16ToUintPtr(v int16) (*uint, error)
- func Int16sConcat(i ...[]int16) []int16
- func Int16sCopy(i []int16) []int16
- func Int16sCopyWithin(i []int16, target, start int, end
- func Int16sDistinct(i *[]int16, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[int16]int)
- func Int16sEvery(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v int16) bool) bool
- func Int16sFill(i []int16, value int16, start int, end
- func Int16sFilter(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v int16) bool) []int16
- func Int16sFind(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v int16) bool) (k int, v int16)
- func Int16sIncludes(i []int16, valueToFind int16, fromIndex bool
- func Int16sIndexOf(i []int16, searchElement int16, fromIndex int
- func Int16sIntersect(i ...[]int16) (intersectCount map[int16]int)
- func Int16sLastIndexOf(i []int16, searchElement int16, fromIndex int
- func Int16sMap(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v int16) int16) []int16
- func Int16sPop(i *[]int16) (int16, bool)
- func Int16sPush(i *[]int16, element ...int16) int
- func Int16sPushDistinct(i []int16, element ...int16) []int16
- func Int16sReduce(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v, accumulator int16) int16, ...) int16
- func Int16sReduceRight(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v, accumulator int16) int16, ...) int16
- func Int16sRemoveEvery(p *[]int16, elements ...int16) int
- func Int16sRemoveFirst(p *[]int16, elements ...int16) int
- func Int16sReverse(i []int16)
- func Int16sShift(i *[]int16) (int16, bool)
- func Int16sSlice(i []int16, begin int, end []int16
- func Int16sSome(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v int16) bool) bool
- func Int16sSplice(i *[]int16, start, deleteCount int, items ...int16)
- func Int16sToBools(i []int16) []bool
- func Int16sToFloat32s(i []int16) []float32
- func Int16sToFloat64s(i []int16) []float64
- func Int16sToInt32s(i []int16) []int32
- func Int16sToInt64s(i []int16) []int64
- func Int16sToInt8s(i []int16) ([]int8, error)
- func Int16sToInterfaces(i []int16) []interface{}
- func Int16sToInts(i []int16) []int
- func Int16sToStrings(i []int16) []string
- func Int16sToUint16s(i []int16) ([]uint16, error)
- func Int16sToUint32s(i []int16) ([]uint32, error)
- func Int16sToUint64s(i []int16) ([]uint64, error)
- func Int16sToUint8s(i []int16) ([]uint8, error)
- func Int16sToUints(i []int16) ([]uint, error)
- func Int16sUnshift(i *[]int16, element ...int16) int
- func Int16sUnshiftDistinct(i *[]int16, element ...int16) int
- func Int32SetDifference(set1, set2 []int32, others ...[]int32) []int32
- func Int32SetIntersect(set1, set2 []int32, others ...[]int32) []int32
- func Int32SetUnion(set1, set2 []int32, others ...[]int32) []int32
- func Int32ToBool(v int32) bool
- func Int32ToBoolPtr(v int32) *bool
- func Int32ToFloat32(v int32) float32
- func Int32ToFloat32Ptr(v int32) *float32
- func Int32ToFloat64(v int32) float64
- func Int32ToFloat64Ptr(v int32) *float64
- func Int32ToInt(v int32) int
- func Int32ToInt16(v int32) (int16, error)
- func Int32ToInt16Ptr(v int32) (*int16, error)
- func Int32ToInt32Ptr(v int32) *int32
- func Int32ToInt64(v int32) int64
- func Int32ToInt64Ptr(v int32) *int64
- func Int32ToInt8(v int32) (int8, error)
- func Int32ToInt8Ptr(v int32) (*int8, error)
- func Int32ToIntPtr(v int32) *int
- func Int32ToInterface(v int32) interface{}
- func Int32ToInterfacePtr(v int32) *interface{}
- func Int32ToString(v int32) string
- func Int32ToStringPtr(v int32) *string
- func Int32ToUint(v int32) (uint, error)
- func Int32ToUint16(v int32) (uint16, error)
- func Int32ToUint16Ptr(v int32) (*uint16, error)
- func Int32ToUint32(v int32) (uint32, error)
- func Int32ToUint32Ptr(v int32) (*uint32, error)
- func Int32ToUint64(v int32) (uint64, error)
- func Int32ToUint64Ptr(v int32) (*uint64, error)
- func Int32ToUint8(v int32) (uint8, error)
- func Int32ToUint8Ptr(v int32) (*uint8, error)
- func Int32ToUintPtr(v int32) (*uint, error)
- func Int32sConcat(i ...[]int32) []int32
- func Int32sCopy(i []int32) []int32
- func Int32sCopyWithin(i []int32, target, start int, end
- func Int32sDistinct(i *[]int32, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[int32]int)
- func Int32sEvery(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v int32) bool) bool
- func Int32sFill(i []int32, value int32, start int, end
- func Int32sFilter(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v int32) bool) []int32
- func Int32sFind(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v int32) bool) (k int, v int32)
- func Int32sIncludes(i []int32, valueToFind int32, fromIndex bool
- func Int32sIndexOf(i []int32, searchElement int32, fromIndex int
- func Int32sIntersect(i ...[]int32) (intersectCount map[int32]int)
- func Int32sLastIndexOf(i []int32, searchElement int32, fromIndex int
- func Int32sMap(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v int32) int32) []int32
- func Int32sPop(i *[]int32) (int32, bool)
- func Int32sPush(i *[]int32, element ...int32) int
- func Int32sPushDistinct(i []int32, element ...int32) []int32
- func Int32sReduce(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v, accumulator int32) int32, ...) int32
- func Int32sReduceRight(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v, accumulator int32) int32, ...) int32
- func Int32sRemoveEvery(p *[]int32, elements ...int32) int
- func Int32sRemoveFirst(p *[]int32, elements ...int32) int
- func Int32sReverse(i []int32)
- func Int32sShift(i *[]int32) (int32, bool)
- func Int32sSlice(i []int32, begin int, end []int32
- func Int32sSome(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v int32) bool) bool
- func Int32sSplice(i *[]int32, start, deleteCount int, items ...int32)
- func Int32sToBools(i []int32) []bool
- func Int32sToFloat32s(i []int32) []float32
- func Int32sToFloat64s(i []int32) []float64
- func Int32sToInt16s(i []int32) ([]int16, error)
- func Int32sToInt64s(i []int32) []int64
- func Int32sToInt8s(i []int32) ([]int8, error)
- func Int32sToInterfaces(i []int32) []interface{}
- func Int32sToInts(i []int32) []int
- func Int32sToStrings(i []int32) []string
- func Int32sToUint16s(i []int32) ([]uint16, error)
- func Int32sToUint32s(i []int32) ([]uint32, error)
- func Int32sToUint64s(i []int32) ([]uint64, error)
- func Int32sToUint8s(i []int32) ([]uint8, error)
- func Int32sToUints(i []int32) ([]uint, error)
- func Int32sUnshift(i *[]int32, element ...int32) int
- func Int32sUnshiftDistinct(i *[]int32, element ...int32) int
- func Int64SetDifference(set1, set2 []int64, others ...[]int64) []int64
- func Int64SetIntersect(set1, set2 []int64, others ...[]int64) []int64
- func Int64SetUnion(set1, set2 []int64, others ...[]int64) []int64
- func Int64ToBool(v int64) bool
- func Int64ToBoolPtr(v int64) *bool
- func Int64ToFloat32(v int64) float32
- func Int64ToFloat32Ptr(v int64) *float32
- func Int64ToFloat64(v int64) float64
- func Int64ToFloat64Ptr(v int64) *float64
- func Int64ToInt(v int64) (int, error)
- func Int64ToInt16(v int64) (int16, error)
- func Int64ToInt16Ptr(v int64) (*int16, error)
- func Int64ToInt32(v int64) (int32, error)
- func Int64ToInt32Ptr(v int64) (*int32, error)
- func Int64ToInt64Ptr(v int64) *int64
- func Int64ToInt8(v int64) (int8, error)
- func Int64ToInt8Ptr(v int64) (*int8, error)
- func Int64ToIntPtr(v int64) (*int, error)
- func Int64ToInterface(v int64) interface{}
- func Int64ToInterfacePtr(v int64) *interface{}
- func Int64ToString(v int64) string
- func Int64ToStringPtr(v int64) *string
- func Int64ToUint(v int64) (uint, error)
- func Int64ToUint16(v int64) (uint16, error)
- func Int64ToUint16Ptr(v int64) (*uint16, error)
- func Int64ToUint32(v int64) (uint32, error)
- func Int64ToUint32Ptr(v int64) (*uint32, error)
- func Int64ToUint64(v int64) (uint64, error)
- func Int64ToUint64Ptr(v int64) (*uint64, error)
- func Int64ToUint8(v int64) (uint8, error)
- func Int64ToUint8Ptr(v int64) (*uint8, error)
- func Int64ToUintPtr(v int64) (*uint, error)
- func Int64sConcat(i ...[]int64) []int64
- func Int64sCopy(i []int64) []int64
- func Int64sCopyWithin(i []int64, target, start int, end
- func Int64sDistinct(i *[]int64, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[int64]int)
- func Int64sEvery(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v int64) bool) bool
- func Int64sFill(i []int64, value int64, start int, end
- func Int64sFilter(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v int64) bool) []int64
- func Int64sFind(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v int64) bool) (k int, v int64)
- func Int64sIncludes(i []int64, valueToFind int64, fromIndex bool
- func Int64sIndexOf(i []int64, searchElement int64, fromIndex int
- func Int64sIntersect(i ...[]int64) (intersectCount map[int64]int)
- func Int64sLastIndexOf(i []int64, searchElement int64, fromIndex int
- func Int64sMap(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v int64) int64) []int64
- func Int64sPop(i *[]int64) (int64, bool)
- func Int64sPush(i *[]int64, element ...int64) int
- func Int64sPushDistinct(i []int64, element ...int64) []int64
- func Int64sReduce(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v, accumulator int64) int64, ...) int64
- func Int64sReduceRight(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v, accumulator int64) int64, ...) int64
- func Int64sRemoveEvery(p *[]int64, elements ...int64) int
- func Int64sRemoveFirst(p *[]int64, elements ...int64) int
- func Int64sReverse(i []int64)
- func Int64sShift(i *[]int64) (int64, bool)
- func Int64sSlice(i []int64, begin int, end []int64
- func Int64sSome(i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v int64) bool) bool
- func Int64sSplice(i *[]int64, start, deleteCount int, items ...int64)
- func Int64sToBools(i []int64) []bool
- func Int64sToFloat32s(i []int64) []float32
- func Int64sToFloat64s(i []int64) []float64
- func Int64sToInt16s(i []int64) ([]int16, error)
- func Int64sToInt32s(i []int64) ([]int32, error)
- func Int64sToInt8s(i []int64) ([]int8, error)
- func Int64sToInterfaces(i []int64) []interface{}
- func Int64sToInts(i []int64) ([]int, error)
- func Int64sToStrings(i []int64) []string
- func Int64sToUint16s(i []int64) ([]uint16, error)
- func Int64sToUint32s(i []int64) ([]uint32, error)
- func Int64sToUint64s(i []int64) ([]uint64, error)
- func Int64sToUint8s(i []int64) ([]uint8, error)
- func Int64sToUints(i []int64) ([]uint, error)
- func Int64sUnshift(i *[]int64, element ...int64) int
- func Int64sUnshiftDistinct(i *[]int64, element ...int64) int
- func Int8SetDifference(set1, set2 []int8, others ...[]int8) []int8
- func Int8SetIntersect(set1, set2 []int8, others ...[]int8) []int8
- func Int8SetUnion(set1, set2 []int8, others ...[]int8) []int8
- func Int8ToBool(v int8) bool
- func Int8ToBoolPtr(v int8) *bool
- func Int8ToFloat32(v int8) float32
- func Int8ToFloat32Ptr(v int8) *float32
- func Int8ToFloat64(v int8) float64
- func Int8ToFloat64Ptr(v int8) *float64
- func Int8ToInt(v int8) int
- func Int8ToInt16(v int8) int16
- func Int8ToInt16Ptr(v int8) *int16
- func Int8ToInt32(v int8) int32
- func Int8ToInt32Ptr(v int8) *int32
- func Int8ToInt64(v int8) int64
- func Int8ToInt64Ptr(v int8) *int64
- func Int8ToInt8Ptr(v int8) *int8
- func Int8ToIntPtr(v int8) *int
- func Int8ToInterface(v int8) interface{}
- func Int8ToInterfacePtr(v int8) *interface{}
- func Int8ToString(v int8) string
- func Int8ToStringPtr(v int8) *string
- func Int8ToUint(v int8) (uint, error)
- func Int8ToUint16(v int8) (uint16, error)
- func Int8ToUint16Ptr(v int8) (*uint16, error)
- func Int8ToUint32(v int8) (uint32, error)
- func Int8ToUint32Ptr(v int8) (*uint32, error)
- func Int8ToUint64(v int8) (uint64, error)
- func Int8ToUint64Ptr(v int8) (*uint64, error)
- func Int8ToUint8(v int8) (uint8, error)
- func Int8ToUint8Ptr(v int8) (*uint8, error)
- func Int8ToUintPtr(v int8) (*uint, error)
- func Int8sConcat(i ...[]int8) []int8
- func Int8sCopy(i []int8) []int8
- func Int8sCopyWithin(i []int8, target, start int, end
- func Int8sDistinct(i *[]int8, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[int8]int)
- func Int8sEvery(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v int8) bool) bool
- func Int8sFill(i []int8, value int8, start int, end
- func Int8sFilter(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v int8) bool) []int8
- func Int8sFind(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v int8) bool) (k int, v int8)
- func Int8sIncludes(i []int8, valueToFind int8, fromIndex bool
- func Int8sIndexOf(i []int8, searchElement int8, fromIndex int
- func Int8sIntersect(i ...[]int8) (intersectCount map[int8]int)
- func Int8sInts(i []int8) []int
- func Int8sLastIndexOf(i []int8, searchElement int8, fromIndex int
- func Int8sMap(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v int8) int8) []int8
- func Int8sPop(i *[]int8) (int8, bool)
- func Int8sPush(i *[]int8, element ...int8) int
- func Int8sPushDistinct(i []int8, element ...int8) []int8
- func Int8sReduce(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v, accumulator int8) int8, ...) int8
- func Int8sReduceRight(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v, accumulator int8) int8, ...) int8
- func Int8sRemoveEvery(p *[]int8, elements ...int8) int
- func Int8sRemoveFirst(p *[]int8, elements ...int8) int
- func Int8sReverse(i []int8)
- func Int8sShift(i *[]int8) (int8, bool)
- func Int8sSlice(i []int8, begin int, end []int8
- func Int8sSome(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v int8) bool) bool
- func Int8sSplice(i *[]int8, start, deleteCount int, items ...int8)
- func Int8sToBools(i []int8) []bool
- func Int8sToFloat32s(i []int8) []float32
- func Int8sToFloat64s(i []int8) []float64
- func Int8sToInt16s(i []int8) []int16
- func Int8sToInt32s(i []int8) []int32
- func Int8sToInt64s(i []int8) []int64
- func Int8sToInterfaces(i []int8) []interface{}
- func Int8sToInts(i []int8) []int
- func Int8sToStrings(i []int8) []string
- func Int8sToUint16s(i []int8) ([]uint16, error)
- func Int8sToUint32s(i []int8) ([]uint32, error)
- func Int8sToUint64s(i []int8) ([]uint64, error)
- func Int8sToUint8s(i []int8) ([]uint8, error)
- func Int8sToUints(i []int8) ([]uint, error)
- func Int8sUnshift(i *[]int8, element ...int8) int
- func Int8sUnshiftDistinct(i *[]int8, element ...int8) int
- func IntSetDifference(set1, set2 []int, others ...[]int) []int
- func IntSetIntersect(set1, set2 []int, others ...[]int) []int
- func IntSetUnion(set1, set2 []int, others ...[]int) []int
- func IntToBool(v int) bool
- func IntToBoolPtr(v int) *bool
- func IntToFloat32(v int) float32
- func IntToFloat32Ptr(v int) *float32
- func IntToFloat64(v int) float64
- func IntToFloat64Ptr(v int) *float64
- func IntToInt16(v int) (int16, error)
- func IntToInt16Ptr(v int) (*int16, error)
- func IntToInt32(v int) (int32, error)
- func IntToInt32Ptr(v int) (*int32, error)
- func IntToInt64(v int) int64
- func IntToInt64Ptr(v int) *int64
- func IntToInt8(v int) (int8, error)
- func IntToInt8Ptr(v int) (*int8, error)
- func IntToIntPtr(v int) *int
- func IntToInterface(v int) interface{}
- func IntToInterfacePtr(v int) *interface{}
- func IntToString(v int) string
- func IntToStringPtr(v int) *string
- func IntToUint(v int) (uint, error)
- func IntToUint16(v int) (uint16, error)
- func IntToUint16Ptr(v int) (*uint16, error)
- func IntToUint32(v int) (uint32, error)
- func IntToUint32Ptr(v int) (*uint32, error)
- func IntToUint64(v int) (uint64, error)
- func IntToUint64Ptr(v int) (*uint64, error)
- func IntToUint8(v int) (uint8, error)
- func IntToUint8Ptr(v int) (*uint8, error)
- func IntToUintPtr(v int) (*uint, error)
- func InterfaceToBool(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (bool, error)
- func InterfaceToBoolPtr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*bool, error)
- func InterfaceToFloat32(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (float32, error)
- func InterfaceToFloat32Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*float32, error)
- func InterfaceToFloat64(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (float64, error)
- func InterfaceToFloat64Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*float64, error)
- func InterfaceToInt(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (int, error)
- func InterfaceToInt16(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (int16, error)
- func InterfaceToInt16Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*int16, error)
- func InterfaceToInt32(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (int32, error)
- func InterfaceToInt32Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*int32, error)
- func InterfaceToInt64(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (int64, error)
- func InterfaceToInt64Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*int64, error)
- func InterfaceToInt8(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (int8, error)
- func InterfaceToInt8Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*int8, error)
- func InterfaceToIntPtr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*int, error)
- func InterfaceToInterfacePtr(i interface{}) *interface{}
- func InterfaceToString(i interface{}) string
- func InterfaceToStringPtr(i interface{}) *string
- func InterfaceToUint(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (uint, error)
- func InterfaceToUint16(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (uint16, error)
- func InterfaceToUint16Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*uint16, error)
- func InterfaceToUint32(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (uint32, error)
- func InterfaceToUint32Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*uint32, error)
- func InterfaceToUint64(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (uint64, error)
- func InterfaceToUint64Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*uint64, error)
- func InterfaceToUint8(i interface{}, emptyStringAsZero ...bool) (uint8, error)
- func InterfaceToUint8Ptr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*uint8, error)
- func InterfaceToUintPtr(i interface{}, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*uint, error)
- func InterfacesConcat(i ...[]interface{}) []interface{}
- func InterfacesCopy(i []interface{}) []interface{}
- func InterfacesCopyWithin(i []interface{}, target, start int, end
- func InterfacesDistinct(i *[]interface{}, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[interface{}]int)
- func InterfacesEvery(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) bool
- func InterfacesFill(i []interface{}, value []interface{}, start int, end
- func InterfacesFilter(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) []interface{}
- func InterfacesFind(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) (k int, v interface{})
- func InterfacesIncludes(i []interface{}, valueToFind int64, fromIndex bool
- func InterfacesIndexOf(i []interface{}, searchElement int64, fromIndex int
- func InterfacesIntersect(i ...[]interface{}) (intersectCount map[interface{}]int)
- func InterfacesLastIndexOf(i []interface{}, searchElement int64, fromIndex int
- func InterfacesMap(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) int64) []int64
- func InterfacesPop(i *[]interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
- func InterfacesPush(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
- func InterfacesPushDistinct(i []interface{}, element ...interface{}) []interface{}
- func InterfacesReduce(i []interface{}, ...) interface{}
- func InterfacesReduceRight(i []interface{}, ...) interface{}
- func InterfacesRemoveEvery(p *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int
- func InterfacesRemoveFirst(p *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int
- func InterfacesReverse(i []interface{})
- func InterfacesShift(i *[]interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
- func InterfacesSlice(i []interface{}, begin int, end []interface{}
- func InterfacesSome(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) bool
- func InterfacesSplice(i *[]interface{}, start, deleteCount int, items ...interface{})
- func InterfacesToBools(i []interface{}) ([]bool, error)
- func InterfacesToFloat32s(i []interface{}) ([]float32, error)
- func InterfacesToFloat64s(i []interface{}) ([]float64, error)
- func InterfacesToInt16s(i []interface{}) ([]int16, error)
- func InterfacesToInt32s(i []interface{}) ([]int32, error)
- func InterfacesToInt64s(i []interface{}) ([]int64, error)
- func InterfacesToInt8s(i []interface{}) ([]int8, error)
- func InterfacesToInts(i []interface{}) ([]int, error)
- func InterfacesToStrings(i []interface{}) []string
- func InterfacesToUint16s(i []interface{}) ([]uint16, error)
- func InterfacesToUint32s(i []interface{}) ([]uint32, error)
- func InterfacesToUint64s(i []interface{}) ([]uint64, error)
- func InterfacesToUint8s(i []interface{}) ([]uint8, error)
- func InterfacesToUints(i []interface{}) ([]uint, error)
- func InterfacesUnshift(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
- func InterfacesUnshiftDistinct(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
- func IntsConcat(i ...[]int) []int
- func IntsCopy(i []int) []int
- func IntsCopyWithin(i []int, target, start int, end
- func IntsDistinct(i *[]int, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[int]int)
- func IntsEvery(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v int) bool) bool
- func IntsFill(i []int, value int, start int, end
- func IntsFilter(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v int) bool) []int
- func IntsFind(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v int) bool) (k int, v int)
- func IntsIncludes(i []int, valueToFind int, fromIndex bool
- func IntsIndexOf(i []int, searchElement int, fromIndex int
- func IntsIntersect(i ...[]int) (intersectCount map[int]int)
- func IntsLastIndexOf(i []int, searchElement int, fromIndex int
- func IntsMap(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v int) int) []int
- func IntsPop(i *[]int) (int, bool)
- func IntsPush(i *[]int, element int
- func IntsPushDistinct(i []int, element []int
- func IntsReduce(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v, accumulator int) int, initialValue int
- func IntsReduceRight(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v, accumulator int) int, initialValue int
- func IntsRemoveEvery(p *[]int, elements int
- func IntsRemoveFirst(p *[]int, elements int
- func IntsReverse(i []int)
- func IntsShift(i *[]int) (int, bool)
- func IntsSlice(i []int, begin int, end []int
- func IntsSome(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v int) bool) bool
- func IntsSplice(i *[]int, start, deleteCount int, items
- func IntsToBools(i []int) []bool
- func IntsToFloat32s(i []int) []float32
- func IntsToFloat64s(i []int) []float64
- func IntsToInt16s(i []int) ([]int16, error)
- func IntsToInt32s(i []int) ([]int32, error)
- func IntsToInt64s(i []int) []int64
- func IntsToInt8s(i []int) ([]int8, error)
- func IntsToInterfaces(i []int) []interface{}
- func IntsToStrings(i []int) []string
- func IntsToUint16s(i []int) ([]uint16, error)
- func IntsToUint32s(i []int) ([]uint32, error)
- func IntsToUint64s(i []int) ([]uint64, error)
- func IntsToUint8s(i []int) ([]uint8, error)
- func IntsToUints(i []int) ([]uint, error)
- func IntsUnshift(i *[]int, element int
- func IntsUnshiftDistinct(i *[]int, element int
- func Itoa(i int) string
- func MaxInt() int
- func MaxUint() uint
- func OneBool(b []bool) bool
- func OneFloat32(f []float32) float32
- func OneFloat64(f []float64) float64
- func OneInt(i []int) int
- func OneInt16(i []int16) int16
- func OneInt32(i []int32) int32
- func OneInt64(i []int64) int64
- func OneInt8(i []int8) int8
- func OneInterface(i []interface{}) interface{}
- func OneString(s []string) string
- func OneUint(u []uint) uint
- func OneUint16(u []uint16) uint16
- func OneUint32(u []uint32) uint32
- func OneUint64(u []uint64) uint64
- func OneUint8(u []uint8) uint8
- func ParseInt(s string, base int, bitSize int) (i int64, err error)
- func ParseUint(s string, base int, bitSize int) (uint64, error)
- func ParseUintByDict(dict []byte, numStr string) (uint64, error)
- func ReferenceSlice(v reflect.Value, ptrDepth int) reflect.Value
- func ReferenceType(t reflect.Type, ptrDepth int) reflect.Type
- func ReferenceValue(v reflect.Value, ptrDepth int) reflect.Value
- func RuntimeTypeID(t reflect.Type) uintptr
- func RuntimeTypeIDOf(i interface{}) uintptr
- func StringSetDifference(set1, set2 []string, others ...[]string) []string
- func StringSetIntersect(set1, set2 []string, others ...[]string) []string
- func StringSetUnion(set1, set2 []string, others ...[]string) []string
- func StringToBool(v string, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (bool, error)
- func StringToBoolPtr(v string, emptyAsFalse ...bool) (*bool, error)
- func StringToFloat32(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (float32, error)
- func StringToFloat32Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*float32, error)
- func StringToFloat64(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (float64, error)
- func StringToFloat64Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*float64, error)
- func StringToInt(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (int, error)
- func StringToInt16(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (int16, error)
- func StringToInt16Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*int16, error)
- func StringToInt32(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (int32, error)
- func StringToInt32Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*int32, error)
- func StringToInt64(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (int64, error)
- func StringToInt64Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*int64, error)
- func StringToInt8(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (int8, error)
- func StringToInt8Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*int8, error)
- func StringToIntPtr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*int, error)
- func StringToInterface(v string) interface{}
- func StringToInterfacePtr(v string) *interface{}
- func StringToStringPtr(v string) *string
- func StringToUint(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (uint, error)
- func StringToUint16(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (uint16, error)
- func StringToUint16Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*uint16, error)
- func StringToUint32(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (uint32, error)
- func StringToUint32Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*uint32, error)
- func StringToUint64(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (uint64, error)
- func StringToUint64Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*uint64, error)
- func StringToUint8(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (uint8, error)
- func StringToUint8Ptr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*uint8, error)
- func StringToUintPtr(v string, emptyAsZero ...bool) (*uint, error)
- func StringsConcat(s ...[]string) []string
- func StringsCopy(s []string) []string
- func StringsCopyWithin(s []string, target, start int, end
- func StringsDistinct(s *[]string, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[string]int)
- func StringsEvery(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v string) bool) bool
- func StringsFill(s []string, value string, start int, end
- func StringsFilter(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v string) bool) []string
- func StringsFind(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v string) bool) (k int, v string)
- func StringsIncludes(s []string, valueToFind string, fromIndex bool
- func StringsIndexOf(s []string, searchElement string, fromIndex int
- func StringsIntersect(s ...[]string) (intersectCount map[string]int)
- func StringsJoin(s []string, sep string) string
- func StringsLastIndexOf(s []string, searchElement string, fromIndex int
- func StringsMap(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v string) string) []string
- func StringsPop(s *[]string) (string, bool)
- func StringsPush(s *[]string, element ...string) int
- func StringsPushDistinct(s []string, element ...string) []string
- func StringsReduce(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v, accumulator string) string, ...) string
- func StringsReduceRight(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v, accumulator string) string, ...) string
- func StringsRemoveEvery(p *[]string, elements ...string) int
- func StringsRemoveFirst(p *[]string, elements ...string) int
- func StringsReverse(s []string)
- func StringsShift(s *[]string) (string, bool)
- func StringsSlice(s []string, begin int, end []string
- func StringsSome(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v string) bool) bool
- func StringsSplice(s *[]string, start, deleteCount int, items ...string)
- func StringsToBools(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]bool, error)
- func StringsToFloat32s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]float32, error)
- func StringsToFloat64s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]float64, error)
- func StringsToInt16s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]int16, error)
- func StringsToInt32s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]int32, error)
- func StringsToInt64s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]int64, error)
- func StringsToInt8s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]int8, error)
- func StringsToInterfaces(s []string) []interface{}
- func StringsToInts(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]int, error)
- func StringsToUint16s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]uint16, error)
- func StringsToUint32s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]uint32, error)
- func StringsToUint64s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]uint64, error)
- func StringsToUint8s(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]uint8, error)
- func StringsToUints(s []string, emptyAsZero ...bool) ([]uint, error)
- func StringsUnshift(s *[]string, element ...string) int
- func StringsUnshiftDistinct(s *[]string, element ...string) int
- func Uint16SetDifference(set1, set2 []uint16, others ...[]uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16SetIntersect(set1, set2 []uint16, others ...[]uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16SetUnion(set1, set2 []uint16, others ...[]uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16ToBool(v uint16) bool
- func Uint16ToBoolPtr(v uint16) *bool
- func Uint16ToFloat32(v uint16) float32
- func Uint16ToFloat32Ptr(v uint16) *float32
- func Uint16ToFloat64(v uint16) float64
- func Uint16ToFloat64Ptr(v uint16) *float64
- func Uint16ToInt(v uint16) int
- func Uint16ToInt16(v uint16) (int16, error)
- func Uint16ToInt16Ptr(v uint16) (*int16, error)
- func Uint16ToInt32(v uint16) int32
- func Uint16ToInt32Ptr(v uint16) *int32
- func Uint16ToInt64(v uint16) int64
- func Uint16ToInt64Ptr(v uint16) *int64
- func Uint16ToInt8(v uint16) (int8, error)
- func Uint16ToInt8Ptr(v uint16) (*int8, error)
- func Uint16ToIntPtr(v uint16) *int
- func Uint16ToInterface(v uint16) interface{}
- func Uint16ToInterfacePtr(v uint16) *interface{}
- func Uint16ToString(v uint16) string
- func Uint16ToStringPtr(v uint16) *string
- func Uint16ToUint(v uint16) uint
- func Uint16ToUint16Ptr(v uint16) *uint16
- func Uint16ToUint32(v uint16) uint32
- func Uint16ToUint32Ptr(v uint16) *uint32
- func Uint16ToUint64(v uint16) uint64
- func Uint16ToUint64Ptr(v uint16) *uint64
- func Uint16ToUint8(v uint16) (uint8, error)
- func Uint16ToUint8Ptr(v uint16) (*uint8, error)
- func Uint16ToUintPtr(v uint16) *uint
- func Uint16sConcat(u ...[]uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16sCopy(u []uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16sCopyWithin(u []uint16, target, start int, end
- func Uint16sDistinct(i *[]uint16, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[uint16]int)
- func Uint16sEvery(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v uint16) bool) bool
- func Uint16sFill(u []uint16, value uint16, start int, end
- func Uint16sFilter(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v uint16) bool) []uint16
- func Uint16sFind(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v uint16) bool) (k int, v uint16)
- func Uint16sIncludes(u []uint16, valueToFind uint16, fromIndex bool
- func Uint16sIndexOf(u []uint16, searchElement uint16, fromIndex int
- func Uint16sIntersect(u ...[]uint16) (intersectCount map[uint16]int)
- func Uint16sLastIndexOf(u []uint16, searchElement uint16, fromIndex int
- func Uint16sMap(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v uint16) uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16sPop(u *[]uint16) (uint16, bool)
- func Uint16sPush(u *[]uint16, element ...uint16) int
- func Uint16sPushDistinct(u []uint16, element ...uint16) []uint16
- func Uint16sReduce(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v, accumulator uint16) uint16, ...) uint16
- func Uint16sReduceRight(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v, accumulator uint16) uint16, ...) uint16
- func Uint16sRemoveEvery(p *[]uint16, elements ...uint16) int
- func Uint16sRemoveFirst(p *[]uint16, elements ...uint16) int
- func Uint16sReverse(u []uint16)
- func Uint16sShift(u *[]uint16) (uint16, bool)
- func Uint16sSlice(u []uint16, begin int, end []uint16
- func Uint16sSome(u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v uint16) bool) bool
- func Uint16sSplice(u *[]uint16, start, deleteCount int, items ...uint16)
- func Uint16sToBools(u []uint16) []bool
- func Uint16sToFloat32s(u []uint16) []float32
- func Uint16sToFloat64s(u []uint16) []float64
- func Uint16sToInt16s(u []uint16) ([]int16, error)
- func Uint16sToInt32s(u []uint16) []int32
- func Uint16sToInt64s(u []uint16) []int64
- func Uint16sToInt8s(u []uint16) ([]int8, error)
- func Uint16sToInterfaces(u []uint16) []interface{}
- func Uint16sToInts(u []uint16) []int
- func Uint16sToStrings(u []uint16) []string
- func Uint16sToUint32s(u []uint16) []uint32
- func Uint16sToUint64s(u []uint16) []uint64
- func Uint16sToUint8s(u []uint16) ([]uint8, error)
- func Uint16sToUints(u []uint16) []uint
- func Uint16sUnshift(u *[]uint16, element ...uint16) int
- func Uint16sUnshiftDistinct(u *[]uint16, element ...uint16) int
- func Uint32SetDifference(set1, set2 []uint32, others ...[]uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32SetIntersect(set1, set2 []uint32, others ...[]uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32SetUnion(set1, set2 []uint32, others ...[]uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32ToBool(v uint32) bool
- func Uint32ToBoolPtr(v uint32) *bool
- func Uint32ToFloat32(v uint32) float32
- func Uint32ToFloat32Ptr(v uint32) *float32
- func Uint32ToFloat64(v uint32) float64
- func Uint32ToFloat64Ptr(v uint32) *float64
- func Uint32ToInt(v uint32) int
- func Uint32ToInt16(v uint32) (int16, error)
- func Uint32ToInt16Ptr(v uint32) (*int16, error)
- func Uint32ToInt32(v uint32) (int32, error)
- func Uint32ToInt32Ptr(v uint32) (*int32, error)
- func Uint32ToInt64(v uint32) int64
- func Uint32ToInt64Ptr(v uint32) *int64
- func Uint32ToInt8(v uint32) (int8, error)
- func Uint32ToInt8Ptr(v uint32) (*int8, error)
- func Uint32ToIntPtr(v uint32) *int
- func Uint32ToInterface(v uint32) interface{}
- func Uint32ToInterfacePtr(v uint32) *interface{}
- func Uint32ToString(v uint32) string
- func Uint32ToStringPtr(v uint32) *string
- func Uint32ToUint(v uint32) uint
- func Uint32ToUint16(v uint32) (uint16, error)
- func Uint32ToUint16Ptr(v uint32) (*uint16, error)
- func Uint32ToUint32Ptr(v uint32) *uint32
- func Uint32ToUint64(v uint32) uint64
- func Uint32ToUint64Ptr(v uint32) *uint64
- func Uint32ToUint8(v uint32) (uint8, error)
- func Uint32ToUint8Ptr(v uint32) (*uint8, error)
- func Uint32ToUintPtr(v uint32) *uint
- func Uint32sConcat(u ...[]uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32sCopy(u []uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32sCopyWithin(u []uint32, target, start int, end
- func Uint32sDistinct(i *[]uint32, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[uint32]int)
- func Uint32sEvery(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v uint32) bool) bool
- func Uint32sFill(u []uint32, value uint32, start int, end
- func Uint32sFilter(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v uint32) bool) []uint32
- func Uint32sFind(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v uint32) bool) (k int, v uint32)
- func Uint32sIncludes(u []uint32, valueToFind uint32, fromIndex bool
- func Uint32sIndexOf(u []uint32, searchElement uint32, fromIndex int
- func Uint32sIntersect(u ...[]uint32) (intersectCount map[uint32]int)
- func Uint32sLastIndexOf(u []uint32, searchElement uint32, fromIndex int
- func Uint32sMap(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v uint32) uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32sPop(u *[]uint32) (uint32, bool)
- func Uint32sPush(u *[]uint32, element ...uint32) int
- func Uint32sPushDistinct(u []uint32, element ...uint32) []uint32
- func Uint32sReduce(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v, accumulator uint32) uint32, ...) uint32
- func Uint32sReduceRight(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v, accumulator uint32) uint32, ...) uint32
- func Uint32sRemoveEvery(p *[]uint32, elements ...uint32) int
- func Uint32sRemoveFirst(p *[]uint32, elements ...uint32) int
- func Uint32sReverse(u []uint32)
- func Uint32sShift(u *[]uint32) (uint32, bool)
- func Uint32sSlice(u []uint32, begin int, end []uint32
- func Uint32sSome(u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v uint32) bool) bool
- func Uint32sSplice(u *[]uint32, start, deleteCount int, items ...uint32)
- func Uint32sToBools(u []uint32) []bool
- func Uint32sToFloat32s(u []uint32) []float32
- func Uint32sToFloat64s(u []uint32) []float64
- func Uint32sToInt16s(u []uint32) ([]int16, error)
- func Uint32sToInt32s(u []uint32) ([]int32, error)
- func Uint32sToInt64s(u []uint32) []int64
- func Uint32sToInt8s(u []uint32) ([]int8, error)
- func Uint32sToInterfaces(u []uint32) []interface{}
- func Uint32sToInts(u []uint32) []int
- func Uint32sToStrings(u []uint32) []string
- func Uint32sToUint16s(u []uint32) ([]uint16, error)
- func Uint32sToUint64s(u []uint32) []uint64
- func Uint32sToUint8s(u []uint32) ([]uint8, error)
- func Uint32sToUints(u []uint32) []uint
- func Uint32sUnshift(u *[]uint32, element ...uint32) int
- func Uint32sUnshiftDistinct(u *[]uint32, element ...uint32) int
- func Uint64SetDifference(set1, set2 []uint64, others ...[]uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64SetIntersect(set1, set2 []uint64, others ...[]uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64SetUnion(set1, set2 []uint64, others ...[]uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64ToBool(v uint64) bool
- func Uint64ToBoolPtr(v uint64) *bool
- func Uint64ToFloat32(v uint64) float32
- func Uint64ToFloat32Ptr(v uint64) *float32
- func Uint64ToFloat64(v uint64) float64
- func Uint64ToFloat64Ptr(v uint64) *float64
- func Uint64ToInt(v uint64) int
- func Uint64ToInt16(v uint64) (int16, error)
- func Uint64ToInt16Ptr(v uint64) (*int16, error)
- func Uint64ToInt32(v uint64) (int32, error)
- func Uint64ToInt32Ptr(v uint64) (*int32, error)
- func Uint64ToInt64(v uint64) (int64, error)
- func Uint64ToInt64Ptr(v uint64) (*int64, error)
- func Uint64ToInt8(v uint64) (int8, error)
- func Uint64ToInt8Ptr(v uint64) (*int8, error)
- func Uint64ToIntPtr(v uint64) *int
- func Uint64ToInterface(v uint64) interface{}
- func Uint64ToInterfacePtr(v uint64) *interface{}
- func Uint64ToString(v uint64) string
- func Uint64ToStringPtr(v uint64) *string
- func Uint64ToUint(v uint64) (uint, error)
- func Uint64ToUint16(v uint64) (uint16, error)
- func Uint64ToUint16Ptr(v uint64) (*uint16, error)
- func Uint64ToUint32(v uint64) (uint32, error)
- func Uint64ToUint32Ptr(v uint64) (*uint32, error)
- func Uint64ToUint64Ptr(v uint64) *uint64
- func Uint64ToUint8(v uint64) (uint8, error)
- func Uint64ToUint8Ptr(v uint64) (*uint8, error)
- func Uint64ToUintPtr(v uint64) (*uint, error)
- func Uint64sConcat(u ...[]uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64sCopy(u []uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64sCopyWithin(u []uint64, target, start int, end
- func Uint64sDistinct(i *[]uint64, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[uint64]int)
- func Uint64sEvery(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v uint64) bool) bool
- func Uint64sFill(u []uint64, value uint64, start int, end
- func Uint64sFilter(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v uint64) bool) []uint64
- func Uint64sFind(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v uint64) bool) (k int, v uint64)
- func Uint64sIncludes(u []uint64, valueToFind uint64, fromIndex bool
- func Uint64sIndexOf(u []uint64, searchElement uint64, fromIndex int
- func Uint64sIntersect(u ...[]uint64) (intersectCount map[uint64]int)
- func Uint64sLastIndexOf(u []uint64, searchElement uint64, fromIndex int
- func Uint64sMap(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v uint64) uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64sPop(u *[]uint64) (uint64, bool)
- func Uint64sPush(u *[]uint64, element ...uint64) int
- func Uint64sPushDistinct(u []uint64, element ...uint64) []uint64
- func Uint64sReduce(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v, accumulator uint64) uint64, ...) uint64
- func Uint64sReduceRight(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v, accumulator uint64) uint64, ...) uint64
- func Uint64sRemoveEvery(p *[]uint64, elements ...uint64) int
- func Uint64sRemoveFirst(p *[]uint64, elements ...uint64) int
- func Uint64sReverse(u []uint64)
- func Uint64sShift(u *[]uint64) (uint64, bool)
- func Uint64sSlice(u []uint64, begin int, end []uint64
- func Uint64sSome(u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v uint64) bool) bool
- func Uint64sSplice(u *[]uint64, start, deleteCount int, items ...uint64)
- func Uint64sToBools(u []uint64) []bool
- func Uint64sToFloat32s(u []uint64) []float32
- func Uint64sToFloat64s(u []uint64) []float64
- func Uint64sToInt16s(u []uint64) ([]int16, error)
- func Uint64sToInt32s(u []uint64) ([]int32, error)
- func Uint64sToInt64s(u []uint64) ([]int64, error)
- func Uint64sToInt8s(u []uint64) ([]int8, error)
- func Uint64sToInterfaces(u []uint64) []interface{}
- func Uint64sToInts(u []uint64) []int
- func Uint64sToStrings(u []uint64) []string
- func Uint64sToUint16s(u []uint64) ([]uint16, error)
- func Uint64sToUint32s(u []uint64) ([]uint32, error)
- func Uint64sToUint8s(u []uint64) ([]uint8, error)
- func Uint64sToUints(u []uint64) ([]uint, error)
- func Uint64sUnshift(u *[]uint64, element ...uint64) int
- func Uint64sUnshiftDistinct(u *[]uint64, element ...uint64) int
- func Uint8SetDifference(set1, set2 []uint8, others ...[]uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8SetIntersect(set1, set2 []uint8, others ...[]uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8SetUnion(set1, set2 []uint8, others ...[]uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8ToBool(v uint8) bool
- func Uint8ToBoolPtr(v uint8) *bool
- func Uint8ToFloat32(v uint8) float32
- func Uint8ToFloat32Ptr(v uint8) *float32
- func Uint8ToFloat64(v uint8) float64
- func Uint8ToFloat64Ptr(v uint8) *float64
- func Uint8ToInt(v uint8) int
- func Uint8ToInt16(v uint8) int16
- func Uint8ToInt16Ptr(v uint8) *int16
- func Uint8ToInt32(v uint8) int32
- func Uint8ToInt32Ptr(v uint8) *int32
- func Uint8ToInt64(v uint8) int64
- func Uint8ToInt64Ptr(v uint8) *int64
- func Uint8ToInt8(v uint8) (int8, error)
- func Uint8ToInt8Ptr(v uint8) (*int8, error)
- func Uint8ToIntPtr(v uint8) *int
- func Uint8ToInterface(v uint8) interface{}
- func Uint8ToInterfacePtr(v uint8) *interface{}
- func Uint8ToString(v uint8) string
- func Uint8ToStringPtr(v uint8) *string
- func Uint8ToUint(v uint8) uint
- func Uint8ToUint16(v uint8) uint16
- func Uint8ToUint16Ptr(v uint8) *uint16
- func Uint8ToUint32(v uint8) uint32
- func Uint8ToUint32Ptr(v uint8) *uint32
- func Uint8ToUint64(v uint8) uint64
- func Uint8ToUint64Ptr(v uint8) *uint64
- func Uint8ToUint8Ptr(v uint8) *uint8
- func Uint8ToUintPtr(v uint8) *uint
- func Uint8sConcat(u ...[]uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8sCopy(u []uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8sCopyWithin(u []uint8, target, start int, end
- func Uint8sDistinct(i *[]uint8, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[uint8]int)
- func Uint8sEvery(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v uint8) bool) bool
- func Uint8sFill(u []uint8, value uint8, start int, end
- func Uint8sFilter(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v uint8) bool) []uint8
- func Uint8sFind(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v uint8) bool) (k int, v uint8)
- func Uint8sIncludes(u []uint8, valueToFind uint8, fromIndex bool
- func Uint8sIndexOf(u []uint8, searchElement uint8, fromIndex int
- func Uint8sIntersect(u ...[]uint8) (intersectCount map[uint8]int)
- func Uint8sLastIndexOf(u []uint8, searchElement uint8, fromIndex int
- func Uint8sMap(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v uint8) uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8sPop(u *[]uint8) (uint8, bool)
- func Uint8sPush(u *[]uint8, element ...uint8) int
- func Uint8sPushDistinct(u []uint8, element ...uint8) []uint8
- func Uint8sReduce(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v, accumulator uint8) uint8, ...) uint8
- func Uint8sReduceRight(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v, accumulator uint8) uint8, ...) uint8
- func Uint8sRemoveEvery(p *[]uint8, elements ...uint8) int
- func Uint8sRemoveFirst(p *[]uint8, elements ...uint8) int
- func Uint8sReverse(u []uint8)
- func Uint8sShift(u *[]uint8) (uint8, bool)
- func Uint8sSlice(u []uint8, begin int, end []uint8
- func Uint8sSome(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v uint8) bool) bool
- func Uint8sSplice(u *[]uint8, start, deleteCount int, items ...uint8)
- func Uint8sToBools(u []uint8) []bool
- func Uint8sToFloat32s(u []uint8) []float32
- func Uint8sToFloat64s(u []uint8) []float64
- func Uint8sToInt16s(u []uint8) []int16
- func Uint8sToInt32s(u []uint8) []int32
- func Uint8sToInt64s(u []uint8) []int64
- func Uint8sToInt8s(u []uint8) ([]int8, error)
- func Uint8sToInterfaces(u []uint8) []interface{}
- func Uint8sToInts(u []uint8) []int
- func Uint8sToStrings(u []uint8) []string
- func Uint8sToUint16s(u []uint8) []uint16
- func Uint8sToUint32s(u []uint8) []uint32
- func Uint8sToUint64s(u []uint8) []uint64
- func Uint8sToUints(u []uint8) []uint
- func Uint8sUnshift(u *[]uint8, element ...uint8) int
- func Uint8sUnshiftDistinct(u *[]uint8, element ...uint8) int
- func UintSetDifference(set1, set2 []uint, others ...[]uint) []uint
- func UintSetIntersect(set1, set2 []uint, others ...[]uint) []uint
- func UintSetUnion(set1, set2 []uint, others ...[]uint) []uint
- func UintToBool(v uint) bool
- func UintToBoolPtr(v uint) *bool
- func UintToFloat32(v uint) float32
- func UintToFloat32Ptr(v uint) *float32
- func UintToFloat64(v uint) float64
- func UintToFloat64Ptr(v uint) *float64
- func UintToInt(v uint) (int, error)
- func UintToInt16(v uint) (int16, error)
- func UintToInt16Ptr(v uint) (*int16, error)
- func UintToInt32(v uint) (int32, error)
- func UintToInt32Ptr(v uint) (*int32, error)
- func UintToInt64(v uint) (int64, error)
- func UintToInt64Ptr(v uint) (*int64, error)
- func UintToInt8(v uint) (int8, error)
- func UintToInt8Ptr(v uint) (*int8, error)
- func UintToIntPtr(v uint) (*int, error)
- func UintToInterface(v uint) interface{}
- func UintToInterfacePtr(v uint) *interface{}
- func UintToString(v uint) string
- func UintToStringPtr(v uint) *string
- func UintToUint16(v uint) (uint16, error)
- func UintToUint16Ptr(v uint) (*uint16, error)
- func UintToUint32(v uint) (uint32, error)
- func UintToUint32Ptr(v uint) (*uint32, error)
- func UintToUint64(v uint) uint64
- func UintToUint64Ptr(v uint) *uint64
- func UintToUint8(v uint) (uint8, error)
- func UintToUint8Ptr(v uint) (*uint8, error)
- func UintToUintPtr(v uint) *uint
- func UintsConcat(u ...[]uint) []uint
- func UintsCopy(u []uint) []uint
- func UintsCopyWithin(u []uint, target, start int, end
- func UintsDistinct(i *[]uint, changeSlice bool) (distinctCount map[uint]int)
- func UintsEvery(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v uint) bool) bool
- func UintsFill(u []uint, value uint, start int, end
- func UintsFilter(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v uint) bool) []uint
- func UintsFind(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v uint) bool) (k int, v uint)
- func UintsIncludes(u []uint, valueToFind uint, fromIndex bool
- func UintsIndexOf(u []uint, searchElement uint, fromIndex int
- func UintsIntersect(u ...[]uint) (intersectCount map[uint]int)
- func UintsLastIndexOf(u []uint, searchElement uint, fromIndex int
- func UintsMap(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v uint) uint) []uint
- func UintsPop(u *[]uint) (uint, bool)
- func UintsPush(u *[]uint, element ...uint) int
- func UintsPushDistinct(u []uint, element ...uint) []uint
- func UintsReduce(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v, accumulator uint) uint, ...) uint
- func UintsReduceRight(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v, accumulator uint) uint, ...) uint
- func UintsRemoveEvery(p *[]uint, elements ...uint) int
- func UintsRemoveFirst(p *[]uint, elements ...uint) int
- func UintsReverse(u []uint)
- func UintsShift(u *[]uint) (uint, bool)
- func UintsSlice(u []uint, begin int, end []uint
- func UintsSome(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v uint) bool) bool
- func UintsSplice(u *[]uint, start, deleteCount int, items ...uint)
- func UintsToBools(u []uint) []bool
- func UintsToFloat32s(u []uint) []float32
- func UintsToFloat64s(u []uint) []float64
- func UintsToInt16s(u []uint) ([]int16, error)
- func UintsToInt32s(u []uint) ([]int32, error)
- func UintsToInt64s(u []uint) ([]int64, error)
- func UintsToInt8s(u []uint) ([]int8, error)
- func UintsToInterfaces(u []uint) []interface{}
- func UintsToInts(u []uint) ([]int, error)
- func UintsToStrings(u []uint) []string
- func UintsToUint16s(u []uint) ([]uint16, error)
- func UintsToUint32s(u []uint) ([]uint32, error)
- func UintsToUint64s(u []uint) []uint64
- func UintsToUint8s(u []uint) ([]uint8, error)
- func UintsUnshift(u *[]uint, element ...uint) int
- func UintsUnshiftDistinct(u *[]uint, element ...uint) int
- func UnsafeBytesToString(b []byte) string
- func UnsafeStringToBytes(s string) []byte
- type Value
Constants ¶
const ( Host64bit = strconv.IntSize == 64 Host32bit = ^uint(0)>>32 == 0 MaxUnsignedInt = ^uint(0) MinUnsignedInt = 0 MaxInteger = int(MaxUnsignedInt >> 1) MinInteger = -MaxInteger - 1 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AppendInt ¶
AppendInt appends the string form of the integer i, as generated by FormatInt, to dst and returns the extended buffer. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func AppendUint ¶
AppendUint appends the string form of the unsigned integer i, as generated by FormatUint, to dst and returns the extended buffer. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func BoolToFloat32Ptr ¶
BoolToFloat32Ptr converts bool to *float32.
func BoolToFloat64Ptr ¶
BoolToFloat64Ptr converts bool to *float64.
func BoolToInterface ¶
func BoolToInterface(v bool) interface{}
BoolToInterface converts bool to interface.
func BoolToInterfacePtr ¶
func BoolToInterfacePtr(v bool) *interface{}
BoolToInterfacePtr converts bool to *interface.
func BoolToStringPtr ¶
BoolToStringPtr converts bool to *string.
func BoolToUint16Ptr ¶
BoolToUint16Ptr converts bool to *uint16.
func BoolToUint32Ptr ¶
BoolToUint32Ptr converts bool to *uint32.
func BoolToUint64Ptr ¶
BoolToUint64Ptr converts bool to *uint64.
func BoolsConcat ¶
BoolsConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func BoolsCopyWithin ¶
BoolsCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func BoolsDistinct ¶
BoolsDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func BoolsEvery ¶
BoolsEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func BoolsFill ¶
BoolsFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func BoolsFilter ¶
BoolsFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func BoolsFind ¶
BoolsFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func BoolsIncludes ¶
BoolsIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func BoolsIndexOf ¶
BoolsIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func BoolsIntersect ¶
BoolsIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func BoolsLastIndexOf ¶
BoolsLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func BoolsMap ¶
BoolsMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func BoolsPop ¶
BoolsPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func BoolsPush ¶
BoolsPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func BoolsPushDistinct ¶
BoolsPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func BoolsReduce ¶
func BoolsReduce( b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v, accumulator bool) bool, initialValue ...bool, ) bool
BoolsReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func BoolsReduceRight ¶
func BoolsReduceRight( b []bool, fn func(b []bool, k int, v, accumulator bool) bool, initialValue ...bool, ) bool
BoolsReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func BoolsRemoveEvery ¶
BoolsRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func BoolsRemoveFirst ¶
BoolsRemoveFirst removes the first matched element from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func BoolsShift ¶
BoolsShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func BoolsSlice ¶
BoolsSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func BoolsSome ¶
BoolsSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func BoolsSplice ¶
BoolsSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func BoolsToFloat32s ¶
BoolsToFloat32s converts int8 slice to float32 slice.
func BoolsToFloat64s ¶
BoolsToFloat64s converts int8 slice to float64 slice.
func BoolsToInt16s ¶
BoolsToInt16s converts int8 slice to int16 slice.
func BoolsToInt32s ¶
BoolsToInt32s converts int8 slice to int32 slice.
func BoolsToInt64s ¶
BoolsToInt64s converts int8 slice to int64 slice.
func BoolsToInterfaces ¶
func BoolsToInterfaces(b []bool) []interface{}
BoolsToInterfaces converts int8 slice to interface slice.
func BoolsToStrings ¶
BoolsToStrings converts int8 slice to string slice.
func BoolsToUint16s ¶
BoolsToUint16s converts bool slice to uint16 slice.
func BoolsToUint32s ¶
BoolsToUint32s converts bool slice to uint32 slice.
func BoolsToUint64s ¶
BoolsToUint64s converts bool slice to uint64 slice.
func BoolsToUint8s ¶
BoolsToUint8s converts bool slice to uint8 slice.
func BoolsToUints ¶
BoolsToUints converts bool slice to uint slice.
func BoolsUnshift ¶
BoolsUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func BoolsUnshiftDistinct ¶
BoolsUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func DereferenceImplementType ¶
DereferenceImplementType returns the underlying type of the value that implements the interface v.
func DereferenceInterfaceValue ¶
DereferenceInterfaceValue returns the value of the underlying type that implements the interface v.
func DereferencePtrValue ¶
DereferencePtrValue returns the underlying non-pointer type value.
func DereferenceSlice ¶
DereferenceSlice convert []*T to []T.
func DereferenceType ¶
DereferenceType dereference, get the underlying non-pointer type.
func DereferenceValue ¶
DereferenceValue dereference and unpack interface, get the underlying non-pointer and non-interface value.
func Float32SetDifference ¶
Float32SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float32SetIntersect ¶
Float32SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float32SetUnion ¶
Float32SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float32ToBoolPtr ¶
Float32ToBoolPtr converts float32 to *bool.
func Float32ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Float32ToFloat32Ptr converts float32 to *float32.
func Float32ToFloat64 ¶
Float32ToFloat64 converts float32 to float64.
func Float32ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Float32ToFloat64Ptr converts float32 to *float64.
func Float32ToInt16 ¶
Float32ToInt16 converts float32 to int16.
func Float32ToInt16Ptr ¶
Float32ToInt16Ptr converts float32 to *int16.
func Float32ToInt32 ¶
Float32ToInt32 converts float32 to int32.
func Float32ToInt32Ptr ¶
Float32ToInt32Ptr converts float32 to *int32.
func Float32ToInt64 ¶
Float32ToInt64 converts float32 to int64.
func Float32ToInt64Ptr ¶
Float32ToInt64Ptr converts float32 to *int64.
func Float32ToInt8 ¶
Float32ToInt8 converts float32 to int8.
func Float32ToInt8Ptr ¶
Float32ToInt8Ptr converts float32 to *int8.
func Float32ToInterface ¶
func Float32ToInterface(v float32) interface{}
Float32ToInterface converts float32 to interface.
func Float32ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Float32ToInterfacePtr(v float32) *interface{}
Float32ToInterfacePtr converts float32 to *interface.
func Float32ToString ¶
Float32ToString converts float32 to string.
func Float32ToStringPtr ¶
Float32ToStringPtr converts float32 to *string.
func Float32ToUint ¶
Float32ToUint converts float32 to uint.
func Float32ToUint16 ¶
Float32ToUint16 converts float32 to uint16.
func Float32ToUint16Ptr ¶
Float32ToUint16Ptr converts float32 to *uint16.
func Float32ToUint32 ¶
Float32ToUint32 converts float32 to uint32.
func Float32ToUint32Ptr ¶
Float32ToUint32Ptr converts float32 to *uint32.
func Float32ToUint64 ¶
Float32ToUint64 converts float32 to uint64.
func Float32ToUint64Ptr ¶
Float32ToUint64Ptr converts float32 to *uint64.
func Float32ToUint8 ¶
Float32ToUint8 converts float32 to uint8.
func Float32ToUint8Ptr ¶
Float32ToUint8Ptr converts float32 to *uint8.
func Float32ToUintPtr ¶
Float32ToUintPtr converts float32 to *uint.
func Float32sCopy ¶
Float32sCopy creates a copy of the float32 slice.
func Float32sCopyWithin ¶
Float32sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Float32sDistinct ¶
Float32sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Float32sEvery ¶
Float32sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Float32sFill ¶
Float32sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Float32sFilter ¶
Float32sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Float32sFind ¶
Float32sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Float32sIncludes ¶
Float32sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float32sIndexOf ¶
Float32sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float32sIntersect ¶
Float32sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Float32sLastIndexOf ¶
Float32sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float32sMap ¶
Float32sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Float32sPop ¶
Float32sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Float32sPush ¶
Float32sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float32sPushDistinct ¶
Float32sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Float32sReduce ¶
func Float32sReduce( f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v, accumulator float32) float32, initialValue ...float32, ) float32
Float32sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Float32sReduceRight ¶
func Float32sReduceRight( f []float32, fn func(f []float32, k int, v, accumulator float32) float32, initialValue ...float32, ) float32
Float32sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Float32sRemoveEvery ¶
Float32sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float32sRemoveFirst ¶
Float32sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float32sReverse ¶
func Float32sReverse(f []float32)
Float32sReverse reverses an slice in place.
func Float32sShift ¶
Float32sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Float32sSlice ¶
Float32sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Float32sSome ¶
Float32sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Float32sSplice ¶
Float32sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Float32sToBools ¶
Float32sToBools converts float32 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Float32sToFloat64s ¶
Float32sToFloat64s converts float32 slice to float64 slice.
func Float32sToInt16s ¶
Float32sToInt16s converts float32 slice to int16 slice.
func Float32sToInt32s ¶
Float32sToInt32s converts float32 slice to int32 slice.
func Float32sToInt64s ¶
Float32sToInt64s converts float32 slice to int64 slice.
func Float32sToInt8s ¶
Float32sToInt8s converts float32 slice to int8 slice.
func Float32sToInterfaces ¶
func Float32sToInterfaces(f []float32) []interface{}
Float32sToInterfaces converts float32 slice to interface slice.
func Float32sToInts ¶
Float32sToInts converts float32 slice to int slice.
func Float32sToStrings ¶
Float32sToStrings converts float32 slice to string slice.
func Float32sToUint16s ¶
Float32sToUint16s converts float32 slice to uint16 slice.
func Float32sToUint32s ¶
Float32sToUint32s converts float32 slice to uint32 slice.
func Float32sToUint64s ¶
Float32sToUint64s converts float32 slice to uint64 slice.
func Float32sToUint8s ¶
Float32sToUint8s converts float32 slice to uint8 slice.
func Float32sToUints ¶
Float32sToUints converts float32 slice to uint slice.
func Float32sUnshift ¶
Float32sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float32sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Float32sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float64SetDifference ¶
Float64SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float64SetIntersect ¶
Float64SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float64SetUnion ¶
Float64SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Float64ToBoolPtr ¶
Float64ToBoolPtr converts float64 to *bool.
func Float64ToFloat32 ¶
Float64ToFloat32 converts float64 to float32.
func Float64ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Float64ToFloat32Ptr converts float64 to *float32.
func Float64ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Float64ToFloat64Ptr converts float64 to *float64.
func Float64ToInt16 ¶
Float64ToInt16 converts float64 to int16.
func Float64ToInt16Ptr ¶
Float64ToInt16Ptr converts float64 to *int16.
func Float64ToInt32 ¶
Float64ToInt32 converts float64 to int32.
func Float64ToInt32Ptr ¶
Float64ToInt32Ptr converts float64 to *int32.
func Float64ToInt64 ¶
Float64ToInt64 converts float64 to int64.
func Float64ToInt64Ptr ¶
Float64ToInt64Ptr converts float64 to *int64.
func Float64ToInt8 ¶
Float64ToInt8 converts float64 to int8.
func Float64ToInt8Ptr ¶
Float64ToInt8Ptr converts float64 to *int8.
func Float64ToInterface ¶
func Float64ToInterface(v float64) interface{}
Float64ToInterface converts float64 to interface.
func Float64ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Float64ToInterfacePtr(v float64) *interface{}
Float64ToInterfacePtr converts float64 to *interface.
func Float64ToString ¶
Float64ToString converts float64 to string.
func Float64ToStringPtr ¶
Float64ToStringPtr converts float64 to *string.
func Float64ToUint ¶
Float64ToUint converts float64 to uint.
func Float64ToUint16 ¶
Float64ToUint16 converts float64 to uint16.
func Float64ToUint16Ptr ¶
Float64ToUint16Ptr converts float64 to *uint16.
func Float64ToUint32 ¶
Float64ToUint32 converts float64 to uint32.
func Float64ToUint32Ptr ¶
Float64ToUint32Ptr converts float64 to *uint32.
func Float64ToUint64 ¶
Float64ToUint64 converts float64 to uint64.
func Float64ToUint64Ptr ¶
Float64ToUint64Ptr converts float64 to *uint64.
func Float64ToUint8 ¶
Float64ToUint8 converts float64 to uint8.
func Float64ToUint8Ptr ¶
Float64ToUint8Ptr converts float64 to *uint8.
func Float64ToUintPtr ¶
Float64ToUintPtr converts float64 to *uint.
func Float64sCopy ¶
Float64sCopy creates a copy of the float64 slice.
func Float64sCopyWithin ¶
Float64sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Float64sDistinct ¶
Float64sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Float64sEvery ¶
Float64sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Float64sFill ¶
Float64sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Float64sFilter ¶
Float64sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Float64sFind ¶
Float64sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Float64sIncludes ¶
Float64sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float64sIndexOf ¶
Float64sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float64sIntersect ¶
Float64sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Float64sLastIndexOf ¶
Float64sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Float64sMap ¶
Float64sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Float64sPop ¶
Float64sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Float64sPush ¶
Float64sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float64sPushDistinct ¶
Float64sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Float64sReduce ¶
func Float64sReduce( f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v, accumulator float64) float64, initialValue ...float64, ) float64
Float64sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Float64sReduceRight ¶
func Float64sReduceRight( f []float64, fn func(f []float64, k int, v, accumulator float64) float64, initialValue ...float64, ) float64
Float64sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Float64sRemoveEvery ¶
Float64sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float64sRemoveFirst ¶
Float64sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float64sReverse ¶
func Float64sReverse(f []float64)
Float64sReverse reverses an slice in place.
func Float64sShift ¶
Float64sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Float64sSlice ¶
Float64sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Float64sSome ¶
Float64sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Float64sSplice ¶
Float64sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Float64sToBools ¶
Float64sToBools converts float64 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Float64sToFloat32s ¶
Float64sToFloat32s converts float64 slice to float32 slice.
func Float64sToInt16s ¶
Float64sToInt16s converts float64 slice to int16 slice.
func Float64sToInt32s ¶
Float64sToInt32s converts float64 slice to int32 slice.
func Float64sToInt64s ¶
Float64sToInt64s converts float64 slice to int64 slice.
func Float64sToInt8s ¶
Float64sToInt8s converts float64 slice to int8 slice.
func Float64sToInterfaces ¶
func Float64sToInterfaces(f []float64) []interface{}
Float64sToInterfaces converts float64 slice to interface slice.
func Float64sToInts ¶
Float64sToInts converts float64 slice to int slice.
func Float64sToStrings ¶
Float64sToStrings converts float64 slice to string slice.
func Float64sToUint16s ¶
Float64sToUint16s converts float64 slice to uint16 slice.
func Float64sToUint32s ¶
Float64sToUint32s converts float64 slice to uint32 slice.
func Float64sToUint64s ¶
Float64sToUint64s converts float64 slice to uint64 slice.
func Float64sToUint8s ¶
Float64sToUint8s converts float64 slice to uint8 slice.
func Float64sToUints ¶
Float64sToUints converts float64 slice to uint slice.
func Float64sUnshift ¶
Float64sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Float64sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Float64sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func FormatInt ¶
FormatInt returns the string representation of i in the given base, for 2 <= base <= 62. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func FormatUint ¶
FormatUint returns the string representation of i in the given base, for 2 <= base <= 62. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func FormatUintByDict ¶
FormatUintByDict convert num into corresponding string according to dict.
func IndirectValue ¶
IndirectValue gets the indirect value.
func InitFloat32 ¶
InitFloat32 initializes zero float32 pointer with def.
func InitFloat64 ¶
InitFloat64 initializes zero float64 pointer with def.
func InitPointer ¶
InitPointer initializes nil pointer with zero value.
func InitSampleValue ¶
InitSampleValue initialize the given type with some non-zero value( "?", $max_number, 0.1, true)
func InitString ¶
InitString initializes empty string pointer with def.
func InitUint16 ¶
InitUint16 initializes zero uint16 pointer with def.
func InitUint32 ¶
InitUint32 initializes zero uint32 pointer with def.
func InitUint64 ¶
InitUint64 initializes zero uint64 pointer with def.
func Int16SetDifference ¶
Int16SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int16SetIntersect ¶
Int16SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int16SetUnion ¶
Int16SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int16ToFloat32 ¶
Int16ToFloat32 converts int16 to float32.
func Int16ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Int16ToFloat32Ptr converts int16 to *float32.
func Int16ToFloat64 ¶
Int16ToFloat64 converts int16 to float64.
func Int16ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Int16ToFloat64Ptr converts int16 to *float64.
func Int16ToInt16Ptr ¶
Int16ToInt16Ptr converts int16 to *int16.
func Int16ToInt32Ptr ¶
Int16ToInt32Ptr converts int16 to *int32.
func Int16ToInt64Ptr ¶
Int16ToInt64Ptr converts int16 to *int64.
func Int16ToInt8Ptr ¶
Int16ToInt8Ptr converts int16 to *int8.
func Int16ToInterface ¶
func Int16ToInterface(v int16) interface{}
Int16ToInterface converts int16 to interface.
func Int16ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Int16ToInterfacePtr(v int16) *interface{}
Int16ToInterfacePtr converts int16 to *interface.
func Int16ToStringPtr ¶
Int16ToStringPtr converts int16 to *string.
func Int16ToUint16 ¶
Int16ToUint16 converts int16 to uint16.
func Int16ToUint16Ptr ¶
Int16ToUint16Ptr converts int16 to *uint16.
func Int16ToUint32 ¶
Int16ToUint32 converts int16 to uint32.
func Int16ToUint32Ptr ¶
Int16ToUint32Ptr converts int16 to *uint32.
func Int16ToUint64 ¶
Int16ToUint64 converts int16 to uint64.
func Int16ToUint64Ptr ¶
Int16ToUint64Ptr converts int16 to *uint64.
func Int16ToUint8Ptr ¶
Int16ToUint8Ptr converts int16 to *uint8.
func Int16ToUintPtr ¶
Int16ToUintPtr converts int16 to *uint.
func Int16sConcat ¶
Int16sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int16sCopyWithin ¶
Int16sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int16sDistinct ¶
Int16sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Int16sEvery ¶
Int16sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Int16sFill ¶
Int16sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int16sFilter ¶
Int16sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Int16sFind ¶
Int16sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Int16sIncludes ¶
Int16sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int16sIndexOf ¶
Int16sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int16sIntersect ¶
Int16sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Int16sLastIndexOf ¶
Int16sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int16sMap ¶
Int16sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Int16sPop ¶
Int16sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int16sPush ¶
Int16sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int16sPushDistinct ¶
Int16sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Int16sReduce ¶
func Int16sReduce(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v, accumulator int16) int16, initialValue ...int16, ) int16
Int16sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int16sReduceRight ¶
func Int16sReduceRight(i []int16, fn func(i []int16, k int, v, accumulator int16) int16, initialValue ...int16, ) int16
Int16sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int16sRemoveEvery ¶
Int16sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int16sRemoveFirst ¶
Int16sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int16sShift ¶
Int16sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int16sSlice ¶
Int16sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Int16sSome ¶
Int16sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Int16sSplice ¶
Int16sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Int16sToBools ¶
Int16sToBools converts int16 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Int16sToFloat32s ¶
Int16sToFloat32s converts int16 slice to float32 slice.
func Int16sToFloat64s ¶
Int16sToFloat64s converts int16 slice to float64 slice.
func Int16sToInt32s ¶
Int16sToInt32s converts int16 slice to int32 slice.
func Int16sToInt64s ¶
Int16sToInt64s converts int16 slice to int64 slice.
func Int16sToInt8s ¶
Int16sToInt8s converts int16 slice to int8 slice.
func Int16sToInterfaces ¶
func Int16sToInterfaces(i []int16) []interface{}
Int16sToInterfaces converts int16 slice to interface slice.
func Int16sToInts ¶
Int16sToInts converts int16 slice to int slice.
func Int16sToStrings ¶
Int16sToStrings converts int16 slice to string slice.
func Int16sToUint16s ¶
Int16sToUint16s converts int16 slice to uint16 slice.
func Int16sToUint32s ¶
Int16sToUint32s converts int16 slice to uint32 slice.
func Int16sToUint64s ¶
Int16sToUint64s converts int16 slice to uint64 slice.
func Int16sToUint8s ¶
Int16sToUint8s converts int16 slice to uint8 slice.
func Int16sToUints ¶
Int16sToUints converts int16 slice to uint slice.
func Int16sUnshift ¶
Int16sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int16sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Int16sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int32SetDifference ¶
Int32SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int32SetIntersect ¶
Int32SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int32SetUnion ¶
Int32SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int32ToFloat32 ¶
Int32ToFloat32 converts int32 to float32.
func Int32ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Int32ToFloat32Ptr converts int32 to *float32.
func Int32ToFloat64 ¶
Int32ToFloat64 converts int32 to float64.
func Int32ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Int32ToFloat64Ptr converts int32 to *float64.
func Int32ToInt16Ptr ¶
Int32ToInt16Ptr converts int32 to *int16.
func Int32ToInt32Ptr ¶
Int32ToInt32Ptr converts int32 to *int32.
func Int32ToInt64Ptr ¶
Int32ToInt64Ptr converts int32 to *int64.
func Int32ToInt8Ptr ¶
Int32ToInt8Ptr converts int32 to *int8.
func Int32ToInterface ¶
func Int32ToInterface(v int32) interface{}
Int32ToInterface converts int32 to interface.
func Int32ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Int32ToInterfacePtr(v int32) *interface{}
Int32ToInterfacePtr converts int32 to *interface.
func Int32ToStringPtr ¶
Int32ToStringPtr converts int32 to *string.
func Int32ToUint16 ¶
Int32ToUint16 converts int32 to uint16.
func Int32ToUint16Ptr ¶
Int32ToUint16Ptr converts int32 to *uint16.
func Int32ToUint32 ¶
Int32ToUint32 converts int32 to uint32.
func Int32ToUint32Ptr ¶
Int32ToUint32Ptr converts int32 to *uint32.
func Int32ToUint64 ¶
Int32ToUint64 converts int32 to uint64.
func Int32ToUint64Ptr ¶
Int32ToUint64Ptr converts int32 to *uint64.
func Int32ToUint8Ptr ¶
Int32ToUint8Ptr converts int32 to *uint8.
func Int32ToUintPtr ¶
Int32ToUintPtr converts int32 to *uint.
func Int32sConcat ¶
Int32sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int32sCopyWithin ¶
Int32sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int32sDistinct ¶
Int32sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Int32sEvery ¶
Int32sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Int32sFill ¶
Int32sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int32sFilter ¶
Int32sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Int32sFind ¶
Int32sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Int32sIncludes ¶
Int32sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int32sIndexOf ¶
Int32sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int32sIntersect ¶
Int32sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Int32sLastIndexOf ¶
Int32sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int32sMap ¶
Int32sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Int32sPop ¶
Int32sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int32sPush ¶
Int32sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int32sPushDistinct ¶
Int32sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Int32sReduce ¶
func Int32sReduce(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v, accumulator int32) int32, initialValue ...int32, ) int32
Int32sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int32sReduceRight ¶
func Int32sReduceRight(i []int32, fn func(i []int32, k int, v, accumulator int32) int32, initialValue ...int32, ) int32
Int32sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int32sRemoveEvery ¶
Int32sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int32sRemoveFirst ¶
Int32sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int32sShift ¶
Int32sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int32sSlice ¶
Int32sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Int32sSome ¶
Int32sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Int32sSplice ¶
Int32sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Int32sToBools ¶
Int32sToBools converts int32 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Int32sToFloat32s ¶
Int32sToFloat32s converts int32 slice to float32 slice.
func Int32sToFloat64s ¶
Int32sToFloat64s converts int32 slice to float64 slice.
func Int32sToInt16s ¶
Int32sToInt16s converts int32 slice to int16 slice.
func Int32sToInt64s ¶
Int32sToInt64s converts int32 slice to int64 slice.
func Int32sToInt8s ¶
Int32sToInt8s converts int32 slice to int8 slice.
func Int32sToInterfaces ¶
func Int32sToInterfaces(i []int32) []interface{}
Int32sToInterfaces converts int32 slice to interface slice.
func Int32sToInts ¶
Int32sToInts converts int32 slice to int slice.
func Int32sToStrings ¶
Int32sToStrings converts int32 slice to string slice.
func Int32sToUint16s ¶
Int32sToUint16s converts int32 slice to uint16 slice.
func Int32sToUint32s ¶
Int32sToUint32s converts int32 slice to uint32 slice.
func Int32sToUint64s ¶
Int32sToUint64s converts int32 slice to uint64 slice.
func Int32sToUint8s ¶
Int32sToUint8s converts int32 slice to uint8 slice.
func Int32sToUints ¶
Int32sToUints converts int32 slice to uint slice.
func Int32sUnshift ¶
Int32sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int32sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Int32sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int64SetDifference ¶
Int64SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int64SetIntersect ¶
Int64SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int64SetUnion ¶
Int64SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int64ToFloat32 ¶
Int64ToFloat32 converts int64 to float32.
func Int64ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Int64ToFloat32Ptr converts int64 to *float32.
func Int64ToFloat64 ¶
Int64ToFloat64 converts int64 to float64.
func Int64ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Int64ToFloat64Ptr converts int64 to *float64.
func Int64ToInt16Ptr ¶
Int64ToInt16Ptr converts int64 to *int16.
func Int64ToInt32Ptr ¶
Int64ToInt32Ptr converts int64 to *int32.
func Int64ToInt64Ptr ¶
Int64ToInt64Ptr converts int64 to *int64.
func Int64ToInt8Ptr ¶
Int64ToInt8Ptr converts int64 to *int8.
func Int64ToIntPtr ¶
Int64ToIntPtr converts int64 to *int.
func Int64ToInterface ¶
func Int64ToInterface(v int64) interface{}
Int64ToInterface converts int64 to interface.
func Int64ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Int64ToInterfacePtr(v int64) *interface{}
Int64ToInterfacePtr converts int64 to *interface.
func Int64ToStringPtr ¶
Int64ToStringPtr converts int64 to *string.
func Int64ToUint16 ¶
Int64ToUint16 converts int64 to uint16.
func Int64ToUint16Ptr ¶
Int64ToUint16Ptr converts int64 to *uint16.
func Int64ToUint32 ¶
Int64ToUint32 converts int64 to uint32.
func Int64ToUint32Ptr ¶
Int64ToUint32Ptr converts int64 to *uint32.
func Int64ToUint64 ¶
Int64ToUint64 converts int64 to uint64.
func Int64ToUint64Ptr ¶
Int64ToUint64Ptr converts int64 to *uint64.
func Int64ToUint8Ptr ¶
Int64ToUint8Ptr converts int64 to *uint8.
func Int64ToUintPtr ¶
Int64ToUintPtr converts int64 to *uint.
func Int64sConcat ¶
Int64sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int64sCopyWithin ¶
Int64sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int64sDistinct ¶
Int64sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Int64sEvery ¶
Int64sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Int64sFill ¶
Int64sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int64sFilter ¶
Int64sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Int64sFind ¶
Int64sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Int64sIncludes ¶
Int64sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int64sIndexOf ¶
Int64sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int64sIntersect ¶
Int64sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Int64sLastIndexOf ¶
Int64sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int64sMap ¶
Int64sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Int64sPop ¶
Int64sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int64sPush ¶
Int64sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int64sPushDistinct ¶
Int64sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Int64sReduce ¶
func Int64sReduce( i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v, accumulator int64) int64, initialValue ...int64, ) int64
Int64sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int64sReduceRight ¶
func Int64sReduceRight( i []int64, fn func(i []int64, k int, v, accumulator int64) int64, initialValue ...int64, ) int64
Int64sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int64sRemoveEvery ¶
Int64sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int64sRemoveFirst ¶
Int64sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int64sShift ¶
Int64sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int64sSlice ¶
Int64sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Int64sSome ¶
Int64sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Int64sSplice ¶
Int64sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Int64sToBools ¶
Int64sToBools converts int64 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Int64sToFloat32s ¶
Int64sToFloat32s converts int64 slice to float32 slice.
func Int64sToFloat64s ¶
Int64sToFloat64s converts int64 slice to float64 slice.
func Int64sToInt16s ¶
Int64sToInt16s converts int64 slice to int16 slice.
func Int64sToInt32s ¶
Int64sToInt32s converts int64 slice to int32 slice.
func Int64sToInt8s ¶
Int64sToInt8s converts int64 slice to int8 slice.
func Int64sToInterfaces ¶
func Int64sToInterfaces(i []int64) []interface{}
Int64sToInterfaces converts int64 slice to interface slice.
func Int64sToInts ¶
Int64sToInts converts int64 slice to int slice.
func Int64sToStrings ¶
Int64sToStrings converts int64 slice to string slice.
func Int64sToUint16s ¶
Int64sToUint16s converts int64 slice to uint16 slice.
func Int64sToUint32s ¶
Int64sToUint32s converts int64 slice to uint32 slice.
func Int64sToUint64s ¶
Int64sToUint64s converts int64 slice to uint64 slice.
func Int64sToUint8s ¶
Int64sToUint8s converts int64 slice to uint8 slice.
func Int64sToUints ¶
Int64sToUints converts int64 slice to uint slice.
func Int64sUnshift ¶
Int64sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int64sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Int64sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int8SetDifference ¶
Int8SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int8SetIntersect ¶
Int8SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int8SetUnion ¶
Int8SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int8ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Int8ToFloat32Ptr converts int8 to *float32.
func Int8ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Int8ToFloat64Ptr converts int8 to *float64.
func Int8ToInterface ¶
func Int8ToInterface(v int8) interface{}
Int8ToInterface converts int8 to interface.
func Int8ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Int8ToInterfacePtr(v int8) *interface{}
Int8ToInterfacePtr converts int8 to *interface.
func Int8ToStringPtr ¶
Int8ToStringPtr converts int8 to *string.
func Int8ToUint16Ptr ¶
Int8ToUint16Ptr converts int8 to *uint16.
func Int8ToUint32Ptr ¶
Int8ToUint32Ptr converts int8 to *uint32.
func Int8ToUint64Ptr ¶
Int8ToUint64Ptr converts int8 to *uint64.
func Int8ToUint8Ptr ¶
Int8ToUint8Ptr converts int8 to *uint8.
func Int8ToUintPtr ¶
Int8ToUintPtr converts int8 to *uint.
func Int8sConcat ¶
Int8sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Int8sCopyWithin ¶
Int8sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int8sDistinct ¶
Int8sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Int8sEvery ¶
Int8sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Int8sFill ¶
Int8sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Int8sFilter ¶
Int8sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Int8sFind ¶
Int8sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Int8sIncludes ¶
Int8sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int8sIndexOf ¶
Int8sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int8sIntersect ¶
Int8sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Int8sLastIndexOf ¶
Int8sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Int8sMap ¶
Int8sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Int8sPop ¶
Int8sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int8sPush ¶
Int8sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int8sPushDistinct ¶
Int8sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Int8sReduce ¶
func Int8sReduce(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v, accumulator int8) int8, initialValue ...int8, ) int8
Int8sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int8sReduceRight ¶
func Int8sReduceRight(i []int8, fn func(i []int8, k int, v, accumulator int8) int8, initialValue ...int8, ) int8
Int8sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Int8sRemoveEvery ¶
Int8sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int8sRemoveFirst ¶
Int8sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int8sShift ¶
Int8sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Int8sSlice ¶
Int8sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Int8sSome ¶
Int8sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Int8sSplice ¶
Int8sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Int8sToBools ¶
Int8sToBools converts int8 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Int8sToFloat32s ¶
Int8sToFloat32s converts int8 slice to float32 slice.
func Int8sToFloat64s ¶
Int8sToFloat64s converts int8 slice to float64 slice.
func Int8sToInt16s ¶
Int8sToInt16s converts int8 slice to int16 slice.
func Int8sToInt32s ¶
Int8sToInt32s converts int8 slice to int32 slice.
func Int8sToInt64s ¶
Int8sToInt64s converts int8 slice to int64 slice.
func Int8sToInterfaces ¶
func Int8sToInterfaces(i []int8) []interface{}
Int8sToInterfaces converts int8 slice to interface slice.
func Int8sToStrings ¶
Int8sToStrings converts int8 slice to string slice.
func Int8sToUint16s ¶
Int8sToUint16s converts int8 slice to uint16 slice.
func Int8sToUint32s ¶
Int8sToUint32s converts int8 slice to uint32 slice.
func Int8sToUint64s ¶
Int8sToUint64s converts int8 slice to uint64 slice.
func Int8sToUint8s ¶
Int8sToUint8s converts int8 slice to uint8 slice.
func Int8sToUints ¶
Int8sToUints converts int8 slice to uint slice.
func Int8sUnshift ¶
Int8sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Int8sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Int8sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntSetDifference ¶
IntSetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func IntSetIntersect ¶
IntSetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func IntSetUnion ¶
IntSetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func IntToFloat32Ptr ¶
IntToFloat32Ptr converts int to *float32.
func IntToFloat64Ptr ¶
IntToFloat64Ptr converts int to *float64.
func IntToInt16Ptr ¶
IntToInt16Ptr converts int to *int16.
func IntToInt32Ptr ¶
IntToInt32Ptr converts int to *int32.
func IntToInterface ¶
func IntToInterface(v int) interface{}
IntToInterface converts int to interface.
func IntToInterfacePtr ¶
func IntToInterfacePtr(v int) *interface{}
IntToInterfacePtr converts int to *interface.
func IntToUint16Ptr ¶
IntToUint16Ptr converts int to *uint16.
func IntToUint32Ptr ¶
IntToUint32Ptr converts int to *uint32.
func IntToUint64Ptr ¶
IntToUint64Ptr converts int to *uint64.
func IntToUint8Ptr ¶
IntToUint8Ptr converts int to *uint8.
func InterfaceToBool ¶
InterfaceToBool converts interface to bool. NOTE:
0 is false, other numbers are true
func InterfaceToBoolPtr ¶
InterfaceToBoolPtr converts interface to *bool. NOTE:
0 is false, other numbers are true
func InterfaceToFloat32 ¶
InterfaceToFloat32 converts interface to float32.
func InterfaceToFloat32Ptr ¶
InterfaceToFloat32Ptr converts interface to *float32.
func InterfaceToFloat64 ¶
InterfaceToFloat64 converts interface to float64.
func InterfaceToFloat64Ptr ¶
InterfaceToFloat64Ptr converts interface to *float64.
func InterfaceToInt ¶
InterfaceToInt converts interface to int.
func InterfaceToInt16 ¶
InterfaceToInt16 converts interface to int16.
func InterfaceToInt16Ptr ¶
InterfaceToInt16Ptr converts interface to *int16.
func InterfaceToInt32 ¶
InterfaceToInt32 converts interface to int32.
func InterfaceToInt32Ptr ¶
InterfaceToInt32Ptr converts interface to *int32.
func InterfaceToInt64 ¶
InterfaceToInt64 converts interface to int64.
func InterfaceToInt64Ptr ¶
InterfaceToInt64Ptr converts interface to *int64.
func InterfaceToInt8 ¶
InterfaceToInt8 converts interface to int8.
func InterfaceToInt8Ptr ¶
InterfaceToInt8Ptr converts interface to *int8.
func InterfaceToIntPtr ¶
InterfaceToIntPtr converts interface to *float64.
func InterfaceToInterfacePtr ¶
func InterfaceToInterfacePtr(i interface{}) *interface{}
InterfaceToInterfacePtr converts interface to *interface.
func InterfaceToString ¶
func InterfaceToString(i interface{}) string
InterfaceToString converts interface to string.
func InterfaceToStringPtr ¶
func InterfaceToStringPtr(i interface{}) *string
InterfaceToStringPtr converts interface to *string.
func InterfaceToUint ¶
InterfaceToUint converts interface to uint.
func InterfaceToUint16 ¶
InterfaceToUint16 converts interface to uint16.
func InterfaceToUint16Ptr ¶
InterfaceToUint16Ptr converts interface to *uint16.
func InterfaceToUint32 ¶
InterfaceToUint32 converts interface to uint32.
func InterfaceToUint32Ptr ¶
InterfaceToUint32Ptr converts interface to *uint32.
func InterfaceToUint64 ¶
InterfaceToUint64 converts interface to uint64.
func InterfaceToUint64Ptr ¶
InterfaceToUint64Ptr converts interface to *uint64.
func InterfaceToUint8 ¶
InterfaceToUint8 converts interface to uint8.
func InterfaceToUint8Ptr ¶
InterfaceToUint8Ptr converts interface to *uint8.
func InterfaceToUintPtr ¶
InterfaceToUintPtr converts interface to *uint.
func InterfacesConcat ¶
func InterfacesConcat(i ...[]interface{}) []interface{}
InterfacesConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func InterfacesCopy ¶
func InterfacesCopy(i []interface{}) []interface{}
InterfacesCopy creates a copy of the interface slice.
func InterfacesCopyWithin ¶
InterfacesCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func InterfacesDistinct ¶
InterfacesDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func InterfacesEvery ¶
InterfacesEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func InterfacesFill ¶
InterfacesFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func InterfacesFilter ¶
func InterfacesFilter(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) []interface{}
InterfacesFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func InterfacesFind ¶
func InterfacesFind(i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v interface{}) bool) (k int, v interface{})
InterfacesFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func InterfacesIncludes ¶
InterfacesIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func InterfacesIndexOf ¶
InterfacesIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func InterfacesIntersect ¶
func InterfacesIntersect(i ...[]interface{}) (intersectCount map[interface{}]int)
InterfacesIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func InterfacesLastIndexOf ¶
InterfacesLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func InterfacesMap ¶
InterfacesMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func InterfacesPop ¶
func InterfacesPop(i *[]interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
InterfacesPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func InterfacesPush ¶
func InterfacesPush(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
InterfacesPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func InterfacesPushDistinct ¶
func InterfacesPushDistinct(i []interface{}, element ...interface{}) []interface{}
InterfacesPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func InterfacesReduce ¶
func InterfacesReduce( i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v, accumulator interface{}) interface{}, initialValue ...interface{}, ) interface{}
InterfacesReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func InterfacesReduceRight ¶
func InterfacesReduceRight( i []interface{}, fn func(i []interface{}, k int, v, accumulator interface{}) interface{}, initialValue ...interface{}, ) interface{}
InterfacesReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func InterfacesRemoveEvery ¶
func InterfacesRemoveEvery(p *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int
InterfacesRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func InterfacesRemoveFirst ¶
func InterfacesRemoveFirst(p *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int
InterfacesRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func InterfacesReverse ¶
func InterfacesReverse(i []interface{})
InterfacesReverse reverses an slice in place.
func InterfacesShift ¶
func InterfacesShift(i *[]interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
InterfacesShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func InterfacesSlice ¶
InterfacesSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func InterfacesSome ¶
InterfacesSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func InterfacesSplice ¶
func InterfacesSplice(i *[]interface{}, start, deleteCount int, items ...interface{})
InterfacesSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func InterfacesToBools ¶
InterfacesToBools converts interface slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, other numbers are true
func InterfacesToFloat32s ¶
InterfacesToFloat32s converts interface slice to float32 slice.
func InterfacesToFloat64s ¶
InterfacesToFloat64s converts interface slice to float64 slice.
func InterfacesToInt16s ¶
InterfacesToInt16s converts interface slice to int16 slice.
func InterfacesToInt32s ¶
InterfacesToInt32s converts interface slice to int32 slice.
func InterfacesToInt64s ¶
InterfacesToInt64s converts interface slice to int64 slice.
func InterfacesToInt8s ¶
InterfacesToInt8s converts interface slice to int8 slice.
func InterfacesToInts ¶
InterfacesToInts converts interface slice to int slice.
func InterfacesToStrings ¶
func InterfacesToStrings(i []interface{}) []string
InterfacesToStrings converts interface slice to string slice.
func InterfacesToUint16s ¶
InterfacesToUint16s converts interface slice to uint16 slice.
func InterfacesToUint32s ¶
InterfacesToUint32s converts interface slice to uint32 slice.
func InterfacesToUint64s ¶
InterfacesToUint64s converts interface slice to uint64 slice.
func InterfacesToUint8s ¶
InterfacesToUint8s converts interface slice to uint8 slice.
func InterfacesToUints ¶
InterfacesToUints converts interface slice to uint slice.
func InterfacesUnshift ¶
func InterfacesUnshift(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
InterfacesUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func InterfacesUnshiftDistinct ¶
func InterfacesUnshiftDistinct(i *[]interface{}, element ...interface{}) int
InterfacesUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntsConcat ¶
IntsConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func IntsCopyWithin ¶
IntsCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func IntsDistinct ¶
IntsDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func IntsEvery ¶
IntsEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func IntsFill ¶
IntsFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func IntsFilter ¶
IntsFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func IntsFind ¶
IntsFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func IntsIncludes ¶
IntsIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func IntsIndexOf ¶
IntsIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func IntsIntersect ¶
IntsIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func IntsLastIndexOf ¶
IntsLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func IntsMap ¶
IntsMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func IntsPop ¶
IntsPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func IntsPush ¶
IntsPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntsPushDistinct ¶
IntsPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func IntsReduce ¶
IntsReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func IntsReduceRight ¶
func IntsReduceRight(i []int, fn func(i []int, k int, v, accumulator int) int, initialValue int
IntsReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func IntsRemoveEvery ¶
IntsRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntsRemoveFirst ¶
IntsRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntsShift ¶
IntsShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func IntsSlice ¶
IntsSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func IntsSome ¶
IntsSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func IntsSplice ¶
IntsSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func IntsToBools ¶
IntsToBools converts int slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func IntsToFloat32s ¶
IntsToFloat32s converts int slice to float32 slice.
func IntsToFloat64s ¶
IntsToFloat64s converts int slice to float64 slice.
func IntsToInt16s ¶
IntsToInt16s converts int slice to int16 slice.
func IntsToInt32s ¶
IntsToInt32s converts int slice to int32 slice.
func IntsToInt64s ¶
IntsToInt64s converts int slice to int64 slice.
func IntsToInt8s ¶
IntsToInt8s converts int slice to int8 slice.
func IntsToInterfaces ¶
func IntsToInterfaces(i []int) []interface{}
IntsToInterfaces converts int slice to interface slice.
func IntsToStrings ¶
IntsToStrings converts int slice to string slice.
func IntsToUint16s ¶
IntsToUint16s converts int slice to uint16 slice.
func IntsToUint32s ¶
IntsToUint32s converts int slice to uint32 slice.
func IntsToUint64s ¶
IntsToUint64s converts int slice to uint64 slice.
func IntsToUint8s ¶
IntsToUint8s converts int slice to uint8 slice.
func IntsToUints ¶
IntsToUints converts int slice to uint slice.
func IntsUnshift ¶
IntsUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func IntsUnshiftDistinct ¶
IntsUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Itoa ¶
Itoa is equivalent to FormatInt(int64(i), 10). NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func OneFloat32 ¶
OneFloat32 try to return the first element, otherwise return zero value.
func OneFloat64 ¶
OneFloat64 try to return the first element, otherwise return zero value.
func OneInterface ¶
func OneInterface(i []interface{}) interface{}
OneInterface try to return the first element, otherwise return zero value.
func ParseInt ¶
ParseInt interprets a string s in the given base (0, 2 to 62) and bit size (0 to 64) and returns the corresponding value i.
If base == 0, the base is implied by the string's prefix: base 2 for "0b", base 8 for "0" or "0o", base 16 for "0x", and base 10 otherwise. Also, for base == 0 only, underscore characters are permitted per the Go integer literal syntax. If base is below 0, is 1, or is above 62, an error is returned.
The bitSize argument specifies the integer type that the result must fit into. Bit sizes 0, 8, 16, 32, and 64 correspond to int, int8, int16, int32, and int64. If bitSize is below 0 or above 64, an error is returned.
The errors that ParseInt returns have concrete type *NumError and include err.Num = s. If s is empty or contains invalid digits, err.Err = ErrSyntax and the returned value is 0; if the value corresponding to s cannot be represented by a signed integer of the given size, err.Err = ErrRange and the returned value is the maximum magnitude integer of the appropriate bitSize and sign. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func ParseUint ¶
ParseUint is like ParseInt but for unsigned numbers. NOTE:
Compatible with standard package strconv.
func ParseUintByDict ¶
ParseUintByDict convert numStr into corresponding uint64 according to dict.
func ReferenceSlice ¶
ReferenceSlice convert []T to []*T, the ptrDepth is the count of '*'.
func ReferenceType ¶
ReferenceType convert T to *T, the ptrDepth is the count of '*'.
func ReferenceValue ¶
ReferenceValue convert T to *T, the ptrDepth is the count of '*'.
func RuntimeTypeID ¶
RuntimeTypeID returns the underlying type ID in current runtime from reflect.Type. NOTE:
*A and A returns the different runtime type ID; It is 10 times performance of t.String().
func RuntimeTypeIDOf ¶
func RuntimeTypeIDOf(i interface{}) uintptr
RuntimeTypeIDOf returns the underlying type ID in current runtime from interface object. NOTE:
*A and A returns the different runtime type ID; It is 10 times performance of t.String().
func StringSetDifference ¶
StringSetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func StringSetIntersect ¶
StringSetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func StringSetUnion ¶
StringSetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func StringToBool ¶
StringToBool converts string to bool.
func StringToBoolPtr ¶
StringToBoolPtr converts string to *bool.
func StringToFloat32 ¶
StringToFloat32 converts string to float32.
func StringToFloat32Ptr ¶
StringToFloat32Ptr converts string to *float32.
func StringToFloat64 ¶
StringToFloat64 converts string to float64.
func StringToFloat64Ptr ¶
StringToFloat64Ptr converts string to *float64.
func StringToInt ¶
StringToInt converts string to int.
func StringToInt16 ¶
StringToInt16 converts string to int16.
func StringToInt16Ptr ¶
StringToInt16Ptr converts string to *int16.
func StringToInt32 ¶
StringToInt32 converts string to int32.
func StringToInt32Ptr ¶
StringToInt32Ptr converts string to *int32.
func StringToInt64 ¶
StringToInt64 converts string to int64.
func StringToInt64Ptr ¶
StringToInt64Ptr converts string to *int64.
func StringToInt8 ¶
StringToInt8 converts string to int8.
func StringToInt8Ptr ¶
StringToInt8Ptr converts string to *int8.
func StringToIntPtr ¶
StringToIntPtr converts string to *int.
func StringToInterface ¶
func StringToInterface(v string) interface{}
StringToInterface converts string to interface.
func StringToInterfacePtr ¶
func StringToInterfacePtr(v string) *interface{}
StringToInterfacePtr converts string to *interface.
func StringToStringPtr ¶
StringToStringPtr converts string to *string.
func StringToUint ¶
StringToUint converts string to uint.
func StringToUint16 ¶
StringToUint16 converts string to uint16.
func StringToUint16Ptr ¶
StringToUint16Ptr converts string to *uint16.
func StringToUint32 ¶
StringToUint32 converts string to uint32.
func StringToUint32Ptr ¶
StringToUint32Ptr converts string to *uint32.
func StringToUint64 ¶
StringToUint64 converts string to uint64.
func StringToUint64Ptr ¶
StringToUint64Ptr converts string to *uint64.
func StringToUint8 ¶
StringToUint8 converts string to uint8.
func StringToUint8Ptr ¶
StringToUint8Ptr converts string to *uint8.
func StringToUintPtr ¶
StringToUintPtr converts string to *uint.
func StringsConcat ¶
StringsConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func StringsCopy ¶
StringsCopy creates a copy of the string slice.
func StringsCopyWithin ¶
StringsCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func StringsDistinct ¶
StringsDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func StringsEvery ¶
StringsEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func StringsFill ¶
StringsFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func StringsFilter ¶
StringsFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func StringsFind ¶
StringsFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func StringsIncludes ¶
StringsIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func StringsIndexOf ¶
StringsIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func StringsIntersect ¶
StringsIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func StringsJoin ¶
StringsJoin concatenates the elements of s to create a single string. The separator string sep is placed between elements in the resulting string.
func StringsLastIndexOf ¶
StringsLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func StringsMap ¶
StringsMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func StringsPop ¶
StringsPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func StringsPush ¶
StringsPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func StringsPushDistinct ¶
StringsPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func StringsReduce ¶
func StringsReduce(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v, accumulator string) string, initialValue ...string) string
StringsReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func StringsReduceRight ¶
func StringsReduceRight(s []string, fn func(s []string, k int, v, accumulator string) string, initialValue ...string) string
StringsReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func StringsRemoveEvery ¶
StringsRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func StringsRemoveFirst ¶
StringsRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func StringsShift ¶
StringsShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func StringsSlice ¶
StringsSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func StringsSome ¶
StringsSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func StringsSplice ¶
StringsSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func StringsToBools ¶
StringsToBools converts string slice to bool slice.
func StringsToFloat32s ¶
StringsToFloat32s converts string slice to float32 slice.
func StringsToFloat64s ¶
StringsToFloat64s converts string slice to float64 slice.
func StringsToInt16s ¶
StringsToInt16s converts string slice to int16 slice.
func StringsToInt32s ¶
StringsToInt32s converts string slice to int32 slice.
func StringsToInt64s ¶
StringsToInt64s converts string slice to int64 slice.
func StringsToInt8s ¶
StringsToInt8s converts string slice to int8 slice.
func StringsToInterfaces ¶
func StringsToInterfaces(s []string) []interface{}
StringsToInterfaces converts string slice to interface slice.
func StringsToInts ¶
StringsToInts converts string slice to int slice.
func StringsToUint16s ¶
StringsToUint16s converts string slice to uint16 slice.
func StringsToUint32s ¶
StringsToUint32s converts string slice to uint32 slice.
func StringsToUint64s ¶
StringsToUint64s converts string slice to uint64 slice.
func StringsToUint8s ¶
StringsToUint8s converts string slice to uint8 slice.
func StringsToUints ¶
StringsToUints converts string slice to uint slice.
func StringsUnshift ¶
StringsUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func StringsUnshiftDistinct ¶
StringsUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint16SetDifference ¶
Uint16SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint16SetIntersect ¶
Uint16SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint16SetUnion ¶
Uint16SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint16ToBoolPtr ¶
Uint16ToBoolPtr converts uint16 to *bool.
func Uint16ToFloat32 ¶
Uint16ToFloat32 converts uint16 to float32.
func Uint16ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Uint16ToFloat32Ptr converts uint16 to *float32.
func Uint16ToFloat64 ¶
Uint16ToFloat64 converts uint16 to float64.
func Uint16ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Uint16ToFloat64Ptr converts uint16 to *float64.
func Uint16ToInt16 ¶
Uint16ToInt16 converts uint16 to int16.
func Uint16ToInt16Ptr ¶
Uint16ToInt16Ptr converts uint16 to *int16.
func Uint16ToInt32Ptr ¶
Uint16ToInt32Ptr converts uint16 to *int32.
func Uint16ToInt64Ptr ¶
Uint16ToInt64Ptr converts uint16 to *int64.
func Uint16ToInt8Ptr ¶
Uint16ToInt8Ptr converts uint16 to *int8.
func Uint16ToInterface ¶
func Uint16ToInterface(v uint16) interface{}
Uint16ToInterface converts uint16 to interface.
func Uint16ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Uint16ToInterfacePtr(v uint16) *interface{}
Uint16ToInterfacePtr converts uint16 to *interface.
func Uint16ToString ¶
Uint16ToString converts uint16 to string.
func Uint16ToStringPtr ¶
Uint16ToStringPtr converts uint16 to *string.
func Uint16ToUint16Ptr ¶
Uint16ToUint16Ptr converts uint16 to *uint16.
func Uint16ToUint32 ¶
Uint16ToUint32 converts uint16 to uint32.
func Uint16ToUint32Ptr ¶
Uint16ToUint32Ptr converts uint16 to *uint32.
func Uint16ToUint64 ¶
Uint16ToUint64 converts uint16 to uint64.
func Uint16ToUint64Ptr ¶
Uint16ToUint64Ptr converts uint16 to *uint64.
func Uint16ToUint8 ¶
Uint16ToUint8 converts uint16 to uint8.
func Uint16ToUint8Ptr ¶
Uint16ToUint8Ptr converts uint16 to *uint8.
func Uint16ToUintPtr ¶
Uint16ToUintPtr converts uint16 to *uint.
func Uint16sConcat ¶
Uint16sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint16sCopy ¶
Uint16sCopy creates a copy of the uint16 slice.
func Uint16sCopyWithin ¶
Uint16sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint16sDistinct ¶
Uint16sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Uint16sEvery ¶
Uint16sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Uint16sFill ¶
Uint16sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint16sFilter ¶
Uint16sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Uint16sFind ¶
Uint16sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Uint16sIncludes ¶
Uint16sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint16sIndexOf ¶
Uint16sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint16sIntersect ¶
Uint16sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Uint16sLastIndexOf ¶
Uint16sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint16sMap ¶
Uint16sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Uint16sPop ¶
Uint16sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint16sPush ¶
Uint16sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint16sPushDistinct ¶
Uint16sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Uint16sReduce ¶
func Uint16sReduce( u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v, accumulator uint16) uint16, initialValue ...uint16, ) uint16
Uint16sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint16sReduceRight ¶
func Uint16sReduceRight( u []uint16, fn func(u []uint16, k int, v, accumulator uint16) uint16, initialValue ...uint16, ) uint16
Uint16sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint16sRemoveEvery ¶
Uint16sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint16sRemoveFirst ¶
Uint16sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint16sShift ¶
Uint16sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint16sSlice ¶
Uint16sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Uint16sSome ¶
Uint16sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Uint16sSplice ¶
Uint16sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Uint16sToBools ¶
Uint16sToBools converts uint16 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Uint16sToFloat32s ¶
Uint16sToFloat32s converts uint16 slice to float32 slice.
func Uint16sToFloat64s ¶
Uint16sToFloat64s converts uint16 slice to float64 slice.
func Uint16sToInt16s ¶
Uint16sToInt16s converts uint16 slice to int16 slice.
func Uint16sToInt32s ¶
Uint16sToInt32s converts uint16 slice to int32 slice.
func Uint16sToInt64s ¶
Uint16sToInt64s converts uint16 slice to int64 slice.
func Uint16sToInt8s ¶
Uint16sToInt8s converts uint16 slice to int8 slice.
func Uint16sToInterfaces ¶
func Uint16sToInterfaces(u []uint16) []interface{}
Uint16sToInterfaces converts uint16 slice to interface slice.
func Uint16sToInts ¶
Uint16sToInts converts uint16 slice to int slice.
func Uint16sToStrings ¶
Uint16sToStrings converts uint16 slice to string slice.
func Uint16sToUint32s ¶
Uint16sToUint32s converts uint16 slice to uint32 slice.
func Uint16sToUint64s ¶
Uint16sToUint64s converts uint16 slice to uint64 slice.
func Uint16sToUint8s ¶
Uint16sToUint8s converts uint16 slice to uint8 slice.
func Uint16sToUints ¶
Uint16sToUints converts uint16 slice to uint slice.
func Uint16sUnshift ¶
Uint16sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint16sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Uint16sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint32SetDifference ¶
Uint32SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint32SetIntersect ¶
Uint32SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint32SetUnion ¶
Uint32SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint32ToBoolPtr ¶
Uint32ToBoolPtr converts uint32 to *bool.
func Uint32ToFloat32 ¶
Uint32ToFloat32 converts uint32 to float32.
func Uint32ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Uint32ToFloat32Ptr converts uint32 to *float32.
func Uint32ToFloat64 ¶
Uint32ToFloat64 converts uint32 to float64.
func Uint32ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Uint32ToFloat64Ptr converts uint32 to *float64.
func Uint32ToInt16 ¶
Uint32ToInt16 converts uint32 to int16.
func Uint32ToInt16Ptr ¶
Uint32ToInt16Ptr converts uint32 to *int16.
func Uint32ToInt32 ¶
Uint32ToInt32 converts uint32 to int32.
func Uint32ToInt32Ptr ¶
Uint32ToInt32Ptr converts uint32 to *int32.
func Uint32ToInt64Ptr ¶
Uint32ToInt64Ptr converts uint32 to *int64.
func Uint32ToInt8Ptr ¶
Uint32ToInt8Ptr converts uint32 to *int8.
func Uint32ToInterface ¶
func Uint32ToInterface(v uint32) interface{}
Uint32ToInterface converts uint32 to interface.
func Uint32ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Uint32ToInterfacePtr(v uint32) *interface{}
Uint32ToInterfacePtr converts uint32 to *interface.
func Uint32ToString ¶
Uint32ToString converts uint32 to string.
func Uint32ToStringPtr ¶
Uint32ToStringPtr converts uint32 to *string.
func Uint32ToUint16 ¶
Uint32ToUint16 converts uint32 to uint16.
func Uint32ToUint16Ptr ¶
Uint32ToUint16Ptr converts uint32 to *uint16.
func Uint32ToUint32Ptr ¶
Uint32ToUint32Ptr converts uint32 to *uint32.
func Uint32ToUint64 ¶
Uint32ToUint64 converts uint32 to uint64.
func Uint32ToUint64Ptr ¶
Uint32ToUint64Ptr converts uint32 to *uint64.
func Uint32ToUint8 ¶
Uint32ToUint8 converts uint32 to uint8.
func Uint32ToUint8Ptr ¶
Uint32ToUint8Ptr converts uint32 to *uint8.
func Uint32ToUintPtr ¶
Uint32ToUintPtr converts uint32 to *uint.
func Uint32sConcat ¶
Uint32sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint32sCopy ¶
Uint32sCopy creates a copy of the uint32 slice.
func Uint32sCopyWithin ¶
Uint32sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint32sDistinct ¶
Uint32sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Uint32sEvery ¶
Uint32sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Uint32sFill ¶
Uint32sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint32sFilter ¶
Uint32sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Uint32sFind ¶
Uint32sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Uint32sIncludes ¶
Uint32sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint32sIndexOf ¶
Uint32sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint32sIntersect ¶
Uint32sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Uint32sLastIndexOf ¶
Uint32sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint32sMap ¶
Uint32sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Uint32sPop ¶
Uint32sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint32sPush ¶
Uint32sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint32sPushDistinct ¶
Uint32sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Uint32sReduce ¶
func Uint32sReduce( u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v, accumulator uint32) uint32, initialValue ...uint32, ) uint32
Uint32sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint32sReduceRight ¶
func Uint32sReduceRight( u []uint32, fn func(u []uint32, k int, v, accumulator uint32) uint32, initialValue ...uint32, ) uint32
Uint32sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint32sRemoveEvery ¶
Uint32sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint32sRemoveFirst ¶
Uint32sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint32sShift ¶
Uint32sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint32sSlice ¶
Uint32sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Uint32sSome ¶
Uint32sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Uint32sSplice ¶
Uint32sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Uint32sToBools ¶
Uint32sToBools converts uint32 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Uint32sToFloat32s ¶
Uint32sToFloat32s converts uint32 slice to float32 slice.
func Uint32sToFloat64s ¶
Uint32sToFloat64s converts uint32 slice to float64 slice.
func Uint32sToInt16s ¶
Uint32sToInt16s converts uint32 slice to int16 slice.
func Uint32sToInt32s ¶
Uint32sToInt32s converts uint32 slice to int32 slice.
func Uint32sToInt64s ¶
Uint32sToInt64s converts uint32 slice to int64 slice.
func Uint32sToInt8s ¶
Uint32sToInt8s converts uint32 slice to int8 slice.
func Uint32sToInterfaces ¶
func Uint32sToInterfaces(u []uint32) []interface{}
Uint32sToInterfaces converts uint32 slice to interface slice.
func Uint32sToInts ¶
Uint32sToInts converts uint32 slice to int slice.
func Uint32sToStrings ¶
Uint32sToStrings converts uint32 slice to string slice.
func Uint32sToUint16s ¶
Uint32sToUint16s converts uint32 slice to uint16 slice.
func Uint32sToUint64s ¶
Uint32sToUint64s converts uint32 slice to uint64 slice.
func Uint32sToUint8s ¶
Uint32sToUint8s converts uint32 slice to uint8 slice.
func Uint32sToUints ¶
Uint32sToUints converts uint32 slice to uint slice.
func Uint32sUnshift ¶
Uint32sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint32sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Uint32sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint64SetDifference ¶
Uint64SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint64SetIntersect ¶
Uint64SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint64SetUnion ¶
Uint64SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint64ToBoolPtr ¶
Uint64ToBoolPtr converts uint64 to *bool.
func Uint64ToFloat32 ¶
Uint64ToFloat32 converts uint64 to float32.
func Uint64ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Uint64ToFloat32Ptr converts uint64 to *float32.
func Uint64ToFloat64 ¶
Uint64ToFloat64 converts uint64 to float64.
func Uint64ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Uint64ToFloat64Ptr converts uint64 to *float64.
func Uint64ToInt16 ¶
Uint64ToInt16 converts uint64 to int16.
func Uint64ToInt16Ptr ¶
Uint64ToInt16Ptr converts uint64 to *int16.
func Uint64ToInt32 ¶
Uint64ToInt32 converts uint64 to int32.
func Uint64ToInt32Ptr ¶
Uint64ToInt32Ptr converts uint64 to *int32.
func Uint64ToInt64 ¶
Uint64ToInt64 converts uint64 to int64.
func Uint64ToInt64Ptr ¶
Uint64ToInt64Ptr converts uint64 to *int64.
func Uint64ToInt8Ptr ¶
Uint64ToInt8Ptr converts uint64 to *int8.
func Uint64ToInterface ¶
func Uint64ToInterface(v uint64) interface{}
Uint64ToInterface converts uint64 to interface.
func Uint64ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Uint64ToInterfacePtr(v uint64) *interface{}
Uint64ToInterfacePtr converts uint64 to *interface.
func Uint64ToString ¶
Uint64ToString converts uint64 to string.
func Uint64ToStringPtr ¶
Uint64ToStringPtr converts uint64 to *string.
func Uint64ToUint16 ¶
Uint64ToUint16 converts uint64 to uint16.
func Uint64ToUint16Ptr ¶
Uint64ToUint16Ptr converts uint64 to *uint16.
func Uint64ToUint32 ¶
Uint64ToUint32 converts uint64 to uint32.
func Uint64ToUint32Ptr ¶
Uint64ToUint32Ptr converts uint64 to *uint32.
func Uint64ToUint64Ptr ¶
Uint64ToUint64Ptr converts uint64 to *uint64.
func Uint64ToUint8 ¶
Uint64ToUint8 converts uint64 to uint8.
func Uint64ToUint8Ptr ¶
Uint64ToUint8Ptr converts uint64 to *uint8.
func Uint64ToUintPtr ¶
Uint64ToUintPtr converts uint64 to *uint.
func Uint64sConcat ¶
Uint64sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint64sCopy ¶
Uint64sCopy creates a copy of the uint64 slice.
func Uint64sCopyWithin ¶
Uint64sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint64sDistinct ¶
Uint64sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Uint64sEvery ¶
Uint64sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Uint64sFill ¶
Uint64sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint64sFilter ¶
Uint64sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Uint64sFind ¶
Uint64sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Uint64sIncludes ¶
Uint64sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint64sIndexOf ¶
Uint64sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint64sIntersect ¶
Uint64sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Uint64sLastIndexOf ¶
Uint64sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint64sMap ¶
Uint64sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Uint64sPop ¶
Uint64sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint64sPush ¶
Uint64sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint64sPushDistinct ¶
Uint64sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Uint64sReduce ¶
func Uint64sReduce( u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v, accumulator uint64) uint64, initialValue ...uint64, ) uint64
Uint64sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint64sReduceRight ¶
func Uint64sReduceRight( u []uint64, fn func(u []uint64, k int, v, accumulator uint64) uint64, initialValue ...uint64, ) uint64
Uint64sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint64sRemoveEvery ¶
Uint64sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint64sRemoveFirst ¶
Uint64sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint64sShift ¶
Uint64sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint64sSlice ¶
Uint64sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Uint64sSome ¶
Uint64sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Uint64sSplice ¶
Uint64sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Uint64sToBools ¶
Uint64sToBools converts uint64 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Uint64sToFloat32s ¶
Uint64sToFloat32s converts uint64 slice to float32 slice.
func Uint64sToFloat64s ¶
Uint64sToFloat64s converts uint64 slice to float64 slice.
func Uint64sToInt16s ¶
Uint64sToInt16s converts uint64 slice to int16 slice.
func Uint64sToInt32s ¶
Uint64sToInt32s converts uint64 slice to int32 slice.
func Uint64sToInt64s ¶
Uint64sToInt64s converts uint64 slice to int64 slice.
func Uint64sToInt8s ¶
Uint64sToInt8s converts uint64 slice to int8 slice.
func Uint64sToInterfaces ¶
func Uint64sToInterfaces(u []uint64) []interface{}
Uint64sToInterfaces converts uint64 slice to interface slice.
func Uint64sToInts ¶
Uint64sToInts converts uint64 slice to int slice.
func Uint64sToStrings ¶
Uint64sToStrings converts uint64 slice to string slice.
func Uint64sToUint16s ¶
Uint64sToUint16s converts uint64 slice to uint16 slice.
func Uint64sToUint32s ¶
Uint64sToUint32s converts uint64 slice to uint32 slice.
func Uint64sToUint8s ¶
Uint64sToUint8s converts uint64 slice to uint8 slice.
func Uint64sToUints ¶
Uint64sToUints converts uint64 slice to uint slice.
func Uint64sUnshift ¶
Uint64sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint64sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Uint64sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint8SetDifference ¶
Uint8SetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint8SetIntersect ¶
Uint8SetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint8SetUnion ¶
Uint8SetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint8ToFloat32 ¶
Uint8ToFloat32 converts uint8 to float32.
func Uint8ToFloat32Ptr ¶
Uint8ToFloat32Ptr converts uint8 to *float32.
func Uint8ToFloat64 ¶
Uint8ToFloat64 converts uint8 to float64.
func Uint8ToFloat64Ptr ¶
Uint8ToFloat64Ptr converts uint8 to *float64.
func Uint8ToInt16Ptr ¶
Uint8ToInt16Ptr converts uint8 to *int16.
func Uint8ToInt32Ptr ¶
Uint8ToInt32Ptr converts uint8 to *int32.
func Uint8ToInt64Ptr ¶
Uint8ToInt64Ptr converts uint8 to *int64.
func Uint8ToInt8Ptr ¶
Uint8ToInt8Ptr converts uint8 to *int8.
func Uint8ToInterface ¶
func Uint8ToInterface(v uint8) interface{}
Uint8ToInterface converts uint8 to interface.
func Uint8ToInterfacePtr ¶
func Uint8ToInterfacePtr(v uint8) *interface{}
Uint8ToInterfacePtr converts uint8 to *interface.
func Uint8ToStringPtr ¶
Uint8ToStringPtr converts uint8 to *string.
func Uint8ToUint16Ptr ¶
Uint8ToUint16Ptr converts uint8 to *uint16.
func Uint8ToUint32Ptr ¶
Uint8ToUint32Ptr converts uint8 to *uint32.
func Uint8ToUint64Ptr ¶
Uint8ToUint64Ptr converts uint8 to *uint64.
func Uint8ToUint8Ptr ¶
Uint8ToUint8Ptr converts uint8 to *uint8.
func Uint8sConcat ¶
Uint8sConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func Uint8sCopyWithin ¶
Uint8sCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint8sDistinct ¶
Uint8sDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func Uint8sEvery ¶
Uint8sEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func Uint8sFill ¶
Uint8sFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func Uint8sFilter ¶
Uint8sFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func Uint8sFind ¶
Uint8sFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func Uint8sIncludes ¶
Uint8sIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint8sIndexOf ¶
Uint8sIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint8sIntersect ¶
Uint8sIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func Uint8sLastIndexOf ¶
Uint8sLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func Uint8sMap ¶
Uint8sMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func Uint8sPop ¶
Uint8sPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint8sPush ¶
Uint8sPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint8sPushDistinct ¶
Uint8sPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func Uint8sReduce ¶
func Uint8sReduce(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v, accumulator uint8) uint8, initialValue ...uint8, ) uint8
Uint8sReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint8sReduceRight ¶
func Uint8sReduceRight(u []uint8, fn func(u []uint8, k int, v, accumulator uint8) uint8, initialValue ...uint8, ) uint8
Uint8sReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func Uint8sRemoveEvery ¶
Uint8sRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint8sRemoveFirst ¶
Uint8sRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint8sShift ¶
Uint8sShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func Uint8sSlice ¶
Uint8sSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func Uint8sSome ¶
Uint8sSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func Uint8sSplice ¶
Uint8sSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func Uint8sToBools ¶
Uint8sToBools converts uint8 slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func Uint8sToFloat32s ¶
Uint8sToFloat32s converts uint8 slice to float32 slice.
func Uint8sToFloat64s ¶
Uint8sToFloat64s converts uint8 slice to float64 slice.
func Uint8sToInt16s ¶
Uint8sToInt16s converts uint8 slice to int16 slice.
func Uint8sToInt32s ¶
Uint8sToInt32s converts uint8 slice to int32 slice.
func Uint8sToInt64s ¶
Uint8sToInt64s converts uint8 slice to int64 slice.
func Uint8sToInt8s ¶
Uint8sToInt8s converts uint8 slice to int8 slice.
func Uint8sToInterfaces ¶
func Uint8sToInterfaces(u []uint8) []interface{}
Uint8sToInterfaces converts uint8 slice to interface slice.
func Uint8sToInts ¶
Uint8sToInts converts uint8 slice to int slice.
func Uint8sToStrings ¶
Uint8sToStrings converts uint8 slice to string slice.
func Uint8sToUint16s ¶
Uint8sToUint16s converts uint8 slice to uint16 slice.
func Uint8sToUint32s ¶
Uint8sToUint32s converts uint8 slice to uint32 slice.
func Uint8sToUint64s ¶
Uint8sToUint64s converts uint8 slice to uint64 slice.
func Uint8sToUints ¶
Uint8sToUints converts uint8 slice to uint slice.
func Uint8sUnshift ¶
Uint8sUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func Uint8sUnshiftDistinct ¶
Uint8sUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func UintSetDifference ¶
UintSetDifference calculates between multiple collections: set1 - set2 - others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func UintSetIntersect ¶
UintSetIntersect calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∩ set2 ∩ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func UintSetUnion ¶
UintSetUnion calculates between multiple collections: set1 ∪ set2 ∪ others... This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func UintToFloat32Ptr ¶
UintToFloat32Ptr converts uint to *float32.
func UintToFloat64Ptr ¶
UintToFloat64Ptr converts uint to *float64.
func UintToInt16Ptr ¶
UintToInt16Ptr converts uint to *int16.
func UintToInt32Ptr ¶
UintToInt32Ptr converts uint to *int32.
func UintToInt64Ptr ¶
UintToInt64Ptr converts uint to *int64.
func UintToInt8Ptr ¶
UintToInt8Ptr converts uint to *int8.
func UintToInterface ¶
func UintToInterface(v uint) interface{}
UintToInterface converts uint to interface.
func UintToInterfacePtr ¶
func UintToInterfacePtr(v uint) *interface{}
UintToInterfacePtr converts uint to *interface.
func UintToStringPtr ¶
UintToStringPtr converts uint to *string.
func UintToUint16Ptr ¶
UintToUint16Ptr converts uint to *uint16.
func UintToUint32Ptr ¶
UintToUint32Ptr converts uint to *uint32.
func UintToUint64Ptr ¶
UintToUint64Ptr converts uint to *uint64.
func UintToUint8Ptr ¶
UintToUint8Ptr converts uint to *uint8.
func UintsConcat ¶
UintsConcat is used to merge two or more slices. This method does not change the existing slices, but instead returns a new slice.
func UintsCopyWithin ¶
UintsCopyWithin copies part of an slice to another location in the current slice. @target
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func UintsDistinct ¶
UintsDistinct calculates the count of each different element, and only saves these different elements in place if changeSlice is true.
func UintsEvery ¶
UintsEvery tests whether all elements in the slice pass the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice will return true for any condition!
func UintsFill ¶
UintsFill changes all elements in the current slice to a value, from a start index to an end index. @value
Zero-based index at which to copy the sequence to. If negative, target will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to start copying elements from. If negative, start will be counted from the end.
Zero-based index at which to end copying elements from. CopyWithin copies up to but not including end. If negative, end will be counted from the end. If end is omitted, CopyWithin will copy until the last index (default to len(s)).
func UintsFilter ¶
UintsFilter creates a new slice with all elements that pass the test implemented by the provided function.
func UintsFind ¶
UintsFind returns the key-value of the first element in the provided slice that satisfies the provided testing function. NOTE:
If not found, k = -1
func UintsIncludes ¶
UintsIncludes determines whether an slice includes a certain value among its entries. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func UintsIndexOf ¶
UintsIndexOf returns the first index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func UintsIntersect ¶
UintsIntersect calculates intersection of two or more slices, and returns the count of each element.
func UintsLastIndexOf ¶
UintsLastIndexOf returns the last index at which a given element can be found in the slice, or -1 if it is not present. @fromIndex
The index to start the search at. Defaults to 0.
func UintsMap ¶
UintsMap creates a new slice populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling slice.
func UintsPop ¶
UintsPop removes the last element from an slice and returns that element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func UintsPush ¶
UintsPush adds one or more elements to the end of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func UintsPushDistinct ¶
UintsPushDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice at the end.
func UintsReduce ¶
func UintsReduce(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v, accumulator uint) uint, initialValue ...uint, ) uint
UintsReduce executes a reducer function (that you provide) on each element of the slice, resulting in a single output value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func UintsReduceRight ¶
func UintsReduceRight(u []uint, fn func(u []uint, k int, v, accumulator uint) uint, initialValue ...uint, ) uint
UintsReduceRight applies a function against an accumulator and each value of the slice (from right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value. @accumulator
The accumulator accumulates callback's return values. It is the accumulated value previously returned in the last invocation of the callback—or initialValue, if it was supplied (see below).
A value to use as the first argument to the first call of the callback. If no initialValue is supplied, the first element in the slice will be used and skipped.
func UintsRemoveEvery ¶
UintsRemoveEvery removes all the elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func UintsRemoveFirst ¶
UintsRemoveFirst removes the first matched elements from the slice, and returns the new length of the slice.
func UintsShift ¶
UintsShift removes the first element from an slice and returns that removed element. This method changes the length of the slice.
func UintsSlice ¶
UintsSlice returns a copy of a portion of an slice into a new slice object selected from begin to end (end not included) where begin and end represent the index of items in that slice. The original slice will not be modified.
func UintsSome ¶
UintsSome tests whether at least one element in the slice passes the test implemented by the provided function. NOTE:
Calling this method on an empty slice returns false for any condition!
func UintsSplice ¶
UintsSplice changes the contents of an slice by removing or replacing existing elements and/or adding new elements in place.
func UintsToBools ¶
UintsToBools converts uint slice to bool slice. NOTE:
0 is false, everything else is true
func UintsToFloat32s ¶
UintsToFloat32s converts uint slice to float32 slice.
func UintsToFloat64s ¶
UintsToFloat64s converts uint slice to float64 slice.
func UintsToInt16s ¶
UintsToInt16s converts uint slice to int16 slice.
func UintsToInt32s ¶
UintsToInt32s converts uint slice to int32 slice.
func UintsToInt64s ¶
UintsToInt64s converts uint slice to int64 slice.
func UintsToInt8s ¶
UintsToInt8s converts uint slice to int8 slice.
func UintsToInterfaces ¶
func UintsToInterfaces(u []uint) []interface{}
UintsToInterfaces converts uint slice to interface slice.
func UintsToInts ¶
UintsToInts converts uint slice to int slice.
func UintsToStrings ¶
UintsToStrings converts uint slice to string slice.
func UintsToUint16s ¶
UintsToUint16s converts uint slice to uint16 slice.
func UintsToUint32s ¶
UintsToUint32s converts uint slice to uint32 slice.
func UintsToUint64s ¶
UintsToUint64s converts uint slice to uint64 slice.
func UintsToUint8s ¶
UintsToUint8s converts uint slice to uint8 slice.
func UintsUnshift ¶
UintsUnshift adds one or more elements to the beginning of an slice and returns the new length of the slice.
func UintsUnshiftDistinct ¶
UintsUnshiftDistinct adds one or more new elements that do not exist in the current slice to the beginning and returns the new length of the slice.
func UnsafeBytesToString ¶
UnsafeBytesToString convert []byte type to string type.
func UnsafeStringToBytes ¶
UnsafeStringToBytes convert string type to []byte type. NOTE:
panic if modify the member value of the []byte.
Types ¶
type Value ¶
type Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Value go underlying type data
func ValueFrom2 ¶
ValueFrom2 gets go underlying type data from *reflect.Value.
func (Value) CanAddr ¶
CanAddr reports whether the value's address can be obtained with Addr. Such values are called addressable. A value is addressable if it is an element of a slice, an element of an addressable array, a field of an addressable struct, or the result of dereferencing a pointer.
func (Value) Elem ¶
Elem returns the Value that the interface i contains or that the pointer i points to.
func (Value) FuncForPC ¶
FuncForPC returns a *Func describing the function that contains the given program counter address, or else nil.
If pc represents multiple functions because of inlining, it returns the a *Func describing the innermost function, but with an entry of the outermost function.
NOTE: Its kind must be a reflect.Func, otherwise it returns nil
func (Value) RuntimeTypeID ¶
RuntimeTypeID gets the underlying type ID in current runtime. NOTE:
*A and A gets the different runtime type ID; It is 10 times performance of reflect.TypeOf(i).String().
func (Value) UnderlyingElem ¶
UnderlyingElem returns the underlying Value that the interface i contains or that the pointer i points to.
Source Files
- atoi62.go
- atoi_x.go
- bool.go
- bools.go
- float32.go
- float32s.go
- float64.go
- float64s.go
- initialize.go
- int.go
- int16.go
- int16s.go
- int32.go
- int32s.go
- int64.go
- int64s.go
- int8.go
- int8s.go
- interface.go
- interfaces.go
- ints.go
- itoa62.go
- itoa_x.go
- string.go
- strings.go
- typconv.go
- uint.go
- uint16.go
- uint16s.go
- uint32.go
- uint32s.go
- uint64.go
- uint64s.go
- uint8.go
- uint8s.go
- uints.go
- utils.go
- value.go