Index ¶
- func AcceptFriend(userId, friendId, source string, addTime int64) error
- func AcceptFriendApply(userId, friendId string) (int64, error)
- func ActiveAd(id string, isActive int) error
- func AddMember(tx types.Tx, userId, roomId string, memberLevel int, createTime int64, ...) (int64, error)
- func AddMemberReceiveLog(logId, receiver string, state int) (int64, error)
- func AddMutedMember(tx types.Tx, roomId, userId string, mutedType int, deadline int64) (int64, error)
- func AddPrivateChatLog(senderId, receiveId, msgId string, msgType, status, isSnap int, ...) (int64, int64, error)
- func AddToken(userid, token string, createTime int64) (int64, error)
- func AddUser(markId, uid, appId, username, phone, userLevel, device, version string, ...) (int64, error)
- func AddVerifyApply(val *types.VerifyApply) (int64, error)
- func AdminCheckLogin(appId, account string) (*types.Admin, error)
- func AlertRoomRevStateByRevId(revId string, state int) error
- func AppendApplyLog(targetId, userId, applyReason, source, remark string, state, tp int, ...) (int64, error)
- func AppendRoomChatLog(userId, roomId, msgId string, msgType, isSnap int, content, ext string, ...) (int64, int64, error)
- func ApproveChangeStateStep(tx types.Tx, logId int64, status int) (bool, error)
- func ApproveInsertMemberStep(tx types.Tx, roomId, userId, source string) (bool, int64, error)
- func CheckIsFriend(userId, friendId string, isDel int) (bool, error)
- func CheckRoomMarkIdExist(randomId string) (bool, error)
- func ClearMutedList(tx types.Tx, roomId string) error
- func ClearUserDeviceToken(userId string) (string, error)
- func CloseRoom(tx types.Tx, roomId string, closeUntil int64) error
- func CloseUser(tx types.Tx, userId string, closeUntil int64) error
- func CreateNewRoom(creater, roomName, roomAvatar string, ...) (int64, error)
- func CreateNewRoomV2(tx types.Tx, creater, roomName, roomAvatar string, ...) (int64, error)
- func DelMemberMuted(tx types.Tx, roomId, userId string) error
- func DelPrivateChatLog(logId string) (int, error)
- func DelRoomChatLogById(logId string) (int, error)
- func DeleteAd(id string) error
- func DeleteFriend(userId, friendId string, alterTime int64) error
- func DeletePraise(id string) error
- func DeleteRoomById(roomId string) (bool, error)
- func DeleteRoomMemberById(userId, roomId string, time int64) (bool, error)
- func FindAddFriendConfByUserId(userId string) (*types.AddFriendConf, error)
- func FindAdminById(id string) (*types.Admin, error)
- func FindAdminOperateLog(appId, query string, optType *int, startId int64, number int) (int64, []*types.AdminOptLogView, error)
- func FindAdminOperateLogByOptType(appId string, optType int, startId int64, number int) ([]*types.AdminOptLog, error)
- func FindAllPrivateLogs() ([]*types.PrivateLog, error)
- func FindAllRecommendRooms(appId string) ([]*types.Room, error)
- func FindApplyLogById(logId int64) (*types.Apply, error)
- func FindApplyLogByUserAndTarget(userId, targetId string, tp int) (*types.Apply, error)
- func FindApplyLogs(userId string, id int64, number int) (int64, []*types.Apply, error)
- func FindBlockedFriends(userId string) ([]*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
- func FindCreateRoomNumbers(masterId string) (int, error)
- func FindFirstPrivateMsg(userId, friendId string) (*types.PrivateLog, error)
- func FindFriendApplyCount(userId, friendId string) (int32, error)
- func FindFriendById(userID, friendID string) (*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
- func FindFriendsAfterTime(userId string, commonUse int, time int64) ([]*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
- func FindFriendsById(userId string, commonUse, isDel int) ([]*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
- func FindFriendsId(userId string) ([]string, error)
- func FindJoinedRooms(userId string) ([]*types.RoomMember, error)
- func FindLastCatLogId(userId, friendId string) (int64, error)
- func FindNotBurnedLogsAfter(userId string, isDel int, time int64) ([]*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindNotBurnedLogsBetween(userId string, isDel int, begin, end int64) ([]*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindPrivateChatLogById(id string) (*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindPrivateChatLogByMsgId(senderId, msgId string) (*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindPrivateChatLogs(userId, friendId string, start int64, number int) (int64, []*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindPrivateChatLogsNumberBetween(userId string, isDel int, begin, end int64) (int64, error)
- func FindReceiveLogById(logId, userId string) (*types.RoomMsgReceive, error)
- func FindRoomBanTimes(roomId string) (int, error)
- func FindRoomChatLogByContentId(logId string) (*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomChatLogByMsgId(senderId, msgId string) (*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomChatLogsAfterTime(rooms []string, time int64) ([]*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomChatLogsBetweenTime(rooms []string, begin, end int64) ([]*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomChatLogsNumberBetween(rooms []string, begin, end int64) (int64, error)
- func FindRoomLogs(roomId string, startId, joinTime int64, number int) (int64, []*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomLogsById(roomId, owner string, startId, joinTime int64, number int, queryType []string) (int64, []*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomMemberById(roomId, userId string, isDel int) (*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomMemberByName(roomId, name string) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomMembers(roomId string, searchNumber int) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomsInAppClosed(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomsInAppQueryMarkId(appId, query string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomsInAppRecommend(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
- func FindRoomsInAppUnClose(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
- func FindSessionKeyAlert(userId string, endTime int64) ([]*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindSetNoDisturbingMembers(roomId string) ([]*types.RoomMember, error)
- func FindSystemMsg(roomId string, startId int64, number int) (int64, []*types.RoomLog, error)
- func FindToken(userid string) (map[string]string, error)
- func FindTypicalPrivateChatLogs(userId, friendId, owner string, startId int64, number int, queryType []string) (int64, []*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
- func FindUserBanTimes(userId string) (int, error)
- func FindUserCreateRoomsNumber(userId string) (int, error)
- func FindUserIdByDeviceToken(deviceToken string) (string, *string, error)
- func FindVerifyApplyById(id string) (*types.VerifyApply, error)
- func FindVerifyApplyByState(tp int, targetId string, state int) ([]*types.VerifyApply, error)
- func GetActiveNumber(appId string, startTime, endTime int64) (int64, error)
- func GetActiveNumberAsPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, device string) (int64, error)
- func GetActiveNumberAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) (int64, error)
- func GetActiveNumberAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) (int64, error)
- func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) ([]*types.ActiveUsersView, error)
- func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) ([]*types.ActiveUsersView, error)
- func GetAdNumbers(appId string) (int64, error)
- func GetAddFriendApplyLog(userId, friendId string) (*types.Apply, error)
- func GetAllAd(appId string) ([]*types.Advertisement, error)
- func GetApplyListNumber(id string) (int, error)
- func GetCloseRoomCountInApp(appId string) (int64, error)
- func GetCloseUserCountInApp(appId string) (int64, error)
- func GetCreateRoomsLimit(appId string, level int) (int, error)
- func GetEnableRoomsId() ([]string, error)
- func GetIsChain(userId string) (int64, error)
- func GetJoinedRoom(userId string, Type int) ([]*types.MemberJoinRoom, error)
- func GetLastUserLoginLog(userId string, device []string) (*types.LoginLog, error)
- func GetMemberApplyInfo(roomId, userId string) (*types.Apply, error)
- func GetMemberNumber(roomId string) (int64, error)
- func GetMutedListByType(roomId string, mutedType int) ([]*types.RoomUserMuted, error)
- func GetOpenNumber(appId string, startTime, endTime int64) (int64, error)
- func GetOpenNumberAsPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, device string) (int64, error)
- func GetOpenNumberAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) (int64, error)
- func GetOpenNumberAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) (int64, error)
- func GetPraiseByLogId(channelType int, logId string) ([]*types.Praise, error)
- func GetPraiseByLogIdAndOptId(channelType int, logId, optId string) ([]*types.Praise, error)
- func GetPraiseByLogIdLimit(channelType int, logId string, startId int64, number int) ([]*types.Praise, int64, error)
- func GetPraiseListByTarget(msgSenderId string, channelType int, targetId string, startId int64, ...) ([]*types.Praise, int64, error)
- func GetPraiseStaticAsLike(startTime, endTime int64) ([]map[string]string, error)
- func GetPraiseStaticAsReward(startTime, endTime int64) ([]map[string]string, error)
- func GetPraiseTodayLimit(optId string) ([]map[string]string, error)
- func GetRedPacketInfo(packetId string) (*types.RedPacketLog, error)
- func GetRoomCountInApp(appId string) (int64, error)
- func GetRoomManagerAndMaster(roomId string) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
- func GetRoomMemberName(roomId, userId string) (string, error)
- func GetRoomMemberNumberByLevel(roomId string, level int) (int64, error)
- func GetRoomMembersLimit(appId string, level int) (int, error)
- func GetRoomMsgBurntNumber(logId string) (int, error)
- func GetRoomMutedNumber(roomId string) (int64, error)
- func GetRoomMutedNumberTx(tx types.Tx, roomId string) (int64, error)
- func GetRoomMutedType(roomId string) (int, error)
- func GetRoomUserLevel(roomId, userId string, isDel int) (int, error)
- func GetRoomUserMuted(roomId, userId string) (mutedType int, deadline int64, err error)
- func GetSystemMsgNumber(roomId string) (int64, error)
- func GetTx() (*mysql.MysqlTx, error)
- func GetUnReadNumber(userId, friendId string) (int32, error)
- func GetUnreadApplyNumber(userId string) (int, error)
- func GetUserInfoByAccount(appId, account string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserInfoById(id string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserInfoByMarkId(appId, markId string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserInfoByPhone(appId, phone string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserInfoByToken(appId, token string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserInfoByUid(appId, uid string) (*types.User, error)
- func GetUserJoinedRooms(userId string) ([]string, error)
- func GetUsers() ([]string, error)
- func GetUsersInAppClosed(appId string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func GetUsersInAppQueryUid(appId, query string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func GetUsersInAppUnClose(appId string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func GetVersionList(appId string) ([]string, error)
- func GrandTotalUsers(appId string, time int64) (int64, error)
- func GrandTotalUsersAsPlatform(appId string, time int64, device string) (int64, error)
- func GrandTotalUsersAsVersion(appId string, time int64, version string) (int64, error)
- func IncreaseUsers(appId string, startTime, endTime int64) (int64, error)
- func IncreaseUsersAsPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, device string) (int64, error)
- func IncreaseUsersAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) (int64, error)
- func IncreaseUsersAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) (int64, error)
- func IncreaseUsersInfoAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func IncreaseUsersInfoAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) ([]*types.User, error)
- func InsertAd(appId, name, url string, duration int, link string, isActive int) (int64, error)
- func InsertAdminOperateLog(tx types.Tx, admin, target string, targetType, optType int, reason string, ...) error
- func InsertFriend(userID, friendID, remark, extRemark string, dnd, top int, addTime int64) error
- func InsertLoginLog(userID, deviceType, deviceName, loginType, uuid, version string, ...) (int64, error)
- func InsertOpenLog(userId, appId, device, version string, createTime int64) error
- func InsertPacketInfo(packetID, userID, toID, tType, size, amount, remark string, cType, coin int, ...) error
- func InsertPraise(val *types.Praise) error
- func InsertPraiseUser(val *types.PraiseUser) error
- func InsertUser(...) (int64, error)
- func IsNeedConfirm(userId string, state int) error
- func LikeOrRewardCount(channelType int, logId string, tp int) (int, error)
- func PersonalVerifyList(appId string, search *string, start, end int64, state *int) (int64, []*types.VerifyApplyJoinUser, error)
- func RoomInviteConfirm(userId string) (*types.InviteRoomConf, error)
- func RoomVerifyList(appId string, search *string, start, end int64, state *int) (int64, []*types.VerifyApplyJoinRoomAndUser, error)
- func RoomsOrderActiveMember(appId string, datetime int64) ([]*types.Room, error)
- func RoomsOrderActiveMsg(appId string, datetime int64) ([]*types.Room, error)
- func SearchRoomInfo(id string, isDel int) (*types.Room, error)
- func SearchRoomInfoByMarkId(markId string, isDel int) (*types.Room, error)
- func SetAdName(id, name string) error
- func SetAvatar(roomId, avatar string) (bool, error)
- func SetCanAddFriendPermission(roomId string, permisson int) error
- func SetCreateRoomsLimit(appId string, level, limit int) error
- func SetFriendDND(userId, friendId string, DND int) error
- func SetFriendExtRemark(userId, friendId, remark string) error
- func SetFriendIsBlock(userId, friendId string, state int, alterTime int64) error
- func SetFriendIsTop(userId, friendId string, isTop int) error
- func SetFriendRemark(userId, friendId, remark string) error
- func SetJoinPermission(roomId string, permisson int) error
- func SetMemberLevel(userId, roomId string, level int) error
- func SetMemberNickname(userId, roomId string, nickname string) error
- func SetNeedAnswer(userId, question, answer string) error
- func SetNewMaster(master, userId, roomId string, level int) error
- func SetNoDisturbing(userId, roomId string, noDisturbing int) error
- func SetNotNeedAnswer(userId string) error
- func SetOnTop(userId, roomId string, onTop int) error
- func SetQuestionandAnswer(userId, question, answer string) error
- func SetRecordPermission(roomId string, permisson int) error
- func SetRoomInviteConfirm(userId string, needConfirm int) error
- func SetRoomMembersLimit(appId string, level, limit int) error
- func SetRoomMutedType(tx types.Tx, roomId string, mutedType int) error
- func SetRoomName(roomId, name string) (bool, error)
- func SetUserVerifyed(tx types.Tx, userId, vInfo string) error
- func UpdateApply(applyUser, target string, tp int, reason, remark, source string, state int) (int64, error)
- func UpdateDepositAddress(userId, address string) error
- func UpdateDeviceToken(userId, deviceToken, deviceType string) error
- func UpdateEmail(userId, email string) error
- func UpdateInviteCode(userId, code string) error
- func UpdateIsChain(userId string, ischain int) error
- func UpdateNowVersion(userId, version string) error
- func UpdatePhone(userId, phone string) error
- func UpdatePrivateLogContentById(logId, content string) error
- func UpdatePrivateLogStateById(revId string, state int) error
- func UpdatePublicKey(userId, publicKey, privateKey string) error
- func UpdateToken(userId, token string, createTime int64) error
- func UpdateUid(markId, userId, uid string) error
- func UpdateUserAvatar(userId, avatar string) error
- func UpdateUsername(userId, username string) error
- func UpdateVersionUsersNumber(appId, nowVersion string) (int64, error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AcceptFriend ¶
func AcceptFriendApply ¶
func AddMemberReceiveLog ¶
func AddMutedMember ¶
func AddPrivateChatLog ¶
func AddVerifyApply ¶
func AddVerifyApply(val *types.VerifyApply) (int64, error)
func AppendApplyLog ¶
func AppendApplyLog(targetId, userId, applyReason, source, remark string, state, tp int, datetime int64) (int64, error)
func AppendRoomChatLog ¶
func ApproveChangeStateStep ¶
func ApproveInsertMemberStep ¶
func CheckRoomMarkIdExist ¶
func ClearUserDeviceToken ¶
func CreateNewRoom ¶
func CreateNewRoomV2 ¶
func DelPrivateChatLog ¶
func DelRoomChatLogById ¶
func DeleteFriend ¶
func DeletePraise ¶
func DeleteRoomById ¶
func DeleteRoomMemberById ¶
func FindAddFriendConfByUserId ¶
func FindAddFriendConfByUserId(userId string) (*types.AddFriendConf, error)
func FindAdminOperateLog ¶
func FindAdminOperateLog(appId, query string, optType *int, startId int64, number int) (int64, []*types.AdminOptLogView, error)
func FindAdminOperateLogByOptType ¶
func FindAdminOperateLogByOptType(appId string, optType int, startId int64, number int) ([]*types.AdminOptLog, error)
func FindAllPrivateLogs ¶
func FindAllPrivateLogs() ([]*types.PrivateLog, error)
func FindApplyLogs ¶
func FindBlockedFriends ¶
func FindBlockedFriends(userId string) ([]*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
func FindFirstPrivateMsg ¶
func FindFirstPrivateMsg(userId, friendId string) (*types.PrivateLog, error)
func FindFriendApplyCount ¶
func FindFriendById ¶
func FindFriendById(userID, friendID string) (*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
func FindFriendsAfterTime ¶
func FindFriendsById ¶
func FindFriendsById(userId string, commonUse, isDel int) ([]*types.FriendJoinUser, error)
func FindFriendsId ¶
func FindJoinedRooms ¶
func FindJoinedRooms(userId string) ([]*types.RoomMember, error)
func FindLastCatLogId ¶
func FindNotBurnedLogsAfter ¶
func FindPrivateChatLogById ¶
func FindPrivateChatLogById(id string) (*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
func FindPrivateChatLogByMsgId ¶
func FindPrivateChatLogByMsgId(senderId, msgId string) (*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
func FindPrivateChatLogs ¶
func FindReceiveLogById ¶
func FindReceiveLogById(logId, userId string) (*types.RoomMsgReceive, error)
func FindRoomChatLogByContentId ¶
func FindRoomChatLogByContentId(logId string) (*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomChatLogByMsgId ¶
func FindRoomChatLogByMsgId(senderId, msgId string) (*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomChatLogsAfterTime ¶
func FindRoomChatLogsAfterTime(rooms []string, time int64) ([]*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomChatLogsBetweenTime ¶
func FindRoomChatLogsBetweenTime(rooms []string, begin, end int64) ([]*types.RoomLogJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomLogs ¶
func FindRoomLogsById ¶
func FindRoomMemberById ¶
func FindRoomMemberById(roomId, userId string, isDel int) (*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomMemberByName ¶
func FindRoomMemberByName(roomId, name string) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomMembers ¶
func FindRoomMembers(roomId string, searchNumber int) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomsInAppClosed ¶
func FindRoomsInAppClosed(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
func FindRoomsInAppQueryMarkId ¶
func FindRoomsInAppQueryMarkId(appId, query string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
查询某个app的所有群,模糊查询 markId 群名
func FindRoomsInAppRecommend ¶
func FindRoomsInAppRecommend(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
查找某个app所有下推荐群(带 群主、人数、封群次数等信息)
func FindRoomsInAppUnClose ¶
func FindRoomsInAppUnClose(appId string) ([]*types.RoomJoinUser, error)
func FindSessionKeyAlert ¶
func FindSessionKeyAlert(userId string, endTime int64) ([]*types.PrivateLogJoinUser, error)
func FindSetNoDisturbingMembers ¶
func FindSetNoDisturbingMembers(roomId string) ([]*types.RoomMember, error)
func FindSystemMsg ¶
func FindUserIdByDeviceToken ¶
func FindVerifyApplyById ¶
func FindVerifyApplyById(id string) (*types.VerifyApply, error)
func FindVerifyApplyByState ¶
func GetActiveNumber ¶
func GetActiveNumberAsPlatform ¶
func GetActiveNumberAsPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, device string) (int64, error)
func GetActiveNumberAsVersion ¶
func GetActiveNumberAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) (int64, error)
func GetActiveNumberAsVersionAndPlatform ¶
func GetActiveNumberAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) (int64, error)
活跃用户统计 根据版本和平台
func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersion ¶
func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersion(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version string) ([]*types.ActiveUsersView, error)
func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersionAndPlatform ¶
func GetActiveUsersInfoAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) ([]*types.ActiveUsersView, error)
活跃用户统计信息 根据版本和平台
func GetAdNumbers ¶
func GetAddFriendApplyLog ¶
func GetApplyListNumber ¶
func GetCloseRoomCountInApp ¶
func GetCloseUserCountInApp ¶
func GetCreateRoomsLimit ¶
func GetIsChain ¶
func GetJoinedRoom ¶
func GetJoinedRoom(userId string, Type int) ([]*types.MemberJoinRoom, error)
func GetLastUserLoginLog ¶
func GetMemberNumber ¶
func GetMutedListByType ¶
func GetMutedListByType(roomId string, mutedType int) ([]*types.RoomUserMuted, error)
func GetOpenNumber ¶
func GetOpenNumberAsPlatform ¶
打开应用统计 筛选平台
func GetOpenNumberAsVersion ¶
打开应用统计 筛选平台
func GetOpenNumberAsVersionAndPlatform ¶
func GetOpenNumberAsVersionAndPlatform(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, version, platform string) (int64, error)
打开应用统计 筛选版本和平台
func GetPraiseByLogId ¶
func GetPraiseByLogIdLimit ¶
func GetPraiseListByTarget ¶
func GetPraiseStaticAsLike ¶
func GetPraiseStaticAsReward ¶
func GetRedPacketInfo ¶
func GetRedPacketInfo(packetId string) (*types.RedPacketLog, error)
func GetRoomCountInApp ¶
func GetRoomManagerAndMaster ¶
func GetRoomManagerAndMaster(roomId string) ([]*types.MemberJoinUser, error)
获取群中所有管理员 返回:key 用户ID value level
func GetRoomMsgBurntNumber ¶
func GetRoomMutedNumberTx ¶
获取群禁言数量 事务
func GetRoomUserLevel ¶
获取群成员身份等级(普通用户 管理员 群主)
func GetRoomUserMuted ¶
func GetSystemMsgNumber ¶
func GetUnReadNumber ¶
func GetUnreadApplyNumber ¶
func GetUsersInAppClosed ¶
func GetUsersInAppQueryUid ¶
查找所有app下用户信息,包括被封用户,模糊查询 uid account
func GetUsersInAppUnClose ¶
func GetVersionList ¶
func IncreaseUsersAsPlatform ¶
func IncreaseUsersAsVersion ¶
func InsertAdminOperateLog ¶
func InsertFriend ¶
func InsertLoginLog ¶
func InsertOpenLog ¶
func InsertPacketInfo ¶
func InsertPraise ¶
func InsertPraiseUser ¶
func InsertPraiseUser(val *types.PraiseUser) error
func InsertUser ¶
func IsNeedConfirm ¶
func PersonalVerifyList ¶
func RoomInviteConfirm ¶
func RoomInviteConfirm(userId string) (*types.InviteRoomConf, error)
func RoomVerifyList ¶
func RoomsOrderActiveMember ¶
func RoomsOrderActiveMsg ¶
func SearchRoomInfoByMarkId ¶
func SetCreateRoomsLimit ¶
func SetFriendDND ¶
func SetFriendExtRemark ¶
func SetFriendIsBlock ¶
func SetFriendIsTop ¶
func SetFriendRemark ¶
func SetJoinPermission ¶
func SetMemberLevel ¶
func SetMemberNickname ¶
func SetNeedAnswer ¶
func SetNewMaster ¶
func SetNoDisturbing ¶
func SetNotNeedAnswer ¶
func SetQuestionandAnswer ¶
func SetRecordPermission ¶
func SetRoomInviteConfirm ¶
func SetRoomMutedType ¶
func SetRoomName ¶
func UpdateApply ¶
func UpdateDepositAddress ¶
func UpdateDeviceToken ¶
func UpdateEmail ¶
func UpdateInviteCode ¶
func UpdateIsChain ¶
func UpdateNowVersion ¶
func UpdatePhone ¶
func UpdatePublicKey ¶
func UpdateToken ¶
func UpdateUserAvatar ¶
func UpdateUsername ¶
Types ¶
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