Index ¶
- Constants
- func AccumulateInviteInfos(appId, token string, page, size int64) (interface{}, error)
- func ActiveAd(id string, isActive int) error
- func AddFriend(appId, userID, friendID, remark, reason, sourceId string, sourceType int, ...) (int, error)
- func AddFriendNotConfirm(appId, userID, friendID, remark, reason, sourceId string, sourceType int, ...) (int, error)
- func AdminAccount(id string) (string, error)
- func AdminLogin(appId, id, password string) (string, error)
- func AdminOperateLog(appId, query string, cTypes []int, page, count int) (interface{}, error)
- func AdminRoomsCount(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func AdminRoomsList(appId string, cTypes []int, query string, page, count int64) (interface{}, error)
- func AdminSetPermission(roomId string, canAddFriend, joinPermission, recordPermission int) error
- func AdminUsersCount(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func AdminUsersList(appId string, cTypes []int, query string, page, count int64) (interface{}, error)
- func Advertisement(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func AppOpen(userId, appId, device, version string) error
- func AppSpecificVersionAsPlatform(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64) (interface{}, error)
- func AppSpecificVersionDetails(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64, count, page int) (interface{}, error)
- func AppVersionDetails(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, count, currentPage int, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func ApplyFriendInfo(userId, friendId string) (*types.ApplyInfo, error)
- func ApplyRoomInfo(roomId string) (*types.ApplyInfo, error)
- func Balance(appId, token string) (interface{}, error)
- func BanRoom(appId, admin, id, reason string, endTime int64) error
- func BanRoomCancel(appId, admin, id string) error
- func BanUser(appId, admin, id, reason string, endTime int64) error
- func BanUserCancel(appId, admin, id string) error
- func BatchPushAckMsg(client *router.Client, begin, end, total int64)
- func BatchPushRecentMsg(client *router.Client, time int64)
- func BatchRevokeFiles(userId string, logs []string, cType int) (interface{}, error)
- func BatchSKeyMsg(client *router.Client, datetime int64)
- func BlockFriend(userId, friendId string) error
- func BlockedFriends(userId string) (interface{}, error)
- func CheckAnswer(friendId string, answer string) (bool, error)
- func CheckIsBlocked(userId, friendId string) (bool, error)
- func CheckMemberMuted(roomId, userId string) (bool, error)
- func CheckOrder(serverUrl, userUid, targetUid, orderId string) bool
- func CheckPayPwd(accountType, token, payPassword string) error
- func CheckRoomVerifyState(userId, roomId string) (int, error)
- func CheckUserExist(userId string) bool
- func CheckUserInRoom(userId, roomId string) (bool, error)
- func CheckUserVerifyState(userId string) (int, error)
- func ClearlySearch(appId, caller, searchId string) (interface{}, error)
- func CoinSupport(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func Confirm(userID string, tp int) error
- func ConverFriendSource(source string, userId, applyUserId string) (string, error)
- func ConverFriendSourceV2(source string, applyUserId string) (interface{}, error)
- func ConvertCreateRoomsOutOfLimit(number int) string
- func ConvertInviteAlertContent(roomId, operater string, users []string) ([]string, string, string)
- func ConvertRedPackInfoToSend(callerId string, con map[string]interface{}) error
- func ConvertRoomClosedAlertStr(appId string, endTime int64) string
- func ConvertRoomMembersLimit(number int) string
- func ConvertSourece(sourceType int, sourceId string) string
- func ConvertUserClosedAlertStr(appId string, endTime int64) string
- func CreateAd(appId, name, url string, duration int, link string, isActive int) (interface{}, error)
- func CreateAdFile(filename string, file *multipart.File) (string, error)
- func CreateRoom(appId, creator, roomName, roomAvatar string, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func DeleteAd(id string) error
- func DeleteFriend(userID, friendID string) error
- func DevTokenLogin(appId, phone, token, deviceType, deviceName, loginType, uuid, version string, ...) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func EditReward(appId string, params *account.EditRewardParam) error
- func ExportAppSpecificVersionDetails(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64) (string, error)
- func ExportAppVersionDetails(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, sortField string, sortRule int) (string, error)
- func ExportSumDetails(appId string, startTime, endTime int64) (string, error)
- func FindCatLog(appId, userID, friendID string, startId string, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func FindExcel(filename string) (bool, error)
- func FindTypicalChatLog(userID, friendID, owner, query string, startId string, number int, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func FindUserConf(appId, userId string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func FormatBatchTargetMsg(batchList []*BatchSingle, eventType int) []byte
- func ForwardEncryptMsg(callerId string, forwardType int, roomLogs, usersLogs []map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
- func ForwardMsg(callerId, sourceId string, channelType, forwardType int, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func FriendInfo(userID, friendID string) (interface{}, error)
- func FriendList(userID string, tp int, time int64) (interface{}, error)
- func FriendRemarkOrName(userId, friendId string) (string, error)
- func GetAddFriendConfByUserId(userId string) (*types.AddFriendConf, error)
- func GetAlertMsg(info *types.LastLoginInfo) string
- func GetAlertMsgV2(info *types.LastLoginInfo) string
- func GetAllAd(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetAllFriendUnreadMsg1(userId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetAppVersions(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetApplyInfoByLogId(caller string, logId int64) (*types.ApplyList, error)
- func GetApplyList(caller, id string, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func GetChatLogAsRoom(userId string, ru *types.RoomLogJoinUser) (*types.ChatLog, error)
- func GetChatLogAsUser(userId string, pu *types.PrivateLogJoinUser) (*types.ChatLog, error)
- func GetCoinInfo(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetFriendSource(userId, friendId string) (string, error)
- func GetFriendSourceV2(userId, friendId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetLastDeviceLoginInfo(userId, device string) (*types.LastLoginInfo, bool)
- func GetLimit(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetOnlineNumber(roomId string) int
- func GetPacketRecvDetails(appId, caller, packetId string) ([]*types.RPReceiveInfo, error)
- func GetRecommendRooms(appId string, number int, times int) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomChatLog(callerId, roomId, startId string, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomInfo(queryUser, roomId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomList(queryUser string, Type int) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomOnlineNumber(roomId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomSearchMember(roomId, name string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomUserInfo(roomId, userId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetRoomUserList(roomId string) (interface{}, error)
- func GetSystemMsg(roomId string, startId int64, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func GetTypicalMsgLogs(callerId, roomId, startId, owner, query string, number int, queryType []string) (interface{}, error)
- func HandleFriendRequest(userID, friendID string, agree int) error
- func Init(c *types.Config)
- func InsertPacketInfo(packetID, userID, toID string, toType, size int, amount float64, remark string, ...) error
- func InviteStatistics(appId, token string) (interface{}, error)
- func IsFriend(userID, friendID string) (map[string]bool, error)
- func JoinInRoom(userId, roomId string)
- func JoinInRoomImiditly(tx types.Tx, caller, userId string, roomInfo *types.Room, source string) (bool, error)
- func JoinRoomApply(appId, operator, roomId, applyReason string, sourceType int, sourceId string) (bool, error)
- func JoinRoomApprove(appId, operator, roomId, userId string, aggre int) error
- func JoinRoomInvite(appId, operator, roomId string, users []string) (interface{}, error)
- func KickOutRoom(caller, roomId string, userId string) error
- func LatestData(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func LatestDataPlatform(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func LeaderBoard(userId string, tp int, startTime, endTime int64, startId, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func LeaderBoardHistory(userId string, page, size int) (interface{}, error)
- func LoginOutRoom(operator, roomId string) error
- func ModuleEnable(appId, userId string) (interface{}, error)
- func Payment(appId, userId, logId, token, currency string, amount, fee float64, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func PersonalVerifyList(appId string, search *string, page, size int, state *int) (int64, []*types.VerifyApplyJoinUser, error)
- func PhoneLogin(appId, phone, deviceType, version string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func PraiseDetailList(caller string, channelType int, logId, startId string, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func PraiseDetails(caller string, channelType int, logId string) (interface{}, error)
- func PraiseLike(caller string, channelType int, logId, action string) error
- func PraiseList(caller string, channelType int, targetId, startId string, number int) (interface{}, error)
- func PraiseReward(caller, appId, token, currency string, amount float64, payPassword string, ...) error
- func PraiseRewardUser(caller, appId, token, currency string, amount float64, payPassword string, ...) error
- func PushToFriend(appId, userId, friendId, text string, msg *proto.Proto) error
- func PushToMember(appId, userId, roomId string, members map[string]string, msg *proto.Proto) error
- func PushToRoom(appId, userId, roomId string, msg *proto.Proto) error
- func Question(userID string, tp int, question, answer string) error
- func RPFeeConfig(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func RPFeeStatistics(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func RPStatistic(appId, caller, token string, operation, coin, rpType, pageNum, pageSize int, ...) (interface{}, error)
- func ReadSnapMsg(userId, logId string, cType int) error
- func ReceiveEntry(appId, token, packetId, userId string) (interface{}, error)
- func RedEnvelopeDetail(appId, caller, token string, packetId string) (*types.RedPacketInfo, error)
- func RefreshRooms()
- func RemoveRoom(operator, roomId string) error
- func RemoveRoomChannel(roomId string)
- func RevokeMsg(userId, logId string, cType int) error
- func RewardList(appId string, query *account.RewardListParam) (interface{}, error)
- func RewardRule(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func RewardStatistics(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func RoomMemberUnSubscribe(roomId string, members []string)
- func RoomSessionKey(userId string, datetime int64) (interface{}, error)
- func RoomVerifyList(appId string, search *string, page, size int, state *int) (int64, []*types.VerifyApplyJoinRoomAndUser, error)
- func SaveDaily()
- func Send(appId, token string, req *types.SendParams, userId, toId string, ctype int) (*types.RedPacket, error)
- func SendAlert(caller, targetId string, target int, members []string, messageType int, ...)
- func SendAlertCreate(caller, targetId string, target int, members []string, messageType int, ...) (*proto.Proto, error)
- func SendBatch(fromId, targetId string, target int, members []string, list []*proto.Proto)
- func SendPrintScreen(userID, friendID string) error
- func SetAdName(id, name string) error
- func SetCfg(c *types.Config)
- func SetFriendDND(userID, friendID string, DND int) error
- func SetFriendExtRemark(userID, friendID, remark string) error
- func SetFriendRemark(userID, friendID, remark string) error
- func SetFriendTop(userID, friendID string, top int) error
- func SetInviteConfirm(userId string, needConfirm int) error
- func SetLevel(master, userId, roomId string, level int) error
- func SetLimit(appId string, memberLimit, roomCreateLimit int) error
- func SetMemberNickname(caller, roomId string, nickname string) error
- func SetNoDisturbing(caller, roomId string, noDisturbing int) error
- func SetPayPwd(accountType, token, mode, payPassword, authType, code, oldPayPassword string) error
- func SetRPFeeConfig(appId string, params *account.SetRPFeeParam) error
- func SetRecommend(appId, id string, recommend int) error
- func SetRoomAvatar(roomId, avatar string) error
- func SetRoomMuted(operator, roomId string, mutedType int, userMap map[string]bool, ...) error
- func SetRoomMutedSingle(operator, roomId, userId string, deadline int64) error
- func SetRoomName(operator, roomId, name string) error
- func SetStickyOnTop(caller, roomId string, onTop int) error
- func SetSystemMsg(caller, roomId, content string) error
- func ShowReward(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func SingleInviteInfos(appId, token string, page, size int64) (interface{}, error)
- func SplitDay(startTime, endTime int64) []*dayTs
- func StartServe()
- func SumDetails(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, count, page int) (interface{}, error)
- func SumGraph(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, typeList []int) (interface{}, error)
- func TokenLogin(appId, token, deviceType, deviceName, loginType, uuid, version string, ...) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func UnblockFriend(userId, friendId string) error
- func UserClientNums() int
- func UserInfo(friendID string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func UserIsInRoom(userId, roomId string) (map[string]bool, error)
- func UserListByUid(userID, appId, uid string) (interface{}, error)
- func UserListByUids(userID, appId string, uids []string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func UserOnlineNums() int
- func VerifyApply(appId, token string, tp int, targetId, description, payPassword, code string) (int64, error)
- func VerifyApprove(appId, id string, accept int) error
- func VerifyFeeStatistics(appId string) (interface{}, error)
- func VerifyGetConfig(appId string) ([]*types.VerifyFee, error)
- func VerifySetFee(fee []*types.VerifyFee) error
- func VersionGraph(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, typeList []int, versions []string) (interface{}, error)
- func WriteExcel(path, filename string, content [][]interface{}) (string, error)
- type BatchSingle
- type IPusher
- type RecommendRoom
- func (t *RecommendRoom) AddData(item *types.Room)
- func (t *RecommendRoom) Clear()
- func (t *RecommendRoom) DelData(item *types.Room)
- func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyData() []*types.Room
- func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMem() []*types.Room
- func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMsg() []*types.Room
- func (t *RecommendRoom) SetData(data []*types.Room)
- func (t *RecommendRoom) SetDataMem(data []*types.Room)
- func (t *RecommendRoom) SetDataMsg(data []*types.Room)
- type RoomBaseInfo
- type RoomInfo
- type RoomListInfo
- type RoomUserList
- type SearchInfo
- type Source
- type SystemMessage
Constants ¶
const ( DesignationRoom = 1 AutoRoom = 0 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AccumulateInviteInfos ¶
func AddFriend ¶
func AddFriend(appId, userID, friendID, remark, reason, sourceId string, sourceType int, answer string) (int, error)
添加好友 sourceType 1 【通过搜索添加】 2 【通过扫一扫添加】 3 通过好友分享(uid) 4通过群
func AddFriendNotConfirm ¶
func AddFriendNotConfirm(appId, userID, friendID, remark, reason, sourceId string, sourceType int, answer string) (int, error)
添加好友 sourceType 1 【通过搜索添加】 2 【通过扫一扫添加】 3 通过好友分享(uid) 4通过群
func AdminOperateLog ¶
func AdminRoomsList ¶
func AdminRoomsList(appId string, cTypes []int, query string, page, count int64) (interface{}, error)
群管理 群详情列表
func AdminSetPermission ¶
func AdminUsersList ¶
func AdminUsersList(appId string, cTypes []int, query string, page, count int64) (interface{}, error)
用户管理 用户详情列表
func AppSpecificVersionAsPlatform ¶
func AppSpecificVersionAsPlatform(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64) (interface{}, error)
单个版本明细 根据平台
func AppSpecificVersionDetails ¶
func AppSpecificVersionDetails(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64, count, page int) (interface{}, error)
func AppVersionDetails ¶
func BatchPushAckMsg ¶
func BatchRevokeFiles ¶
func CheckIsBlocked ¶
是否被拉入黑名单:true被拉入 false没被拉入
func CheckPayPwd ¶
func CheckUserExist ¶
func CheckUserInRoom ¶
func ClearlySearch ¶
func CoinSupport ¶
func ConverFriendSource ¶
组装消息 applyUserId发起申请人的id
func ConverFriendSourceV2 ¶
组装消息 applyUserId发起申请人的id
func ConvertInviteAlertContent ¶
返回,content 和 用户名称的列表
func ConvertRoomMembersLimit ¶
func ConvertSourece ¶
将sourceType sourceId 封装成json 格式
func ConvertUserClosedAlertStr ¶
func CreateAd ¶
func CreateAd(appId, name, url string, duration int, link string, isActive int) (interface{}, error)
func CreateAdFile ¶
func CreateRoom ¶
func CreateRoom(appId, creator, roomName, roomAvatar string, encrypt, canAddFriend, joinPermission, recordPermission, adminMuted, masterMuted int, members []string) (interface{}, error)
encrypt: 1加密群,2普通群
func DevTokenLogin ¶
func DevTokenLogin(appId, phone, token, deviceType, deviceName, loginType, uuid, version string, apiTokenAuth bool) (map[string]interface{}, error)
func EditReward ¶
func EditReward(appId string, params *account.EditRewardParam) error
func ExportAppSpecificVersionDetails ¶
func ExportAppSpecificVersionDetails(appId, version string, startTime, endTime int64) (string, error)
func ExportAppVersionDetails ¶
func ExportAppVersionDetails(appId string, startTime, endTime int64, sortField string, sortRule int) (string, error)
func ExportSumDetails ¶
导出统计数据 详情
func FindCatLog ¶
func FindTypicalChatLog ¶
func FindTypicalChatLog(userID, friendID, owner, query string, startId string, number int, queryType []string) (interface{}, error)
func FormatBatchTargetMsg ¶
func FormatBatchTargetMsg(batchList []*BatchSingle, eventType int) []byte
func ForwardEncryptMsg ¶
func ForwardEncryptMsg(callerId string, forwardType int, roomLogs, usersLogs []map[string]interface{}) (interface{}, error)
func ForwardMsg ¶
func ForwardMsg(callerId, sourceId string, channelType, forwardType int, logArray, targetRooms, targetUsers []string) (interface{}, error)
func FriendRemarkOrName ¶
func GetAddFriendConfByUserId ¶
func GetAddFriendConfByUserId(userId string) (*types.AddFriendConf, error)
func GetAllFriendUnreadMsg1 ¶
func GetAppVersions ¶
func GetApplyInfoByLogId ¶
func GetApplyList ¶
func GetChatLogAsRoom ¶
func GetChatLogAsUser ¶
func GetLastDeviceLoginInfo ¶
func GetLastDeviceLoginInfo(userId, device string) (*types.LastLoginInfo, bool)
-------------------------------new end----------------------------// 返回:true 通过 false 不通过
func GetPacketRecvDetails ¶
func GetPacketRecvDetails(appId, caller, packetId string) ([]*types.RPReceiveInfo, error)
func GetRecommendRooms ¶
func GetRoomChatLog ¶
func GetRoomList ¶
func GetRoomOnlineNumber ¶
func GetRoomSearchMember ¶
func GetRoomUserInfo ¶
func GetRoomUserList ¶
func GetSystemMsg ¶
func GetTypicalMsgLogs ¶
func GetTypicalMsgLogs(callerId, roomId, startId, owner, query string, number int, queryType []string) (interface{}, error)
func HandleFriendRequest ¶
func InsertPacketInfo ¶
func JoinInRoomImiditly ¶
func JoinInRoomImiditly(tx types.Tx, caller, userId string, roomInfo *types.Room, source string) (bool, error)
bool:是否成功修改 error:错误
func JoinRoomApply ¶
func JoinRoomApply(appId, operator, roomId, applyReason string, sourceType int, sourceId string) (bool, error)
返回: bool 是否直接加群成功
func JoinRoomApprove ¶
func JoinRoomInvite ¶
func KickOutRoom ¶
func LatestData ¶
---------------------统计数据---------------------// 近期统计数据
func LeaderBoard ¶
func LeaderBoardHistory ¶
func LoginOutRoom ¶
func ModuleEnable ¶
func PersonalVerifyList ¶
func PhoneLogin ¶
func PraiseDetailList ¶
func PraiseDetails ¶
func PraiseList ¶
func PraiseReward ¶
func PraiseRewardUser ¶
func PushToMember ¶
func RPStatistic ¶
func RPStatistic(appId, caller, token string, operation, coin, rpType, pageNum, pageSize int, startTime, endTime int64) (interface{}, error)
func ReceiveEntry ¶
func RedEnvelopeDetail ¶
func RedEnvelopeDetail(appId, caller, token string, packetId string) (*types.RedPacketInfo, error)
func RefreshRooms ¶
func RefreshRooms()
func RemoveRoom ¶
func RemoveRoomChannel ¶
func RemoveRoomChannel(roomId string)
func RewardList ¶
func RewardList(appId string, query *account.RewardListParam) (interface{}, error)
func RewardRule ¶
func RewardStatistics ¶
func RoomMemberUnSubscribe ¶
func RoomSessionKey ¶
func RoomVerifyList ¶
func Send ¶
func Send(appId, token string, req *types.SendParams, userId, toId string, ctype int) (*types.RedPacket, error)
func SendAlertCreate ¶
func SendAlertCreate(caller, targetId string, target int, members []string, messageType int, content map[string]interface{}, msgTime int64) (*proto.Proto, error)
组成消息通知格式: caller:调用的即协议中的发送者 target:发送对象类型,3 to user; 2 to room targetId:发送对象id members: 如果target为群,则改字段为nil;如果target为用户,则members不为空 messageType:消息通知类型,详见
func SendPrintScreen ¶
func SetMemberNickname ¶
func SetNoDisturbing ¶
func SetPayPwd ¶
func SetRPFeeConfig ¶
func SetRPFeeConfig(appId string, params *account.SetRPFeeParam) error
func SetRecommend ¶
func SetRoomAvatar ¶
func SetRoomMuted ¶
func SetRoomMuted(operator, roomId string, mutedType int, userMap map[string]bool, deadline int64) error
func SetRoomMutedSingle ¶
func SetRoomName ¶
func SetStickyOnTop ¶
func ShowReward ¶
func SingleInviteInfos ¶
func StartServe ¶
func StartServe()
func SumDetails ¶
统计数据 详情
func TokenLogin ¶
func UserClientNums ¶
func UserClientNums() int
func UserListByUids ¶
func UserOnlineNums ¶
func UserOnlineNums() int
func VerifyApply ¶
func VerifyApply(appId, token string, tp int, targetId, description, payPassword, code string) (int64, error)
func VerifyApprove ¶
func VerifyFeeStatistics ¶
func VerifySetFee ¶
func VersionGraph ¶
func WriteExcel ¶
Types ¶
type RecommendRoom ¶
func GetRecommendRoom ¶
func GetRecommendRoom(appId string) *RecommendRoom
func NewRecommendRoom ¶
func NewRecommendRoom() *RecommendRoom
func (*RecommendRoom) AddData ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) AddData(item *types.Room)
func (*RecommendRoom) Clear ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) Clear()
func (*RecommendRoom) DelData ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) DelData(item *types.Room)
func (*RecommendRoom) GetCopyData ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyData() []*types.Room
func (*RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMem ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMem() []*types.Room
func (*RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMsg ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) GetCopyDataMsg() []*types.Room
func (*RecommendRoom) SetData ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) SetData(data []*types.Room)
func (*RecommendRoom) SetDataMem ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) SetDataMem(data []*types.Room)
func (*RecommendRoom) SetDataMsg ¶
func (t *RecommendRoom) SetDataMsg(data []*types.Room)
type RoomBaseInfo ¶
type RoomBaseInfo struct { Id string `json:"id"` MarkId string `json:"markId"` Name string `json:"name"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` Encrypt int `json:"encrypt"` CanAddFriend int `json:"canAddFriend"` JoinPermission int `json:"joinPermission"` RecordPermission int `json:"recordPermission"` MemberNumber int64 `json:"memberNumber"` ManagerNumber int64 `json:"managerNumber"` DisableDeadline int64 `json:"disableDeadline"` SystemMsg interface{} `json:"systemMsg"` Identification int `json:"identification"` IdentificationInfo string `json:"identificationInfo"` }
type RoomInfo ¶
type RoomInfo struct { *RoomBaseInfo OnlineNumber int `json:"onlineNumber"` NoDisturbing int `json:"noDisturbing"` OnTop int `json:"onTop"` MemberLevel int `json:"memberLevel"` RoomNickname string `json:"roomNickname"` RoomMutedType int `json:"roomMutedType"` MutedNumber int64 `json:"mutedNumber"` MutedType int `json:"mutedType"` Deadline int64 `json:"deadline"` Users []*RoomUserList `json:"users"` }
type RoomListInfo ¶
type RoomListInfo struct { Id string `json:"id"` MarkId string `json:"markId"` Name string `json:"name"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` NoDisturbing int `json:"noDisturbing"` CommonlyUsed int `json:"commonlyUsed"` OnTop int `json:"onTop"` Encrypt int `json:"encrypt"` DisableDeadline int64 `json:"disableDeadline"` Identification int `json:"identification"` IdentificationInfo string `json:"identificationInfo"` }
type RoomUserList ¶
type RoomUserList struct { Id string `json:"id"` Nickname string `json:"nickname"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` RoomNickname string `json:"roomNickname"` Avatar string `json:"avatar"` MemberLevel int `json:"memberLevel"` RoomMutedType int `json:"roomMutedType"` MutedType int `json:"mutedType"` Source string `json:"source"` Source2 interface{} `json:"source2"` Deadline int64 `json:"deadline"` Identification int `json:"identification"` IdentificationInfo string `json:"identificationInfo"` }
type SearchInfo ¶
type SearchInfo struct { Type int `json:"type"` RoomInfo interface{} `json:"roomInfo"` UserInfo interface{} `json:"userInfo"` }