Chamber is a tool for managing secrets. Currently it does so by storing secrets in SSM Parameter Store, an AWS service for storing secrets.
Using chamber
requires you to be running in an environment with an authenticated AWS user which has the appropriate permission to read/write values to SSM Parameter Store. The easiest way to do so is by using aws-vault
, like:
$ aws-vault exec prod -- chamber
For this reason, it is recommended that you create an alias in your shell of choice to save yourself some typing, for example (from my .zshrc
alias chamberprod='aws-vault exec production -- chamber'
Writing Secrets
$ chamber write <service> <key> <value>
This operation will write a secret into the secret store. If a secret with that key already exists, it will increment the version and store a new value.
Listing Secrets
$ chamber list service
Key Version LastModified User
apikey 2 06-09 17:30:56 daniel-fuentes
other 1 06-09 17:30:34 daniel-fuentes
Listing secrets should show the key names for a given service, along with other useful metadata including when the secret was last modified, who modified it, and what the current version is.
Historic view
$ chamber history service key
Event Version Date User
Created 1 06-09 17:30:19 daniel-fuentes
Updated 2 06-09 17:30:56 daniel-fuentes
The history command gives a historical view of a given secret. This view is useful for auditing changes, and can point you toward the user who made the change so it's easier to find out why changes were made.
$ chamber exec <service> -- <your executable>
The purpose of this command is to be used inside your service's docker container. Exec sets up environment variables populated with all the latest versions of secrets for the given service and environment.