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The OWASP Amass tool obtains subdomain names by scraping data sources, recursive brute forcing, crawling web archives, permuting/altering names and reverse DNS sweeping. Additionally, Amass uses the IP addresses obtained during resolution to discover associated netblocks and ASNs. All the information is then used to build maps of the target networks.
How to Install
A precompiled version is available for each release.
If your operating environment supports Snap, you can click here to install, or perform the following from the command-line:
$ sudo snap install amass
If you would like snap to get you the latest unstable build of OWASP Amass, type the following command:
$ sudo snap install --edge amass
From Source
If you would prefer to build your own binary from the latest version of the source code, make sure you have a correctly configured Go >= 1.10 environment. More information about how to achieve this can be found on the golang website. Then, take the following steps:
- Download amass:
$ go get -u github.com/OWASP/Amass
At this point, the amass binary should be in $GOPATH/bin.
- Several wordlists can be found in the following directory:
$ ls $GOPATH/src/github.com/OWASP/Amass/wordlists/
The most basic use of the tool, which includes reverse DNS lookups and name alterations:
$ amass -d example.com
If you need amass to only use the passive data sources and not resolve the names:
$ amass -nodns -d example.com
The example below is a good place to start with amass:
$ amass -v -ip -brute -min-for-recursive 3 -d example.com
[Google] www.example.com
[VirusTotal] ns.example.com
13139 names discovered - archive: 171, cert: 2671, scrape: 6290, brute: 991, dns: 250, alt: 2766
Add some additional domains to the enumeration:
$ amass -d example1.com,example2.com -d example3.com
Additional switches available through the amass CLI:
Flag |
Description |
Example |
-active |
Enable active recon methods |
amass -active -d example.com net -p 80,443,8080 |
-bl |
Blacklist undesired subdomains from the enumeration |
amass -bl blah.example.com -d example.com |
-blf |
Identify blacklisted subdomains from a file |
amass -blf data/blacklist.txt -d example.com |
-brute |
Perform brute force subdomain enumeration |
amass -brute -d example.com |
-df |
Specify the domains to be enumerated via text file |
amass -df domains.txt |
-freq |
Throttle the rate of DNS queries by number per minute |
amass -freq 120 -d example.com |
-h |
Show the amass usage information |
amass -h |
-ip |
Print IP addresses with the discovered names |
amass -ip -d example.com |
-json |
All discoveries written as individual JSON objects |
amass -json out.json -d example.com |
-l |
List all the domains to be used during enumeration |
amass -whois -l -d example.com |
-log |
Log all error messages to a file |
amass -log amass.log -d example.com |
-min-for-recursive |
Discoveries required for recursive brute forcing |
amass -brute -min-for-recursive 3 -d example.com |
-noalts |
Disable alterations of discovered names |
amass -noalts -d example.com |
-nodns |
A purely passive mode of execution |
amass -nodns -d example.com |
-norecursive |
Disable recursive brute forcing |
amass -brute -norecursive -d example.com |
-o |
Write the results to a text file |
amass -o out.txt -d example.com |
-oA |
Output to all available file formats with prefix |
amass -oA amass_scan -d example.com |
-r |
Specify your own DNS resolvers |
amass -r, -d example.com |
-rf |
Specify DNS resolvers with a file |
amass -rf data/resolvers.txt -d example.com |
-v |
Output includes data source and summary information |
amass -v -d example.com |
-version |
Print the version number of amass |
amass -version |
-w |
Change the wordlist used during brute forcing |
amass -brute -w wordlist.txt -d example.com |
-whois |
Search using reverse whois information |
amass -whois -d example.com |
Have amass send all the DNS and infrastructure enumerations to the Neo4j graph database:
$ amass -neo4j neo4j:DoNotUseThisPassword@localhost:7687 -d example.com
Here are switches for outputting the DNS and infrastructure findings as a network graph:
Flag |
Description |
Example |
-d3 |
Output a D3.js v4 force simulation HTML file |
amass -d3 network.html -d example |
-gexf |
Output to Graph Exchange XML Format (GEXF) |
amass -gephi network.gexf -d example.com |
-graphistry |
Output Graphistry JSON |
amass -graphistry network.json -d example.com |
-visjs |
Output HTML that employs VisJS |
amass -visjs network.html -d example.com |
Network/Infrastructure Options
Caution: If you use these options, amass will attempt to reach out to every IP address within the identified infrastructure and obtain names from TLS certificates. This is "loud" and can reveal your reconnaissance activities to the organization being investigated.
All the flags shown here require the 'net' subcommand to be specified first.
To discover all domains hosted within target ASNs, use the following option:
$ amass net -asn 13374,14618
To investigate within target CIDRs, use this option:
$ amass net -cidr,
For specific IPs or address ranges, use this option:
$ amass net -addr,
By default, port 443 will be checked for certificates, but the ports can be changed as follows:
$ amass net -cidr -p 80,443,8080
Integrating OWASP Amass into Your Work
If you are using the amass package within your own Go code, be sure to properly seed the default pseudo-random number generator:
func main() {
output := make(chan *amass.AmassOutput)
go func() {
for result := range output {
// Seed the default pseudo-random number generator
// Setup the most basic amass configuration
config := amass.CustomConfig(&amass.AmassConfig{Output: output})
// Begin the enumeration process
- Setup a new local transform within Maltego:
- Configure the local transform to properly execute the go program:
- Go into the Transform Manager, and disable the debug info option:
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