Are you tired of manually looking up your maven dependencies all the time? Manually searching for Dependencies and adding them to your build config yourself is a thing of the past! Let programs handle that ugly stuff.
Mpm creates maven projects and installs dependencies. Mpm is not trying to be a replacement for maven, but rather a frontend for creating and editing the pom.xml. Similar to how apt and apt-get operate.
To create a new Maven project, simply write mpm init. This will create a prefilled pom.xml in the current folder. Now you can install maven dependencies with mpm install spring-boot-starter-web. This will lookup the newest version and append it to your dependencies decleration. After that, it invokes mvn dependency:resolve to resolve and install the dependencies with Maven. You can also install plugins with mpm. To do that simply supply the flag p: mpm install -p spring-boot-maven-plugin. You can also run install without specifying any artifact to just download the dependencies.