
v1.10.12-lts Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Jul 18, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AppBackupDelete

type AppBackupDelete struct {
	Ids []uint `json:"ids"`

type AppBackupSearch

type AppBackupSearch struct {
	AppInstallID uint `json:"appInstallID"`

type AppContainerConfig added in v1.3.0

type AppContainerConfig struct {
	Advanced      bool    `json:"advanced"`
	CpuQuota      float64 `json:"cpuQuota"`
	MemoryLimit   float64 `json:"memoryLimit"`
	MemoryUnit    string  `json:"memoryUnit"`
	ContainerName string  `json:"containerName"`
	AllowPort     bool    `json:"allowPort"`
	EditCompose   bool    `json:"editCompose"`
	DockerCompose string  `json:"dockerCompose"`
	HostMode      bool    `json:"hostMode"`
	PullImage     bool    `json:"pullImage"`

type AppInstallCreate

type AppInstallCreate struct {
	AppDetailId uint                   `json:"appDetailId" validate:"required"`
	Params      map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
	Name        string                 `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Services    map[string]string      `json:"services"`

type AppInstallUpgrade

type AppInstallUpgrade struct {
	InstallID     uint   `json:"installId"`
	DetailID      uint   `json:"detailId"`
	Backup        bool   `json:"backup"`
	PullImage     bool   `json:"pullImage"`
	DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`

type AppInstalledIgnoreUpgrade added in v1.4.0

type AppInstalledIgnoreUpgrade struct {
	DetailID uint   `json:"detailID"  validate:"required"`
	Operate  string `json:"operate"   validate:"required,oneof=cancel ignore"`

type AppInstalledInfo added in v1.6.0

type AppInstalledInfo struct {
	Key  string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
	Name string `json:"name"`

type AppInstalledOperate

type AppInstalledOperate struct {
	InstallId     uint                `json:"installId" validate:"required"`
	BackupId      uint                `json:"backupId"`
	DetailId      uint                `json:"detailId"`
	Operate       constant.AppOperate `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
	ForceDelete   bool                `json:"forceDelete"`
	DeleteBackup  bool                `json:"deleteBackup"`
	DeleteDB      bool                `json:"deleteDB"`
	Backup        bool                `json:"backup"`
	PullImage     bool                `json:"pullImage"`
	DockerCompose string              `json:"dockerCompose"`

type AppInstalledSearch

type AppInstalledSearch struct {
	Type   string   `json:"type"`
	Name   string   `json:"name"`
	Tags   []string `json:"tags"`
	Update bool     `json:"update"`
	Unused bool     `json:"unused"`
	All    bool     `json:"all"`
	Sync   bool     `json:"sync"`

type AppInstalledUpdate

type AppInstalledUpdate struct {
	InstallId uint                   `json:"installId" validate:"required"`
	Params    map[string]interface{} `json:"params" validate:"required"`

type AppSearch

type AppSearch struct {
	Name      string   `json:"name"`
	Tags      []string `json:"tags"`
	Type      string   `json:"type"`
	Recommend bool     `json:"recommend"`
	Resource  string   `json:"resource"`

type AppUpdateVersion

type AppUpdateVersion struct {
	AppInstallID  uint   `json:"appInstallID" validate:"required"`
	UpdateVersion string `json:"updateVersion"`

type DirSizeReq

type DirSizeReq struct {
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`

type ExposedPort added in v1.8.0

type ExposedPort struct {
	HostPort      int `json:"hostPort"`
	ContainerPort int `json:"containerPort"`

type FavoriteCreate added in v1.8.0

type FavoriteCreate struct {
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`

type FavoriteDelete added in v1.8.0

type FavoriteDelete struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type FileBatchDelete

type FileBatchDelete struct {
	Paths []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
	IsDir bool     `json:"isDir"`

type FileChunkDownload added in v1.3.0

type FileChunkDownload struct {
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

type FileCompress

type FileCompress struct {
	Files   []string `json:"files" validate:"required"`
	Dst     string   `json:"dst" validate:"required"`
	Type    string   `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Name    string   `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Replace bool     `json:"replace"`
	Secret  string   `json:"secret"`

type FileContentReq added in v1.8.0

type FileContentReq struct {
	Path     string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	IsDetail bool   `json:"isDetail"`

type FileCreate

type FileCreate struct {
	Path      string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	Content   string `json:"content"`
	IsDir     bool   `json:"isDir"`
	Mode      int64  `json:"mode"`
	IsLink    bool   `json:"isLink"`
	IsSymlink bool   `json:"isSymlink"`
	LinkPath  string `json:"linkPath"`
	Sub       bool   `json:"sub"`

type FileDeCompress

type FileDeCompress struct {
	Dst    string `json:"dst"  validate:"required"`
	Type   string `json:"type"  validate:"required"`
	Path   string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	Secret string `json:"secret"`

type FileDelete

type FileDelete struct {
	Path        string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	IsDir       bool   `json:"isDir"`
	ForceDelete bool   `json:"forceDelete"`

type FileDownload

type FileDownload struct {
	Paths    []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
	Type     string   `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Name     string   `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Compress bool     `json:"compress"`

type FileEdit

type FileEdit struct {
	Path    string `json:"path"  validate:"required"`
	Content string `json:"content"`

type FileExistReq added in v1.8.0

type FileExistReq struct {
	Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Dir  string `json:"dir" validate:"required"`

type FileMove

type FileMove struct {
	Type     string   `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	OldPaths []string `json:"oldPaths" validate:"required"`
	NewPath  string   `json:"newPath" validate:"required"`
	Name     string   `json:"name"`
	Cover    bool     `json:"cover"`

type FileOption

type FileOption struct {

type FilePathCheck

type FilePathCheck struct {
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`

type FileProcessReq

type FileProcessReq struct {
	Key string `json:"key"`

type FileReadByLineReq added in v1.8.0

type FileReadByLineReq struct {
	Page     int    `json:"page" validate:"required"`
	PageSize int    `json:"pageSize" validate:"required"`
	Type     string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	ID       uint   `json:"ID"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Latest   bool   `json:"latest"`

type FileRename

type FileRename struct {
	OldName string `json:"oldName" validate:"required"`
	NewName string `json:"newName" validate:"required"`

type FileRoleReq added in v1.8.0

type FileRoleReq struct {
	Paths []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
	Mode  int64    `json:"mode" validate:"required"`
	User  string   `json:"user" validate:"required"`
	Group string   `json:"group" validate:"required"`
	Sub   bool     `json:"sub"`

type FileRoleUpdate added in v1.2.0

type FileRoleUpdate struct {
	Path  string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	User  string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
	Group string `json:"group" validate:"required"`
	Sub   bool   `json:"sub"`

type FileWget

type FileWget struct {
	Url               string `json:"url" validate:"required"`
	Path              string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
	Name              string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	IgnoreCertificate bool   `json:"ignoreCertificate"`

type HostToolConfig added in v1.5.0

type HostToolConfig struct {
	Type    string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`
	Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=get set"`
	Content string `json:"content"`

type HostToolCreate added in v1.5.0

type HostToolCreate struct {
	Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`

type HostToolLogReq added in v1.5.0

type HostToolLogReq struct {
	Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`

type HostToolReq added in v1.5.0

type HostToolReq struct {
	Type    string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`
	Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=status restart start stop"`

type NewAppInstall

type NewAppInstall struct {
	Name        string                 `json:"name"`
	AppDetailId uint                   `json:"appDetailID"`
	Params      map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`


type NginxAntiLeechUpdate added in v1.3.0

type NginxAntiLeechUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID   uint     `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Extends     string   `json:"extends" validate:"required"`
	Return      string   `json:"return" validate:"required"`
	Enable      bool     `json:"enable" `
	ServerNames []string `json:"serverNames"`
	Cache       bool     `json:"cache"`
	CacheTime   int      `json:"cacheTime"`
	CacheUint   string   `json:"cacheUint"`
	NoneRef     bool     `json:"noneRef"`
	LogEnable   bool     `json:"logEnable"`
	Blocked     bool     `json:"blocked"`

type NginxAuthReq added in v1.2.0

type NginxAuthReq struct {
	WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`

type NginxAuthUpdate added in v1.2.0

type NginxAuthUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Operate   string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
	Username  string `json:"username"`
	Password  string `json:"password"`
	Remark    string `json:"remark"`

type NginxCommonReq added in v1.3.0

type NginxCommonReq struct {
	WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`

type NginxConfigFileUpdate

type NginxConfigFileUpdate struct {
	Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
	Backup  bool   `json:"backup"`

type NginxConfigUpdate

type NginxConfigUpdate struct {
	Scope     dto.NginxKey `json:"scope"`
	Operate   string       `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=add update delete"`
	WebsiteID uint         `json:"websiteId"`
	Params    interface{}  `json:"params"`

type NginxProxyUpdate added in v1.2.0

type NginxProxyUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Content   string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
	Name      string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

type NginxRedirectReq added in v1.5.0

type NginxRedirectReq struct {
	Name         string   `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	WebsiteID    uint     `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Domains      []string `json:"domains"`
	KeepPath     bool     `json:"keepPath"`
	Enable       bool     `json:"enable"`
	Type         string   `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Redirect     string   `json:"redirect" validate:"required"`
	Path         string   `json:"path"`
	Target       string   `json:"target" validate:"required"`
	Operate      string   `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
	RedirectRoot bool     `json:"redirectRoot"`

type NginxRedirectUpdate added in v1.5.0

type NginxRedirectUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Content   string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
	Name      string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

type NginxRewriteReq added in v1.1.1

type NginxRewriteReq struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
	Name      string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

type NginxRewriteUpdate added in v1.1.1

type NginxRewriteUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
	Name      string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Content   string `json:"content"`

type NginxScopeReq

type NginxScopeReq struct {
	Scope     dto.NginxKey `json:"scope" validate:"required"`
	WebsiteID uint         `json:"websiteId"`

type NodeConfig added in v1.7.0

type NodeConfig struct {
	Install      bool          `json:"install"`
	Clean        bool          `json:"clean"`
	Port         int           `json:"port"`
	ExposedPorts []ExposedPort `json:"exposedPorts"`

type NodeModuleOperateReq added in v1.7.0

type NodeModuleOperateReq struct {
	Operate    string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=install uninstall update"`
	ID         uint   `json:"ID" validate:"required"`
	Module     string `json:"module"`
	PkgManager string `json:"pkgManager" validate:"oneof=npm yarn"`

type NodeModuleReq added in v1.7.0

type NodeModuleReq struct {
	ID uint `json:"ID" validate:"required"`

type NodePackageReq added in v1.7.0

type NodePackageReq struct {
	CodeDir string `json:"codeDir"`

type PHPExtensionsCreate added in v1.9.3

type PHPExtensionsCreate struct {
	Name       string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Extensions string `json:"extensions" validate:"required"`

type PHPExtensionsDelete added in v1.9.3

type PHPExtensionsDelete struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type PHPExtensionsSearch added in v1.9.3

type PHPExtensionsSearch struct {
	All bool `json:"all"`

type PHPExtensionsUpdate added in v1.9.3

type PHPExtensionsUpdate struct {
	ID         uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Extensions string `json:"extensions" validate:"required"`

type PortUpdate

type PortUpdate struct {
	Key  string `json:"key"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Port int64  `json:"port"`

type ProcessReq added in v1.4.0

type ProcessReq struct {
	PID int32 `json:"PID"  validate:"required"`

type RecycleBinCreate added in v1.8.0

type RecycleBinCreate struct {
	SourcePath string `json:"sourcePath" validate:"required"`

type RecycleBinReduce added in v1.8.0

type RecycleBinReduce struct {
	From  string `json:"from" validate:"required"`
	RName string `json:"rName" validate:"required"`
	Name  string `json:"name"`

type RuntimeConfig added in v1.1.0

type RuntimeConfig struct {
	ProxyType string `json:"proxyType"`
	Port      int    `json:"port"`

type RuntimeCreate added in v1.1.0

type RuntimeCreate struct {
	AppDetailID uint                   `json:"appDetailId"`
	Name        string                 `json:"name"`
	Params      map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
	Resource    string                 `json:"resource"`
	Image       string                 `json:"image"`
	Type        string                 `json:"type"`
	Version     string                 `json:"version"`
	Source      string                 `json:"source"`
	CodeDir     string                 `json:"codeDir"`

type RuntimeDelete added in v1.1.0

type RuntimeDelete struct {
	ID          uint `json:"id"`
	ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`

type RuntimeOperate added in v1.7.0

type RuntimeOperate struct {
	Operate string `json:"operate"`
	ID      uint   `json:"ID"`

type RuntimeSearch added in v1.1.0

type RuntimeSearch struct {
	Type   string `json:"type"`
	Name   string `json:"name"`
	Status string `json:"status"`

type RuntimeUpdate added in v1.1.0

type RuntimeUpdate struct {
	Name    string                 `json:"name"`
	ID      uint                   `json:"id"`
	Params  map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
	Image   string                 `json:"image"`
	Version string                 `json:"version"`
	Rebuild bool                   `json:"rebuild"`
	Source  string                 `json:"source"`
	CodeDir string                 `json:"codeDir"`

type SearchUploadWithPage

type SearchUploadWithPage struct {
	Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`

type SupervisorConfig added in v1.5.0

type SupervisorConfig struct {
	ConfigPath  string `json:"configPath"`
	ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"`

type SupervisorProcessConfig added in v1.5.0

type SupervisorProcessConfig struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Operate  string `json:"operate"`
	Command  string `json:"command"`
	User     string `json:"user"`
	Dir      string `json:"dir"`
	Numprocs string `json:"numprocs"`

type SupervisorProcessFileReq added in v1.5.0

type SupervisorProcessFileReq struct {
	Name    string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=get clear update" `
	Content string `json:"content"`
	File    string `json:"file" validate:"required,oneof=out.log err.log config"`

type WafWebsite

type WafWebsite struct {
	Key     string   `json:"key"`
	Domains []string `json:"domains"`
	Host    []string `json:"host"`

type WebsiteAcmeAccountCreate

type WebsiteAcmeAccountCreate struct {
	Email      string `json:"email" validate:"required"`
	Type       string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=letsencrypt zerossl buypass google"`
	KeyType    string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
	EabKid     string `json:"eabKid"`
	EabHmacKey string `json:"eabHmacKey"`

type WebsiteBatchDelReq added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteBatchDelReq struct {
	IDs []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteCACreate added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteCACreate struct {
	CommonName       string `json:"commonName" validate:"required"`
	Country          string `json:"country" validate:"required"`
	Organization     string `json:"organization" validate:"required"`
	OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
	Name             string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	KeyType          string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
	Province         string `json:"province" `
	City             string `json:"city"`

type WebsiteCAObtain added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteCAObtain struct {
	ID          uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Domains     string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`
	KeyType     string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
	Time        int    `json:"time" validate:"required"`
	Unit        string `json:"unit" validate:"required"`
	PushDir     bool   `json:"pushDir"`
	Dir         string `json:"dir"`
	AutoRenew   bool   `json:"autoRenew"`
	Renew       bool   `json:"renew"`
	SSLID       uint   `json:"sslID"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	ExecShell   bool   `json:"execShell"`
	Shell       string `json:"shell"`

type WebsiteCARenew added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteCARenew struct {
	SSLID uint `json:"SSLID" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteCASearch added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteCASearch struct {

type WebsiteCommonReq added in v1.6.0

type WebsiteCommonReq struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteCreate

type WebsiteCreate struct {
	PrimaryDomain  string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
	Type           string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Alias          string `json:"alias" validate:"required"`
	Remark         string `json:"remark"`
	OtherDomains   string `json:"otherDomains"`
	Proxy          string `json:"proxy"`
	WebsiteGroupID uint   `json:"webSiteGroupID" validate:"required"`
	IPV6           bool   `json:"IPV6"`

	AppType      string        `json:"appType" validate:"oneof=new installed"`
	AppInstall   NewAppInstall `json:"appInstall"`
	AppID        uint          `json:"appID"`
	AppInstallID uint          `json:"appInstallID"`

	FtpUser     string `json:"ftpUser"`
	FtpPassword string `json:"ftpPassword"`

	RuntimeID uint `json:"runtimeID"`

type WebsiteDNSReq

type WebsiteDNSReq struct {
	Domains       []string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`
	AcmeAccountID uint     `json:"acmeAccountId"  validate:"required"`

type WebsiteDefaultUpdate

type WebsiteDefaultUpdate struct {
	ID uint `json:"id"`

type WebsiteDelete

type WebsiteDelete struct {
	ID           uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	DeleteApp    bool `json:"deleteApp"`
	DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`
	ForceDelete  bool `json:"forceDelete"`

type WebsiteDnsAccountCreate

type WebsiteDnsAccountCreate struct {
	Name          string            `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Type          string            `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Authorization map[string]string `json:"authorization" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteDnsAccountUpdate

type WebsiteDnsAccountUpdate struct {
	ID            uint              `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Name          string            `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Type          string            `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Authorization map[string]string `json:"authorization" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteDomainCreate

type WebsiteDomainCreate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	Domains   string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteDomainDelete

type WebsiteDomainDelete struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteGroupCreate

type WebsiteGroupCreate struct {
	Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteGroupUpdate

type WebsiteGroupUpdate struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Default bool   `json:"default"`

type WebsiteHTTPSOp

type WebsiteHTTPSOp struct {
	WebsiteID       uint     `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
	Enable          bool     `json:"enable"`
	WebsiteSSLID    uint     `json:"websiteSSLId"`
	Type            string   `json:"type"  validate:"oneof=existed auto manual"`
	PrivateKey      string   `json:"privateKey"`
	Certificate     string   `json:"certificate"`
	PrivateKeyPath  string   `json:"privateKeyPath"`
	CertificatePath string   `json:"certificatePath"`
	ImportType      string   `json:"importType"`
	HttpConfig      string   `json:"httpConfig"  validate:"oneof=HTTPSOnly HTTPAlso HTTPToHTTPS"`
	SSLProtocol     []string `json:"SSLProtocol"`
	Algorithm       string   `json:"algorithm"`
	Hsts            bool     `json:"hsts"`

type WebsiteHtmlReq

type WebsiteHtmlReq struct {
	Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteHtmlUpdate

type WebsiteHtmlUpdate struct {
	Type    string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteInstallCheckReq

type WebsiteInstallCheckReq struct {
	InstallIds []uint `json:"InstallIds"`

type WebsiteLogReq

type WebsiteLogReq struct {
	ID       uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Operate  string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
	LogType  string `json:"logType" validate:"required"`
	Page     int    `json:"page"`
	PageSize int    `json:"pageSize"`

type WebsiteNginxUpdate

type WebsiteNginxUpdate struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteOp

type WebsiteOp struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Operate string `json:"operate"`

type WebsitePHPConfigUpdate added in v1.1.0

type WebsitePHPConfigUpdate struct {
	ID               uint              `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Params           map[string]string `json:"params"`
	Scope            string            `json:"scope" validate:"required"`
	DisableFunctions []string          `json:"disableFunctions"`
	UploadMaxSize    string            `json:"uploadMaxSize"`

type WebsitePHPFileUpdate added in v1.1.0

type WebsitePHPFileUpdate struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Type    string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`

type WebsitePHPVersionReq added in v1.5.0

type WebsitePHPVersionReq struct {
	WebsiteID    uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
	RuntimeID    uint `json:"runtimeID" validate:"required"`
	RetainConfig bool `json:"retainConfig" `

type WebsiteProxyConfig added in v1.2.0

type WebsiteProxyConfig struct {
	ID        uint              `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	Operate   string            `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
	Enable    bool              `json:"enable" `
	Cache     bool              `json:"cache" `
	CacheTime int               `json:"cacheTime"  `
	CacheUnit string            `json:"cacheUnit"`
	Name      string            `json:"name" validate:"required"`
	Modifier  string            `json:"modifier"`
	Match     string            `json:"match" validate:"required"`
	ProxyPass string            `json:"proxyPass" validate:"required"`
	ProxyHost string            `json:"proxyHost" validate:"required"`
	Content   string            `json:"content"`
	FilePath  string            `json:"filePath"`
	Replaces  map[string]string `json:"replaces"`
	SNI       bool              `json:"sni"`

type WebsiteProxyReq added in v1.2.0

type WebsiteProxyReq struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteRecover

type WebsiteRecover struct {
	WebsiteName string `json:"websiteName" validate:"required"`
	Type        string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	BackupName  string `json:"backupName" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteRecoverByFile

type WebsiteRecoverByFile struct {
	WebsiteName string `json:"websiteName" validate:"required"`
	Type        string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
	FileDir     string `json:"fileDir" validate:"required"`
	FileName    string `json:"fileName" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteRedirectReq added in v1.5.0

type WebsiteRedirectReq struct {
	WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteRedirectUpdate added in v1.5.0

type WebsiteRedirectUpdate struct {
	WebsiteID uint   `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
	Key       string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
	Enable    bool   `json:"enable"`

type WebsiteResourceReq

type WebsiteResourceReq struct {
	ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteSSLApply added in v1.9.0

type WebsiteSSLApply struct {
	ID           uint     `json:"ID" validate:"required"`
	SkipDNSCheck bool     `json:"skipDNSCheck"`
	Nameservers  []string `json:"nameservers"`

type WebsiteSSLCreate

type WebsiteSSLCreate struct {
	PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
	OtherDomains  string `json:"otherDomains"`
	Provider      string `json:"provider" validate:"required"`
	AcmeAccountID uint   `json:"acmeAccountId" validate:"required"`
	DnsAccountID  uint   `json:"dnsAccountId"`
	AutoRenew     bool   `json:"autoRenew"`
	KeyType       string `json:"keyType"`
	Apply         bool   `json:"apply"`
	PushDir       bool   `json:"pushDir"`
	Dir           string `json:"dir"`
	ID            uint   `json:"id"`
	Description   string `json:"description"`
	DisableCNAME  bool   `json:"disableCNAME"`
	SkipDNS       bool   `json:"skipDNS"`
	Nameserver1   string `json:"nameserver1"`
	Nameserver2   string `json:"nameserver2"`
	ExecShell     bool   `json:"execShell"`
	Shell         string `json:"shell"`

type WebsiteSSLRenew

type WebsiteSSLRenew struct {
	SSLID uint `json:"SSLId" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteSSLSearch

type WebsiteSSLSearch struct {
	AcmeAccountID string `json:"acmeAccountID"`

type WebsiteSSLUpdate added in v1.0.3

type WebsiteSSLUpdate struct {
	ID            uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	AutoRenew     bool   `json:"autoRenew"`
	Description   string `json:"description"`
	PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
	OtherDomains  string `json:"otherDomains"`
	Provider      string `json:"provider" validate:"required"`
	AcmeAccountID uint   `json:"acmeAccountId"`
	DnsAccountID  uint   `json:"dnsAccountId"`
	KeyType       string `json:"keyType"`
	Apply         bool   `json:"apply"`
	PushDir       bool   `json:"pushDir"`
	Dir           string `json:"dir"`
	DisableCNAME  bool   `json:"disableCNAME"`
	SkipDNS       bool   `json:"skipDNS"`
	Nameserver1   string `json:"nameserver1"`
	Nameserver2   string `json:"nameserver2"`
	ExecShell     bool   `json:"execShell"`
	Shell         string `json:"shell"`

type WebsiteSSLUpload added in v1.8.0

type WebsiteSSLUpload struct {
	PrivateKey      string `json:"privateKey"`
	Certificate     string `json:"certificate"`
	PrivateKeyPath  string `json:"privateKeyPath"`
	CertificatePath string `json:"certificatePath"`
	Type            string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=paste local"`
	SSLID           uint   `json:"sslID"`
	Description     string `json:"description"`

type WebsiteSearch

type WebsiteSearch struct {
	Name           string `json:"name"`
	OrderBy        string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=primary_domain type status created_at expire_date"`
	Order          string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
	WebsiteGroupID uint   `json:"websiteGroupId"`

type WebsiteUpdate

type WebsiteUpdate struct {
	ID             uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	PrimaryDomain  string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
	Remark         string `json:"remark"`
	WebsiteGroupID uint   `json:"webSiteGroupID"`
	ExpireDate     string `json:"expireDate"`
	IPV6           bool   `json:"IPV6"`

type WebsiteUpdateDir added in v1.1.1

type WebsiteUpdateDir struct {
	ID      uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	SiteDir string `json:"siteDir" validate:"required"`

type WebsiteUpdateDirPermission added in v1.1.1

type WebsiteUpdateDirPermission struct {
	ID    uint   `json:"id" validate:"required"`
	User  string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
	Group string `json:"group" validate:"required"`

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? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL