Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Variables
- type AppDetailRepo
- func (a AppDetailRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, details []model.AppDetail) error
- func (a AppDetailRepo) BatchUpdateBy(maps map[string]interface{}, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (a AppDetailRepo) DeleteByAppIds(ctx context.Context, appIds []uint) error
- func (a AppDetailRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppDetail, error)
- func (a AppDetailRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppDetail, error)
- func (a AppDetailRepo) Update(ctx context.Context, detail model.AppDetail) error
- func (a AppDetailRepo) WithAppId(id uint) DBOption
- func (a AppDetailRepo) WithVersion(version string) DBOption
- type AppInstallRepo
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) BatchUpdateBy(maps map[string]interface{}, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, install *model.AppInstall) error
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) Delete(ctx context.Context, install model.AppInstall) error
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppInstall, error)
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) ListBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppInstall, error)
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) LoadBaseInfo(key string, name string) (*RootInfo, error)
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.AppInstall, error)
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) Save(install *model.AppInstall) error
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithAppId(appId uint) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithAppIdsIn(appIds []uint) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdNotIn(detailIds []uint) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdsIn(detailIds []uint) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithIdNotInWebsite() DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithPort(port int) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithServiceName(serviceName string) DBOption
- func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithStatus(status string) DBOption
- type AppInstallResourceRpo
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) Create(ctx context.Context, resource *model.AppInstallResource) error
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppInstallResource, error)
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppInstallResource, error)
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithAppInstallId(appInstallId uint) DBOption
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithLinkId(linkId uint) DBOption
- func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithResourceId(resourceId uint) DBOption
- type AppRepo
- func (a AppRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, apps []model.App) error
- func (a AppRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, app *model.App) error
- func (a AppRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.App, error)
- func (a AppRepo) GetByKey(ctx context.Context, key string) (model.App, error)
- func (a AppRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.App, error)
- func (a AppRepo) GetRecommend() DBOption
- func (a AppRepo) OrderByRecommend() DBOption
- func (a AppRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.App, error)
- func (a AppRepo) Save(ctx context.Context, app *model.App) error
- func (a AppRepo) WithKey(key string) DBOption
- func (a AppRepo) WithType(typeStr string) DBOption
- type AppTagRepo
- func (a AppTagRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, tags []*model.AppTag) error
- func (a AppTagRepo) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context) error
- func (a AppTagRepo) DeleteByAppIds(ctx context.Context, appIds []uint) error
- func (a AppTagRepo) GetByAppId(appId uint) ([]model.AppTag, error)
- func (a AppTagRepo) GetByTagIds(tagIds []uint) ([]model.AppTag, error)
- type BackupRepo
- func (u *BackupRepo) Create(backup *model.BackupAccount) error
- func (u *BackupRepo) CreateRecord(record *model.BackupRecord) error
- func (u *BackupRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *BackupRepo) DeleteRecord(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *BackupRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.BackupAccount, error)
- func (u *BackupRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupAccount, error)
- func (u *BackupRepo) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupRecord, error)
- func (u *BackupRepo) PageRecord(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.BackupRecord, error)
- func (u *BackupRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (u *BackupRepo) WithByDetailName(detailName string) DBOption
- func (u *BackupRepo) WithByFileName(fileName string) DBOption
- func (u *BackupRepo) WithByType(backupType string) DBOption
- type CommandRepo
- func (u *CommandRepo) Create(command *model.Command) error
- func (u *CommandRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *CommandRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Command, error)
- func (u *CommandRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Command, error)
- func (u *CommandRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Command, error)
- func (u *CommandRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (c *CommandRepo) WithByInfo(info string) DBOption
- type CommonRepo
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByDate(startTime, endTime time.Time) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByGroupID(groupID uint) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByID(id uint) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByName(name string) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByStartDate(startTime time.Time) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByStatus(status string) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithByType(tp string) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithIdsIn(ids []uint) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithIdsNotIn(ids []uint) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithLikeName(name string) DBOption
- func (c *CommonRepo) WithOrderBy(orderStr string) DBOption
- type ComposeTemplateRepo
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Create(compose *model.ComposeTemplate) error
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) CreateRecord(compose *model.Compose) error
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.ComposeTemplate, error)
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ComposeTemplate, error)
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) ListRecord() ([]model.Compose, error)
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.ComposeTemplate, error)
- func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- type CronjobRepo
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Create(cronjob *model.Cronjob) error
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *CronjobRepo) DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *CronjobRepo) EndRecords(record model.JobRecords, status, message, records string)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Cronjob, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) GetRecord(opts ...DBOption) (model.JobRecords, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Cronjob, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.JobRecords, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Cronjob, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) PageRecords(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.JobRecords, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) RecordFirst(id uint) (model.JobRecords, error)
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Save(id uint, cronjob model.Cronjob) error
- func (u *CronjobRepo) StartRecords(cronjobID uint, fromLocal bool, targetPath string) model.JobRecords
- func (u *CronjobRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (c *CronjobRepo) WithByJobID(id int) DBOption
- type DBOption
- type GroupRepo
- func (w GroupRepo) CancelDefault() error
- func (u *GroupRepo) Create(group *model.Group) error
- func (u *GroupRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *GroupRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Group, error)
- func (u *GroupRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Group, error)
- func (u *GroupRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (u *GroupRepo) WithByIsDefault(isDefault bool) DBOption
- type HostRepo
- func (u *HostRepo) Create(host *model.Host) error
- func (u *HostRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *HostRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Host, error)
- func (u *HostRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Host, error)
- func (u *HostRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Host, error)
- func (u *HostRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (u *HostRepo) WithByAddr(addr string) DBOption
- func (u *HostRepo) WithByGroup(group string) DBOption
- func (c *HostRepo) WithByInfo(info string) DBOption
- func (u *HostRepo) WithByPort(port uint) DBOption
- func (u *HostRepo) WithByUser(user string) DBOption
- type IAcmeAccountRepo
- type IBackupRepo
- type ICommandRepo
- type ICommonRepo
- type IComposeTemplateRepo
- type ICronjobRepo
- type IGroupRepo
- type IHostRepo
- type IImageRepoRepo
- type ILogRepo
- type IMysqlRepo
- type ISSLRepo
- type ISettingRepo
- type ISnapshotRepo
- type IWebsiteRepo
- type ImageRepoRepo
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Create(imageRepo *model.ImageRepo) error
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.ImageRepo, error)
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ImageRepo, error)
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.ImageRepo, error)
- func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- type LogRepo
- func (u *LogRepo) CleanLogin() error
- func (u *LogRepo) CleanOperation() error
- func (u *LogRepo) CreateLoginLog(log *model.LoginLog) error
- func (u *LogRepo) CreateOperationLog(log *model.OperationLog) error
- func (u *LogRepo) PageLoginLog(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.LoginLog, error)
- func (u *LogRepo) PageOperationLog(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.OperationLog, error)
- func (c *LogRepo) WithByGroup(group string) DBOption
- func (c *LogRepo) WithByIP(ip string) DBOption
- func (c *LogRepo) WithByLikeOperation(operation string) DBOption
- func (c *LogRepo) WithByStatus(status string) DBOption
- type MysqlRepo
- func (u *MysqlRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, mysql *model.DatabaseMysql) error
- func (u *MysqlRepo) Delete(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *MysqlRepo) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context) error
- func (u *MysqlRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.DatabaseMysql, error)
- func (u *MysqlRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.DatabaseMysql, error)
- func (u *MysqlRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.DatabaseMysql, error)
- func (u *MysqlRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (u *MysqlRepo) UpdateDatabaseInfo(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- func (u *MysqlRepo) WithByMysqlName(mysqlName string) DBOption
- type RepoGroup
- type RootInfo
- type SettingRepo
- func (u *SettingRepo) Create(key, value string) error
- func (u *SettingRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Setting, error)
- func (u *SettingRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Setting, error)
- func (u *SettingRepo) Update(key, value string) error
- func (c *SettingRepo) WithByKey(key string) DBOption
- type SnapshotRepo
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) Create(Snapshot *model.Snapshot) error
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Snapshot, error)
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Snapshot, error)
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Snapshot, error)
- func (u *SnapshotRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
- type TagRepo
- func (t TagRepo) All() ([]model.Tag, error)
- func (t TagRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, tags []*model.Tag) error
- func (t TagRepo) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context) error
- func (t TagRepo) GetByAppId(appId uint) ([]model.Tag, error)
- func (t TagRepo) GetByIds(ids []uint) ([]model.Tag, error)
- func (t TagRepo) GetByKeys(keys []string) ([]model.Tag, error)
- type WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Create(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (*model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error)
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error)
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Save(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error
- func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) WithEmail(email string) DBOption
- type WebsiteDnsAccountRepo
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Create(account model.WebsiteDnsAccount) error
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (*model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
- func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Save(account model.WebsiteDnsAccount) error
- type WebsiteDomainRepo
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, domains []model.WebsiteDomain) error
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, app *model.WebsiteDomain) error
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteDomain, error)
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.WebsiteDomain, error)
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteDomain, error)
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Save(ctx context.Context, app *model.WebsiteDomain) error
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithDomain(domain string) DBOption
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithPort(port int) DBOption
- func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithWebsiteId(websiteId uint) DBOption
- type WebsiteGroupRepo
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) CancelDefault() error
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Create(app *model.WebsiteGroup) error
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteGroup, error)
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteGroup, error)
- func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Save(app *model.WebsiteGroup) error
- type WebsiteRepo
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, app *model.Website) error
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Website, error)
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.Website, error)
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Website, error)
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Website, error)
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) Save(ctx context.Context, app *model.Website) error
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) SaveWithoutCtx(website *model.Website) error
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithAlias(alias string) DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithAppInstallId(appInstallId uint) DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDefaultServer() DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDomain(domain string) DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDomainLike(domain string) DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithGroupID(groupId uint) DBOption
- func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithWebsiteSSLID(sslId uint) DBOption
- type WebsiteSSLRepo
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, ssl *model.WebsiteSSL) error
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.WebsiteSSL, error)
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteSSL, error)
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteSSL, error)
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Save(ssl model.WebsiteSSL) error
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAcmeAccountId(acmeAccountId uint) DBOption
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAlias(alias string) DBOption
- func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByDnsAccountId(dnsAccountId uint) DBOption
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
View Source
var RepoGroupApp = new(RepoGroup)
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AppDetailRepo ¶
type AppDetailRepo struct { }
func (AppDetailRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (AppDetailRepo) BatchUpdateBy ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) BatchUpdateBy(maps map[string]interface{}, opts ...DBOption) error
func (AppDetailRepo) DeleteByAppIds ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) DeleteByAppIds(ctx context.Context, appIds []uint) error
func (AppDetailRepo) GetBy ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppDetail, error)
func (AppDetailRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppDetail, error)
func (AppDetailRepo) WithAppId ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) WithAppId(id uint) DBOption
func (AppDetailRepo) WithVersion ¶
func (a AppDetailRepo) WithVersion(version string) DBOption
type AppInstallRepo ¶
type AppInstallRepo struct{}
func (*AppInstallRepo) BatchUpdateBy ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) BatchUpdateBy(maps map[string]interface{}, opts ...DBOption) error
func (*AppInstallRepo) Create ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, install *model.AppInstall) error
func (*AppInstallRepo) Delete ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) Delete(ctx context.Context, install model.AppInstall) error
func (*AppInstallRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*AppInstallRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppInstall, error)
func (*AppInstallRepo) ListBy ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) ListBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppInstall, error)
func (*AppInstallRepo) LoadBaseInfo ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) LoadBaseInfo(key string, name string) (*RootInfo, error)
func (*AppInstallRepo) Page ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.AppInstall, error)
func (*AppInstallRepo) Save ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) Save(install *model.AppInstall) error
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithAppId ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithAppId(appId uint) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithAppIdsIn ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithAppIdsIn(appIds []uint) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdNotIn ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdNotIn(detailIds []uint) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdsIn ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithDetailIdsIn(detailIds []uint) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithIdNotInWebsite ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithIdNotInWebsite() DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithPort ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithPort(port int) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithServiceName ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithServiceName(serviceName string) DBOption
func (*AppInstallRepo) WithStatus ¶
func (a *AppInstallRepo) WithStatus(status string) DBOption
type AppInstallResourceRpo ¶
type AppInstallResourceRpo struct { }
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) Create ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) Create(ctx context.Context, resource *model.AppInstallResource) error
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) DeleteBy ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) GetBy ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.AppInstallResource, error)
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) GetFirst ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.AppInstallResource, error)
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) WithAppInstallId ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithAppInstallId(appInstallId uint) DBOption
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) WithLinkId ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithLinkId(linkId uint) DBOption
func (AppInstallResourceRpo) WithResourceId ¶
func (a AppInstallResourceRpo) WithResourceId(resourceId uint) DBOption
type AppRepo ¶
type AppRepo struct { }
func (AppRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (AppRepo) GetRecommend ¶
func (AppRepo) OrderByRecommend ¶
type AppTagRepo ¶
type AppTagRepo struct { }
func (AppTagRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (AppTagRepo) DeleteByAppIds ¶
func (a AppTagRepo) DeleteByAppIds(ctx context.Context, appIds []uint) error
func (AppTagRepo) GetByAppId ¶
func (a AppTagRepo) GetByAppId(appId uint) ([]model.AppTag, error)
func (AppTagRepo) GetByTagIds ¶
func (a AppTagRepo) GetByTagIds(tagIds []uint) ([]model.AppTag, error)
type BackupRepo ¶
type BackupRepo struct{}
func (*BackupRepo) Create ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) Create(backup *model.BackupAccount) error
func (*BackupRepo) CreateRecord ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) CreateRecord(record *model.BackupRecord) error
func (*BackupRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*BackupRepo) DeleteRecord ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) DeleteRecord(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
func (*BackupRepo) Get ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.BackupAccount, error)
func (*BackupRepo) List ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupAccount, error)
func (*BackupRepo) ListRecord ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupRecord, error)
func (*BackupRepo) PageRecord ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) PageRecord(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.BackupRecord, error)
func (*BackupRepo) WithByDetailName ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) WithByDetailName(detailName string) DBOption
func (*BackupRepo) WithByFileName ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) WithByFileName(fileName string) DBOption
func (*BackupRepo) WithByType ¶
func (u *BackupRepo) WithByType(backupType string) DBOption
type CommandRepo ¶
type CommandRepo struct{}
func (*CommandRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *CommandRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*CommandRepo) GetList ¶
func (u *CommandRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Command, error)
func (*CommandRepo) Update ¶
func (u *CommandRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
func (*CommandRepo) WithByInfo ¶
func (c *CommandRepo) WithByInfo(info string) DBOption
type CommonRepo ¶
type CommonRepo struct{}
func (*CommonRepo) WithByDate ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByDate(startTime, endTime time.Time) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByGroupID ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByGroupID(groupID uint) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByID ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByID(id uint) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByName ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByName(name string) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByStartDate ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByStartDate(startTime time.Time) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByStatus ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByStatus(status string) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithByType ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithByType(tp string) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithIdsIn ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithIdsIn(ids []uint) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithIdsNotIn ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithIdsNotIn(ids []uint) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithLikeName ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithLikeName(name string) DBOption
func (*CommonRepo) WithOrderBy ¶
func (c *CommonRepo) WithOrderBy(orderStr string) DBOption
type ComposeTemplateRepo ¶
type ComposeTemplateRepo struct{}
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) Create ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Create(compose *model.ComposeTemplate) error
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) CreateRecord ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) CreateRecord(compose *model.Compose) error
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) DeleteRecord ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) Get ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.ComposeTemplate, error)
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) List ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ComposeTemplate, error)
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) ListRecord ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) ListRecord() ([]model.Compose, error)
func (*ComposeTemplateRepo) Page ¶
func (u *ComposeTemplateRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.ComposeTemplate, error)
type CronjobRepo ¶
type CronjobRepo struct{}
func (*CronjobRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*CronjobRepo) DeleteRecord ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*CronjobRepo) EndRecords ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) EndRecords(record model.JobRecords, status, message, records string)
func (*CronjobRepo) GetRecord ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) GetRecord(opts ...DBOption) (model.JobRecords, error)
func (*CronjobRepo) ListRecord ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.JobRecords, error)
func (*CronjobRepo) PageRecords ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) PageRecords(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.JobRecords, error)
func (*CronjobRepo) RecordFirst ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) RecordFirst(id uint) (model.JobRecords, error)
func (*CronjobRepo) StartRecords ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) StartRecords(cronjobID uint, fromLocal bool, targetPath string) model.JobRecords
func (*CronjobRepo) Update ¶
func (u *CronjobRepo) Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error
func (*CronjobRepo) WithByJobID ¶
func (c *CronjobRepo) WithByJobID(id int) DBOption
type GroupRepo ¶
type GroupRepo struct{}
func (GroupRepo) CancelDefault ¶
func (*GroupRepo) WithByIsDefault ¶
type HostRepo ¶
type HostRepo struct{}
func (*HostRepo) WithByAddr ¶
func (*HostRepo) WithByGroup ¶
func (*HostRepo) WithByInfo ¶
func (*HostRepo) WithByPort ¶
func (*HostRepo) WithByUser ¶
type IAcmeAccountRepo ¶
type IAcmeAccountRepo interface { Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (*model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error) Create(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error Save(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error WithEmail(email string) DBOption }
func NewIAcmeAccountRepo ¶
func NewIAcmeAccountRepo() IAcmeAccountRepo
type IBackupRepo ¶
type IBackupRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.BackupAccount, error) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupRecord, error) PageRecord(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.BackupRecord, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.BackupAccount, error) Create(backup *model.BackupAccount) error CreateRecord(record *model.BackupRecord) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error DeleteRecord(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error WithByDetailName(detailName string) DBOption }
func NewIBackupRepo ¶
func NewIBackupRepo() IBackupRepo
type ICommandRepo ¶
type ICommandRepo interface { GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Command, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Command, error) WithByInfo(info string) DBOption Create(command *model.Command) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewICommandRepo ¶
func NewICommandRepo() ICommandRepo
type ICommonRepo ¶
type ICommonRepo interface { WithByID(id uint) DBOption WithByName(name string) DBOption WithByType(tp string) DBOption WithOrderBy(orderStr string) DBOption WithByGroupID(groupID uint) DBOption WithLikeName(name string) DBOption WithIdsIn(ids []uint) DBOption WithByDate(startTime, endTime time.Time) DBOption WithByStartDate(startTime time.Time) DBOption }
type IComposeTemplateRepo ¶
type IComposeTemplateRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.ComposeTemplate, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ComposeTemplate, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.ComposeTemplate, error) Create(compose *model.ComposeTemplate) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error CreateRecord(compose *model.Compose) error DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewIComposeTemplateRepo ¶
func NewIComposeTemplateRepo() IComposeTemplateRepo
type ICronjobRepo ¶
type ICronjobRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Cronjob, error) GetRecord(opts ...DBOption) (model.JobRecords, error) RecordFirst(id uint) (model.JobRecords, error) ListRecord(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.JobRecords, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Cronjob, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Cronjob, error) Create(cronjob *model.Cronjob) error WithByJobID(id int) DBOption Save(id uint, cronjob model.Cronjob) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error DeleteRecord(opts ...DBOption) error StartRecords(cronjobID uint, fromLocal bool, targetPath string) model.JobRecords EndRecords(record model.JobRecords, status, message, records string) }
func NewICronjobRepo ¶
func NewICronjobRepo() ICronjobRepo
type IGroupRepo ¶
type IGroupRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Group, error) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Group, error) Create(group *model.Group) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error CancelDefault() error WithByIsDefault(isDefault bool) DBOption }
func NewIGroupRepo ¶
func NewIGroupRepo() IGroupRepo
type IHostRepo ¶
type IHostRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Host, error) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Host, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Host, error) WithByInfo(info string) DBOption WithByPort(port uint) DBOption WithByUser(user string) DBOption WithByAddr(addr string) DBOption Create(host *model.Host) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewIHostRepo ¶
func NewIHostRepo() IHostRepo
type IImageRepoRepo ¶
type IImageRepoRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.ImageRepo, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.ImageRepo, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ImageRepo, error) Create(imageRepo *model.ImageRepo) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Delete(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewIImageRepoRepo ¶
func NewIImageRepoRepo() IImageRepoRepo
type ILogRepo ¶
type ILogRepo interface { CleanLogin() error CreateLoginLog(user *model.LoginLog) error PageLoginLog(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.LoginLog, error) WithByIP(ip string) DBOption WithByStatus(status string) DBOption WithByGroup(group string) DBOption WithByLikeOperation(operation string) DBOption CleanOperation() error CreateOperationLog(user *model.OperationLog) error PageOperationLog(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.OperationLog, error) }
func NewILogRepo ¶
func NewILogRepo() ILogRepo
type IMysqlRepo ¶
type IMysqlRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.DatabaseMysql, error) WithByMysqlName(mysqlName string) DBOption List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.DatabaseMysql, error) Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.DatabaseMysql, error) Create(ctx context.Context, mysql *model.DatabaseMysql) error Delete(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error UpdateDatabaseInfo(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error DeleteAll(ctx context.Context) error }
func NewIMysqlRepo ¶
func NewIMysqlRepo() IMysqlRepo
type ISSLRepo ¶
type ISSLRepo interface { WithByAlias(alias string) DBOption WithByAcmeAccountId(acmeAccountId uint) DBOption WithByDnsAccountId(dnsAccountId uint) DBOption Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteSSL, error) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.WebsiteSSL, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteSSL, error) Create(ctx context.Context, ssl *model.WebsiteSSL) error Save(ssl model.WebsiteSSL) error DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewISSLRepo ¶
func NewISSLRepo() ISSLRepo
type ISettingRepo ¶
type ISettingRepo interface { GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Setting, error) Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Setting, error) Create(key, value string) error Update(key, value string) error WithByKey(key string) DBOption }
func NewISettingRepo ¶
func NewISettingRepo() ISettingRepo
type ISnapshotRepo ¶
type ISnapshotRepo interface { Get(opts ...DBOption) (model.Snapshot, error) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Snapshot, error) Create(snap *model.Snapshot) error Update(id uint, vars map[string]interface{}) error Page(limit, offset int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Snapshot, error) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error }
func NewISnapshotRepo ¶
func NewISnapshotRepo() ISnapshotRepo
type IWebsiteRepo ¶
type IWebsiteRepo interface { WithAppInstallId(appInstallId uint) DBOption WithDomain(domain string) DBOption WithAlias(alias string) DBOption WithWebsiteSSLID(sslId uint) DBOption WithGroupID(groupId uint) DBOption WithDefaultServer() DBOption WithDomainLike(domain string) DBOption Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.Website, error) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Website, error) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.Website, error) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Website, error) Save(ctx context.Context, app *model.Website) error SaveWithoutCtx(app *model.Website) error DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error Create(ctx context.Context, app *model.Website) error }
func NewIWebsiteRepo ¶
func NewIWebsiteRepo() IWebsiteRepo
type ImageRepoRepo ¶
type ImageRepoRepo struct{}
func (*ImageRepoRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *ImageRepoRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*ImageRepoRepo) List ¶
func (u *ImageRepoRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.ImageRepo, error)
type LogRepo ¶
type LogRepo struct{}
func (*LogRepo) CleanLogin ¶
func (*LogRepo) CleanOperation ¶
func (*LogRepo) CreateOperationLog ¶
func (u *LogRepo) CreateOperationLog(log *model.OperationLog) error
func (*LogRepo) PageLoginLog ¶
func (*LogRepo) PageOperationLog ¶
func (*LogRepo) WithByGroup ¶
func (*LogRepo) WithByLikeOperation ¶
func (*LogRepo) WithByStatus ¶
type MysqlRepo ¶
type MysqlRepo struct{}
func (*MysqlRepo) UpdateDatabaseInfo ¶
func (*MysqlRepo) WithByMysqlName ¶
type RepoGroup ¶
type RepoGroup struct { CommonRepo AppRepo AppTagRepo TagRepo AppDetailRepo AppInstallRepo AppInstallResourceRpo ImageRepoRepo ComposeTemplateRepo MysqlRepo CronjobRepo HostRepo CommandRepo GroupRepo SettingRepo BackupRepo WebsiteRepo WebsiteDomainRepo WebsiteGroupRepo WebsiteDnsAccountRepo WebsiteSSLRepo WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo LogRepo SnapshotRepo }
type SettingRepo ¶
type SettingRepo struct{}
func (*SettingRepo) Create ¶
func (u *SettingRepo) Create(key, value string) error
func (*SettingRepo) GetList ¶
func (u *SettingRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Setting, error)
func (*SettingRepo) Update ¶
func (u *SettingRepo) Update(key, value string) error
func (*SettingRepo) WithByKey ¶
func (c *SettingRepo) WithByKey(key string) DBOption
type SnapshotRepo ¶
type SnapshotRepo struct{}
func (*SnapshotRepo) Delete ¶
func (u *SnapshotRepo) Delete(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*SnapshotRepo) GetList ¶
func (u *SnapshotRepo) GetList(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Snapshot, error)
type WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo ¶
type WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo struct { }
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Create ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Create(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (*model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error)
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Page ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteAcmeAccount, error)
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Save ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) Save(account model.WebsiteAcmeAccount) error
func (*WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) WithEmail ¶
func (w *WebsiteAcmeAccountRepo) WithEmail(email string) DBOption
type WebsiteDnsAccountRepo ¶
type WebsiteDnsAccountRepo struct { }
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Create ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Create(account model.WebsiteDnsAccount) error
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (*model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) List ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Page ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteDnsAccount, error)
func (WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Save ¶
func (w WebsiteDnsAccountRepo) Save(account model.WebsiteDnsAccount) error
type WebsiteDomainRepo ¶
type WebsiteDomainRepo struct { }
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) BatchCreate ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, domains []model.WebsiteDomain) error
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) Create ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, app *model.WebsiteDomain) error
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) GetBy ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteDomain, error)
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.WebsiteDomain, error)
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) Page ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteDomain, error)
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) Save ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) Save(ctx context.Context, app *model.WebsiteDomain) error
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) WithDomain ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithDomain(domain string) DBOption
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) WithPort ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithPort(port int) DBOption
func (WebsiteDomainRepo) WithWebsiteId ¶
func (w WebsiteDomainRepo) WithWebsiteId(websiteId uint) DBOption
type WebsiteGroupRepo ¶
type WebsiteGroupRepo struct { }
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) CancelDefault ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) CancelDefault() error
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) Create ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Create(app *model.WebsiteGroup) error
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) GetBy ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteGroup, error)
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) Page ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteGroup, error)
func (WebsiteGroupRepo) Save ¶
func (w WebsiteGroupRepo) Save(app *model.WebsiteGroup) error
type WebsiteRepo ¶
type WebsiteRepo struct { }
func (*WebsiteRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error
func (*WebsiteRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.Website, error)
func (*WebsiteRepo) SaveWithoutCtx ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) SaveWithoutCtx(website *model.Website) error
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithAlias ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithAlias(alias string) DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithAppInstallId ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithAppInstallId(appInstallId uint) DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithDefaultServer ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDefaultServer() DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithDomain ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDomain(domain string) DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithDomainLike ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithDomainLike(domain string) DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithGroupID ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithGroupID(groupId uint) DBOption
func (*WebsiteRepo) WithWebsiteSSLID ¶
func (w *WebsiteRepo) WithWebsiteSSLID(sslId uint) DBOption
type WebsiteSSLRepo ¶
type WebsiteSSLRepo struct { }
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) Create ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, ssl *model.WebsiteSSL) error
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) DeleteBy ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) GetFirst ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.WebsiteSSL, error)
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) List ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) List(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.WebsiteSSL, error)
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) Page ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Page(page, size int, opts ...DBOption) (int64, []model.WebsiteSSL, error)
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) Save ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) Save(ssl model.WebsiteSSL) error
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAcmeAccountId ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAcmeAccountId(acmeAccountId uint) DBOption
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAlias ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByAlias(alias string) DBOption
func (WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByDnsAccountId ¶
func (w WebsiteSSLRepo) WithByDnsAccountId(dnsAccountId uint) DBOption
Source Files ¶
- app.go
- app_detail.go
- app_install.go
- app_install_resource.go
- app_tag.go
- backup.go
- command.go
- common.go
- compose_template.go
- cronjob.go
- databse_mysql.go
- entry.go
- group.go
- host.go
- image_repo.go
- logs.go
- setting.go
- snapshot.go
- tag.go
- website.go
- website_acme_account.go
- website_dns_account.go
- website_domain.go
- website_group.go
- website_ssl.go
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