Overview ¶
Automatically generated by Packet Go code generator.
Index ¶
- func IsAction(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsActionOutput(p Action) bool
- func IsAggregateStatsReply(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsAggregateStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
- func IsApplyActions(p Instruction) bool
- func IsDescStats(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsEchoReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsEchoRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsErrorMsg(p Header12) bool
- func IsFeaturesReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsFeaturesRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsFlowMod(p Header12) bool
- func IsFlowRemoved(p Header12) bool
- func IsFlowStats(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsFlowStatsReply(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsFlowStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
- func IsGetConfigRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsHeader12(p of.Header) bool
- func IsHello(p of.Hello) bool
- func IsInstruction(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsMatch(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsOXMatch(p Match) bool
- func IsOxmEthDst(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmEthDstMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmEthSrc(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmEthSrcMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmEthType(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmField(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsOxmInPort(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpProto(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV4Dst(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV4DstMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV4Src(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV4SrcMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV6Dst(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV6DstMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV6Src(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmIpV6SrcMasked(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmTcpDst(p OxmField) bool
- func IsOxmTcpSrc(p OxmField) bool
- func IsPacketIn(p Header12) bool
- func IsPacketOut(p Header12) bool
- func IsPacketQueue(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsPort(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsPortMod(p Header12) bool
- func IsPortStats(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsPortStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
- func IsPortStatus(p Header12) bool
- func IsQueueGetConfigReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsQueueGetConfigRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsQueuePropHeader(p packet.Packet) bool
- func IsQueuePropMinRate(p QueuePropHeader) bool
- func IsQueueStats(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsQueueStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
- func IsRoleReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsRoleRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsStatsReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsStatsRequest(p Header12) bool
- func IsStdMatch(p Match) bool
- func IsSwitchGetConfigReply(p Header12) bool
- func IsSwitchSetConfig(p Header12) bool
- func IsTableStats(p StatsReply) bool
- func IsVendorHeader(p Header12) bool
- type Action
- func (this Action) Clone() (Action, error)
- func (this *Action) Init()
- func (this Action) Len() uint16
- func (this Action) LenOffset() int
- func (this *Action) SetLen(l uint16)
- func (this *Action) SetType(t uint16)
- func (this Action) Size() int
- func (this Action) Type() uint16
- func (this Action) TypeOffset() int
- type ActionConn
- type ActionOutput
- func (this ActionOutput) Clone() (ActionOutput, error)
- func (this *ActionOutput) Init()
- func (this ActionOutput) MaxLen() uint16
- func (this ActionOutput) MaxLenOffset() int
- func (this ActionOutput) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this ActionOutput) PadOffset() int
- func (this ActionOutput) Port() uint32
- func (this ActionOutput) PortOffset() int
- func (this *ActionOutput) SetMaxLen(m uint16)
- func (this *ActionOutput) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *ActionOutput) SetPort(p uint32)
- func (this ActionOutput) Size() int
- type ActionOutputConn
- func (c *ActionOutputConn) Flush() error
- func (c *ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutput() (ActionOutput, error)
- func (c *ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutputs(pkts []ActionOutput) (int, error)
- func (c *ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutput(pkt ActionOutput) error
- func (c *ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutputs(pkts []ActionOutput) error
- type ActionType
- type AggregateStatsReply
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) ByteCount() uint64
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) ByteCountOffset() int
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) Clone() (AggregateStatsReply, error)
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) FlowCount() uint32
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) FlowCountOffset() int
- func (this *AggregateStatsReply) Init()
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) PacketCount() uint64
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) PacketCountOffset() int
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) PadOffset() int
- func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetByteCount(b uint64)
- func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetFlowCount(f uint32)
- func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetPacketCount(p uint64)
- func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this AggregateStatsReply) Size() int
- type AggregateStatsReplyConn
- func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReply() (AggregateStatsReply, error)
- func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReplys(pkts []AggregateStatsReply) (int, error)
- func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReply(pkt AggregateStatsReply) error
- func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReplys(pkts []AggregateStatsReply) error
- type AggregateStatsRequest
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Clone() (AggregateStatsRequest, error)
- func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) Init()
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Match() Match
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) MatchOffset() int
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) MatchSize() int
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) OutPort() uint16
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) OutPortOffset() int
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Pad() uint8
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetOutPort(o uint16)
- func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetPad(p uint8)
- func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Size() int
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) TableId() uint8
- func (this AggregateStatsRequest) TableIdOffset() int
- type AggregateStatsRequestConn
- func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequest() (AggregateStatsRequest, error)
- func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequests(pkts []AggregateStatsRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequest(pkt AggregateStatsRequest) error
- func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequests(pkts []AggregateStatsRequest) error
- type ApplyActions
- func (this ApplyActions) Actions() []Action
- func (this ApplyActions) ActionsOffset() int
- func (this ApplyActions) ActionsSize() int
- func (this *ApplyActions) AddActions(a Action)
- func (this ApplyActions) Clone() (ApplyActions, error)
- func (this *ApplyActions) Init()
- func (this ApplyActions) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this ApplyActions) PadOffset() int
- func (this *ApplyActions) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this ApplyActions) Size() int
- type ApplyActionsConn
- func (c *ApplyActionsConn) Flush() error
- func (c *ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActions() (ApplyActions, error)
- func (c *ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActionss(pkts []ApplyActions) (int, error)
- func (c *ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActions(pkt ApplyActions) error
- func (c *ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActionss(pkts []ApplyActions) error
- type BadActionCode
- type BadRequestCode
- type Buffers
- type Capabilities
- type ConfigFlags
- type ControllerRole
- type DescStats
- func (this DescStats) Clone() (DescStats, error)
- func (this DescStats) DpDesc() [256]byte
- func (this DescStats) DpDescOffset() int
- func (this DescStats) HwDesc() [256]byte
- func (this DescStats) HwDescOffset() int
- func (this *DescStats) Init()
- func (this DescStats) MfrDesc() [256]byte
- func (this DescStats) MfrDescOffset() int
- func (this DescStats) SerialNum() [32]byte
- func (this DescStats) SerialNumOffset() int
- func (this *DescStats) SetDpDesc(d [256]byte)
- func (this *DescStats) SetHwDesc(h [256]byte)
- func (this *DescStats) SetMfrDesc(m [256]byte)
- func (this *DescStats) SetSerialNum(s [32]byte)
- func (this *DescStats) SetSwDesc(s [256]byte)
- func (this DescStats) Size() int
- func (this DescStats) SwDesc() [256]byte
- func (this DescStats) SwDescOffset() int
- type DescStatsConn
- type DescStatsConstants
- type EchoReply
- type EchoReplyConn
- type EchoRequest
- type EchoRequestConn
- func (c *EchoRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequest() (EchoRequest, error)
- func (c *EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequests(pkts []EchoRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequest(pkt EchoRequest) error
- func (c *EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequests(pkts []EchoRequest) error
- type ErrorMsg
- func (this *ErrorMsg) AddData(d uint8)
- func (this ErrorMsg) Clone() (ErrorMsg, error)
- func (this ErrorMsg) Code() uint16
- func (this ErrorMsg) CodeOffset() int
- func (this ErrorMsg) Data() []uint8
- func (this ErrorMsg) DataOffset() int
- func (this ErrorMsg) DataSize() int
- func (this ErrorMsg) ErrType() uint16
- func (this ErrorMsg) ErrTypeOffset() int
- func (this *ErrorMsg) Init()
- func (this *ErrorMsg) SetCode(c uint16)
- func (this *ErrorMsg) SetErrType(e uint16)
- func (this ErrorMsg) Size() int
- type ErrorMsgConn
- type ErrorType
- type FeaturesReply
- func (this FeaturesReply) Actions() uint32
- func (this FeaturesReply) ActionsOffset() int
- func (this *FeaturesReply) AddPorts(p Port)
- func (this FeaturesReply) Capabilities() uint32
- func (this FeaturesReply) CapabilitiesOffset() int
- func (this FeaturesReply) Clone() (FeaturesReply, error)
- func (this FeaturesReply) DatapathId() uint64
- func (this FeaturesReply) DatapathIdOffset() int
- func (this *FeaturesReply) Init()
- func (this FeaturesReply) NBuffers() uint32
- func (this FeaturesReply) NBuffersOffset() int
- func (this FeaturesReply) NTables() uint8
- func (this FeaturesReply) NTablesOffset() int
- func (this FeaturesReply) Pad() [3]uint8
- func (this FeaturesReply) PadOffset() int
- func (this FeaturesReply) Ports() []Port
- func (this FeaturesReply) PortsOffset() int
- func (this FeaturesReply) PortsSize() int
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetActions(a uint32)
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetCapabilities(c uint32)
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetDatapathId(d uint64)
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetNBuffers(n uint32)
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetNTables(n uint8)
- func (this *FeaturesReply) SetPad(p [3]uint8)
- func (this FeaturesReply) Size() int
- type FeaturesReplyConn
- func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReply() (FeaturesReply, error)
- func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReplys(pkts []FeaturesReply) (int, error)
- func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReply(pkt FeaturesReply) error
- func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReplys(pkts []FeaturesReply) error
- type FeaturesRequest
- type FeaturesRequestConn
- func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequest() (FeaturesRequest, error)
- func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequests(pkts []FeaturesRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequest(pkt FeaturesRequest) error
- func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequests(pkts []FeaturesRequest) error
- type FlowMod
- func (this *FlowMod) AddInstructions(i Instruction)
- func (this FlowMod) BufferId() uint32
- func (this FlowMod) BufferIdOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) Clone() (FlowMod, error)
- func (this FlowMod) Command() uint8
- func (this FlowMod) CommandOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) Cookie() uint64
- func (this FlowMod) CookieMask() uint64
- func (this FlowMod) CookieMaskOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) CookieOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) Flags() uint16
- func (this FlowMod) FlagsOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) HardTimeout() uint16
- func (this FlowMod) HardTimeoutOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) IdleTimeout() uint16
- func (this FlowMod) IdleTimeoutOffset() int
- func (this *FlowMod) Init()
- func (this FlowMod) Instructions() []Instruction
- func (this FlowMod) InstructionsOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) InstructionsSize() int
- func (this FlowMod) Match() Match
- func (this FlowMod) MatchOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) MatchSize() int
- func (this FlowMod) OutGroup() uint32
- func (this FlowMod) OutGroupOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) OutPort() uint32
- func (this FlowMod) OutPortOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) Pad() [2]uint8
- func (this FlowMod) PadOffset() int
- func (this FlowMod) Priority() uint16
- func (this FlowMod) PriorityOffset() int
- func (this *FlowMod) SetBufferId(b uint32)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetCommand(c uint8)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetCookie(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetCookieMask(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetFlags(f uint16)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetHardTimeout(h uint16)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetIdleTimeout(i uint16)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetOutGroup(o uint32)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetOutPort(o uint32)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetPriority(p uint16)
- func (this *FlowMod) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this FlowMod) Size() int
- func (this FlowMod) TableId() uint8
- func (this FlowMod) TableIdOffset() int
- type FlowModCommand
- type FlowModConn
- type FlowModFlags
- type FlowRemoved
- func (this FlowRemoved) ByteCount() uint64
- func (this FlowRemoved) ByteCountOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) Clone() (FlowRemoved, error)
- func (this FlowRemoved) Cookie() uint64
- func (this FlowRemoved) CookieOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) DurationNsec() uint32
- func (this FlowRemoved) DurationNsecOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) DurationSec() uint32
- func (this FlowRemoved) DurationSecOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) IdleTimeout() uint16
- func (this FlowRemoved) IdleTimeoutOffset() int
- func (this *FlowRemoved) Init()
- func (this FlowRemoved) Match() Match
- func (this FlowRemoved) MatchOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) MatchSize() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) PacketCount() uint64
- func (this FlowRemoved) PacketCountOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) Pad() [1]uint8
- func (this FlowRemoved) Pad2() [2]uint8
- func (this FlowRemoved) Pad2Offset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) PadOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) Priority() uint16
- func (this FlowRemoved) PriorityOffset() int
- func (this FlowRemoved) Reason() uint8
- func (this FlowRemoved) ReasonOffset() int
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetByteCount(b uint64)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetCookie(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetDurationNsec(d uint32)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetDurationSec(d uint32)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetIdleTimeout(i uint16)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPacketCount(p uint64)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPad(p [1]uint8)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPad2(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPriority(p uint16)
- func (this *FlowRemoved) SetReason(r uint8)
- func (this FlowRemoved) Size() int
- type FlowRemovedConn
- func (c *FlowRemovedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoved() (FlowRemoved, error)
- func (c *FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoveds(pkts []FlowRemoved) (int, error)
- func (c *FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoved(pkt FlowRemoved) error
- func (c *FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoveds(pkts []FlowRemoved) error
- type FlowRemovedReason
- type FlowStats
- func (this *FlowStats) AddInstructions(i Instruction)
- func (this FlowStats) ByteCount() uint64
- func (this FlowStats) ByteCountOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) Clone() (FlowStats, error)
- func (this FlowStats) Cookie() uint64
- func (this FlowStats) CookieOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) DurationNsec() uint32
- func (this FlowStats) DurationNsecOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) DurationSec() uint32
- func (this FlowStats) DurationSecOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) HardTimeout() uint16
- func (this FlowStats) HardTimeoutOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) IdleTimeout() uint16
- func (this FlowStats) IdleTimeoutOffset() int
- func (this *FlowStats) Init()
- func (this FlowStats) Instructions() []Instruction
- func (this FlowStats) InstructionsOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) InstructionsSize() int
- func (this FlowStats) Length() uint16
- func (this FlowStats) LengthOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) Match() Match
- func (this FlowStats) MatchOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) MatchSize() int
- func (this FlowStats) PacketCount() uint64
- func (this FlowStats) PacketCountOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) Pad() uint8
- func (this FlowStats) Pad2() [6]uint8
- func (this FlowStats) Pad2Offset() int
- func (this FlowStats) PadOffset() int
- func (this FlowStats) Priority() uint16
- func (this FlowStats) PriorityOffset() int
- func (this *FlowStats) SetByteCount(b uint64)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetCookie(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetDurationNsec(d uint32)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetDurationSec(d uint32)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetHardTimeout(h uint16)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetIdleTimeout(i uint16)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetLength(l uint16)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetPacketCount(p uint64)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetPad(p uint8)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetPad2(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetPriority(p uint16)
- func (this *FlowStats) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this FlowStats) Size() int
- func (this FlowStats) TableId() uint8
- func (this FlowStats) TableIdOffset() int
- type FlowStatsConn
- type FlowStatsReply
- func (this *FlowStatsReply) AddFlowStats(f FlowStats)
- func (this FlowStatsReply) Clone() (FlowStatsReply, error)
- func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStats() []FlowStats
- func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsOffset() int
- func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsSize() int
- func (this *FlowStatsReply) Init()
- func (this FlowStatsReply) Size() int
- type FlowStatsReplyConn
- func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReply() (FlowStatsReply, error)
- func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReplys(pkts []FlowStatsReply) (int, error)
- func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReply(pkt FlowStatsReply) error
- func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReplys(pkts []FlowStatsReply) error
- type FlowStatsRequest
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Clone() (FlowStatsRequest, error)
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Cookie() uint64
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieMask() uint64
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieMaskOffset() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieOffset() int
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) Init()
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Match() Match
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) MatchOffset() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) MatchSize() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutGroup() uint32
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutGroupOffset() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutPort() uint32
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutPortOffset() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad1() [3]uint8
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad1Offset() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad2() [4]uint8
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad2Offset() int
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetCookie(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetCookieMask(c uint64)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetOutGroup(o uint32)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetOutPort(o uint32)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetPad1(p [3]uint8)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetPad2(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) Size() int
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) TableId() uint8
- func (this FlowStatsRequest) TableIdOffset() int
- type FlowStatsRequestConn
- func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequest() (FlowStatsRequest, error)
- func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequests(pkts []FlowStatsRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequest(pkt FlowStatsRequest) error
- func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequests(pkts []FlowStatsRequest) error
- type FlowWildcards
- type Flow_modFailedCode
- type GetConfigRequest
- type GetConfigRequestConn
- func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequest() (GetConfigRequest, error)
- func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequests(pkts []GetConfigRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequest(pkt GetConfigRequest) error
- func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequests(pkts []GetConfigRequest) error
- type Groups
- type Header12
- type Header12Conn
- type Hello
- type HelloConn
- type HelloFailedCode
- type Instruction
- func (this Instruction) Clone() (Instruction, error)
- func (this *Instruction) Init()
- func (this Instruction) Len() uint16
- func (this Instruction) LenOffset() int
- func (this *Instruction) SetLen(l uint16)
- func (this *Instruction) SetType(t uint16)
- func (this Instruction) Size() int
- func (this Instruction) Type() uint16
- func (this Instruction) TypeOffset() int
- type InstructionConn
- func (c *InstructionConn) Flush() error
- func (c *InstructionConn) ReadInstruction() (Instruction, error)
- func (c *InstructionConn) ReadInstructions(pkts []Instruction) (int, error)
- func (c *InstructionConn) WriteInstruction(pkt Instruction) error
- func (c *InstructionConn) WriteInstructions(pkts []Instruction) error
- type InstructionType
- type Match
- func (this Match) Clone() (Match, error)
- func (this *Match) Init()
- func (this Match) Length() uint16
- func (this Match) LengthOffset() int
- func (this *Match) SetLength(l uint16)
- func (this *Match) SetType(t uint16)
- func (this Match) Size() int
- func (this Match) Type() uint16
- func (this Match) TypeOffset() int
- type MatchConn
- type MatchType
- type OXMatch
- type OXMatchConn
- type OXMatchFields
- type OxmClass
- type OxmEthDst
- type OxmEthDstConn
- type OxmEthDstMasked
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Clone() (OxmEthDstMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddr() [6]uint8
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Mask() [6]uint8
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) SetMacAddr(m [6]uint8)
- func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) SetMask(m [6]uint8)
- func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Size() int
- type OxmEthDstMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMasked() (OxmEthDstMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthDstMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMasked(pkt OxmEthDstMasked) error
- func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthDstMasked) error
- type OxmEthSrc
- type OxmEthSrcConn
- type OxmEthSrcMasked
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Clone() (OxmEthSrcMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddr() [6]uint8
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Mask() [6]uint8
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMacAddr(m [6]uint8)
- func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMask(m [6]uint8)
- func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Size() int
- type OxmEthSrcMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMasked() (OxmEthSrcMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthSrcMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMasked(pkt OxmEthSrcMasked) error
- func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthSrcMasked) error
- type OxmEthType
- type OxmEthTypeConn
- func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthType() (OxmEthType, error)
- func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthTypes(pkts []OxmEthType) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthType(pkt OxmEthType) error
- func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthTypes(pkts []OxmEthType) error
- type OxmField
- func (this OxmField) Clone() (OxmField, error)
- func (this *OxmField) Init()
- func (this OxmField) OxmClass() uint16
- func (this OxmField) OxmClassOffset() int
- func (this OxmField) OxmField() uint8
- func (this OxmField) OxmFieldOffset() int
- func (this OxmField) OxmLength() uint8
- func (this OxmField) OxmLengthOffset() int
- func (this *OxmField) SetOxmClass(o uint16)
- func (this *OxmField) SetOxmField(o uint8)
- func (this *OxmField) SetOxmLength(o uint8)
- func (this OxmField) Size() int
- type OxmFieldConn
- type OxmInPort
- type OxmInPortConn
- type OxmIpProto
- type OxmIpProtoConn
- func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProto() (OxmIpProto, error)
- func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProtos(pkts []OxmIpProto) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProto(pkt OxmIpProto) error
- func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProtos(pkts []OxmIpProto) error
- type OxmIpV4Dst
- type OxmIpV4DstConn
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dst() (OxmIpV4Dst, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV4Dst) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dst(pkt OxmIpV4Dst) error
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV4Dst) error
- type OxmIpV4DstMasked
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Addr() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) AddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV4DstMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Mask() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
- func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
- func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Size() int
- type OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMasked() (OxmIpV4DstMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4DstMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMasked(pkt OxmIpV4DstMasked) error
- func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4DstMasked) error
- type OxmIpV4Src
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) Addr() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) AddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) Clone() (OxmIpV4Src, error)
- func (this *OxmIpV4Src) Init()
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) Mask() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmIpV4Src) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
- func (this *OxmIpV4Src) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
- func (this OxmIpV4Src) Size() int
- type OxmIpV4SrcConn
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Src() (OxmIpV4Src, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV4Src) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Src(pkt OxmIpV4Src) error
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV4Src) error
- type OxmIpV4SrcMasked
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Addr() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) AddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV4SrcMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Mask() [4]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
- func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
- func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Size() int
- type OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMasked() (OxmIpV4SrcMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4SrcMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMasked(pkt OxmIpV4SrcMasked) error
- func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4SrcMasked) error
- type OxmIpV6Dst
- type OxmIpV6DstConn
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dst() (OxmIpV6Dst, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV6Dst) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dst(pkt OxmIpV6Dst) error
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV6Dst) error
- type OxmIpV6DstMasked
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Addr() [16]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) AddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV6DstMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Mask() [16]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
- func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetMask(m [16]uint8)
- func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Size() int
- type OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMasked() (OxmIpV6DstMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6DstMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMasked(pkt OxmIpV6DstMasked) error
- func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6DstMasked) error
- type OxmIpV6Src
- type OxmIpV6SrcConn
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Src() (OxmIpV6Src, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV6Src) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Src(pkt OxmIpV6Src) error
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV6Src) error
- type OxmIpV6SrcMasked
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Addr() [16]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) AddrOffset() int
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV6SrcMasked, error)
- func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Init()
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Mask() [16]uint8
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
- func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
- func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetMask(m [16]uint8)
- func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Size() int
- type OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMasked() (OxmIpV6SrcMasked, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6SrcMasked) (int, error)
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMasked(pkt OxmIpV6SrcMasked) error
- func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6SrcMasked) error
- type OxmTcpDst
- type OxmTcpDstConn
- type OxmTcpSrc
- type OxmTcpSrcConn
- type PacketIn
- func (this *PacketIn) AddData(d uint8)
- func (this PacketIn) BufferId() uint32
- func (this PacketIn) BufferIdOffset() int
- func (this PacketIn) Clone() (PacketIn, error)
- func (this PacketIn) Data() []uint8
- func (this PacketIn) DataOffset() int
- func (this PacketIn) DataSize() int
- func (this *PacketIn) Init()
- func (this PacketIn) Match() Match
- func (this PacketIn) MatchOffset() int
- func (this PacketIn) MatchSize() int
- func (this PacketIn) Pad() [2]uint8
- func (this PacketIn) PadOffset() int
- func (this PacketIn) Reason() uint8
- func (this PacketIn) ReasonOffset() int
- func (this *PacketIn) SetBufferId(b uint32)
- func (this *PacketIn) SetMatch(m Match)
- func (this *PacketIn) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *PacketIn) SetReason(r uint8)
- func (this *PacketIn) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this *PacketIn) SetTotalLen(t uint16)
- func (this PacketIn) Size() int
- func (this PacketIn) TableId() uint8
- func (this PacketIn) TableIdOffset() int
- func (this PacketIn) TotalLen() uint16
- func (this PacketIn) TotalLenOffset() int
- type PacketInConn
- type PacketInReason
- type PacketOut
- func (this PacketOut) Actions() []Action
- func (this PacketOut) ActionsLen() uint16
- func (this PacketOut) ActionsLenOffset() int
- func (this PacketOut) ActionsOffset() int
- func (this PacketOut) ActionsSize() int
- func (this *PacketOut) AddActions(a Action)
- func (this *PacketOut) AddData(d uint8)
- func (this PacketOut) BufferId() uint32
- func (this PacketOut) BufferIdOffset() int
- func (this PacketOut) Clone() (PacketOut, error)
- func (this PacketOut) Data() []uint8
- func (this PacketOut) DataOffset() int
- func (this PacketOut) DataSize() int
- func (this PacketOut) InPort() uint32
- func (this PacketOut) InPortOffset() int
- func (this *PacketOut) Init()
- func (this PacketOut) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this PacketOut) PadOffset() int
- func (this *PacketOut) SetActionsLen(a uint16)
- func (this *PacketOut) SetBufferId(b uint32)
- func (this *PacketOut) SetInPort(i uint32)
- func (this *PacketOut) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this PacketOut) Size() int
- type PacketOutConn
- type PacketQueue
- func (this *PacketQueue) AddProperties(p QueuePropHeader)
- func (this PacketQueue) Clone() (PacketQueue, error)
- func (this *PacketQueue) Init()
- func (this PacketQueue) Len() uint16
- func (this PacketQueue) LenOffset() int
- func (this PacketQueue) Pad() [2]uint8
- func (this PacketQueue) PadOffset() int
- func (this PacketQueue) Properties() []QueuePropHeader
- func (this PacketQueue) PropertiesOffset() int
- func (this PacketQueue) PropertiesSize() int
- func (this PacketQueue) QueueId() uint32
- func (this PacketQueue) QueueIdOffset() int
- func (this *PacketQueue) SetLen(l uint16)
- func (this *PacketQueue) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *PacketQueue) SetQueueId(q uint32)
- func (this PacketQueue) Size() int
- type PacketQueueConn
- func (c *PacketQueueConn) Flush() error
- func (c *PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueue() (PacketQueue, error)
- func (c *PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueues(pkts []PacketQueue) (int, error)
- func (c *PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueue(pkt PacketQueue) error
- func (c *PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueues(pkts []PacketQueue) error
- type Port
- func (this Port) Advertised() uint32
- func (this Port) AdvertisedOffset() int
- func (this Port) Clone() (Port, error)
- func (this Port) Config() uint32
- func (this Port) ConfigOffset() int
- func (this Port) Curr() uint32
- func (this Port) CurrOffset() int
- func (this Port) CurrSpeed() uint32
- func (this Port) CurrSpeedOffset() int
- func (this Port) HwAddr() [6]uint8
- func (this Port) HwAddrOffset() int
- func (this *Port) Init()
- func (this Port) MaxSpeed() uint32
- func (this Port) MaxSpeedOffset() int
- func (this Port) Name() [16]byte
- func (this Port) NameOffset() int
- func (this Port) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this Port) Pad2() [2]uint8
- func (this Port) Pad2Offset() int
- func (this Port) PadOffset() int
- func (this Port) Peer() uint32
- func (this Port) PeerOffset() int
- func (this Port) PortNo() uint32
- func (this Port) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this *Port) SetAdvertised(a uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetConfig(c uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetCurr(c uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetCurrSpeed(c uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetHwAddr(h [6]uint8)
- func (this *Port) SetMaxSpeed(m uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetName(n [16]byte)
- func (this *Port) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *Port) SetPad2(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *Port) SetPeer(p uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetPortNo(p uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetState(s uint32)
- func (this *Port) SetSupported(s uint32)
- func (this Port) Size() int
- func (this Port) State() uint32
- func (this Port) StateOffset() int
- func (this Port) Supported() uint32
- func (this Port) SupportedOffset() int
- type PortConfig
- type PortConn
- type PortFeatures
- type PortMod
- func (this PortMod) Advertise() uint32
- func (this PortMod) AdvertiseOffset() int
- func (this PortMod) Clone() (PortMod, error)
- func (this PortMod) Config() uint32
- func (this PortMod) ConfigOffset() int
- func (this PortMod) HwAddr() [6]uint8
- func (this PortMod) HwAddrOffset() int
- func (this *PortMod) Init()
- func (this PortMod) Mask() uint32
- func (this PortMod) MaskOffset() int
- func (this PortMod) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this PortMod) PadOffset() int
- func (this PortMod) PortNo() uint16
- func (this PortMod) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this *PortMod) SetAdvertise(a uint32)
- func (this *PortMod) SetConfig(c uint32)
- func (this *PortMod) SetHwAddr(h [6]uint8)
- func (this *PortMod) SetMask(m uint32)
- func (this *PortMod) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *PortMod) SetPortNo(p uint16)
- func (this PortMod) Size() int
- type PortModConn
- type PortReason
- type PortState
- type PortStats
- func (this PortStats) Clone() (PortStats, error)
- func (this PortStats) Collisions() uint64
- func (this PortStats) CollisionsOffset() int
- func (this *PortStats) Init()
- func (this PortStats) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this PortStats) PadOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) PortNo() uint16
- func (this PortStats) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxBytes() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxBytesOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxCrcErr() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxCrcErrOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxDropped() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxDroppedOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxErrors() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxErrorsOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxFrameErr() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxFrameErrOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxOverErr() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxOverErrOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) RxPackets() uint64
- func (this PortStats) RxPacketsOffset() int
- func (this *PortStats) SetCollisions(c uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *PortStats) SetPortNo(p uint16)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxBytes(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxCrcErr(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxDropped(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxErrors(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxFrameErr(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxOverErr(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetRxPackets(r uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetTxBytes(t uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetTxDropped(t uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetTxErrors(t uint64)
- func (this *PortStats) SetTxPackets(t uint64)
- func (this PortStats) Size() int
- func (this PortStats) TxBytes() uint64
- func (this PortStats) TxBytesOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) TxDropped() uint64
- func (this PortStats) TxDroppedOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) TxErrors() uint64
- func (this PortStats) TxErrorsOffset() int
- func (this PortStats) TxPackets() uint64
- func (this PortStats) TxPacketsOffset() int
- type PortStatsConn
- type PortStatsRequest
- func (this PortStatsRequest) Clone() (PortStatsRequest, error)
- func (this *PortStatsRequest) Init()
- func (this PortStatsRequest) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this PortStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this PortStatsRequest) PortNo() uint16
- func (this PortStatsRequest) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this *PortStatsRequest) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *PortStatsRequest) SetPortNo(p uint16)
- func (this PortStatsRequest) Size() int
- type PortStatsRequestConn
- func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequest() (PortStatsRequest, error)
- func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequests(pkts []PortStatsRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequest(pkt PortStatsRequest) error
- func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequests(pkts []PortStatsRequest) error
- type PortStatus
- func (this PortStatus) Clone() (PortStatus, error)
- func (this PortStatus) Desc() Port
- func (this PortStatus) DescOffset() int
- func (this *PortStatus) Init()
- func (this PortStatus) Pad() [7]uint8
- func (this PortStatus) PadOffset() int
- func (this PortStatus) Reason() uint8
- func (this PortStatus) ReasonOffset() int
- func (this *PortStatus) SetDesc(d Port)
- func (this *PortStatus) SetPad(p [7]uint8)
- func (this *PortStatus) SetReason(r uint8)
- func (this PortStatus) Size() int
- type PortStatusConn
- func (c *PortStatusConn) Flush() error
- func (c *PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatus() (PortStatus, error)
- func (c *PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatuss(pkts []PortStatus) (int, error)
- func (c *PortStatusConn) WritePortStatus(pkt PortStatus) error
- func (c *PortStatusConn) WritePortStatuss(pkts []PortStatus) error
- type Port_modFailedCode
- type Ports
- type QueueGetConfigReply
- func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) AddQueues(q PacketQueue)
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Clone() (QueueGetConfigReply, error)
- func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) Init()
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Port() uint16
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) PortOffset() int
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Queues() []PacketQueue
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesOffset() int
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesSize() int
- func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) SetPort(p uint16)
- func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Size() int
- type QueueGetConfigReplyConn
- func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReply() (QueueGetConfigReply, error)
- func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReplys(pkts []QueueGetConfigReply) (int, error)
- func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReply(pkt QueueGetConfigReply) error
- func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReplys(pkts []QueueGetConfigReply) error
- type QueueGetConfigRequest
- func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) AddPad(p uint8)
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Clone() (QueueGetConfigRequest, error)
- func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) Init()
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Pad() []uint8
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PadSize() int
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Port() uint16
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PortOffset() int
- func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) SetPort(p uint16)
- func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Size() int
- type QueueGetConfigRequestConn
- func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequest() (QueueGetConfigRequest, error)
- func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequests(pkts []QueueGetConfigRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequest(pkt QueueGetConfigRequest) error
- func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequests(pkts []QueueGetConfigRequest) error
- type QueueOpFailedCode
- type QueuePropHeader
- func (this QueuePropHeader) Clone() (QueuePropHeader, error)
- func (this *QueuePropHeader) Init()
- func (this QueuePropHeader) Len() uint16
- func (this QueuePropHeader) LenOffset() int
- func (this QueuePropHeader) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this QueuePropHeader) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueuePropHeader) Property() uint16
- func (this QueuePropHeader) PropertyOffset() int
- func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetLen(l uint16)
- func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetProperty(p uint16)
- func (this QueuePropHeader) Size() int
- type QueuePropHeaderConn
- func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeader() (QueuePropHeader, error)
- func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeaders(pkts []QueuePropHeader) (int, error)
- func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeader(pkt QueuePropHeader) error
- func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeaders(pkts []QueuePropHeader) error
- type QueuePropMinRate
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) Clone() (QueuePropMinRate, error)
- func (this *QueuePropMinRate) Init()
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) Pad() [6]uint8
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) Rate() uint16
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) RateOffset() int
- func (this *QueuePropMinRate) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
- func (this *QueuePropMinRate) SetRate(r uint16)
- func (this QueuePropMinRate) Size() int
- type QueuePropMinRateConn
- func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRate() (QueuePropMinRate, error)
- func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRates(pkts []QueuePropMinRate) (int, error)
- func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRate(pkt QueuePropMinRate) error
- func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRates(pkts []QueuePropMinRate) error
- type QueueProperties
- type QueueStats
- func (this QueueStats) Clone() (QueueStats, error)
- func (this *QueueStats) Init()
- func (this QueueStats) Pad() [2]uint8
- func (this QueueStats) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueueStats) PortNo() uint16
- func (this QueueStats) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this QueueStats) QueueId() uint32
- func (this QueueStats) QueueIdOffset() int
- func (this *QueueStats) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *QueueStats) SetPortNo(p uint16)
- func (this *QueueStats) SetQueueId(q uint32)
- func (this *QueueStats) SetTxBytes(t uint64)
- func (this *QueueStats) SetTxErrors(t uint64)
- func (this *QueueStats) SetTxPackets(t uint64)
- func (this QueueStats) Size() int
- func (this QueueStats) TxBytes() uint64
- func (this QueueStats) TxBytesOffset() int
- func (this QueueStats) TxErrors() uint64
- func (this QueueStats) TxErrorsOffset() int
- func (this QueueStats) TxPackets() uint64
- func (this QueueStats) TxPacketsOffset() int
- type QueueStatsConn
- func (c *QueueStatsConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStats() (QueueStats, error)
- func (c *QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStatss(pkts []QueueStats) (int, error)
- func (c *QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStats(pkt QueueStats) error
- func (c *QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStatss(pkts []QueueStats) error
- type QueueStatsRequest
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) Clone() (QueueStatsRequest, error)
- func (this *QueueStatsRequest) Init()
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) Pad() [2]uint8
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) PortNo() uint16
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) PortNoOffset() int
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) QueueId() uint32
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) QueueIdOffset() int
- func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
- func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetPortNo(p uint16)
- func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetQueueId(q uint32)
- func (this QueueStatsRequest) Size() int
- type QueueStatsRequestConn
- func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequest() (QueueStatsRequest, error)
- func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequests(pkts []QueueStatsRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequest(pkt QueueStatsRequest) error
- func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequests(pkts []QueueStatsRequest) error
- type RoleReply
- func (this RoleReply) Clone() (RoleReply, error)
- func (this RoleReply) GenerationId() uint64
- func (this RoleReply) GenerationIdOffset() int
- func (this *RoleReply) Init()
- func (this RoleReply) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this RoleReply) PadOffset() int
- func (this RoleReply) Role() uint32
- func (this RoleReply) RoleOffset() int
- func (this *RoleReply) SetGenerationId(g uint64)
- func (this *RoleReply) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *RoleReply) SetRole(r uint32)
- func (this RoleReply) Size() int
- type RoleReplyConn
- type RoleRequest
- func (this RoleRequest) Clone() (RoleRequest, error)
- func (this RoleRequest) GenerationId() uint64
- func (this RoleRequest) GenerationIdOffset() int
- func (this *RoleRequest) Init()
- func (this RoleRequest) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this RoleRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this RoleRequest) Role() uint32
- func (this RoleRequest) RoleOffset() int
- func (this *RoleRequest) SetGenerationId(g uint64)
- func (this *RoleRequest) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *RoleRequest) SetRole(r uint32)
- func (this RoleRequest) Size() int
- type RoleRequestConn
- func (c *RoleRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequest() (RoleRequest, error)
- func (c *RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequests(pkts []RoleRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequest(pkt RoleRequest) error
- func (c *RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequests(pkts []RoleRequest) error
- type StatsReply
- func (this StatsReply) Clone() (StatsReply, error)
- func (this StatsReply) Flags() uint16
- func (this StatsReply) FlagsOffset() int
- func (this *StatsReply) Init()
- func (this StatsReply) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this StatsReply) PadOffset() int
- func (this *StatsReply) SetFlags(f uint16)
- func (this *StatsReply) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *StatsReply) SetStatsType(s uint16)
- func (this StatsReply) Size() int
- func (this StatsReply) StatsType() uint16
- func (this StatsReply) StatsTypeOffset() int
- type StatsReplyConn
- func (c *StatsReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReply() (StatsReply, error)
- func (c *StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReplys(pkts []StatsReply) (int, error)
- func (c *StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReply(pkt StatsReply) error
- func (c *StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReplys(pkts []StatsReply) error
- type StatsReplyFlags
- type StatsRequest
- func (this StatsRequest) Clone() (StatsRequest, error)
- func (this StatsRequest) Flags() uint16
- func (this StatsRequest) FlagsOffset() int
- func (this *StatsRequest) Init()
- func (this StatsRequest) Pad() [4]uint8
- func (this StatsRequest) PadOffset() int
- func (this *StatsRequest) SetFlags(f uint16)
- func (this *StatsRequest) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
- func (this *StatsRequest) SetStatsType(s uint16)
- func (this StatsRequest) Size() int
- func (this StatsRequest) StatsType() uint16
- func (this StatsRequest) StatsTypeOffset() int
- type StatsRequestConn
- func (c *StatsRequestConn) Flush() error
- func (c *StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequest() (StatsRequest, error)
- func (c *StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequests(pkts []StatsRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequest(pkt StatsRequest) error
- func (c *StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequests(pkts []StatsRequest) error
- type StatsTypes
- type StdMatch
- func (this StdMatch) Clone() (StdMatch, error)
- func (this StdMatch) DlDst() [6]uint8
- func (this StdMatch) DlDstMask() [6]uint8
- func (this StdMatch) DlDstMaskOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlDstOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlSrc() [6]uint8
- func (this StdMatch) DlSrcMask() [6]uint8
- func (this StdMatch) DlSrcMaskOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlSrcOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlType() uint16
- func (this StdMatch) DlTypeOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlVlan() uint16
- func (this StdMatch) DlVlanOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) DlVlanPcp() uint8
- func (this StdMatch) DlVlanPcpOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) InPort() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) InPortOffset() int
- func (this *StdMatch) Init()
- func (this StdMatch) Metadata() uint64
- func (this StdMatch) MetadataMask() uint64
- func (this StdMatch) MetadataMaskOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) MetadataOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) MplsLabel() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) MplsLabelOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) MplsTc() uint8
- func (this StdMatch) MplsTcOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwDst() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) NwDstMask() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) NwDstMaskOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwDstOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwProto() uint8
- func (this StdMatch) NwProtoOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwSrc() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) NwSrcMask() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) NwSrcMaskOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwSrcOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) NwTos() uint8
- func (this StdMatch) NwTosOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) Pad1() uint8
- func (this StdMatch) Pad1Offset() int
- func (this StdMatch) Pad2() [3]uint8
- func (this StdMatch) Pad2Offset() int
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlDst(d [6]uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlDstMask(d [6]uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlSrc(d [6]uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlSrcMask(d [6]uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlType(d uint16)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlVlan(d uint16)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetDlVlanPcp(d uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetInPort(i uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetMetadata(m uint64)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetMetadataMask(m uint64)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetMplsLabel(m uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetMplsTc(m uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwDst(n uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwDstMask(n uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwProto(n uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwSrc(n uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwSrcMask(n uint32)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetNwTos(n uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetPad1(p uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetPad2(p [3]uint8)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetTpDst(t uint16)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetTpSrc(t uint16)
- func (this *StdMatch) SetWildcards(w uint32)
- func (this StdMatch) Size() int
- func (this StdMatch) TpDst() uint16
- func (this StdMatch) TpDstOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) TpSrc() uint16
- func (this StdMatch) TpSrcOffset() int
- func (this StdMatch) Wildcards() uint32
- func (this StdMatch) WildcardsOffset() int
- type StdMatchConn
- type SwitchGetConfigReply
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Clone() (SwitchGetConfigReply, error)
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Flags() uint16
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) FlagsOffset() int
- func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) Init()
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLen() uint16
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLenOffset() int
- func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) SetFlags(f uint16)
- func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) SetMissSendLen(m uint16)
- func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Size() int
- type SwitchGetConfigReplyConn
- func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) Flush() error
- func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReply() (SwitchGetConfigReply, error)
- func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReplys(pkts []SwitchGetConfigReply) (int, error)
- func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReply(pkt SwitchGetConfigReply) error
- func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReplys(pkts []SwitchGetConfigReply) error
- type SwitchSetConfig
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) Clone() (SwitchSetConfig, error)
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) Flags() uint16
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) FlagsOffset() int
- func (this *SwitchSetConfig) Init()
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLen() uint16
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLenOffset() int
- func (this *SwitchSetConfig) SetFlags(f uint16)
- func (this *SwitchSetConfig) SetMissSendLen(m uint16)
- func (this SwitchSetConfig) Size() int
- type SwitchSetConfigConn
- func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) Flush() error
- func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfig() (SwitchSetConfig, error)
- func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfigs(pkts []SwitchSetConfig) (int, error)
- func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfig(pkt SwitchSetConfig) error
- func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfigs(pkts []SwitchSetConfig) error
- type TableStats
- func (this TableStats) ActiveCount() uint32
- func (this TableStats) ActiveCountOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) Clone() (TableStats, error)
- func (this *TableStats) Init()
- func (this TableStats) LookupCount() uint64
- func (this TableStats) LookupCountOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) MatchedCount() uint64
- func (this TableStats) MatchedCountOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) MaxEntries() uint32
- func (this TableStats) MaxEntriesOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) Name() [32]byte
- func (this TableStats) NameOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) Pad() [3]uint8
- func (this TableStats) PadOffset() int
- func (this *TableStats) SetActiveCount(a uint32)
- func (this *TableStats) SetLookupCount(l uint64)
- func (this *TableStats) SetMatchedCount(m uint64)
- func (this *TableStats) SetMaxEntries(m uint32)
- func (this *TableStats) SetName(n [32]byte)
- func (this *TableStats) SetPad(p [3]uint8)
- func (this *TableStats) SetTableId(t uint8)
- func (this *TableStats) SetWildcards(w uint32)
- func (this TableStats) Size() int
- func (this TableStats) TableId() uint8
- func (this TableStats) TableIdOffset() int
- func (this TableStats) Wildcards() uint32
- func (this TableStats) WildcardsOffset() int
- type TableStatsConn
- func (c *TableStatsConn) Flush() error
- func (c *TableStatsConn) ReadTableStats() (TableStats, error)
- func (c *TableStatsConn) ReadTableStatss(pkts []TableStats) (int, error)
- func (c *TableStatsConn) WriteTableStats(pkt TableStats) error
- func (c *TableStatsConn) WriteTableStatss(pkts []TableStats) error
- type Type
- type VendorHeader
- type VendorHeaderConn
- func (c *VendorHeaderConn) Flush() error
- func (c *VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeader() (VendorHeader, error)
- func (c *VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeaders(pkts []VendorHeader) (int, error)
- func (c *VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeader(pkt VendorHeader) error
- func (c *VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeaders(pkts []VendorHeader) error
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func IsActionOutput ¶
func IsAggregateStatsReply ¶
func IsAggregateStatsReply(p StatsReply) bool
func IsAggregateStatsRequest ¶
func IsAggregateStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
func IsApplyActions ¶
func IsApplyActions(p Instruction) bool
func IsDescStats ¶
func IsDescStats(p StatsReply) bool
func IsEchoReply ¶
func IsEchoRequest ¶
func IsErrorMsg ¶
func IsFeaturesReply ¶
func IsFeaturesRequest ¶
func IsFlowRemoved ¶
func IsFlowStats ¶
func IsFlowStatsReply ¶
func IsFlowStatsReply(p StatsReply) bool
func IsFlowStatsRequest ¶
func IsFlowStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
func IsGetConfigRequest ¶
func IsHeader12 ¶
func IsInstruction ¶
func IsOxmEthDst ¶
func IsOxmEthDstMasked ¶
func IsOxmEthSrc ¶
func IsOxmEthSrcMasked ¶
func IsOxmEthType ¶
func IsOxmField ¶
func IsOxmInPort ¶
func IsOxmIpProto ¶
func IsOxmIpV4Dst ¶
func IsOxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
func IsOxmIpV4Src ¶
func IsOxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
func IsOxmIpV6Dst ¶
func IsOxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
func IsOxmIpV6Src ¶
func IsOxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
func IsOxmTcpDst ¶
func IsOxmTcpSrc ¶
func IsPacketIn ¶
func IsPacketOut ¶
func IsPacketQueue ¶
func IsPortStats ¶
func IsPortStats(p StatsReply) bool
func IsPortStatsRequest ¶
func IsPortStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
func IsPortStatus ¶
func IsQueueGetConfigReply ¶
func IsQueueGetConfigRequest ¶
func IsQueuePropHeader ¶
func IsQueuePropMinRate ¶
func IsQueuePropMinRate(p QueuePropHeader) bool
func IsQueueStats ¶
func IsQueueStats(p StatsReply) bool
func IsQueueStatsRequest ¶
func IsQueueStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) bool
func IsRoleReply ¶
func IsRoleRequest ¶
func IsStatsReply ¶
func IsStatsRequest ¶
func IsStdMatch ¶
func IsSwitchGetConfigReply ¶
func IsSwitchSetConfig ¶
func IsTableStats ¶
func IsTableStats(p StatsReply) bool
func IsVendorHeader ¶
Types ¶
type ActionConn ¶
func NewActionConn ¶
func NewActionConn(c net.Conn) ActionConn
func (*ActionConn) Flush ¶
func (c *ActionConn) Flush() error
func (*ActionConn) ReadAction ¶
func (c *ActionConn) ReadAction() (Action, error)
func (*ActionConn) ReadActions ¶
func (c *ActionConn) ReadActions(pkts []Action) (int, error)
func (*ActionConn) WriteAction ¶
func (c *ActionConn) WriteAction(pkt Action) error
func (*ActionConn) WriteActions ¶
func (c *ActionConn) WriteActions(pkts []Action) error
type ActionOutput ¶
type ActionOutput struct {
func NewActionOutput ¶
func NewActionOutput() ActionOutput
func NewActionOutputWithBuf ¶
func NewActionOutputWithBuf(b []byte) ActionOutput
func ToActionOutput ¶
func ToActionOutput(p Action) (ActionOutput, error)
func (ActionOutput) Clone ¶
func (this ActionOutput) Clone() (ActionOutput, error)
func (*ActionOutput) Init ¶
func (this *ActionOutput) Init()
func (ActionOutput) MaxLen ¶
func (this ActionOutput) MaxLen() uint16
func (ActionOutput) MaxLenOffset ¶
func (this ActionOutput) MaxLenOffset() int
func (ActionOutput) Pad ¶
func (this ActionOutput) Pad() [6]uint8
func (ActionOutput) PadOffset ¶
func (this ActionOutput) PadOffset() int
func (ActionOutput) Port ¶
func (this ActionOutput) Port() uint32
func (ActionOutput) PortOffset ¶
func (this ActionOutput) PortOffset() int
func (*ActionOutput) SetMaxLen ¶
func (this *ActionOutput) SetMaxLen(m uint16)
func (*ActionOutput) SetPad ¶
func (this *ActionOutput) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
func (*ActionOutput) SetPort ¶
func (this *ActionOutput) SetPort(p uint32)
func (ActionOutput) Size ¶
func (this ActionOutput) Size() int
type ActionOutputConn ¶
func NewActionOutputConn ¶
func NewActionOutputConn(c net.Conn) ActionOutputConn
func (*ActionOutputConn) Flush ¶
func (c *ActionOutputConn) Flush() error
func (*ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutput ¶
func (c *ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutput() (ActionOutput, error)
func (*ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutputs ¶
func (c *ActionOutputConn) ReadActionOutputs(pkts []ActionOutput) (int, error)
func (*ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutput ¶
func (c *ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutput(pkt ActionOutput) error
func (*ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutputs ¶
func (c *ActionOutputConn) WriteActionOutputs(pkts []ActionOutput) error
type ActionType ¶
type ActionType int
const ( PAT_OUTPUT ActionType = 0 PAT_COPY_TTL_OUT ActionType = 11 PAT_COPY_TTL_IN ActionType = 12 PAT_SET_MPLS_TTL ActionType = 15 PAT_DEC_MPLS_TTL ActionType = 16 PAT_PUSH_VLAN ActionType = 17 PAT_POP_VLAN ActionType = 18 PAT_PUSH_MPLS ActionType = 19 PAT_POP_MPLS ActionType = 20 PAT_SET_QUEUE ActionType = 21 PAT_GROUP ActionType = 22 PAT_SET_NW_TTL ActionType = 23 PAT_DEC_NW_TTL ActionType = 24 PAT_SET_FIELD ActionType = 25 PAT_EXPERIMENTER ActionType = 65535 )
type AggregateStatsReply ¶
type AggregateStatsReply struct {
func NewAggregateStatsReply ¶
func NewAggregateStatsReply() AggregateStatsReply
func NewAggregateStatsReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewAggregateStatsReplyWithBuf(b []byte) AggregateStatsReply
func ToAggregateStatsReply ¶
func ToAggregateStatsReply(p StatsReply) (AggregateStatsReply, error)
func (AggregateStatsReply) ByteCount ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) ByteCount() uint64
func (AggregateStatsReply) ByteCountOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) ByteCountOffset() int
func (AggregateStatsReply) Clone ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) Clone() (AggregateStatsReply, error)
func (AggregateStatsReply) FlowCount ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) FlowCount() uint32
func (AggregateStatsReply) FlowCountOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) FlowCountOffset() int
func (*AggregateStatsReply) Init ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsReply) Init()
func (AggregateStatsReply) PacketCount ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) PacketCount() uint64
func (AggregateStatsReply) PacketCountOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) PacketCountOffset() int
func (AggregateStatsReply) Pad ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) Pad() [4]uint8
func (AggregateStatsReply) PadOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) PadOffset() int
func (*AggregateStatsReply) SetByteCount ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetByteCount(b uint64)
func (*AggregateStatsReply) SetFlowCount ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetFlowCount(f uint32)
func (*AggregateStatsReply) SetPacketCount ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetPacketCount(p uint64)
func (*AggregateStatsReply) SetPad ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsReply) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (AggregateStatsReply) Size ¶
func (this AggregateStatsReply) Size() int
type AggregateStatsReplyConn ¶
func NewAggregateStatsReplyConn ¶
func NewAggregateStatsReplyConn(c net.Conn) AggregateStatsReplyConn
func (*AggregateStatsReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReply ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReply() (AggregateStatsReply, error)
func (*AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReplys ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) ReadAggregateStatsReplys(pkts []AggregateStatsReply) (int, error)
func (*AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReply ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReply(pkt AggregateStatsReply) error
func (*AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReplys ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsReplyConn) WriteAggregateStatsReplys(pkts []AggregateStatsReply) error
type AggregateStatsRequest ¶
type AggregateStatsRequest struct {
func NewAggregateStatsRequest ¶
func NewAggregateStatsRequest() AggregateStatsRequest
func NewAggregateStatsRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewAggregateStatsRequestWithBuf(b []byte) AggregateStatsRequest
func ToAggregateStatsRequest ¶
func ToAggregateStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) (AggregateStatsRequest, error)
func (AggregateStatsRequest) Clone ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Clone() (AggregateStatsRequest, error)
func (*AggregateStatsRequest) Init ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) Init()
func (AggregateStatsRequest) Match ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Match() Match
func (AggregateStatsRequest) MatchOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) MatchOffset() int
func (AggregateStatsRequest) MatchSize ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) MatchSize() int
func (AggregateStatsRequest) OutPort ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) OutPort() uint16
func (AggregateStatsRequest) OutPortOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) OutPortOffset() int
func (AggregateStatsRequest) Pad ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Pad() uint8
func (AggregateStatsRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
func (*AggregateStatsRequest) SetMatch ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetMatch(m Match)
func (*AggregateStatsRequest) SetOutPort ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetOutPort(o uint16)
func (*AggregateStatsRequest) SetPad ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetPad(p uint8)
func (*AggregateStatsRequest) SetTableId ¶
func (this *AggregateStatsRequest) SetTableId(t uint8)
func (AggregateStatsRequest) Size ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) Size() int
func (AggregateStatsRequest) TableId ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) TableId() uint8
func (AggregateStatsRequest) TableIdOffset ¶
func (this AggregateStatsRequest) TableIdOffset() int
type AggregateStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewAggregateStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewAggregateStatsRequestConn(c net.Conn) AggregateStatsRequestConn
func (*AggregateStatsRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequest ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequest() (AggregateStatsRequest, error)
func (*AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequests ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) ReadAggregateStatsRequests(pkts []AggregateStatsRequest) (int, error)
func (*AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequest ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequest(pkt AggregateStatsRequest) error
func (*AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequests ¶
func (c *AggregateStatsRequestConn) WriteAggregateStatsRequests(pkts []AggregateStatsRequest) error
type ApplyActions ¶
type ApplyActions struct {
func NewApplyActions ¶
func NewApplyActions() ApplyActions
func NewApplyActionsWithBuf ¶
func NewApplyActionsWithBuf(b []byte) ApplyActions
func ToApplyActions ¶
func ToApplyActions(p Instruction) (ApplyActions, error)
func (ApplyActions) Actions ¶
func (this ApplyActions) Actions() []Action
func (ApplyActions) ActionsOffset ¶
func (this ApplyActions) ActionsOffset() int
func (ApplyActions) ActionsSize ¶
func (this ApplyActions) ActionsSize() int
func (*ApplyActions) AddActions ¶
func (this *ApplyActions) AddActions(a Action)
func (ApplyActions) Clone ¶
func (this ApplyActions) Clone() (ApplyActions, error)
func (*ApplyActions) Init ¶
func (this *ApplyActions) Init()
func (ApplyActions) Pad ¶
func (this ApplyActions) Pad() [4]uint8
func (ApplyActions) PadOffset ¶
func (this ApplyActions) PadOffset() int
func (*ApplyActions) SetPad ¶
func (this *ApplyActions) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (ApplyActions) Size ¶
func (this ApplyActions) Size() int
type ApplyActionsConn ¶
func NewApplyActionsConn ¶
func NewApplyActionsConn(c net.Conn) ApplyActionsConn
func (*ApplyActionsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *ApplyActionsConn) Flush() error
func (*ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActions ¶
func (c *ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActions() (ApplyActions, error)
func (*ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActionss ¶
func (c *ApplyActionsConn) ReadApplyActionss(pkts []ApplyActions) (int, error)
func (*ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActions ¶
func (c *ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActions(pkt ApplyActions) error
func (*ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActionss ¶
func (c *ApplyActionsConn) WriteApplyActionss(pkts []ApplyActions) error
type BadActionCode ¶
type BadActionCode int
const ( PBAC_BAD_TYPE BadActionCode = 0 PBAC_BAD_LEN BadActionCode = 1 PBAC_BAD_VENDOR BadActionCode = 2 PBAC_BAD_VENDOR_TYPE BadActionCode = 3 PBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT BadActionCode = 4 PBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT BadActionCode = 5 PBAC_EPERM BadActionCode = 6 PBAC_TOO_MANY BadActionCode = 7 PBAC_BAD_QUEUE BadActionCode = 8 )
type BadRequestCode ¶
type BadRequestCode int
const ( PBRC_BAD_VERSION BadRequestCode = 0 PBRC_BAD_TYPE BadRequestCode = 1 PBRC_BAD_STAT BadRequestCode = 2 PBRC_BAD_VENDOR BadRequestCode = 3 PBRC_BAD_SUBTYPE BadRequestCode = 4 PBRC_EPERM BadRequestCode = 5 PBRC_BAD_LEN BadRequestCode = 6 PBRC_BUFFER_EMPTY BadRequestCode = 7 PBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN BadRequestCode = 8 )
type Capabilities ¶
type Capabilities int
const ( PC_FLOW_STATS Capabilities = 1 PC_TABLE_STATS Capabilities = 2 PC_PORT_STATS Capabilities = 4 PC_STP Capabilities = 8 PC_RESERVED Capabilities = 16 PC_IP_REASM Capabilities = 32 PC_QUEUE_STATS Capabilities = 64 PC_ARP_MATCH_IP Capabilities = 128 )
type ConfigFlags ¶
type ConfigFlags int
const ( PC_FRAG_NORMAL ConfigFlags = 0 PC_FRAG_DROP ConfigFlags = 1 PC_FRAG_REASM ConfigFlags = 2 PC_FRAG_MASK ConfigFlags = 3 PC_INVALID_TTL_TO_CONTROLLER ConfigFlags = 4 )
type ControllerRole ¶
type ControllerRole int
const ( ROLE_NOCHANGE ControllerRole = 0 ROLE_EQUAL ControllerRole = 1 ROLE_MASTER ControllerRole = 2 ROLE_SLAVE ControllerRole = 3 )
type DescStats ¶
type DescStats struct {
func NewDescStats ¶
func NewDescStats() DescStats
func NewDescStatsWithBuf ¶
func ToDescStats ¶
func ToDescStats(p StatsReply) (DescStats, error)
func (DescStats) DpDescOffset ¶
func (DescStats) HwDescOffset ¶
func (DescStats) MfrDescOffset ¶
func (DescStats) SerialNumOffset ¶
func (*DescStats) SetMfrDesc ¶
func (*DescStats) SetSerialNum ¶
func (DescStats) SwDescOffset ¶
type DescStatsConn ¶
func NewDescStatsConn ¶
func NewDescStatsConn(c net.Conn) DescStatsConn
func (*DescStatsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *DescStatsConn) Flush() error
func (*DescStatsConn) ReadDescStats ¶
func (c *DescStatsConn) ReadDescStats() (DescStats, error)
func (*DescStatsConn) ReadDescStatss ¶
func (c *DescStatsConn) ReadDescStatss(pkts []DescStats) (int, error)
func (*DescStatsConn) WriteDescStats ¶
func (c *DescStatsConn) WriteDescStats(pkt DescStats) error
func (*DescStatsConn) WriteDescStatss ¶
func (c *DescStatsConn) WriteDescStatss(pkts []DescStats) error
type DescStatsConstants ¶
type DescStatsConstants int
const ( SERIAL_NUM_LEN DescStatsConstants = 32 DESC_STR_LEN DescStatsConstants = 256 )
type EchoReply ¶
type EchoReply struct {
func NewEchoReply ¶
func NewEchoReply() EchoReply
func NewEchoReplyWithBuf ¶
func ToEchoReply ¶
type EchoReplyConn ¶
func NewEchoReplyConn ¶
func NewEchoReplyConn(c net.Conn) EchoReplyConn
func (*EchoReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *EchoReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*EchoReplyConn) ReadEchoReply ¶
func (c *EchoReplyConn) ReadEchoReply() (EchoReply, error)
func (*EchoReplyConn) ReadEchoReplys ¶
func (c *EchoReplyConn) ReadEchoReplys(pkts []EchoReply) (int, error)
func (*EchoReplyConn) WriteEchoReply ¶
func (c *EchoReplyConn) WriteEchoReply(pkt EchoReply) error
func (*EchoReplyConn) WriteEchoReplys ¶
func (c *EchoReplyConn) WriteEchoReplys(pkts []EchoReply) error
type EchoRequest ¶
type EchoRequest struct {
func NewEchoRequest ¶
func NewEchoRequest() EchoRequest
func NewEchoRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewEchoRequestWithBuf(b []byte) EchoRequest
func ToEchoRequest ¶
func ToEchoRequest(p Header12) (EchoRequest, error)
func (EchoRequest) Clone ¶
func (this EchoRequest) Clone() (EchoRequest, error)
func (*EchoRequest) Init ¶
func (this *EchoRequest) Init()
func (EchoRequest) Size ¶
func (this EchoRequest) Size() int
type EchoRequestConn ¶
func NewEchoRequestConn ¶
func NewEchoRequestConn(c net.Conn) EchoRequestConn
func (*EchoRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *EchoRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequest ¶
func (c *EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequest() (EchoRequest, error)
func (*EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequests ¶
func (c *EchoRequestConn) ReadEchoRequests(pkts []EchoRequest) (int, error)
func (*EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequest ¶
func (c *EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequest(pkt EchoRequest) error
func (*EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequests ¶
func (c *EchoRequestConn) WriteEchoRequests(pkts []EchoRequest) error
type ErrorMsg ¶
type ErrorMsg struct {
func NewErrorMsg ¶
func NewErrorMsg() ErrorMsg
func NewErrorMsgWithBuf ¶
func ToErrorMsg ¶
func (ErrorMsg) CodeOffset ¶
func (ErrorMsg) DataOffset ¶
func (ErrorMsg) ErrTypeOffset ¶
func (*ErrorMsg) SetErrType ¶
type ErrorMsgConn ¶
func NewErrorMsgConn ¶
func NewErrorMsgConn(c net.Conn) ErrorMsgConn
func (*ErrorMsgConn) Flush ¶
func (c *ErrorMsgConn) Flush() error
func (*ErrorMsgConn) ReadErrorMsg ¶
func (c *ErrorMsgConn) ReadErrorMsg() (ErrorMsg, error)
func (*ErrorMsgConn) ReadErrorMsgs ¶
func (c *ErrorMsgConn) ReadErrorMsgs(pkts []ErrorMsg) (int, error)
func (*ErrorMsgConn) WriteErrorMsg ¶
func (c *ErrorMsgConn) WriteErrorMsg(pkt ErrorMsg) error
func (*ErrorMsgConn) WriteErrorMsgs ¶
func (c *ErrorMsgConn) WriteErrorMsgs(pkts []ErrorMsg) error
type FeaturesReply ¶
type FeaturesReply struct {
func NewFeaturesReply ¶
func NewFeaturesReply() FeaturesReply
func NewFeaturesReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewFeaturesReplyWithBuf(b []byte) FeaturesReply
func ToFeaturesReply ¶
func ToFeaturesReply(p Header12) (FeaturesReply, error)
func (FeaturesReply) Actions ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Actions() uint32
func (FeaturesReply) ActionsOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) ActionsOffset() int
func (*FeaturesReply) AddPorts ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) AddPorts(p Port)
func (FeaturesReply) Capabilities ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Capabilities() uint32
func (FeaturesReply) CapabilitiesOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) CapabilitiesOffset() int
func (FeaturesReply) Clone ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Clone() (FeaturesReply, error)
func (FeaturesReply) DatapathId ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) DatapathId() uint64
func (FeaturesReply) DatapathIdOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) DatapathIdOffset() int
func (*FeaturesReply) Init ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) Init()
func (FeaturesReply) NBuffers ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) NBuffers() uint32
func (FeaturesReply) NBuffersOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) NBuffersOffset() int
func (FeaturesReply) NTables ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) NTables() uint8
func (FeaturesReply) NTablesOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) NTablesOffset() int
func (FeaturesReply) Pad ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Pad() [3]uint8
func (FeaturesReply) PadOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) PadOffset() int
func (FeaturesReply) Ports ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Ports() []Port
func (FeaturesReply) PortsOffset ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) PortsOffset() int
func (FeaturesReply) PortsSize ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) PortsSize() int
func (*FeaturesReply) SetActions ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetActions(a uint32)
func (*FeaturesReply) SetCapabilities ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetCapabilities(c uint32)
func (*FeaturesReply) SetDatapathId ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetDatapathId(d uint64)
func (*FeaturesReply) SetNBuffers ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetNBuffers(n uint32)
func (*FeaturesReply) SetNTables ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetNTables(n uint8)
func (*FeaturesReply) SetPad ¶
func (this *FeaturesReply) SetPad(p [3]uint8)
func (FeaturesReply) Size ¶
func (this FeaturesReply) Size() int
type FeaturesReplyConn ¶
func NewFeaturesReplyConn ¶
func NewFeaturesReplyConn(c net.Conn) FeaturesReplyConn
func (*FeaturesReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReply ¶
func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReply() (FeaturesReply, error)
func (*FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReplys ¶
func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) ReadFeaturesReplys(pkts []FeaturesReply) (int, error)
func (*FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReply ¶
func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReply(pkt FeaturesReply) error
func (*FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReplys ¶
func (c *FeaturesReplyConn) WriteFeaturesReplys(pkts []FeaturesReply) error
type FeaturesRequest ¶
type FeaturesRequest struct {
func NewFeaturesRequest ¶
func NewFeaturesRequest() FeaturesRequest
func NewFeaturesRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewFeaturesRequestWithBuf(b []byte) FeaturesRequest
func ToFeaturesRequest ¶
func ToFeaturesRequest(p Header12) (FeaturesRequest, error)
func (FeaturesRequest) Clone ¶
func (this FeaturesRequest) Clone() (FeaturesRequest, error)
func (*FeaturesRequest) Init ¶
func (this *FeaturesRequest) Init()
func (FeaturesRequest) Size ¶
func (this FeaturesRequest) Size() int
type FeaturesRequestConn ¶
func NewFeaturesRequestConn ¶
func NewFeaturesRequestConn(c net.Conn) FeaturesRequestConn
func (*FeaturesRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequest ¶
func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequest() (FeaturesRequest, error)
func (*FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequests ¶
func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) ReadFeaturesRequests(pkts []FeaturesRequest) (int, error)
func (*FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequest ¶
func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequest(pkt FeaturesRequest) error
func (*FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequests ¶
func (c *FeaturesRequestConn) WriteFeaturesRequests(pkts []FeaturesRequest) error
type FlowMod ¶
type FlowMod struct {
func NewFlowMod ¶
func NewFlowMod() FlowMod
func NewFlowModWithBuf ¶
func (*FlowMod) AddInstructions ¶
func (this *FlowMod) AddInstructions(i Instruction)
func (FlowMod) BufferIdOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) CommandOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) CookieMask ¶
func (FlowMod) CookieMaskOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) CookieOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) FlagsOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) HardTimeout ¶
func (FlowMod) HardTimeoutOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) IdleTimeout ¶
func (FlowMod) IdleTimeoutOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) Instructions ¶
func (this FlowMod) Instructions() []Instruction
func (FlowMod) InstructionsOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) InstructionsSize ¶
func (FlowMod) MatchOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) OutGroupOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) OutPortOffset ¶
func (FlowMod) PriorityOffset ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetBufferId ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetCommand ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetCookieMask ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetHardTimeout ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetIdleTimeout ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetOutGroup ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetOutPort ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetPriority ¶
func (*FlowMod) SetTableId ¶
func (FlowMod) TableIdOffset ¶
type FlowModCommand ¶
type FlowModCommand int
const ( PFC_ADD FlowModCommand = 0 PFC_MODIFY FlowModCommand = 1 PFC_MODIFY_STRICT FlowModCommand = 2 PFC_DELETE FlowModCommand = 3 PFC_DELETE_STRICT FlowModCommand = 4 )
type FlowModConn ¶
func NewFlowModConn ¶
func NewFlowModConn(c net.Conn) FlowModConn
func (*FlowModConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FlowModConn) Flush() error
func (*FlowModConn) ReadFlowMod ¶
func (c *FlowModConn) ReadFlowMod() (FlowMod, error)
func (*FlowModConn) ReadFlowMods ¶
func (c *FlowModConn) ReadFlowMods(pkts []FlowMod) (int, error)
func (*FlowModConn) WriteFlowMod ¶
func (c *FlowModConn) WriteFlowMod(pkt FlowMod) error
func (*FlowModConn) WriteFlowMods ¶
func (c *FlowModConn) WriteFlowMods(pkts []FlowMod) error
type FlowModFlags ¶
type FlowModFlags int
const ( PFF_SEND_FLOW_REM FlowModFlags = 1 PFF_CHECK_OVERLAP FlowModFlags = 2 PFF_EMERG FlowModFlags = 4 )
type FlowRemoved ¶
type FlowRemoved struct {
func NewFlowRemoved ¶
func NewFlowRemoved() FlowRemoved
func NewFlowRemovedWithBuf ¶
func NewFlowRemovedWithBuf(b []byte) FlowRemoved
func ToFlowRemoved ¶
func ToFlowRemoved(p Header12) (FlowRemoved, error)
func (FlowRemoved) ByteCount ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) ByteCount() uint64
func (FlowRemoved) ByteCountOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) ByteCountOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) Clone ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Clone() (FlowRemoved, error)
func (FlowRemoved) Cookie ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Cookie() uint64
func (FlowRemoved) CookieOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) CookieOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) DurationNsec ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) DurationNsec() uint32
func (FlowRemoved) DurationNsecOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) DurationNsecOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) DurationSec ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) DurationSec() uint32
func (FlowRemoved) DurationSecOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) DurationSecOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) IdleTimeout ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) IdleTimeout() uint16
func (FlowRemoved) IdleTimeoutOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) IdleTimeoutOffset() int
func (*FlowRemoved) Init ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) Init()
func (FlowRemoved) Match ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Match() Match
func (FlowRemoved) MatchOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) MatchOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) MatchSize ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) MatchSize() int
func (FlowRemoved) PacketCount ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) PacketCount() uint64
func (FlowRemoved) PacketCountOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) PacketCountOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) Pad ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Pad() [1]uint8
func (FlowRemoved) Pad2 ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Pad2() [2]uint8
func (FlowRemoved) Pad2Offset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Pad2Offset() int
func (FlowRemoved) PadOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) PadOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) Priority ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Priority() uint16
func (FlowRemoved) PriorityOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) PriorityOffset() int
func (FlowRemoved) Reason ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Reason() uint8
func (FlowRemoved) ReasonOffset ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) ReasonOffset() int
func (*FlowRemoved) SetByteCount ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetByteCount(b uint64)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetCookie ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetCookie(c uint64)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetDurationNsec ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetDurationNsec(d uint32)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetDurationSec ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetDurationSec(d uint32)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetIdleTimeout ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetIdleTimeout(i uint16)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetMatch ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetMatch(m Match)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetPacketCount ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPacketCount(p uint64)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetPad ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPad(p [1]uint8)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetPad2 ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPad2(p [2]uint8)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetPriority ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetPriority(p uint16)
func (*FlowRemoved) SetReason ¶
func (this *FlowRemoved) SetReason(r uint8)
func (FlowRemoved) Size ¶
func (this FlowRemoved) Size() int
type FlowRemovedConn ¶
func NewFlowRemovedConn ¶
func NewFlowRemovedConn(c net.Conn) FlowRemovedConn
func (*FlowRemovedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FlowRemovedConn) Flush() error
func (*FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoved ¶
func (c *FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoved() (FlowRemoved, error)
func (*FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoveds ¶
func (c *FlowRemovedConn) ReadFlowRemoveds(pkts []FlowRemoved) (int, error)
func (*FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoved ¶
func (c *FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoved(pkt FlowRemoved) error
func (*FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoveds ¶
func (c *FlowRemovedConn) WriteFlowRemoveds(pkts []FlowRemoved) error
type FlowRemovedReason ¶
type FlowRemovedReason int
const ( PRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT FlowRemovedReason = 0 PRR_HARD_TIMEOUT FlowRemovedReason = 1 PRR_DELETE FlowRemovedReason = 2 )
type FlowStats ¶
func NewFlowStats ¶
func NewFlowStats() FlowStats
func NewFlowStatsWithBuf ¶
func (*FlowStats) AddInstructions ¶
func (this *FlowStats) AddInstructions(i Instruction)
func (FlowStats) ByteCountOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) CookieOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) DurationNsec ¶
func (FlowStats) DurationNsecOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) DurationSec ¶
func (FlowStats) DurationSecOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) HardTimeout ¶
func (FlowStats) HardTimeoutOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) IdleTimeout ¶
func (FlowStats) IdleTimeoutOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) Instructions ¶
func (this FlowStats) Instructions() []Instruction
func (FlowStats) InstructionsOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) InstructionsSize ¶
func (FlowStats) LengthOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) MatchOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) PacketCount ¶
func (FlowStats) PacketCountOffset ¶
func (FlowStats) Pad2Offset ¶
func (FlowStats) PriorityOffset ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetByteCount ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetDurationNsec ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetDurationSec ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetHardTimeout ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetIdleTimeout ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetPacketCount ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetPriority ¶
func (*FlowStats) SetTableId ¶
func (FlowStats) TableIdOffset ¶
type FlowStatsConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsConn(c net.Conn) FlowStatsConn
func (*FlowStatsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FlowStatsConn) Flush() error
func (*FlowStatsConn) ReadFlowStats ¶
func (c *FlowStatsConn) ReadFlowStats() (FlowStats, error)
func (*FlowStatsConn) ReadFlowStatss ¶
func (c *FlowStatsConn) ReadFlowStatss(pkts []FlowStats) (int, error)
func (*FlowStatsConn) WriteFlowStats ¶
func (c *FlowStatsConn) WriteFlowStats(pkt FlowStats) error
func (*FlowStatsConn) WriteFlowStatss ¶
func (c *FlowStatsConn) WriteFlowStatss(pkts []FlowStats) error
type FlowStatsReply ¶
type FlowStatsReply struct {
func NewFlowStatsReply ¶
func NewFlowStatsReply() FlowStatsReply
func NewFlowStatsReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewFlowStatsReplyWithBuf(b []byte) FlowStatsReply
func ToFlowStatsReply ¶
func ToFlowStatsReply(p StatsReply) (FlowStatsReply, error)
func (*FlowStatsReply) AddFlowStats ¶
func (this *FlowStatsReply) AddFlowStats(f FlowStats)
func (FlowStatsReply) Clone ¶
func (this FlowStatsReply) Clone() (FlowStatsReply, error)
func (FlowStatsReply) FlowStats ¶
func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStats() []FlowStats
func (FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsOffset() int
func (FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsSize ¶
func (this FlowStatsReply) FlowStatsSize() int
func (*FlowStatsReply) Init ¶
func (this *FlowStatsReply) Init()
func (FlowStatsReply) Size ¶
func (this FlowStatsReply) Size() int
type FlowStatsReplyConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsReplyConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsReplyConn(c net.Conn) FlowStatsReplyConn
func (*FlowStatsReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReply ¶
func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReply() (FlowStatsReply, error)
func (*FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReplys ¶
func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) ReadFlowStatsReplys(pkts []FlowStatsReply) (int, error)
func (*FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReply ¶
func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReply(pkt FlowStatsReply) error
func (*FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReplys ¶
func (c *FlowStatsReplyConn) WriteFlowStatsReplys(pkts []FlowStatsReply) error
type FlowStatsRequest ¶
type FlowStatsRequest struct {
func NewFlowStatsRequest ¶
func NewFlowStatsRequest() FlowStatsRequest
func NewFlowStatsRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewFlowStatsRequestWithBuf(b []byte) FlowStatsRequest
func ToFlowStatsRequest ¶
func ToFlowStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) (FlowStatsRequest, error)
func (FlowStatsRequest) Clone ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Clone() (FlowStatsRequest, error)
func (FlowStatsRequest) Cookie ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Cookie() uint64
func (FlowStatsRequest) CookieMask ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieMask() uint64
func (FlowStatsRequest) CookieMaskOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieMaskOffset() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) CookieOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) CookieOffset() int
func (*FlowStatsRequest) Init ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) Init()
func (FlowStatsRequest) Match ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Match() Match
func (FlowStatsRequest) MatchOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) MatchOffset() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) MatchSize ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) MatchSize() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) OutGroup ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutGroup() uint32
func (FlowStatsRequest) OutGroupOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutGroupOffset() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) OutPort ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutPort() uint32
func (FlowStatsRequest) OutPortOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) OutPortOffset() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) Pad1 ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad1() [3]uint8
func (FlowStatsRequest) Pad1Offset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad1Offset() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) Pad2 ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad2() [4]uint8
func (FlowStatsRequest) Pad2Offset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Pad2Offset() int
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetCookie ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetCookie(c uint64)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetCookieMask ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetCookieMask(c uint64)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetMatch ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetMatch(m Match)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetOutGroup ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetOutGroup(o uint32)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetOutPort ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetOutPort(o uint32)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetPad1 ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetPad1(p [3]uint8)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetPad2 ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetPad2(p [4]uint8)
func (*FlowStatsRequest) SetTableId ¶
func (this *FlowStatsRequest) SetTableId(t uint8)
func (FlowStatsRequest) Size ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) Size() int
func (FlowStatsRequest) TableId ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) TableId() uint8
func (FlowStatsRequest) TableIdOffset ¶
func (this FlowStatsRequest) TableIdOffset() int
type FlowStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewFlowStatsRequestConn(c net.Conn) FlowStatsRequestConn
func (*FlowStatsRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequest ¶
func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequest() (FlowStatsRequest, error)
func (*FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequests ¶
func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) ReadFlowStatsRequests(pkts []FlowStatsRequest) (int, error)
func (*FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequest ¶
func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequest(pkt FlowStatsRequest) error
func (*FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequests ¶
func (c *FlowStatsRequestConn) WriteFlowStatsRequests(pkts []FlowStatsRequest) error
type FlowWildcards ¶
type FlowWildcards int
const ( PFW_IN_PORT FlowWildcards = 1 PFW_DL_VLAN FlowWildcards = 2 PFW_DL_SRC FlowWildcards = 4 PFW_DL_DST FlowWildcards = 8 PFW_DL_TYPE FlowWildcards = 16 PFW_NW_PROTO FlowWildcards = 32 PFW_TP_SRC FlowWildcards = 64 PFW_TP_DST FlowWildcards = 128 PFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT FlowWildcards = 8 PFW_NW_SRC_BITS FlowWildcards = 5 PFW_NW_SRC_MASK FlowWildcards = 7936 PFW_NW_SRC_ALL FlowWildcards = 8192 PFW_NW_DST_SHIFT FlowWildcards = 14 PFW_NW_DST_BITS FlowWildcards = 6 PFW_NW_DST_MASK FlowWildcards = 1032192 PFW_NW_DST_ALL FlowWildcards = 524288 PFW_DL_VLAN_PCP FlowWildcards = 1048576 PFW_NW_TOS FlowWildcards = 2097152 PFW_ALL FlowWildcards = 4194303 )
type Flow_modFailedCode ¶
type Flow_modFailedCode int
const ( PFMFC_ALL_TABLES_FULL Flow_modFailedCode = 0 PFMFC_OVERLAP Flow_modFailedCode = 1 PFMFC_EPERM Flow_modFailedCode = 2 PFMFC_BAD_EMERG_TIMEOUT Flow_modFailedCode = 3 PFMFC_BAD_COMMAND Flow_modFailedCode = 4 PFMFC_UNSUPPORTED Flow_modFailedCode = 5 )
type GetConfigRequest ¶
type GetConfigRequest struct {
func NewGetConfigRequest ¶
func NewGetConfigRequest() GetConfigRequest
func NewGetConfigRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewGetConfigRequestWithBuf(b []byte) GetConfigRequest
func ToGetConfigRequest ¶
func ToGetConfigRequest(p Header12) (GetConfigRequest, error)
func (GetConfigRequest) Clone ¶
func (this GetConfigRequest) Clone() (GetConfigRequest, error)
func (*GetConfigRequest) Init ¶
func (this *GetConfigRequest) Init()
func (GetConfigRequest) Size ¶
func (this GetConfigRequest) Size() int
type GetConfigRequestConn ¶
func NewGetConfigRequestConn ¶
func NewGetConfigRequestConn(c net.Conn) GetConfigRequestConn
func (*GetConfigRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequest ¶
func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequest() (GetConfigRequest, error)
func (*GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequests ¶
func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) ReadGetConfigRequests(pkts []GetConfigRequest) (int, error)
func (*GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequest ¶
func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequest(pkt GetConfigRequest) error
func (*GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequests ¶
func (c *GetConfigRequestConn) WriteGetConfigRequests(pkts []GetConfigRequest) error
type Header12Conn ¶
func NewHeader12Conn ¶
func NewHeader12Conn(c net.Conn) Header12Conn
func (*Header12Conn) Flush ¶
func (c *Header12Conn) Flush() error
func (*Header12Conn) ReadHeader12 ¶
func (c *Header12Conn) ReadHeader12() (Header12, error)
func (*Header12Conn) ReadHeader12s ¶
func (c *Header12Conn) ReadHeader12s(pkts []Header12) (int, error)
func (*Header12Conn) WriteHeader12 ¶
func (c *Header12Conn) WriteHeader12(pkt Header12) error
func (*Header12Conn) WriteHeader12s ¶
func (c *Header12Conn) WriteHeader12s(pkts []Header12) error
type Hello ¶
func NewHelloWithBuf ¶
type HelloFailedCode ¶
type HelloFailedCode int
const ( PHFC_INCOMPATIBLE HelloFailedCode = 0 PHFC_EPERM HelloFailedCode = 1 )
type Instruction ¶
func NewInstruction ¶
func NewInstruction() Instruction
func NewInstructionWithBuf ¶
func NewInstructionWithBuf(b []byte) Instruction
func ToInstruction ¶
func ToInstruction(p packet.Packet) (Instruction, error)
func (Instruction) Clone ¶
func (this Instruction) Clone() (Instruction, error)
func (*Instruction) Init ¶
func (this *Instruction) Init()
func (Instruction) Len ¶
func (this Instruction) Len() uint16
func (Instruction) LenOffset ¶
func (this Instruction) LenOffset() int
func (*Instruction) SetLen ¶
func (this *Instruction) SetLen(l uint16)
func (*Instruction) SetType ¶
func (this *Instruction) SetType(t uint16)
func (Instruction) Size ¶
func (this Instruction) Size() int
func (Instruction) Type ¶
func (this Instruction) Type() uint16
func (Instruction) TypeOffset ¶
func (this Instruction) TypeOffset() int
type InstructionConn ¶
func NewInstructionConn ¶
func NewInstructionConn(c net.Conn) InstructionConn
func (*InstructionConn) Flush ¶
func (c *InstructionConn) Flush() error
func (*InstructionConn) ReadInstruction ¶
func (c *InstructionConn) ReadInstruction() (Instruction, error)
func (*InstructionConn) ReadInstructions ¶
func (c *InstructionConn) ReadInstructions(pkts []Instruction) (int, error)
func (*InstructionConn) WriteInstruction ¶
func (c *InstructionConn) WriteInstruction(pkt Instruction) error
func (*InstructionConn) WriteInstructions ¶
func (c *InstructionConn) WriteInstructions(pkts []Instruction) error
type InstructionType ¶
type InstructionType int
const ( PIT_GOTO_TABLE InstructionType = 1 PIT_WRITE_METADATA InstructionType = 2 PIT_WRITE_ACTIONS InstructionType = 3 PIT_APPLY_ACTIONS InstructionType = 4 PIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS InstructionType = 5 PIT_EXPERIMENTER InstructionType = 65535 )
type OXMatch ¶
type OXMatch struct {
func NewOXMatch ¶
func NewOXMatch() OXMatch
func NewOXMatchWithBuf ¶
func (OXMatch) FieldsOffset ¶
func (OXMatch) FieldsSize ¶
type OXMatchConn ¶
func NewOXMatchConn ¶
func NewOXMatchConn(c net.Conn) OXMatchConn
func (*OXMatchConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OXMatchConn) Flush() error
func (*OXMatchConn) ReadOXMatch ¶
func (c *OXMatchConn) ReadOXMatch() (OXMatch, error)
func (*OXMatchConn) ReadOXMatchs ¶
func (c *OXMatchConn) ReadOXMatchs(pkts []OXMatch) (int, error)
func (*OXMatchConn) WriteOXMatch ¶
func (c *OXMatchConn) WriteOXMatch(pkt OXMatch) error
func (*OXMatchConn) WriteOXMatchs ¶
func (c *OXMatchConn) WriteOXMatchs(pkts []OXMatch) error
type OXMatchFields ¶
type OXMatchFields int
const ( PXMT_IN_PORT OXMatchFields = 0 PXMT_IN_PHY_PORT OXMatchFields = 2 PXMT_METADATA OXMatchFields = 4 PXMT_ETH_DST OXMatchFields = 6 PXMT_ETH_DST_MASKED OXMatchFields = 7 PXMT_ETH_SRC OXMatchFields = 8 PXMT_ETH_SRC_MASKED OXMatchFields = 9 PXMT_ETH_TYPE OXMatchFields = 10 PXMT_VLAN_VID OXMatchFields = 12 PXMT_VLAN_PCP OXMatchFields = 14 PXMT_IP_DSCP OXMatchFields = 16 PXMT_IP_ECN OXMatchFields = 18 PXMT_IP_PROTO OXMatchFields = 20 PXMT_IPV4_SRC OXMatchFields = 22 PXMT_IPV4_SRC_MASKED OXMatchFields = 23 PXMT_IPV4_DST OXMatchFields = 24 PXMT_IPV4_DST_MASKED OXMatchFields = 25 PXMT_TCP_SRC OXMatchFields = 26 PXMT_TCP_DST OXMatchFields = 28 PXMT_UDP_SRC OXMatchFields = 30 PXMT_UDP_DST OXMatchFields = 32 PXMT_SCTP_SRC OXMatchFields = 34 PXMT_SCTP_DST OXMatchFields = 36 PXMT_ICMPV4_TYPE OXMatchFields = 38 PXMT_ICMPV4_CODE OXMatchFields = 40 PXMT_ARP_OP OXMatchFields = 42 PXMT_ARP_SPA OXMatchFields = 44 PXMT_ARP_TPA OXMatchFields = 46 PXMT_ARP_SHA OXMatchFields = 48 PXMT_ARP_THA OXMatchFields = 50 PXMT_IPV6_SRC OXMatchFields = 52 PXMT_IPV6_SRC_MASKED OXMatchFields = 53 PXMT_IPV6_DST OXMatchFields = 54 PXMT_IPV6_DST_MASKED OXMatchFields = 55 PXMT_IPV6_FLABEL OXMatchFields = 56 PXMT_ICMPV6_TYPE OXMatchFields = 58 PXMT_ICMPV6_CODE OXMatchFields = 60 PXMT_IPV6_ND_TARGET OXMatchFields = 62 PXMT_IPV6_ND_SLL OXMatchFields = 64 PXMT_IPV6_ND_TLL OXMatchFields = 66 PXMT_MPLS_LABEL OXMatchFields = 68 PXMT_MPLS_TC OXMatchFields = 70 )
type OxmEthDst ¶
type OxmEthDst struct {
func NewOxmEthDst ¶
func NewOxmEthDst() OxmEthDst
func NewOxmEthDstWithBuf ¶
func ToOxmEthDst ¶
func (OxmEthDst) MacAddrOffset ¶
func (*OxmEthDst) SetMacAddr ¶
type OxmEthDstConn ¶
func NewOxmEthDstConn ¶
func NewOxmEthDstConn(c net.Conn) OxmEthDstConn
func (*OxmEthDstConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmEthDstConn) ReadOxmEthDst ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstConn) ReadOxmEthDst() (OxmEthDst, error)
func (*OxmEthDstConn) ReadOxmEthDsts ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstConn) ReadOxmEthDsts(pkts []OxmEthDst) (int, error)
func (*OxmEthDstConn) WriteOxmEthDst ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstConn) WriteOxmEthDst(pkt OxmEthDst) error
func (*OxmEthDstConn) WriteOxmEthDsts ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstConn) WriteOxmEthDsts(pkts []OxmEthDst) error
type OxmEthDstMasked ¶
type OxmEthDstMasked struct {
func NewOxmEthDstMasked ¶
func NewOxmEthDstMasked() OxmEthDstMasked
func NewOxmEthDstMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmEthDstMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmEthDstMasked
func ToOxmEthDstMasked ¶
func ToOxmEthDstMasked(p OxmField) (OxmEthDstMasked, error)
func (OxmEthDstMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Clone() (OxmEthDstMasked, error)
func (*OxmEthDstMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) Init()
func (OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddr ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddr() [6]uint8
func (OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MacAddrOffset() int
func (OxmEthDstMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Mask() [6]uint8
func (OxmEthDstMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmEthDstMasked) SetMacAddr ¶
func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) SetMacAddr(m [6]uint8)
func (*OxmEthDstMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmEthDstMasked) SetMask(m [6]uint8)
func (OxmEthDstMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmEthDstMasked) Size() int
type OxmEthDstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmEthDstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmEthDstMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmEthDstMaskedConn
func (*OxmEthDstMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMasked() (OxmEthDstMasked, error)
func (*OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthDstMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthDstMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMasked(pkt OxmEthDstMasked) error
func (*OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmEthDstMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthDstMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthDstMasked) error
type OxmEthSrc ¶
type OxmEthSrc struct {
func NewOxmEthSrc ¶
func NewOxmEthSrc() OxmEthSrc
func NewOxmEthSrcWithBuf ¶
func ToOxmEthSrc ¶
func (OxmEthSrc) MacAddrOffset ¶
func (*OxmEthSrc) SetMacAddr ¶
type OxmEthSrcConn ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcConn ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcConn(c net.Conn) OxmEthSrcConn
func (*OxmEthSrcConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmEthSrcConn) ReadOxmEthSrc ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcConn) ReadOxmEthSrc() (OxmEthSrc, error)
func (*OxmEthSrcConn) ReadOxmEthSrcs ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcConn) ReadOxmEthSrcs(pkts []OxmEthSrc) (int, error)
func (*OxmEthSrcConn) WriteOxmEthSrc ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcConn) WriteOxmEthSrc(pkt OxmEthSrc) error
func (*OxmEthSrcConn) WriteOxmEthSrcs ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcConn) WriteOxmEthSrcs(pkts []OxmEthSrc) error
type OxmEthSrcMasked ¶
type OxmEthSrcMasked struct {
func NewOxmEthSrcMasked ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcMasked() OxmEthSrcMasked
func NewOxmEthSrcMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmEthSrcMasked
func ToOxmEthSrcMasked ¶
func ToOxmEthSrcMasked(p OxmField) (OxmEthSrcMasked, error)
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Clone() (OxmEthSrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmEthSrcMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) Init()
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddr ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddr() [6]uint8
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MacAddrOffset() int
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Mask() [6]uint8
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMacAddr ¶
func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMacAddr(m [6]uint8)
func (*OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmEthSrcMasked) SetMask(m [6]uint8)
func (OxmEthSrcMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmEthSrcMasked) Size() int
type OxmEthSrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmEthSrcMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmEthSrcMaskedConn
func (*OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMasked() (OxmEthSrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmEthSrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthSrcMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMasked(pkt OxmEthSrcMasked) error
func (*OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmEthSrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmEthSrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmEthSrcMasked) error
type OxmEthType ¶
type OxmEthType struct {
func NewOxmEthType ¶
func NewOxmEthType() OxmEthType
func NewOxmEthTypeWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmEthTypeWithBuf(b []byte) OxmEthType
func ToOxmEthType ¶
func ToOxmEthType(p OxmField) (OxmEthType, error)
func (OxmEthType) Clone ¶
func (this OxmEthType) Clone() (OxmEthType, error)
func (*OxmEthType) Init ¶
func (this *OxmEthType) Init()
func (*OxmEthType) SetType ¶
func (this *OxmEthType) SetType(t uint16)
func (OxmEthType) Size ¶
func (this OxmEthType) Size() int
func (OxmEthType) Type ¶
func (this OxmEthType) Type() uint16
func (OxmEthType) TypeOffset ¶
func (this OxmEthType) TypeOffset() int
type OxmEthTypeConn ¶
func NewOxmEthTypeConn ¶
func NewOxmEthTypeConn(c net.Conn) OxmEthTypeConn
func (*OxmEthTypeConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthType ¶
func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthType() (OxmEthType, error)
func (*OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthTypes ¶
func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) ReadOxmEthTypes(pkts []OxmEthType) (int, error)
func (*OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthType ¶
func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthType(pkt OxmEthType) error
func (*OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthTypes ¶
func (c *OxmEthTypeConn) WriteOxmEthTypes(pkts []OxmEthType) error
type OxmField ¶
func NewOxmField ¶
func NewOxmField() OxmField
func NewOxmFieldWithBuf ¶
func (OxmField) OxmClassOffset ¶
func (OxmField) OxmFieldOffset ¶
func (OxmField) OxmLengthOffset ¶
func (*OxmField) SetOxmClass ¶
func (*OxmField) SetOxmField ¶
func (*OxmField) SetOxmLength ¶
type OxmFieldConn ¶
func NewOxmFieldConn ¶
func NewOxmFieldConn(c net.Conn) OxmFieldConn
func (*OxmFieldConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmFieldConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmFieldConn) ReadOxmField ¶
func (c *OxmFieldConn) ReadOxmField() (OxmField, error)
func (*OxmFieldConn) ReadOxmFields ¶
func (c *OxmFieldConn) ReadOxmFields(pkts []OxmField) (int, error)
func (*OxmFieldConn) WriteOxmField ¶
func (c *OxmFieldConn) WriteOxmField(pkt OxmField) error
func (*OxmFieldConn) WriteOxmFields ¶
func (c *OxmFieldConn) WriteOxmFields(pkts []OxmField) error
type OxmInPort ¶
type OxmInPort struct {
func NewOxmInPort ¶
func NewOxmInPort() OxmInPort
func NewOxmInPortWithBuf ¶
func ToOxmInPort ¶
func (OxmInPort) InPortOffset ¶
type OxmInPortConn ¶
func NewOxmInPortConn ¶
func NewOxmInPortConn(c net.Conn) OxmInPortConn
func (*OxmInPortConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmInPortConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmInPortConn) ReadOxmInPort ¶
func (c *OxmInPortConn) ReadOxmInPort() (OxmInPort, error)
func (*OxmInPortConn) ReadOxmInPorts ¶
func (c *OxmInPortConn) ReadOxmInPorts(pkts []OxmInPort) (int, error)
func (*OxmInPortConn) WriteOxmInPort ¶
func (c *OxmInPortConn) WriteOxmInPort(pkt OxmInPort) error
func (*OxmInPortConn) WriteOxmInPorts ¶
func (c *OxmInPortConn) WriteOxmInPorts(pkts []OxmInPort) error
type OxmIpProto ¶
type OxmIpProto struct {
func NewOxmIpProto ¶
func NewOxmIpProto() OxmIpProto
func NewOxmIpProtoWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpProtoWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpProto
func ToOxmIpProto ¶
func ToOxmIpProto(p OxmField) (OxmIpProto, error)
func (OxmIpProto) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpProto) Clone() (OxmIpProto, error)
func (*OxmIpProto) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpProto) Init()
func (OxmIpProto) Proto ¶
func (this OxmIpProto) Proto() uint8
func (OxmIpProto) ProtoOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpProto) ProtoOffset() int
func (*OxmIpProto) SetProto ¶
func (this *OxmIpProto) SetProto(p uint8)
func (OxmIpProto) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpProto) Size() int
type OxmIpProtoConn ¶
func NewOxmIpProtoConn ¶
func NewOxmIpProtoConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpProtoConn
func (*OxmIpProtoConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProto ¶
func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProto() (OxmIpProto, error)
func (*OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProtos ¶
func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) ReadOxmIpProtos(pkts []OxmIpProto) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProto ¶
func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProto(pkt OxmIpProto) error
func (*OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProtos ¶
func (c *OxmIpProtoConn) WriteOxmIpProtos(pkts []OxmIpProto) error
type OxmIpV4Dst ¶
type OxmIpV4Dst struct {
func NewOxmIpV4Dst ¶
func NewOxmIpV4Dst() OxmIpV4Dst
func NewOxmIpV4DstWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV4Dst
func ToOxmIpV4Dst ¶
func ToOxmIpV4Dst(p OxmField) (OxmIpV4Dst, error)
func (OxmIpV4Dst) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Dst) Addr() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4Dst) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Dst) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV4Dst) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Dst) Clone() (OxmIpV4Dst, error)
func (*OxmIpV4Dst) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4Dst) Init()
func (*OxmIpV4Dst) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4Dst) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
func (OxmIpV4Dst) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Dst) Size() int
type OxmIpV4DstConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV4DstConn
func (*OxmIpV4DstConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dst ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dst() (OxmIpV4Dst, error)
func (*OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dsts ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) ReadOxmIpV4Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV4Dst) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dst ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dst(pkt OxmIpV4Dst) error
func (*OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dsts ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstConn) WriteOxmIpV4Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV4Dst) error
type OxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
type OxmIpV4DstMasked struct {
func NewOxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstMasked() OxmIpV4DstMasked
func NewOxmIpV4DstMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV4DstMasked
func ToOxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
func ToOxmIpV4DstMasked(p OxmField) (OxmIpV4DstMasked, error)
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Addr() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV4DstMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV4DstMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) Init()
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Mask() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
func (*OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4DstMasked) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
func (OxmIpV4DstMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV4DstMasked) Size() int
type OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4DstMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn
func (*OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMasked() (OxmIpV4DstMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4DstMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMasked(pkt OxmIpV4DstMasked) error
func (*OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4DstMasked) error
type OxmIpV4Src ¶
type OxmIpV4Src struct {
func NewOxmIpV4Src ¶
func NewOxmIpV4Src() OxmIpV4Src
func NewOxmIpV4SrcWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV4Src
func ToOxmIpV4Src ¶
func ToOxmIpV4Src(p OxmField) (OxmIpV4Src, error)
func (OxmIpV4Src) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) Addr() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4Src) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV4Src) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) Clone() (OxmIpV4Src, error)
func (*OxmIpV4Src) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4Src) Init()
func (OxmIpV4Src) Mask ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) Mask() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4Src) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmIpV4Src) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4Src) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
func (*OxmIpV4Src) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4Src) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
func (OxmIpV4Src) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV4Src) Size() int
type OxmIpV4SrcConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV4SrcConn
func (*OxmIpV4SrcConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Src ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Src() (OxmIpV4Src, error)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Srcs ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV4Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV4Src) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Src ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Src(pkt OxmIpV4Src) error
func (*OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Srcs ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV4Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV4Src) error
type OxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
type OxmIpV4SrcMasked struct {
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMasked() OxmIpV4SrcMasked
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV4SrcMasked
func ToOxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
func ToOxmIpV4SrcMasked(p OxmField) (OxmIpV4SrcMasked, error)
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Addr() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV4SrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Init()
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Mask() [4]uint8
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetAddr(a [4]uint8)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmIpV4SrcMasked) SetMask(m [4]uint8)
func (OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV4SrcMasked) Size() int
type OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMasked() (OxmIpV4SrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4SrcMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMasked(pkt OxmIpV4SrcMasked) error
func (*OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV4SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV4SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV4SrcMasked) error
type OxmIpV6Dst ¶
type OxmIpV6Dst struct {
func NewOxmIpV6Dst ¶
func NewOxmIpV6Dst() OxmIpV6Dst
func NewOxmIpV6DstWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV6Dst
func ToOxmIpV6Dst ¶
func ToOxmIpV6Dst(p OxmField) (OxmIpV6Dst, error)
func (OxmIpV6Dst) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Dst) Addr() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6Dst) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Dst) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV6Dst) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Dst) Clone() (OxmIpV6Dst, error)
func (*OxmIpV6Dst) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6Dst) Init()
func (*OxmIpV6Dst) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6Dst) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
func (OxmIpV6Dst) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Dst) Size() int
type OxmIpV6DstConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV6DstConn
func (*OxmIpV6DstConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dst ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dst() (OxmIpV6Dst, error)
func (*OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dsts ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) ReadOxmIpV6Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV6Dst) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dst ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dst(pkt OxmIpV6Dst) error
func (*OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dsts ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstConn) WriteOxmIpV6Dsts(pkts []OxmIpV6Dst) error
type OxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
type OxmIpV6DstMasked struct {
func NewOxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstMasked() OxmIpV6DstMasked
func NewOxmIpV6DstMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV6DstMasked
func ToOxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
func ToOxmIpV6DstMasked(p OxmField) (OxmIpV6DstMasked, error)
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Addr() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV6DstMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV6DstMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) Init()
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Mask() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
func (*OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6DstMasked) SetMask(m [16]uint8)
func (OxmIpV6DstMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV6DstMasked) Size() int
type OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6DstMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn
func (*OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMasked() (OxmIpV6DstMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6DstMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMasked(pkt OxmIpV6DstMasked) error
func (*OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6DstMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6DstMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6DstMasked) error
type OxmIpV6Src ¶
type OxmIpV6Src struct {
func NewOxmIpV6Src ¶
func NewOxmIpV6Src() OxmIpV6Src
func NewOxmIpV6SrcWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV6Src
func ToOxmIpV6Src ¶
func ToOxmIpV6Src(p OxmField) (OxmIpV6Src, error)
func (OxmIpV6Src) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Src) Addr() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6Src) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Src) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV6Src) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Src) Clone() (OxmIpV6Src, error)
func (*OxmIpV6Src) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6Src) Init()
func (*OxmIpV6Src) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6Src) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
func (OxmIpV6Src) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV6Src) Size() int
type OxmIpV6SrcConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV6SrcConn
func (*OxmIpV6SrcConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Src ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Src() (OxmIpV6Src, error)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Srcs ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) ReadOxmIpV6Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV6Src) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Src ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Src(pkt OxmIpV6Src) error
func (*OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Srcs ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcConn) WriteOxmIpV6Srcs(pkts []OxmIpV6Src) error
type OxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
type OxmIpV6SrcMasked struct {
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMasked() OxmIpV6SrcMasked
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMaskedWithBuf ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMaskedWithBuf(b []byte) OxmIpV6SrcMasked
func ToOxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
func ToOxmIpV6SrcMasked(p OxmField) (OxmIpV6SrcMasked, error)
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Addr ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Addr() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) AddrOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) AddrOffset() int
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Clone ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Clone() (OxmIpV6SrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Init ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Init()
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Mask ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Mask() [16]uint8
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) MaskOffset ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) MaskOffset() int
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetAddr ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetAddr(a [16]uint8)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetMask ¶
func (this *OxmIpV6SrcMasked) SetMask(m [16]uint8)
func (OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Size ¶
func (this OxmIpV6SrcMasked) Size() int
type OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn ¶
func NewOxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn(c net.Conn) OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMasked() (OxmIpV6SrcMasked, error)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) ReadOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6SrcMasked) (int, error)
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMasked ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMasked(pkt OxmIpV6SrcMasked) error
func (*OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds ¶
func (c *OxmIpV6SrcMaskedConn) WriteOxmIpV6SrcMaskeds(pkts []OxmIpV6SrcMasked) error
type OxmTcpDst ¶
type OxmTcpDst struct {
func NewOxmTcpDst ¶
func NewOxmTcpDst() OxmTcpDst
func NewOxmTcpDstWithBuf ¶
func ToOxmTcpDst ¶
func (OxmTcpDst) PortOffset ¶
type OxmTcpDstConn ¶
func NewOxmTcpDstConn ¶
func NewOxmTcpDstConn(c net.Conn) OxmTcpDstConn
func (*OxmTcpDstConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmTcpDstConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmTcpDstConn) ReadOxmTcpDst ¶
func (c *OxmTcpDstConn) ReadOxmTcpDst() (OxmTcpDst, error)
func (*OxmTcpDstConn) ReadOxmTcpDsts ¶
func (c *OxmTcpDstConn) ReadOxmTcpDsts(pkts []OxmTcpDst) (int, error)
func (*OxmTcpDstConn) WriteOxmTcpDst ¶
func (c *OxmTcpDstConn) WriteOxmTcpDst(pkt OxmTcpDst) error
func (*OxmTcpDstConn) WriteOxmTcpDsts ¶
func (c *OxmTcpDstConn) WriteOxmTcpDsts(pkts []OxmTcpDst) error
type OxmTcpSrc ¶
type OxmTcpSrc struct {
func NewOxmTcpSrc ¶
func NewOxmTcpSrc() OxmTcpSrc
func NewOxmTcpSrcWithBuf ¶
func ToOxmTcpSrc ¶
func (OxmTcpSrc) PortOffset ¶
type OxmTcpSrcConn ¶
func NewOxmTcpSrcConn ¶
func NewOxmTcpSrcConn(c net.Conn) OxmTcpSrcConn
func (*OxmTcpSrcConn) Flush ¶
func (c *OxmTcpSrcConn) Flush() error
func (*OxmTcpSrcConn) ReadOxmTcpSrc ¶
func (c *OxmTcpSrcConn) ReadOxmTcpSrc() (OxmTcpSrc, error)
func (*OxmTcpSrcConn) ReadOxmTcpSrcs ¶
func (c *OxmTcpSrcConn) ReadOxmTcpSrcs(pkts []OxmTcpSrc) (int, error)
func (*OxmTcpSrcConn) WriteOxmTcpSrc ¶
func (c *OxmTcpSrcConn) WriteOxmTcpSrc(pkt OxmTcpSrc) error
func (*OxmTcpSrcConn) WriteOxmTcpSrcs ¶
func (c *OxmTcpSrcConn) WriteOxmTcpSrcs(pkts []OxmTcpSrc) error
type PacketIn ¶
type PacketIn struct {
func NewPacketIn ¶
func NewPacketIn() PacketIn
func NewPacketInWithBuf ¶
func ToPacketIn ¶
func (PacketIn) BufferIdOffset ¶
func (PacketIn) DataOffset ¶
func (PacketIn) MatchOffset ¶
func (PacketIn) ReasonOffset ¶
func (*PacketIn) SetBufferId ¶
func (*PacketIn) SetTableId ¶
func (*PacketIn) SetTotalLen ¶
func (PacketIn) TableIdOffset ¶
func (PacketIn) TotalLenOffset ¶
type PacketInConn ¶
func NewPacketInConn ¶
func NewPacketInConn(c net.Conn) PacketInConn
func (*PacketInConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PacketInConn) Flush() error
func (*PacketInConn) ReadPacketIn ¶
func (c *PacketInConn) ReadPacketIn() (PacketIn, error)
func (*PacketInConn) ReadPacketIns ¶
func (c *PacketInConn) ReadPacketIns(pkts []PacketIn) (int, error)
func (*PacketInConn) WritePacketIn ¶
func (c *PacketInConn) WritePacketIn(pkt PacketIn) error
func (*PacketInConn) WritePacketIns ¶
func (c *PacketInConn) WritePacketIns(pkts []PacketIn) error
type PacketInReason ¶
type PacketInReason int
const ( PR_NO_MATCH PacketInReason = 0 PR_ACTION PacketInReason = 1 )
type PacketOut ¶
type PacketOut struct {
func NewPacketOut ¶
func NewPacketOut() PacketOut
func NewPacketOutWithBuf ¶
func ToPacketOut ¶
func (PacketOut) ActionsLen ¶
func (PacketOut) ActionsLenOffset ¶
func (PacketOut) ActionsOffset ¶
func (PacketOut) ActionsSize ¶
func (*PacketOut) AddActions ¶
func (PacketOut) BufferIdOffset ¶
func (PacketOut) DataOffset ¶
func (PacketOut) InPortOffset ¶
func (*PacketOut) SetActionsLen ¶
func (*PacketOut) SetBufferId ¶
type PacketOutConn ¶
func NewPacketOutConn ¶
func NewPacketOutConn(c net.Conn) PacketOutConn
func (*PacketOutConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PacketOutConn) Flush() error
func (*PacketOutConn) ReadPacketOut ¶
func (c *PacketOutConn) ReadPacketOut() (PacketOut, error)
func (*PacketOutConn) ReadPacketOuts ¶
func (c *PacketOutConn) ReadPacketOuts(pkts []PacketOut) (int, error)
func (*PacketOutConn) WritePacketOut ¶
func (c *PacketOutConn) WritePacketOut(pkt PacketOut) error
func (*PacketOutConn) WritePacketOuts ¶
func (c *PacketOutConn) WritePacketOuts(pkts []PacketOut) error
type PacketQueue ¶
func NewPacketQueue ¶
func NewPacketQueue() PacketQueue
func NewPacketQueueWithBuf ¶
func NewPacketQueueWithBuf(b []byte) PacketQueue
func ToPacketQueue ¶
func ToPacketQueue(p packet.Packet) (PacketQueue, error)
func (*PacketQueue) AddProperties ¶
func (this *PacketQueue) AddProperties(p QueuePropHeader)
func (PacketQueue) Clone ¶
func (this PacketQueue) Clone() (PacketQueue, error)
func (*PacketQueue) Init ¶
func (this *PacketQueue) Init()
func (PacketQueue) Len ¶
func (this PacketQueue) Len() uint16
func (PacketQueue) LenOffset ¶
func (this PacketQueue) LenOffset() int
func (PacketQueue) Pad ¶
func (this PacketQueue) Pad() [2]uint8
func (PacketQueue) PadOffset ¶
func (this PacketQueue) PadOffset() int
func (PacketQueue) Properties ¶
func (this PacketQueue) Properties() []QueuePropHeader
func (PacketQueue) PropertiesOffset ¶
func (this PacketQueue) PropertiesOffset() int
func (PacketQueue) PropertiesSize ¶
func (this PacketQueue) PropertiesSize() int
func (PacketQueue) QueueId ¶
func (this PacketQueue) QueueId() uint32
func (PacketQueue) QueueIdOffset ¶
func (this PacketQueue) QueueIdOffset() int
func (*PacketQueue) SetLen ¶
func (this *PacketQueue) SetLen(l uint16)
func (*PacketQueue) SetPad ¶
func (this *PacketQueue) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
func (*PacketQueue) SetQueueId ¶
func (this *PacketQueue) SetQueueId(q uint32)
func (PacketQueue) Size ¶
func (this PacketQueue) Size() int
type PacketQueueConn ¶
func NewPacketQueueConn ¶
func NewPacketQueueConn(c net.Conn) PacketQueueConn
func (*PacketQueueConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PacketQueueConn) Flush() error
func (*PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueue ¶
func (c *PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueue() (PacketQueue, error)
func (*PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueues ¶
func (c *PacketQueueConn) ReadPacketQueues(pkts []PacketQueue) (int, error)
func (*PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueue ¶
func (c *PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueue(pkt PacketQueue) error
func (*PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueues ¶
func (c *PacketQueueConn) WritePacketQueues(pkts []PacketQueue) error
type Port ¶
func NewPortWithBuf ¶
func (Port) Advertised ¶
func (Port) AdvertisedOffset ¶
func (Port) ConfigOffset ¶
func (Port) CurrOffset ¶
func (Port) CurrSpeedOffset ¶
func (Port) HwAddrOffset ¶
func (Port) MaxSpeedOffset ¶
func (Port) NameOffset ¶
func (Port) Pad2Offset ¶
func (Port) PeerOffset ¶
func (Port) PortNoOffset ¶
func (*Port) SetAdvertised ¶
func (*Port) SetCurrSpeed ¶
func (*Port) SetMaxSpeed ¶
func (*Port) SetSupported ¶
func (Port) StateOffset ¶
func (Port) SupportedOffset ¶
type PortConfig ¶
type PortConfig int
const ( PPC_PORT_DOWN PortConfig = 1 PPC_NO_RECV PortConfig = 4 PPC_NO_FWD PortConfig = 32 PPC_NO_PACKET_IN PortConfig = 64 )
type PortFeatures ¶
type PortFeatures int
const ( PPF_10MB_HD PortFeatures = 1 PPF_10MB_FD PortFeatures = 2 PPF_100MB_HD PortFeatures = 4 PPF_100MB_FD PortFeatures = 8 PPF_1GB_HD PortFeatures = 16 PPF_1GB_FD PortFeatures = 32 PPF_10GB_FD PortFeatures = 64 PPF_40GB_FD PortFeatures = 128 PPF_100GB_FD PortFeatures = 256 PPF_1TB_FD PortFeatures = 512 PPF_OTHER PortFeatures = 1024 PPF_COPPER PortFeatures = 2048 PPF_FIBER PortFeatures = 4096 PPF_AUTONEG PortFeatures = 8192 PPF_PAUSE PortFeatures = 16384 PPF_PAUSE_ASYM PortFeatures = 32768 )
type PortMod ¶
type PortMod struct {
func NewPortMod ¶
func NewPortMod() PortMod
func NewPortModWithBuf ¶
func (PortMod) AdvertiseOffset ¶
func (PortMod) ConfigOffset ¶
func (PortMod) HwAddrOffset ¶
func (PortMod) MaskOffset ¶
func (PortMod) PortNoOffset ¶
func (*PortMod) SetAdvertise ¶
type PortModConn ¶
func NewPortModConn ¶
func NewPortModConn(c net.Conn) PortModConn
func (*PortModConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PortModConn) Flush() error
func (*PortModConn) ReadPortMod ¶
func (c *PortModConn) ReadPortMod() (PortMod, error)
func (*PortModConn) ReadPortMods ¶
func (c *PortModConn) ReadPortMods(pkts []PortMod) (int, error)
func (*PortModConn) WritePortMod ¶
func (c *PortModConn) WritePortMod(pkt PortMod) error
func (*PortModConn) WritePortMods ¶
func (c *PortModConn) WritePortMods(pkts []PortMod) error
type PortReason ¶
type PortReason int
const ( PPR_ADD PortReason = 0 PPR_DELETE PortReason = 1 PPR_MODIFY PortReason = 2 )
type PortStats ¶
type PortStats struct {
func NewPortStats ¶
func NewPortStats() PortStats
func NewPortStatsWithBuf ¶
func ToPortStats ¶
func ToPortStats(p StatsReply) (PortStats, error)
func (PortStats) Collisions ¶
func (PortStats) CollisionsOffset ¶
func (PortStats) PortNoOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxBytesOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxCrcErrOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxDroppedOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxErrorsOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxFrameErr ¶
func (PortStats) RxFrameErrOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxOverErrOffset ¶
func (PortStats) RxPacketsOffset ¶
func (*PortStats) SetCollisions ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxBytes ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxCrcErr ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxDropped ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxErrors ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxFrameErr ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxOverErr ¶
func (*PortStats) SetRxPackets ¶
func (*PortStats) SetTxBytes ¶
func (*PortStats) SetTxDropped ¶
func (*PortStats) SetTxErrors ¶
func (*PortStats) SetTxPackets ¶
func (PortStats) TxBytesOffset ¶
func (PortStats) TxDroppedOffset ¶
func (PortStats) TxErrorsOffset ¶
func (PortStats) TxPacketsOffset ¶
type PortStatsConn ¶
func NewPortStatsConn ¶
func NewPortStatsConn(c net.Conn) PortStatsConn
func (*PortStatsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PortStatsConn) Flush() error
func (*PortStatsConn) ReadPortStats ¶
func (c *PortStatsConn) ReadPortStats() (PortStats, error)
func (*PortStatsConn) ReadPortStatss ¶
func (c *PortStatsConn) ReadPortStatss(pkts []PortStats) (int, error)
func (*PortStatsConn) WritePortStats ¶
func (c *PortStatsConn) WritePortStats(pkt PortStats) error
func (*PortStatsConn) WritePortStatss ¶
func (c *PortStatsConn) WritePortStatss(pkts []PortStats) error
type PortStatsRequest ¶
type PortStatsRequest struct {
func NewPortStatsRequest ¶
func NewPortStatsRequest() PortStatsRequest
func NewPortStatsRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewPortStatsRequestWithBuf(b []byte) PortStatsRequest
func ToPortStatsRequest ¶
func ToPortStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) (PortStatsRequest, error)
func (PortStatsRequest) Clone ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) Clone() (PortStatsRequest, error)
func (*PortStatsRequest) Init ¶
func (this *PortStatsRequest) Init()
func (PortStatsRequest) Pad ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) Pad() [6]uint8
func (PortStatsRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
func (PortStatsRequest) PortNo ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) PortNo() uint16
func (PortStatsRequest) PortNoOffset ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) PortNoOffset() int
func (*PortStatsRequest) SetPad ¶
func (this *PortStatsRequest) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
func (*PortStatsRequest) SetPortNo ¶
func (this *PortStatsRequest) SetPortNo(p uint16)
func (PortStatsRequest) Size ¶
func (this PortStatsRequest) Size() int
type PortStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewPortStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewPortStatsRequestConn(c net.Conn) PortStatsRequestConn
func (*PortStatsRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequest ¶
func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequest() (PortStatsRequest, error)
func (*PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequests ¶
func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) ReadPortStatsRequests(pkts []PortStatsRequest) (int, error)
func (*PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequest ¶
func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequest(pkt PortStatsRequest) error
func (*PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequests ¶
func (c *PortStatsRequestConn) WritePortStatsRequests(pkts []PortStatsRequest) error
type PortStatus ¶
type PortStatus struct {
func NewPortStatus ¶
func NewPortStatus() PortStatus
func NewPortStatusWithBuf ¶
func NewPortStatusWithBuf(b []byte) PortStatus
func ToPortStatus ¶
func ToPortStatus(p Header12) (PortStatus, error)
func (PortStatus) Clone ¶
func (this PortStatus) Clone() (PortStatus, error)
func (PortStatus) Desc ¶
func (this PortStatus) Desc() Port
func (PortStatus) DescOffset ¶
func (this PortStatus) DescOffset() int
func (*PortStatus) Init ¶
func (this *PortStatus) Init()
func (PortStatus) Pad ¶
func (this PortStatus) Pad() [7]uint8
func (PortStatus) PadOffset ¶
func (this PortStatus) PadOffset() int
func (PortStatus) Reason ¶
func (this PortStatus) Reason() uint8
func (PortStatus) ReasonOffset ¶
func (this PortStatus) ReasonOffset() int
func (*PortStatus) SetDesc ¶
func (this *PortStatus) SetDesc(d Port)
func (*PortStatus) SetPad ¶
func (this *PortStatus) SetPad(p [7]uint8)
func (*PortStatus) SetReason ¶
func (this *PortStatus) SetReason(r uint8)
func (PortStatus) Size ¶
func (this PortStatus) Size() int
type PortStatusConn ¶
func NewPortStatusConn ¶
func NewPortStatusConn(c net.Conn) PortStatusConn
func (*PortStatusConn) Flush ¶
func (c *PortStatusConn) Flush() error
func (*PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatus ¶
func (c *PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatus() (PortStatus, error)
func (*PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatuss ¶
func (c *PortStatusConn) ReadPortStatuss(pkts []PortStatus) (int, error)
func (*PortStatusConn) WritePortStatus ¶
func (c *PortStatusConn) WritePortStatus(pkt PortStatus) error
func (*PortStatusConn) WritePortStatuss ¶
func (c *PortStatusConn) WritePortStatuss(pkts []PortStatus) error
type Port_modFailedCode ¶
type Port_modFailedCode int
const ( PPMFC_BAD_PORT Port_modFailedCode = 0 PPMFC_BAD_HW_ADDR Port_modFailedCode = 1 )
type QueueGetConfigReply ¶
type QueueGetConfigReply struct {
func NewQueueGetConfigReply ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigReply() QueueGetConfigReply
func NewQueueGetConfigReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigReplyWithBuf(b []byte) QueueGetConfigReply
func ToQueueGetConfigReply ¶
func ToQueueGetConfigReply(p Header12) (QueueGetConfigReply, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigReply) AddQueues ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) AddQueues(q PacketQueue)
func (QueueGetConfigReply) Clone ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Clone() (QueueGetConfigReply, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigReply) Init ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) Init()
func (QueueGetConfigReply) Pad ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Pad() [6]uint8
func (QueueGetConfigReply) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) PadOffset() int
func (QueueGetConfigReply) Port ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Port() uint16
func (QueueGetConfigReply) PortOffset ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) PortOffset() int
func (QueueGetConfigReply) Queues ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Queues() []PacketQueue
func (QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesOffset ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesOffset() int
func (QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesSize ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) QueuesSize() int
func (*QueueGetConfigReply) SetPad ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
func (*QueueGetConfigReply) SetPort ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigReply) SetPort(p uint16)
func (QueueGetConfigReply) Size ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigReply) Size() int
type QueueGetConfigReplyConn ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigReplyConn ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigReplyConn(c net.Conn) QueueGetConfigReplyConn
func (*QueueGetConfigReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReply ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReply() (QueueGetConfigReply, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReplys ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) ReadQueueGetConfigReplys(pkts []QueueGetConfigReply) (int, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReply ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReply(pkt QueueGetConfigReply) error
func (*QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReplys ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigReplyConn) WriteQueueGetConfigReplys(pkts []QueueGetConfigReply) error
type QueueGetConfigRequest ¶
type QueueGetConfigRequest struct {
func NewQueueGetConfigRequest ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigRequest() QueueGetConfigRequest
func NewQueueGetConfigRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigRequestWithBuf(b []byte) QueueGetConfigRequest
func ToQueueGetConfigRequest ¶
func ToQueueGetConfigRequest(p Header12) (QueueGetConfigRequest, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigRequest) AddPad ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) AddPad(p uint8)
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) Clone ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Clone() (QueueGetConfigRequest, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigRequest) Init ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) Init()
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) Pad ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Pad() []uint8
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PadOffset() int
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) PadSize ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PadSize() int
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) Port ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Port() uint16
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) PortOffset ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) PortOffset() int
func (*QueueGetConfigRequest) SetPort ¶
func (this *QueueGetConfigRequest) SetPort(p uint16)
func (QueueGetConfigRequest) Size ¶
func (this QueueGetConfigRequest) Size() int
type QueueGetConfigRequestConn ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigRequestConn ¶
func NewQueueGetConfigRequestConn(c net.Conn) QueueGetConfigRequestConn
func (*QueueGetConfigRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequest ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequest() (QueueGetConfigRequest, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequests ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) ReadQueueGetConfigRequests(pkts []QueueGetConfigRequest) (int, error)
func (*QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequest ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequest(pkt QueueGetConfigRequest) error
func (*QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequests ¶
func (c *QueueGetConfigRequestConn) WriteQueueGetConfigRequests(pkts []QueueGetConfigRequest) error
type QueueOpFailedCode ¶
type QueueOpFailedCode int
const ( PQC_BAD_PORT QueueOpFailedCode = 0 PQC_BAD_QUEUE QueueOpFailedCode = 1 PQC_EPERM QueueOpFailedCode = 2 )
type QueuePropHeader ¶
func NewQueuePropHeader ¶
func NewQueuePropHeader() QueuePropHeader
func NewQueuePropHeaderWithBuf ¶
func NewQueuePropHeaderWithBuf(b []byte) QueuePropHeader
func ToQueuePropHeader ¶
func ToQueuePropHeader(p packet.Packet) (QueuePropHeader, error)
func (QueuePropHeader) Clone ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) Clone() (QueuePropHeader, error)
func (*QueuePropHeader) Init ¶
func (this *QueuePropHeader) Init()
func (QueuePropHeader) Len ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) Len() uint16
func (QueuePropHeader) LenOffset ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) LenOffset() int
func (QueuePropHeader) Pad ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) Pad() [4]uint8
func (QueuePropHeader) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) PadOffset() int
func (QueuePropHeader) Property ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) Property() uint16
func (QueuePropHeader) PropertyOffset ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) PropertyOffset() int
func (*QueuePropHeader) SetLen ¶
func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetLen(l uint16)
func (*QueuePropHeader) SetPad ¶
func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (*QueuePropHeader) SetProperty ¶
func (this *QueuePropHeader) SetProperty(p uint16)
func (QueuePropHeader) Size ¶
func (this QueuePropHeader) Size() int
type QueuePropHeaderConn ¶
func NewQueuePropHeaderConn ¶
func NewQueuePropHeaderConn(c net.Conn) QueuePropHeaderConn
func (*QueuePropHeaderConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) Flush() error
func (*QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeader ¶
func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeader() (QueuePropHeader, error)
func (*QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeaders ¶
func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) ReadQueuePropHeaders(pkts []QueuePropHeader) (int, error)
func (*QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeader ¶
func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeader(pkt QueuePropHeader) error
func (*QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeaders ¶
func (c *QueuePropHeaderConn) WriteQueuePropHeaders(pkts []QueuePropHeader) error
type QueuePropMinRate ¶
type QueuePropMinRate struct {
func NewQueuePropMinRate ¶
func NewQueuePropMinRate() QueuePropMinRate
func NewQueuePropMinRateWithBuf ¶
func NewQueuePropMinRateWithBuf(b []byte) QueuePropMinRate
func ToQueuePropMinRate ¶
func ToQueuePropMinRate(p QueuePropHeader) (QueuePropMinRate, error)
func (QueuePropMinRate) Clone ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) Clone() (QueuePropMinRate, error)
func (*QueuePropMinRate) Init ¶
func (this *QueuePropMinRate) Init()
func (QueuePropMinRate) Pad ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) Pad() [6]uint8
func (QueuePropMinRate) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) PadOffset() int
func (QueuePropMinRate) Rate ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) Rate() uint16
func (QueuePropMinRate) RateOffset ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) RateOffset() int
func (*QueuePropMinRate) SetPad ¶
func (this *QueuePropMinRate) SetPad(p [6]uint8)
func (*QueuePropMinRate) SetRate ¶
func (this *QueuePropMinRate) SetRate(r uint16)
func (QueuePropMinRate) Size ¶
func (this QueuePropMinRate) Size() int
type QueuePropMinRateConn ¶
func NewQueuePropMinRateConn ¶
func NewQueuePropMinRateConn(c net.Conn) QueuePropMinRateConn
func (*QueuePropMinRateConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) Flush() error
func (*QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRate ¶
func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRate() (QueuePropMinRate, error)
func (*QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRates ¶
func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) ReadQueuePropMinRates(pkts []QueuePropMinRate) (int, error)
func (*QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRate ¶
func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRate(pkt QueuePropMinRate) error
func (*QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRates ¶
func (c *QueuePropMinRateConn) WriteQueuePropMinRates(pkts []QueuePropMinRate) error
type QueueProperties ¶
type QueueProperties int
const ( PQT_NONE QueueProperties = 0 PQT_MIN_RATE QueueProperties = 1 )
type QueueStats ¶
type QueueStats struct {
func NewQueueStats ¶
func NewQueueStats() QueueStats
func NewQueueStatsWithBuf ¶
func NewQueueStatsWithBuf(b []byte) QueueStats
func ToQueueStats ¶
func ToQueueStats(p StatsReply) (QueueStats, error)
func (QueueStats) Clone ¶
func (this QueueStats) Clone() (QueueStats, error)
func (*QueueStats) Init ¶
func (this *QueueStats) Init()
func (QueueStats) Pad ¶
func (this QueueStats) Pad() [2]uint8
func (QueueStats) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) PadOffset() int
func (QueueStats) PortNo ¶
func (this QueueStats) PortNo() uint16
func (QueueStats) PortNoOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) PortNoOffset() int
func (QueueStats) QueueId ¶
func (this QueueStats) QueueId() uint32
func (QueueStats) QueueIdOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) QueueIdOffset() int
func (*QueueStats) SetPad ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
func (*QueueStats) SetPortNo ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetPortNo(p uint16)
func (*QueueStats) SetQueueId ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetQueueId(q uint32)
func (*QueueStats) SetTxBytes ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetTxBytes(t uint64)
func (*QueueStats) SetTxErrors ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetTxErrors(t uint64)
func (*QueueStats) SetTxPackets ¶
func (this *QueueStats) SetTxPackets(t uint64)
func (QueueStats) Size ¶
func (this QueueStats) Size() int
func (QueueStats) TxBytes ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxBytes() uint64
func (QueueStats) TxBytesOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxBytesOffset() int
func (QueueStats) TxErrors ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxErrors() uint64
func (QueueStats) TxErrorsOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxErrorsOffset() int
func (QueueStats) TxPackets ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxPackets() uint64
func (QueueStats) TxPacketsOffset ¶
func (this QueueStats) TxPacketsOffset() int
type QueueStatsConn ¶
func NewQueueStatsConn ¶
func NewQueueStatsConn(c net.Conn) QueueStatsConn
func (*QueueStatsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueueStatsConn) Flush() error
func (*QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStats ¶
func (c *QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStats() (QueueStats, error)
func (*QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStatss ¶
func (c *QueueStatsConn) ReadQueueStatss(pkts []QueueStats) (int, error)
func (*QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStats ¶
func (c *QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStats(pkt QueueStats) error
func (*QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStatss ¶
func (c *QueueStatsConn) WriteQueueStatss(pkts []QueueStats) error
type QueueStatsRequest ¶
type QueueStatsRequest struct {
func NewQueueStatsRequest ¶
func NewQueueStatsRequest() QueueStatsRequest
func NewQueueStatsRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewQueueStatsRequestWithBuf(b []byte) QueueStatsRequest
func ToQueueStatsRequest ¶
func ToQueueStatsRequest(p StatsRequest) (QueueStatsRequest, error)
func (QueueStatsRequest) Clone ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) Clone() (QueueStatsRequest, error)
func (*QueueStatsRequest) Init ¶
func (this *QueueStatsRequest) Init()
func (QueueStatsRequest) Pad ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) Pad() [2]uint8
func (QueueStatsRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) PadOffset() int
func (QueueStatsRequest) PortNo ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) PortNo() uint16
func (QueueStatsRequest) PortNoOffset ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) PortNoOffset() int
func (QueueStatsRequest) QueueId ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) QueueId() uint32
func (QueueStatsRequest) QueueIdOffset ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) QueueIdOffset() int
func (*QueueStatsRequest) SetPad ¶
func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetPad(p [2]uint8)
func (*QueueStatsRequest) SetPortNo ¶
func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetPortNo(p uint16)
func (*QueueStatsRequest) SetQueueId ¶
func (this *QueueStatsRequest) SetQueueId(q uint32)
func (QueueStatsRequest) Size ¶
func (this QueueStatsRequest) Size() int
type QueueStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewQueueStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewQueueStatsRequestConn(c net.Conn) QueueStatsRequestConn
func (*QueueStatsRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequest ¶
func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequest() (QueueStatsRequest, error)
func (*QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequests ¶
func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) ReadQueueStatsRequests(pkts []QueueStatsRequest) (int, error)
func (*QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequest ¶
func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequest(pkt QueueStatsRequest) error
func (*QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequests ¶
func (c *QueueStatsRequestConn) WriteQueueStatsRequests(pkts []QueueStatsRequest) error
type RoleReply ¶
type RoleReply struct {
func NewRoleReply ¶
func NewRoleReply() RoleReply
func NewRoleReplyWithBuf ¶
func ToRoleReply ¶
func (RoleReply) GenerationId ¶
func (RoleReply) GenerationIdOffset ¶
func (RoleReply) RoleOffset ¶
func (*RoleReply) SetGenerationId ¶
type RoleReplyConn ¶
func NewRoleReplyConn ¶
func NewRoleReplyConn(c net.Conn) RoleReplyConn
func (*RoleReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *RoleReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*RoleReplyConn) ReadRoleReply ¶
func (c *RoleReplyConn) ReadRoleReply() (RoleReply, error)
func (*RoleReplyConn) ReadRoleReplys ¶
func (c *RoleReplyConn) ReadRoleReplys(pkts []RoleReply) (int, error)
func (*RoleReplyConn) WriteRoleReply ¶
func (c *RoleReplyConn) WriteRoleReply(pkt RoleReply) error
func (*RoleReplyConn) WriteRoleReplys ¶
func (c *RoleReplyConn) WriteRoleReplys(pkts []RoleReply) error
type RoleRequest ¶
type RoleRequest struct {
func NewRoleRequest ¶
func NewRoleRequest() RoleRequest
func NewRoleRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewRoleRequestWithBuf(b []byte) RoleRequest
func ToRoleRequest ¶
func ToRoleRequest(p Header12) (RoleRequest, error)
func (RoleRequest) Clone ¶
func (this RoleRequest) Clone() (RoleRequest, error)
func (RoleRequest) GenerationId ¶
func (this RoleRequest) GenerationId() uint64
func (RoleRequest) GenerationIdOffset ¶
func (this RoleRequest) GenerationIdOffset() int
func (*RoleRequest) Init ¶
func (this *RoleRequest) Init()
func (RoleRequest) Pad ¶
func (this RoleRequest) Pad() [4]uint8
func (RoleRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this RoleRequest) PadOffset() int
func (RoleRequest) Role ¶
func (this RoleRequest) Role() uint32
func (RoleRequest) RoleOffset ¶
func (this RoleRequest) RoleOffset() int
func (*RoleRequest) SetGenerationId ¶
func (this *RoleRequest) SetGenerationId(g uint64)
func (*RoleRequest) SetPad ¶
func (this *RoleRequest) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (*RoleRequest) SetRole ¶
func (this *RoleRequest) SetRole(r uint32)
func (RoleRequest) Size ¶
func (this RoleRequest) Size() int
type RoleRequestConn ¶
func NewRoleRequestConn ¶
func NewRoleRequestConn(c net.Conn) RoleRequestConn
func (*RoleRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *RoleRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequest ¶
func (c *RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequest() (RoleRequest, error)
func (*RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequests ¶
func (c *RoleRequestConn) ReadRoleRequests(pkts []RoleRequest) (int, error)
func (*RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequest ¶
func (c *RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequest(pkt RoleRequest) error
func (*RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequests ¶
func (c *RoleRequestConn) WriteRoleRequests(pkts []RoleRequest) error
type StatsReply ¶
type StatsReply struct {
func NewStatsReply ¶
func NewStatsReply() StatsReply
func NewStatsReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewStatsReplyWithBuf(b []byte) StatsReply
func ToStatsReply ¶
func ToStatsReply(p Header12) (StatsReply, error)
func (StatsReply) Clone ¶
func (this StatsReply) Clone() (StatsReply, error)
func (StatsReply) Flags ¶
func (this StatsReply) Flags() uint16
func (StatsReply) FlagsOffset ¶
func (this StatsReply) FlagsOffset() int
func (*StatsReply) Init ¶
func (this *StatsReply) Init()
func (StatsReply) Pad ¶
func (this StatsReply) Pad() [4]uint8
func (StatsReply) PadOffset ¶
func (this StatsReply) PadOffset() int
func (*StatsReply) SetFlags ¶
func (this *StatsReply) SetFlags(f uint16)
func (*StatsReply) SetPad ¶
func (this *StatsReply) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (*StatsReply) SetStatsType ¶
func (this *StatsReply) SetStatsType(s uint16)
func (StatsReply) Size ¶
func (this StatsReply) Size() int
func (StatsReply) StatsType ¶
func (this StatsReply) StatsType() uint16
func (StatsReply) StatsTypeOffset ¶
func (this StatsReply) StatsTypeOffset() int
type StatsReplyConn ¶
func NewStatsReplyConn ¶
func NewStatsReplyConn(c net.Conn) StatsReplyConn
func (*StatsReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *StatsReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReply ¶
func (c *StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReply() (StatsReply, error)
func (*StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReplys ¶
func (c *StatsReplyConn) ReadStatsReplys(pkts []StatsReply) (int, error)
func (*StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReply ¶
func (c *StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReply(pkt StatsReply) error
func (*StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReplys ¶
func (c *StatsReplyConn) WriteStatsReplys(pkts []StatsReply) error
type StatsRequest ¶
type StatsRequest struct {
func NewStatsRequest ¶
func NewStatsRequest() StatsRequest
func NewStatsRequestWithBuf ¶
func NewStatsRequestWithBuf(b []byte) StatsRequest
func ToStatsRequest ¶
func ToStatsRequest(p Header12) (StatsRequest, error)
func (StatsRequest) Clone ¶
func (this StatsRequest) Clone() (StatsRequest, error)
func (StatsRequest) Flags ¶
func (this StatsRequest) Flags() uint16
func (StatsRequest) FlagsOffset ¶
func (this StatsRequest) FlagsOffset() int
func (*StatsRequest) Init ¶
func (this *StatsRequest) Init()
func (StatsRequest) Pad ¶
func (this StatsRequest) Pad() [4]uint8
func (StatsRequest) PadOffset ¶
func (this StatsRequest) PadOffset() int
func (*StatsRequest) SetFlags ¶
func (this *StatsRequest) SetFlags(f uint16)
func (*StatsRequest) SetPad ¶
func (this *StatsRequest) SetPad(p [4]uint8)
func (*StatsRequest) SetStatsType ¶
func (this *StatsRequest) SetStatsType(s uint16)
func (StatsRequest) Size ¶
func (this StatsRequest) Size() int
func (StatsRequest) StatsType ¶
func (this StatsRequest) StatsType() uint16
func (StatsRequest) StatsTypeOffset ¶
func (this StatsRequest) StatsTypeOffset() int
type StatsRequestConn ¶
func NewStatsRequestConn ¶
func NewStatsRequestConn(c net.Conn) StatsRequestConn
func (*StatsRequestConn) Flush ¶
func (c *StatsRequestConn) Flush() error
func (*StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequest ¶
func (c *StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequest() (StatsRequest, error)
func (*StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequests ¶
func (c *StatsRequestConn) ReadStatsRequests(pkts []StatsRequest) (int, error)
func (*StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequest ¶
func (c *StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequest(pkt StatsRequest) error
func (*StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequests ¶
func (c *StatsRequestConn) WriteStatsRequests(pkts []StatsRequest) error
type StatsTypes ¶
type StatsTypes int
const ( PST_DESC StatsTypes = 0 PST_FLOW StatsTypes = 1 PST_AGGREGATE StatsTypes = 2 PST_TABLE StatsTypes = 3 PST_PORT StatsTypes = 4 PST_QUEUE StatsTypes = 5 OFPST_GROUP StatsTypes = 6 OFPST_GROUP_DESC StatsTypes = 7 PST_EXPERIMENTER StatsTypes = 65535 )
type StdMatch ¶
type StdMatch struct {
func NewStdMatch ¶
func NewStdMatch() StdMatch
func NewStdMatchWithBuf ¶
func ToStdMatch ¶
func (StdMatch) DlDstMaskOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlDstOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlSrcMaskOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlSrcOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlTypeOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlVlanOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) DlVlanPcpOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) InPortOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) MetadataMask ¶
func (StdMatch) MetadataMaskOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) MetadataOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) MplsLabelOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) MplsTcOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwDstMaskOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwDstOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwProtoOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwSrcMaskOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwSrcOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) NwTosOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) Pad1Offset ¶
func (StdMatch) Pad2Offset ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetDlDstMask ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetDlSrcMask ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetDlVlanPcp ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetMetadata ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetMetadataMask ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetMplsLabel ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetNwDstMask ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetNwProto ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetNwSrcMask ¶
func (*StdMatch) SetWildcards ¶
func (StdMatch) TpDstOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) TpSrcOffset ¶
func (StdMatch) WildcardsOffset ¶
type StdMatchConn ¶
func NewStdMatchConn ¶
func NewStdMatchConn(c net.Conn) StdMatchConn
func (*StdMatchConn) Flush ¶
func (c *StdMatchConn) Flush() error
func (*StdMatchConn) ReadStdMatch ¶
func (c *StdMatchConn) ReadStdMatch() (StdMatch, error)
func (*StdMatchConn) ReadStdMatchs ¶
func (c *StdMatchConn) ReadStdMatchs(pkts []StdMatch) (int, error)
func (*StdMatchConn) WriteStdMatch ¶
func (c *StdMatchConn) WriteStdMatch(pkt StdMatch) error
func (*StdMatchConn) WriteStdMatchs ¶
func (c *StdMatchConn) WriteStdMatchs(pkts []StdMatch) error
type SwitchGetConfigReply ¶
type SwitchGetConfigReply struct {
func NewSwitchGetConfigReply ¶
func NewSwitchGetConfigReply() SwitchGetConfigReply
func NewSwitchGetConfigReplyWithBuf ¶
func NewSwitchGetConfigReplyWithBuf(b []byte) SwitchGetConfigReply
func ToSwitchGetConfigReply ¶
func ToSwitchGetConfigReply(p Header12) (SwitchGetConfigReply, error)
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) Clone ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Clone() (SwitchGetConfigReply, error)
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) Flags ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Flags() uint16
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) FlagsOffset ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) FlagsOffset() int
func (*SwitchGetConfigReply) Init ¶
func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) Init()
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLen ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLen() uint16
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLenOffset ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) MissSendLenOffset() int
func (*SwitchGetConfigReply) SetFlags ¶
func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) SetFlags(f uint16)
func (*SwitchGetConfigReply) SetMissSendLen ¶
func (this *SwitchGetConfigReply) SetMissSendLen(m uint16)
func (SwitchGetConfigReply) Size ¶
func (this SwitchGetConfigReply) Size() int
type SwitchGetConfigReplyConn ¶
func NewSwitchGetConfigReplyConn ¶
func NewSwitchGetConfigReplyConn(c net.Conn) SwitchGetConfigReplyConn
func (*SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) Flush ¶
func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) Flush() error
func (*SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReply ¶
func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReply() (SwitchGetConfigReply, error)
func (*SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReplys ¶
func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) ReadSwitchGetConfigReplys(pkts []SwitchGetConfigReply) (int, error)
func (*SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReply ¶
func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReply(pkt SwitchGetConfigReply) error
func (*SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReplys ¶
func (c *SwitchGetConfigReplyConn) WriteSwitchGetConfigReplys(pkts []SwitchGetConfigReply) error
type SwitchSetConfig ¶
type SwitchSetConfig struct {
func NewSwitchSetConfig ¶
func NewSwitchSetConfig() SwitchSetConfig
func NewSwitchSetConfigWithBuf ¶
func NewSwitchSetConfigWithBuf(b []byte) SwitchSetConfig
func ToSwitchSetConfig ¶
func ToSwitchSetConfig(p Header12) (SwitchSetConfig, error)
func (SwitchSetConfig) Clone ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) Clone() (SwitchSetConfig, error)
func (SwitchSetConfig) Flags ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) Flags() uint16
func (SwitchSetConfig) FlagsOffset ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) FlagsOffset() int
func (*SwitchSetConfig) Init ¶
func (this *SwitchSetConfig) Init()
func (SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLen ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLen() uint16
func (SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLenOffset ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) MissSendLenOffset() int
func (*SwitchSetConfig) SetFlags ¶
func (this *SwitchSetConfig) SetFlags(f uint16)
func (*SwitchSetConfig) SetMissSendLen ¶
func (this *SwitchSetConfig) SetMissSendLen(m uint16)
func (SwitchSetConfig) Size ¶
func (this SwitchSetConfig) Size() int
type SwitchSetConfigConn ¶
func NewSwitchSetConfigConn ¶
func NewSwitchSetConfigConn(c net.Conn) SwitchSetConfigConn
func (*SwitchSetConfigConn) Flush ¶
func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) Flush() error
func (*SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfig ¶
func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfig() (SwitchSetConfig, error)
func (*SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfigs ¶
func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) ReadSwitchSetConfigs(pkts []SwitchSetConfig) (int, error)
func (*SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfig ¶
func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfig(pkt SwitchSetConfig) error
func (*SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfigs ¶
func (c *SwitchSetConfigConn) WriteSwitchSetConfigs(pkts []SwitchSetConfig) error
type TableStats ¶
type TableStats struct {
func NewTableStats ¶
func NewTableStats() TableStats
func NewTableStatsWithBuf ¶
func NewTableStatsWithBuf(b []byte) TableStats
func ToTableStats ¶
func ToTableStats(p StatsReply) (TableStats, error)
func (TableStats) ActiveCount ¶
func (this TableStats) ActiveCount() uint32
func (TableStats) ActiveCountOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) ActiveCountOffset() int
func (TableStats) Clone ¶
func (this TableStats) Clone() (TableStats, error)
func (*TableStats) Init ¶
func (this *TableStats) Init()
func (TableStats) LookupCount ¶
func (this TableStats) LookupCount() uint64
func (TableStats) LookupCountOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) LookupCountOffset() int
func (TableStats) MatchedCount ¶
func (this TableStats) MatchedCount() uint64
func (TableStats) MatchedCountOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) MatchedCountOffset() int
func (TableStats) MaxEntries ¶
func (this TableStats) MaxEntries() uint32
func (TableStats) MaxEntriesOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) MaxEntriesOffset() int
func (TableStats) Name ¶
func (this TableStats) Name() [32]byte
func (TableStats) NameOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) NameOffset() int
func (TableStats) Pad ¶
func (this TableStats) Pad() [3]uint8
func (TableStats) PadOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) PadOffset() int
func (*TableStats) SetActiveCount ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetActiveCount(a uint32)
func (*TableStats) SetLookupCount ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetLookupCount(l uint64)
func (*TableStats) SetMatchedCount ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetMatchedCount(m uint64)
func (*TableStats) SetMaxEntries ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetMaxEntries(m uint32)
func (*TableStats) SetName ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetName(n [32]byte)
func (*TableStats) SetPad ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetPad(p [3]uint8)
func (*TableStats) SetTableId ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetTableId(t uint8)
func (*TableStats) SetWildcards ¶
func (this *TableStats) SetWildcards(w uint32)
func (TableStats) Size ¶
func (this TableStats) Size() int
func (TableStats) TableId ¶
func (this TableStats) TableId() uint8
func (TableStats) TableIdOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) TableIdOffset() int
func (TableStats) Wildcards ¶
func (this TableStats) Wildcards() uint32
func (TableStats) WildcardsOffset ¶
func (this TableStats) WildcardsOffset() int
type TableStatsConn ¶
func NewTableStatsConn ¶
func NewTableStatsConn(c net.Conn) TableStatsConn
func (*TableStatsConn) Flush ¶
func (c *TableStatsConn) Flush() error
func (*TableStatsConn) ReadTableStats ¶
func (c *TableStatsConn) ReadTableStats() (TableStats, error)
func (*TableStatsConn) ReadTableStatss ¶
func (c *TableStatsConn) ReadTableStatss(pkts []TableStats) (int, error)
func (*TableStatsConn) WriteTableStats ¶
func (c *TableStatsConn) WriteTableStats(pkt TableStats) error
func (*TableStatsConn) WriteTableStatss ¶
func (c *TableStatsConn) WriteTableStatss(pkts []TableStats) error
type Type ¶
type Type int
type VendorHeader ¶
type VendorHeader struct {
func NewVendorHeader ¶
func NewVendorHeader() VendorHeader
func NewVendorHeaderWithBuf ¶
func NewVendorHeaderWithBuf(b []byte) VendorHeader
func ToVendorHeader ¶
func ToVendorHeader(p Header12) (VendorHeader, error)
func (VendorHeader) Clone ¶
func (this VendorHeader) Clone() (VendorHeader, error)
func (*VendorHeader) Init ¶
func (this *VendorHeader) Init()
func (*VendorHeader) SetVendor ¶
func (this *VendorHeader) SetVendor(v uint32)
func (VendorHeader) Size ¶
func (this VendorHeader) Size() int
func (VendorHeader) Vendor ¶
func (this VendorHeader) Vendor() uint32
func (VendorHeader) VendorOffset ¶
func (this VendorHeader) VendorOffset() int
type VendorHeaderConn ¶
func NewVendorHeaderConn ¶
func NewVendorHeaderConn(c net.Conn) VendorHeaderConn
func (*VendorHeaderConn) Flush ¶
func (c *VendorHeaderConn) Flush() error
func (*VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeader ¶
func (c *VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeader() (VendorHeader, error)
func (*VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeaders ¶
func (c *VendorHeaderConn) ReadVendorHeaders(pkts []VendorHeader) (int, error)
func (*VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeader ¶
func (c *VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeader(pkt VendorHeader) error
func (*VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeaders ¶
func (c *VendorHeaderConn) WriteVendorHeaders(pkts []VendorHeader) error
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