there is only one letter here from k to s which is E
Kubernetes is an awesome platform, and we want to have fun with it here with this project.
In this repository we've created an example Golang server and then created pod, service etc. for it.
The hello-server
is a simple HTTP server that we want to deploy on the cloud.
It must be replicated, so everyone can get their hello even in the peak time.
Step by Step
At the beginning you need an up and running Kubernetes cluster.
Mircok8s is an awesome platform if you don't know where to start.
(For having kubectl
at your hand with Mircok8s
check this)
First, create and switch to your desired namespace.
kubectl create namespace k1s
# kcd is an alias for kubectl context switch
alias kcd='kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace'
kcd k1s
Then follow these instructions to have your hello-server
up and running.
The hello-server
application requires a config
to work. Possible options are providing config
through a config.yaml
file, environment variables, or stick to the default config.
Passing config files and environment variables is through a ConfigMap. To test each way, comment out the other one's way of loading in k1s-deployment.yaml
Create ConfigMap
kubectl apply -f k1s-config-map.yaml
kubectl get configmaps
Create Deployment (kubernetes needs gcr and docker-hub so have proxy at your pocket)
kubectl apply -f k1s-deployment.yaml
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get pod
To visualize the usage of health-check
you can use /die
endpoint to make health-check
and then check what happened with kubectl get events --watch
to watch the whole process as it happens.
Create Service (make sure you did microk8s enable dns
kubectl apply -f k1s-svc.yaml
kubectl get svc
service is used to associate a name for k1s-deployment
pod's IP addresses inside cluster.
You can create a pod and access k1s through it.
kubectl run alpine -ti --image alpine --rm --restart=Never -- sh
> apk add curl
> curl htpp://k1s:1378
By running this command several times, you can see that this service is working also as a simple Load Balancer
Note: make sure DNS
service is running for k8s.
Create Ingress
kubectl apply -f k1s-ingress.yaml
Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster.
It simply provides a way to access your pods from Internet by specifying which requests are destined for your service
For ingress to work you must first add a ingress controller. Also DNS
service must be enabled