![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/18F/cg-fake-uaa/badges/gpa.svg)
This is a fake User Account and Authentication (UAA) server for
cloud.gov, useful for development and debugging.
Authenticating with cloud.gov can be challenging when developing
an app:
- It can be difficult or impossible to log in as multiple different
users to manually test your application's functionality.
- If you're offline or on a spotty internet connection, authenticating
with cloud.gov may be challenging.
- Because logging into cloud.gov usually involves 2 factor authentication,
logging in can be slow and cumbersome, which can slow down
- At present, registering a new client ID, client secret, and callback URL
with cloud.gov requires inconveniencing a cloud.gov administrator, as
there's not yet a self-serve option for registering new apps.
- Debugging problems with the OAuth2 handshake can be difficult because
you don't have much visibility into cloud.gov's internal state.
The fake UAA is intended to solve these problems by making it easy to
host your own UAA server on your local system. The simplicity of its
implementation and its debugging messages allow developers to easily
understand what's going on during the OAuth2 handshake. It also makes
it dead simple to log in as multiple different users.
To use this fake UAA, just download the latest release,
uncompress the archive, and run the binary in it:
The output of this command will help you set things up from there.
Build Requirements
Once built, the executable binary is fully self-contained and can be
distributed freely.
Development Quick Start
First, get dependencies:
go get -d ./...
go get -u github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/...
Then generate and build:
go generate
go build
Finally, run the server:
During development, you can define FAKECLOUDGOV_DEBUG=yup
to make
the server fetch data files from the data
directory instead of using
the files embedded into the executable at build time.
To learn about changing any of the runtime options, run
./fake-cloud.gov -help
Running Tests
go test
Running the Example Client
A node-based example OAuth2 client is in the example-client
To use it, run:
cd example-client
npm install
npm start
Then visit http://localhost:8000/.
Note that the server, ./fake-cloud.gov
, must also be running in order
for the client to work.
The fake server currently has a lot of limitations, most notably:
- Only the
scope is supported. That is, the server is
only really built for giving you the logged-in user's email