The Remote Sensors Protocol can be used to connect golang to Scratch.
Install Go lang
Refer to
Install scratchgo
go get
Enable Remote Sensor Connections
In your Scratch project, right click on one of the sensor tiles and click "enable remote sensor connections".
New Functions
scratchub is a class that was to be manipulated from Scratch by connecting multiple external devices. (such as Sphero and Hue)
Sample client program
package main
import (
func main() {
conn, err := scratchgo.NewDefaultConnect()
if err != nil {
defer conn.Close()
// A global variable is changed
err := conn.SensorUpdate("intX", "1")
err = conn.SensorUpdate("intY", "1")
// A broadcast is sent
err = conn.BroadCast("update_pos")
// receive the updated value
// sensor-update - map[key:value]
// broadcast - map["command":message]
msg, err := conn.Recv()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(*msg) // {sensor-update map[scratch_value:1]}
Revistion History
release 1.1
- Fixed a bug of the sample program
release 1.0
- Fixed a problem that can not be sent two or more of the parameters.
beta 2.0
- added a new function scratchub