
v0.0.10 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 10, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 3 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AliasInfo

type AliasInfo struct {
	AliasName string `json:"AliasName"`

type ApiCommonRes

type ApiCommonRes struct {
	Code int         `json:"code"`
	Msg  string      `json:"msg"`
	Data interface{} `json:"data"`

func (*ApiCommonRes) Error

func (this *ApiCommonRes) Error() error

type CatIndicesRes

type CatIndicesRes struct {
	Health       string `json:"health"`
	Status       string `json:"status"`
	Index        string `json:"index"`
	Uuid         string `json:"uuid"`
	Pri          string `json:"pri"`
	Rep          string `json:"rep"`
	DocsCount    string `json:"docs.count"`
	DocsDeleted  string `json:"docs.deleted"`
	StoreSize    string `json:"store.size"`
	PriStoreSize string `json:"pri.store.size"`

type DisHistoryListRes

type DisHistoryListRes struct {
	Count int64              `json:"count"` //查询数据总条数
	List  []GmDslHistoryData `json:"list"`  //数据列表
type EsLink struct {
	ID               int             `json:"id"`
	Remark           string          `json:"remark"`
	Ip               string          `json:"ip"`
	Version          int             `json:"version"`
	CreateById       int             `json:"create_by_id"`
	CreateByUserName string          `json:"create_by_user_name"`
	Created          string          `json:"created"`
	Updated          string          `json:"updated"`
	EsLinkConfigs    []*EsLinkConfig `json:"es_link_configs"`

type EsLinkConfig

type EsLinkConfig struct {
	CfgRelationId int      `json:"cfg_relation_id"`
	Id            int      `json:"id"`
	Ip            string   `json:"ip"`
	Version       int      `json:"version"`
	EsLinkId      int      `json:"es_link_id"`
	User          string   `json:"user"`
	Pwd           string   `json:"pwd"`
	Remark        string   `json:"remark"`
	Created       string   `json:"created"`
	Updated       string   ` json:"updated" `
	RootPEM       string   ` json:"rootpem" `
	CertPEM       string   ` json:"certpem" `
	KeyPEM        string   `json:"keypem" `
	ShareRoles    []string `json:"share_roles"`

type EsLinkConfigOpt

type EsLinkConfigOpt struct {
	Id int `json:"id"`

	Remark string `json:"remark"`

type EsLinkConfigV2

type EsLinkConfigV2 struct {
	Id         int      `json:"id"`
	User       string   `json:"user"`
	Pwd        string   `json:"pwd"`
	Remark     string   `json:"remark"`
	Created    string   `json:"created"`
	Updated    string   ` json:"updated" `
	RootPEM    string   ` json:"rootpem" `
	CertPEM    string   ` json:"certpem" `
	KeyPEM     string   `json:"keypem" `
	ShareRoles []string `json:"share_roles"`

type EsLinkOpt

type EsLinkOpt struct {
	ID      int64  `json:"id"`
	Remark  string `json:"remark"`
	Version int    `json:"version"`

type EsLinkTree

type EsLinkTree struct {
	Label      string                `json:"label"`
	Value      string                `json:"value"`
	Selectable string                `json:"selectable"`
	Children   []*EsLinkTreeChildren `json:"children"`

func NewEsLinkTree

func NewEsLinkTree(label string, value string) *EsLinkTree

type EsLinkTreeChildren

type EsLinkTreeChildren struct {
	Label    string `json:"label"`
	Value    string `json:"value"`
	ParentId string `json:"parent_id"`

func NewEsLinkTreeChildren

func NewEsLinkTreeChildren(label string, value string, parentId string) *EsLinkTreeChildren

type ExecSqlRes

type ExecSqlRes struct {
	RowsAffected int64 `json:"rows_affected"`

type GetRoles4UserIdRes added in v0.0.7

type GetRoles4UserIdRes struct {
	RoleIds []int `json:"role_ids"`

type GmDslHistoryData

type GmDslHistoryData struct {
	Id      int       `gorm:"column:id;primary_key;NOT NULL" json:"id"`                                        //id
	Uid     int       `gorm:"column:uid;default:0" json:"uid"`                                                 //用户id
	Method  string    `gorm:"column:method;default:" json:"method"`                                            //请求方法
	Path    string    `gorm:"column:path;default:" json:"path"`                                                //请求path
	Body    *string   `gorm:"column:body" json:"body"`                                                         //请求body
	Created time.Time `gorm:"column:created;type:timestamp;default:CURRENT_TIMESTAMP;NOT NULL" json:"created"` //操作时间

type MongoExecRes

type MongoExecRes struct {
	Result bson.M `json:"result"`

type MysqlExecSqlRes

type MysqlExecSqlRes struct {
	RowsAffected int64 `json:"rows_affected"`

type MysqlFirstSqlRes

type MysqlFirstSqlRes struct {
	Result map[string]interface{} `json:"result"`

type MysqlSelectSqlRes

type MysqlSelectSqlRes struct {
	Result  []map[string]interface{} `json:"result"`
	Columns []string                 `json:"columns"`

type PingResult

type PingResult struct {
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	ClusterName string `json:"cluster_name"`
	Version     struct {
		Number                           string `json:"number"`
		BuildFlavor                      string `json:"build_flavor"`                        // e.g. "oss" or "default"
		BuildType                        string `json:"build_type"`                          // e.g. "docker"
		BuildHash                        string `json:"build_hash"`                          // e.g. "b7e28a7"
		BuildDate                        string `json:"build_date"`                          // e.g. "2019-04-05T22:55:32.697037Z"
		BuildSnapshot                    bool   `json:"build_snapshot"`                      // e.g. false
		LuceneVersion                    string `json:"lucene_version"`                      // e.g. "8.0.0"
		MinimumWireCompatibilityVersion  string `json:"minimum_wire_compatibility_version"`  // e.g. "6.7.0"
		MinimumIndexCompatibilityVersion string `json:"minimum_index_compatibility_version"` // e.g. "6.0.0-beta1"
	} `json:"version"`
	TagLine string `json:"tagline"`

type SelectRes

type SelectRes struct {
	Result interface{} `json:"result"`

type Snapshot

type Snapshot struct {
	Id               string `json:"id"`
	Status           string `json:"status"`
	StartEpoch       string `json:"start_epoch"`
	StartTime        string `json:"start_time"`
	EndEpoch         string `json:"end_epoch"`
	EndTime          string `json:"end_time"`
	Duration         string `json:"duration"`
	Indices          string `json:"indices"`
	SuccessfulShards string `json:"successful_shards"`
	FailedShards     string `json:"failed_shards"`
	TotalShards      string `json:"total_shards"`

type SnapshotDetail

type SnapshotDetail struct {
	Snapshots []struct {
		Snapshot           string        `json:"snapshot"`
		Uuid               string        `json:"uuid"`
		VersionId          int           `json:"version_id"`
		Version            string        `json:"version"`
		Indices            []string      `json:"indices"`
		IncludeGlobalState bool          `json:"include_global_state"`
		State              string        `json:"state"`
		StartTime          time.Time     `json:"start_time"`
		StartTimeInMillis  int64         `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
		EndTime            time.Time     `json:"end_time"`
		EndTimeInMillis    int64         `json:"end_time_in_millis"`
		DurationInMillis   int           `json:"duration_in_millis"`
		Failures           []interface{} `json:"failures"`
		Shards             struct {
			Total      int `json:"total"`
			Failed     int `json:"failed"`
			Successful int `json:"successful"`
		} `json:"shards"`
	} `json:"snapshots"`

type SnapshotRepository

type SnapshotRepository struct {
	Type     string                     `json:"type"`
	Settings SnapshotRepositorySettings `json:"settings"`

type SnapshotRepositoryList

type SnapshotRepositoryList struct {
	List     []Snashot                     `json:"list"`
	Res      map[string]SnapshotRepository `json:"res"`
	PathRepo []interface{}                 `json:"pathRepo"`

type SnapshotRepositorySettings

type SnapshotRepositorySettings struct {
	Location               string `json:"location"`
	MaxRestoreBytesPerSec  string `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec"`
	Readonly               string `json:"readonly"`
	Compress               string `json:"compress"`
	MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec string `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec"`

type SnapshotStatus

type SnapshotStatus struct {
	Snapshots []struct {
		Snapshot           string `json:"snapshot"`
		Repository         string `json:"repository"`
		Uuid               string `json:"uuid"`
		State              string `json:"state"`
		IncludeGlobalState bool   `json:"include_global_state"`
		ShardsStats        struct {
			Initializing int `json:"initializing"`
			Started      int `json:"started"`
			Finalizing   int `json:"finalizing"`
			Done         int `json:"done"`
			Failed       int `json:"failed"`
			Total        int `json:"total"`
		} `json:"shards_stats"`
		Stats struct {
			Incremental struct {
				FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
				SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
			} `json:"incremental"`
			Total struct {
				FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
				SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
			} `json:"total"`
			StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
			TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
			NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
			ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
			TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
			ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
		} `json:"stats"`
		Indices struct {
			Test2 struct {
				ShardsStats struct {
					Initializing int `json:"initializing"`
					Started      int `json:"started"`
					Finalizing   int `json:"finalizing"`
					Done         int `json:"done"`
					Failed       int `json:"failed"`
					Total        int `json:"total"`
				} `json:"shards_stats"`
				Stats struct {
					Incremental struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"incremental"`
					Total struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"total"`
					StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
					TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
					NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
					ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
					TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
					ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
				} `json:"stats"`
				Shards struct {
					Field1 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"0"`
				} `json:"shards"`
			} `json:"test2"`
			Tt2 struct {
				ShardsStats struct {
					Initializing int `json:"initializing"`
					Started      int `json:"started"`
					Finalizing   int `json:"finalizing"`
					Done         int `json:"done"`
					Failed       int `json:"failed"`
					Total        int `json:"total"`
				} `json:"shards_stats"`
				Stats struct {
					Incremental struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"incremental"`
					Total struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"total"`
					StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
					TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
					NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
					ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
					TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
					ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
				} `json:"stats"`
				Shards struct {
					Field1 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"0"`
				} `json:"shards"`
			} `json:"tt2"`
			Ttt struct {
				ShardsStats struct {
					Initializing int `json:"initializing"`
					Started      int `json:"started"`
					Finalizing   int `json:"finalizing"`
					Done         int `json:"done"`
					Failed       int `json:"failed"`
					Total        int `json:"total"`
				} `json:"shards_stats"`
				Stats struct {
					Incremental struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"incremental"`
					Total struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"total"`
					StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
					TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
					NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
					ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
					TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
					ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
				} `json:"stats"`
				Shards struct {
					Field1 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"0"`
				} `json:"shards"`
			} `json:"ttt"`
			Articles struct {
				ShardsStats struct {
					Initializing int `json:"initializing"`
					Started      int `json:"started"`
					Finalizing   int `json:"finalizing"`
					Done         int `json:"done"`
					Failed       int `json:"failed"`
					Total        int `json:"total"`
				} `json:"shards_stats"`
				Stats struct {
					Incremental struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"incremental"`
					Total struct {
						FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
						SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
					} `json:"total"`
					StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
					TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
					NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
					ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
					TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
					ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
				} `json:"stats"`
				Shards struct {
					Field1 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"0"`
					Field2 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"1"`
					Field3 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"2"`
					Field4 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"3"`
					Field5 struct {
						Stage string `json:"stage"`
						Stats struct {
							Incremental struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"incremental"`
							Total struct {
								FileCount   int `json:"file_count"`
								SizeInBytes int `json:"size_in_bytes"`
							} `json:"total"`
							StartTimeInMillis    int64 `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
							TimeInMillis         int   `json:"time_in_millis"`
							NumberOfFiles        int   `json:"number_of_files"`
							ProcessedFiles       int   `json:"processed_files"`
							TotalSizeInBytes     int   `json:"total_size_in_bytes"`
							ProcessedSizeInBytes int   `json:"processed_size_in_bytes"`
						} `json:"stats"`
					} `json:"4"`
				} `json:"shards"`
			} `json:"articles"`
		} `json:"indices"`
	} `json:"snapshots"`

type Snashot

type Snashot struct {
	Name                   string `json:"name"`
	Type                   string `json:"type"`
	Location               string `json:"location"`
	Compress               string `json:"compress"`
	MaxRestoreBytesPerSec  string `json:"max_restore_bytes_per_sec"`
	MaxSnapshotBytesPerSec string `json:"max_snapshot_bytes_per_sec"`
	ChunkSize              string `json:"chunk_size"`
	Readonly               string `json:"readonly"`

type SqlToDsl

type SqlToDsl struct {
	Dsl       string `json:"dsl"`
	TableName string `json:"tableName"`

type Status

type Status struct {
	Status string `json:"status"`

type TaskInfo

type TaskInfo struct {
	Node               string            `json:"node"`
	Id                 int64             `json:"id"` // the task id (yes, this is a long in the Java source)
	Type               string            `json:"type"`
	Action             string            `json:"action"`
	Status             interface{}       `json:"status"`      // has separate implementations of Task.Status in Java for reindexing, replication, and "RawTaskStatus"
	Description        interface{}       `json:"description"` // same as Status
	StartTime          string            `json:"start_time"`
	StartTimeInMillis  int64             `json:"start_time_in_millis"`
	RunningTime        string            `json:"running_time"`
	RunningTimeInNanos int64             `json:"running_time_in_nanos"`
	Cancellable        bool              `json:"cancellable"`
	ParentTaskId       string            `json:"parent_task_id"` // like "YxJnVYjwSBm_AUbzddTajQ:12356"
	Headers            map[string]string `json:"headers"`

type TaskNode

type TaskNode struct {
	Name             string   `json:"name"`
	TransportAddress string   `json:"transport_address"`
	Host             string   `json:"host"`
	Ip               string   `json:"ip"`
	Roles            []string `json:"roles"`
	Attributes       struct {
		MlMachineMemory string `json:"ml.machine_memory"`
		XpackInstalled  string `json:"xpack.installed"`
		MlMaxOpenJobs   string `json:"ml.max_open_jobs"`
		MlEnabled       string `json:"ml.enabled"`
	} `json:"attributes"`
	Tasks map[string]TaskInfo `json:"tasks"`

type Tasks

type Tasks struct {
	Nodes map[string]TaskNode `json:"nodes"`

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