Related data and tools of New Version of DDG P2P minning botnet
- DDG botnet, round X, is there an ending?
- DDG的新征程——自研P2P协议构建混合P2P网络
tracker.elf is a pre-built ELF Binary file, you can just run it as:
$ ./tracker.elf -s seeds.list
seeds.list is a list file contains seed nodes address( <ip:port>
) of P2P network, it can extracted from DDG binary sample. Related tools:dec_seeds.go
It outputs tracking results to STDOUT, and will take about 130 minutes to finish its tracking job. After finishing tracking, Tracker.elf will save all the tracked nodes address to a file named as nodes_tracked.list.
File information of tracker.elf:
$ file tracker.elf
tracker.elf: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
$ sha256sum tracker.elf
b104560ad7511945a353be1fe9134beca82ae12a7c4a9f0ae4dbce1c5371f3bb tracker.elf
Usage of tracker.elf:
$ ./tracker.elf -h
Usage: ./tracker -s <Seed List File>
-h help
Print this help
-s seeds-file
Path of nodes <seeds-file.>