SicuroCI is an exploration of the various pieces that interplay to form a CI server. The results form the basis of this article which discusses each of the various pieces; how, why, when and where they come in, in the entire CI server life cycle.
To run the app, you'll need to have installed
- Docker & Docker composer - tests are run in docker containers
- Golang - the app is written in Go
- Glide - package manager for Go
You would also need to setup, Github OAuth App, Webhook and SSH Keys.
Running the application
If you haven't checked out the article linked above, you would want to pause here and go give it a read. It contains explanation on how to obtain necessary credentials you would require. These include
Follow these steps to run the app
- Create a folder
in theci
folder. Inside the.ssh
subfolder add the github SSH keys you created above; these should be two filesid_rsa
which are the private and public keys respectively. - Update the env section of the Makefile with the relevant information
- Ensure you have docker and docker-compose running
- Within the root of the app, execute:
make start
The app should now be available at localhost:PORT
. (the port would be what you set it to in the Makefile. Default value is 8080
To test the github webhook locally, you'll need to setup a URL that tunnels requests over the internet to the server running on your machine. A good tool of choice is Ngrok, easy to setup and use. See instructions here

Once you have the tunnel setup (and running), you should be assigned a URL that would tunnel requests to your local server, for example, Head over to your OAuth dashboard on Github and set the callback URL to (replace with your ngrok URL.
You can now browse the app with the ngrok URL and try out the webhook callback.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The app is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.