Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckConfig() error
- func CloseLog()
- func ConvertTokenToUSD(token float64) (float64, error)
- func ConvertUSDToToken(usd float64) (float64, error)
- func Decrypt(key, text string) (string, error)
- func Encrypt(key, text string) (string, error)
- func GetAllocation(allocID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetAllocations(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetBalanceFromSharders(clientID string) (int64, string, error)
- func GetBalanceWallet(walletStr string, cb models.GetBalanceCallback) error
- func GetBlobber(blobberID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetBlobbers(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetBlockByRound(ctx context.Context, numSharders int, round int64) (b *block.Block, err error)
- func GetChainStats(ctx context.Context) (b *block.ChainStats, err error)
- func GetChallengePoolInfo(allocID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetConfig() *localConfig
- func GetEvents(cb GetInfoCallback, filters map[string]string) (err error)
- func GetFaucetSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetIdForUrl(url string) string
- func GetInterestPoolSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetLatestFinalized(ctx context.Context, numSharders int) (b *block.Header, err error)
- func GetLatestFinalizedMagicBlock(ctx context.Context, numSharders int) (m *block.MagicBlock, err error)
- func GetLockConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) error
- func GetLockedTokens(cb GetInfoCallback) error
- func GetLogger() *logger.Logger
- func GetMagicBlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, numSharders int, number int64) (m *block.MagicBlock, err error)
- func GetMinShardersVerify() int
- func GetMinerSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetMinerSCGlobals(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetMinerSCNodeInfo(id string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetMinerSCNodePool(id, poolID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetMinerSCUserInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetMiners(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetNetworkJSON() string
- func GetReadPoolInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetSharders(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetStakePoolInfo(blobberID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetStakePoolUserInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetStorageSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetTokenRateByCurrency(currency string) (float64, error)
- func GetTransactions(toClient, fromClient, block_hash, sort string, limit, offset int, ...) (err error)
- func GetVestingClientList(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetVestingPoolInfo(poolID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetVestingSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetWallet(walletStr string) (*zcncrypto.Wallet, error)
- func GetWalletClientID(walletStr string) (string, error)
- func GetWritePoolInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
- func GetZcnUSDInfo(cb GetUSDInfoCallback) error
- func Init(chainConfigJSON string) error
- func InitZCNSDK(blockWorker string, signscheme string, configs ...func(*ChainConfig) error) error
- func RegisterToMiners(wallet *zcncrypto.Wallet, statusCb models.WalletCallback) error
- func SetAuthUrl(url string) error
- func SetLogFile(logFile string, verbose bool)
- func SetNetwork(miners []string, sharders []string)
- func SetupAuth(authHost, clientID, clientKey, publicKey, privateKey, localPublicKey string, ...) error
- func Sign(hash string) (string, error)
- func SignWith0Wallet(hash string, w *zcncrypto.Wallet) (string, error)
- func SplitKeys(privateKey string, numSplits int) (string, error)
- func UpdateNetworkDetails() error
- func UpdateNetworkDetailsWorker(ctx context.Context)
- func UpdateRequired(networkDetails *Network) bool
- func VerifyContentHash(metaTxnDataJSON string) (bool, error)
- func WithChainID(id string) func(c *ChainConfig) error
- func WithConfirmationChainLength(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
- func WithEthereumNode(uri string) func(c *ChainConfig) error
- func WithMinConfirmation(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
- func WithMinSubmit(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
- type AddAuthorizerPayload
- type AuthCallback
- type AuthorizerConfig
- type AuthorizerNode
- type AuthorizerStakePoolSettings
- type Blobber
- type ChainConfig
- type ConfirmationStatus
- type CreateAllocationRequest
- type GetClientResponse
- type GetInfoCallback
- type GetUSDInfoCallback
- type InputMap
- type Miner
- type MinerSCDelegatePool
- type MinerSCDelegatePoolInfo
- type MinerSCLock
- type MinerSCMinerInfo
- type MinerSCNodes
- type MinerSCUnlock
- type MinerSCUserPoolsInfo
- type Network
- type Node
- type Params
- type PriceRange
- type Provider
- type QueryResult
- type QueryResultHandle
- type SCCollectReward
- type SendTxnData
- type SimpleMiner
- type SmartContractExecutor
- type StakePoolSettings
- type Terms
- type Transaction
- func (t *Transaction) CancelAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) CreateAllocation(car *CreateAllocationRequest, lock uint64, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) CreateReadPool(fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet(walletStr string, methodName string, input []byte) error
- func (t *Transaction) ExecuteSmartContract(address, methodName string, input string, val uint64) error
- func (t *Transaction) FaucetUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) FinalizeAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionError() string
- func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionHash() string
- func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionNonce() int64
- func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus() ConfirmationStatus
- func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyError() string
- func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyOutput() string
- func (t *Transaction) Hash() string
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCDeleteMiner(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCDeleteSharder(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCLock(nodeID string, lock uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCMinerSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCSharderSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerSCUnlock(nodeID, poolID string) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) MinerScUpdateGlobals(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) Output() []byte
- func (t *Transaction) ReadPoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) ReadPoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) RegisterMultiSig(walletstr string, mswallet string) error
- func (t *Transaction) RegisterVote(signerwalletstr string, msvstr string) error
- func (t *Transaction) Send(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string) error
- func (t *Transaction) SendWithSignatureHash(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string, sig string, CreationDate int64, ...) error
- func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionCallback(cb TransactionCallback) error
- func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionFee(txnFee uint64) error
- func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionHash(hash string) error
- func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionNonce(txnNonce int64) error
- func (t *Transaction) StakePoolLock(blobberID string, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) StakePoolUnlock(blobberID, poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) StorageSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
- func (t *Transaction) StorageScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) StoreData(data string) error
- func (t *Transaction) UpdateAllocation(allocID string, sizeDiff int64, expirationDiff int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) UpdateBlobberSettings(b *Blobber, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) UpdateValidatorSettings(v *Validator, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) Verify() error
- func (t *Transaction) VestingAdd(ar *VestingAddRequest, value uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) VestingDelete(poolID string) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) VestingStop(sr *VestingStopRequest) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) VestingTrigger(poolID string) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) VestingUnlock(poolID string) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) VestingUpdateConfig(vscc *InputMap) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) WritePoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) WritePoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer(ip *AddAuthorizerPayload) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig(ip *AuthorizerNode) (err error)
- func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- type TransactionCallback
- type TransactionQuery
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) FromAll(ctx context.Context, query string, handle QueryResultHandle) error
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) FromAny(ctx context.Context, query string) (QueryResult, error)
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetConsensusConfirmation(ctx context.Context, numSharders int, txnHash string) (*blockHeader, map[string]json.RawMessage, *blockHeader, error)
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetFastConfirmation(ctx context.Context, txnHash string) (*blockHeader, map[string]json.RawMessage, *blockHeader, error)
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetInfo(ctx context.Context, query string) (*QueryResult, error)
- func (tq *TransactionQuery) Reset()
- type TransactionScheme
- type TransactionWithAuth
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CancelAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CreateAllocation(car *CreateAllocationRequest, lock uint64, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CreateReadPool(fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet(walletStr string, methodName string, input []byte) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteSmartContract(address, methodName string, input string, val uint64) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) FaucetUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) FinalizeAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionError() string
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionHash() string
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionNonce() int64
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus() ConfirmationStatus
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyError() string
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyOutput() string
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Hash() string
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteMiner(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteSharder(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCLock(minerID string, lock uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCMinerSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCSharderSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCUnlock(nodeID, poolID string) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateGlobals(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Output() []byte
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) RegisterMultiSig(walletstr string, mswallet string) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Send(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionCallback(cb TransactionCallback) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionFee(txnFee uint64) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionHash(hash string) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionNonce(txnNonce int64) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolLock(blobberID string, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolUnlock(blobberID, poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StorageSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StorageScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StoreData(data string) error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateAllocation(allocID string, sizeDiff int64, expirationDiff int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateBlobberSettings(blob *Blobber, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateValidatorSettings(v *Validator, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Verify() error
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingAdd(ar *VestingAddRequest, value uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingDelete(poolID string) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingStop(sr *VestingStopRequest) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingTrigger(poolID string) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingUnlock(poolID string) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer(ip *AddAuthorizerPayload) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig(ip *AuthorizerNode) (err error)
- func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
- type Validator
- type VestingAddRequest
- type VestingClientList
- type VestingDest
- type VestingDestInfo
- type VestingPoolInfo
- type VestingSCConfig
- type VestingStopRequest
Constants ¶
const ( REGISTER_CLIENT = `/v1/client/put` GET_CLIENT = `/v1/client/get` PUT_TRANSACTION = `/v1/transaction/put` TXN_VERIFY_URL = `/v1/transaction/get/confirmation?hash=` GET_BALANCE = `/v1/client/get/balance?client_id=` GET_LOCK_CONFIG = `/v1/screst/` + InterestPoolSmartContractAddress + `/getLockConfig` GET_LOCKED_TOKENS = `/v1/screst/` + InterestPoolSmartContractAddress + `/getPoolsStats?client_id=` GET_BLOCK_INFO = `/v1/block/get?` GET_MAGIC_BLOCK_INFO = `/v1/block/magic/get?` GET_LATEST_FINALIZED = `/v1/block/get/latest_finalized` GET_LATEST_FINALIZED_MAGIC_BLOCK = `/v1/block/get/latest_finalized_magic_block` GET_CHAIN_STATS = `/v1/chain/get/stats` VESTINGSC_PFX = `/v1/screst/` + VestingSmartContractAddress GET_VESTING_CONFIG = VESTINGSC_PFX + `/getConfig` GET_VESTING_POOL_INFO = VESTINGSC_PFX + `/getPoolInfo` GET_VESTING_CLIENT_POOLS = VESTINGSC_PFX + `/getClientPools` INTERESTPOOLSC_PFX = `/v1/screst/` + InterestPoolSmartContractAddress GET_INTERESTPOOLSC_CONFIG = INTERESTPOOLSC_PFX + `/getConfig` FAUCETSC_PFX = `/v1/screst/` + FaucetSmartContractAddress GET_FAUCETSC_CONFIG = FAUCETSC_PFX + `/getConfig` MINERSC_PFX = `/v1/screst/` + MinerSmartContractAddress GET_MINERSC_NODE = MINERSC_PFX + "/nodeStat" GET_MINERSC_POOL = MINERSC_PFX + "/nodePoolStat" GET_MINERSC_CONFIG = MINERSC_PFX + "/configs" GET_MINERSC_GLOBALS = MINERSC_PFX + "/globalSettings" GET_MINERSC_USER = MINERSC_PFX + "/getUserPools" GET_MINERSC_MINERS = MINERSC_PFX + "/getMinerList" GET_MINERSC_SHARDERS = MINERSC_PFX + "/getSharderList" GET_MINERSC_EVENTS = MINERSC_PFX + "/getEvents" STORAGESC_PFX = "/v1/screst/" + StorageSmartContractAddress STORAGESC_GET_SC_CONFIG = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getConfig" STORAGESC_GET_CHALLENGE_POOL_INFO = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getChallengePoolStat" STORAGESC_GET_ALLOCATION = STORAGESC_PFX + "/allocation" STORAGESC_GET_ALLOCATIONS = STORAGESC_PFX + "/allocations" STORAGESC_GET_READ_POOL_INFO = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getReadPoolStat" STORAGESC_GET_STAKE_POOL_INFO = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getStakePoolStat" STORAGESC_GET_STAKE_POOL_USER_INFO = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getUserStakePoolStat" STORAGESC_GET_BLOBBERS = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getblobbers" STORAGESC_GET_BLOBBER = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getBlobber" STORAGESC_GET_TRANSACTIONS = STORAGESC_PFX + "/transactions" STORAGESC_GET_WRITE_POOL_INFO = STORAGESC_PFX + "/getWritePoolStat" )
const ( StorageSmartContractAddress = `6dba10422e368813802877a85039d3985d96760ed844092319743fb3a76712d7` VestingSmartContractAddress = `2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead` FaucetSmartContractAddress = `6dba10422e368813802877a85039d3985d96760ed844092319743fb3a76712d3` InterestPoolSmartContractAddress = `cf8d0df9bd8cc637a4ff4e792ffe3686da6220c45f0e1103baa609f3f1751ef4` MultiSigSmartContractAddress = `27b5ef7120252b79f9dd9c05505dd28f328c80f6863ee446daede08a84d651a7` MinerSmartContractAddress = `6dba10422e368813802877a85039d3985d96760ed844092319743fb3a76712d9` MultiSigRegisterFuncName = "register" MultiSigVoteFuncName = "vote" )
const ( StatusSuccess int = 0 StatusNetworkError int = 1 // TODO: Change to specific error StatusError int = 2 StatusRejectedByUser int = 3 StatusInvalidSignature int = 4 StatusAuthError int = 5 StatusAuthVerifyFailed int = 6 StatusAuthTimeout int = 7 StatusUnknown int = -1 )
const ( OpGetTokenLockConfig int = iota OpGetLockedTokens OpGetUserPools OpGetUserPoolDetail // storage SC ops OpStorageSCGetConfig OpStorageSCGetChallengePoolInfo OpStorageSCGetAllocation OpStorageSCGetAllocations OpStorageSCGetReadPoolInfo OpStorageSCGetStakePoolInfo OpStorageSCGetBlobbers OpStorageSCGetBlobber OpStorageSCGetTransactions OpStorageSCGetWritePoolInfo )
const NETWORK_ENDPOINT = "/network"
const (
SharderEndpointHealthCheck = "/_health_check"
const TOKEN_UNIT int64 = 1e10
Variables ¶
var ( ErrNoAvailableSharders = errors.New("zcn: no available sharders") ErrNoEnoughSharders = errors.New("zcn: sharders is not enough") ErrNoEnoughOnlineSharders = errors.New("zcn: online sharders is not enough") ErrInvalidNumSharder = errors.New("zcn: number of sharders is invalid") ErrNoOnlineSharders = errors.New("zcn: no any online sharder") ErrSharderOffline = errors.New("zcn: sharder is offline") ErrInvalidConsensus = errors.New("zcn: invalid consensus") ErrTransactionNotFound = errors.New("zcn: transaction not found") ErrTransactionNotConfirmed = errors.New("zcn: transaction not confirmed") )
var Logger logger.Logger
Functions ¶
func CheckConfig ¶
func CheckConfig() error
func ConvertTokenToUSD ¶
func ConvertUSDToToken ¶
func GetAllocation ¶
func GetAllocation(allocID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetAllocation obtains allocation information.
func GetAllocations ¶
func GetAllocations(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetAllocations obtains list of allocations of a user.
func GetBalanceWallet ¶
func GetBalanceWallet(walletStr string, cb models.GetBalanceCallback) error
GetBalance retreives wallet balance from sharders
func GetBlobber ¶
func GetBlobber(blobberID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetBlobber obtains blobber information.
func GetBlobbers ¶
func GetBlobbers(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetBlobbers obtains list of all active blobbers.
func GetBlockByRound ¶
func GetChainStats ¶
func GetChainStats(ctx context.Context) (b *block.ChainStats, err error)
func GetChallengePoolInfo ¶
func GetChallengePoolInfo(allocID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetChallengePoolInfo obtains challenge pool information for an allocation.
func GetFaucetSCConfig ¶
func GetFaucetSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetIdForUrl ¶
func GetInterestPoolSCConfig ¶
func GetInterestPoolSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetLatestFinalized ¶
func GetLockConfig ¶
func GetLockConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) error
GetLockConfig returns the lock token configuration information such as interest rate from blockchain
func GetLockedTokens ¶
func GetLockedTokens(cb GetInfoCallback) error
GetLockedTokens returns the ealier locked token pool stats
func GetMagicBlockByNumber ¶
func GetMinShardersVerify ¶
func GetMinShardersVerify() int
func GetMinerSCConfig ¶
func GetMinerSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetMinerSCGlobals ¶
func GetMinerSCGlobals(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetMinerSCNodeInfo ¶
func GetMinerSCNodeInfo(id string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetMinerSCNodePool ¶
func GetMinerSCNodePool(id, poolID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetMinerSCUserInfo ¶
func GetMinerSCUserInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetMiners ¶
func GetMiners(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetMiners obtains list of all active miners.
func GetNetworkJSON ¶
func GetNetworkJSON() string
func GetReadPoolInfo ¶
func GetReadPoolInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetReadPoolInfo obtains information about read pool of a user.
func GetSharders ¶
func GetSharders(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetSharders obtains list of all active sharders.
func GetStakePoolInfo ¶
func GetStakePoolInfo(blobberID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetStakePoolInfo obtains information about stake pool of a blobber and related validator.
func GetStakePoolUserInfo ¶
func GetStakePoolUserInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetStakePoolUserInfo for a user.
func GetStorageSCConfig ¶
func GetStorageSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetStorageSCConfig obtains Storage SC configurations.
func GetTokenRateByCurrency ¶
func GetTransactions ¶
func GetTransactions(toClient, fromClient, block_hash, sort string, limit, offset int, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetTransactions obtains blobber information. block_hash query string string restrict to transactions in indicated block client_id query string string restrict to transactions sent by the specified client limit query string string limit offset query string string offset sort query string string desc or asc to_client_id query string string restrict to transactions sent to a specified client
func GetVestingClientList ¶
func GetVestingClientList(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetVestingPoolInfo ¶
func GetVestingPoolInfo(poolID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetVestingSCConfig ¶
func GetVestingSCConfig(cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
func GetWalletClientID ¶
GetWalletClientID -- given a walletstr return ClientID
func GetWritePoolInfo ¶
func GetWritePoolInfo(clientID string, cb GetInfoCallback) (err error)
GetWritePoolInfo obtains information about all write pools of a user. If given clientID is empty, then current user used.
func GetZcnUSDInfo ¶
func GetZcnUSDInfo(cb GetUSDInfoCallback) error
GetZcnUSDInfo returns USD value for ZCN token from
func Init ¶
Init inializes the SDK with miner, sharder and signature scheme provided in configuration provided in JSON format It is used for 0proxy, 0box, 0explorer, andorid, ios : walletJSON is ChainConfig
{ "chain_id":"0afc093ffb509f059c55478bc1a60351cef7b4e9c008a53a6cc8241ca8617dfe", "signature_scheme" : "bls0chain", "block_worker" : "http://localhost/dns", "min_submit" : 50, "min_confirmation" : 50, "confirmation_chain_length" : 3, "num_keys" : 1, "eth_node" : "" }
func InitZCNSDK ¶
func InitZCNSDK(blockWorker string, signscheme string, configs ...func(*ChainConfig) error) error
InitZCNSDK initializes the SDK with miner, sharder and signature scheme provided.
func RegisterToMiners ¶
func RegisterToMiners(wallet *zcncrypto.Wallet, statusCb models.WalletCallback) error
RegisterToMiners can be used to register the wallet.
func SetAuthUrl ¶
SetAuthUrl will be called by app to set zauth URL to SDK.
func SetLogFile ¶
SetLogFile - sets file path to write log verbose - true - console output; false - no console output
func SetNetwork ¶
func SetupAuth ¶
func SetupAuth(authHost, clientID, clientKey, publicKey, privateKey, localPublicKey string, cb AuthCallback) error
SetupAuth prepare auth app with clientid, key and a set of public, private key and local publickey which is running on PC/Mac.
func UpdateNetworkDetails ¶
func UpdateNetworkDetails() error
func UpdateRequired ¶
func VerifyContentHash ¶
func WithChainID ¶
func WithChainID(id string) func(c *ChainConfig) error
func WithConfirmationChainLength ¶
func WithConfirmationChainLength(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
func WithEthereumNode ¶
func WithEthereumNode(uri string) func(c *ChainConfig) error
func WithMinConfirmation ¶
func WithMinConfirmation(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
func WithMinSubmit ¶
func WithMinSubmit(m int) func(c *ChainConfig) error
Types ¶
type AddAuthorizerPayload ¶
type AddAuthorizerPayload struct { PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` URL string `json:"url"` StakePoolSettings AuthorizerStakePoolSettings `json:"stake_pool_settings"` // Used to initially create stake pool }
type AuthCallback ¶
type AuthCallback interface { // This call back gives the status of the Two factor authenticator(zauth) setup. OnSetupComplete(status int, err string) }
AuthCallback needs to be implemented by the caller SetupAuth()
type AuthorizerConfig ¶
type AuthorizerNode ¶
type AuthorizerNode struct { ID string `json:"id"` Config *AuthorizerConfig `json:"config"` }
type Blobber ¶
type Blobber struct { ID common.Key `json:"id"` BaseURL string `json:"url"` Terms Terms `json:"terms"` Capacity common.Size `json:"capacity"` Allocated common.Size `json:"allocated"` LastHealthCheck common.Timestamp `json:"last_health_check"` StakePoolSettings StakePoolSettings `json:"stake_pool_settings"` }
type ChainConfig ¶
type ChainConfig struct { ChainID string `json:"chain_id,omitempty"` BlockWorker string `json:"block_worker"` Miners []string `json:"miners"` Sharders []string `json:"sharders"` SignatureScheme string `json:"signature_scheme"` MinSubmit int `json:"min_submit"` MinConfirmation int `json:"min_confirmation"` ConfirmationChainLength int `json:"confirmation_chain_length"` EthNode string `json:"eth_node"` }
type ConfirmationStatus ¶
type ConfirmationStatus int
const ( Undefined ConfirmationStatus = iota Success ChargeableError )
type CreateAllocationRequest ¶
type CreateAllocationRequest struct { DataShards int `json:"data_shards"` ParityShards int `json:"parity_shards"` Size common.Size `json:"size"` Expiration common.Timestamp `json:"expiration_date"` Owner string `json:"owner_id"` OwnerPublicKey string `json:"owner_public_key"` Blobbers []string `json:"blobbers"` ReadPriceRange PriceRange `json:"read_price_range"` WritePriceRange PriceRange `json:"write_price_range"` }
CreateAllocationRequest is information to create allocation.
type GetClientResponse ¶
type GetClientResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` Version string `json:"version"` CreationDate int `json:"creation_date"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` }
func GetClientDetails ¶
func GetClientDetails(clientID string) (*GetClientResponse, error)
type GetInfoCallback ¶
type GetInfoCallback interface { // OnInfoAvailable will be called when GetLockTokenConfig is complete // if status == StatusSuccess then info is valid // is status != StatusSuccess then err will give the reason OnInfoAvailable(op int, status int, info string, err string) }
GetInfoCallback needs to be implemented by the caller of GetLockTokenConfig() and GetLockedTokens()
type GetUSDInfoCallback ¶
type GetUSDInfoCallback interface { // This will be called when GetZcnUSDInfo completes. // if status == StatusSuccess then info is valid // is status != StatusSuccess then err will give the reason OnUSDInfoAvailable(status int, info string, err string) }
GetUSDInfoCallback needs to be implemented by the caller of GetZcnUSDInfo()
type Miner ¶
type Miner struct { ID string `json:"id"` N2NHost string `json:"n2n_host"` Host string `json:"host"` Port int `json:"port"` PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` ShortName string `json:"short_name"` BuildTag string `json:"build_tag"` TotalStake int `json:"total_stake"` DelegateWallet string `json:"delegate_wallet"` ServiceCharge float64 `json:"service_charge"` NumberOfDelegates int `json:"number_of_delegates"` MinStake int64 `json:"min_stake"` MaxStake int64 `json:"max_stake"` Stat interface{} `json:"stat"` }
type MinerSCDelegatePool ¶
type MinerSCDelegatePool struct {
Settings StakePoolSettings `json:"settings"`
type MinerSCDelegatePoolInfo ¶
type MinerSCDelegatePoolInfo struct { ID common.Key `json:"id"` // pool ID Balance common.Balance `json:"balance"` // InterestPaid common.Balance `json:"interest_paid"` // RewardPaid common.Balance `json:"reward_paid"` // Status string `json:"status"` // High common.Balance `json:"high"` // } Low common.Balance `json:"low"` // } }
type MinerSCLock ¶
type MinerSCLock struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type MinerSCMinerInfo ¶
type MinerSCMinerInfo struct { SimpleMiner `json:"simple_miner"` MinerSCDelegatePool `json:"stake_pool"` }
type MinerSCNodes ¶
type MinerSCNodes struct {
Nodes []Node `json:"Nodes"`
type MinerSCUnlock ¶
type MinerSCUserPoolsInfo ¶
type MinerSCUserPoolsInfo struct {
Pools map[string]map[string][]*MinerSCDelegatePoolInfo `json:"pools"`
type PriceRange ¶
PriceRange represents a price range allowed by user to filter blobbers.
type QueryResult ¶
type QueryResultHandle ¶
type QueryResultHandle func(result QueryResult) bool
QueryResultHandle handle query response, return true if it is a consensus-result
type SCCollectReward ¶
type SendTxnData ¶
type SendTxnData struct {
Note string `json:"note"`
type SimpleMiner ¶
type SimpleMiner struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
type SmartContractExecutor ¶
type StakePoolSettings ¶
type Transaction ¶
type Transaction struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMSTransaction ¶
func NewMSTransaction(walletstr string, cb TransactionCallback) (*Transaction, error)
NewMSTransaction new transaction object for multisig operation
func (*Transaction) CancelAllocation ¶
func (t *Transaction) CancelAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
CancelAllocation transaction.
func (*Transaction) CreateAllocation ¶
func (t *Transaction) CreateAllocation(car *CreateAllocationRequest, lock uint64, fee uint64) (err error)
CreateAllocation transaction.
func (*Transaction) CreateReadPool ¶
func (t *Transaction) CreateReadPool(fee uint64) (err error)
CreateReadPool for current user.
func (*Transaction) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet ¶
func (t *Transaction) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet(walletStr string, methodName string, input []byte) error
ExecuteFaucetSCWallet implements the Faucet Smart contract for a given wallet
func (*Transaction) ExecuteSmartContract ¶
func (t *Transaction) ExecuteSmartContract(address, methodName string, input string, val uint64) error
func (*Transaction) FaucetUpdateConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) FaucetUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
func (*Transaction) FinalizeAllocation ¶
func (t *Transaction) FinalizeAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
FinalizeAllocation transaction.
func (*Transaction) GetTransactionError ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionError() string
func (*Transaction) GetTransactionHash ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionHash() string
func (*Transaction) GetTransactionNonce ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetTransactionNonce() int64
GetTransactionNonce returns nonce
func (*Transaction) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus() ConfirmationStatus
func (*Transaction) GetVerifyError ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyError() string
func (*Transaction) GetVerifyOutput ¶
func (t *Transaction) GetVerifyOutput() string
func (*Transaction) Hash ¶
func (t *Transaction) Hash() string
func (*Transaction) MinerSCCollectReward ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
func (*Transaction) MinerSCDeleteMiner ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCDeleteMiner(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerSCDeleteSharder ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCDeleteSharder(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerSCLock ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCLock(nodeID string, lock uint64) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerSCMinerSettings ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCMinerSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerSCSharderSettings ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCSharderSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerSCUnlock ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerSCUnlock(nodeID, poolID string) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerScUpdateConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
func (*Transaction) MinerScUpdateGlobals ¶
func (t *Transaction) MinerScUpdateGlobals(ip *InputMap) (err error)
func (*Transaction) Output ¶
func (t *Transaction) Output() []byte
func (*Transaction) ReadPoolLock ¶
func (t *Transaction) ReadPoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
ReadPoolLock locks tokens for current user and given allocation, using given duration. If blobberID is not empty, then tokens will be locked for given allocation->blobber only.
func (*Transaction) ReadPoolUnlock ¶
func (t *Transaction) ReadPoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
ReadPoolUnlock for current user and given pool.
func (*Transaction) RegisterMultiSig ¶
func (t *Transaction) RegisterMultiSig(walletstr string, mswallet string) error
RegisterMultiSig register a multisig wallet with the SC.
func (*Transaction) RegisterVote ¶
func (t *Transaction) RegisterVote(signerwalletstr string, msvstr string) error
RegisterVote register a multisig wallet with the SC.
func (*Transaction) Send ¶
func (t *Transaction) Send(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string) error
func (*Transaction) SendWithSignatureHash ¶
func (*Transaction) SetTransactionCallback ¶
func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionCallback(cb TransactionCallback) error
func (*Transaction) SetTransactionFee ¶
func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionFee(txnFee uint64) error
func (*Transaction) SetTransactionHash ¶
func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionHash(hash string) error
func (*Transaction) SetTransactionNonce ¶
func (t *Transaction) SetTransactionNonce(txnNonce int64) error
func (*Transaction) StakePoolLock ¶
func (t *Transaction) StakePoolLock(blobberID string, lock, fee uint64) ( err error)
StakePoolLock used to lock tokens in a stake pool of a blobber.
func (*Transaction) StakePoolUnlock ¶
func (t *Transaction) StakePoolUnlock(blobberID, poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
StakePoolUnlock by blobberID and poolID.
func (*Transaction) StorageSCCollectReward ¶
func (t *Transaction) StorageSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
func (*Transaction) StorageScUpdateConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) StorageScUpdateConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
func (*Transaction) StoreData ¶
func (t *Transaction) StoreData(data string) error
func (*Transaction) UpdateAllocation ¶
func (t *Transaction) UpdateAllocation(allocID string, sizeDiff int64, expirationDiff int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
UpdateAllocation transaction.
func (*Transaction) UpdateBlobberSettings ¶
func (t *Transaction) UpdateBlobberSettings(b *Blobber, fee uint64) (err error)
UpdateBlobberSettings update settings of a blobber.
func (*Transaction) UpdateValidatorSettings ¶
func (t *Transaction) UpdateValidatorSettings(v *Validator, fee uint64) (err error)
UpdateValidatorSettings update settings of a validator.
func (*Transaction) Verify ¶
func (t *Transaction) Verify() error
func (*Transaction) VestingAdd ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingAdd(ar *VestingAddRequest, value uint64) ( err error)
func (*Transaction) VestingDelete ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingDelete(poolID string) (err error)
func (*Transaction) VestingStop ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingStop(sr *VestingStopRequest) (err error)
func (*Transaction) VestingTrigger ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingTrigger(poolID string) (err error)
func (*Transaction) VestingUnlock ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingUnlock(poolID string) (err error)
func (*Transaction) VestingUpdateConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) VestingUpdateConfig(vscc *InputMap) (err error)
func (*Transaction) WritePoolLock ¶
func (t *Transaction) WritePoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
WritePoolLock locks tokens for current user and given allocation, using given duration. If blobberID is not empty, then tokens will be locked for given allocation->blobber only.
func (*Transaction) WritePoolUnlock ¶
func (t *Transaction) WritePoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
WritePoolUnlock for current user and given pool.
func (*Transaction) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer ¶
func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer(ip *AddAuthorizerPayload) (err error)
func (*Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig(ip *AuthorizerNode) (err error)
func (*Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig ¶
func (t *Transaction) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
type TransactionCallback ¶
type TransactionCallback interface { OnTransactionComplete(t *Transaction, status int) OnVerifyComplete(t *Transaction, status int) OnAuthComplete(t *Transaction, status int) }
TransactionCallback needs to be implemented by the caller for transaction related APIs
type TransactionQuery ¶
type TransactionQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTransactionQuery ¶
func NewTransactionQuery(sharders []string) (*TransactionQuery, error)
func (*TransactionQuery) FromAll ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) FromAll(ctx context.Context, query string, handle QueryResultHandle) error
FromAll query transaction from all sharders whatever it is selected or offline in previous queires, and return consensus result
func (*TransactionQuery) FromAny ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) FromAny(ctx context.Context, query string) (QueryResult, error)
FromAny query transaction from any sharder that is not selected in previous queires. use any used sharder if there is not any unused sharder
func (*TransactionQuery) GetConsensusConfirmation ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetConsensusConfirmation(ctx context.Context, numSharders int, txnHash string) (*blockHeader, map[string]json.RawMessage, *blockHeader, error)
func (*TransactionQuery) GetFastConfirmation ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetFastConfirmation(ctx context.Context, txnHash string) (*blockHeader, map[string]json.RawMessage, *blockHeader, error)
GetFastConfirmation get txn confirmation from a random online sharder
func (*TransactionQuery) GetInfo ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) GetInfo(ctx context.Context, query string) (*QueryResult, error)
func (*TransactionQuery) Reset ¶
func (tq *TransactionQuery) Reset()
type TransactionScheme ¶
type TransactionScheme interface { SmartContractExecutor // SetTransactionCallback implements storing the callback // used to call after the transaction or verification is completed SetTransactionCallback(cb TransactionCallback) error // Send implements sending token to a given clientid Send(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string) error // StoreData implements store the data to blockchain StoreData(data string) error // ExecuteFaucetSCWallet implements the `Faucet Smart contract` for a given wallet ExecuteFaucetSCWallet(walletStr string, methodName string, input []byte) error // GetTransactionHash implements retrieval of hash of the submitted transaction GetTransactionHash() string //RegisterMultiSig registers a group wallet and subwallets with MultisigSC RegisterMultiSig(walletstr, mswallet string) error // SetTransactionHash implements verify a previous transaction status SetTransactionHash(hash string) error // SetTransactionFee implements method to set the transaction fee SetTransactionFee(txnFee uint64) error // SetTransactionNonce implements method to set the transaction nonce SetTransactionNonce(txnNonce int64) error // Verify implements verify the transaction Verify() error // GetVerifyConfirmationStatus implements the verification status from sharders GetVerifyConfirmationStatus() ConfirmationStatus // GetVerifyOutput implements the verification output from sharders GetVerifyOutput() string // GetTransactionError implements error string in case of transaction failure GetTransactionError() string // GetVerifyError implements error string in case of verify failure error GetVerifyError() string // GetTransactionNonce returns nonce GetTransactionNonce() int64 // Output of transaction. Output() []byte // Hash Transaction status regardless of status Hash() string VestingTrigger(poolID string) error VestingStop(sr *VestingStopRequest) error VestingUnlock(poolID string) error VestingAdd(ar *VestingAddRequest, value uint64) error VestingDelete(poolID string) error VestingUpdateConfig(*InputMap) error MinerSCCollectReward(string, string, Provider) error MinerSCMinerSettings(*MinerSCMinerInfo) error MinerSCSharderSettings(*MinerSCMinerInfo) error MinerSCLock(minerID string, lock uint64) error MinerSCUnlock(minerID, poolID string) error MinerScUpdateConfig(*InputMap) error MinerScUpdateGlobals(*InputMap) error MinerSCDeleteMiner(*MinerSCMinerInfo) error MinerSCDeleteSharder(*MinerSCMinerInfo) error StorageSCCollectReward(string, string, Provider) error FinalizeAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) error CancelAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) error CreateAllocation(car *CreateAllocationRequest, lock uint64, fee uint64) error // CreateReadPool(fee uint64) error ReadPoolLock(allocID string, blobberID string, duration int64, lock uint64, fee uint64) error ReadPoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) error StakePoolLock(blobberID string, lock uint64, fee uint64) error StakePoolUnlock(blobberID string, poolID string, fee uint64) error UpdateBlobberSettings(blobber *Blobber, fee uint64) error UpdateValidatorSettings(validator *Validator, fee uint64) error UpdateAllocation(allocID string, sizeDiff int64, expirationDiff int64, lock uint64, fee uint64) error WritePoolLock(allocID string, blobberID string, duration int64, lock uint64, fee uint64) error WritePoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) error StorageScUpdateConfig(*InputMap) error FaucetUpdateConfig(*InputMap) error // ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig updates global config ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig(*InputMap) error // ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig updates authorizer config by ID ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig(*AuthorizerNode) error // ZCNSCAddAuthorizer adds authorizer ZCNSCAddAuthorizer(*AddAuthorizerPayload) error }
TransactionScheme implements few methods for block chain.
Note: to be buildable on MacOSX all arguments should have names.
func NewTransaction ¶
func NewTransaction(cb TransactionCallback, txnFee uint64, nonce int64) (TransactionScheme, error)
NewTransaction allocation new generic transaction object for any operation
type TransactionWithAuth ¶
type TransactionWithAuth struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TransactionWithAuth) CancelAllocation ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CancelAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
CancelAllocation transaction.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) CreateAllocation ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CreateAllocation(car *CreateAllocationRequest, lock uint64, fee uint64) (err error)
CreateAllocation transaction.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) CreateReadPool ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) CreateReadPool(fee uint64) (err error)
CreateReadPool for current user.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteFaucetSCWallet(walletStr string, methodName string, input []byte) error
ExecuteFaucetSCWallet impements the Faucet Smart contract for a given wallet
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteSmartContract ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ExecuteSmartContract(address, methodName string, input string, val uint64) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) FaucetUpdateConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) FaucetUpdateConfig( ip *InputMap, ) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) FinalizeAllocation ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) FinalizeAllocation(allocID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
FinalizeAllocation transaction.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionError ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionError() string
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionHash ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionHash() string
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionNonce ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetTransactionNonce() int64
GetTransactionNonce returns nonce
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyConfirmationStatus() ConfirmationStatus
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyError ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyError() string
func (*TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyOutput ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) GetVerifyOutput() string
func (*TransactionWithAuth) Hash ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Hash() string
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCCollectReward ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteMiner ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteMiner(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) ( err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteSharder ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCDeleteSharder(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) ( err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCLock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCLock(minerID string, lock uint64) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCMinerSettings ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCMinerSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) ( err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCSharderSettings ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCSharderSettings(info *MinerSCMinerInfo) ( err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCUnlock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerSCUnlock(nodeID, poolID string) ( err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateConfig( ip *InputMap, ) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateGlobals ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) MinerScUpdateGlobals( ip *InputMap, ) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) Output ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Output() []byte
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolLock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
ReadPoolLock locks tokens for current user and given allocation, using given duration. If blobberID is not empty, then tokens will be locked for given allocation->blobber only.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolUnlock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ReadPoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
ReadPoolUnlock for current user and given pool.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) RegisterMultiSig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) RegisterMultiSig(walletstr string, mswallet string) error
RegisterMultiSig register a multisig wallet with the SC.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) Send ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Send(toClientID string, val uint64, desc string) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionCallback ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionCallback(cb TransactionCallback) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionFee ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionFee(txnFee uint64) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionHash ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionHash(hash string) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionNonce ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) SetTransactionNonce(txnNonce int64) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolLock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolLock(blobberID string, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
StakePoolLock used to lock tokens in a stake pool of a blobber.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolUnlock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StakePoolUnlock(blobberID, poolID string, fee uint64) (err error)
StakePoolUnlock by blobberID and poolID.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) StorageSCCollectReward ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StorageSCCollectReward(providerId, poolId string, providerType Provider) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) StorageScUpdateConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StorageScUpdateConfig( ip *InputMap, ) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) StoreData ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) StoreData(data string) error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) UpdateAllocation ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateAllocation(allocID string, sizeDiff int64, expirationDiff int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
UpdateAllocation transaction.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) UpdateBlobberSettings ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateBlobberSettings(blob *Blobber, fee uint64) ( err error)
UpdateBlobberSettings update settings of a blobber.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) UpdateValidatorSettings ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) UpdateValidatorSettings(v *Validator, fee uint64) ( err error)
UpdateValidatorSettings update settings of a validator.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) Verify ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) Verify() error
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingAdd ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingAdd(ar *VestingAddRequest, value uint64) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingDelete ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingDelete(poolID string) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingStop ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingStop(sr *VestingStopRequest) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingTrigger ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingTrigger(poolID string) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingUnlock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingUnlock(poolID string) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) VestingUpdateConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) VestingUpdateConfig( ip *InputMap, ) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolLock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolLock(allocID, blobberID string, duration int64, lock, fee uint64) (err error)
WritePoolLock locks tokens for current user and given allocation, using given duration. If blobberID is not empty, then tokens will be locked for given allocation->blobber only.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolUnlock ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) WritePoolUnlock(poolID string, fee uint64) ( err error)
WritePoolUnlock for current user and given pool.
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCAddAuthorizer(ip *AddAuthorizerPayload) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateAuthorizerConfig(ip *AuthorizerNode) (err error)
func (*TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig ¶
func (ta *TransactionWithAuth) ZCNSCUpdateGlobalConfig(ip *InputMap) (err error)
type Validator ¶
type Validator struct { ID common.Key `json:"id"` BaseURL string `json:"url"` StakePoolSettings StakePoolSettings `json:"stake_pool_settings"` }
type VestingAddRequest ¶
type VestingClientList ¶
type VestingDest ¶
type VestingDestInfo ¶
type VestingDestInfo struct { ID common.Key `json:"id"` // identifier Wanted common.Balance `json:"wanted"` // wanted amount for entire period Earned common.Balance `json:"earned"` // can unlock Vested common.Balance `json:"vested"` // already vested Last common.Timestamp `json:"last"` // last time unlocked }
type VestingPoolInfo ¶
type VestingPoolInfo struct { ID common.Key `json:"pool_id"` // pool ID Balance common.Balance `json:"balance"` // real pool balance Left common.Balance `json:"left"` // owner can unlock Description string `json:"description"` // description StartTime common.Timestamp `json:"start_time"` // from ExpireAt common.Timestamp `json:"expire_at"` // until Destinations []*VestingDestInfo `json:"destinations"` // receivers ClientID common.Key `json:"client_id"` // owner }