Overview ¶
Package maps provides a client library for the Google Maps Web Service APIs. Please see for an overview of the Maps Web Service API suite.
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Encode(path []LatLng) string
- func ExperienceIdContext(ctx context.Context, experienceIds ...string) context.Context
- func ExperienceIdFromContext(ctx context.Context) []string
- type AddressComponent
- type AddressGeometry
- type AddressPlusCode
- type Anchor
- type AutocompleteMatchedSubstring
- type AutocompletePlaceType
- type AutocompletePrediction
- type AutocompleteResponse
- type AutocompleteStructuredFormatting
- type AutocompleteTermOffset
- type Avoid
- type CellTower
- type Client
- func (c *Client) Directions(ctx context.Context, r *DirectionsRequest) ([]Route, []GeocodedWaypoint, error)
- func (c *Client) DistanceMatrix(ctx context.Context, r *DistanceMatrixRequest) (*DistanceMatrixResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Elevation(ctx context.Context, r *ElevationRequest) ([]ElevationResult, error)
- func (c *Client) FindPlaceFromText(ctx context.Context, r *FindPlaceFromTextRequest) (FindPlaceFromTextResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Geocode(ctx context.Context, r *GeocodingRequest) ([]GeocodingResult, error)
- func (c *Client) Geolocate(ctx context.Context, r *GeolocationRequest) (*GeolocationResult, error)
- func (c *Client) NearbySearch(ctx context.Context, r *NearbySearchRequest) (PlacesSearchResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) NearestRoads(ctx context.Context, r *NearestRoadsRequest) (*NearestRoadsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PlaceAutocomplete(ctx context.Context, r *PlaceAutocompleteRequest) (AutocompleteResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) PlaceDetails(ctx context.Context, r *PlaceDetailsRequest) (PlaceDetailsResult, error)
- func (c *Client) PlacePhoto(ctx context.Context, r *PlacePhotoRequest) (PlacePhotoResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) QueryAutocomplete(ctx context.Context, r *QueryAutocompleteRequest) (AutocompleteResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) ReverseGeocode(ctx context.Context, r *GeocodingRequest) ([]GeocodingResult, error)
- func (c *Client) SnapToRoad(ctx context.Context, r *SnapToRoadRequest) (*SnapToRoadResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) SpeedLimits(ctx context.Context, r *SpeedLimitsRequest) (*SpeedLimitsResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) StaticMap(ctx context.Context, r *StaticMapRequest) (image.Image, error)
- func (c *Client) TextSearch(ctx context.Context, r *TextSearchRequest) (PlacesSearchResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) Timezone(ctx context.Context, r *TimezoneRequest) (*TimezoneResult, error)
- type ClientOption
- func WithAPIKey(apiKey string) ClientOption
- func WithAPIKeyAndSignature(apiKey, signature string) ClientOption
- func WithBaseURL(baseURL string) ClientOption
- func WithChannel(channel string) ClientOption
- func WithClientIDAndSignature(clientID, signature string) ClientOption
- func WithExperienceId(ids ...string) ClientOption
- func WithHTTPClient(c *http.Client) ClientOption
- func WithMetricReporter(reporter metrics.Reporter) ClientOption
- func WithRateLimit(requestsPerSecond int) ClientOption
- type Component
- type CustomIcon
- type DirectionsRequest
- type Distance
- type DistanceMatrixElement
- type DistanceMatrixElementsRow
- type DistanceMatrixRequest
- type DistanceMatrixResponse
- type ElevationRequest
- type ElevationResult
- type Fare
- type FindPlaceFromTextInputType
- type FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType
- type FindPlaceFromTextRequest
- type FindPlaceFromTextResponse
- type Format
- type GeocodeAccuracy
- type GeocodedWaypoint
- type GeocodingRequest
- type GeocodingResult
- type GeolocationError
- type GeolocationRequest
- type GeolocationResult
- type LatLng
- type LatLngBounds
- type Leg
- type MapType
- type Marker
- type MarkerSize
- type Mode
- type NearbySearchRequest
- type NearestRoadsRequest
- type NearestRoadsResponse
- type OpeningHours
- type OpeningHoursOpenClose
- type OpeningHoursPeriod
- type Path
- type Photo
- type PlaceAutocompleteRequest
- type PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken
- type PlaceDetailsFieldMask
- type PlaceDetailsRequest
- type PlaceDetailsResult
- type PlaceEditorialSummary
- type PlacePhotoRequest
- type PlacePhotoResponse
- type PlaceReview
- type PlaceReviewAspect
- type PlaceSearchFieldMask
- type PlaceType
- type PlacesSearchResponse
- type PlacesSearchResult
- type Polyline
- type PriceLevel
- type QueryAutocompleteRequest
- type RadioType
- type RankBy
- type Route
- type SnapToRoadRequest
- type SnapToRoadResponse
- type SnappedPoint
- type SpeedLimit
- type SpeedLimitsRequest
- type SpeedLimitsResponse
- type StaticMapRequest
- type Step
- type TextSearchRequest
- type TimezoneRequest
- type TimezoneResult
- type TrafficModel
- type TransitAgency
- type TransitDetails
- type TransitLine
- type TransitLineVehicle
- type TransitMode
- type TransitRoutingPreference
- type TransitStop
- type Units
- type ViaWaypoint
- type WiFiAccessPoint
Constants ¶
const ( // GeocodeAccuracyRooftop restricts the results to addresses for which Google has // location information accurate down to street address precision. GeocodeAccuracyRooftop = GeocodeAccuracy("ROOFTOP") // GeocodeAccuracyRangeInterpolated restricts the results to those that reflect an // approximation interpolated between two precise points. GeocodeAccuracyRangeInterpolated = GeocodeAccuracy("RANGE_INTERPOLATED") // GeocodeAccuracyGeometricCenter restricts the results to geometric centers of a // location such as a polyline or polygon. GeocodeAccuracyGeometricCenter = GeocodeAccuracy("GEOMETRIC_CENTER") // GeocodeAccuracyApproximate restricts the results to those that are characterized // as approximate. GeocodeAccuracyApproximate = GeocodeAccuracy("APPROXIMATE") )
const ( FindPlaceFromTextInputTypeTextQuery = FindPlaceFromTextInputType("textquery") FindPlaceFromTextInputTypePhoneNumber = FindPlaceFromTextInputType("phonenumber") )
The types of FindPlaceFromText Input Types.
const ( FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasIP = FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType("ipbias") FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasPoint = FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType("point") FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasCircular = FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType("circle") FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasRectangular = FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType("rectangle") )
The types of FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType
const ( // SpeedLimitMPH is for requesting speed limits in Miles Per Hour. SpeedLimitMPH = "MPH" // SpeedLimitKPH is for requesting speed limits in Kilometers Per Hour. SpeedLimitKPH = "KPH" )
const ( // RoadMap (default) specifies a standard roadmap image, as is normally shown on the // Google Maps website. If no maptype value is specified, the Google Static Maps API // serves roadmap tiles by default. RoadMap MapType = "roadmap" //Satellite specifies a satellite image. Satellite MapType = "satellite" //Terrain specifies a physical relief map image, showing terrain and vegetation. Terrain MapType = "terrain" // Hybrid specifies a hybrid of the satellite and roadmap image, showing a // transparent layer of major streets and place names on the satellite image. Hybrid MapType = "hybrid" //PNG8 or png (default) specifies the 8-bit PNG format. PNG8 Format = "png8" // PNG32 specifies the 32-bit PNG format. PNG32 Format = "png32" // GIF specifies the GIF format. GIF Format = "gif" // JPG specifies the JPEG compression format. JPG Format = "jpg" // JPGBaseline specifies a non-progressive JPEG compression format. JPGBaseline Format = "jpg-baseline" // Tiny Marker size Tiny MarkerSize = "tiny" // Mid Marker size Mid MarkerSize = "mid" // Small Marker size Small MarkerSize = "small" // Top Marker anchor position Top Anchor = "top" // Bottom Marker anchor position Bottom Anchor = "Bottom" // Left Marker anchor position Left Anchor = "left" // Right Marker anchor position Right Anchor = "right" // Center Marker anchor position Center Anchor = "center" // Topleft Marker anchor position Topleft Anchor = "topleft" // Topright Marker anchor position Topright Anchor = "topright" // Bottomleft Marker anchor position Bottomleft Anchor = "bottomleft" // Bottomright Marker anchor position Bottomright Anchor = "bottomright" )
const ( TravelModeDriving = Mode("driving") TravelModeWalking = Mode("walking") TravelModeBicycling = Mode("bicycling") TravelModeTransit = Mode("transit") )
Travel mode preferences.
const ( AvoidTolls = Avoid("tolls") AvoidHighways = Avoid("highways") AvoidFerries = Avoid("ferries") )
Features to avoid.
const ( UnitsMetric = Units("metric") UnitsImperial = Units("imperial") )
Units to use on human readable distances.
const ( TransitModeBus = TransitMode("bus") TransitModeSubway = TransitMode("subway") TransitModeTrain = TransitMode("train") TransitModeTram = TransitMode("tram") TransitModeRail = TransitMode("rail") )
Transit mode of directions or distance matrix request.
const ( TransitRoutingPreferenceLessWalking = TransitRoutingPreference("less_walking") TransitRoutingPreferenceFewerTransfers = TransitRoutingPreference("fewer_transfers") )
Transit Routing preferences for transit mode requests
const ( TrafficModelBestGuess = TrafficModel("best_guess") TrafficModelOptimistic = TrafficModel("optimistic") TrafficModelPessimistic = TrafficModel("pessimistic") )
Traffic prediction model when requesting future directions.
const ( PriceLevelFree = PriceLevel("0") PriceLevelInexpensive = PriceLevel("1") PriceLevelModerate = PriceLevel("2") PriceLevelExpensive = PriceLevel("3") PriceLevelVeryExpensive = PriceLevel("4") )
Price Levels for the Places API
const ( // ComponentRoute matches long or short name of a route ComponentRoute = Component("route") // ComponentLocality matches against both locality and sublocality types ComponentLocality = Component("locality") // ComponentAdministrativeArea matches all the administrative_area levels ComponentAdministrativeArea = Component("administrative_area") // ComponentPostalCode matches postal_code and postal_code_prefix ComponentPostalCode = Component("postal_code") // ComponentCountry matches a country name or a two letter ISO 3166-1 country code ComponentCountry = Component("country") )
const ( RankByProminence = RankBy("prominence") RankByDistance = RankBy("distance") )
RankBy options for Places Search.
const ( PlaceTypeAccounting = PlaceType("accounting") PlaceTypeAirport = PlaceType("airport") PlaceTypeAmusementPark = PlaceType("amusement_park") PlaceTypeAquarium = PlaceType("aquarium") PlaceTypeArtGallery = PlaceType("art_gallery") PlaceTypeAtm = PlaceType("atm") PlaceTypeBakery = PlaceType("bakery") PlaceTypeBank = PlaceType("bank") PlaceTypeBar = PlaceType("bar") PlaceTypeBeautySalon = PlaceType("beauty_salon") PlaceTypeBicycleStore = PlaceType("bicycle_store") PlaceTypeBookStore = PlaceType("book_store") PlaceTypeBowlingAlley = PlaceType("bowling_alley") PlaceTypeBusStation = PlaceType("bus_station") PlaceTypeCafe = PlaceType("cafe") PlaceTypeCampground = PlaceType("campground") PlaceTypeCarDealer = PlaceType("car_dealer") PlaceTypeCarRental = PlaceType("car_rental") PlaceTypeCarRepair = PlaceType("car_repair") PlaceTypeCarWash = PlaceType("car_wash") PlaceTypeCasino = PlaceType("casino") PlaceTypeCemetery = PlaceType("cemetery") PlaceTypeChurch = PlaceType("church") PlaceTypeCityHall = PlaceType("city_hall") PlaceTypeClothingStore = PlaceType("clothing_store") PlaceTypeConvenienceStore = PlaceType("convenience_store") PlaceTypeCourthouse = PlaceType("courthouse") PlaceTypeDentist = PlaceType("dentist") PlaceTypeDepartmentStore = PlaceType("department_store") PlaceTypeDoctor = PlaceType("doctor") PlaceTypeElectrician = PlaceType("electrician") PlaceTypeElectronicsStore = PlaceType("electronics_store") PlaceTypeEmbassy = PlaceType("embassy") PlaceTypeFireStation = PlaceType("fire_station") PlaceTypeFlorist = PlaceType("florist") PlaceTypeFuneralHome = PlaceType("funeral_home") PlaceTypeFurnitureStore = PlaceType("furniture_store") PlaceTypeGasStation = PlaceType("gas_station") PlaceTypeGym = PlaceType("gym") PlaceTypeHairCare = PlaceType("hair_care") PlaceTypeHardwareStore = PlaceType("hardware_store") PlaceTypeHinduTemple = PlaceType("hindu_temple") PlaceTypeHomeGoodsStore = PlaceType("home_goods_store") PlaceTypeHospital = PlaceType("hospital") PlaceTypeInsuranceAgency = PlaceType("insurance_agency") PlaceTypeJewelryStore = PlaceType("jewelry_store") PlaceTypeLaundry = PlaceType("laundry") PlaceTypeLawyer = PlaceType("lawyer") PlaceTypeLibrary = PlaceType("library") PlaceTypeLiquorStore = PlaceType("liquor_store") PlaceTypeLocalGovernmentOffice = PlaceType("local_government_office") PlaceTypeLocksmith = PlaceType("locksmith") PlaceTypeLodging = PlaceType("lodging") PlaceTypeMealDelivery = PlaceType("meal_delivery") PlaceTypeMealTakeaway = PlaceType("meal_takeaway") PlaceTypeMosque = PlaceType("mosque") PlaceTypeMovieRental = PlaceType("movie_rental") PlaceTypeMovieTheater = PlaceType("movie_theater") PlaceTypeMovingCompany = PlaceType("moving_company") PlaceTypeMuseum = PlaceType("museum") PlaceTypeNightClub = PlaceType("night_club") PlaceTypePainter = PlaceType("painter") PlaceTypePark = PlaceType("park") PlaceTypeParking = PlaceType("parking") PlaceTypePetStore = PlaceType("pet_store") PlaceTypePharmacy = PlaceType("pharmacy") PlaceTypePhysiotherapist = PlaceType("physiotherapist") PlaceTypePlumber = PlaceType("plumber") PlaceTypePolice = PlaceType("police") PlaceTypePostOffice = PlaceType("post_office") PlaceTypeRealEstateAgency = PlaceType("real_estate_agency") PlaceTypeRestaurant = PlaceType("restaurant") PlaceTypeRoofingContractor = PlaceType("roofing_contractor") PlaceTypeRvPark = PlaceType("rv_park") PlaceTypeSchool = PlaceType("school") PlaceTypeShoeStore = PlaceType("shoe_store") PlaceTypeShoppingMall = PlaceType("shopping_mall") PlaceTypeSpa = PlaceType("spa") PlaceTypeStadium = PlaceType("stadium") PlaceTypeStorage = PlaceType("storage") PlaceTypeStore = PlaceType("store") PlaceTypeSubwayStation = PlaceType("subway_station") PlaceTypeSupermarket = PlaceType("supermarket") PlaceTypeSynagogue = PlaceType("synagogue") PlaceTypeTaxiStand = PlaceType("taxi_stand") PlaceTypeTrainStation = PlaceType("train_station") PlaceTypeTravelAgency = PlaceType("travel_agency") PlaceTypeUniversity = PlaceType("university") PlaceTypeVeterinaryCare = PlaceType("veterinary_care") PlaceTypeZoo = PlaceType("zoo") )
Place Types for the Places API.
const ( AutocompletePlaceTypeGeocode = AutocompletePlaceType("geocode") AutocompletePlaceTypeAddress = AutocompletePlaceType("address") AutocompletePlaceTypeEstablishment = AutocompletePlaceType("establishment") AutocompletePlaceTypeRegions = AutocompletePlaceType("(regions)") AutocompletePlaceTypeCities = AutocompletePlaceType("(cities)") )
const ( PlaceDetailsFieldMaskAddressComponent = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("address_component") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskADRAddress = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("adr_address") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskBusinessStatus = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("business_status") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskCurbsidePickup = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("curbside_pickup") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskDelivery = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("delivery") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskDineIn = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("dine_in") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskEditorialSummary = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("editorial_summary") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskFormattedAddress = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("formatted_address") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskFormattedPhoneNumber = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("formatted_phone_number") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometry = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryLocation = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/location") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryLocationLat = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/location/lat") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryLocationLng = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/location/lng") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewport = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheast = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheastLat = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast/lat") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheastLng = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast/lng") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwest = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwestLat = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest/lat") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwestLng = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest/lng") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskIcon = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("icon") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskID = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("id") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskInternationalPhoneNumber = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("international_phone_number") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskName = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("name") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskOpeningHours = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("opening_hours") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskCurrentOpeningHours = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("current_opening_hours") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskSecondaryOpeningHours = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("secondary_opening_hours") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskPermanentlyClosed = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("permanently_closed") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskPhotos = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("photos") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskPlaceID = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("place_id") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskPriceLevel = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("price_level") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskRatings = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("rating") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskUserRatingsTotal = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("user_ratings_total") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskReservable = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("reservable") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskReviews = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("reviews") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesBeer = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_beer") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesBreakfast = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_breakfast") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesBrunch = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_brunch") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesDinner = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_dinner") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesLunch = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_lunch") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesVegetarianFood = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_vegetarian_food") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskServesWine = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("serves_wine") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskTakeout = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("takeout") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskTypes = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("types") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskURL = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("url") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskUTCOffset = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("utc_offset") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskVicinity = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("vicinity") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskWebsite = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("website") PlaceDetailsFieldMaskWheelchairAccessibleEntrance = PlaceDetailsFieldMask("wheelchair_accessible_entrance") )
The individual Place Details Field Masks.
const ( PlaceSearchFieldMaskBusinessStatus = PlaceSearchFieldMask("business_status") PlaceSearchFieldMaskFormattedAddress = PlaceSearchFieldMask("formatted_address") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometry = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryLocation = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/location") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryLocationLat = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/location/lat") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryLocationLng = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/location/lng") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewport = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheast = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheastLat = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast/lat") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportNortheastLng = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/northeast/lng") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwest = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwestLat = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest/lat") PlaceSearchFieldMaskGeometryViewportSouthwestLng = PlaceSearchFieldMask("geometry/viewport/southwest/lng") PlaceSearchFieldMaskIcon = PlaceSearchFieldMask("icon") PlaceSearchFieldMaskID = PlaceSearchFieldMask("id") PlaceSearchFieldMaskName = PlaceSearchFieldMask("name") PlaceSearchFieldMaskOpeningHours = PlaceSearchFieldMask("opening_hours") PlaceSearchFieldMaskOpeningHoursOpenNow = PlaceSearchFieldMask("opening_hours/open_now") PlaceSearchFieldMaskPermanentlyClosed = PlaceSearchFieldMask("permanently_closed") PlaceSearchFieldMaskPhotos = PlaceSearchFieldMask("photos") PlaceSearchFieldMaskPlaceID = PlaceSearchFieldMask("place_id") PlaceSearchFieldMaskPriceLevel = PlaceSearchFieldMask("price_level") PlaceSearchFieldMaskRating = PlaceSearchFieldMask("rating") PlaceSearchFieldMaskUserRatingsTotal = PlaceSearchFieldMask("user_ratings_total") PlaceSearchFieldMaskReference = PlaceSearchFieldMask("reference") PlaceSearchFieldMaskTypes = PlaceSearchFieldMask("types") PlaceSearchFieldMaskVicinity = PlaceSearchFieldMask("vicinity") )
The individual Place Search Field Masks.
const (
ExperienceIdHeaderName = "X-GOOG-MAPS-EXPERIENCE-ID"
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ExperienceIdContext ¶
ExperienceIdContext injects the experienceIds in the context, from where they will be pull out in the post/get handlers. Useful if a customer uses one client instance per different experiences calls
func ExperienceIdFromContext ¶
ExperienceIdFromContext returns experienceIds from context if presented
Types ¶
type AddressComponent ¶
type AddressComponent struct { LongName string `json:"long_name"` ShortName string `json:"short_name"` Types []string `json:"types"` }
AddressComponent is a part of an address
type AddressGeometry ¶
type AddressGeometry struct { Location LatLng `json:"location"` LocationType string `json:"location_type"` Bounds LatLngBounds `json:"bounds"` Viewport LatLngBounds `json:"viewport"` Types []string `json:"types"` }
AddressGeometry is the location of a an address
type AddressPlusCode ¶
type AddressPlusCode struct { // GlobalCode is a 4 character area code and 6 character or longer local code (849VCWC8+R9). GlobalCode string `json:"global_code"` // CompoundCode is a 6 character or longer local code with an explicit location (CWC8+R9, Mountain View, CA, USA). CompoundCode string `json:"compound_code"` }
AddressPlusCode (see and is an encoded location reference, derived from latitude and longitude coordinates, that represents an area: 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree (about 14m x 14m at the equator) or smaller.
Plus codes can be used as a replacement for street addresses in places where they do not exist (where buildings are not numbered or streets are not named). The plus code is formatted as a global code and a compound code: Typically, both the global code and compound code are returned. However, if the result is in a remote location (for example, an ocean or desert) only the global code may be returned.
type Anchor ¶
type Anchor string
Anchor sets how the icon is placed in relation to the specified markers locations
type AutocompleteMatchedSubstring ¶
type AutocompleteMatchedSubstring struct { // Length describes the length of the matched substring. Length int `json:"length"` // Offset defines the start position of the matched substring. Offset int `json:"offset"` }
AutocompleteMatchedSubstring describes the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired.
type AutocompletePlaceType ¶
type AutocompletePlaceType string
AutocompletePlaceType restricts Place Autocomplete API to the results to places matching the specified type.
func ParseAutocompletePlaceType ¶
func ParseAutocompletePlaceType(placeType string) (AutocompletePlaceType, error)
ParseAutocompletePlaceType will parse a string representation of a AutocompletePlaceTypes.
type AutocompletePrediction ¶
type AutocompletePrediction struct { // Description of the matched prediction. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // DistanceMeters is the straight-line distance from the prediction to the // Origin if Origin was passed in the Query DistanceMeters int `json:"distance_meters,omitempty"` // PlaceID is the ID of the Place PlaceID string `json:"place_id,omitempty"` // Types is an array indicating the type of the address component. Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` // MatchedSubstring describes the location of the entered term in the prediction // result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired. MatchedSubstrings []AutocompleteMatchedSubstring `json:"matched_substrings,omitempty"` // Terms contains an array of terms identifying each section of the returned // description (a section of the description is generally terminated with a comma). Terms []AutocompleteTermOffset `json:"terms,omitempty"` // StructuredFormatting contains the main and secondary text of a prediction StructuredFormatting AutocompleteStructuredFormatting `json:"structured_formatting,omitempty"` }
AutocompletePrediction represents a single Query Autocomplete result returned from the Google Places API Web Service.
type AutocompleteResponse ¶
type AutocompleteResponse struct {
Predictions []AutocompletePrediction `json:"predictions"`
AutocompleteResponse is a response to a Query Autocomplete request.
type AutocompleteStructuredFormatting ¶
type AutocompleteStructuredFormatting struct { MainText string `json:"main_text,omitempty"` MainTextMatchedSubstrings []AutocompleteMatchedSubstring `json:"main_text_matched_substrings,omitempty"` SecondaryText string `json:"secondary_text,omitempty"` }
AutocompleteStructuredFormatting contains the main and secondary text of an autocomplete prediction
type AutocompleteTermOffset ¶
type AutocompleteTermOffset struct { // Value is the text of the matched term. Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` // Offset defines the start position of this term in the description, measured in // Unicode characters. Offset int `json:"offset"` }
AutocompleteTermOffset identifies each section of the returned description (a section of the description is generally terminated with a comma).
type CellTower ¶
type CellTower struct { // CellID Unique identifier of the cell CellID int `json:"cellId"` // LocationAreaCode is the Location Area Code (LAC) for GSM and WCDMAnetworks. The // Network ID (NID) for CDMA networks. LocationAreaCode int `json:"locationAreaCode"` // MobileCountryCode is the cell tower's Mobile Country Code (MCC). MobileCountryCode int `json:"mobileCountryCode"` // MobileNetworkCode is the cell tower's Mobile Network Code. This is the MNC for // GSM and WCDMA; CDMA uses the System ID (SID). MobileNetworkCode int `json:"mobileNetworkCode"` // Age is the number of milliseconds since this cell was primary. If age is 0, the // cellId represents a current measurement. Age int `json:"age,omitempty"` // SignalStrength is the radio signal strength measured in dBm. SignalStrength int `json:"signalStrength,omitempty"` // TimingAdvance is the timing advance value. Please see // for more detail. TimingAdvance int `json:"timingAdvance,omitempty"` }
CellTower is a cell tower object for localisation requests
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client may be used to make requests to the Google Maps WebService APIs
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(options ...ClientOption) (*Client, error)
NewClient constructs a new Client which can make requests to the Google Maps WebService APIs.
func (*Client) Directions ¶
func (c *Client) Directions(ctx context.Context, r *DirectionsRequest) ([]Route, []GeocodedWaypoint, error)
Directions issues the Directions request and retrieves the Response
func (*Client) DistanceMatrix ¶
func (c *Client) DistanceMatrix(ctx context.Context, r *DistanceMatrixRequest) (*DistanceMatrixResponse, error)
DistanceMatrix makes a Distance Matrix API request
func (*Client) Elevation ¶
func (c *Client) Elevation(ctx context.Context, r *ElevationRequest) ([]ElevationResult, error)
Elevation makes an Elevation API request
func (*Client) FindPlaceFromText ¶
func (c *Client) FindPlaceFromText(ctx context.Context, r *FindPlaceFromTextRequest) (FindPlaceFromTextResponse, error)
FindPlaceFromText takes a text input, and returns a place. The text input can be any kind of Places data, for example, a name, address, or phone number.
func (*Client) Geocode ¶
func (c *Client) Geocode(ctx context.Context, r *GeocodingRequest) ([]GeocodingResult, error)
Geocode makes a Geocoding API request
func (*Client) Geolocate ¶
func (c *Client) Geolocate(ctx context.Context, r *GeolocationRequest) (*GeolocationResult, error)
Geolocate makes a Geolocation API request
func (*Client) NearbySearch ¶
func (c *Client) NearbySearch(ctx context.Context, r *NearbySearchRequest) (PlacesSearchResponse, error)
NearbySearch lets you search for places within a specified area. You can refine your search request by supplying keywords or specifying the type of place you are searching for.
func (*Client) NearestRoads ¶
func (c *Client) NearestRoads(ctx context.Context, r *NearestRoadsRequest) (*NearestRoadsResponse, error)
NearestRoads makes a Nearest Roads API request
func (*Client) PlaceAutocomplete ¶
func (c *Client) PlaceAutocomplete(ctx context.Context, r *PlaceAutocompleteRequest) (AutocompleteResponse, error)
PlaceAutocomplete issues the Places API Place Autocomplete request and retrieves the response
func (*Client) PlaceDetails ¶
func (c *Client) PlaceDetails(ctx context.Context, r *PlaceDetailsRequest) (PlaceDetailsResult, error)
PlaceDetails issues the Places API Place Details request and retrieves the response
func (*Client) PlacePhoto ¶
func (c *Client) PlacePhoto(ctx context.Context, r *PlacePhotoRequest) (PlacePhotoResponse, error)
PlacePhoto issues the Places API Photo request and retrieves the response
func (*Client) QueryAutocomplete ¶
func (c *Client) QueryAutocomplete(ctx context.Context, r *QueryAutocompleteRequest) (AutocompleteResponse, error)
QueryAutocomplete issues the Places API Query Autocomplete request and retrieves the response
func (*Client) ReverseGeocode ¶
func (c *Client) ReverseGeocode(ctx context.Context, r *GeocodingRequest) ([]GeocodingResult, error)
ReverseGeocode makes a Reverse Geocoding API request
func (*Client) SnapToRoad ¶
func (c *Client) SnapToRoad(ctx context.Context, r *SnapToRoadRequest) (*SnapToRoadResponse, error)
SnapToRoad makes a Snap to Road API request
func (*Client) SpeedLimits ¶
func (c *Client) SpeedLimits(ctx context.Context, r *SpeedLimitsRequest) (*SpeedLimitsResponse, error)
SpeedLimits makes a Speed Limits API request
func (*Client) TextSearch ¶
func (c *Client) TextSearch(ctx context.Context, r *TextSearchRequest) (PlacesSearchResponse, error)
TextSearch issues the Places API Text Search request and retrieves the Response
func (*Client) Timezone ¶
func (c *Client) Timezone(ctx context.Context, r *TimezoneRequest) (*TimezoneResult, error)
Timezone makes a Timezone API request
type ClientOption ¶
ClientOption is the type of constructor options for NewClient(...).
func WithAPIKey ¶
func WithAPIKey(apiKey string) ClientOption
WithAPIKey configures a Maps API client with an API Key
func WithAPIKeyAndSignature ¶
func WithAPIKeyAndSignature(apiKey, signature string) ClientOption
WithAPIKeyAndSignature configures a Maps API client with an API Key and signature. The signature is assumed to be URL modified Base64 encoded.
func WithBaseURL ¶
func WithBaseURL(baseURL string) ClientOption
WithBaseURL configures a Maps API client with a custom base url
func WithChannel ¶
func WithChannel(channel string) ClientOption
WithChannel configures a Maps API client with a Channel
func WithClientIDAndSignature ¶
func WithClientIDAndSignature(clientID, signature string) ClientOption
WithClientIDAndSignature configures a Maps API client for a Maps for Work application. The signature is assumed to be URL modified Base64 encoded.
func WithExperienceId ¶
func WithExperienceId(ids ...string) ClientOption
WithExperienceId configures the client with an initial experience id that can be changed with the `setExperienceId` method.
func WithHTTPClient ¶
func WithHTTPClient(c *http.Client) ClientOption
WithHTTPClient configures a Maps API client with a http.Client to make requests over.
func WithMetricReporter ¶
func WithMetricReporter(reporter metrics.Reporter) ClientOption
func WithRateLimit ¶
func WithRateLimit(requestsPerSecond int) ClientOption
WithRateLimit configures the rate limit for back end requests. Default is to limit to 50 requests per second. A value of zero disables rate limiting.
type Component ¶
type Component string
Component specifies a key for the parts of a structured address. See for more detail.
type CustomIcon ¶
type CustomIcon struct { // IconURL is th icon URL IconURL string // Anchor sets how the icon is placed in relation to the specified markers locations Anchor Anchor // Scale is the custom icon scale Scale int }
CustomIcon replace the default Map Pin
func (CustomIcon) String ¶
func (c CustomIcon) String() string
type DirectionsRequest ¶
type DirectionsRequest struct { // Origin is the address or textual latitude/longitude value from which you wish to // calculate directions. Required. Origin string // Destination is the address or textual latitude/longitude value from which you // wish to calculate directions. Required. Destination string // Mode specifies the mode of transport to use when calculating directions. // Optional. Mode Mode // DepartureTime specifies the desired time of departure. You can specify the time // as an integer in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Alternatively, you // can specify a value of `"now"`. Optional. DepartureTime string // ArrivalTime specifies the desired time of arrival for transit directions, in // seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Optional. You cannot specify both // `DepartureTime` and `ArrivalTime`. ArrivalTime string // Waypoints specifies an array of points to add to a route. Optional. Waypoints []string // Alternatives specifies if Directions service may provide more than one route // alternative in the response. Optional. Alternatives bool // Optimize allow the Directions service to optimize the provided route by // rearranging the waypoints in a more efficient order. Optional. Optimize bool // Avoid indicates that the calculated route(s) should avoid the indicated // features. Optional. Avoid []Avoid // Language specifies the language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // Units specifies the unit system to use when displaying results. Optional. Units Units // Region specifies the region code, specified as a ccTLD two-character value. // Optional. Region string // TransitMode specifies one or more preferred modes of transit. This parameter // may only be specified for transit directions. Optional. TransitMode []TransitMode // TransitRoutingPreference specifies preferences for transit routes. Optional. TransitRoutingPreference TransitRoutingPreference // TrafficModel specifies traffic prediction model when requesting future // directions. Optional. TrafficModel TrafficModel }
DirectionsRequest is the functional options struct for directions.Get
type Distance ¶
type Distance struct { // HumanReadable is the human friendly distance. This is rounded and in an // appropriate unit for the request. The units can be overriden with a request // parameter. HumanReadable string `json:"text"` // Meters is the numeric distance, always in meters. This is intended to be used // only in algorithmic situations, e.g. sorting results by some user specified // metric. Meters int `json:"value"` }
Distance is the API representation for a distance between two points.
type DistanceMatrixElement ¶
type DistanceMatrixElement struct { Status string `json:"status"` // Duration is the length of time it takes to travel this route. Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"` // DurationInTraffic is the length of time it takes to travel this route // considering traffic. DurationInTraffic time.Duration `json:"duration_in_traffic"` // Distance is the total distance of this route. Distance Distance `json:"distance"` }
DistanceMatrixElement is the travel distance and time for a pair of origin and destination.
func (*DistanceMatrixElement) MarshalJSON ¶
func (dme *DistanceMatrixElement) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for DistanceMatrixElement. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*DistanceMatrixElement) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (dme *DistanceMatrixElement) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for DistanceMatrixElement. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type DistanceMatrixElementsRow ¶
type DistanceMatrixElementsRow struct {
Elements []*DistanceMatrixElement `json:"elements"`
DistanceMatrixElementsRow is a row of distance elements.
type DistanceMatrixRequest ¶
type DistanceMatrixRequest struct { // Origins is a list of addresses and/or textual latitude/longitude values // from which to calculate distance and time. Required. Origins []string // Destinations is a list of addresses and/or textual latitude/longitude values // to which to calculate distance and time. Required. Destinations []string // Mode specifies the mode of transport to use when calculating distance. // Valid values are `ModeDriving`, `ModeWalking`, `ModeBicycling` // and `ModeTransit`. Optional. Mode Mode // Language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // Avoid introduces restrictions to the route. Valid values are `AvoidTolls`, // `AvoidHighways` and `AvoidFerries`. Optional. Avoid Avoid // Units Specifies the unit system to use when expressing distance as text. // Valid values are `UnitsMetric` and `UnitsImperial`. Optional. Units Units // DepartureTime is the desired time of departure. You can specify the time as // an integer in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Alternatively, // you can specify a value of `"now"“. Optional. DepartureTime string // ArrivalTime specifies the desired time of arrival for transit requests, // in seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. You cannot specify // both `DepartureTime` and `ArrivalTime`. Optional. ArrivalTime string // TrafficModel determines the type of model that will be used when determining // travel time when using depature times in the future. Options are // `TrafficModelBestGuess`, `TrafficModelOptimistic“ or `TrafficModelPessimistic`. // Optional. Default is `TrafficModelBestGuess“ TrafficModel TrafficModel // TransitMode specifies one or more preferred modes of transit. This parameter // may only be specified for requests where the mode is `transit`. Valid values // are `TransitModeBus`, `TransitModeSubway`, `TransitModeTrain`, `TransitModeTram`, // and `TransitModeRail`. Optional. TransitMode []TransitMode // TransitRoutingPreference Specifies preferences for transit requests. Valid // values are `TransitRoutingPreferenceLessWalking` and // `TransitRoutingPreferenceFewerTransfers`. Optional. TransitRoutingPreference TransitRoutingPreference }
DistanceMatrixRequest is the request struct for Distance Matrix APi
type DistanceMatrixResponse ¶
type DistanceMatrixResponse struct { // OriginAddresses contains an array of addresses as returned by the API from // your original request. OriginAddresses []string `json:"origin_addresses"` // DestinationAddresses contains an array of addresses as returned by the API // from your original request. DestinationAddresses []string `json:"destination_addresses"` // Rows contains an array of elements. Rows []DistanceMatrixElementsRow `json:"rows"` }
DistanceMatrixResponse represents a Distance Matrix API response.
type ElevationRequest ¶
type ElevationRequest struct { // Locations defines the location(s) on the earth from which to return elevation // data. Locations []LatLng // Path defines a path on the earth for which to return elevation data. Path []LatLng // Samples specifies the number of sample points along a path for which to return // elevation data. Required if Path is supplied. Samples int }
ElevationRequest is the request structure for Elevation API. Either Locations or Path must be set.
type ElevationResult ¶
type ElevationResult struct { // Location is the position for which elevation data is being computed. Location *LatLng `json:"location"` // Elevation indicates the elevation of the location in meters Elevation float64 `json:"elevation"` // Resolution indicates the maximum distance between data points from which the // elevation was interpolated, in meters. Resolution float64 `json:"resolution"` }
ElevationResult is a single elevation at a specific location
type Fare ¶
type Fare struct { // Currency is an ISO 4217 currency code indicating the currency that the amount // is expressed in. Currency string `json:"currency"` // Value is the total fare amount, in the currency specified above. Value float64 `json:"value"` // Text is the total fare amount, formatted in the requested language. Text string `json:"text"` }
Fare represents the total fare for a route.
type FindPlaceFromTextInputType ¶
type FindPlaceFromTextInputType string
FindPlaceFromTextInputType is the different types of inputs.
type FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType ¶
type FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType string
FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType is the type of location bias for this request
func ParseFindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType ¶
func ParseFindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType(locationBias string) (FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType, error)
ParseFindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType will parse a string to a FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType
type FindPlaceFromTextRequest ¶
type FindPlaceFromTextRequest struct { // The text input specifying which place to search for (for example, a name, // address, or phone number). Required. Input string // The type of input. Required. InputType FindPlaceFromTextInputType // Fields allows you to select which parts of the returned details structure // should be filled in. Fields []PlaceSearchFieldMask // Language specifies the language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // LocationBias is the type of location bias to apply to this request LocationBias FindPlaceFromTextLocationBiasType // LocationBiasPoint is the point for LocationBias type Point LocationBiasPoint *LatLng // LocationBiasCenter is the center for LocationBias type Circle LocationBiasCenter *LatLng // LocationBiasRadius is the radius for LocationBias type Circle LocationBiasRadius int // LocationBiasSouthWest is the South West boundary for LocationBias type Rectangle LocationBiasSouthWest *LatLng // LocationBiasSouthWest is the North East boundary for LocationBias type Rectangle LocationBiasNorthEast *LatLng }
FindPlaceFromTextRequest is the options struct for Find Place From Text API
type FindPlaceFromTextResponse ¶
type FindPlaceFromTextResponse struct { Candidates []PlacesSearchResult HTMLAttributions []string }
FindPlaceFromTextResponse is a response to the Find Place From Text request
type GeocodeAccuracy ¶
type GeocodeAccuracy string
GeocodeAccuracy is the type of a location result from the Geocoding API.
type GeocodedWaypoint ¶
type GeocodedWaypoint struct { // GeocoderStatus indicates the status code resulting from the geocoding operation. // This field may contain the following values. GeocoderStatus string `json:"geocoder_status"` // PartialMatch indicates that the geocoder did not return an exact match for the // original request, though it was able to match part of the requested address. PartialMatch bool `json:"partial_match"` // PlaceID is a unique identifier that can be used with other Google APIs. PlaceID string `json:"place_id"` // Types indicates the address type of the geocoding result used for calculating // directions. Types []string `json:"types"` }
GeocodedWaypoint represents the geocoded point for origin, supplied waypoints, or destination for a requested direction request.
type GeocodingRequest ¶
type GeocodingRequest struct { // Address is the street address that you want to geocode, in the format used by // the national postal service of the country concerned. Address string // Components is a component filter for which you wish to obtain a geocode. Either // Address or Components is required in a geocoding request. For more detail on // Component Filtering please see // Components map[Component]string // Bounds is the bounding box of the viewport within which to bias geocode results // more prominently. Optional. Bounds *LatLngBounds // Region is the region code, specified as a ccTLD two-character value. Optional. Region string // LatLng is the textual latitude/longitude value for which you wish to obtain the // closest, human-readable address. Either LatLng or PlaceID is required for // Reverse Geocoding. LatLng *LatLng // ResultType is an array of one or more address types. Optional. ResultType []string // LocationType is an array of one or more geocoding accuracy types. Optional. LocationType []GeocodeAccuracy // PlaceID is a string which contains the place_id, which can be used for reverse // geocoding requests. Either LatLng or PlaceID is required for Reverse Geocoding. PlaceID string // Language is the language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // Custom allows passing through custom parameters to the Geocoding back end. // Use with caution. For more detail on why this is required, please see // Custom url.Values }
GeocodingRequest is the request structure for Geocoding API
type GeocodingResult ¶
type GeocodingResult struct { AddressComponents []AddressComponent `json:"address_components"` FormattedAddress string `json:"formatted_address"` Geometry AddressGeometry `json:"geometry"` Types []string `json:"types"` PlaceID string `json:"place_id"` // PartialMatch indicates that the geocoder did not return an exact match for // the original request, though it was able to match part of the requested address. // You may wish to examine the original request for misspellings and/or an incomplete address. // Partial matches most often occur for street addresses that do not exist within the // locality you pass in the request. // Partial matches may also be returned when a request matches two or more locations in // the same locality. For example, "21 Henr St, Bristol, UK" will return a partial match // for both Henry Street and Henrietta Street. // Note that if a request includes a misspelled address component, the geocoding service may // suggest an alternative address. // Suggestions triggered in this way will also be marked as a partial match. PartialMatch bool `json:"partial_match"` // PlusCode (see and // is an encoded location reference, derived from latitude and longitude coordinates, // that represents an area: 1/8000th of a degree by 1/8000th of a degree (about 14m x 14m at the equator) // or smaller. // // Plus codes can be used as a replacement for street addresses in places where they do not exist // (where buildings are not numbered or streets are not named). // The plus code is formatted as a global code and a compound code: // Typically, both the global code and compound code are returned. // However, if the result is in a remote location (for example, an ocean or desert) // only the global code may be returned. PlusCode AddressPlusCode `json:"plus_code"` }
GeocodingResult is a single geocoded address
type GeolocationError ¶
type GeolocationError struct { // Errors lists errors that occurred Errors []struct { Domain string // Reason is an identifier for the error Reason string // Message is a short description of the error Message string } // Code is the error code (same as HTTP response) Code int // Message is a short description of the error Message string }
GeolocationError is an error object reporting a request error
type GeolocationRequest ¶
type GeolocationRequest struct { // HomeMobileCountryCode is the mobile country code (MCC) for the device's home // network. HomeMobileCountryCode int `json:"homeMobileCountryCode,omitempty"` // HomeMobileNetworkCode is the mobile network code (MNC) for the device's home // network. HomeMobileNetworkCode int `json:"homeMobileNetworkCode,omitempty"` // RadioType is the mobile radio type, this is optional but should be included if // available RadioType RadioType `json:"radioType,omitempty"` // Carrier is the carrier name Carrier string `json:"carrier,omitempty"` // ConsiderIP Specifies whether to fall back to IP geolocation if wifi and cell // tower signals are not available. ConsiderIP bool `json:"considerIp"` // CellTowers is an array of CellTower objects. CellTowers []CellTower `json:"cellTowers,omitempty"` // WifiAccessPoints is an array of WifiAccessPoint objects. WiFiAccessPoints []WiFiAccessPoint `json:"wifiAccessPoints,omitempty"` }
GeolocationRequest is the request structure for Geolocation API All fields are optional
type GeolocationResult ¶
type GeolocationResult struct { // Location is the predicted location Location LatLng // Accuracy is the accuracy of the provided location in meters Accuracy float64 }
GeolocationResult is an approximate location and accuracy
type LatLng ¶
LatLng represents a location on the Earth.
func DecodePolyline ¶
DecodePolyline converts a polyline encoded string to an array of LatLng objects.
func ParseLatLng ¶
ParseLatLng will parse a string representation of a Lat,Lng pair.
func ParseLatLngList ¶
ParseLatLngList will parse a string of | separated Lat,Lng pairs.
func (*LatLng) AlmostEqual ¶
AlmostEqual returns whether this LatLng is almost equal (below epsilon) to the other LatLng.
type LatLngBounds ¶
type LatLngBounds struct { NorthEast LatLng `json:"northeast"` SouthWest LatLng `json:"southwest"` }
LatLngBounds represents a bounded square area on the Earth.
func (*LatLngBounds) String ¶
func (b *LatLngBounds) String() string
type Leg ¶
type Leg struct { // Steps contains an array of steps denoting information about each separate step // of the leg of the journey. Steps []*Step `json:"steps"` // Distance indicates the total distance covered by this leg. Distance `json:"distance"` // Duration indicates total time required for this leg. Duration time.Duration `json:"duration"` // DurationInTraffic indicates the total duration of this leg. This value is an // estimate of the time in traffic based on current and historical traffic // conditions. DurationInTraffic time.Duration `json:"duration_in_traffic"` // ArrivalTime contains the estimated time of arrival for this leg. This property // is only returned for transit directions. ArrivalTime time.Time `json:"arrival_time"` // DepartureTime contains the estimated time of departure for this leg. This // property is only returned for transit directions. DepartureTime time.Time `json:"departure_time"` // StartLocation contains the latitude/longitude coordinates of the origin of this // leg. StartLocation LatLng `json:"start_location"` // EndLocation contains the latitude/longitude coordinates of the destination of // this leg. EndLocation LatLng `json:"end_location"` // StartAddress contains the human-readable address (typically a street address) // reflecting the start location of this leg. StartAddress string `json:"start_address"` // EndAddress contains the human-readable address (typically a street address) // reflecting the end location of this leg. EndAddress string `json:"end_address"` // ViaWaypoint contains info about points through which the route was laid. ViaWaypoint []*ViaWaypoint `json:"via_waypoint"` }
Leg represents a single leg of a route.
func (*Leg) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for Leg. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*Leg) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for Leg. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type MapType ¶
type MapType string
MapType (optional) defines the type of map to construct. There are several possible maptype values, including roadmap, satellite, hybrid, and terrain
type Marker ¶
type Marker struct { // Color specifies a 24-bit color (example: color=0xFFFFCC) or a predefined color // from the set {black, brown, green, purple, yellow, blue, gray, orange, red, // white}. Color string // Label specifies a single uppercase alphanumeric character from the set {A-Z, 0-9} Label string // MarkerSize specifies the size of marker from the set {tiny, mid, small} Size string // CustomIcon replace the default Map Pin CustomIcon CustomIcon // Location is the Marker position Location []LatLng // LocationAddress is the Marker position as a postal address or other geocodable location. LocationAddress string }
Marker is a Map pin
type MarkerSize ¶
type MarkerSize string
MarkerSize specifies the size of marker from the set {tiny, mid, small}
type NearbySearchRequest ¶
type NearbySearchRequest struct { // Location is the latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information. // If you specify a location parameter, you must also specify a radius parameter. Location *LatLng // Radius defines the distance (in meters) within which to bias place results. The //maximum allowed radius is 50,000 meters. Results inside of this region will be //ranked higher than results outside of the search circle; however, prominent // results from outside of the search radius may be included. Radius uint // Keyword is a term to be matched against all content that Google has indexed for // this place, including but not limited to name, type, and address, as well as // customer reviews and other third-party content. Keyword string // Language specifies the language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // MinPrice restricts results to only those places within the specified price level. // Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most expensive), // inclusive. MinPrice PriceLevel // MaxPrice restricts results to only those places within the specified price level. // Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most expensive), // inclusive. MaxPrice PriceLevel // Name is one or more terms to be matched against the names of places, separated // with a space character. Name string // OpenNow returns only those places that are open for business at the time the // query is sent. Places that do not specify opening hours in the Google Places // database will not be returned if you include this parameter in your query. OpenNow bool // RankBy specifies the order in which results are listed. RankBy // Type restricts the results to places matching the specified type. Type PlaceType // PageToken returns the next 20 results from a previously run search. Setting a // PageToken parameter will execute a search with the same parameters used // previously — all parameters other than PageToken will be ignored. PageToken string }
NearbySearchRequest is the functional options struct for NearbySearch
type NearestRoadsRequest ¶
type NearestRoadsRequest struct { // Points is the list of points to be snapped. Points []LatLng }
NearestRoadsRequest is the request structure for the Nearest Roads API.
type NearestRoadsResponse ¶
type NearestRoadsResponse struct {
SnappedPoints []SnappedPoint `json:"snappedPoints"`
NearestRoadsResponse is an array of snapped points.
type OpeningHours ¶
type OpeningHours struct { // OpenNow is a boolean value indicating if the place is open at the current time. // Please note, this field will be null if it isn't present in the response. OpenNow *bool `json:"open_now,omitempty"` // Periods is an array of opening periods covering seven days, starting from Sunday, // in chronological order. Periods []OpeningHoursPeriod `json:"periods,omitempty"` // weekdayText is an array of seven strings representing the formatted opening hours // for each day of the week, for example "Monday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm". WeekdayText []string `json:"weekday_text,omitempty"` // PermanentlyClosed indicates that the place has permanently shut down. Please // note, this field will be null if it isn't present in the response. PermanentlyClosed *bool `json:"permanently_closed,omitempty"` }
OpeningHours describes the opening hours for a Place Details result.
type OpeningHoursOpenClose ¶
type OpeningHoursOpenClose struct { // Day is a number from 0–6, corresponding to the days of the week, starting on // Sunday. For example, 2 means Tuesday. Day time.Weekday `json:"day"` // Time contains a time of day in 24-hour hhmm format. Values are in the range // 0000–2359. The time will be reported in the place’s time zone. Time string `json:"time"` }
OpeningHoursOpenClose describes when the place is open.
type OpeningHoursPeriod ¶
type OpeningHoursPeriod struct { // Open is when the place opens. Open OpeningHoursOpenClose `json:"open"` // Close is when the place closes. Close OpeningHoursOpenClose `json:"close"` }
OpeningHoursPeriod is a single OpeningHours day describing when the place opens and closes.
type Path ¶
type Path struct { // Weight (optional) specifies the thickness of the path in pixels. Weight int // Color (optional) specifies a color in HEX Color string // Fillcolor (optional) indicates both that the path marks off a polygonal area and // specifies the fill color to use as an overlay within that area. FillColor string // Geodesic (optional) indicates that the requested path should be interpreted as a // geodesic line that follows the curvature of the earth. Geodesic bool // Location two or more connected points to overlay on the image at specified // locations Location []LatLng }
Path defines a single path of two or more connected points to overlay on the image at specified locations
type Photo ¶
type Photo struct { // PhotoReference is used to identify the photo when you perform a Photo request. PhotoReference string `json:"photo_reference"` // Height is the maximum height of the image. Height int `json:"height"` // Width is the maximum width of the image. Width int `json:"width"` // htmlAttributions contains any required attributions. HTMLAttributions []string `json:"html_attributions"` }
Photo describes a photo available with a Search Result.
type PlaceAutocompleteRequest ¶
type PlaceAutocompleteRequest struct { // Input is the text string on which to search. The Places service will return // candidate matches based on this string and order results based on their perceived // relevance. Input string // Offset is the character position in the input term at which the service uses text // for predictions. For example, if the input is 'Googl' and the completion point is // 3, the service will match on 'Goo'. The offset should generally be set to the // position of the text caret. If no offset is supplied, the service will use the // entire term. Offset uint // Location is the point around which you wish to retrieve place information. Location *LatLng // Origin is the point from which to calculate the straight-line distance to the // destination (returned as distance_meters). Origin *LatLng // Radius is the distance (in meters) within which to return place results. Note // that setting a radius biases results to the indicated area, but may not fully // restrict results to the specified area. Radius uint // Language is the language in which to return results. Language string // Type restricts the results to places matching the specified type. Types AutocompletePlaceType // Components is a grouping of places to which you would like to restrict your // results. Currently, you can use components to filter by country. Components map[Component][]string // StrictBounds return only those places that are strictly within the region defined // by location and radius. StrictBounds bool // SessionToken is a token that means you will get charged by autocomplete session // instead of by character for Autocomplete SessionToken PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken }
PlaceAutocompleteRequest is the functional options struct for Place Autocomplete
type PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken ¶
PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken is a session token for Place Autocomplete.
func NewPlaceAutocompleteSessionToken ¶
func NewPlaceAutocompleteSessionToken() PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken
NewPlaceAutocompleteSessionToken constructs a new Place Autocomplete session token.
type PlaceDetailsFieldMask ¶
type PlaceDetailsFieldMask string
PlaceDetailsFieldMask allows you to specify which fields are to be returned with a place details request. Please see the following URL for more detail:
func ParsePlaceDetailsFieldMask ¶
func ParsePlaceDetailsFieldMask(placeDetailsFieldMask string) (PlaceDetailsFieldMask, error)
ParsePlaceDetailsFieldMask will parse a string representation of PlaceDetailsFieldMask.
type PlaceDetailsRequest ¶
type PlaceDetailsRequest struct { // PlaceID is a textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place, returned from a // Place Search. PlaceID string // Language is the language code, indicating in which language the results should be // returned, if possible. Language string // Fields allows you to select which parts of the returned details structure // should be filled in. For more detail, please see the following URL: // Fields []PlaceDetailsFieldMask // SessionToken is a token that marks this request as part of a Place Autocomplete // Session. Optional. SessionToken PlaceAutocompleteSessionToken // Region is the region code, specified as a ccTLD (country code top-level domain) // two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with // some exceptions. This parameter will only influence, not fully restrict, results. Region string // ReviewsNoTranslations specifies whether to translate reviews. Specify // ReviewsNoTranslations=true to disable translation of reviews; specify // ReviewsNoTranslations=false to enable translation of reviews. Reviews // are returned in their original language. // // If omitted, or passed with no value, translation of reviews is enabled. If // the language parameter was specified in the request, use the specified // language as the preferred language for translation. If language is // omitted, the API attempts to use the Accept-Language header as the // preferred language. ReviewsNoTranslations bool // ReviewsSort specifies the sorting method to use when returning reviews. // Can be set to most_relevant (default) or newest. // //For most_relevant (default), reviews are sorted by relevance; the service // will bias the results to return reviews originally written in the // preferred language. // For newest, reviews are sorted in chronological order; the preferred // language does not affect the sort order. // Google recommends that you display how the reviews are being sorted to the // end user. ReviewsSort string }
PlaceDetailsRequest is the functional options struct for PlaceDetails
type PlaceDetailsResult ¶
type PlaceDetailsResult struct { // AddressComponents is an array of separate address components used to compose a // given address. AddressComponents []AddressComponent `json:"address_components,omitempty"` // FormattedAddress is the human-readable address of this place. FormattedAddress string `json:"formatted_address,omitempty"` // AdrAddress is the address in the "adr" microformat. AdrAddress string `json:"adr_address,omitempty"` // BusinessStatus is a string indicating the operational status of the // place, if it is a business. BusinessStatus string `json:"business_status,omitempty"` // CurbsidePickup specifies if the business supports curbside pickup. CurbsidePickup bool `json:"curbside_pickup,omitempty"` // Delivery specifies if the business supports delivery. Delivery bool `json:"delivery,omitempty"` // DineIn specifies if the business supports seating options. DineIn bool `json:"dine_in,omitempty"` // EditorialSummary contains a summary of the place. A summary is comprised // of a textual overview, and also includes the language code for these if // applicable. Summary text must be presented as-is and can not be modified // or altered. EditorialSummary *PlaceEditorialSummary `json:"editorial_summary,omitempty"` // FormattedPhoneNumber contains the place's phone number in its local format. For // example, the formatted_phone_number for Google's Sydney, Australia office is // (02) 9374 4000. FormattedPhoneNumber string `json:"formatted_phone_number,omitempty"` // InternationalPhoneNumber contains the place's phone number in international // format. International format includes the country code, and is prefixed with the // plus (+) sign. For example, the international_phone_number for Google's Sydney, // Australia office is +61 2 9374 4000. InternationalPhoneNumber string `json:"international_phone_number,omitempty"` // Geometry contains geometry information about the result, generally including the // location (geocode) of the place and (optionally) the viewport identifying its // general area of coverage. Geometry AddressGeometry `json:"geometry,omitempty"` // Icon contains the URL of a recommended icon which may be displayed to the user // when indicating this result. Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // Name contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For establishment // results, this is usually the business name. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // OpeningHours may contain whether the place is open now or not. OpeningHours *OpeningHours `json:"opening_hours,omitempty"` // CurrentOpeningHours may contain the hours of operation for the next seven // days (including today). The time period starts at midnight on the date of // the request and ends at 11:59 pm six days later. This field includes the // special_days subfield of all hours, set for dates that have exceptional // hours. CurrentOpeningHours *OpeningHours `json:"current_opening_hours,omitempty"` // SecondaryOpeningHours may contain an array of entries for the next seven // days including information about secondary hours of a business. Secondary // hours are different from a business's main hours. For example, a // restaurant can specify drive through hours or delivery hours as its // secondary hours. This field populates the type subfield, which draws from // a predefined list of opening hours types (such as DRIVE_THROUGH, PICKUP, // or TAKEOUT) based on the types of the place. This field includes the // special_days subfield of all hours, set for dates that have exceptional // hours. SecondaryOpeningHours *OpeningHours `json:"secondary_opening_hours,omitempty"` // PermanentlyClosed is a boolean flag indicating whether the place has permanently // shut down (value true). If the place is not permanently closed, the flag is // absent from the response. // // Deprecated: Use BusinessStatus instead. PermanentlyClosed bool `json:"permanently_closed,omitempty"` // Photos is an array of photo objects, each containing a reference to an image. Photos []Photo `json:"photos,omitempty"` // PlaceID is a textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. PlaceID string `json:"place_id,omitempty"` // PriceLevel is the price level of the place, on a scale of 0 to 4. PriceLevel int `json:"price_level,omitempty"` // Rating contains the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user // reviews. Rating float32 `json:"rating,omitempty"` // Reservable specifies if the place supports reservations. Reservable bool `json:"reservable,omitempty"` // Reviews is an array of up to five reviews. If a language parameter was specified // in the Place Details request, the Places Service will bias the results to prefer // reviews written in that language. Reviews []PlaceReview `json:"reviews,omitempty"` // ServesBeer specifies if the place serves beer. ServesBeer bool `json:"serves_beer,omitempty"` // ServesBreakfast specifies if the place serves breakfast. ServesBreakfast bool `json:"serves_breakfast,omitempty"` // ServesBrunch specifies if the place serves brunch. ServesBrunch bool `json:"serves_brunch,omitempty"` // ServesDinner specifies if the place serves dinner. ServesDinner bool `json:"serves_dinner,omitempty"` // ServesLunch specifies if the place serves lunch. ServesLunch bool `json:"serves_lunch,omitempty"` // ServesVegetarianFood specifies if the place serves vegetarian food. ServesVegetarianFood bool `json:"serves_vegetarian_food,omitempty"` // ServesWine specifies if the place serves wine. ServesWine bool `json:"serves_wine,omitempty"` // Takeout specifies if the business supports takeout. Takeout bool `json:"takeout,omitempty"` // Types contains an array of feature types describing the given result. Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` // URL contains the URL of the official Google page for this place. This will be the // establishment's Google+ page if the Google+ page exists, otherwise it will be the // Google-owned page that contains the best available information about the place. // Applications must link to or embed this page on any screen that shows detailed // results about the place to the user. URL string `json:"url,omitempty"` // UserRatingsTotal contains total number of the place's ratings UserRatingsTotal int `json:"user_ratings_total,omitempty"` // UTCOffset contains the number of minutes this place’s current timezone is offset // from UTC. For example, for places in Sydney, Australia during daylight saving // time this would be 660 (+11 hours from UTC), and for places in California outside // of daylight saving time this would be -480 (-8 hours from UTC). UTCOffset *int `json:"utc_offset,omitempty"` // Vicinity contains a feature name of a nearby location. Vicinity string `json:"vicinity,omitempty"` // Website lists the authoritative website for this place, such as a business' // homepage. Website string `json:"website,omitempty"` // WheelchairAccessibleEntrance specifies if the place has an entrance that // is wheelchair-accessible. WheelchairAccessibleEntrance bool `json:"wheelchair_accessible_entrance,omitempty"` // HTMLAttributions contain a set of attributions about this listing which must be // displayed to the user. HTMLAttributions []string `json:"html_attributions,omitempty"` }
PlaceDetailsResult is an individual Places API Place Details result
type PlaceEditorialSummary ¶
type PlaceEditorialSummary struct { // Language is the language of the previous fields. May not always be present. Language string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Overview is a medium-length textual summary of the place. Overview string `json:"overview,omitempty"` }
PlaceEditorialSummary contains a summary of the place. A summary is comprised of a textual overview, and also includes the language code for these if applicable. Summary text must be presented as-is and can not be modified or altered.
type PlacePhotoRequest ¶
type PlacePhotoRequest struct { // PhotoReference is a string used to identify the photo when you perform a Photo // request. PhotoReference string // MaxHeight is the maximum height of the image. One of MaxHeight and MaxWidth is // required. MaxHeight uint // MaxWidth is the maximum width of the image. One of MaxHeight and MaxWidth is // required. MaxWidth uint }
PlacePhotoRequest is the functional options struct for Places Photo API
type PlacePhotoResponse ¶
type PlacePhotoResponse struct { // ContentType is the server reported type of the Image. ContentType string // Data is the server returned image data. You must close this after you are // finished. Data io.ReadCloser }
PlacePhotoResponse is a response to the Place Photo request
type PlaceReview ¶
type PlaceReview struct { // Aspects contains a collection of AspectRatings, each of which provides a rating // of a single attribute of the establishment. The first in the collection is // considered the primary aspect. Aspects []PlaceReviewAspect `json:"aspects,omitempty"` // AuthorName the name of the user who submitted the review. Anonymous reviews are // attributed to "A Google user". AuthorName string `json:"author_name,omitempty"` // AuthorURL the URL to the user's Google+ profile, if available. AuthorURL string `json:"author_url,omitempty"` // AuthorPhoto the Google+ profile photo url of the user who submitted the review, if available. AuthorProfilePhoto string `json:"profile_photo_url"` // Language an IETF language code indicating the language used in the user's review. // This field contains the main language tag only, and not the secondary tag // indicating country or region. Language string `json:"language,omitempty"` // Rating the user's overall rating for this place. This is a whole number, ranging // from 1 to 5. Rating int `json:"rating,omitempty"` // Text is the user's review. When reviewing a location with Google Places, text // reviews are considered optional. Therefore, this field may by empty. Note that // this field may include simple HTML markup. Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` // Time the time that the review was submitted, measured in the number of seconds // since since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. Time int `json:"time,omitempty"` // TODO(samthor): convert this to a real time.Time }
PlaceReview is a review of a Place
type PlaceReviewAspect ¶
type PlaceReviewAspect struct { // Rating is the user's rating for this particular aspect, from 0 to 3. Rating int `json:"rating"` // Type is the name of the aspect that is being rated. The following types are // supported: appeal, atmosphere, decor, facilities, food, overall, quality and // service. Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` }
PlaceReviewAspect provides a rating of a single attribute of the establishment.
type PlaceSearchFieldMask ¶
type PlaceSearchFieldMask string
PlaceSearchFieldMask allows you to specify which fields are to be returned with a place search request. Please see the following URL for more detail:
func ParsePlaceSearchFieldMask ¶
func ParsePlaceSearchFieldMask(placeSearchFieldMask string) (PlaceSearchFieldMask, error)
ParsePlaceSearchFieldMask will parse a string representation of PlaceSearchFieldMask.
type PlaceType ¶
type PlaceType string
PlaceType restricts Place API search to the results to places matching the specified type.
func ParsePlaceType ¶
ParsePlaceType will parse a string representation of a PlaceType.
type PlacesSearchResponse ¶
type PlacesSearchResponse struct { // Results is the Place results for the search query Results []PlacesSearchResult // HTMLAttributions contain a set of attributions about this listing which must be // displayed to the user. HTMLAttributions []string // NextPageToken contains a token that can be used to return up to 20 additional // results. NextPageToken string }
PlacesSearchResponse is the response to a Places API Search request.
type PlacesSearchResult ¶
type PlacesSearchResult struct { // FormattedAddress is the human-readable address of this place FormattedAddress string `json:"formatted_address,omitempty"` // Geometry contains geometry information about the result, generally including the // location (geocode) of the place and (optionally) the viewport identifying its // general area of coverage. Geometry AddressGeometry `json:"geometry,omitempty"` // Name contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For establishment // results, this is usually the business name. Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // Icon contains the URL of a recommended icon which may be displayed to the user // when indicating this result. Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"` // PlaceID is a textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. PlaceID string `json:"place_id,omitempty"` // Rating contains the place's rating, from 1.0 to 5.0, based on aggregated user // reviews. Rating float32 `json:"rating,omitempty"` // UserRatingsTotal contains total number of the place's ratings UserRatingsTotal int `json:"user_ratings_total,omitempty"` // Types contains an array of feature types describing the given result. Types []string `json:"types,omitempty"` // OpeningHours may contain whether the place is open now or not. OpeningHours *OpeningHours `json:"opening_hours,omitempty"` // Photos is an array of photo objects, each containing a reference to an image. Photos []Photo `json:"photos,omitempty"` // PriceLevel is the price level of the place, on a scale of 0 to 4. PriceLevel int `json:"price_level,omitempty"` // Vicinity contains a feature name of a nearby location. Vicinity string `json:"vicinity,omitempty"` // PermanentlyClosed is a boolean flag indicating whether the place has permanently // shut down. PermanentlyClosed bool `json:"permanently_closed,omitempty"` // BusinessStatus is a string indicating the operational status of the // place, if it is a business. BusinessStatus string `json:"business_status,omitempty"` // ID is an identifier. ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
PlacesSearchResult is an individual Places API search result
type Polyline ¶
type Polyline struct {
Points string `json:"points"`
Polyline represents a list of lat,lng points encoded as a byte array. See:
type QueryAutocompleteRequest ¶
type QueryAutocompleteRequest struct { // Input is the text string on which to search. The Places service will return // candidate matches based on this string and order results based on their perceived // relevance. Input string // Offset is the character position in the input term at which the service uses text // for predictions. For example, if the input is 'Googl' and the completion point is // 3, the service will match on 'Goo'. The offset should generally be set to the // position of the text caret. If no offset is supplied, the service will use the // entire term. Offset uint // Location is the point around which you wish to retrieve place information. Location *LatLng // Radius is the distance (in meters) within which to return place results. Note // that setting a radius biases results to the indicated area, but may not fully // restrict results to the specified area. Radius uint // Language is the language in which to return results. Language string }
QueryAutocompleteRequest is the functional options struct for Query Autocomplete
type Route ¶
type Route struct { // Summary contains a short textual description for the route, suitable for // naming and disambiguating the route from alternatives. Summary string `json:"summary"` // Legs contains information about a leg of the route, between two locations within // the given route. A separate leg will be present for each waypoint or destination // specified. A route with no waypoints will contain exactly one leg within the legs // array. Legs []*Leg `json:"legs"` // WaypointOrder contains an array indicating the order of any waypoints in the // calculated route. WaypointOrder []int `json:"waypoint_order"` // OverviewPolyline contains an approximate (smoothed) path of the resulting // directions. OverviewPolyline Polyline `json:"overview_polyline"` // Bounds contains the viewport bounding box of the overview polyline. Bounds LatLngBounds `json:"bounds"` // Copyrights contains the copyrights text to be displayed for this route. You // must handle and display this information yourself. Copyrights string `json:"copyrights"` // Warnings contains an array of warnings to be displayed when showing these // directions. You must handle and display these warnings yourself. Warnings []string `json:"warnings"` // Fare contains the total fare (that is, the total ticket costs) on this route. // This property is only returned for transit requests and only for routes where // fare information is available for all transit legs. *Fare `json:"fare"` }
Route represents a single route between an origin and a destination.
type SnapToRoadRequest ¶
type SnapToRoadRequest struct { // Path is the path to be snapped. Path []LatLng // Interpolate is whether to interpolate a path to include all points forming the // full road-geometry. Interpolate bool }
SnapToRoadRequest is the request structure for the Roads Snap to Road API.
type SnapToRoadResponse ¶
type SnapToRoadResponse struct {
SnappedPoints []SnappedPoint `json:"snappedPoints"`
SnapToRoadResponse is an array of snapped points.
type SnappedPoint ¶
type SnappedPoint struct { // Location of the snapped point. Location LatLng `json:"location"` // OriginalIndex is an integer that indicates the corresponding value in the // original request. Not present on interpolated points. OriginalIndex *int `json:"originalIndex"` // PlaceID is a unique identifier for a place. PlaceID string `json:"placeId"` }
SnappedPoint is the original path point snapped to a road.
func (*SnappedPoint) MarshalJSON ¶
func (sp *SnappedPoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for SnappedPoint. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*SnappedPoint) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (sp *SnappedPoint) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for SnappedPoint. This decode the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type SpeedLimit ¶
type SpeedLimit struct { // PlaceID is a unique identifier for a place. PlaceID string `json:"placeId"` // SpeedLimit is the speed limit for that road segment. SpeedLimit float64 `json:"speedLimit"` // Units is either KPH or MPH. Units speedLimitUnit `json:"units"` }
SpeedLimit is the speed limit for a PlaceID
type SpeedLimitsRequest ¶
type SpeedLimitsRequest struct { // Path is the path to be snapped and speed limits requested. Path []LatLng // PlaceID is the PlaceIDs to request speed limits for. PlaceID []string // Units is whether to return speed limits in `SpeedLimitKPH` or `SpeedLimitMPH`. // Optional, default behavior is to return results in KPH. Units speedLimitUnit }
SpeedLimitsRequest is the request structure for the Roads Speed Limits API.
type SpeedLimitsResponse ¶
type SpeedLimitsResponse struct { SpeedLimits []SpeedLimit `json:"speedLimits"` SnappedPoints []SnappedPoint `json:"snappedPoints"` }
SpeedLimitsResponse is an array of snapped points and an array of speed limits.
type StaticMapRequest ¶
type StaticMapRequest struct { // Center focus the map at the correct location Center string // Zoom (required if markers not present) defines the zoom level of the map Zoom int // Size (required) defines the rectangular dimensions of the map image. This // parameter takes a string of the form {horizontal_value}x{vertical_value} Size string // Scale (optional) affects the number of pixels that are returned. Accepted values // are 2 and 4 Scale int // Format format (optional) defines the format of the resulting image. Default: PNG. // Accepted Values: There are several possible formats including GIF, JPEG and PNG // types. Format Format // Language (optional) defines the language to use for display of labels on map // tiles Language string // Region (optional) defines the appropriate borders to display, based on // geo-political sensitivities. Region string // MapType (optional) defines the type of map to construct. MapType MapType // Markers (optional) define one or more markers to attach to the image at specified // locations. Markers []Marker // Paths (optional) defines multiple paths of two or more connected points to // overlay on the image at specified locations Paths []Path // Visible specifies one or more locations that should remain visible on the map, // though no markers or other indicators will be displayed. Visible []LatLng // MapStyles (optional) contains map styles. MapStyles []string }
StaticMapRequest is the functional options struct for staticMap.Get
type Step ¶
type Step struct { // HTMLInstructions contains formatted instructions for this step, presented as an // HTML text string. HTMLInstructions string `json:"html_instructions"` // Distance contains the distance covered by this step until the next step. Distance `json:"distance"` // Duration contains the typical time required to perform the step, until the next // step. time.Duration `json:"duration"` // StartLocation contains the location of the starting point of this step, as a // single set of lat and lng fields. StartLocation LatLng `json:"start_location"` // EndLocation contains the location of the last point of this step, as a single // set of lat and lng fields. EndLocation LatLng `json:"end_location"` // Polyline contains a single points object that holds an encoded polyline // representation of the step. This polyline is an approximate (smoothed) path of // the step. Polyline `json:"polyline"` // Steps contains detailed directions for walking or driving steps in transit // directions. Substeps are only available when travel_mode is set to "transit". // The inner steps array is of the same type as steps. Steps []*Step `json:"steps"` // TransitDetails contains transit specific information. This field is only // returned with travel mode is set to "transit". TransitDetails *TransitDetails `json:"transit_details"` // TravelMode indicates the travel mode of this step. TravelMode string `json:"travel_mode"` }
Step represents a single step of a leg.
func (*Step) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for Step. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*Step) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for Step. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type TextSearchRequest ¶
type TextSearchRequest struct { // Query is the text string on which to search, for example: "restaurant". The // Google Places service will return candidate matches based on this string and // order the results based on their perceived relevance. Query string // Location is the latitude/longitude around which to retrieve place information. If // you specify a location parameter, you must also specify a radius parameter. Location *LatLng // Radius defines the distance (in meters) within which to bias place results. The // maximum allowed radius is 50,000 meters. Results inside of this region will be // ranked higher than results outside of the search circle; however, prominent // results from outside of the search radius may be included. Radius uint // Language specifies the language in which to return results. Optional. Language string // MinPrice restricts results to only those places within the specified price level. // Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most expensive), // inclusive. MinPrice PriceLevel // MaxPrice restricts results to only those places within the specified price level. // Valid values are in the range from 0 (most affordable) to 4 (most expensive), // inclusive. MaxPrice PriceLevel // OpenNow returns only those places that are open for business at the time the // query is sent. Places that do not specify opening hours in the Google Places // database will not be returned if you include this parameter in your query. OpenNow bool // Type restricts the results to places matching the specified type. Type PlaceType // PageToken returns the next 20 results from a previously run search. Setting a // PageToken parameter will execute a search with the same parameters used // previously — all parameters other than PageToken will be ignored. PageToken string // The region code, specified as a ccTLD (country code top-level domain) two-character // value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some exceptions. // This parameter will only influence, not fully restrict, search results. If more // relevant results exist outside of the specified region, they may be included. When // this parameter is used, the country name is omitted from the resulting formatted_address // for results in the specified region. Region string }
TextSearchRequest is the functional options struct for TextSearch
type TimezoneRequest ¶
type TimezoneRequest struct { // Location represents the location to look up. Location *LatLng // Timestamp specifies the desired time. Time Zone API uses the timestamp to // determine whether or not Daylight Savings should be applied. Timestamp time.Time // Language in which to return results. Language string }
TimezoneRequest is the request structure for Timezone API.
type TimezoneResult ¶
type TimezoneResult struct { // DstOffset is the offset for daylight-savings time in seconds. DstOffset int `json:"dstOffset"` // RawOffset is the offset from UTC for the given location. RawOffset int `json:"rawOffset"` // TimeZoneID is a string containing the "tz" ID of the time zone. TimeZoneID string `json:"timeZoneId"` // TimeZoneName is a string containing the long form name of the time zone. TimeZoneName string `json:"timeZoneName"` }
TimezoneResult is a single timezone result.
type TrafficModel ¶
type TrafficModel string
TrafficModel specifies traffic prediction model when requesting future directions.
type TransitAgency ¶
type TransitAgency struct { // Name contains the name of the transit agency Name string `json:"name"` // URL contains the URL for the transit agency URL *url.URL `json:"url"` // Phone contains the phone number of the transit agency Phone string `json:"phone"` }
TransitAgency contains information about the operator of the line
func (*TransitAgency) MarshalJSON ¶
func (transitAgency *TransitAgency) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for TransitAgency. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*TransitAgency) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (transitAgency *TransitAgency) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON imlpements json.Unmarshaler for TransitAgency. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type TransitDetails ¶
type TransitDetails struct { // ArrivalStop contains information about the stop/station for this part of the // trip. ArrivalStop TransitStop `json:"arrival_stop"` // DepartureStop contains information about the stop/station for this part of the // trip. DepartureStop TransitStop `json:"departure_stop"` // ArrivalTime contains the arrival time for this leg of the journey. ArrivalTime time.Time `json:"arrival_time"` // DepartureTime contains the departure time for this leg of the journey. DepartureTime time.Time `json:"departure_time"` // Headsign specifies the direction in which to travel on this line, as it is // marked on the vehicle or at the departure stop. Headsign string `json:"headsign"` // Headway specifies the expected number of seconds between departures from the // same stop at this time Headway time.Duration `json:"headway"` // NumStops contains the number of stops in this step, counting the arrival stop, // but not the departure stop NumStops uint `json:"num_stops"` // Line contains information about the transit line used in this step. Line TransitLine `json:"line"` // TripShortName contains additional information for this part of the // trip. TripShortName string `json:"trip_short_name"` }
TransitDetails contains additional information about the transit stop, transit line and transit agency.
func (*TransitDetails) MarshalJSON ¶
func (transitDetails *TransitDetails) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for TransitDetails. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*TransitDetails) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (transitDetails *TransitDetails) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON implements json.Unmarshaler for TransitDetails. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type TransitLine ¶
type TransitLine struct { // Name contains the full name of this transit line. eg. "7 Avenue Express". Name string `json:"name"` // ShortName contains the short name of this transit line. ShortName string `json:"short_name"` // Color contains the color commonly used in signage for this transit line. Color string `json:"color"` // Agencies contains information about the operator of the line Agencies []*TransitAgency `json:"agencies"` // URL contains the URL for this transit line as provided by the transit agency URL *url.URL `json:"url"` // Icon contains the URL for the icon associated with this line Icon *url.URL `json:"icon"` // TextColor contains the color of text commonly used for signage of this line TextColor string `json:"text_color"` // Vehicle contains the type of vehicle used on this line Vehicle TransitLineVehicle `json:"vehicle"` }
TransitLine contains information about the transit line used in this step
func (*TransitLine) MarshalJSON ¶
func (transitLine *TransitLine) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for TransitLine. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*TransitLine) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (transitLine *TransitLine) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON imlpements json.Unmarshaler for TransitLine. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type TransitLineVehicle ¶
type TransitLineVehicle struct { // Name contains the name of the vehicle on this line Name string `json:"name"` // Type contains the type of vehicle that runs on this line Type string `json:"type"` // Icon contains the URL for an icon associated with this vehicle type Icon *url.URL `json:"icon"` }
TransitLineVehicle contains the type of vehicle used on this line
func (*TransitLineVehicle) MarshalJSON ¶
func (transitLineVehicle *TransitLineVehicle) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON implements json.Marshaler for TransitLineVehicle. This encodes Go types back to the API representation.
func (*TransitLineVehicle) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (transitLineVehicle *TransitLineVehicle) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON imlpements json.Unmarshaler for TransitLineVehicle. This decodes the API representation into types useful for Go developers.
type TransitMode ¶
type TransitMode string
TransitMode is for specifying a transit mode for a request
type TransitRoutingPreference ¶
type TransitRoutingPreference string
TransitRoutingPreference biases which routes are returned
type TransitStop ¶
type TransitStop struct { // Location of the transit station/stop. Location LatLng `json:"location"` // Name of the transit station/stop. eg. "Union Square". Name string `json:"name"` }
TransitStop contains information about the stop/station for this part of the trip.
type Units ¶
type Units string
Units specifies which units system to return human readable results in.
type ViaWaypoint ¶
type ViaWaypoint struct { Location LatLng `json:"location"` StepIndex int `json:"step_index"` StepInterpolation float64 `json:"step_interpolation"` }
ViaWaypoint handles waypoints.
type WiFiAccessPoint ¶
type WiFiAccessPoint struct { // MacAddress is the MAC address of the WiFi node. Separators must be : (colon). MACAddress string `json:"macAddress,omitempty"` // SignalStrength is the current signal strength measured in dBm. SignalStrength float64 `json:"signalStrength,omitempty"` // Age is the number of milliseconds since this access point was detected. Age uint64 `json:"age,omitempty"` // Channel is the channel over which the client is communicating with the access // point. Channel int `json:"channel,omitempty"` // SignalToNoiseRatio is the current signal to noise ratio measured in dB. SignalToNoiseRatio float64 `json:"signalToNoiseRatio,omitempty"` }
WiFiAccessPoint is a WiFi access point object for localisation requests
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Directions API Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Directions API Directions docs: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for DistanceMatrix Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for DistanceMatrix Directions docs: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Elevation API Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Elevation API Directions docs: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Geocoding API Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Geocoding API Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Find Place From Text API
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Find Place From Text API |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places Photos API Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places Photos API Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Query Autocomplete Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Query Autocomplete Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Query Autocomplete Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Query Autocomplete Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Places API Text Search Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Static Maps API Documentation:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Static Maps API Documentation: |
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs:
Package main contains a simple command line tool for Timezone API Directions docs: |