t3c-preprocess - Traffic Control Cache Configuration preprocessor
The 't3c-preprocess' app preprocesses generated config files, replacing directives with relevant data.
The stdin must be the JSON '{"data": <data>, "files": <files>}' where <data> is the output of 't3c-request --get-data=config' and <files> is the output of 't3c-generate'.
The following directives will be replaced. These directives may be placed anywhere in any file, by either t3c-generate(1) or Traffic Ops Parameters.
__SERVER_TCP_PORT__ is replaced with the Server's Port from Traffic Ops; unless the server's
port is 80, 0, or null, in which case any occurrences preceded by a colon
are removed.
__CACHE_IPV4__ is replaced with the Server's IP address from Traffic Ops.
__HOSTNAME__ is replaced with the Server's (short) HostName from Traffic Ops.
__FULL_HOSTNAME__ is replaced with the Server's HostName, a dot, and the Server's DomainName
from Traffic Ops (i.e. the Server's Fully Qualified Domain Name).
__RETURN__ is replaced with a newline character, and any whitespace before or after
it is removed.
The t3c application is maintained by Apache Traffic Control project. For help, bug reports, contributing, or anything else, see: