Index ¶
- func AcknowledgeHostProblem(host_name string, sticky bool, notify bool, persistent bool, author string, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func AcknowledgeSvcProblem(host_name string, service_description string, sticky bool, notify bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func AddHostComment(host_name string, persistent bool, author string, comment string) *livestatus.Command
- func AddSvcComment(host_name string, service_description string, persistent bool, author string, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeContactHostNotificationTimeperiod(contact_name string, notification_timeperiod string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeContactModattr(contact_name string, value string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeContactModhattr(contact_name string, value string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeContactModsattr(contact_name string, value string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeContactSvcNotificationTimeperiod(contact_name string, notification_timeperiod string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeCustomContactVar(contact_name string, varname string, varvalue string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeCustomHostVar(host_name string, varname string, varvalue string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeCustomSvcVar(host_name string, service_description string, varname string, varvalue string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeGlobalHostEventHandler(event_handler_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeGlobalSvcEventHandler(event_handler_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeHostCheckCommand(host_name string, check_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeHostCheckTimeperiod(host_name string, timeperiod string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeHostEventHandler(host_name string, event_handler_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeHostModattr(host_name string, value string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeMaxHostCheckAttempts(host_name string, check_attempts int) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeMaxSvcCheckAttempts(host_name string, service_description string, check_attempts int) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeNormalHostCheckInterval(host_name string, check_interval time.Duration) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeNormalSvcCheckInterval(host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeRetryHostCheckInterval(host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeRetrySvcCheckInterval(host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeSvcCheckCommand(host_name string, service_description string, check_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeSvcCheckTimeperiod(host_name string, service_description string, check_timeperiod string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeSvcEventHandler(host_name string, service_description string, event_handler_command string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeSvcModattr(host_name string, service_description string, value string) *livestatus.Command
- func ChangeSvcNotificationTimeperiod(host_name string, service_description string, notification_timeperiod string) *livestatus.Command
- func DelAllHostComments(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DelAllSvcComments(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DelHostComment(comment_id int) *livestatus.Command
- func DelHostDowntime(downtime_id int) *livestatus.Command
- func DelSvcComment(comment_id int) *livestatus.Command
- func DelSvcDowntime(downtime_id int) *livestatus.Command
- func DelayHostNotification(host_name string, notification_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func DelaySvcNotification(host_name string, service_description string, notification_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableAllNotificationsBeyondHost(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableContactHostNotifications(contact_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableContactSvcNotifications(contact_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableContactgroupHostNotifications(contactgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableContactgroupSvcNotifications(contactgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableEventHandlers() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableFailurePrediction() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableFlapDetection() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostAndChildNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostCheck(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostEventHandler(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostFlapDetection(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostSvcChecks(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostSvcNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupHostChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupHostNotifications(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupSvcChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableHostgroupSvcNotifications(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableNotifications() *livestatus.Command
- func DisablePassiveHostChecks(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisablePassiveSvcChecks(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisablePerformanceData() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServiceFlapDetection(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServiceFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupHostChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupHostNotifications(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupSvcChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableServicegroupSvcNotifications(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableSvcCheck(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableSvcEventHandler(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableSvcFlapDetection(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func DisableSvcNotifications(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableAllNotificationsBeyondHost(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableContactHostNotifications(contact_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableContactSvcNotifications(contact_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableContactgroupHostNotifications(contactgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableContactgroupSvcNotifications(contactgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableEventHandlers() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableFailurePrediction() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableFlapDetection() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostAndChildNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostCheck(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostEventHandler(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostFlapDetection(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostSvcChecks(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostSvcNotifications(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupHostChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupHostNotifications(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupSvcChecks(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableHostgroupSvcNotifications(hostgroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableNotifications() *livestatus.Command
- func EnablePassiveHostChecks(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnablePassiveSvcChecks(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnablePerformanceData() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServiceFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupHostChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupHostNotifications(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupSvcChecks(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableServicegroupSvcNotifications(servicegroup_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableSvcCheck(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableSvcEventHandler(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableSvcFlapDetection(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func EnableSvcNotifications(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func ProcessFile(file_name string, delete bool) *livestatus.Command
- func ProcessHostCheckResult(host_name string, status_code int, plugin_output string) *livestatus.Command
- func ProcessServiceCheckResult(host_name string, service_description string, return_code int, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ReadStateInformation() *livestatus.Command
- func RemoveHostAcknowledgement(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func RemoveSvcAcknowledgement(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func RestartProgram() *livestatus.Command
- func SaveStateInformation() *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleAndPropagateHostDowntime(host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleAndPropagateTriggeredHostDowntime(host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleForcedHostCheck(host_name string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleForcedHostSvcChecks(host_name string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleForcedSvcCheck(host_name string, service_description string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostCheck(host_name string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostDowntime(host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostSvcChecks(host_name string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostSvcDowntime(host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostgroupHostDowntime(hostgroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleHostgroupSvcDowntime(hostgroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleServicegroupHostDowntime(servicegroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleServicegroupSvcDowntime(servicegroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleSvcCheck(host_name string, service_description string, check_time time.Time) *livestatus.Command
- func ScheduleSvcDowntime(host_name string, service_description string, start_time time.Time, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func SendCustomHostNotification(host_name string, options int, author string, comment string) *livestatus.Command
- func SendCustomSvcNotification(host_name string, service_description string, options int, author string, ...) *livestatus.Command
- func SetHostNotificationNumber(host_name string, notification_number int) *livestatus.Command
- func SetSvcNotificationNumber(host_name string, service_description string, notification_number int) *livestatus.Command
- func ShutdownProgram() *livestatus.Command
- func StartAcceptingPassiveHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StartAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StartExecutingHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StartExecutingSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StartObsessingOverHost(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func StartObsessingOverHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StartObsessingOverSvc(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func StartObsessingOverSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopAcceptingPassiveHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopExecutingHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopExecutingSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopObsessingOverHost(host_name string) *livestatus.Command
- func StopObsessingOverHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
- func StopObsessingOverSvc(host_name string, service_description string) *livestatus.Command
- func StopObsessingOverSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func AcknowledgeHostProblem ¶
func AcknowledgeHostProblem( host_name string, sticky bool, notify bool, persistent bool, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
AcknowledgeHostProblem creates a new "ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM" Nagios command.
Allows you to acknowledge the current problem for the specified host.
By acknowledging the current problem, future notifications (for the same host state) are disabled.
If the "sticky" option is set to two (2), the acknowledgement will remain until the host returns to an UP state.
Otherwise the acknowledgement will automatically be removed when the host changes state.
If the "notify" option is set to one (1), a notification will be sent out to contacts indicating that the current host problem has been acknowledged.
If the "persistent" option is set to one (1), the comment associated with the acknowledgement will survive across restarts of the Nagios process.
If not, the comment will be deleted the next time Nagios restarts.
func AcknowledgeSvcProblem ¶
func AcknowledgeSvcProblem( host_name string, service_description string, sticky bool, notify bool, persistent bool, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
AcknowledgeSvcProblem creates a new "ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM" Nagios command.
Allows you to acknowledge the current problem for the specified service.
By acknowledging the current problem, future notifications (for the same servicestate) are disabled.
If the "sticky" option is set to two (2), the acknowledgement will remain until the service returns to an OK state.
Otherwise the acknowledgement will automatically be removed when the service changes state.
If the "notify" option is set to one (1), a notification will be sent out to contacts indicating that the current service problem has been acknowledged.
If the "persistent" option is set to one (1), the comment associated with the acknowledgement will survive across restarts of the Nagios process.
If not, the comment will be deleted the next time Nagios restarts.
func AddHostComment ¶
func AddHostComment( host_name string, persistent bool, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
AddHostComment creates a new "ADD_HOST_COMMENT" Nagios command.
Adds a comment to a particular host.
If the "persistent" field is set to zero (0), the comment will be deleted the next time Nagios is restarted.
Otherwise, the comment will persist across program restarts until it is deleted manually.
func AddSvcComment ¶
func AddSvcComment( host_name string, service_description string, persistent bool, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
AddSvcComment creates a new "ADD_SVC_COMMENT" Nagios command.
Adds a comment to a particular service.
If the "persistent" field is set to zero (0), the comment will be deleted the next time Nagios is restarted.
Otherwise, the comment will persist across program restarts until it is deleted manually.
func ChangeContactHostNotificationTimeperiod ¶
func ChangeContactHostNotificationTimeperiod( contact_name string, notification_timeperiod string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeContactHostNotificationTimeperiod creates a new "CHANGE_CONTACT_HOST_NOTIFICATION_TIMEPERIOD" Nagios command.
Changes the host notification timeperiod for a particular contact to what is specified by the "notification_timeperiod" option.
The "notification_timeperiod" option should be the short name of the timeperiod that is to be used as the contact's host notification timeperiod.
The timeperiod must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeContactModattr ¶
func ChangeContactModattr( contact_name string, value string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeContactModattr creates a new "CHANGE_CONTACT_MODATTR" Nagios command.
This command changes the modified attributes value for the specified contact.
Modified attributes values are used by Nagios to determine which object properties should be retained across program restarts.
Thus, modifying the value of the attributes can affect data retention.
This is an advanced option and should only be used by people who are intimately familiar with the data retention logic in Nagios.
func ChangeContactModhattr ¶
func ChangeContactModhattr( contact_name string, value string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeContactModhattr creates a new "CHANGE_CONTACT_MODHATTR" Nagios command.
This command changes the modified host attributes value for the specified contact.
Modified attributes values are used by Nagios to determine which object properties should be retained across program restarts.
Thus, modifying the value of the attributes can affect data retention.
This is an advanced option and should only be used by people who are intimately familiar with the data retention logic in Nagios.
func ChangeContactModsattr ¶
func ChangeContactModsattr( contact_name string, value string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeContactModsattr creates a new "CHANGE_CONTACT_MODSATTR" Nagios command.
This command changes the modified service attributes value for the specified contact.
Modified attributes values are used by Nagios to determine which object properties should be retained across program restarts.
Thus, modifying the value of the attributes can affect data retention.
This is an advanced option and should only be used by people who are intimately familiar with the data retention logic in Nagios.
func ChangeContactSvcNotificationTimeperiod ¶
func ChangeContactSvcNotificationTimeperiod( contact_name string, notification_timeperiod string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeContactSvcNotificationTimeperiod creates a new "CHANGE_CONTACT_SVC_NOTIFICATION_TIMEPERIOD" Nagios command.
Changes the service notification timeperiod for a particular contact to what is specified by the "notification_timeperiod" option.
The "notification_timeperiod" option should be the short name of the timeperiod that is to be used as the contact's service notification timeperiod.
The timeperiod must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeCustomContactVar ¶
func ChangeCustomContactVar( contact_name string, varname string, varvalue string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeCustomContactVar creates a new "CHANGE_CUSTOM_CONTACT_VAR" Nagios command.
Changes the value of a custom contact variable.
func ChangeCustomHostVar ¶
func ChangeCustomHostVar( host_name string, varname string, varvalue string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeCustomHostVar creates a new "CHANGE_CUSTOM_HOST_VAR" Nagios command.
Changes the value of a custom host variable.
func ChangeCustomSvcVar ¶
func ChangeCustomSvcVar( host_name string, service_description string, varname string, varvalue string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeCustomSvcVar creates a new "CHANGE_CUSTOM_SVC_VAR" Nagios command.
Changes the value of a custom service variable.
func ChangeGlobalHostEventHandler ¶
func ChangeGlobalHostEventHandler( event_handler_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeGlobalHostEventHandler creates a new "CHANGE_GLOBAL_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Changes the global host event handler command to be that specified by the "event_handler_command" option.
The "event_handler_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new host event handler.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeGlobalSvcEventHandler ¶
func ChangeGlobalSvcEventHandler( event_handler_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeGlobalSvcEventHandler creates a new "CHANGE_GLOBAL_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Changes the global service event handler command to be that specified by the "event_handler_command" option.
The "event_handler_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new service event handler.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeHostCheckCommand ¶
func ChangeHostCheckCommand( host_name string, check_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeHostCheckCommand creates a new "CHANGE_HOST_CHECK_COMMAND" Nagios command.
Changes the check command for a particular host to be that specified by the "check_command" option.
The "check_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new host check command.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeHostCheckTimeperiod ¶
func ChangeHostCheckTimeperiod( host_name string, timeperiod string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeHostCheckTimeperiod creates a new "CHANGE_HOST_CHECK_TIMEPERIOD" Nagios command.
Changes the valid check period for the specified host.
func ChangeHostEventHandler ¶
func ChangeHostEventHandler( host_name string, event_handler_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeHostEventHandler creates a new "CHANGE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Changes the event handler command for a particular host to be that specified by the "event_handler_command" option.
The "event_handler_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new host event handler.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeHostModattr ¶
func ChangeHostModattr( host_name string, value string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeHostModattr creates a new "CHANGE_HOST_MODATTR" Nagios command.
This command changes the modified attributes value for the specified host.
Modified attributes values are used by Nagios to determine which object properties should be retained across program restarts.
Thus, modifying the value of the attributes can affect data retention.
This is an advanced option and should only be used by people who are intimately familiar with the data retention logic in Nagios.
func ChangeMaxHostCheckAttempts ¶
func ChangeMaxHostCheckAttempts( host_name string, check_attempts int, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeMaxHostCheckAttempts creates a new "CHANGE_MAX_HOST_CHECK_ATTEMPTS" Nagios command.
Changes the maximum number of check attempts (retries) for a particular host.
func ChangeMaxSvcCheckAttempts ¶
func ChangeMaxSvcCheckAttempts( host_name string, service_description string, check_attempts int, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeMaxSvcCheckAttempts creates a new "CHANGE_MAX_SVC_CHECK_ATTEMPTS" Nagios command.
Changes the maximum number of check attempts (retries) for a particular service.
func ChangeNormalHostCheckInterval ¶
func ChangeNormalHostCheckInterval( host_name string, check_interval time.Duration, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeNormalHostCheckInterval creates a new "CHANGE_NORMAL_HOST_CHECK_INTERVAL" Nagios command.
Changes the normal (regularly scheduled) check interval for a particular host.
func ChangeNormalSvcCheckInterval ¶
func ChangeNormalSvcCheckInterval( host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeNormalSvcCheckInterval creates a new "CHANGE_NORMAL_SVC_CHECK_INTERVAL" Nagios command.
Changes the normal (regularly scheduled) check interval for a particular service
func ChangeRetryHostCheckInterval ¶
func ChangeRetryHostCheckInterval( host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeRetryHostCheckInterval creates a new "CHANGE_RETRY_HOST_CHECK_INTERVAL" Nagios command.
Changes the retry check interval for a particular host.
func ChangeRetrySvcCheckInterval ¶
func ChangeRetrySvcCheckInterval( host_name string, service_description string, check_interval time.Duration, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeRetrySvcCheckInterval creates a new "CHANGE_RETRY_SVC_CHECK_INTERVAL" Nagios command.
Changes the retry check interval for a particular service.
func ChangeSvcCheckCommand ¶
func ChangeSvcCheckCommand( host_name string, service_description string, check_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeSvcCheckCommand creates a new "CHANGE_SVC_CHECK_COMMAND" Nagios command.
Changes the check command for a particular service to be that specified by the "check_command" option.
The "check_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new service check command.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeSvcCheckTimeperiod ¶
func ChangeSvcCheckTimeperiod( host_name string, service_description string, check_timeperiod string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeSvcCheckTimeperiod creates a new "CHANGE_SVC_CHECK_TIMEPERIOD" Nagios command.
Changes the check timeperiod for a particular service to what is specified by the "check_timeperiod" option.
The "check_timeperiod" option should be the short name of the timeperod that is to be used as the service check timeperiod.
The timeperiod must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeSvcEventHandler ¶
func ChangeSvcEventHandler( host_name string, service_description string, event_handler_command string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeSvcEventHandler creates a new "CHANGE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Changes the event handler command for a particular service to be that specified by the "event_handler_command" option.
The "event_handler_command" option specifies the short name of the command that should be used as the new service event handler.
The command must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func ChangeSvcModattr ¶
func ChangeSvcModattr( host_name string, service_description string, value string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeSvcModattr creates a new "CHANGE_SVC_MODATTR" Nagios command.
This command changes the modified attributes value for the specified service.
Modified attributes values are used by Nagios to determine which object properties should be retained across program restarts.
Thus, modifying the value of the attributes can affect data retention.
This is an advanced option and should only be used by people who are intimately familiar with the data retention logic in Nagios.
func ChangeSvcNotificationTimeperiod ¶
func ChangeSvcNotificationTimeperiod( host_name string, service_description string, notification_timeperiod string, ) *livestatus.Command
ChangeSvcNotificationTimeperiod creates a new "CHANGE_SVC_NOTIFICATION_TIMEPERIOD" Nagios command.
Changes the notification timeperiod for a particular service to what is specified by the "notification_timeperiod" option.
The "notification_timeperiod" option should be the short name of the timeperiod that is to be used as the service notification timeperiod.
The timeperiod must have been configured in Nagios before it was last (re)started.
func DelAllHostComments ¶
func DelAllHostComments( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DelAllHostComments creates a new "DEL_ALL_HOST_COMMENTS" Nagios command.
Deletes all comments assocated with a particular host.
func DelAllSvcComments ¶
func DelAllSvcComments( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DelAllSvcComments creates a new "DEL_ALL_SVC_COMMENTS" Nagios command.
Deletes all comments associated with a particular service.
func DelHostComment ¶
func DelHostComment( comment_id int, ) *livestatus.Command
DelHostComment creates a new "DEL_HOST_COMMENT" Nagios command.
Deletes a host comment.
The id number of the comment that is to be deleted must be specified.
func DelHostDowntime ¶
func DelHostDowntime( downtime_id int, ) *livestatus.Command
DelHostDowntime creates a new "DEL_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Deletes the host downtime entry that has an ID number matching the "downtime_id" argument.
If the downtime is currently in effect, the host will come out of scheduled downtime (as long as there are no other overlapping active downtime entries).
func DelSvcComment ¶
func DelSvcComment( comment_id int, ) *livestatus.Command
DelSvcComment creates a new "DEL_SVC_COMMENT" Nagios command.
Deletes a service comment.
The id number of the comment that is to be deleted must be specified.
func DelSvcDowntime ¶
func DelSvcDowntime( downtime_id int, ) *livestatus.Command
DelSvcDowntime creates a new "DEL_SVC_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Deletes the service downtime entry that has an ID number matching the "downtime_id" argument.
If the downtime is currently in effect, the service will come out of scheduled downtime (as long as there are no other overlapping active downtime entries).
func DelayHostNotification ¶
func DelayHostNotification( host_name string, notification_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
DelayHostNotification creates a new "DELAY_HOST_NOTIFICATION" Nagios command.
Delays the next notification for a parciular service until "notification_time".
The "notification_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Note that this will only have an affect if the service stays in the same problem state that it is currently in.
If the service changes to another state, a new notification may go out before the time you specify in the "notification_time" argument.
func DelaySvcNotification ¶
func DelaySvcNotification( host_name string, service_description string, notification_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
DelaySvcNotification creates a new "DELAY_SVC_NOTIFICATION" Nagios command.
Delays the next notification for a parciular service until "notification_time".
The "notification_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Note that this will only have an affect if the service stays in the same problem state that it is currently in.
If the service changes to another state, a new notification may go out before the time you specify in the "notification_time" argument.
func DisableAllNotificationsBeyondHost ¶
func DisableAllNotificationsBeyondHost( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableAllNotificationsBeyondHost creates a new "DISABLE_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS_BEYOND_HOST" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all hosts and services "beyond" (e.g. on all child hosts of) the specified host.
The current notification setting for the specified host is not affected.
func DisableContactHostNotifications ¶
func DisableContactHostNotifications( contact_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableContactHostNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_CONTACT_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables host notifications for a particular contact.
func DisableContactSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableContactSvcNotifications( contact_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableContactSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_CONTACT_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables service notifications for a particular contact.
func DisableContactgroupHostNotifications ¶
func DisableContactgroupHostNotifications( contactgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableContactgroupHostNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_CONTACTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables host notifications for all contacts in a particular contactgroup.
func DisableContactgroupSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableContactgroupSvcNotifications( contactgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableContactgroupSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_CONTACTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables service notifications for all contacts in a particular contactgroup.
func DisableEventHandlers ¶
func DisableEventHandlers() *livestatus.Command
DisableEventHandlers creates a new "DISABLE_EVENT_HANDLERS" Nagios command.
Disables host and service event handlers on a program-wide basis.
func DisableFailurePrediction ¶
func DisableFailurePrediction() *livestatus.Command
DisableFailurePrediction creates a new "DISABLE_FAILURE_PREDICTION" Nagios command.
Disables failure prediction on a program-wide basis.
This feature is not currently implemented in Nagios.
func DisableFlapDetection ¶
func DisableFlapDetection() *livestatus.Command
DisableFlapDetection creates a new "DISABLE_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Disables host and service flap detection on a program-wide basis.
func DisableHostAndChildNotifications ¶
func DisableHostAndChildNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostAndChildNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_AND_CHILD_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for the specified host, as well as all hosts "beyond" (e.g. on all child hosts of) the specified host.
func DisableHostCheck ¶
func DisableHostCheck( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostCheck creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_CHECK" Nagios command.
Disables (regularly scheduled and on-demand) active checks of the specified host.
func DisableHostEventHandler ¶
func DisableHostEventHandler( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostEventHandler creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Disables the event handler for the specified host.
func DisableHostFlapDetection ¶
func DisableHostFlapDetection( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostFlapDetection creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Disables flap detection for the specified host.
func DisableHostFreshnessChecks ¶
func DisableHostFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
DisableHostFreshnessChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_FRESHNESS_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables freshness checks of all hosts on a program-wide basis.
func DisableHostNotifications ¶
func DisableHostNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for a particular host.
func DisableHostSvcChecks ¶
func DisableHostSvcChecks( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks of all services on the specified host.
func DisableHostSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableHostSvcNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_HOST_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all services on the specified host.
func DisableHostgroupHostChecks ¶
func DisableHostgroupHostChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupHostChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active checks for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func DisableHostgroupHostNotifications ¶
func DisableHostgroupHostNotifications( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupHostNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
This does not disable notifications for the services associated with the hosts in the hostgroup - see the DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS command for that.
func DisableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks ¶
func DisableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables passive checks for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func DisableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func DisableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables passive checks for all services associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func DisableHostgroupSvcChecks ¶
func DisableHostgroupSvcChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active checks for all services associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func DisableHostgroupSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableHostgroupSvcNotifications( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableHostgroupSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all services associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
This does not disable notifications for the hosts in the hostgroup - see the DISABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS command for that.
func DisableNotifications ¶
func DisableNotifications() *livestatus.Command
DisableNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables host and service notifications on a program-wide basis.
func DisablePassiveHostChecks ¶
func DisablePassiveHostChecks( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisablePassiveHostChecks creates a new "DISABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables acceptance and processing of passive host checks for the specified host.
func DisablePassiveSvcChecks ¶
func DisablePassiveSvcChecks( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisablePassiveSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables passive checks for the specified service.
func DisablePerformanceData ¶
func DisablePerformanceData() *livestatus.Command
DisablePerformanceData creates a new "DISABLE_PERFORMANCE_DATA" Nagios command.
Disables the processing of host and service performance data on a program-wide basis.
func DisableServiceFlapDetection ¶
func DisableServiceFlapDetection( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServiceFlapDetection creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICE_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Disables flap detection for the specified service.
func DisableServiceFreshnessChecks ¶
func DisableServiceFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
DisableServiceFreshnessChecks creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICE_FRESHNESS_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables freshness checks of all services on a program-wide basis.
func DisableServicegroupHostChecks ¶
func DisableServicegroupHostChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupHostChecks creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active checks for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular hostgroup.
func DisableServicegroupHostNotifications ¶
func DisableServicegroupHostNotifications( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupHostNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular servicegroup.
func DisableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks ¶
func DisableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables the acceptance and processing of passive checks for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular service group.
func DisableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func DisableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables the acceptance and processing of passive checks for all services in a particular servicegroup.
func DisableServicegroupSvcChecks ¶
func DisableServicegroupSvcChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupSvcChecks creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active checks for all services in a particular servicegroup.
func DisableServicegroupSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableServicegroupSvcNotifications( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableServicegroupSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for all services that are members of a particular servicegroup.
func DisableSvcCheck ¶
func DisableSvcCheck( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableSvcCheck creates a new "DISABLE_SVC_CHECK" Nagios command.
Disables active checks for a particular service.
func DisableSvcEventHandler ¶
func DisableSvcEventHandler( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableSvcEventHandler creates a new "DISABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Disables the event handler for the specified service.
func DisableSvcFlapDetection ¶
func DisableSvcFlapDetection( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableSvcFlapDetection creates a new "DISABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Disables flap detection for the specified service.
func DisableSvcNotifications ¶
func DisableSvcNotifications( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
DisableSvcNotifications creates a new "DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables notifications for a particular service.
func EnableAllNotificationsBeyondHost ¶
func EnableAllNotificationsBeyondHost( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableAllNotificationsBeyondHost creates a new "ENABLE_ALL_NOTIFICATIONS_BEYOND_HOST" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all hosts and services "beyond" (e.g. on all child hosts of) the specified host.
The current notification setting for the specified host is not affected.
Notifications will only be sent out for these hosts and services if notifications are also enabled on a program-wide basis.
func EnableContactHostNotifications ¶
func EnableContactHostNotifications( contact_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableContactHostNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_CONTACT_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables host notifications for a particular contact.
func EnableContactSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableContactSvcNotifications( contact_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableContactSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_CONTACT_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Disables service notifications for a particular contact.
func EnableContactgroupHostNotifications ¶
func EnableContactgroupHostNotifications( contactgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableContactgroupHostNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_CONTACTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables host notifications for all contacts in a particular contactgroup.
func EnableContactgroupSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableContactgroupSvcNotifications( contactgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableContactgroupSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_CONTACTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables service notifications for all contacts in a particular contactgroup.
func EnableEventHandlers ¶
func EnableEventHandlers() *livestatus.Command
EnableEventHandlers creates a new "ENABLE_EVENT_HANDLERS" Nagios command.
Enables host and service event handlers on a program-wide basis.
func EnableFailurePrediction ¶
func EnableFailurePrediction() *livestatus.Command
EnableFailurePrediction creates a new "ENABLE_FAILURE_PREDICTION" Nagios command.
Enables failure prediction on a program-wide basis.
This feature is not currently implemented in Nagios.
func EnableFlapDetection ¶
func EnableFlapDetection() *livestatus.Command
EnableFlapDetection creates a new "ENABLE_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Enables host and service flap detection on a program-wide basis.
func EnableHostAndChildNotifications ¶
func EnableHostAndChildNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostAndChildNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_AND_CHILD_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for the specified host, as well as all hosts "beyond" (e.g. on all child hosts of) the specified host.
Notifications will only be sent out for these hosts if notifications are also enabled on a program-wide basis.
func EnableHostCheck ¶
func EnableHostCheck( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostCheck creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_CHECK" Nagios command.
Enables (regularly scheduled and on-demand) active checks of the specified host.
func EnableHostEventHandler ¶
func EnableHostEventHandler( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostEventHandler creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Enables the event handler for the specified host.
func EnableHostFlapDetection ¶
func EnableHostFlapDetection( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostFlapDetection creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Enables flap detection for the specified host.
In order for the flap detection algorithms to be run for the host, flap detection must be enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func EnableHostFreshnessChecks ¶
func EnableHostFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
EnableHostFreshnessChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_FRESHNESS_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables freshness checks of all hosts on a program-wide basis.
Individual hosts that have freshness checks disabled will not be checked for freshness.
func EnableHostNotifications ¶
func EnableHostNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for a particular host.
Notifications will be sent out for the host only if notifications are enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func EnableHostSvcChecks ¶
func EnableHostSvcChecks( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks of all services on the specified host.
func EnableHostSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableHostSvcNotifications( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_HOST_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all services on the specified host.
Note that notifications will not be sent out if notifications are disabled on a program-wide basis.
func EnableHostgroupHostChecks ¶
func EnableHostgroupHostChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupHostChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func EnableHostgroupHostNotifications ¶
func EnableHostgroupHostNotifications( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupHostNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
This does not enable notifications for the services associated with the hosts in the hostgroup - see the ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS command for that.
In order for notifications to be sent out for these hosts, notifications must be enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func EnableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks ¶
func EnableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupPassiveHostChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables passive checks for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func EnableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func EnableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables passive checks for all services associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func EnableHostgroupSvcChecks ¶
func EnableHostgroupSvcChecks( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks for all services associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
func EnableHostgroupSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableHostgroupSvcNotifications( hostgroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableHostgroupSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all services that are associated with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
This does not enable notifications for the hosts in the hostgroup - see the ENABLE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS command for that.
In order for notifications to be sent out for these services, notifications must be enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func EnableNotifications ¶
func EnableNotifications() *livestatus.Command
EnableNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables host and service notifications on a program-wide basis.
func EnablePassiveHostChecks ¶
func EnablePassiveHostChecks( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnablePassiveHostChecks creates a new "ENABLE_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables acceptance and processing of passive host checks for the specified host.
func EnablePassiveSvcChecks ¶
func EnablePassiveSvcChecks( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnablePassiveSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables passive checks for the specified service.
func EnablePerformanceData ¶
func EnablePerformanceData() *livestatus.Command
EnablePerformanceData creates a new "ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_DATA" Nagios command.
Enables the processing of host and service performance data on a program-wide basis.
func EnableServiceFreshnessChecks ¶
func EnableServiceFreshnessChecks() *livestatus.Command
EnableServiceFreshnessChecks creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICE_FRESHNESS_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables freshness checks of all services on a program-wide basis.
Individual services that have freshness checks disabled will not be checked for freshness.
func EnableServicegroupHostChecks ¶
func EnableServicegroupHostChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupHostChecks creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular hostgroup.
func EnableServicegroupHostNotifications ¶
func EnableServicegroupHostNotifications( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupHostNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular servicegroup.
In order for notifications to be sent out for these hosts, notifications must also be enabled on a program-wide basis.
func EnableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks ¶
func EnableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupPassiveHostChecks creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables the acceptance and processing of passive checks for all hosts that have services that are members of a particular service group.
func EnableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func EnableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables the acceptance and processing of passive checks for all services in a particular servicegroup.
func EnableServicegroupSvcChecks ¶
func EnableServicegroupSvcChecks( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupSvcChecks creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks for all services in a particular servicegroup.
func EnableServicegroupSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableServicegroupSvcNotifications( servicegroup_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableServicegroupSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for all services that are members of a particular servicegroup.
In order for notifications to be sent out for these services, notifications must also be enabled on a program-wide basis.
func EnableSvcCheck ¶
func EnableSvcCheck( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableSvcCheck creates a new "ENABLE_SVC_CHECK" Nagios command.
Enables active checks for a particular service.
func EnableSvcEventHandler ¶
func EnableSvcEventHandler( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableSvcEventHandler creates a new "ENABLE_SVC_EVENT_HANDLER" Nagios command.
Enables the event handler for the specified service.
func EnableSvcFlapDetection ¶
func EnableSvcFlapDetection( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableSvcFlapDetection creates a new "ENABLE_SVC_FLAP_DETECTION" Nagios command.
Enables flap detection for the specified service.
In order for the flap detection algorithms to be run for the service, flap detection must be enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func EnableSvcNotifications ¶
func EnableSvcNotifications( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
EnableSvcNotifications creates a new "ENABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS" Nagios command.
Enables notifications for a particular service.
Notifications will be sent out for the service only if notifications are enabled on a program-wide basis as well.
func ProcessFile ¶
func ProcessFile( file_name string, delete bool, ) *livestatus.Command
ProcessFile creates a new "PROCESS_FILE" Nagios command.
Directs Nagios to process all external commands that are found in the file specified by the <file_name> argument.
If the <delete> option is non-zero, the file will be deleted once it has been processes.
If the <delete> option is set to zero, the file is left untouched.
func ProcessHostCheckResult ¶
func ProcessHostCheckResult( host_name string, status_code int, plugin_output string, ) *livestatus.Command
ProcessHostCheckResult creates a new "PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT" Nagios command.
This is used to submit a passive check result for a particular host.
The "status_code" indicates the state of the host check and should be one of the following: 0=UP, 1=DOWN, 2=UNREACHABLE.
The "plugin_output" argument contains the text returned from the host check, along with optional performance data.
func ProcessServiceCheckResult ¶
func ProcessServiceCheckResult( host_name string, service_description string, return_code int, plugin_output string, ) *livestatus.Command
ProcessServiceCheckResult creates a new "PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT" Nagios command.
This is used to submit a passive check result for a particular service.
The "return_code" field should be one of the following: 0=OK, 1=WARNING, 2=CRITICAL, 3=UNKNOWN.
The "plugin_output" field contains text output from the service check, along with optional performance data.
func ReadStateInformation ¶
func ReadStateInformation() *livestatus.Command
ReadStateInformation creates a new "READ_STATE_INFORMATION" Nagios command.
Causes Nagios to load all current monitoring status information from the state retention file.
Normally, state retention information is loaded when the Nagios process starts up and before it starts monitoring.
WARNING: This command will cause Nagios to discard all current monitoring status information and use the information stored in state retention file!
Use with care.
func RemoveHostAcknowledgement ¶
func RemoveHostAcknowledgement( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
RemoveHostAcknowledgement creates a new "REMOVE_HOST_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" Nagios command.
This removes the problem acknowledgement for a particular host.
Once the acknowledgement has been removed, notifications can once again be sent out for the given host.
func RemoveSvcAcknowledgement ¶
func RemoveSvcAcknowledgement( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
RemoveSvcAcknowledgement creates a new "REMOVE_SVC_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT" Nagios command.
This removes the problem acknowledgement for a particular service.
Once the acknowledgement has been removed, notifications can once again be sent out for the given service.
func RestartProgram ¶
func RestartProgram() *livestatus.Command
RestartProgram creates a new "RESTART_PROGRAM" Nagios command.
Restarts the Nagios process.
func SaveStateInformation ¶
func SaveStateInformation() *livestatus.Command
SaveStateInformation creates a new "SAVE_STATE_INFORMATION" Nagios command.
Causes Nagios to save all current monitoring status information to the state retention file.
Normally, state retention information is saved before the Nagios process shuts down and (potentially) at regularly scheduled intervals.
This command allows you to force Nagios to save this information to the state retention file immediately.
This does not affect the current status information in the Nagios process.
func ScheduleAndPropagateHostDowntime ¶
func ScheduleAndPropagateHostDowntime( host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleAndPropagateHostDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_AND_PROPAGATE_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for a specified host and all of its children (hosts).
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The specified (parent) host downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the specified (parent) host should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleAndPropagateTriggeredHostDowntime ¶
func ScheduleAndPropagateTriggeredHostDowntime( host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleAndPropagateTriggeredHostDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_AND_PROPAGATE_TRIGGERED_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for a specified host and all of its children (hosts).
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Downtime for child hosts are all set to be triggered by the downtime for the specified (parent) host.
The specified (parent) host downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the specified (parent) host should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleForcedHostCheck ¶
func ScheduleForcedHostCheck( host_name string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleForcedHostCheck creates a new "SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_CHECK" Nagios command.
Schedules a forced active check of a particular host at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Forced checks are performed regardless of what time it is (e.g. timeperiod restrictions are ignored) and whether or
not active checks are enabled on a host-specific or program-wide basis.
func ScheduleForcedHostSvcChecks ¶
func ScheduleForcedHostSvcChecks( host_name string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleForcedHostSvcChecks creates a new "SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Schedules a forced active check of all services associated with a particular host at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Forced checks are performed regardless of what time it is (e.g. timeperiod restrictions are ignored) and whether or
not active checks are enabled on a service-specific or program-wide basis.
func ScheduleForcedSvcCheck ¶
func ScheduleForcedSvcCheck( host_name string, service_description string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleForcedSvcCheck creates a new "SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK" Nagios command.
Schedules a forced active check of a particular service at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Forced checks are performed regardless of what time it is (e.g. timeperiod restrictions are ignored) and whether or
not active checks are enabled on a service-specific or program-wide basis.
func ScheduleHostCheck ¶
func ScheduleHostCheck( host_name string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostCheck creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOST_CHECK" Nagios command.
Schedules the next active check of a particular host at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Note that the host may not actually be checked at the time you specify.
This could occur for a number of reasons: active checks are disabled on a program-wide or service-specific basis, the host is already scheduled to be checked at an earlier time, etc.
If you want to force the host check to occur at the time you specify, look at the SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_CHECK command.
func ScheduleHostDowntime ¶
func ScheduleHostDowntime( host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for a specified host.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The specified host downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the specified host should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleHostSvcChecks ¶
func ScheduleHostSvcChecks( host_name string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostSvcChecks creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Schedules the next active check of all services on a particular host at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Note that the services may not actually be checked at the time you specify.
This could occur for a number of reasons: active checks are disabled on a program-wide or service-specific basis, the services are already scheduled to be checked at an earlier time, etc.
If you want to force the service checks to occur at the time you specify, look at the SCHEDULE_FORCED_HOST_SVC_CHECKS command.
func ScheduleHostSvcDowntime ¶
func ScheduleHostSvcDowntime( host_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostSvcDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for all services associated with a particular host.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The service downtime entries can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the services should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleHostgroupHostDowntime ¶
func ScheduleHostgroupHostDowntime( hostgroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostgroupHostDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for all hosts in a specified hostgroup.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The host downtime entries can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the hosts should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleHostgroupSvcDowntime ¶
func ScheduleHostgroupSvcDowntime( hostgroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleHostgroupSvcDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for all services associated with hosts in a specified servicegroup.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The service downtime entries can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the services should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleServicegroupHostDowntime ¶
func ScheduleServicegroupHostDowntime( servicegroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleServicegroupHostDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for all hosts that have services in a specified servicegroup.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The host downtime entries can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the hosts should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleServicegroupSvcDowntime ¶
func ScheduleServicegroupSvcDowntime( servicegroup_name string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleServicegroupSvcDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for all services in a specified servicegroup.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The service downtime entries can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the services should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func ScheduleSvcCheck ¶
func ScheduleSvcCheck( host_name string, service_description string, check_time time.Time, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleSvcCheck creates a new "SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK" Nagios command.
Schedules the next active check of a specified service at "check_time".
The "check_time" argument is specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
Note that the service may not actually be checked at the time you specify.
This could occur for a number of reasons: active checks are disabled on a program-wide or service-specific basis, the service is already scheduled to be checked at an earlier time, etc.
If you want to force the service check to occur at the time you specify, look at the SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK command.
func ScheduleSvcDowntime ¶
func ScheduleSvcDowntime( host_name string, service_description string, start_time time.Time, end_time time.Time, fixed bool, trigger_id int, duration time.Duration, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
ScheduleSvcDowntime creates a new "SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME" Nagios command.
Schedules downtime for a specified service.
If the "fixed" argument is set to one (1), downtime will start and end at the times specified by the "start" and "end" arguments.
Otherwise, downtime will begin between the "start" and "end" times and last for "duration" seconds.
The "start" and "end" arguments are specified in time_t format (seconds since the UNIX epoch).
The specified service downtime can be triggered by another downtime entry if the "trigger_id" is set to the ID of another scheduled downtime entry.
Set the "trigger_id" argument to zero (0) if the downtime for the specified service should not be triggered by another downtime entry.
func SendCustomHostNotification ¶
func SendCustomHostNotification( host_name string, options int, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
SendCustomHostNotification creates a new "SEND_CUSTOM_HOST_NOTIFICATION" Nagios command.
Allows you to send a custom host notification.
Very useful in dire situations, emergencies or to communicate with all admins that are responsible for a particular host.
When the host notification is sent out, the $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "CUSTOM".
The <options> field is a logical OR of the following integer values that affect aspects of the notification that are sent out: 0 = No option (default), 1 = Broadcast (send notification to all normal and all escalated contacts for the host), 2 = Forced (notification is sent out regardless of current time, whether or not notifications are enabled, etc.), 4 = Increment current notification # for the host (this is not done by default for custom notifications).
The comment field can be used with the $NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$ macro in notification commands.
func SendCustomSvcNotification ¶
func SendCustomSvcNotification( host_name string, service_description string, options int, author string, comment string, ) *livestatus.Command
SendCustomSvcNotification creates a new "SEND_CUSTOM_SVC_NOTIFICATION" Nagios command.
Allows you to send a custom service notification.
Very useful in dire situations, emergencies or to communicate with all admins that are responsible for a particular service.
When the service notification is sent out, the $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ macro will be set to "CUSTOM".
The <options> field is a logical OR of the following integer values that affect aspects of the notification that are sent out: 0 = No option (default), 1 = Broadcast (send notification to all normal and all escalated contacts for the service), 2 = Forced (notification is sent out regardless of current time, whether or not notifications are enabled, etc.), 4 = Increment current notification # for the service(this is not done by default for custom notifications).
The comment field can be used with the
$NOTIFICATIONCOMMENT$ macro in notification commands.
func SetHostNotificationNumber ¶
func SetHostNotificationNumber( host_name string, notification_number int, ) *livestatus.Command
SetHostNotificationNumber creates a new "SET_HOST_NOTIFICATION_NUMBER" Nagios command.
Sets the current notification number for a particular host.
A value of 0 indicates that no notification has yet been sent for the current host problem.
Useful for forcing an escalation (based on notification number) or replicating notification information in redundant monitoring environments. Notification numbers greater than zero have no noticeable affect on the notification process if the host is currently in an UP state.
func SetSvcNotificationNumber ¶
func SetSvcNotificationNumber( host_name string, service_description string, notification_number int, ) *livestatus.Command
SetSvcNotificationNumber creates a new "SET_SVC_NOTIFICATION_NUMBER" Nagios command.
Sets the current notification number for a particular service.
A value of 0 indicates that no notification has yet been sent for the current service problem.
Useful for forcing an escalation (based on notification number) or replicating notification information in redundant monitoring environments. Notification numbers greater than zero have no noticeable affect on the notification process if the service is currently in an OK state.
func ShutdownProgram ¶
func ShutdownProgram() *livestatus.Command
ShutdownProgram creates a new "SHUTDOWN_PROGRAM" Nagios command.
Shuts down the Nagios process.
func StartAcceptingPassiveHostChecks ¶
func StartAcceptingPassiveHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartAcceptingPassiveHostChecks creates a new "START_ACCEPTING_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables acceptance and processing of passive host checks on a program-wide basis.
func StartAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func StartAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "START_ACCEPTING_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables passive service checks on a program-wide basis.
func StartExecutingHostChecks ¶
func StartExecutingHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartExecutingHostChecks creates a new "START_EXECUTING_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active host checks on a program-wide basis.
func StartExecutingSvcChecks ¶
func StartExecutingSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartExecutingSvcChecks creates a new "START_EXECUTING_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables active checks of services on a program-wide basis.
func StartObsessingOverHost ¶
func StartObsessingOverHost( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
StartObsessingOverHost creates a new "START_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST" Nagios command.
Enables processing of host checks via the OCHP command for the specified host.
func StartObsessingOverHostChecks ¶
func StartObsessingOverHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartObsessingOverHostChecks creates a new "START_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables processing of host checks via the OCHP command on a program-wide basis.
func StartObsessingOverSvc ¶
func StartObsessingOverSvc( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
StartObsessingOverSvc creates a new "START_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC" Nagios command.
Enables processing of service checks via the OCSP command for the specified service.
func StartObsessingOverSvcChecks ¶
func StartObsessingOverSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StartObsessingOverSvcChecks creates a new "START_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Enables processing of service checks via the OCSP command on a program-wide basis.
func StopAcceptingPassiveHostChecks ¶
func StopAcceptingPassiveHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopAcceptingPassiveHostChecks creates a new "STOP_ACCEPTING_PASSIVE_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables acceptance and processing of passive host checks on a program-wide basis.
func StopAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks ¶
func StopAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopAcceptingPassiveSvcChecks creates a new "STOP_ACCEPTING_PASSIVE_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables passive service checks on a program-wide basis.
func StopExecutingHostChecks ¶
func StopExecutingHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopExecutingHostChecks creates a new "STOP_EXECUTING_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active host checks on a program-wide basis.
func StopExecutingSvcChecks ¶
func StopExecutingSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopExecutingSvcChecks creates a new "STOP_EXECUTING_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables active checks of services on a program-wide basis.
func StopObsessingOverHost ¶
func StopObsessingOverHost( host_name string, ) *livestatus.Command
StopObsessingOverHost creates a new "STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST" Nagios command.
Disables processing of host checks via the OCHP command for the specified host.
func StopObsessingOverHostChecks ¶
func StopObsessingOverHostChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopObsessingOverHostChecks creates a new "STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_HOST_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables processing of host checks via the OCHP command on a program-wide basis.
func StopObsessingOverSvc ¶
func StopObsessingOverSvc( host_name string, service_description string, ) *livestatus.Command
StopObsessingOverSvc creates a new "STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC" Nagios command.
Disables processing of service checks via the OCSP command for the specified service.
func StopObsessingOverSvcChecks ¶
func StopObsessingOverSvcChecks() *livestatus.Command
StopObsessingOverSvcChecks creates a new "STOP_OBSESSING_OVER_SVC_CHECKS" Nagios command.
Disables processing of service checks via the OCSP command on a program-wide basis.
Types ¶
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