#Go.GetEventStore Examples
Getting Started
To run these example you should have an eventstore server running on http://localhost:2113
You can download and run an instance of the eventstore on your local development environment or you can use run a server in docker as described below.
##Containerized Eventstore Server
If you are a docker user you can set up an eventstore server using the included Docker Compose file.
$ github.com/jetbasrawi/go.geteventstore/examples/docker-compose up
##About the examples
Studying the examples in this order should provide a good idea about how to use go.geteventstore.
###Read Write Events
The example demonstrates how to write events to the eventstore and then how to read those events back.
###Long Poll
The example demonstrates how to read events from a stream and then continue to listen for the arrival of new events.
###Delete Stream
The example demonstrates soft and hard delete of streams.
The example demonstrates how you can use the client directly to read events.