Overview ¶
Package sip_stack *
- @Author: W.w.
- @File: callback
- @Date: 2023-04-25 12:13
- @Description:
Package sip_stack *
- @Author: W.w.
- @File: callback_init
- @Date: 2023-04-25 12:26
- @Description:
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func DeleteAccount_info_t(arg1 Account_info_t)
- func DeleteAddr_t(arg1 Addr_t)
- func DeleteCall_session_t(arg1 Call_session_t)
- func DeleteCall_user_t(arg1 Call_user_t)
- func DeleteConfig_t(arg1 Config_t)
- func DeleteFmtp_t(arg1 Fmtp_t)
- func DeleteMedia_sdp_bandw_t(arg1 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
- func DeleteMedia_sdp_conn_t(arg1 Media_sdp_conn_t)
- func DeleteMedia_t(arg1 Media_t)
- func DeleteOtherSession(arg1 OtherSession)
- func DeleteRtpmap_t(arg1 Rtpmap_t)
- func DeleteSdp_attr_t(arg1 Sdp_attr_t)
- func DeleteSdp_origin_t(arg1 Sdp_origin_t)
- func DeleteSdp_t(arg1 Sdp_t)
- func DeleteSdp_time_t(arg1 Sdp_time_t)
- func DeleteSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
- func DeleteSipHeaderList(arg1 SipHeaderList)
- func DestroySipApp(arg1 SipApp)
- func GetFmtIndex(arg1 int, arg2 *string) (_swig_ret string)
- func GetRemoteSdp(arg1 Call_session_t, arg2 Sdp_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetFmtIndex(arg1 int, arg2 *string, arg3 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetFmtpIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Fmtp_t, arg3 Fmtp_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetGetAccountInfo(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
- func SetLocalSdp(arg1 Call_session_t, arg2 Sdp_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetLogFunc(arg1 _swig_fnptr)
- func SetLogLevel(arg1 int)
- func SetOnInvSipEvent(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
- func SetOnOtherSipEvent(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
- func SetOnRegisterResult(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
- func SetOnRegisterState(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
- func SetOnWriteLog(logWrite GoOnWriteLog, level int)
- func SetRtpmapIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Rtpmap_t, arg3 Rtpmap_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetSdpAttrIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Sdp_attr_t, arg3 Sdp_attr_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetSdpBandwIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t, arg3 Media_sdp_bandw_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SetSdpMediaIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Media_t, arg3 Media_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func SipAppAddSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
- func SipAppRemoveSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
- func Swig_free(arg1 uintptr)
- func Swig_malloc(arg1 int) (_swig_ret uintptr)
- type Account_info_t
- type Addr_t
- type Call_session_t
- type Call_user_t
- type Config_t
- type Fmtp_t
- type GoGetAccountInfo
- type GoOnInvSipEvent
- type GoOnOtherSipEvent
- type GoOnRegisterResult
- type GoOnRegisterState
- type GoOnWriteLog
- type Media_sdp_bandw_t
- type Media_sdp_conn_t
- type Media_t
- type OtherSession
- type Pj_bool_t
- type Pj_size_t
- type Pj_status_t
- type Pjmedia_sdp_session
- type Pjsip_dialog
- type Pjsip_endpoint
- type Pjsip_event
- type Pjsip_evsub
- type Pjsip_hdr
- type Pjsip_inv_session
- type Pjsip_method
- type Pjsip_regc
- type Pjsip_rx_data
- type Pjsip_transaction
- type Pjsip_transport
- type Pjsip_tx_data
- type Rtpmap_t
- type Sdp_attr_t
- type Sdp_origin_t
- type Sdp_t
- type Sdp_time_t
- type SipApp
- func CreatDefaultSipStackApp(localHost string, localPort int, invSipEvent GoOnInvSipEvent, ...) SipApp
- func CreateSipApp(a ...interface{}) SipApp
- func CreateSipApp__SWIG_0(arg1 string, arg2 int) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func CreateSipApp__SWIG_1(arg1 string, arg2 int, arg3 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func NewSipApp(a ...interface{}) SipApp
- func NewSipApp__SWIG_0(arg1 string, arg2 int, arg3 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func NewSipApp__SWIG_1(arg1 string, arg2 int) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func NewSipApp__SWIG_2(arg1 Config_t) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func SipAppFindSipApp(a ...interface{}) SipApp
- func SipAppFindSipApp__SWIG_0(arg1 Pjsip_transport) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func SipAppFindSipApp__SWIG_1(arg1 string) (_swig_ret SipApp)
- type SipHeaderList
- type SwigcptrAccount_info_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAuth() (_swig_ret bool)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExist() (_swig_ret bool)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExpires() (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetMethod() (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetPassword() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetTel() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAuth(arg2 bool)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExist(arg2 bool)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExpires(arg2 int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetMethod(arg2 int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetPassword(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetTel(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SwigIsAccount_info_t()
- func (p SwigcptrAccount_info_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrAddr_t
- type SwigcptrCall_session_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetBody() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDigit() (_swig_ret byte)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDlg() (_swig_ret Pjsip_dialog)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetEventType() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetHas_initial() (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetInv() (_swig_ret Pjsip_inv_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetLocalSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetRemoteSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSipApp() (_swig_ret SipApp)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSub() (_swig_ret Pjsip_evsub)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetTsxData() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetBody(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallId(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallInfo(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCauseText(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentSubType(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentType(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDigit(arg2 byte)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDlg(arg2 Pjsip_dialog)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetEventType(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetHas_initial(arg2 Pj_bool_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetInv(arg2 Pjsip_inv_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetLocalSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetRemoteSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSipApp(arg2 SipApp)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetStatusCode(arg2 int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSub(arg2 Pjsip_evsub)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetTsxData(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrCall_session_t) SwigIsCall_session_t()
- func (p SwigcptrCall_session_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrCall_user_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetTel() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetTel(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrCall_user_t) SwigIsCall_user_t()
- func (p SwigcptrCall_user_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrConfig_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetIp() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetPort() (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetTransportType() (_swig_ret TRANSPORT_TYPE_E)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetIp(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetPort(arg2 int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetTransportType(arg2 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E)
- func (p SwigcptrConfig_t) SwigIsConfig_t()
- func (p SwigcptrConfig_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrFmtp_t
- type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetModifier() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetValue() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetModifier(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetValue(arg2 uint)
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_bandw_t()
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNo_addr() (_swig_ret byte)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetTtl() (_swig_ret byte)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr_type(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNet_type(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNo_addr(arg2 byte)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetTtl(arg2 byte)
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_conn_t()
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrMedia_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt() (_swig_ret *string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp() (_swig_ret Fmtp_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetMedia() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetPort() (_swig_ret uint16)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap() (_swig_ret Rtpmap_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetTransport() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt(arg2 *string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp(arg2 Fmtp_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetMedia(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetPort(arg2 uint16)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap(arg2 Rtpmap_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetTransport(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_t) SwigIsMedia_t()
- func (p SwigcptrMedia_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrOtherSession
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetBody() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetMethod() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetResponseSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SendResponse(arg2 int, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetBody(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallId(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallInfo(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCauseText(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentSubType(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentType(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetMethod(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetRxdata(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetSessionType(arg2 OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetStatusCode(arg2 int)
- func (p SwigcptrOtherSession) SwigIsOtherSession()
- func (p SwigcptrOtherSession) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrPj_bool_t
- type SwigcptrPj_size_t
- type SwigcptrPj_status_t
- type SwigcptrPjmedia_sdp_session
- type SwigcptrPjsip_dialog
- type SwigcptrPjsip_endpoint
- type SwigcptrPjsip_event
- type SwigcptrPjsip_evsub
- type SwigcptrPjsip_hdr
- type SwigcptrPjsip_inv_session
- type SwigcptrPjsip_method
- type SwigcptrPjsip_regc
- type SwigcptrPjsip_rx_data
- type SwigcptrPjsip_transaction
- type SwigcptrPjsip_transport
- type SwigcptrPjsip_tx_data
- type SwigcptrRtpmap_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetClock_rate() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetEnc_name() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetFmt() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetParam() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetClock_rate(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetEnc_name(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetFmt(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetParam(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SwigIsRtpmap_t()
- func (p SwigcptrRtpmap_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrSdp_attr_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetName() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetValue() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetName(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetValue(arg2 string)
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SwigIsSdp_attr_t()
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrSdp_origin_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetSession_id() (_swig_ret uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetUsername() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetVersion() (_swig_ret uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr_type(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetNet_type(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetSession_id(arg2 uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetUsername(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetVersion(arg2 uint64)
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SwigIsSdp_origin_t()
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrSdp_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedia_count() (_swig_ret uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedias() (_swig_ret Media_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetOrigin() (_swig_ret Sdp_origin_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetSession_name() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetTime() (_swig_ret Sdp_time_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedia_count(arg2 uint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedias(arg2 Media_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetOrigin(arg2 Sdp_origin_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetSession_name(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetTime(arg2 Sdp_time_t)
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_t) SwigIsSdp_t()
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrSdp_time_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStart() (_swig_ret uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStop() (_swig_ret uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStart(arg2 uint64)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStop(arg2 uint64)
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SwigIsSdp_time_t()
- func (p SwigcptrSdp_time_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
- type SwigcptrSipApp
- func (p SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession(a ...interface{}) Call_session_t
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_0(arg2 string, arg3 string, arg4 string, arg5 int) (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_1(arg2 Call_user_t, arg3 Call_user_t, arg4 uintptr) (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) CreateHeaderList() (_swig_ret SipHeaderList)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) CreateOtherSession() (_swig_ret OtherSession)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteHeaderList(arg2 SipHeaderList)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteOtherSession(arg2 OtherSession)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubActive(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSendRequest(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSubscribe(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubTerminated(arg2 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetAccountInfo(arg2 Account_info_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetContentEncoding() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetEndPoint() (_swig_ret Pjsip_endpoint)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetUserAgent() (_swig_ret string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyInvSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 Call_session_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyOtherSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 OtherSession)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterResult(arg2 Pjsip_regc, arg3 int, arg4 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterState(arg2 Account_info_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnAccountInfoFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnInvSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnOtherSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterResultFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterStateFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) RegisterAccount(arg2 string, arg3 string, arg4 string, arg5 int, arg6 int, arg7 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pjsip_regc)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendAnswer(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendDlgRequest(arg2 Pjsip_dialog, arg3 Pjsip_method, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string, ...) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendDtmf(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendHangup(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendInfo(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendInvite(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendMessage(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendOtherMessage(arg2 OtherSession, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendRing(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendUpdate(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetAuthenticationSession(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string) (_swig_ret int)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetContentEncoding(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetUserAgent(arg2 string)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxResponse(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnTsxState(arg2 Pjsip_transaction, arg3 Pjsip_event)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipSubscribeOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
- func (p SwigcptrSipApp) SwigIsSipApp()
- func (p SwigcptrSipApp) Swigcptr() uintptr
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) UnregisterAccount(arg2 Pjsip_regc)
- type SwigcptrSipHeaderList
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) AdditionalHdr(arg2 Pjsip_tx_data)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) GetHdrList() (_swig_ret Pjsip_hdr)
- func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) PushStringHdr(arg2 string, arg3 string) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t)
- func (p SwigcptrSipHeaderList) SwigIsSipHeaderList()
- func (p SwigcptrSipHeaderList) Swigcptr() uintptr
Constants ¶
View Source
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const CALL_INFO string = "Call-Info"
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const CONTENT_ENCODING string = "Content-Encoding"
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const EVSUB_STATE_NOTIFY int = 42
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const SIP_INV_STATE_ANSWER int = 3
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const SIP_INV_STATE_HANGUP int = 5
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const SIP_INV_STATE_INFO int = 20
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const SIP_INV_STATE_INFO_DTMF int = 19
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const SIP_INV_STATE_INFO_RES int = 30
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const SIP_INV_STATE_MESSAGE int = 21
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const SIP_INV_STATE_RE_INVITE int = 18
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const SIP_INV_STATE_RING int = 2
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const SIP_INV_STATE_UPDATE int = 22
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const USER_AGENT string = "User-Agent"
Variables ¶
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var Swig_escape_always_false bool
View Source
var Swig_escape_val interface{}
Functions ¶
func DeleteAccount_info_t ¶
func DeleteAccount_info_t(arg1 Account_info_t)
func DeleteAddr_t ¶
func DeleteAddr_t(arg1 Addr_t)
func DeleteCall_session_t ¶
func DeleteCall_session_t(arg1 Call_session_t)
func DeleteCall_user_t ¶
func DeleteCall_user_t(arg1 Call_user_t)
func DeleteConfig_t ¶
func DeleteConfig_t(arg1 Config_t)
func DeleteFmtp_t ¶
func DeleteFmtp_t(arg1 Fmtp_t)
func DeleteMedia_sdp_bandw_t ¶
func DeleteMedia_sdp_bandw_t(arg1 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func DeleteMedia_sdp_conn_t ¶
func DeleteMedia_sdp_conn_t(arg1 Media_sdp_conn_t)
func DeleteMedia_t ¶
func DeleteMedia_t(arg1 Media_t)
func DeleteOtherSession ¶
func DeleteOtherSession(arg1 OtherSession)
func DeleteRtpmap_t ¶
func DeleteRtpmap_t(arg1 Rtpmap_t)
func DeleteSdp_attr_t ¶
func DeleteSdp_attr_t(arg1 Sdp_attr_t)
func DeleteSdp_origin_t ¶
func DeleteSdp_origin_t(arg1 Sdp_origin_t)
func DeleteSdp_t ¶
func DeleteSdp_t(arg1 Sdp_t)
func DeleteSdp_time_t ¶
func DeleteSdp_time_t(arg1 Sdp_time_t)
func DeleteSipApp ¶
func DeleteSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
func DeleteSipHeaderList ¶
func DeleteSipHeaderList(arg1 SipHeaderList)
func DestroySipApp ¶
func DestroySipApp(arg1 SipApp)
func GetFmtIndex ¶
func GetRemoteSdp ¶
func GetRemoteSdp(arg1 Call_session_t, arg2 Sdp_t) (_swig_ret int)
func SetGetAccountInfo ¶
func SetGetAccountInfo(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
func SetLocalSdp ¶
func SetLocalSdp(arg1 Call_session_t, arg2 Sdp_t) (_swig_ret int)
func SetLogFunc ¶
func SetLogFunc(arg1 _swig_fnptr)
func SetLogLevel ¶
func SetLogLevel(arg1 int)
func SetOnInvSipEvent ¶
func SetOnInvSipEvent(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
func SetOnOtherSipEvent ¶
func SetOnOtherSipEvent(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
func SetOnRegisterResult ¶
func SetOnRegisterResult(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
func SetOnRegisterState ¶
func SetOnRegisterState(app SipApp, fnptr SWIG_FNPTR)
func SetOnWriteLog ¶
func SetOnWriteLog(logWrite GoOnWriteLog, level int)
func SetSdpAttrIndex ¶
func SetSdpAttrIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Sdp_attr_t, arg3 Sdp_attr_t) (_swig_ret int)
func SetSdpBandwIndex ¶
func SetSdpBandwIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t, arg3 Media_sdp_bandw_t) (_swig_ret int)
func SipAppAddSipApp ¶
func SipAppAddSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
func SipAppRemoveSipApp ¶
func SipAppRemoveSipApp(arg1 SipApp)
func Swig_malloc ¶
Types ¶
type Account_info_t ¶
type Account_info_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsAccount_info_t() SetMethod(arg2 int) GetMethod() (_swig_ret int) SetExist(arg2 bool) GetExist() (_swig_ret bool) SetTel(arg2 string) GetTel() (_swig_ret string) SetPassword(arg2 string) GetPassword() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t) SetExpires(arg2 int) GetExpires() (_swig_ret int) SetAuth(arg2 bool) GetAuth() (_swig_ret bool) }
func NewAccount_info_t ¶
func NewAccount_info_t() (_swig_ret Account_info_t)
func Point2AccountInfo ¶
func Point2AccountInfo(arg1 uintptr) (_swig_ret Account_info_t)
type Addr_t ¶
type Call_session_t ¶
type Call_session_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsCall_session_t() SetCallId(arg2 string) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t) SetCallInfo(arg2 string) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string) SetStatusCode(arg2 int) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int) SetCauseText(arg2 string) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string) SetContentType(arg2 string) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string) SetContentSubType(arg2 string) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string) SetBody(arg2 string) GetBody() (_swig_ret string) SetDigit(arg2 byte) GetDigit() (_swig_ret byte) SetEventType(arg2 string) GetEventType() (_swig_ret string) SetRemoteSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session) GetRemoteSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session) SetLocalSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session) GetLocalSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session) SetSipApp(arg2 SipApp) GetSipApp() (_swig_ret SipApp) SetTsxData(arg2 string) GetTsxData() (_swig_ret string) SetSub(arg2 Pjsip_evsub) GetSub() (_swig_ret Pjsip_evsub) SetInv(arg2 Pjsip_inv_session) GetInv() (_swig_ret Pjsip_inv_session) SetHas_initial(arg2 Pj_bool_t) GetHas_initial() (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t) SetDlg(arg2 Pjsip_dialog) GetDlg() (_swig_ret Pjsip_dialog) }
func NewCall_session_t ¶
func NewCall_session_t() (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
func Point2CallSession ¶
func Point2CallSession(arg1 uintptr) (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
type Call_user_t ¶
type Call_user_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsCall_user_t() SetTel(arg2 string) GetTel() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t) }
func NewCall_user_t ¶
func NewCall_user_t() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
type Config_t ¶
type Config_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsConfig_t() SetIp(arg2 string) GetIp() (_swig_ret string) SetPort(arg2 int) GetPort() (_swig_ret int) SetTransportType(arg2 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) GetTransportType() (_swig_ret TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) }
func NewConfig_t ¶
func NewConfig_t() (_swig_ret Config_t)
type Fmtp_t ¶
type Fmtp_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsFmtp_t() SetFmt(arg2 string) GetFmt() (_swig_ret string) SetParam(arg2 string) GetParam() (_swig_ret string) }
func GetFmtpIndex ¶
type GoGetAccountInfo ¶
type GoGetAccountInfo func(accountInfo Account_info_t)
type GoOnInvSipEvent ¶
type GoOnInvSipEvent func(state int, callSession Call_session_t)
type GoOnOtherSipEvent ¶
type GoOnOtherSipEvent func(state OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E, otherSession OtherSession)
type GoOnRegisterResult ¶
type GoOnRegisterResult func(regc Pjsip_regc, code int, reason string)
type GoOnRegisterState ¶
type GoOnRegisterState func(accountInfo Account_info_t)
type GoOnWriteLog ¶
type Media_sdp_bandw_t ¶
type Media_sdp_bandw_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsMedia_sdp_bandw_t() SetModifier(arg2 string) GetModifier() (_swig_ret string) SetValue(arg2 uint) GetValue() (_swig_ret uint) }
func GetSdpBandwIndex ¶
func GetSdpBandwIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t) (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func NewMedia_sdp_bandw_t ¶
func NewMedia_sdp_bandw_t() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
type Media_sdp_conn_t ¶
type Media_sdp_conn_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsMedia_sdp_conn_t() SetNet_type(arg2 string) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr_type(arg2 string) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr(arg2 string) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string) SetTtl(arg2 byte) GetTtl() (_swig_ret byte) SetNo_addr(arg2 byte) GetNo_addr() (_swig_ret byte) }
func NewMedia_sdp_conn_t ¶
func NewMedia_sdp_conn_t() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t)
type Media_t ¶
type Media_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsMedia_t() SetMedia(arg2 string) GetMedia() (_swig_ret string) SetTransport(arg2 string) GetTransport() (_swig_ret string) SetPort(arg2 uint16) GetPort() (_swig_ret uint16) SetFmt_count(arg2 uint) GetFmt_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetFmt(arg2 *string) GetFmt() (_swig_ret *string) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t) SetRtpmap_count(arg2 uint) GetRtpmap_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetRtpmap(arg2 Rtpmap_t) GetRtpmap() (_swig_ret Rtpmap_t) SetFmtp_count(arg2 uint) GetFmtp_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetFmtp(arg2 Fmtp_t) GetFmtp() (_swig_ret Fmtp_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t) }
func GetSdpMediaIndex ¶
func NewMedia_t ¶
func NewMedia_t() (_swig_ret Media_t)
type OtherSession ¶
type OtherSession interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsOtherSession() GetResponseSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E) SetRxdata(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) SendResponse(arg2 int, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t) SetSessionType(arg2 OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E) GetSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E) SetCallInfo(arg2 string) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string) SetCallId(arg2 string) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t) SetStatusCode(arg2 int) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int) SetCauseText(arg2 string) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string) SetContentType(arg2 string) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string) SetContentSubType(arg2 string) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string) SetBody(arg2 string) GetBody() (_swig_ret string) SetMethod(arg2 string) GetMethod() (_swig_ret string) }
func NewOtherSession ¶
func NewOtherSession(arg1 uintptr) (_swig_ret OtherSession)
func Point2OtherSession ¶
func Point2OtherSession(arg1 uintptr) (_swig_ret OtherSession)
type Pj_status_t ¶
type Pj_status_t interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjmedia_sdp_session ¶
type Pjmedia_sdp_session interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_dialog ¶
type Pjsip_dialog interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_endpoint ¶
type Pjsip_endpoint interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_event ¶
type Pjsip_event interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_evsub ¶
type Pjsip_evsub interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_inv_session ¶
type Pjsip_inv_session interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_method ¶
type Pjsip_method interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_regc ¶
type Pjsip_regc interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
func Point2Regc ¶
func Point2Regc(arg1 uintptr) (_swig_ret Pjsip_regc)
type Pjsip_rx_data ¶
type Pjsip_rx_data interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_transaction ¶
type Pjsip_transaction interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_transport ¶
type Pjsip_transport interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Pjsip_tx_data ¶
type Pjsip_tx_data interface {
Swigcptr() uintptr
type Rtpmap_t ¶
type Rtpmap_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsRtpmap_t() SetFmt(arg2 string) GetFmt() (_swig_ret string) SetEnc_name(arg2 string) GetEnc_name() (_swig_ret string) SetClock_rate(arg2 uint) GetClock_rate() (_swig_ret uint) SetParam(arg2 string) GetParam() (_swig_ret string) }
func GetRtpmapIndex ¶
func NewRtpmap_t ¶
func NewRtpmap_t() (_swig_ret Rtpmap_t)
type SWIG_FNPTR _swig_fnptr
type Sdp_attr_t ¶
type Sdp_attr_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSdp_attr_t() SetName(arg2 string) GetName() (_swig_ret string) SetValue(arg2 string) GetValue() (_swig_ret string) }
func GetSdpAttrIndex ¶
func GetSdpAttrIndex(arg1 int, arg2 Sdp_attr_t) (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
func NewSdp_attr_t ¶
func NewSdp_attr_t() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
type Sdp_origin_t ¶
type Sdp_origin_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSdp_origin_t() SetUsername(arg2 string) GetUsername() (_swig_ret string) SetSession_id(arg2 uint64) GetSession_id() (_swig_ret uint64) SetVersion(arg2 uint64) GetVersion() (_swig_ret uint64) SetNet_type(arg2 string) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr_type(arg2 string) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string) SetAddr(arg2 string) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string) }
func NewSdp_origin_t ¶
func NewSdp_origin_t() (_swig_ret Sdp_origin_t)
type Sdp_t ¶
type Sdp_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSdp_t() SetOrigin(arg2 Sdp_origin_t) GetOrigin() (_swig_ret Sdp_origin_t) SetSession_name(arg2 string) GetSession_name() (_swig_ret string) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t) SetTime(arg2 Sdp_time_t) GetTime() (_swig_ret Sdp_time_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t) SetMedia_count(arg2 uint) GetMedia_count() (_swig_ret uint) SetMedias(arg2 Media_t) GetMedias() (_swig_ret Media_t) }
type Sdp_time_t ¶
type Sdp_time_t interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSdp_time_t() SetStart(arg2 uint64) GetStart() (_swig_ret uint64) SetStop(arg2 uint64) GetStop() (_swig_ret uint64) }
func NewSdp_time_t ¶
func NewSdp_time_t() (_swig_ret Sdp_time_t)
type SipApp ¶
type SipApp interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSipApp() OnInvSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr) OnOtherSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr) OnAccountInfoFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr) OnRegisterStateFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr) OnRegisterResultFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr) ApplyCallOutgoingSession(a ...interface{}) Call_session_t SetAuthenticationSession(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string) (_swig_ret int) SendInvite(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int) SendRing(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int) SendAnswer(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int) SendHangup(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int) SendDlgRequest(arg2 Pjsip_dialog, arg3 Pjsip_method, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string, arg6 string, arg7 uintptr, arg8 uintptr) (_swig_ret int) SendDtmf(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string) (_swig_ret int) SendInfo(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int) SendMessage(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int) SendUpdate(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string) (_swig_ret int) SendOtherMessage(arg2 OtherSession, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int) EvsubSubscribe(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int) (_swig_ret int) EvsubSendRequest(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int) EvsubActive(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int) EvsubTerminated(arg2 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int) RegisterAccount(arg2 string, arg3 string, arg4 string, arg5 int, arg6 int, arg7 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pjsip_regc) UnregisterAccount(arg2 Pjsip_regc) SetContentEncoding(arg2 string) GetContentEncoding() (_swig_ret string) SetUserAgent(arg2 string) GetUserAgent() (_swig_ret string) CreateHeaderList() (_swig_ret SipHeaderList) DeleteHeaderList(arg2 SipHeaderList) CreateOtherSession() (_swig_ret OtherSession) DeleteOtherSession(arg2 OtherSession) NotifyInvSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 Call_session_t) NotifyOtherSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 OtherSession) GetAccountInfo(arg2 Account_info_t) NotifyRegisterState(arg2 Account_info_t) NotifyRegisterResult(arg2 Pjsip_regc, arg3 int, arg4 string) SipOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t) SipOnRxResponse(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t) SipOnTsxState(arg2 Pjsip_transaction, arg3 Pjsip_event) SipSubscribeOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t) GetEndPoint() (_swig_ret Pjsip_endpoint) }
func CreatDefaultSipStackApp ¶
func CreatDefaultSipStackApp(localHost string, localPort int, invSipEvent GoOnInvSipEvent, otherSipEvent GoOnOtherSipEvent, getAccountInfo GoGetAccountInfo, registerState GoOnRegisterState, registerResult GoOnRegisterResult) SipApp
func CreateSipApp ¶
func CreateSipApp(a ...interface{}) SipApp
func CreateSipApp__SWIG_0 ¶
func CreateSipApp__SWIG_1 ¶
func CreateSipApp__SWIG_1(arg1 string, arg2 int, arg3 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) (_swig_ret SipApp)
func NewSipApp__SWIG_0 ¶
func NewSipApp__SWIG_0(arg1 string, arg2 int, arg3 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E) (_swig_ret SipApp)
func NewSipApp__SWIG_1 ¶
func NewSipApp__SWIG_2 ¶
func SipAppFindSipApp ¶
func SipAppFindSipApp(a ...interface{}) SipApp
func SipAppFindSipApp__SWIG_0 ¶
func SipAppFindSipApp__SWIG_0(arg1 Pjsip_transport) (_swig_ret SipApp)
type SipHeaderList ¶
type SipHeaderList interface { Swigcptr() uintptr SwigIsSipHeaderList() PushStringHdr(arg2 string, arg3 string) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t) AdditionalHdr(arg2 Pjsip_tx_data) GetHdrList() (_swig_ret Pjsip_hdr) }
func NewSipHeaderList ¶
func NewSipHeaderList(arg1 Pjsip_endpoint, _swig_args ...interface{}) (_swig_ret SipHeaderList)
type SwigcptrAccount_info_t ¶
type SwigcptrAccount_info_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAuth ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetAuth() (_swig_ret bool)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExist ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExist() (_swig_ret bool)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExpires ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetExpires() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetMethod ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetMethod() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetPassword ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetPassword() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetTel ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) GetTel() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAuth ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetAuth(arg2 bool)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExist ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExist(arg2 bool)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExpires ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetExpires(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetMethod ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetMethod(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetPassword ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetPassword(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetTel ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SetTel(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SwigIsAccount_info_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrAccount_info_t) SwigIsAccount_info_t()
func (SwigcptrAccount_info_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrAccount_info_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrAddr_t ¶
type SwigcptrAddr_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) GetIp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAddr_t) GetIp() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) GetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAddr_t) GetPort() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) SetIp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAddr_t) SetIp(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) SetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrAddr_t) SetPort(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) SwigIsAddr_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrAddr_t) SwigIsAddr_t()
func (SwigcptrAddr_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrAddr_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrCall_session_t ¶
type SwigcptrCall_session_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetBody ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetBody() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallId ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallee ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCaller ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCauseText ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentSubType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDigit ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDigit() (_swig_ret byte)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDlg ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetDlg() (_swig_ret Pjsip_dialog)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetEventType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetEventType() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetHas_initial ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetHas_initial() (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetInv ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetInv() (_swig_ret Pjsip_inv_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetLocalSdp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetLocalSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetRemoteSdp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetRemoteSdp() (_swig_ret Pjmedia_sdp_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSipApp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSipApp() (_swig_ret SipApp)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetStatusCode ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSub ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetSub() (_swig_ret Pjsip_evsub)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetTsxData ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) GetTsxData() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetBody ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetBody(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallId ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallId(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallInfo(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallee ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCaller ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCauseText ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetCauseText(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentSubType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentSubType(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetContentType(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDigit ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDigit(arg2 byte)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDlg ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetDlg(arg2 Pjsip_dialog)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetEventType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetEventType(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetHas_initial ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetHas_initial(arg2 Pj_bool_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetInv ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetInv(arg2 Pjsip_inv_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetLocalSdp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetLocalSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetRemoteSdp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetRemoteSdp(arg2 Pjmedia_sdp_session)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSipApp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSipApp(arg2 SipApp)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetStatusCode ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetStatusCode(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSub ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetSub(arg2 Pjsip_evsub)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetTsxData ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_session_t) SetTsxData(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) SwigIsCall_session_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrCall_session_t) SwigIsCall_session_t()
func (SwigcptrCall_session_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrCall_session_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrCall_user_t ¶
type SwigcptrCall_user_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret Addr_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetTel ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) GetTel() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetAddr(arg2 Addr_t)
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetTel ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrCall_user_t) SetTel(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) SwigIsCall_user_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrCall_user_t) SwigIsCall_user_t()
func (SwigcptrCall_user_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrCall_user_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrConfig_t ¶
type SwigcptrConfig_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) GetIp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetIp() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) GetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetPort() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) GetTransportType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) GetTransportType() (_swig_ret TRANSPORT_TYPE_E)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) SetIp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetIp(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) SetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetPort(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) SetTransportType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrConfig_t) SetTransportType(arg2 TRANSPORT_TYPE_E)
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) SwigIsConfig_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrConfig_t) SwigIsConfig_t()
func (SwigcptrConfig_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrConfig_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrFmtp_t ¶
type SwigcptrFmtp_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) GetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrFmtp_t) GetFmt() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) GetParam ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrFmtp_t) GetParam() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) SetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrFmtp_t) SetFmt(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) SetParam ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrFmtp_t) SetParam(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) SwigIsFmtp_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrFmtp_t) SwigIsFmtp_t()
func (SwigcptrFmtp_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrFmtp_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t ¶
type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetModifier ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetModifier() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetValue ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) GetValue() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetModifier ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetModifier(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetValue ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SetValue(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_bandw_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_bandw_t()
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_bandw_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t ¶
type SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNet_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNo_addr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetNo_addr() (_swig_ret byte)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetTtl ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) GetTtl() (_swig_ret byte)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetAddr_type(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNet_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNet_type(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNo_addr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetNo_addr(arg2 byte)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetTtl ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SetTtl(arg2 byte)
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_conn_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) SwigIsMedia_sdp_conn_t()
func (SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_sdp_conn_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrMedia_t ¶
type SwigcptrMedia_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetConn ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt() (_swig_ret *string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmt_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp() (_swig_ret Fmtp_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetFmtp_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetMedia ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetMedia() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetPort() (_swig_ret uint16)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap() (_swig_ret Rtpmap_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetRtpmap_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) GetTransport ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) GetTransport() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetConn ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt(arg2 *string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmt_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp(arg2 Fmtp_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetFmtp_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetMedia ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetMedia(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetPort ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetPort(arg2 uint16)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap(arg2 Rtpmap_t)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetRtpmap_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SetTransport ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrMedia_t) SetTransport(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) SwigIsMedia_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_t) SwigIsMedia_t()
func (SwigcptrMedia_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrMedia_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrOtherSession ¶
type SwigcptrOtherSession uintptr
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetBody ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetBody() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallId ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallId() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallInfo() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallee ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCallee() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCaller ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCaller() (_swig_ret Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCauseText ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetCauseText() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentSubType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentSubType() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetContentType() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetMethod ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetMethod() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetResponseSessionType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetResponseSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetSessionType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetSessionType() (_swig_ret OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) GetStatusCode ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) GetStatusCode() (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SendResponse ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SendResponse(arg2 int, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetBody ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetBody(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallId ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallId(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallInfo(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallee ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCallee(arg2 Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCaller ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCaller(arg2 Call_user_t)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCauseText ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetCauseText(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentSubType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentSubType(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetContentType(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetMethod ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetMethod(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetRxdata ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetRxdata(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetSessionType ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetSessionType(arg2 OTHER_SESSION_TYPE_E)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SetStatusCode ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrOtherSession) SetStatusCode(arg2 int)
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) SwigIsOtherSession ¶
func (p SwigcptrOtherSession) SwigIsOtherSession()
func (SwigcptrOtherSession) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrOtherSession) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPj_bool_t ¶
type SwigcptrPj_bool_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrPj_bool_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPj_bool_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPj_size_t ¶
type SwigcptrPj_size_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrPj_size_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPj_size_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPj_status_t ¶
type SwigcptrPj_status_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrPj_status_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPj_status_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjmedia_sdp_session ¶
type SwigcptrPjmedia_sdp_session uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjmedia_sdp_session) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjmedia_sdp_session) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_dialog ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_dialog uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_dialog) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_dialog) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_endpoint ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_endpoint uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_endpoint) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_endpoint) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_event ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_event uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_event) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_event) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_evsub ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_evsub uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_evsub) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_evsub) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_hdr ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_hdr uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_hdr) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_hdr) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_inv_session ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_inv_session uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_inv_session) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_inv_session) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_method ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_method uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_method) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_method) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_regc ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_regc uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_regc) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_regc) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_rx_data ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_rx_data uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_rx_data) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_rx_data) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_transaction ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_transaction uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_transaction) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_transaction) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_transport ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_transport uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_transport) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_transport) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrPjsip_tx_data ¶
type SwigcptrPjsip_tx_data uintptr
func (SwigcptrPjsip_tx_data) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrPjsip_tx_data) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrRtpmap_t ¶
type SwigcptrRtpmap_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetClock_rate ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetClock_rate() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetEnc_name ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetEnc_name() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetFmt() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetParam ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) GetParam() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetClock_rate ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetClock_rate(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetEnc_name ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetEnc_name(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetFmt ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetFmt(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetParam ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SetParam(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SwigIsRtpmap_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrRtpmap_t) SwigIsRtpmap_t()
func (SwigcptrRtpmap_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrRtpmap_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrSdp_attr_t ¶
type SwigcptrSdp_attr_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetName ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetName() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetValue ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) GetValue() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetName ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetName(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetValue ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SetValue(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SwigIsSdp_attr_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) SwigIsSdp_attr_t()
func (SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_attr_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrSdp_origin_t ¶
type SwigcptrSdp_origin_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetAddr_type() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetNet_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetNet_type() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetSession_id ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetSession_id() (_swig_ret uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetUsername ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetUsername() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetVersion ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) GetVersion() (_swig_ret uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetAddr_type(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetNet_type ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetNet_type(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetSession_id ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetSession_id(arg2 uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetUsername ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetUsername(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetVersion ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SetVersion(arg2 uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SwigIsSdp_origin_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) SwigIsSdp_origin_t()
func (SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_origin_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrSdp_t ¶
type SwigcptrSdp_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr() (_swig_ret Sdp_attr_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetAttr_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetBandw_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetConn ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetConn() (_swig_ret Media_sdp_conn_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedia_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedia_count() (_swig_ret uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedias ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetMedias() (_swig_ret Media_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetOrigin ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetOrigin() (_swig_ret Sdp_origin_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetSession_name ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetSession_name() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) GetTime ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) GetTime() (_swig_ret Sdp_time_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr(arg2 Sdp_attr_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetAttr_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw(arg2 Media_sdp_bandw_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetBandw_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetConn ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetConn(arg2 Media_sdp_conn_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedia_count ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedia_count(arg2 uint)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedias ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetMedias(arg2 Media_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetOrigin ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetOrigin(arg2 Sdp_origin_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetSession_name ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetSession_name(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SetTime ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_t) SetTime(arg2 Sdp_time_t)
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) SwigIsSdp_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_t) SwigIsSdp_t()
func (SwigcptrSdp_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrSdp_time_t ¶
type SwigcptrSdp_time_t uintptr
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStart ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStart() (_swig_ret uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStop ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) GetStop() (_swig_ret uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStart ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStart(arg2 uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStop ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SetStop(arg2 uint64)
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SwigIsSdp_time_t ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_time_t) SwigIsSdp_time_t()
func (SwigcptrSdp_time_t) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSdp_time_t) Swigcptr() uintptr
type SwigcptrSipApp ¶
type SwigcptrSipApp uintptr
func (SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession ¶
func (p SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession(a ...interface{}) Call_session_t
func (SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_0 ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_0(arg2 string, arg3 string, arg4 string, arg5 int) (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_1 ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) ApplyCallOutgoingSession__SWIG_1(arg2 Call_user_t, arg3 Call_user_t, arg4 uintptr) (_swig_ret Call_session_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) CreateHeaderList ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) CreateHeaderList() (_swig_ret SipHeaderList)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) CreateOtherSession ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) CreateOtherSession() (_swig_ret OtherSession)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteHeaderList ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteHeaderList(arg2 SipHeaderList)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteOtherSession ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) DeleteOtherSession(arg2 OtherSession)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubActive ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubActive(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSendRequest ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSendRequest(arg2 string, arg3 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSubscribe ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubSubscribe(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubTerminated ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) EvsubTerminated(arg2 Call_session_t) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) GetAccountInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetAccountInfo(arg2 Account_info_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) GetContentEncoding ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetContentEncoding() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) GetEndPoint ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetEndPoint() (_swig_ret Pjsip_endpoint)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) GetUserAgent ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) GetUserAgent() (_swig_ret string)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyInvSipEvent ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyInvSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 Call_session_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyOtherSipEvent ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyOtherSipEvent(arg2 int, arg3 OtherSession)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterResult ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterResult(arg2 Pjsip_regc, arg3 int, arg4 string)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterState ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) NotifyRegisterState(arg2 Account_info_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) OnAccountInfoFunc ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnAccountInfoFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) OnInvSipEventFunc ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnInvSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) OnOtherSipEventFunc ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnOtherSipEventFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterResultFunc ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterResultFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterStateFunc ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) OnRegisterStateFunc(arg2 _swig_fnptr)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) RegisterAccount ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) RegisterAccount(arg2 string, arg3 string, arg4 string, arg5 int, arg6 int, arg7 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret Pjsip_regc)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendAnswer ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendAnswer(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendDlgRequest ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendDlgRequest(arg2 Pjsip_dialog, arg3 Pjsip_method, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string, arg6 string, arg7 uintptr, arg8 uintptr) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendDtmf ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendDtmf(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList, arg5 string) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendHangup ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendHangup(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendInfo ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendInfo(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendInvite ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendInvite(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendMessage ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendMessage(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string, arg5 string, arg6 string) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendOtherMessage ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendOtherMessage(arg2 OtherSession, arg3 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendRing ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendRing(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 int, arg4 SipHeaderList) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SendUpdate ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SendUpdate(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 SipHeaderList, arg4 string) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SetAuthenticationSession ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetAuthenticationSession(arg2 Call_session_t, arg3 string) (_swig_ret int)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SetContentEncoding ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetContentEncoding(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SetUserAgent ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SetUserAgent(arg2 string)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxRequest ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxResponse ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnRxResponse(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnTsxState ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipOnTsxState(arg2 Pjsip_transaction, arg3 Pjsip_event)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SipSubscribeOnRxRequest ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) SipSubscribeOnRxRequest(arg2 Pjsip_rx_data) (_swig_ret Pj_bool_t)
func (SwigcptrSipApp) SwigIsSipApp ¶
func (p SwigcptrSipApp) SwigIsSipApp()
func (SwigcptrSipApp) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSipApp) Swigcptr() uintptr
func (SwigcptrSipApp) UnregisterAccount ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipApp) UnregisterAccount(arg2 Pjsip_regc)
type SwigcptrSipHeaderList ¶
type SwigcptrSipHeaderList uintptr
func (SwigcptrSipHeaderList) AdditionalHdr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) AdditionalHdr(arg2 Pjsip_tx_data)
func (SwigcptrSipHeaderList) GetHdrList ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) GetHdrList() (_swig_ret Pjsip_hdr)
func (SwigcptrSipHeaderList) PushStringHdr ¶
func (arg1 SwigcptrSipHeaderList) PushStringHdr(arg2 string, arg3 string) (_swig_ret Pj_status_t)
func (SwigcptrSipHeaderList) SwigIsSipHeaderList ¶
func (p SwigcptrSipHeaderList) SwigIsSipHeaderList()
func (SwigcptrSipHeaderList) Swigcptr ¶
func (p SwigcptrSipHeaderList) Swigcptr() uintptr
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