Speedle Istio Mixer Adapter for authorization
- To setup speedle istio adapter, a running Kubernetes cluster with istio is required.
- Speedle services need to be deployed. Please see Deploy Speedle
- Istio bookinfo sample installed.
- The kubectl configuration is set so that kubectl can be used to manage the cluster.
- A docker repository is required to push build result.
- Istio Adapter Before you start
Build Instructions
copy set-env.sh.template to set-env.sh and edit it according to your environment.
. set-env.sh
make init init_istio
make build-grpc-adapter
Install Instructions
Install Speedle Adapter
The adapter/speedlegrpcadapter/operator_cfg.yaml.template file is configured to protect Istio bookinfo services. It can be editted "match" attribute according to services to be protected.
match: destination.labels["app"] == "details" || destination.labels["app"] == "productpage" || destination.labels["app"] == "reviews" || destination.labels["app"] == "ratings"
To install Speedle Istio adapter:
make install-speedle-grpc-adapter
Install Speedle adapter in discover mode
By default, Speedle Istio adapter runs in normal authorization check mode. The Speedle Istio adapter can run in "discover" mode, in which all authorization requests will be allowed. The authorization requests will be collected at Speedle ADS. These requests can be retrieved. The application developers can use the collected requests to define policies.
export SPEEDLE_ADS_ENDPOINT="http://speedle-ads.speedle.svc.cluster.local:6734/authz-check/v1/discover"
# Or you can edit set-env.sh to use 'discover' instead of 'is-allowed' in SPEEDLE_ADS_ENDPOINT
make install-speedle-grpc-adapter
After Speedle Istio adapter is installed, you can run some tests against your application. Then you can use spctl command line tool to get collected requests and policies (for reference only):
# get discovered requests
spctl discover request --service-name=istio
# get discovered policies (for refernece only)
spctl discover policy --service-name=istio
Uninstall Speedle Adapter
To uninstall Speedle Istio adapter:
make uninstall-speedle-grpc-adapter